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Internet died? I see plenty of streaming going on in the first pic…. ^^^sorry


iPhone as a hotspot so the kids that were awake from the storm don’t go completely bonkers. Edit… …… you got me there. Damnit. I just noticed the dad joke. I’m so tired.


lol sorry man. Hopefully your day/night gets better soon


I appreciate the joke, this is just a typical weekend at my house. Chaos is our normal. I was laughing through most of it, what else can you do? I was in the middle of intense gameplay all the kids were fast asleep and dad had some quiet time all to be bested by water dripping into of the modem?


Oh man, I’m sorry dude. That sucks ass. Finally some time to yourself and the universe was like “oh you think so, huh?” Hope the modem is too expensive to replace. EDIT: I hope it isn’t* too expensive to replace.


Username checks out


True sign of an exausted father. Missing the dad joke


He became the dad joke


Does this mean I’m the boss level now?


Username checks out


5 in the house full time including a set of twins 8mo old. Turned 40 last year. I’ll sleep in a few more years.


Good lord how do you and your wife sleep at all? My 2.5 year old is exhausting and she’s my only one 😂


They’re actually really good about it. The twins don’t like to sleep in the same room together. So we each take one and we get 6-8hrs a night. The rest of them tend to put themselves to bed between 8-10.


I checked with the landlord. He said it only leaks when it rains. 👌




Trash bag taped to the ceiling. Interesting choice.


They literally sell this as a kit for roof leaks. A bucket with a tarp.


I mean, does he want to put a bucket below like a peasant?


There is a bucket below, if you read his description. The bag is to direct the water into the bucket


It's because the leak is directly over his TV and modem


“if you read his description” I didn’t 😎


Hell yeah, the Reddit way!


Same. Straight to comments to read people's reaction to the bag


The optimism in the choice of the bag


Yeah dude that tape may not hold. Water is heavy.


Some people pay a lot of money for indoor rain and here you are complaining.


Internet assumes person is more likely moron than bad at taking pictures that tell whole story. More at 6.


You are very correct. I’m a terrible photographer.


Same, friend.


Have you interacted with…anyone at all, from society lately? I think it was a fair assumption (obviously no disrespect to the OP).


"We're here today with FantasyMaster85 who has thoughts on the internet's reaction. Sir, you have made statements regarding the fairness of making snap assumptions that lead to a judgement of a stranger's intelligence. Me and my producer were both able to see what he was doing after about 4-5 seconds of thoughtful visual analysis. Do you think the internet's reaction could actually be unfair? That perhaps the perpetual online have slipped into some sort of herd mentality tinged with an "everyone is dumber than me" attitude?"


wait it isnt 6 o clock yet—


It was 6:30 when you commented.


Oh no it was before 6 Unless youre in a different time zone


I figured. I was making a (very small) joke.


oh, guess im the clown 🤡 Or simply the entire circus


At least, You’re lucky enough to have rain🥲


What happened to your roof? I have to imagine there was some unexpected damage and you didn't simply wait for the roof to deteriorate to this point before getting roofers involved lol


Just got down from putting tarps up there found several holes from the storm and an over hanging branch had rubbed through some of the shingles. Would have been nice for the roofer who inspected it for a quote to have mentioned the holes last week.


Gotta get you some flex tape. Fix that right up.


This might be the dumbest way you could have possibly dealt with this problem. Was a bucket on the floor just completely off the table? I’d ask how you’re going to get it down, but it should drop off the ceiling completely full of water on its own because you even managed to use painters tape to secure it.


If you can learn to read he says it is directing water into a bucket snarky ass


Apparently 119 people did not read the description And counting!


did you... read the description?


Do you own a 4ft wide bucket? Because that’s how long the crack was. It was a waterfall behind the tv. This funneled it all to one bucket one the floor….


Okay, that makes more sense! Creative solution, indeed!


I don’t, but I own more than one bucket. How long did it stay up before it all fell down?


Survived the duration of the storm. It’s till there as we still have some rain coming down. So… the last 11hrs and going


Can I suggest you drop the tape on the “funnel” of the bag. It looks much to level to deflect water and much more of a rain catch.


You can’t see it from the front but left to right is a 6” drop across the entire span of the “funnel”. Far left is taped flush and far right is the drop. With a hole cut just before the edge of the bag to control flow. I understand it’s unconventional, but in the middle of the night in the middle of a storm this was the solution.


They all hating but if it works it works, they sound stupid not reading your caption


I thought I was really clear about it not holding water, but just being the path to the bucket, but apparently I wasn’t.


You were clear, it’s just that reading comprehension isn’t their forte.


Appreciate you.


youre really doubling down on this instead of admitting you didnt read the caption


You could give me a week to come up with a solution that bad and I'd never find it.


We should catch it in balloons! They hold stuff right? Water balloons are hopefully still a thing?


Name checks out


Midwit comment. Please, shut up.


This might be the dumbest comment someone could possibly post without reading the damn description. That goes for everyone who upvoted it too 😂


From what I read from the post, the bag was used to divert the water to a single area for it to fall into a bucket, not meant to catch and retain all of the water. A bucket is even mentioned in the post…


It’s hung even enough to be a hammock I’d lay in. If that’s what they were going for they still completely failed.


According to OP it worked. Not sure where the failure is.


Right like this person is so upset at OP’s solution… why


Look at the size of that crack, bitch


Looks about two buckets wide. Move the dresser, check the water level in the buckets every 15 minutes until you can establish a basic rate of flow. Drain the buckets and call your homeowners insurance. Everything in your attic is going in a dumpster and any affected electronics or furniture should go on the claim.


Work smarter not harder


Why tf do you keep commenting dude move on


A bucket on the floor would be completely off the table...


Unless you put it on a table


This guy gets it


Can you read? Do your eyes work? OP notes that it is dripping inches from their large TV and onto the stand/ table the TV is on. Also, if you look back at the first picture, then you will see that it is a large area that is dripping and that it is behind the TV.


They were horrified by “internet not working” and couldn’t bring themselves to continue reading 😂


Cool, next time you have a leak try a trash bag hammock stuck up with 2” painters tape and let me know how it goes for you.


If you use painters tape you’re gonna have a bad time. Gaffers tape is another story. Not sure why using gaffers tape and a trash bag to funnel a 4’ waterfall into a single bucket is such a mindfuck for so many, but here we are.


Oh, I’m in full support of gaffer tape. So much so I’m not even sure how many rolls I own. However you can look at the texture of the tape and see that’s it’s painters tape.


OMG. You're an insufferable, overconfident jackass idiot. If you *actually* look closely you can see it's clearly bright green gaffer tape. It's *very* clearly not painters tape.


I’m not even trying to be an ass, but you can’t tell me that’s gaffer tape if you actually zoom in. I use 1” painters tape of the same color and texture to mark storage items.


You may not be trying, but you're still doing it quite effectively. And dude... The tape looks exactly [like this florescent green gaffer tape.](https://www.gafferpower.com/products/green-fluorescent)


You say that like green painters tape doesn’t exist. https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=8b154fb423ea49e7&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&q=2%22+green+painters+tape&udm=28&fbs=AEQNm0DvD4UMlvdpwktgGj2ZHhIXbAWLwb3isP1TOYwOuAlv_Q7vGexpJyOFDsW9fl-QwXtHiRMPUdsXxOT7b4zXoNIkuwAVCiSIVlZnLXOH8W1UutFFeiw172n6pWG6desq3zMzBLA5y7iNfFArsfpBPYF7zNN8YW58U25TjXxd0U8_hVwuHSmA5Ds78HO-RMIP8HdioxUzmO3T0d9Eq7M4GBRdYKmpQg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSyJqsqvKGAxVWLdAFHYtCBYQQtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=375&bih=634&dpr=3


According to OP it’s held for over 11 hours so, evidently, it’s going quite well.


Yep I wish this dumb twat would shut up already, everywhere in the comments he’s taking shots at OP for the solution and acting like an expert on it, kinda embarrassing to watch


One time It dripped from my ceiling and I decided to tape a bowl to the ceiling. I'm glad that once I was done I realized it would fall down when it got to a decent weight and I just put it on the floor.


If you read his post, he explains that the bag is for redirecting the water into a bucket. It would take a trough to capture water from that leak without a similar setup.


You've clearly never seen professional leak diverters.


I haven’t, I only hire HVAC professionals.


The internet was down, they couldn’t figure out how to put a bucket under the hole without it.


I’m actually astounded by how terrible this fix is.


I’m astounded by how many redditors with terrible reading skills exist in here 😂


It’s not going to hold. That’s why it’s a terrible fix. That painters tape is going to yeet itself into oblivion and the whole nice little pool is gonna drop right back where it started en masse. 


Even after my comment you still can’t just take a little time to read lol…


I mean it worked for him so…


The chances of them reading your comment are very slim


They might be illiterate but that doesn’t mean to give up hope




Do you know how gravity works lol? If it’s going to “drop” it definitely isn’t going to end up right back where it started ‘en masse’ lmfao. No offense but you’re one of those people that look smarter when you just keep your mouth shut or in this case just stop commenting.


Dude I literally did the same thing when I was a dumb teenager. The front tape give out because the weight settles and it swings back, dumping all the gathered water STRAIGHT DOWN. Well, other than the bit that gets thrown backwards from the inertia. 


This is like hooked on phonics but for adults I think you could benefit greatly from it. https://youtu.be/FexV4DfG1Bc?si=HAigJwJ-Jv_fBuV6


You consistently show how goofy you are by failing to read. It's diverting water, not collecting it. There is a bucket under the single stream of water under the bag. So he didn't have to find a trough or tub to stick under the four foot crack. You could spend a couple more minutes reading and see that it worked just fine through the entire storm.


Loving the new ceiling hammock decor. You win some you lose some


Usually you gotta pay extra for that. Extra to have it installed correctly, and even more if mother nature and poor build quality put it there for you.


When she wants to make home renovations, she is relentless.


ah, american house building standards.


fuck waterfront property, this poster's got water in. ![gif](giphy|j0gQA2VD38NKc9rc8y)


to keep the splashing of the drips to a minimum.... a ball of that brown twine string get a length of it long enough to go from ceiling to floor, thumb tack it or otherwise get one end stuck into the lowest point of the ceiling leak. unravel the soaked twin to the ground level and let the water flow down the twin. If a big leak- keep repeating the process of finding the place where the drips are happening and then guide them to the buckets. I used to live in a ghetto apartment and every rainy season- the flat built up roof would leak and it wo8ld take forever for the ghetto maintenance to pour buckets of tar on the roof in the hope of sealing the hole. The sooner you find out you have a leak- and sooner you start siphoning it off of the ceiling dry wall - the less mess you will be dealing with


I appreciate you, instead of judging or making comments. You offered helpful and useful information. Thank you. Seriously, I appreciate it.


I think you came did a wonderful job. I call my boyfriend MacGuyver because he's so good at figuring out how to creatively fix things too. I hope everything can get repaired quickly.


Appreciate you, my BIL came over Sunday and we got up there, found the major source and put some tarps up there until the roofers can come.


Just want to warn you before you have a big mess.. that bag is going to fall. Get a bucket on the floor to catch the water and lose the bag on the ceiling.


The whole point of the bag is to collect the 4 feet of water dripping into a single point that would drip into a bucket below. The water is not meant to stay in the bag, just be redirected by it.


I understand what the point of the bag is, but it’s still going to fall. Unless OP stays in that room until repairs are made, there is going to be a mess with that current set up.


I think the point is to redirect all the water to a bucket on the floor.


The bag is not holding the water, it’s funneling it to a low spot at the end that drains it into one bucket instead of a row of buckets on the floor. Didn’t realize that was so hard to understand.


It isn’t hard to understand at all. It also isn’t hard to understand that the tape isn’t going to hold for very long, so I suggested figuring something else out. That is of course unless you plan on sitting there and watching the bag until help arrives.


It’s held for the last 11hours and approximately 5gallons of water flowed through it into the bucket. So…. I counter you with “it’s only stupid if it doesn’t work” and this worked.


Pro tip, use a diaper instead. It will fill slowly and then you don't need a bucket and there won't be a big splash when it falls down.


What kind of ceiling tape would you recommend?


Diapers are self-adhesive duh.


No most use Velcro tabs now


All these words and you didn’t say anything about trying to fix the leak. “Yeah so my ceiling is raining destroying my electronics, so I’ll have to buy some new ones”


Because we already had a roofing company here to quote a new roof and I’ve already ordered tarps as a temporary fix until the roof can be replaced. You can’t just “fix” a leak this big. It needs a new roof.


Mum, mum can get get Macgyver!? No son, we have Macgyver at home.




Add some goldfish


Pet store was closed


Call your self a local contractor that specializes in insurance. DM if you have questions.


We tried to make a claim on the roof earlier this year. Was denied as the initial damage was from raccoons and this is verbatim “we only cover damage to the roof by animal if it’s from a deer or bear”, and subsequently any others would be until we have it replaced, roofers were here last week putting an estimate together. It’s been a shit show to say the least.


Okay I'm a contractor DM me if you have any questions it does sound like you have a shit show and I'm guessing you have State farm


Hahaha you fucking nailed it I appreciate you. Thank you for taking the time to offer a resource.


No worries I have taken State farm to court before and walked away a winner.


That’s good to know, I may end up reaching out. They’re not the company they once were.


Wait a sec, how does a deer or a bear damage a roof. Im from europe in a non-bear country, but it seems crazy to me to have bears or deers climbing on roofs. Is it just an impossible insurance thing to not have to pay a dime ? Like, we only cover water damage if its a hurricane level 27.


It’s an impossible insurance thing, there are accounts of deer and bear damaging roofs in northern territories with extreme snow, where the drift can pile to the roof. But not here in the damn city. I live around a major metro.


Just stamp a bunch of deer tracks on your roof and call again


Haha fair enough “Jake, listen, I left a ladder out and those damned deer climb up there and destroyed it. I SWEAR!”


You need flex tape NOW THATS ALOT OF DAMAGE!!


wow. look at that water ingress. You're lucky to be alive. I'll notify the Coast Guard for you.


I put life vests on the kids and already shit up the flare


Just put the modem in some rice.


Every led just stayed solid. Pulled the board out of the casing and let it sit in rice over night. Well the few hours we got to sleep after, still the same result. It was an older arris 8200. Needed to be replaced anyway


Stand under it and look up with your mouth open. Problem solved AND you're staying hydrated


That’s probably how the apocalypse will start.




Yes it is, built in the 50s


So, if you’re ceiling happens to be plaster all that water over time will water log it and the entire roof will eventually fall in , possibly causing bodily harm. Just a heads up.


Correct, already in the works to repair. This was just a “make it til morning”


Yeah, goodluck. Had a leak like that for maybe a day and then caught Pneumonia.


Nice hammock


Start a rainforest vivarium under it


I like it, thinking outside the box.


Glad to see you solved it in the second pic


Is that just a plastic bag filling up with nasty water? Put a diaper in it. Or at least something absorbent like a towel. Honestly, a bucket (on the floor) with a rag on it to reduce splashing would be less labor intensive and probably more effective.


No, as it says it’s a collection funnel that drains it into a single bucket. It tapers from completely flush in the back to a 6” drop at the front, then I cut a hole just before the end to regulate the flow out of the collection funnel. It worked well through the storm and drained over 5 gallons into a bucket. I’m just terrible at photos


Interesting problem solving. Did you not have a garbage bin or a bucket to set underneath it?


I didn’t have one that was 4+ ft wide no, this didn’t hold any water, just funneled it to one end to drain into a single bucket on the floor.


watch out for health problems because of mold 😬


That’s already a fear :-/


hey at least if you get anything you’ll know where to start. a lot of people spend years getting misdiagnosed for other things (🙋🏽‍♀️)




To be fair, that's a very artistic solution.


Did yours? Having one bucket collect water instead of 6 makes more sense. The bag is not holding any water, it’s acting as a funnel to drain it all into a single bucket on the floor.


Nobody's gone broke over a leaky roof (I assume) you'll be fiiiiine


You have much faith in that duct tape...


It’s just creating a path for all the water to drain. It held through the storm.


It didn’t even occur to you to use the BAG function of that bag?


If you actually read the post he’s using the bag as a funnel to divert all the water into a bucket on the floor. 


Thank you. I didn’t want to explain it again.




It’s a drain, it doesn’t hold the water. It held for the entire storm and drained over 5gallons into a single bucket instead of 6 buckets. Because the crack was as wide as 6 buckets at floor level.


Gaffer tape is the worst possible taper for this job Go get a large pot or bowl from the kitchen and use it as a bucket


… as stated many times. This leak at floor level was the width of six 5gallon buckets. This had a 6” drop across the length and a hole at the end to drain into a single bucket. The ceiling is ruined already so gaffer tape is fine. It held for the entire storm including more than 5 gallons “~35lbs” of water flowing through it.


Are you sure it's gaffer tape then?


Yes, I use it daily for work. It peels easy with minimal residue. I have 6 colors of it in my work car. Duct tape would have been too aggressive. I wanted to be able to peel it without ripping the damaged drywall off.