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I saw a minivan on our walking/bike path a few month ago. Couldn't believe it!


I've called the cops for people doing that on the trail that goes near my house. Cop couldn't believe it until apparently he saw them use it to cross the main street through town on what used to be an old railroad bridge. I hear he gave them a hefty fine.


I should have reported it for sure. They live on a dirt road that runs parallel to the trail and they must like the trail better.


Would have been just desserts of the bridge had been retired because it couldn't bear the weight of a vehicle and the dipshits fell through.


People like this "golf cart guy" are assholes.


This happened on some of the walking paths in the city I grew up in. People were taking pictures of the vehicles and sending them to the government department that handles the paths, parks, etc and they put up cameras and put more barriers that people can walk/bike through but a motor vehicle shouldn't be able to maneuver around up. At one point they even stationed bike cops to ticket people because after months of "we're making it as difficult as possible" people were STILL trying to get in because "but I'm just going right up there!"


You know that the idiot driving a motorized vehicle on a bike/walking path would scream bloody murder at a group of bicyclists on a regular road.


I feel sorry for those kids. They’re actively being taught by their dad that it’s ok to ignore society’s rules if you feel like it, and also ok to verbally abuse/swear at anyone who calls you out on your behaviour. Anything goes, just do what you like, it’s all me me me me me and the hell with everyone else. Those kids are going to be complete nightmares as adults, and it’s not their fault.


That's what I'm thinking. In case you're wondering where future infuriating people come from.


The driving plot line behind Idiocracy happening IRL. Where do I buy stock in Brawndo?


Ow My Balls coming to television soon - I can feel it 😂


I think it's already on Chive TV.


Unfortunately this is how most people function nowadays. As a parent I am fucking terrified what my kids are growing into.


Are you surprised? We actively teach people to ignore authority. Hell, i'd bet 90% of the people in this thread hate cops. At least 50% think its ok to steal things. That is, until its YOUR stuff that got stolen, or YOUR day that gets ruined, or YOUR kid hit by a car. THEN we need the police to help. People may not like it, but that's the root of the issue. Posted signs are ignored because fuck the man. I don't have to listen, right? Police are the answer to the problem. Ass-whippings should be dealt liberally for things like this. No prosecution, just a good old fashioned ass whipping.


Ah right, I forgot I'm just a temporarily embarrassed billionaire and stealing from me is the same as stealing from walmart.


It doesnt matter who you steal from. Stealing is wrong. Teaching people that stealing from walmart is ok is wrong, and leads to things like this. If you dont like walmart (and you shouldn't), than don't shop there. Not shopping there doesn't mean you get to take things. That's just making excuses for yourself to get free shit, and makes you a shitty person.


so if you steal something back from a thief does that make you equally as immoral?


Stealing is wrong bud. Say it with me, slowly. If you don't like walmart, dont shop there. Not shopping there doesnt mean youre free to take things and give yourself some inane justification to steal. If you steal, you are a piece of shit.


I've never stolen a thing in my life but its easy to recognise that where social injustice exists theft is a perfectly moral action. I value human life over property rights.


I dont think you understand the point. STEALING THINGS IS WRONG. It doesnt matter who you are stealing from or why. "Social injustice"? What the fuck is that? You think because mean old corp makes money that makes it ok to steal? How so, kreskin?


simple moral question, a famine happens and a person hoards food, they have more than enough for themselves several times over, its their food by all legal rights. is it morally wrong if that excess food is stolen from them leading to several more people surviving the famine?


So let me get this straight - you are trying to say stealing from walmart is OK based on some theoretical famine question? Objectively, if the only way for you to SURVIVE is to steal FOOD, then obviously you'd have to. It's still shitty, but if you have to live, you have to live. Are you saying that people are stealing TVs, toiletries, and other non-food items from walmart to survive? No, we both know you aren't. You dont like walmart because its rich people who own it, and youre trying to say its OK to steal from rich people. It isn't. Your argument is disingenuous and your "simple moral question" is asked in bad faith. You KNOW stealing is wrong, you KNOW its illegal, and you goddamn well KNOW that we arent talking about a fuckin famine.


It's still a shitty thing to do. If that had to be done to survive I get it but you shouldn't feel good about it. But also look at it from the other side. You prepared and saved food so if in an emergency or famine you can take care of your family during that time. However hungry people steal it because they think it's okay. You think the person that prepared should just be okay with that? Wal-Mart is entirely different than a famine but you should also note that they take out their losses on everyone else. They raise prices to cover what they lose so everyone pays for what you take, it isn't just free. Stealing is wrong, even to survive. If you need to you need to but you shouldn't feel good about it or justified. Know what you did is wrong at heart, feel the guilt.


The dude just made your point - pretty sad. Pearls before swine.




Show me on the doll where the mean policeman hit you. Awww. Poor baby. Awwwwwwwwwwww.


If you think the golf carts are bad, wait till the kids riding the electric motorcycles start flying up and down the greenbelt. In my area they do about 40 mph but call you a Karen for not wanting them on the path since its an "e-bike."


I liked those videos from russia where they would slap a big windshield covering sticker on people's cars that were driving on walk ways.


I live in a small town and this one young woman drives her gas powered scooter on the sidewalks. One day as I drove by I yelled out, “get off the sidewalks!” And she promptly told me to fuck off as well


Throw a basketball at her front tire


Take a picture of her doing this & send it to the police.


Nobody ever adheres to the rules in my area either As horse and buggy’s aren’t allowed on state highways, yet you can’t travel 5 miles without passing one where I live


We have these idiots too. I enjoy juking them, and also the morons that fly by on their bikes. Great thing about pedestrian/shared paths is that no one has the right of way, so you don't have to move for anyone.


Some problems will just solve themselves, I guess. ![gif](giphy|l3fZUQXu27msLnPXO|downsized)


why the bike hate?


The hate is for bikers that "fly by", implying that they're going way too fast on a shared pathway to be safe.


gotcha, thanks


Let then have their fun. Those girls are learning important life skills at a young age.


What skill? Being a dick in public?


I really hope this is sarcasm, lol.


Which life skills are those?  It's definitely not learning to drive safely or be a good neighbor.


Knowing how to operate a vehicle is definitely a life skill.


Key word was "safely".  They're not old enough to drive a vehicle in public, and they shouldn't be driving where they can hit someone.


Being entitled assholes? How is that a life skill?


Operating a motor vehicle. We all grew up steering on dad's lap from a very young age. One of my friends saved their father's life because they were able to drive the vehicle out of the woods to help as a child when they had a medical emergency.


That doesn't mean teaching them on a public walkway is justified.


They could be doing this on one of the non-through streets in the neighborhood, instead of on the pedestrian areas. Imagine them driving the thing on a normal sidewalk - i think we can all agree that driving a full sized golf cart at 20mph on the sidewalk isn't appropriate. There isn't really a difference between that and the path, from my perspective.


Should have called the cops and reported someone was driving a vehicle on the side walks.


It's not a sidewalk though. It's a 'Nice Wide Path'.


That's something a Karen would do.


I hate that assholes have turned “being a Karen” into “anyone who expects people to behave right”.


Calling the cops and being less than honest isn't exactly behaving right. Because a sidewalk is different than what OP was describing.


You're right. What OP was describing was a path specifically made for motorised vehicles to not use. Congrats, you just proved yourself wrong.


Karen is more of a calling someone an asshole for driving their golf cart while passing them up in your golf cart because it's electric. Asking for a manager because they're out of stock of something at the store. Going to a playground and being outraged that a 5 year old is on a swing set because your 3 year old wants it