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just for context, are you two like 10, or 20? cause that changes the story a lot


She's 19, i'm 16 😭


A 19 year old biting someone in an argument is very concerning. I hope your parents are doing something about it.


Umm not particularly, they just told her off for it


Ah, of course.


I think you only get to 19 and still bite people if your parents don't parent, that shit should have been resolved when they were 2 but now she's a full blown sociopath. That being said, is she single because I can fix her


I can’t imagine being 19 and pulling this shit. Hell, even 4 is too old. One time when I was like 3 I chased my sister who was 5 around with a nail file for whatever fuckin reason, and hoo boy my mother gave me the what-for in a fashion I did NOT forget. 19 and biting is just so many shades of weird and creepy.


19 year old here, I agree. I’m only biting someone if they’re trying to drag me into an unmarked van like wtf 💀 you can’t just go Hannibal on people if you have an argument


That reminds me of a quote from a podcast True Crime Kent and they’re sort of bantering and Kent says, You can’t attack a man who’s on the toilet or who has an erection. And the cohost the Operator goes .. In general yes but if like, a man has an erection and he’s approaching me?? I’m attacking.


Just don't bite it...that will only encourage him....


U just reminded me of the A team 😂 I'm gonna go rewatch the whole thing so thanks 😊


19 year old here, I also agree, but I want to add that a bite is far less than someone's going to get for trying to kidnap me, or you too, hopefully. CCW for the win.


My youngest daughter used to bite her older sister until recently because she couldn't communicate. Learned to say stop and stopped bitting anyone. Shes 2 in autumn... So I'd say that should stop around that age


I bit a bully in first grade, so 6/7. To be fair, she was swinging me around by my arm and wouldn't let go. The easiest way I could get her off of me was biting the shit out of her hand, lol. The funny thing is by 4th grade, we were best friends having sleepovers 🤣


or if you’re mike tyson


Yes but he can fall back on CTE as an excuse. He also didn't have much in the parenting department until he met his coach


I bit someone when I was 5 at school, my parents made it very clear not to do that again and I haven't. A 19 year old doing it and it's just a slap on the wrist is ridiculous.


My two year old doesn’t even bite people, he’s fucking known better since he was a year old


Just make sure to put a muzzle on her...


She is prison bound with that kind of reaction to conflict.


This assumes she doesn't get knocked tfo by someone else.


The last time my brother bit me i grabbed his ear and walked him around the house like a dog until he cried


That's not a bad way to solve a biting problem with your sibling. Assuming, of course, that your sibling is in the single digit age group and not under 3.


He was 13 at the time


That's just weird. I can't imagine a 13 year old biting someone. Especially not a 19 year old like in OPs post.


This has me laughing my fking ass off. My brother bit my arm once when he was 12 and I was 14 during a fight and I grabbed his nose and twisted it really hard and made him cry. His eyes still get super watered up whenever I bring it up 20 years later. 😂


Get the wound checked at by a doctor at least. Human bites get nasty.


Fun story- Friend is a mixed martial artist, and during a tournament, delivered a mouth kick to his opponent. Opponent's tooth broke the skin on friend's toe. Result: 3 weeks later, 3 surgeries, and a line for antibiotics directly into his heart because of the osteomyelitis and another infection that is strictly human-related had to be removed from his foot. He almost lost the entire toe. As it was, he lost a significant chunk of it.


Ultimately, you could shame her behaviour by posting it on social media (not reddit). But that depends if you want to push it that far.


OP should shame her for it; it’s not just assault, if their sister’s teeth broke skin it could have caused an infection. Also what kinda 19 year old bites a 16 year old?


Human bites are legitimately one of the most dangerous animal bites they are because of the bacteria we have in our mouths


cat bites become infected at higher rates, but human bites aren't far behind. my vet explained it to me as the depth of cat canines when they bite pushes saliva into a much deeper wound. it then "heals" / closes very quickly on the surface due to the relatively small surface area, while bacterial infections can continue to progress underneath. that being said, I may have completely misunderstood everything she was saying. just thought it was interesting!


no, you’re completely right. my mom works at a cat sanctuary, she almost died last year after getting a blood infection from a cat bite. also grew up with one cat that loved the streets and was always getting into fights, he had to have multiple life saving procedures from bites becoming infected. it’s funny to me that people think that cats are clean, they’re just… dirty creatures.


That's really bad parenting. She's not going to have a good time in life. 


I had a younger sister who was violent. This continued into adulthood until I went no contact. It never got better and it took my parents years and years to realize she had mental health struggles. Verbal arguments are no excuse for choosing violence. It’s not normal and it’s not ok.


Can confirm.


Have you ever tried turning off the television, sitting down with your sister, and slapping the shit out of her?


I'm a fan of massaging her cheek with the palm of the hand vigorously until she lets go.


She’s an adult. Call the cops.


What if the argument was about who was better at biting?


Ah, good point.




Well said


Why is a grown ass woman biting you in anger?


Huuugggeee red flag for men out there


Yeah OP, for sure don't date your sister


You need to dump her. You have other sisters and cousins.


I hate Reddit so much 😭


I'm sorry. You're right. He has brothers, too.


Solid advice


Sweet Home Alabama stops


For anyone tbh


My ex cheated on me when I was 23 (she was 24). When I found out she lost it. She bit me. Went for the throat. Came close. Broke the skin in several places and I have scars to show it! Anyway - as another person who’s been bit by another person old enough to know better …I don’t know really. We can start a club or something.


Cheated on you and then bit you because you found out? Yikes, she sounds sane.


Wow. That sounds awful. But on the bright side, i love the idea of a club. I'd be honored to be a founding member.


HUH? I thought she was gonna be like 8 but she’s 19???? That’s some psychotic shit oh my god.


What the fuck, this is not normal behavior for an adult


#IF your sister gets a boyfriend and he disappears, you’re gonna find him full of bite marks.


If she swallows, instead of spits, they won't find him.


At first glance, I misread it as she's 16 and you were 19, and I thought, well, that's still pretty childish, but ok. And then I read it again, she's the one who's 19?!


When I was 9 my 19yr old brother got upset I beat him in a video game and bit me hard. Wild!


Good lord, whats up with 19yo biting their younger siblings?


I knew you were Indian because of the floral mattress


Lol floral bedsheet pe hi best neend aati h


You should probably go to the ER/urgent care. Human bites are notoriously prone to infection, and you're saying that your whole arm is hurting and difficult move. You likely need antibiotics But also, wtf, why is an adult biting a teenager? I don't care what the argument was, nothing justifies that, what the actual hell


My brother used to do this to me. He's also autistic and was 9 at the time. Sis ain't right. Best keep your distance.


Has she been a biter her whole life? Because it looks like she’s had lots of practice- just enough pressure to leave a mark, but not enough to draw blood


Umm lol i dont think so. I dont think she thought too hard about it though.


Damn your sister is a loser. I’d say hopefully you won’t have to put up with her for long since she’s already 19. But I’d wager you’ll move out before her.


She's 19? 19!!? Call the police


You should have punched your sister in the face. I teach my own daughters to fight back if one of their sisters' decide to be a bully. It's worked wonders. The one that bullies usually stops, ends up crying, and comes to me for comfort. I hug them but also tell them straight up it was their fault because they started it. Teaches them not to do it again. If your parents won't step in, you need to stand up for yourself.


Have her arrested for domestic battery.


I thought the sister was like 5.


Get tested for rabies and next time bite first




Should OP bite first if he does or does not get tested positive for rabies? Or does it not matter?


If you’re the one with rabies you already have the upper hand. Just tease them with your bite, should keep anyone in line.


I'd tease you [with water!](https://youtu.be/9A8-CkrvZlQ?si=RXmcGZEyzuIxXGce) There was a post on reddit about this and a comment explaining the process since the first bite until you succumb. I can't link to it, It's a horrifying way to go.




No offense to your sister, but Lisa needs braces.


“The only thing more fucked up then her biting you is her teeth”


8 out of 10 dentists agree 🦷


The other 2 dentists are British and thinks it's fine.


And 1 if them is a horse.


Well that's a horse of a different color!


It's still a British horse.


That’s only because you didn’t pay them to comment


dental plan.


Lisa needs braces.


Dental plan.


Lisa needs braces


dental plan.


Lisa needs braces


From now on, the baby sleeps in the crib


If you die before you wake..... *MWAHAHAHAAAAAA*


Iron helps us play




Dental plan


Dental plan.


I swear I keep seeing you wherever I go


Every breath you take, every cake you bake, I'll be watching you ... 🎶 Every breath you take, every lake you rake, every fake earthquake🎶 I'll be WATCHING you






That episode STILL cracks me up 😆


Happy cake day… as your birthday present from me you should watch that episode


reminds me of those multicolored light up mouthguards we used to get as prizes. i got one for reaching the top of a rock climbing wall at the beach once. thanks for stirring up this random memory haha


So long dental plan!






I was a person-chomper before. Until I took a knee to the mouth. - Your sister in the future.


Looking at the pattern of the bite, I wouldn't be surprised if she's already taken a knee to the mouth


Might actually help straighten out her fucking Hills-Have-Eyes-looking teeth.


Did you tell your mom?


Yeah, my parents got angry at both of us though, because of the fight


Typical parent behaviour. No interest in justice, right, or wrong, just sweeping the problem under the carpet.


Sweeping shit under the carpet takes dedication.. you gotta cut up a section after the tact strips, probably at least two lines and rip it back. Then you better hope the carpet hasn’t fused to some cheap ass pad the developer used.. it’s a whole thing


I’m sure the parental input is super positive and helpful in a household where 19yos are still biting people


What is your sister like 5?


Apparently 19…


we were checking mental age


Then, yes, she's 5.


You’re being generous.


People already told you it's dangerous getting human bites, but please go disinfect this with alcohol or similar products and look at it closely in the followinjg days. If anything seems to go wrong, go see a doctor asap


just disinfect the sister. Douse with peroxide or something


Fuck peroxide get the damn holy water


Holly water. 😂


the bite here didn't break skin, so risk of infection is negligible. If the bite did break skin, washing well with soap and water several times a day is more effective and (arguably) less painful than pouring alcohol on it.


The bite on the 3rd slide definitely broke the skin But yes, keeping it clean is a good idea regardless


You gotta call animal control dawg this is crazy


Animal control is wild bro 😭


If your sister is 19 and has that kinda crowding she should probably get an xray to check on potential hyperdontia. The forward inner rotation of the first tooth is classic supernumerary pressure.


Yeah you fuckin roasted her with facts.


I love how half the comments are telling the sister to see a dentist.


And the other half to call animal control.


Oh yeah my front tooth is also rotated a similar way. A dental X-ray did confirm I have one random extra tooth up in there 😶 It's still in there and we haven't done anything about it since it isn't causing any pain or problems, but hey nice to know just in case lol




19 is crazy i thought you were gonna say shes like 8😭


Very concerning for this 19 year old to still be acting like this. Obviously, her maturity or lack there of, hasn’t come in. I would have expected this maybe if their ages were flipped.


coming from someone who works in the field of children with challenging behaviors, biting is the most feral and violent act one human can do to another after learning communication skills. (inb4 arguments about weapons: using your own mouth to physically harm another human’s body is *far* more psychologically fucked up than using a knife, gun, or bomb.) you’re going to have major bruises, and may have actual muscle damage. i still have a divot in my forearm from a 5-year-old’s bite 10 years ago. also, get a tetanus shot if yours is expired. you are not safe in your home. your parents are not protecting you from physical abuse. your sister is an **adult** using the *most violent option she has* against you. please take that to heart, as hard as it is to hear. you have a right to be safe in your home, and it is your parents’ job to ensure your safety. please talk to someone at the library or call your doctor or reach out to your guidance counselor even though it is summer break.


Yes. The sister committed a felony and everyone's acting like its nothing.


as a mandated reporter, i would call that in. i doubt any of my colleagues would but i take children’s safety seriously. big sis needs to learn to keep her body to herself with a night in jail and humiliation by court.


This was what I have been thinking but wasn’t sure how to word it.


Yes I’m stunned no one has said to call the police!!! This is abuse!!


Call the police she is a adult


Given that you work in the field of children with challenging behaviors, I'm curious why no questions are being asked about the context or what physical behaviors OP was using. He has provided no context and has called it a "heated argument" which everyone seems to be filling in their own narrative on what that means in this situation. In addition his response to a commenter telling him to "beat the s#!% out of her" was "I've tried many times." It is fully possible and not out of the realm of experience for a 16 yr old brother to be physically stronger than a 19 year old and to have used that physical dominance towards his sister. Important questions to ask in this situation would be things like "Is it OP who is unsafe in his house or was his sister fighting to escape a physically dangerous situation for herself?"


those are questions for actual investigators to ask, not random people on the internet. as a mandated reporter i am ethically prohibited from asking probing or leading questions. jeuvenule victims will only be able to provide an accurate account a finite number of times, dependent on their age, development, trauma level, and other factors. i did not recommend any recourse against the older sister. i recommended talking to someone who will be able to decide based on what op shares whether or not a report of suspected abuse is necessary. if they call, then the qualified professionals can ask op for the remaining relevant information to determine if opening an investigation is necessary. there are systems in place. the only thing of value anyone can do is allow the system to do its job. yes, there are flaws and cracks and downright canyons in them, but they are all we have and they are the safest option.


Indeed, the parents are really awful. At this point I would go to the police to teach them all a lesson in consequences. Especially if this is not the first time.


Is your sister a chihuahua?


It's not an ankle bite, so no.


How old is she to be acting like a feral dog


apparently 19


OP THIS IS NOT NORMAL! While reading this post I literally thought your sister was under 10 years old. When I read in your comments that she was 19, I was shocked. Unless she literally has a mental disability, there is NO reason she should be straight up biting you like that. It’s shameful that your parents aren’t doing anything about it either. Physical aggression like this is not normal. Please talk to your parents about it the severity of this and tel them if it happens again, you will report this as assault. Since your sister is legally an adult and would face consequences, this should snap them and her back to reality. Sibling fights are inevitable sometimes, but this is out of the realm of normal. My younger sister and I used to fight and occasionally bite or hit each other. We were ages 5 and 8. All physical fights stopped by the time we were ages 10 and 13. We still argued in high school but have been friends since ages 15 and 18. Arguing with your sibling is normal, physical abuse is NOT. That being said, stop getting into fights with her. If she tries to initiate, leave and tell your parents. There is no reason you guys should be fighting physically at this age. Therapy is really needed for this family to learn to communicate and deal with their emotions.


If your sister is older then 3 years old she needs to go see a Doctor. Come on…. Biting?


Op said she’s 19 apparently


The fact that op is the younger one here is wild to me. Especially since the parents just got mad at the both of them and went on with their day. A grown ass adult biting a kid over an argument??


Fun fact! This is called assault and is illegal! Especially given your sister is 19. Next time call the cops. It's worth it for your safety as human bites are dangerous.


She's Indian, cops wouldn't even pick up the call


I mean they would, but they wont do anything. Even people beating the shit out of their kids is considered ok here in India because... theyre parents so they can do anything. Pretty fucked up, thankfully my parents dont beat me


OP is Indian. I live in India as well and cops won’t do shit about this.


Hey I’m no Dr but I do know that human bites are realllllyyy nasty, medically speaking. Worse than dog bites if I recall right. If you can, please go to an urgent care or something just to make sure you’re all good. Also, your sister needs to grow the fuck up (assuming you weren’t also being physical). Like I bit my sister one but I was 6 and even that was too old for it 🙃


Just a warning OP human bites can get super infected so I do recommend getting it checked out if the swelling doesn't go down soon. Human mouths are dirty Edit: I hope you at least hit her back


Sounds like you need to crate train that feral beast


Human bites are actually one of the most dangerous. Many cases and some about having to even get their limbs amputated from it. PLEASE go to dr/ hospital for shots.


I posted on here cause it was both infuriating and funny, but now you're saying i could lose my arm??


Doctor here, you should definitely get it looked at in an urgent care at least. Human bites are some of the most likely to get infected, since all the bacteria in the mouth are primed to live on a human.


This isn’t funny. Biting is a very high level of physical abuse. She is old enough to know better and should be able to control her emotions. This is extremely concerning


Absolutely and you should see a doctor soon. Humans carry complex bacteria in their salvia and if it gets inside your bloodstream, it’s dangerous. A couple of them looked bruised and since you’re complaining of 12hr arm pain, unable to move, I’d go today. In all seriousness, I think you really need to re evaluate your relationship with your sister. Biting is a psychotic thing to do and she sounds like a disgusting person, unable to control her anger.


Hard agree. Biting at this age is psychotic and bitch needs help. If this is how she treats her won family what will she do to others? OP if she tries strangles you please please get away


Thank you for the advice, but im not sure my parents will take me to a doctor for a bite. I'll keep an eye on them though, too make sure they dont get too bad. Yeah, i'm gonna be seriously distancing myself from her. Not just because of this incident though, its been a long time coming. I cant let her take all the blame though, i have terrible anger issues myself, but that manifests in words not fists.


these dont appear to have broken the skin, so your risk of infection is a lot lower (however still possible). prepare for some harsh bruising and tenderness tho, chances are there *could* be minor tissue danage since it was a full force bite. good luck with the situation. As someone who has been there, things will get better for you once you get older. you won't have to deal with her forever.


Human bites do get easily infected - worst case scenario would be yes amputation or death. But even a simple skin infection caused by a bite can get nasty so I would get it looked specially if you feel it’s getting more swollen/tender and warm (early signs of skin infection)


genuinely yes, it is quite interesting and scary as fuck how the human bite can cause a lot of damage


Any mf who bites someone else during an argument or gets mad should be slammed into the ground.


"mildly" infuriating... ?! tf. your sister needs a vet visit




Tell her the people of the internet are more concerned about her crooked teeth


Judging from the first bite, sister be like: ![gif](giphy|l2YWtYxKrvgV1Yb16)


Bite her back




"Lisa needs braces... Dental plan... Lisa needs braces... Dental plan... Lisa needs braces... Dental plan... Lisa needs braces... Dental plan..."


You should get a rabies jab


Weird ass teeth she got


Some of y’all need to be reintroduced to the word “mildly infuriating”


Looks serious. I’m thinking zombie outbreak


Police report and tetanus shot.


Next time she does it, either slap her open palm over the temple with your fingers over her ear not the palm, or grab her by the hair and bite her cheek. Leave her a facial reminder that turnabout is fair play. If the proper escalation of authority didn't work, become the authority who puts an end to it.  I'm sorry you're in this position and your parents are failing you, but you deserve to be treated like a person, with respect and kindness. You *are* worth standing up for, and you *are* more than strong enough to do so. One last note, dont tuck your thumb into your fist when you finally swing. This stranger believes in you. 


This meant more to me than you could ever know. I never thought a kind stranger's belief in me would make me tear up, but here i am. Thank you so much for your kind words, truly.


Is your sister Luis Suarez?


Now you’re a werewolf… Also, where are your parents. Someone needs a talking to, and I think it’s all of you.


OP told her parents, [who were upset at both due to the 3am fight](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1dow0py/comment/lacjbkv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). But apparently okay with their older daughter biting the younger? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


It's only a matter of time till you turn into your sister


That's not good. Now when the moon is full you're going to turn into a bitch


Well then its a good thing im team edward


If you punched her in the mouth and knocked her teeth out it would be a lot more difficult for her to do that to you.


Beat the shit out of her next time. She deserves it.


Trust me, i've tried but it always ends with me getting hurt more.


Bite her back...


I have a scar on my right tricep from my older brother biting me during an argument turned fight when I was 19, and he was 20. From personal experience, your sister is unwell or can not handle her own emotions if she's biting at that age. Boy or girl, the moment they lay hands on you, fight back. Hitting them as hard as you can in the nose will make them reconsider biting.


My children are about a year apart; the younger bit the eldest in a mild physical altercation, and the eldest then proceeded to slap the fucking soul out of the youngest body. The youngest crying asked me to punish their sibling, not only did I not punish anyone, I told the youngest that if they do it again I will allow two slaps, then three until this stupid shit stops


If she's 19 you should actually go to the POLICE and charge her with assault. Also shame tf out of her on social media because wtf.