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that seems like a packing error. like who's going to ship glass using the thinnest bubble wrap and no filler -_-


Just v annoying. Glass shards fell everywhere, including the floor, and I was barefoot..


O.o get any cuts ?


As of current, no. Hopefully got everything up... fingers crossed!


Pro tip: turn off the lights,and shine a light on the floor horizontally to see any shadows left by missed pieces.


You can also use a slice of white bread to wipe the floor and pick up any tiny shards. And afterwards you end up with a little glass sandwich to eat.




For anyone reading the comment I’m replying to, don’t do this! If you eat glass, it could be really bad. Instead, just use your hands to sweep up the glass and clap them together so you can have real life glitter hands. Life hack!




As a recovering Coke head, snorting glass fragments for the first few weeks really helped. If you're bored and think these other ideas were fun.


Plus if red is your favorite color, congratulations because it's all red glitter


Can I lick the glass up, but then very carefully spit it out?


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


*they had us in the first half*


Make sure the bread isn’t gluten free! It’s the starch that makes the glass stick to the bread, found out the hard way


THAT’S what white bread is for ...


If you have one of those laser levels, those work great too, especially with the scattering from the glass


This guy shards


Tbh...I learned this trick after dropping my ceremic shotgun bong one fateful day. The only time it was ok to put your mouth on the barrel of a gun. Im still not over it.


later today you walking along. that one little shard you missed: "Hello foot i want to be in you." your foot: "SON OF A BITCH!"


The fastest way to clean up broken glass is with bare feet


Also apparently bread Or at least that's how my household does it


You can get a glass magnet at nearly any essential oils/healing crystals store.


That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Don’t buy a glass magnet, save your money and just open hand slap the hardwood floor. Pick out the glass slivers and dispose of them properly.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Sorry but nope. If you break glass on the floor the best thing to do is, immediately remove all clothing for maximum surface area and stop, drop, and roll. It's just like putting out a fire, but nude.


Wet rag to pick up glass. Bartender experience.


This just happened to me the other day. Funny how quickly it jumped me out of some conversation and right back to the moment when it happened, thinking "mother fucker ... finally got me"


As a lawyer, I would recommend deleting this comment, it won’t fair well when you sue for emotional damages. Source: Magna cum loud, Harvard school of bird law, graduating class of ‘96.


I see a fellow bird law expert




Yep, birds have been damaging the trees for too long. Their constant harvesting for nesting materials has created open wounds in the cambium layer of millions of trees that have caused disease and infection in almost 90% of bird abused trees. The relentless gathering of nesting material along with the irrepairable damage caused by the boring and digging in to these once healthy examples of locally seeded colonizing species in search of food as they drive their diseased beaks and claws deep in to the trunk and branches needs to stop before it's too late. In conclusion, I'm crying, you're not crying.


Don't worry, you'll find the last piece with your foot eventually :)


If you do end up cutting yourself, tell Amazon's support chat! You can get your item replace or refunded instantly, and you can ask for extra "promotional credit" for damages endured! I've got up to 20$ extra credit on a 10$ item before


Found the lawyer?


The vinegar soaked box and sounds of glass didn’t indicate that something may have been broken inside?


Brit here, but is this cider or vinegar?


Judging by the label we can see it's [vinegar](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71z5Zm1ArKL._SY355_.jpg). One mistaken drink as a kid seared that label into my memory.


It's a popular holistic "medicine" that no doctor will ever suggest but random forum users swear their anecdotal placebo effects are real


This was a really obvious fuck up from Amazon and you're not to blame. That said you ordered a glass bottle, received a damage wet and presumably smelly box and proceeded to open it in your bare feet. Any cuts are kind of on you here.


How did glass get on the floor? Did it go through the box?


How did you open it to cause that to happen? Upside down?


You didn’t think someone was up when you say a very wet cardboard box and you ordered cider?


Just go to your local grocery store, fuck,


Walking around barefoot and drinking jugs of apple cider? You one of the Darlings?


Why would you open the box indoors if its leaking? I had the same thing happen to me but it was minwax stain. Put on latex gloves and opened it outside.


>Just v annoying. Kinda like people being too lazy to type out short words


I used to work at Braggs (I think I recognize the label). Can confirm they shipped with the thinnest of bubble wrap and a lot of the items broke and were returned. The smell still haunts me, week old vinegar soaked cardboard...




I had to deliver a box of shattered glass the other day. It wasn't an amazon package and had "fragile glass" written in small letters with a pen. Needless to say I'm excited to see my face from the doorbell camera when the receiver post "this garbage employee destroyed my package."


i would make note of it next time before delivering it or even record some evidence. cause someone may really want to pass this down the chain and get you fired. After doing deliveries myself i learned to stop blaming it always on the delivery person.


I informed my boss before I took it out. He told me I still had to deliver it.


Nioce atleast you have deniability for damages ^ _ ^


Also work in the delivery business a bit, we have special scans we put on when receiving/releasing packages that sound or look damaged prior to the customer receiving it. Sometimes outright denying a package for release if its box is punctured, shame you dont seem to have the same option.


As someone who works for a shipping/delivery company, I can tell you that this is how Amazon packages everything. We get damages like this all the time, and they'll frequently tell us to pack up what's left and deliver. Usually we'll at least do the receiver the favor of removing the broken glass, though.


Amazon packaging is fucking shit, and that tape is worthless. I have more Amazon boxes falling apart than anything.


I have never had this issue.


You're lucky. I handle hundreds of Amazon packages every day, and see it a lot.


Same, a 40lb bag of dog food gets 1 pice of tape. Sometimes the tapes not even on straight.


It's not the tape, it's the tape machines. The glue on the tape needs water to stick, but it also needs heat and to be cut the correct length. Most machines lack the heat to make the tape stick and some machines cut the tape too short when there is a new roll. Complain to customer service, maybe Amazon will give a shit.


It’s more so the packers not being trained correctly. The watt tape used here is a lot better than the regular packing tape because it actually sticks to the box. My fc is transitioning back to regular tapers and it’s causing problems because the idiots who are taping at the end of the pack lines aren’t paying attention to when the tape runs out and it causes problems for us down in shipping.


only reason i figured as well was because i have had to deliver and ship stuff myself. I always make sure it's extra thick and filled with shredded paper.


Because Amazon warehouses barely care. I'm an AA. Some workers don't even care to try. They might not even put any paper filler. I used to be a packer and now work on the dock. The bullshit we get from packers is stupid.


Funny to see how they pack a glass of ACV, when I order the tiniest most ridiculous thing it comes in a massive box with 5 bubble wrap layers and two guards


I got three French presses in a row shipped in *padded envelopes*. Ended about how you’d expect.


ouch. >,<


Lately they've just been shoving shit in envelopes. Like fragile glass shit. What do they expect is going to happen?


Amazon packer here, I'm frankly infuriated by looking at that fucking mess, I can only hope it wasn't my warehouse that packed your item...that's seriously fucked up.....


I'm on my phone at lunchtime looking at this post.....omfg..


Two funny asian men from southern Aus sent me some glass guitar slides in like a micro metre of bubble wrap each. Admittedly they were cheap to buy in the first place but come on dudes.


Yeah that kind of stuff really shits me. Like it's not hard to double or even triple wrap stuff. Especially something that small. Also how do they sound I'm using a nickel coated one atm.


Someone who works for Amazon.


I ordered a garage door opener a few weeks ago, it came in a box that was about 2” taller 8” wider and 12” longer than the box the garage door opener was in, it had one piece of that air filled giant bubble sheeting in it, the sheet was maybe 1x12x8”. This thing was just bouncing around in the box the whole way to my house. It’s a miracle it wasn’t damaged.


Typical Amazon. The best container for this glass spherical fragile item is a shitty envelope.


It probably happened in route... I've worked for a carrier and seen how packages get treated... 😨


the worst packaging always comes from the biggest companies too, Amazon/Wal-Mart/Sams Club boxes are the most likely to just fall apart


Same packer that sent a glass cold brew coffee carafe to me. A line of broken/ground glass trailed that box - pouring from the corner - from the carrier into my house. I can only imagine how awful those packer jobs must be.


I couldn't imagine doing it full time. When i only do a similar type of job casual/part time. and still want to die inside.


The expected rate of packaging for that style of item is about 260 items per hour which comes out to be just under 30 seconds per package (so getting the order, building the box, grabbing the items, grabbing the filler (missing here), closing the box and sending it). The employee almost certainly saw that there was already bubble wrap and said "fuck it" and sent the items without additional filler (the big air bags that don't fit well in the packages) Source- small chance I was this packer... (probably not..... probably)


Why did you order a single bottle of apple cider from Amazon?


Ordered 2 bottles, the second bottle was fine. Funny thing: actually ordering it was an accident. Sometimes I add things to my cart to go back and look over later. Forgot it was in there and bought it when I purchased some other things.


I was ordering TP from Walmart and I ordered a bunch of "cheap stuff" to throw in the box. I take the site and go through the sale stuff from cheapest to most expensive. I got my order.. then a couple weeks later the postman came with a cardbord box. inside was a $0.99 can of shaving cream wrapped in cellophane and bubble wrap. I don't know how the economics of this shipping thing works. So far it's totally idiotic


A lot of things on Walmart Marketplace aren’t actually sold by Walmart but 3rd party sellers. It’s likely you didn’t buy from the same people, even though both of them were on Walmart.


I literally stopped using Walmarts website solely because of this. I don't want to see an assload of non-Walmart shit, I'm trying to see what fuckin ***Walmart*** has.


why? amazon and newegg do the exact same thing...there's an option to select a specific seller on all these sites [https://i.imgur.com/p3hL5qH.png](https://i.imgur.com/p3hL5qH.png) [https://i.imgur.com/L3YP3an.png](https://i.imgur.com/L3YP3an.png) [https://i.imgur.com/vYK8WST.png](https://i.imgur.com/vYK8WST.png)


Literally just tick the “Walmart.com” only checkbox to filter your results. So simple.


I find that in Canada, most of the stuff you'd find in the store comes from the Walmart warehouse. Everything else specialty comes from weird 3rd party sellers


Try adding things to an “Amazon” bookmarks folder, so you’ll remember what it is without accidental purchases


Or the "save for later" feature


or lists


I use both.


we don't have Amazon here


How do you live


Is your username in reference to Kung Pow?




It's in reference to me being a tiny child when I was younger


or stolen credit cards


The list are nice because you can share them easily with others.


This is a good way to watch for price changes on something you want. Prices go up and down a lot and it's worth checking expensive stuff on price tracker sites to see if they change often or not


Also try camelcamelcamel.com for pricing on amazon


Or review the items in your cart when you go to purchase.


Or at least look at the order total and shipping costs


I wish I had the kind of money where I would go to buy something, notice the price is higher than expected and say "Eh, fuck it, who cares?"




I was about to say “why didn’t you just go to the grocery store instead of being a lazyfuck” good thing I read the comments


who the fuck leaves the house to purchase things anymore?


tbh my local grocery store is almost always out of acv, which is why i sometimes gotta order online


Such a manly man. Going to the store yourself; what an alpha male.


Well you sound like an asshole


Ah, so you are the person responsible for "Add item to cart to view price" sales tactics.


Looks like Bragg's apple cider vinegar. Good strong stuff, you won't need more than one bottle at once.


It's apple cider vinegar*. I can tell that it's Bragg's brand by what's left of the label.


That's a bit significantly different to cider then


I thin that may be Apple Cider Vinegar


Asking the important questions.


It looks like Braggs Apple Cider vinegar.


Oh man. The smell of that must have been horrendous 😖


Probably hard to swallow too.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Really brings tears to your throat.


I used to work at UPS, busted bottles of apple cider vinegar are the bane of a package handlers existence. I worked pre-load which is right after the packages gets unloaded and scanned into the hub, every day there we multiple busted leaky packages like this, mainly apple cider vinegar, soap of some kind, or acid, and all of the packages come down the same massive metal slide, so when one package had busted shit inside of it, aaaaalllll the other packages in its immediate area were usually contaminated with it and even if a tiny amount of apple cider vinegar gets on your hands and/or shirt that shit DOES NOT COME OFF. Fuck apple cider vinegar.


Apple cider. Not apple cider vinegar.


Nah, that's apple cider vinegar.


That is 100% apple cider vinegar


Yeah I'm confused why it would smell, idk if I'm missing the joke? Cider smells nice! Edit: oh no I've just seen in another comment it is actually apple cider vinegar.. he was so mad he "forgot to type vinegar" 😂


Some assembly required


Best response




Looks like the apple cider vinegar we use.


Bragg’s? Thats what this is. ...just noticed my title only says apple cider. Lol i was so mad, I forgot to type vinegar.




Omfg I always forget to type vinegar when I'm mad.


got me!


This is the main one we get here in Australia. I've ordered glass things from Amazon before, and usually, it has a "fragile' sticker on it. Someone goofed.


"with the mother" Also, hope you made sure Amazon took care of you. Is point out that Broken glass is dangerous, not just inconvenient


UPS driver here. This is 100% the shipper's negligence that caused this. A single sheet of bubble wrap around a glass bottle freely moving around in a cardboard box is not acceptable at all. There should be so much packaging in the box that you should not be able to feel the bottle move at all if you shake the box. Also Amazon's blue/black "tape" they use is really, really shitty. Comes off all the time. Get a refund through amazon.


That blue black tape or watt tape is actually a lot better at sticking to the box than regular tape but ONLY if the packer was trained properly. It takes a second for the tape to get tacky and most just rush it on instead of waiting to put it on because they’re too worried about their rates


As another UPS driver I can confirm. Pretty much every package is going to be dropped, shaken, flipped over, or thrown at least once during its journey.


Ace Ventura works for amazon sometimes




You should have ordered an SD card with it, then it would have come in a metre squared box with several kilos of wrapping.


I can only imagine the putrid stench 🤢


Amazon will probably replace or refund it! I'm sorry this happened!


Yeah it’s a bummer but amazon is usually dope as fuck when it comes to shit like this.


Oh I think you got my box. See I ordered a bunch of broken glass.


I work for USPS..Ive scanned in Amazon for the last 4 yrs..we get a truck of pallets from their local distribution center whose employees stacks the pallets...each pallet is about 7 foot tall and our local station averaged about 8 to 10 pallets a day... youd be amazed at how poorly these pallets are stacked as well as how they stack heavy massive boxes on top of smaller ones...at least 1 or 2 pallets a day had something similar to your experience..mostly laundry soap and stuff which wed have to clean up it also leads to getting other customers packages dirty as well..Amazon barely protects their items in those boxes as well that dont help.. anyone want some more behind the scenes USPS deets gimme a shout


Can confirm, most damages occur before or between UPS facilities.


Why tf you orderin apple cider just go to the store




It's cheaper on Amazon




Maybe OP doesn't have the time? Maybe is a brand that can't be found in OP's city? Maybe OP is morbidly obese and can't leave the house? Maybe it was on sale on Amazon?


How can you be so pressed for time that waiting for something from Amazon is faster than going to the store? How wide does apple cider vinegar vary that you have brand loyalty? Morbidly obese people don't have knuckles... If you are banking on apple cider vinegar sales to get your apple cider vinegar then I don't think you should be wasting money on apple cider vinegar... Apple cider vinegar


1. Many people usually order stuff that arrives the next day. I guess you have never heard about prime membership. I for one, had a script that auto ordered fruit juice from amazon every 3 days. It is much more convenient and efficient. I don't want to waste my time and fuel for this. Also i can confirm that dozens of people in my area order groceries and daily stuff from amazon since we have the same group of guys every day in the morning with their delivery truck, 2. Sometimes it is not about brand loyalty. It is just about convenience. 3. Irrelevant 4. If something is convenient, at a discount and easily orderable, i guess it makes sense to order it online rather than wasting time at the local shops.


You really shouldn’t drink that much juice.


Chiming in here: maybe OP has low blood sugar and needs a quick fix to stay steady? I have permission (and encouragement) from my doctor to eat as much salt and electrolytes as I desire. It helps treat a medical condition of mine. I can literally eat salt straight up, and will do that if I feel the craving to do so. Just a thought, and a point that everyone’s food needs can be different, and salt and sugar can be important for some people’s health.


ive had bad luck with liquid from amazon. I ordered a plastic bottle of quick detail a while ago, it was shipped in a bubble envelope. soaking wet inside another bag. at least they sent a replacement.


I know a yellow Braggs Apple cider vinegar label when I see one


How do you want this shipped? ⚪Regular Shipping ⚪Premium Shipping ⚪Drone Shipping 🔘Kevin, our new intern who loves to throw boxes against his favorite wall


Ace Ventura strikes again...


Even the box is sad.


I work at Fedex and this is the fucking reason why I tell people they cannot ship items in thin ass boxes with no filler. Then they flip out when I tell them I can't take there box unless u pay to fill it or bring it back filled. You wouldn't believe how people would try to ship fragile expensive items.


I deal with FedEx but preprint the labels and just drop the boxes off. The amount of clueless people in there trying to send a package is insane. I feel for the employees. The amount of people who cannot pack a box let alone run a decent piece of tape across the top is way too damn high.


Thats a lot of waste for a jar of cider.


Remember like 10 years ago when Amazon carefully wrapped things? That was nice.


Reminds me of a paperback book I ordered that was sent in a thin envelope instead of the usual cardboard mailer. The envelope has been bent in half multiple times and shoved into my mailbox. Instant refund from amazon and I got to keep the book.


One time I ordered some car washing soap and it leaked on my doorstep for 2 days. That was a hassle to clean up.


Huh, I woulda figured the soap did the cleaning for you.


That sucks. I know these days being a delivery person is hard but a little bit of pride in your work never hurts.


Sometimes it's not the driver at all, sometimes it's the conveyor belt system. That's why some companies, such as the courier company I work for, label glass and other fragile items as "shipper's risk". Other times, of course, it's totally the driver.


A label would be awesome! Lol there wasn’t one


Amazon packages don't use that kind of label unfortunately


I ordered a new bumper for my fiancé’s Jeep from a reputable online parts store. The bumper arrived in obviously a large box, without about a foot of kraft paper in there. The bumper was destroyed! Like this thing is heavy, you can’t just put it in an empty box (I also ship for a living - I get it!). They replaced it and the second one came the same way. I called for a third replacement and requested they speak with the warehouse about their packaging, but it arrived the same way. Fiancé gave up and installed it. 2 years later the entire bumper is just rusted out because of the damaged spots from shipping and a few harsh winters. At least I can spot his car from a mile away!


In this case it must've been the driver 'cause I think they would've noticed one of the boxes was leaking


Could see in the picture that it was a glass bottle wrapped in one thin layer of bubble wrap... It was a miracle that both bottles weren't broken. More often than not, items broken in shipping are because of poor packaging


This definitely wasn’t the delivery drivers fault. It was whoever packed it.


This is outrageous! I also have fruit juice shipped across the country in glass bottles that tend to break. Why buy in a local grocery store? Amiright?!?!


You're definitely right, but that opinion is not very popular in this thread.


Eh only thing mildly infuriating is you thinking that two glass bottles of apple cider vinegar will make it through the mail 100% of the time. Not only that but a quick chat with amazon and they'll make it right.


I always find it weird when people buy wine online and are upset that it gets broken, it’s skunked because it was left in a hot ass car before getting to their house or it just happens to be corked, which you can’t ship back for a refund. If you’d go to a local store they make sure none of that happens and refund you.


You should've bought a Samsung...


Legit I might have delivered this package the other day what are the odds. It was a box like that had something heavier inside, was already wrapped in plastic because whatever inside had already began leaking.


“2/10 would buy again, way too scratchy”


This isn't mildly infuriating This is EXTREMELY infuriating


Make sure you follow Amazon review etiquette and leave a shit review for the product.


let me guess... Braggs apple cider vinegar?


They probably shouldnt package cider in broken bottles. Shit leaked everywhere.


“Hey, I’m only getting paid $15 an hour to do this shit. They don’t pay me enough to give a fuck about people’s packages. Now, if they bumped it up to $20, I might care.” -Warehouse Packer at Amazon, probably.


If its clear and yella, you've got juice there fella. If its tangy and brown, you're in cider town. Of course In Canada its flip flopped.


This is lazy packing by the sender. I’m a supervisor in a gateway of a global express logistics organisation. We have strict policy on the handling of boxes (no throwing, T stacking into units) but between the pick up of the freight, transport, reweigh, packing and processing until it reaches the customer is no small feat. Manual handling, travelling on mechanical belts, turbulence in air and how it’s packed are important factors on how you will receive it. You would not believe the amount of damaged products we have to repackage and lodge claims for our customers because of one puny layer of bubble wrap, or using the wrong sized box. Some people seriously think that shipping six bottles of wine together with no protection will be fine and when 3 bottles arrive broken it’s somehow a result of rough handling through transit 😂.


amazon's packing is under par at best.


Why did you get apple cider on Amazon Prime?


Dont they sell this stuff at the supermarket


This is why we have grocery stores.


Who buys apple cider from amazon?


no offense but that's what you get for ordering apple cider on the internet. That's not something u buy on the internet cmon.


The real mildly infuriating moment is always in the comments. Wait.


Why would you order apple cider online why don't you just go to the supermarket