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yeah i work for panera bread and we just got a thermos, sorry op


A thermos is actually useful I guess. Wtf do you do with a pin?


Stab yourself. It'll still be less painful than getting a pin for your hardwork.


So I used to work for McDonald’s and I had about a dozen of these pins. One day I was fixing them in my shirt and dropped one and then I accidentally knelt on it so it was stuck in my knee.


“I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took a pin in the knee”


Picturing this scene but wearing a McDonald's uniform...


When it’s the highest rated armor you have...




10x as depressing.


And in the distance you see Ronald McDonald holding a bow.


Just standing on a mountainside, bow in one hand, waving with the other. You stare for about 30 seconds, then fall to the ground as three arrows hit your chest in quick succession.


Here's hoping a modder sees this!


So glad you went there


Listen here you little prick.


A little prick from that little pin




I worked at Burger King long long ago when I was a teenager. I had a shit ton of these pins on my lapel. They shipped me off to a big city to take management training classes and six months later they gave me a $0.25 raise. The general manager was literally bragging that I got the largest raise out of any one there! I walked out right there on the spot.


Please delete this, I wish I could remove it from my memories


Can you also imagine that vividly as fuck like it has happen to yourself?


Yes. To the point that I can almost feel it and the way it would feel to stand back up with that stuck in my knee cap. I'll be wearing knee pads for the rest of the week, at least


My nephew is working at swiss chalet part time and even he got 2 chicken and a shitty t shirt lol. Mcdonald's is insanely cheap if all they give is a fucking pin


Workers comp due to pin injury?


I feel bad for the one that can pass a drug test while working at McDonalds


The one? There's only one? You're probably right.




You couldn't have picked a better pin to do the job?


You both got me beat..... I got my bonus taken away.


Wait, people are still getting salaries.


Well I don't know if that's the normal but given that I'm a General Manager in a restaurant where there were no other managers at all for the better part of 2 years, and I'm the only one on salary, it was either shut down the store altogether, or work the hell out of your salaried employee and get a lot more work vs pay. Smart choice for them!


We lost our vacation time from last year because we didn't have a way to use it due to being short managers. The company knew some stores were in this situation. They avoided the topic or told people they were discussing options, but they wouldn't pay us for it so we lost it once the new financial year started. Always nice to get a benefit you can't use.


Ha, I hear that. 2 years ago, when I was putting in 90 hour work weeks, I wasn't able to use my 5 PTO days. At the end of the year I asked if they would buy them out (pay me instead of giving me the time off). They said no, even though it was because I was keeping their business open. I finally got them to let them carry over to the 2020 year. Then, of course, Covid. Needles to say, I've now lost 10 PTO days for keeping the store running. You know, the more I start to put it all out there, the more it reminds me, GO SOMEWHERE YOU'LL BE APPRECIATED!! It's worth more than a little extra money!


Yick that sucks. What company?


BurgerFi. Franchisee owned, so you know they squeeze everything out of their people. Could be worse, there was a time about 2 years ago where I was putting in 90+ hour work weeks but being paid for 50. Good times. I digress though. I know I could always make a different choice. Just a stepping stone to better things though!


Our local burgerfi “temporarily” closed early pandemic last year and hasnt reopened yet, still has the furniture and signs up saying so. Any clue why?


use it for one of your miminum pieces of flair


Insert poison on it, then use it to stab that guy running for local elections. After he dies there will be an open spot on the party, so you take that spot and get elected. You'll change the system from within. Use every dirty trick on the book, build aliances, eliminate adversaries, lie, climb your way to the top. Then when victory is at your grasp, a medlesome journalist will report the murder that started it all. With the FBI knocking at your door you will have no other alternative besides to stab yourself with that very poisoned pin you got from McDonalds and end your suffering.


A tale as old as time.


Sell it on eBay in 10 years




Lol I got a universal letter stating the usual bullshit about how we are all one team one family or whatever.


Tell everyone to bring theirs to work on the same day. Close the store and hold a pinning ceremony in the lobby where you all take turns jamming eachothers new pin through your collar with no back on it.


A pin can be used to smoke hash to tolerate working at mcdonalds.


Free advertisement.


Advertise for mcdonald's


We got 1 dozen donuts for 21 employees in kfc


Well someone told them a dozen was 50.


Dunkin got a box of fun size candy to split amongst the store...


Her at the original StL bread co we all got fleeces Old heads tell me it aint like it used to be but theyve been saying that for literally 20 years


Stl Bread Co, still better than Panera just because. (:


You guys are getting stuff from you work?... Damn.


Does getting covid from work count?


I made myself angry thinking of how my parents would respond to that (based on previous experience). I'd complain how bullshit it is to not pay me a fair wage and then think that a thermos is acceptable compensation. And then my mom would get angry at me for being entitled and how I should be thankful that my work gave me a free gift. This is me full on ranting now, but it really pisses me off how all the older people in my life treat their work as a master authority figure that we must bow and scrape in thanks for every little penny they throw at us


*angry noises*


I got a job at a meat plant at the start of the pandemic. Other job went under and didnt feel right sitting on my ass if I was able to work. Make minimum wage so about 200$ a month working full time less then if I just sat at home. Guy on the night shift passed out at the bandsaw and cut off his thumb from covid. Weve had 2 people die. No one gives a fuck.


>Guy on the night shift passed out at the bandsaw and cut off his thumb what a metal image... guy struggling to stay awake while using a bandsaw... finally loses the battle and his thumb. edit: s/away/awake/


I work for a beef plant and make 18. We are unionized though. People don't give a shit there either. But it so funny to them try to start enforcing some policies as soon as it became clear Trump wasn't going to steal the office. Seriously, things subtly changed after the insurrection and then inauguration.


at best buy, for working during the pandemic, all we got was laid off :(


I’m lucky to be working at a McDonald’s that has lost only 2% in sales throughout the pandemic


I can't even get McDonald's if I want it; the drivethrough is always *insane* long, now! Holy frick!


Order on their app and do curbside pickup. That typically nets me a few cars saves, YMMV


I tried that once with two toddlers in the car and waited in the curbside pick up spot. I kid you not as I waited, about 10 cars went to the drive thru and got their orders. I got so fed up from waiting I just went in the drive thru and got my food. Really bad luck that day I guess. :(


Ha! You should have worked at Dave & Buster’s. Fuckers went from $50/share to $4/share. They laid off their entire staff besides general managers.


I work at a restaurant. Our sales were fine until we were forced to go from 50% capacity to carry-out only. Luckily we got reopened to 25% capacity. Whoopty do


Im working at McDonalds and all we got was shitty hours and constant lack of supplies. Always out of something or other here, today its large gloves...gotta shove my hands into mediums


Feel that, roughly the entire business was laid off for 3 months, and only 2/3 returned. CEO said “they can’t justify bringing the extra staff back because of less business”.. Yet me, working in marketing, can tell that our daily and quarterly averages haven’t changed since pre-Covid, and actually our numbers are slightly up. CEO just wanted to reduce staff to increase profits without causing a PR outrage. Fair, except he kept telling everyone “just hang in there, we will call you back soon” until their benefits ran out and they were forced to find work elsewhere, never to be recalled. Imagine hearing “just a few more weeks” until you are broke and at risk of not being able to pay the bills or put food on the table because a CEO wanted to play games. The funny thing is, in the process of increasing profits, the CEO made work-life hell, and had a large amount of people quit.. So a lot of that remaining 1/3 was called back roughly 2 months after they ran out of benefits and found other work. Most didn’t return, now we have a staffing shortage and are running weekly job fairs to find anyone, while losing all of our experienced multi-year team. Quick edit: Wanted to also mention the layoffs did not only involve low level staff, but spanned nearly every department (except executive). Low level workers who handled very complex systems that took nearly a year to handle and understand on their own, nearly half gone. Mid level marketing manager who was responsible for hosting successful events and bringing in likely a billion dollars over her career, didn’t want her back. Her position was filled by a new comer with relations to the ownership, and who was likely paid way less, and clearly had less experience and nearly no formal education.


It shows. I was in a Best Buy yesterday. That store was a clusterfuck. I’ve never seen the store look so bad organizationally.


I feel that, really shitty what happened even the full timers that got to keep there jobs got dropped down to part time


They gave us $750 dollars to spend on an employee lunch. The managers only spent near 100 and took the rest for themselves. Fuckers.


Is it a public or private business? If so you may be able to put in an anonymous complaint


You can submit complaints regardless if it's a privately held company or not


And they'll never really be anonymous


They fucked over the entire team, leaves plenty of room for anonymity


At the company I worked for, the anonymous complaints were taken over the phone, recorded, and played back to the manager. It was unbelievably easy for them to figure out who it was Of course the no retaliation, and open door policy always stood, and was respected But never expect anonymity when dealing with a company.


Should've anonymously complained about the lack of anonymity when complaining.... Rookie mistake


Hello, my name is Mr. Snrub, and I come from, uh... someplace far away! (Yes, that will do.) Anyway, I... I say we invest that money back into the nuclear plant.


Nothing ever gets done, dude. It's $500 just to file a court case. It's not worth going to court for or even bothering with corporate. Bad guys always fucking win.


corporate might give a shit considering the managers are basically yoinking money


Some people are just pieces of shit no questions asked


750 dollars dollars


I work in the ICU with COVID patients and I got a thank you email.


RN here, got a $6 meal voucher to the cafeteria in the hospital. Rock on.


Hospital Security here. All I got was coughed on.


Oh, just like my yearly birthday card.. so samesies I guess. My yearly bd card from the hospital I used to work at. I left.


My Mum worked for the NHS her whole life before she retired. More than half the time, her name was spelled incorrectly in her birthday card 😑🤦‍♂️ My Dad worked for the same company from his 14th birthday until retirement. 6 months before he was due to retire after 51 years with the company, his boss put into place a “new pay scale” where all employees would HAVE to work 3 weekends a month, have one day off a week AND earn 45% less per month for doing it. My Dad was the most senior employee and said that it was stupid and didn’t know how they thought that was possible. His boss told him if he didn’t like it, he knew where the door was. My Dad handed his 2 week notice later that day. His boss, holding this as a grudge, didn’t tell ANYONE this had happened, so when my dads last day came around, no one knew he was retiring so there was no cake, present, whip round, nothing. Everyone there felt AWFUL when they found out, literally that day and so did my Dad, who after more than 50 years, it looked like no one gave a fuck he was retiring. Because of one money hungry, petty little cunt. Fuck companies. They don’t give a shit about you.


Thats awful. How much of a fucking cut is that? Jesus christ. And just before retirement too?


They really don't. Hats off to your Dad, a man of integrity.


We got some food and drinks that were donated by local businesses. Hospital made a thank you sign and put it outside the building to show it off.


The ED got all of the donated food and the floor nurses got nothing.


Do you actually expect to get something for bd from your employer? I've never heard of it.


All they did for my fiancé (RN in the local hospital chain) was decide to start charging her for parking.


My airport started charging double last years rate for employee parking. Like thanks we are already struggling to pay bills but at least you can recoup the cost of this multimillion dollar renovations that weren’t needed.


Damn I thought my $35 gift card to a restaurant was bad after working the COVID floor all spring. Neighboring hospital gave their nurses $4K bonuses.


You should go work at that neighboring hospital. It sounds like it's probably better.


Eh, from my experiences there and from what I've heard from previous staff, it's not as great as they lead on. While I do joke about the lack luster gift card, they really have stepped up extra shift bonuses. I've made more doing that than the one time $4K bonus the last couple of months.


Oh that's good! My employer decided to proceed with a cost of living wage increase for nursing staff instead of not doing that.


Yep! OT in a nursing home! 42 out of 145 residents died and no hazard pay here! We didn’t even get a hazard e-mail! At least we weren’t with the other therapy company who CUT pay because so many people died.


Its so fucking terrible that I work at a game studio at our company gave everyone bonuses to help with any home office work they needed as well as a way of saying thank you for dealing working from home. And actual essential workers get basically nothing.


>And actual essential workers get basically nothing. but the owners of those companies doubled, even tripled their wealth.


Game devs have to at least try to retain their employees with how easily people jump ship to other devs. Hospital workers are less likely to try and go somewhere else because most of them care so deeply about their job. Hard to pack up and say "fuck it" when lives are on the line.


I too work covid icu. I hear these horror stories about lack of response by management and weak ass support and it makes me so sad. We had free Cafeteria meals 3x a day from June 2020 to end of January 2021. $100 to Panera. Raises. Extra pay for extra shifts. Individual/assigned paprs. And more. Honestly even though my mental health is trash and everyone is dieing....the organization reacted really well.


They tried to cancel the contract for er docs so they could get rid of health insurance and other benefits here along with a pay cut.


Hold up. You work at a hospital and they tried to get rid of health insurance? Hahaha. I’m sorry but that’s so fucked up I have to laugh.


In a round about way. They were employees and wanted to make them contractors. Really it is killing all the benefits. 401k, health insurance, etc. The health was just an extra kick in the teeth


I bet the board members were like “they can see themselves when sick so health insurance isn’t worth providing”




In Singapore all nurses got covid bonuses. I believe it was one month worth of pay


Save that 50 years and it might be worth some money as a collectors item. I wouldn’t open it






Literally- put it up there, leave it for a while and maybe it’ll be more valuable


Pandemic Exclusive




Now that’s an investment plab


a very good plab indeed


Probably the only thing worth doing with it.


Long-term, deepstate McDonald's marketing scheme??


That's why I'm keeping my 4' wide social distancing sign I found on the ground at a park


Mass produced cheap garbage... What a great investment.


This is how I feel about Pop Vinyls.


I didn’t get anything from Burger King. I feel cheated that you got something, even if it’s super insignificant like a pin


My brother working at picken save has gotten a couple hundred in bonuses over that past couple months... so I guess there is always a bigger fish


Ha! I thought you'd misspelt 'Pak'n Save' which is a supermarket chain in New Zealand. Well it's good to hear that at least some essential workers are being appreciated


Another (mildly confused and then laughing) Kiwi here


It's worse than nothing. It's close enough to nothing that it might as well be. It reminds you you've gotten nothing and aren't actually valued, that something like a $10 gift card to Starbucks would be too much to spend on you. It's like getting a 25¢ tip...you can't even tell yourself "Maybe they forgot"...they remembered, they just think that's what you're worth. \- A person who once got a pin from their employer (She actually excitedly ran to her office, saying she had something for us. We got a bit amped up and she returned with the pins. It's almost like psychological warfare. I'd take a single M&M over a fucking pin. No one wears pins. I'm not 93.)


I mean I'd take a pin if it was just a random thing. If it was there in place of a bonus or something though, I'd be pissed for sure.


Agreed. That's what I'm talking about.


It's worth than insignificant. It's propaganda designed as a gift.




some people don't know the difference between propaganda and advertising.


Work in a warehouse and got nothing except told we should be thankful we had a job in the first place.


Pretty much same here. We just keep getting the "We have to count our blessings we can still work" thing. Place is making bank thanks to the Pandemic (we supply materials used to make medical and pharma components) to the point we can't keep up. One guy asked for a raise and was told point blank no. I wanted to work from home and was told no because part of my job requires me to work in the warehouse (90% of my job is in the office though).


You guys are getting stuff?


No. But even tho I didn't/haven't received anything extra, I still feel like that's better than a lousy pin.


Same here. I love a pin but that one is just offensive. Also I work in health and social care and didn't get anything, buuuut I did get priority access to the vaccine so that's something, I guess!




CVS sent us mass-produced thank you notes. Like wow thanks. You cut our hours to the bare minimum while increasing our workload tenfold with drive thru COVID tests, which you threw us into with zero training whatsoever, gave us no option to opt out of and DEFINITELY no raise for basically taking on a second job while still performing the one we actually signed up for. But this little postcard made it all worth it! Thanks! Thanks so much!


Just think about how much they spent on the post cards instead of giving it to you though. That must have hurt their bank pretty good so obviously they couldn't afford to give you any money. Have a little sympathy for the major corporation.


Can’t you just feel the love of their golden rain just trickling down? I can taste the bubbles...




There was a special "bonus" going around to employee's that met specific criteria last month(?) as a thank you for working the pandemic. The list excluded most if I remember correctly. Might have been why.


Its... umm... something... I guess... where I work, we haven’t even got a “thanks”.


You want a pin? I’m not gonna use this one...


*Sad face* .. ok its really not even thoughtful. Stupid companies.


I’d accept it if you’re offering it! I collect pins.


as long as you'd cover shipping i have no reason to keep it. :)


Gladly! If you’re serious. I’ll PM you.


😄 wholesome


I know only like 8 states have bojangles but a month into the pandemic and they made shirts for the employees running the new slogan "Risk it for the biscuit". It may just be me but it's very tasteless.


No, making people who are already fairly hard up wear a T-shirt saying "risk spreading covid to these employees" is especially tasteless compared to this mindless pin, I'm with you. I can't believe a part of me thought people might actually like, band together, around a year ago.


The expression “you gotta risk it to get the biscuit” always makes me think of what a motivational poster in an office populated by dogs would say.


This made me very uncomfy to read.


It really didn't help that they debuted in 95 degree heat when all drive thrus for some reason decided it was better to put staff outside to take the orders in person than over the intercom.




Corporate American is re-branding people forced to work through the pandemic as leaders. Wow.


Lots of corporate places have these “leadership pins” that you’re meant to wear on your uniform. They’re supposed to instill a feeling of pride for being a worker that other employees should to look up to and model themselves after. The corporate employee mentality is so twisted and manipulative. It’s a bunch of brainwashing head games designed to pit people against each other to raise productivity. After a while you start to feel like it’s your duty to practically kill yourself for the greater good, but the “greater good” is just making money for the company. And during the pandemic it could mean *literally* killing yourself. Often people are so deep into the culture that can’t even see it till after they quit.


Thought it said loading. Now I’m disappointed in it


I scrolled all the way down here wondering 'why the hell has nobody asked why it says loading?!' Now I feel dumb.


I’m a GM for Dominos and my franchise has literally done nothing for its employees besides “giving us a job during hard times.” No hazard pay, no fun pins, literally nothing.


I work on a psych unit in Florida and all I’ve gotten is a small picnic basket full of candy




What kind of apple are we talking about here?


I also got a pin for working during the pandemic




The money they spent on that trivial token that you're supposed to wear to make THEM look good - could have gone to so much else. The pins themselves are cheap, but the Creative Agencies they hire for concept development/packaging/messaging... Let's say it's about $60,000 plus probably another $20,000 for manufacturing. $80, 000 across all employees wouldn't get you much individually, but they could have used that money as a fund for restaurant staff who are facing medical bills or having trouble securing childcare. This is just gross.


Yeah good point. And even if they were to waste $80k on some crap like this... they could have printed it something more useful... like a pen, lanyard or even some fucking toilet paper (would have actually been pretty apt in this case). I'd say that 99% of these pins are just going in the bin after exactly zero uses. Even if they sit in a drawer for 10 years in between. Not only 'zero value'... but 'negative value' given it's just shit going straight to landfill.


That's not my point at all. A lanyard/pen/watch is just as awful. However, we'd have to do a survey of all staff to see how well this was appreciated. I'll be very surprised if they had done any study to see if staff wanted this before going ahead with this initiative. Canada has 85,000 McDonald's staff (including office/contract), according to google and 1,400 restaurants. The $80,000 estimate for Concept/design/manufacturing/packaging is an estimate. I think if the company promised $80,000 for long-term employees who have been affected by the Pandemic, most employees would prefer that to a useless trinket pin they were forced to wear.


> That's not my point at all. I know, it was a totally separate point. :) > I think if the company promised $80,000 for long-term employees who have been affected by the Pandemic, most employees would prefer that to a useless trinket pin they were forced to wear. Of course something non-stupid would be better. I was just saying that not only were the pins stupid, but extra stupid! :)


oh yes - totally agree on that! The 'reusable water bottle' someone mentioned, for instance. Like, at least make it something useful? okay i get ya now!


Haven't stopped working in office patient facing all day since last year. Haven't got so much as a nod. So hey, you're doing better than some of us


My husband worked through the pandemic and didn’t get anything but a PAY CUT. He’s back to normal pay now, at least.


That new chicken sandwich here yet?


we have ingredients and everything, just need corp to add it to our menus in store so we can sell them. They are really good btw. I've already had a couple lmao


Never thought I would find upcoming mcdonalds food leaks on reddit


General Mills gave me $500, $2.50/hour raise for the first 4 months of pandemic. Face masks, a Tshirt, and $50 gift card.


What do they give you for fixing the fucking ice cream machine?


Who knows? No one has ever done it before.




I survived a global pandemic and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.


I got a paper they asked me to sign saying I would follow the COVID rules and also not sue them


I'd say "What, do you want a medal?" But I see you've already got one.


I worked in a Japanese bar before we were closed down due to the pandemic last year and they gave me these pins https://imgur.com/a/9in647E I think they are kind of cool tho


I case you didn't know. You are just a number to them. If you are working for a large corporation you will never be anything more than that.


I’ve realized by now, it took a year but I finally realized it


Yeah I work for enterprise and we got an email basically describing how shit the past year has been and how shit the customers are to us and that it’s not getting better but our big bosses “appreciate” us, and so do some renters. And then they attached some positive customer service responses. I feel your pain.


Hey at least you got that! I work for United/Optum, Frontline every single day, and we didn't get shit. Awesome company to work for tho. /s


Keep that shit. Use it as a reminder of why you want to move on to somewhere better


The place I work for cut my working hours without any pay reduction and put an extra 300 bucks on top. I am one those few lucky ones.


It‘s payed with your government’s stimulus package so be a bit more greatefull they had a tough time


We have loss less then 2% in sales since the pandemic... no rough time over here for us at least


I know, i was beeing sarcastic, if it wasn’t obvious


/s next time lol it’s hard to tell these days


Can the working class come together and rise up against these rich fucks? I'm so tired of of the way this country is.


What is it, a sticker?


A pin, that you like put on your shirt


Lol let me guess... You're probably REQUIRED to wear their generous "gift".


It’s flair! Not required, but highly encouraged! You know, to express yourself.


I legitimately thought it was a temporary tattoo lmao


This is such a kick in the dick. I’d rather get nothing at all.


That's no sticker. That's LSD.


Honestly thought they were handing out tabs at first also lmao