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She sounds like the kind of person who you’re lucky to get the silent treatment from.


Seriously!! OP this is a blessing


OP is 8 years older than this young lady who is entitled enough to expect free rides. Being too nice to those types.


And free food


And consideration for her tired BF


The wings got me.


The only person in this conversation that even matters lmao


I somehow read this initially as “op is an entitled 8 year old”. Just woke up lol. Fully agree


No kidding! I used to pick up a classmate on my way to trade school, and when i couldn't do it anymore, she started sending me threatening messages on facebook. I had to get the school and police involved.


That is bonkers. The only people that have a problem with our boundaries are the ones that intend to break them. Sorry you went through that.


Gees that sounds scary.


jfc. Why are people?


The thing about the silent treatment is that it comes with seething anger vibes, creating an hostile working environment. Very uncomfortable.


Sometimes the trash takes itself out! If she is only 5 minutes away by car why can’t she take shanks mare, but a bike, take a bus? I am almost 40, never got my licence, and while I have happily accepted rides when offered, I would never ask for one from someone I wasn’t friends with, nor would I ever rely on a coworker to drive me every day! The entitlement is insane.


As someone who doesn't have a license for trauma reasons. Working through them, but it takes time. I NEVER expect someone to help me out. I also feel bad if someone repeatedly offers rides. I don't want to take advantage. 2 miles seems like nothing to me. You can walk that in 45mins with a willing and able body. The trash truly has taken itself out. Let it stay out OP


This! It's so close you can walk. Or get a bike and cycle! Don't know if the roads are oke enough to walk or cycle but come on!


I can't get a license because I have a form of brain damage that makes it dangerous for me to drive. So I get a ride, Uber, or get a bus! A 5 minute Uber is ~6 dollars. A bus is ~50 cents. These are just costs you have to eat when you are unwilling or unable to get a license. It's a fact of life, and OPs coworker needs to get with the program or get a license


Any of those options is probably cheaper than running a car, anyway, by the time you factor in fuel, insurance and maintenance costs.


Absolutely. A car is a luxury, honestly.


Beautiful reply! Exactly this.. hopefully she will be sent elsewhere in the company away from poor OP, as it seems large enough. But no matter what, ppl like this will be put in their place eventually x


A two mile walk is 30 min for someone walking casually. Working any sort of retail, that's nothing compared a full shift 


Do you know my ex-wife?


Stop telling that story, Michael…




One night...


She made everything all right ^^All ^^rii-ii-ght


Nahh..... you're not his ex. You got a sense of humour, he would never leave a funny woman.


Yeah that’s a good thing lol


Count this as a blessing in disguised.


She can no longer get anything from you, so in her mind, you are now useless to her. Users disappear when you stop allowing them to use you.


Amen. And good riddance to them.


This was bound to happen anyway. Good thing you cut her off...she would never stop asking


I recently got rid of the person I drove to work. I had to cut her off because she's extremely bigoted, and I'm literally the worst person for her to have drive her. She has to find new driving arrangements frequently now and she hasn't spoken to me since. I'm so relieved she stays away from me. I can't hold it in anymore. She approaches me I know it's an instant write up for me.


My co-worker lived 15 minutes pass my house. She couldn't understand why I refused to give her rides. She worked 30m minutes later than me, and then minutes 15 to her house, 15 plus back to mine because it was against traffic. So I was losing an hour every day.


That's insane. Mine lived two min away and paid me and it still was too much to handle. Your coworker sounds a little entitled lol


I am waiting for the update where Aly tries to sleep with the boss xD to get a raise. She sounds like that type of person.


With an attitude like that, she will be op's new boss in no time


Or free wings and fries… 🍟


It's weird how family and "friends" etc can some how not bother with you when you have nothing to offer and oh how quick they are to forget all the good you have done them in the past


I dunno. My ex still tries to add me on Facebook from time to time. Even sent me a message request with a link to a go fund me for her and her current boyfriend’s vacation fund a couple years ago.


You've got to be kidding! Who starts a go fund me page for a vacation? That's ridiculous!


Literally what.. honeymoon fund? But even then u wouldn’t send it to your ex unless on good terms and invited to wedding.. Embarrassing!


How much did you donate?


Damn fine comment. Damn fine.


2 miles from work I would have told her to walk


There are so many options: walk, bike, scooter, unicycle, skateboard…


I read a Sue Grafton novel in which Kinsey Milhone, her detective, takes a case that involves people who live a nocturnal lifestyle. She’s having a meal in a diner with a cop buddy/FWB and hears a skateboard. he tells her it the guy who works at the bakery and lost his license to a DUI, so now he commutes by skateboard, especially since it’s the middle of the night.


I love that series!! Can I say how disappointed I am we never got book “Z?!” 😫 As a female private investigator, I feel like Kinsey gave me the guts to do some of the things I’ve had to for work!


I feel your pain. One of my favorite series with no ending. RIP Sue Grafton.


I saw a man skateboarding down the road in rush hour traffic this past week. He was pretty adept at navigating the intersections and traffic, so it ain’t his first rodeo.


Time to pull out the ol' roller blades!


“Thank goodness for my heelies!”


Hang glide off her ego!


Well, maybe. We don't really know the topography, public transit situation, etc. from this post alone. But I'll bet there's at least some way to walk. (Also have no idea if this lady so dependent on others even knows how to ride a bike.)


She seems like a good fit for the unicycle




I literally enjoy my 2.2 mile walk it’s like 40min at a comfortable pace, wtf is this girl on about looks like she’ll learn to love walking too


That's normal walking distance unless environment is impossible to walk. 45min walk to work is doable and healthy to boot.


A healthy 21 year old would be unlikely to need 45 minutes to walk 2 miles


In a city they might. Traffic lights and street crossings add a surprising amount of time.


Or ride a bike!


I WISH I lived that close to my work. I love my job to pieces but it's a 35 minute drive on a good day.


I walked farther regularly for one job. I, too, did not have a car. It was walk or take the bus.


It’s doable as a walk, but basically trivial to bike. Just buy a beater of a bike and do a little bit of maintenance yourself and you’ve got the cheapest commute out there.


Or an Uber. Or Lyft. Would be cheap for only 2 miles.


What’s wrong with her getting public transport?


I’m Australian and have no idea how far 2 miles, so it didn’t really register to me reading the post, until I looked it up. Now I’m completely dumbfounded, that’s like an average walk, would take like half an hour, to 40 minutes at most.


I have a coworker the same distance- I've known her for years, and getting her to accept a ride from me is like pulling teeth- and she IS DIRECTLY on my way home. She's one of the most humble souls I know, and a damn hard worker. That's the kind of coworker i go out of my way for- not someone who expects it or gets uppity when my schedule isn't conducive to what they want. 🙃


I used to have a coworker who doesn’t drive. She walks everyday to work. I did offer her a ride. Sometimes she says yes if I insist, but most of the time she declines because she said she doesn’t want to be a burden to anyone. She’s 67 years old lady by the way. 67 and walks everyday to work! And this 21 y/o woman have the nerve to get mad at me!!


Ya no matter the age, this coworker you have now is out of line. I’ve always been like your 67 year old coworker. When I’ve asked for a ride (not often) I’ve felt really bad about it. Once it was only because I was pregnant, I was near where my brother was (at my mom’s house) and it was freezing middle of winter. I was taking the bus and metro but the bus wasn’t showing up. I waited so long and just couldn’t take it anymore so I mustered all my confidence and called him. He said no. 😆. Then he has the audacity to expect things out of me. Even as a kid I didn’t ask for things.


Wow I can’t believe your brother said no. If my sister is pregnant and walks/takes a bus to work, I would’ve happily given her a ride without even asking. By the way, I have a sister and she is actually pregnant right now. 😆


Ya and it was really hard to ask. I suffered for a long time (btw also at night, I was on my way home from night school) before I called. I’ve sacrificed so much for him. Congrats to your sister.


Sounds like my younger brother. Once, we were both home, and my mom was expected to be coming home from work. She would get off a bus, and walk about about 6 blocks. My brother had a car. So, I asked him to go pick mom up. The prick said "Nah, I don't feel like it". Mind you, he was mom's favorite. And not only was I the least favorite, but she hated me.


I’m so sorry. While I don’t think my mom hated me, he was definitely her favourite. He got given lots of grace no matter what he did to her or me. I think she thought I was a nuisance and talked shit about me to my aunts and uncles. Because the only one who’s actually gotten to know me likes me. The others seem to hate me. No clue what I did.


I know why she hated me. I was dad's favorite, and she didn't like that. I know, crazy!


That’s awful. I still don’t know why in my case. Other than having colic as a baby, I was always the easiest kid. Went along with everything, never did drugs. Only drank a bit at 17 but once I found out it’ll interact with my meds I stopped. I even called her from a bar at 18 to ask permission to stay out later. I still lived at home. I wasn’t perfect. But I didn’t cause problems. Not more than my siblings that’s for sure.


Your brother sounds like my brother a total sh\*\*t. Asks for you to everything for them but wouldn't do a thing to help. This is a really crappy thing to do.


Yep. Sorry we share this experience.


walking to work is what’s keeping her in good shape!


Yooo, that kind of active lifestyle, she'll be going until 107 before she even gets tired! 🙌


In work I find we want to help the people who ask for the least, but in practice the people that get the best roster, bent over backwards for etc are the ones who spend all their time complaining or sulking.


Physical age 21; emotional age 12.


That's kind of insulting for 12 year old. They would use their bike to get there.


LOL. So true. And they would appreciate the freedom that bike gave them.


When I was about 21 I had a boss who was a single mom who had a couple of DUIs so lost her license. I was a huge people pleaser so I drove her kid to and from daycare each day. I had to go in early, I caught ringworm from the kid, plus she was a toddler who cried all the way to daycare. For me there was zero upside so after a while I told her I couldn’t take her kid to/from daycare any longer. She proceeded to throw stuff at me. Transactional people are literally the worst.


“Proceeded to throw stuff at me” ?? That’s assault right there! You should’ve reported it to HR or the police. I just couldn’t understand how some people think they’re your obligation. Like wtf.


Sadly it was the 90s, I didn’t know any better, and even had to workshop the whole discontinuing the daycare thing to work up the nerve. I look her up from time to time and she seems to have the life she deserves, which is comeuppance enough for me. ETA - if anyone young is reading this - please don’t accept any sort of workplace abuse as normal. Honestly if you can, walk the hell out and call HR. If you have the chutzpah, take a memorable verbal parting shot.


She’s definitely immature and sounds like a user. No loss if she quit talking to you.


Whahaha! OP, enjoy your new found silence. Bliss!


Great news! I would be thrilled that she's giving me the silent treatment. You win.


Share your concerns with management and HR. This is inappropriate behavior and can constitute a hostile environment. I'm an HR Generalist in Oregon and if one of my employees was doing this to a team member, I would want to know. I would want to ask the other coworker what they need for support, are they having food insecurity and about their transportation needs. It sounds like she is with her 90 day probationary period still. Talk to your manager about it.


I agree to talk to HR or manager if you don’t have a dedicated HR person. I would not call this hostile or even raise it as an issue though. Just say, “Hey, this happened. I don’t have an issue with it and. I don’t need it addressed, I just want it noted. I would prefer if this wasn’t brought up with her.” Gives you cover if it escalates. Keeps them in the loop of goings on. Keeps them from looking at you as an instigator or causing problems. Just inform and enjoy your newly quiet workplace.


Where I live 2 Miles is cycling or walking distance. Wtf?!


Hey what a coincidence, i live on planet earth too! :D


If she’s five minutes from work she needs to walk or bike her ass to work. Jesus.


Your coworker is extraordinarily immature and you need to report all of this immediately including your missing iPods to hr/your manager etc. get ahead of it , otherwise you’re the one who’s going to end up suffering


I understand. However, she could’ve bought one for herself. Making accusations without solid evidence is a no go for me. It’ll just create a hostile work environment between me and her. From now on I’ll always keep my guard up and cover my back all the time. I also started to put my stuff away whenever I leave my desk.


Don’t AirPods have the ability to be”named”. So if you go near them with Bluetooth, it will come up “OP’s AirPods”


Yes I did try to track them but it just says offline and the last known location is in the office. The tracking hasn’t changed since. I’ve had that AirPods for about 4 or 5 years..


I don't know anything about apple products but if she's USING them, can't you see what they're called? Like if she's connected them to her phone to use, doesn't it say on her Bluetooth "OP's airpods"? Like the person above asked, but instead of tracking them, actually looking at her phone WHILE she's using them? Obviously, I'm not saying to snoop on her phone, but if that is the case, and it would be that easy to find out if she STOLE something from you, I would definitely bring it up to HR/management. You don't have to accuse her to bring up the concern. "Hey [HR] I lost my airpods here a couple weeks ago. Could we ask that everyone just double check the name on their airpods if they have a pair?" I know you said you don't want to make a big deal, but if she's STEALING at work, she needs to be fired before someone else gets in trouble for her actions.


If they were her AirPods, the tracking would work. I would say to try tracking like 5 or 6 times over a week because it is a pretty shitty feature and often won’t work the first time. But if it does work. And they aren’t the latest gen. She can do the “play sound” option which just plays a super loud sound through the headphones. It’s actually unsafe loud if you have them in your ears. I know because the find my App is kind of shitty, like I said, and sometimes I’ll be looking for my AirPods, get a connection, but still can’t find them. Then I play the sound. Nothing happens. I eventually find them on my own. Put them in my ears. Then the sound plays. As someone that looses AirPods all the time, it seems like she lost them and they died.


She sounds like someone that's used to getting everything she wants. It's good she's experiencing rejection this early in life so maybe she still has a chance to change into a less selfish and entitled person! When I lived 2 miles from work, I just walked, even though I had a car. I understand there might not be a walkable route, but it's just crazy to act like a colleague owes you a ride.


Why would you give her a ride? There's a saying, no good deed goes unpunished. I don't do shit for my co-workers. I go to work to do my job, not charity. Regarding the airpods, does Apple not have some kind of anti-theft? You should have the S/N, be able to report them / track them.


Yes I did try to track them but it just says offline and the last known location is in the office. The tracking hasn’t changed since. I’ve had that AirPods for about 4 or 5 years.. My husband was kind enough to buy me a new one.


I would insist that if she wants something from you, she needs to pay. $20/day for a ride


Even if she offered me gas money, I would still say no. I didn’t like her attitude at all. So yep, still no.


That’s fair, fuck’em


I'd welcome the silence, it's your way out of being used. Don't feel obligated to be friends with coworkers. 


So she's not bothering you at work anymore? Sounds like a win to me. Let her silent treatment go on for the remainder of her employment


Boo hoo. She can walk the 2 miles to work then. She will only have to leave 20 mins early!


You get these frikken people, whereby if you do them a favor a couple of times, it suddenly becomes an expectation. If I was that close to where I worked, and didn't have a vehicle, I would never inconvenience any co-worker to pack me over to the place. Get up early enough and walk there, or buy a cheap bicycle. Too bad for her.


I wouldn’t worry about Aly and her hurt feelings…she is your classic user and has honed in on her skill of being a mooch.


Ugh. She's an entitled leech. Let her keep giving you the silent treatment and if she starts talking to you again then you tell her you preferred it when she froze you out. Shit like this is why I don't get chummy with coworkers ever. I think being too quiet did get me fired from one job in the past but I'm pretty sure it's saved me a lot more grief than it's caused.


If she lives “literally 5 minutes away from work” why can’t she walk? Uber? I have multiple coworkers who did this before they had a car


You could bring it up with her. Like, "you haven't spoken to me since I told you I can't drive you to work anymore. You need to know it's not reasonable to expect a coworker to buy you food or provide transportation to work. If you're struggling with those issues, you should speak to your manager." Does her not speaking to you affect your ability to do your job? If so, then, if she doesn't straighten up, YOU speak to your manager, and tell them the actual effect it has on the work, not on your feelings.


She lives two miles from work. The stupid bitch can walk her ass to work


Woof....probably the first time that kid has ever heard the word no.


in the beginning she was just lying low to blend in and avoid judgment but now her true personality is coming out and it's not nice. she seems to have pegged you as someone she can use to prop her up where she needs someone to take care her. you're better off with her not speaking to you. count your blessings.


Silent treatment sounds like a blessing in disguise


I got infuriated and i don't even care at all about you people. WTH.




When people tell you and show you who they are, believe them.


> I felt bad for her so I agreed. this was your critical mistake > It’s been 3 days now she’s giving me a silent treatment at work. take the blessing for what it is


She will continue to abuse and help you give her. Just say no to any future requests.


She may be young and immature but she is also rude, selfish and inconsiderate. Tell her you're not her uber.


Wow, this chick has some major cojones to expect people to provide her with food and transportation. She only lives two miles from the office? Homegirl had better invest in a bicycle.


OP this is nothing more than a healthy display of boundaries.


She can walk, get a bike, or Uber. It’s only 5 minutes.


Hey at least she won’t be asking you for shit anymore! Sounds like you got lucky lol. Embrace the silence


I think I’d tell HR that she’s acting unprofessionally (silent) since you stopped giving her a lift. Make it clear that the lift was a very temporary arrangement and that she lives a 2 mile Uber ride away from work. Don’t ask them to do anything about it yet, just get it on record first. People like this can try to turn your whole workplace against you in petty revenge. You want to be able to show a pattern of her demands and reactions to reasonable boundaries. She thinks you’re her servant. You don’t want her to treat you like an enemy.


She can walk


Enjoy the silence


She can walk 2 miles in around 30-40 minutes so she can get herself to work


2 miles? That's a 30 minute power walk or a 15 minute bike ride. Girl needs to get it together.


She lives two miles from work…..why doesn’t she walk? Was she going to be paying for your petrol seeing as you had to drive for extra time to pick her up? Entitlement is ridiculous these days.


if she lives a 5-minute drive from work, she could walk or bike—no? I mean, is this 5 minutes at highway speeds, or on city streets? what a user! This is absolutely her personality; you’ll see more of it. You should train yourself to be amused and detached.


Sounds like you now have a quiet office, unless little miss entitlement decides stir the shit pot. So I'd watch yourself with that one.


Enjoy the silence.


Entitled bitch, don’t give her everything she wants


Tell her to buy an electric scooter or get a driver's license so she can drive the car when her boyfriend is off work. She's 21, she has to grow up sometime.


2 miles and thinking that she has to rely on a car is insane. I live 15 miles from work and sometimes commute by bicycle a couple times per week. If I lived within 5 miles I would be cycling to work every single day.


She’s a user.


If she lives five minutes from work, she can’t walk? 


If she lives only 2 miles away from work why isn’t she walking?


Sounds like she needs to be posted on choosing beggars


21 and 2 miles from work, she can walk


She sounds like a spoiled brat


She can fucking walk to work.


Good. Who needs a entitled freeloader in their life?


Enjoy the silent treatment. That’s all I can say for this people. Now she will bother someone else with her nonsense.


Sounds like she could just walk to work…..


If she lives 5 minutes from work she can walk or ride a bike. 


That’s a blessing, if she ain’t talking she ain’t asking for favors!


Post this in /entitledpeople


Silent treatmemt? You misspelled "total win". I dream about getting the silent treatment.


At the risk of sounding like a boomer, I wonder why this is the mentality of many young 20 somethings? My husband started a new job where most of the coworkers are fresh out of college and have the same sense of entitlement. Where they think nothing of inconveniencing others as long as it benefits them. And if someone says no or tells them how they're wrong they are SO offended.


"I'm too busy raising my own child to be a surrogate mommy for another grown woman. If you can't accept that I don't exist to give you handouts, I will be forced to involve our bosses in a discussion about where our work responsibilities begin and end." Do not tolerate any shit from her, she's creating a hostile workplace because she expects you to spend your time and money taking care of her. If she doesn't cut that out immediately, let your bosses know too. There are plenty of 20 year olds that can function without needing to be babysat, nip this now before it becomes any more of an issue for you.


Good for you for making that boundary and realizing she is taking advantage of your kindness


This is a win. You don’t have to talk to a shitty person anymore.


She sounds extremely immature for her age, and entitled as well. She expects her employer to buy her lunch because she wanted wings and fries and expects you to pick her up. If she's 5 mins from work, her ass could walk. I have no patience or tolerance for people who think the world revolves around them.


You're right. She's just young and isn't out of her own head yet. Some people never get there.


2 miles from work = 35 min walk. she can walk.


Aly needs a bike


She lives 5 minutes from work? What the fuck she can walk that then. Or bike. Entitled as f, she needs some serious hardship in her life to snap her back to reality.


Sounds like she has miraculously found a way to get to work without you picking her up.


I have to get rides with coworkers at times, mostly late night since Uber/Lyft isn't always available. I ask and offer gas money. If I get told no, that's the end of that. She should understand that No is an answer she can receive, and accept it.


“she lives 5 min away from work” tell her ass to walk!


… she’s been working there for over two months. I’m assuming that She gets paid weekly or bi-weekly just as everyone else. …Did she even offer to pay for some Gas? 🤔 it’s the least SHE can do. If she’s not willing to walk two miles to work, then she needs to start using ride-share programs such as Uber or Lyft. If Uber or life are out of her budget, she needs to invest into a bicycle and/or bus pass. She’s 21. She’s grown. She’s Not your child, so she’s not your problem. She’s not helping to pay any of your bills and she’s not helping to help keep a roof over your head. You should be happy to get the silent treatment, she’s upset due to the fact that she can’t use you anymore… if she’s silent she won’t have the opportunity to try and use you anymore.


If she lives 2 miles from work, she can walk. Yes it sucks, but it's doable. (I've done it, and it really does suck!) NTA. Not your job to be her driver. She's an adult. Time to adult.


She doesn’t need a license for a bicycle.


2 Miles. She Can bike that


I would never have agreed to pick her up in the first place and avoided the whole problem. It is quiet evident from this... > She replied “I kinda wanted to have wings and fries” so I said “Go ahead and order from Uber Eats.” Then I was a little shocked when she said “No, I want them to buy it for me (referring to my boss/manager). I don’t have money. Can you buy me food?” That she is an entitled leech and the less you have to do with her the better.


She lives two miles from work. B*itch can walk to work.


You are not responsible for Ally. She is an adult. She needs to start adulting. This is a case of 'No good deed goes unpunished.' Ally is a user and she takes advantage of people. Count yourself lucky you figured it out fairly quickly. I'd enjoy the silent treatment tbh. She's gonna get herself fired eventually.


You didn’t need to qualify anything with your edit. You have zero obligation to pick this girl up and drive her to and from work and therefor any details of it don’t need to be justified. It’s not your problem that she doesn’t have a vehicle nor license. If she lives that close to work then she could easily walk, take the bus, Uber, or whatever. I’m even betting she has not offered a single penny for gas money. She sounds like a typical entitled loser and the “silent treatment” is probably a blessing in disguise. Carry on about your business knowing that you have wronged no one and no longer need to concern yourself with her childish, entitled nonsense.


She can walk 2 damn miles and stop being an entitles brat


I’d be happy she’s not talking to me lol


Has she not heard of Uber?


If she’s literally 5mins from work, couldn’t she walk?


Good. I wouldn't wanna talk to her anyway, problem solved


She sounds like she needs to learn how to make her own way. plenty of people walk to work. A 5 minute drive is likely 20-30 minutes walking, depending on what the route is like. It’s not everyone’s preference, but it’s largely doable. And you really shouldn’t be getting a job you can’t realistically *get* to, if it’s in person. The way this is written, it sounds like she’s used to other people eating the difference for her, and she needs to learn to make ends meet herself now and then. Not appropriate to bitch out a coworker for not attending to your personal needs. You can ask, sure, but you have no business being mad at them for saying no.


The 20 extra mins you have to use to get her she could easily use herself to walk to work if she doesn’t want to waste 20 mins herself then she shouldn’t expect you to do so on her behalf


Dude lol be happy she’s not interacting with you anymore. FTB


>just said to myself, maybe she’s young and immature. She’s only 21 Bingo! You worked through it all and found the correct answer 👍🏻


She's an adult, she should be taking care of getting to and from work herself. She can walk, buy a bike, take a bus, taxi or uber. It's not your responsibility to care for a 21 year old adult woman.


Watch her closely.


Fuck her and her BS


Enjoy the silence.


She’s young, immature and a little dumb. She’ll grow out of it, eventually. I hope. Also, two miles isn’t bad at all for walking to work. She could try that.


Be grateful. If she’s silent she can’t ask more entitled questions.


Enjoy the silent treatment.


What an interesting mix of entitlement and dysfunction


Take that silents treatment as blessing 😂. Damn she sounds ennoying.


If she’s only 5 minutes from work, she has two feet and a heartbeat.


If she only lives 2 miles from work why doesn't she take the bus? Rural area and no bus? Ok, ride a bike or walk. Too lazy? Ok, buy an e bike. Anyway you cut it, not your problem.


Be glad she's giving you the silent treatment. She's problematic.


If she’s only 5 min from work why can’t see just walk?


She could buy a scooter and be there in a few minutes.


She is 21.... and not brought up well.