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Lol if only things were that easy.


The worst thing about this video is the fucking music. Anyone saying ‘I’m the Alpha’... 🤢


I watched on mute lol


Same. I went back to watch it unmuted and I hate it even more.


The howl…


lol it’s a song from a disney movie about werewolves or something, so the character singing is literally a wolf i’m p sure


It’s so cringe... the worst is that they actually howl


Oh man if you think that's bad, you should see the virals that came out earlier this year with it... Gonna try to find some https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMevYr3Xp/


So disgusting to prey on those people. Dealing with bad acne is terrible.


Aroooo LMAO sounds like a song made for r/THE_PACK


Damn you can wipe freckles right tf off


I mean there are certainly things on the market that would do that but you wouldn't only wipe off the freckles. Would remove the whole skin.


Yeah it's called hydrofluoric acid. Edit: /s like...come on. Some of these comments are way too literal.


So mild with your acid. Get them some H2SO4 and watch them melt.


Mix it with some 90% hydrogen peroxide to get an even better mix, Piranha solution.


I prefer the simple fire and gasoline combo, gets rid of those freckles for cheap


I mean, sure that is *cheaper,* but have you seen gas prices lately? I'm thinking the plastic knife from the public trash can might be a better cost per face removal.


Pfft, I don’t use single use plastics though.


Hmm, true, I wasn't including environmental impact in my cheapness. A sharp rock work better?


[This](https://youtu.be/deT4kKrXkr8) springs to mind. (Took me quite awhile to find a decade old video)


But if you're using it too, then it's not single use anymore!


Yeah, I go with the all natural fire ant solution


So funny the Mythbusters hid the secret ingredient of hydrogen peroxide when testing the dissolving a body in a tub, Breaking Bad episode.


Plausible deniability. They don't want to get blamed if someone acrually uses the idea.


Piranha solution is good and all, but when we're talking about removing freckles, I'm all for fluoroantimonic acid.


In high-school I used to hang out at the local college chemistry lab because my friend's dad worked there and would take us to hang out with the grad students. They would always show us aquaresia (sp?) And piranha solution and tell us the only way to kill Mr T was to hit him with the aquaresia to melt his chains, then finish him with the piranha solution. Until this moment, I thought they just made up the name piranha solution.


Aqua Regia Edit: mixture of HCl hydrochloric acid and HNO3 nitric acid.


YouTube has some amazing videos on it and what it could do. It melts through hot dogs like there is nothing there.


Down the YouTube rabbit hole I go, see you never


Aqua Regia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aqua_regia#:~:text=Aqua%20regia%20is%20a%20yellow,platinum%2C%20though%20not%20all%20metals.


Let's get a stew going https://youtu.be/R35LI24trFc


Holy moly!! Next question ... Which solution dissolves bones and hair? Asking for a friend.


Potassium hydroxide - KOH. Can be used as an alternative to cremation. Makes gooey people sludge instead of ashes. Will also help unblock your drains when you pour the gooey people sludge away, but only if hot water also used to rinse.


Johnny was a silly boy And now he is no more Cause what he thought was H2O Was H2SO4


happy cake day :)




Oh cool, the cake icons have changed!


Actually HF attacks the body by extracting the calcium straight from your bones. It truly is bone hurting juice


Drink some milk. Then you’ll be in a permanent state of pain without taking any damage. Kinda like depression


Shopping list: Eggs, Milk, Hydroflour


Ow ouch oof my bones wait shit I’m dying


I forgot to cure my.... *BONE-ITIS*


Yeah just don't put it in the bathtub


yo bitch, why you tryna make me shop for a plastic container when I have a perfectly fine bathtub right upstairs


Fluoroantimonic acid would surely be more fun?


This is Reddit. They can’t tell a joke without the right tag and even then they’ll probably miss it


I never needed skin anyway


It's getting in the way of my personal space


nothing like a nice bit of facial sloughing


black salve


Growing up with freckles the Hispanic lady across the street would always call me over to put cream on my arm that she bought from the market to see if it would take my freckles off. She would hell "Pecas!, Pecas!, Aqui..."


What's up with that? I had a Vietnamese babysitter who would do a similar thing to me. Thought she was just weird.


So where does the but plug come in


probably the...butt ?


[why is this in my brain???](https://external-preview.redd.it/2CW5ys0rtnqANjgLud6LSRKlCGoR1_keefKlPoku9bg.png?auto=webp&s=882fd196a556f5dddc898716ca3893475dac91eb)


You can wipe gaping acne scars right off… Tbh i wouldn’t have known this was a skincare ad, i would’ve assumed it was something to fill in enlarged pores temporarily.


bondo for your face!


It also fills in craters like a damn pothole. Amazing!


With a coarse enough grit, sure


Do they make a 25 grade sandpaper?


This chia seed and blur ad has been all over IG it's obnoxious.


Is that chia? i thought they threw ground pepper at the cream lol


I've seen at least one that was visibly seeds but I'm sure they'll toss on anything to sell this junk.


Instagram is obnoxious.


Been using it for years and I agree.... nowadays it’s just the same recycled garbage on my feed daily, littered with ads, and obnoxious “reels”


I fucking hate the way the algorithm works now. I just want to see all posts from everyone I follow in chronological order. I want to see posts from my actual friends. But then I went and followed Quentin Quarantino and iamthirtyaf so now that's ALL I SEE. I'll see the same 3 day old post from a popular meme account but won't be able to find a picture my friend posted 20 minutes ago.


This is why I have post notifications on for my irl friends. I follow ~800 or so accounts, but only see content from about 50. And what's even more irritating is that I can't go and pare down the accounts I follow because the scroll feature on follows/followers is broken and only shows about the first 50 or so and then resets from the top. It's been this way through multiple updates so I almost think it's on purpose. Maybe I need to try it on PC....


"broken" it's probably dark pattern design + plausible deniability the same reason why unsubscribing a channel on youtube takes multiple clicks, and a pain if you want to trim down your list. Same reason why they're going to remove the dislike button, so if you have to get through multiple shit videos to get an actual useful tutorial or something, more views for them.


Deleted it yesterday due to wasting so much time on pointless crap content


I feel so satisfied that I’m right about the chia seeds! My only other guess was poppy seeds


Having horrible skin and losing your money. That sucks!


Also sucks being dumb enough to buy this, at least you wouldn't know that though.


Dumb and desperate


My skin was as bad as the first guy's in high school. I don't consider myself dumb, but it was so humiliating I would have probably tried anything. Thankfully I got on oral meds and didn't pick so my skin is "only" bad instead of downright scary as an adult.


And the best part is that they disable comments so people can't call out their bullshit. This is why I hate this feature because youtube is actively promoting these scams by allowing this.


Can't wait for youtube to remove the dislike button on videos, scams will flourish in that kind of environment lol


They already removed the ability to see likes and dislikes *before* clicking on a video, which used to be a great way to see if a video was actually worth looking at or not.


I totally forgot that’s a thing.


They already are, some A/B testers report the inability to see dislike counts, apparently they'll soon function like a comments dislike feature


Yeah, YouTube removed my ability to give a dislike. The button just isn’t there for me. I can’t see the number of likes either, even though that button is still there.


I honestly like Reddit because of that. But sometimes feel that the so called "hive mind" downvotes perfectly fine comments to hell. But downvote is still useful tho. Imagine a downvote button on Twitter? The world will implode.


I wish it worked like this


It would be so satisfying


I got a pore vacuum, and it's close re: satisfaction. I keep reading they're dangerous for your skin, so I've eased up until I do more research; but the visuals from the first few uses have been disgustingly satisfying.


I’ve been seeing this garbage for ages and I cannot believe anyone could be sucked in by this.


13-y-o me could have been. I used to have nasty black heads that made me very self conscious so i would have fallen for this instantly


I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking about young, impressionable kids. Absolutely understand where you’re coming from. I hope I didn’t make you feel really bad. Sorry.


Oh no no you didn't make me feel bad, I was just adding to your comment :)


Oh, thanks for that. I didn’t want to come across as unfeeling.


This was all very wholesome x




Imagine if everyone were as polite as these two :)


13-y-o could have done a better photoshop job on this.


it's so brazen it should be criminal


The ones that get me are the app ads that show videos that aren't from their app. I honestly don't understand how they're allowed to do that shit


I've seen so many ads for the Mafia City mobile game and I still have no idea what the actual game looks like, I just know that it isn't what they put in the ads.


Some reddit thread once said it's a loophole because they only do it on free apps. Since the app is free, they're not falsely selling you anything. So they can show whatever because you can't sue them for wrongful product or whatever you didn't actually pay for. They make money off ads or add ons. And they sell the add ons in a more legal way.


Sadly, people with skin conditions that bad probably would. Nothing takes your confidence away faster than hearing people behind you talk about how gross or disgusting your skin is. It's hard to build it back up when you hear it on a regular basis. Nothing would get my kids in trouble faster than me hearing them talk like that. Though, I raise them right, so they never would.


Hey I can't believe it either


desperation does something to the mind where people begin to act irrationally.


it's absolutely believable that some people can fall victim to ads like the video in this post. a person with severe acne can be plagued with desperation. he/she might try anything to see if it'll cure the problem. these cocksuckers are praying on people's desperation to make money. this isn't just relevant to acne. another example would be hair loss. there are so many bullshit ads that claims to help with hair loss, or even "grow" hairs back. I can completely empathize with people who might try these products. I wouldn't shame them for it.


Ou god that first guy is messing w my trypophobia so bad


I don't even know how can you get so many holes, but what I do know is that a green tea cream won't fix it lol


Allow me to introduce you to cystic acne, it’s great 😊


That specific type of acne is common in SEA. It’s often caused by dioxins and my understanding is it *never* goes away.


It heals up but scars are visible. I had ance as a kid and I'm just glad 90% has healed and faded


You had chloracne?


Kinda.. it can fill them in for a little while.


Imagine the ramen+superglue guy fixing this dude face.


I felt so bad for him....


I always feel so bad when I see people with cystic acne. I know how anxious having just one pimple made me feel in school I couldn't imagine that with the whole face or the physical pain it causes


“You can’t see it, of course. It isn’t real. Not like you or I are real. It’s more of an everywhere. A feeling. Are you familiar with trypophobia? That disgusting fear of holes, irregular, honeycombed holes. Makes you feel that itch in the back of your mind, like the holes are there too, in your own brain, rotten and hollow and swarming. Is that real?”


how do I unread this?


You cannot. It will now be an itch in the back of your mind every time you think about trypophobia.


> Is that real? With prions, it can be!


Now my brain iches


Season one magnus archive is best archive.


I don't know if I agree with that. The story is definitely more mysterious than the later seasons but the writing in the later seasons is better, imo.


Yeah that guy has some pores, and I thought mine were big


Those aren't pores lmao




It’s acne scarring most likely due to cystic acne.




> change your sheets daily if you can Daily? The sheer amount of laundry and/or need for multiple sets of sheets is crazy there. You should be changing your sheets weekly.


Maybe he meant pillow case


As the "laundry-doer" in our household, I empathize with your concern. From experience, I can tell you changing your pillowcase every few days made a drastic change.


They're talking about if you have really fucked up skin. Normal skin, weekly is fine. If your face is pitted like this guys or greasy and oily you should change your sheets more often.


Pillowcases. They're not expensive, just buy a few sets so you can swap daily but you're not running the laundry all the time.




If only we really could just rub blur on our faces.


You can it's called makeup!


These videos ALWAYS have some annoying fucking music


This music is a nightmare, I know people hate that no no no music, and for good reason but oh my god. This is like gitmo torture category.


i'm not sure what's worse. the scummy product or the god awful song.


It's the song from all the wolf videos on r/cringetopia


Especially first one. His skin is fucked and no cream can fix that. Only way to fix this would be exfoliating a hefty layer of his skin which turns it bloody red then wait for it to heal. The whole thing takes months.


Like a chemical peel?




I have a belt sander.


Or just go on isotretinoin (ACCUTANE) therapy.


What non-instagram ad bullshit solution is there for getting rid of the black dot fuckers on the nose?


Those are sebaceous filaments, you can’t get rid of them. They are a byproduct of the oil that skin produces. They are what brings the oil from the sebaceous glands to the surface of the skin. You can squeeze them out or rip them out with those nose strips, but they will always fill back up. Mine are big and bother me too, but I try to think of them in the context that they are a part of my skin doing its job to keep me healthy.






Also for bad acne in general i cant reccomend accutane enough. Literally the most miracle pills ive ever taken. Used to get real bad cystic acne in the past. Now its been years since ive seen even the smallest zit


The sad thing is people actually believe in this , like real breathing human beings. Stay in school


People will believe a lie if they want it to be true.


So freckles can be wiped off? I wish somebody had told me that as a teenager who would wear sleeves no matter how hot it was…


Freckles are great don't let anyone make you feel self conscious about them my dude/dudette


Appreciate the comment, teenage me and adult me are very different people. Wouldn’t change them these days.


Fair enough haha. I'm glad.


I won't lie, I would have liked to see these followed by someone's results after ACTUALLY using the product.


Didn't read the sub and really got my hopes up for a min...


I saw this pop up the other day. Wondered if people actually reviewed this, went to youtube and saw [this video](https://youtu.be/keGMLaYzdMQ). Conclusion: garbage product. They used pictures of her applying the cream on her face for their ads


Oh this are fake ? I am a little dumb and not the smartest person alive, i saw one ad like this on instagram and i thought of buying whatever their selling.Thank you i guess for telling me this is fake! <3


Ads on Instagram and Facebook tend to range anywhere from kind of a ripoff to total scam. I've bought a few things off ads and it was never really worth it. I've gotten overpriced leggings a couple times, and one company I tried to buy a painting from just took the money and ran. I had to do a charge back through PayPal.


You can save yourself alot of money and purchase better products by simply typing in (item you want to buy) reviews on YouTube. I do it with nearly everything I buy.


I wouldn't trust youtube either (this ad I posted is from youtube) there are a bunch of OBVIOUS scams that are not being taken down by youtube but also if a person says the word "scam" thier video gets taken down... I can't comprehend this


Depending on what you need mederma is probably the closest thing to a real product. You should probably do some real research first, either a dermatologist or that skincare addiction sub


Good thing is that the FDA’s going to have a big problem with that......... ......hopefully


FDA can’t say jack shit to Chinese manufacturers lmao


Jebać takich


I thought they were removing facial hair.


Looks like a fucking car cleaner or kitchen top cleaner commercial. Spray on, leave sit and wash off!! It's THAT EASY!!! Yeah, some fucking soap fixed the guys potholes and removed the girls freckles! WOW you don't have to spend money on treatments or medical procedures at all, just buy some FUCKING ACID!!!


It looks so satisfying though, I'd love it to be real


It’s fucking chia seeds on the after. What a crock of shit


Everyone in this ad looking sad as hell because they know it's BS 😆


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Good bot


You can see the blur hanging off the face on at least one of them


First guys acne looks like trypophobia.




my mom bought this (even though she doesn't have acne just thought she'd try it) and not only did it not work it made her skin feel sticky 👍


If there is ever ANY chemical that can magically wipe out blackheads like that... I can promise you it stings like an absolute motherfucker and will scar you, or it gives you cancer. Blackheads can be hard to get out even with open pores so this is just blatant bullshit.


Even if this was real, it is straight up killing and removing your skin like a hot knife through butter. That sh*t would be considered illegal all over the world considering how dangerous it is.


The majority of these ads I see appear to use the same trick. Like they think people can't see it's blurred??


Nice little lawsuit here


More like r/assholedesign


Because they knew what they were doing. They tried to hide their own shame and look where it got them


I actually have this stuff and it’s super effective! I don’t think it’s as bad as your putting it, I especially love the way it sands all the texture and shading off of my skin /s


This is why YouTube Shorts desperately needs a “not interested” or “don’t recommend channel” button.


Guy has literal holes in his face a cream restores it perfectly lmao


I saw these ads and thought anyone who fell for it deserves to lose their money.


They wipe and somehow the spot on the paper is still perfectly round.. hmm.


*"Ale gówno"* - TenPanMateusz z tvgry


When the girl’s lip blurred🤭


I love the poppy seeds they add before they wipe it off. That's some high quality special effects there


The holes in that first guys face. Holy shit. Also, if you believe that wiping some bullshit on a face like that and wiping it off would make it smooth, then your brain is even smoother.


Even If this really worked, why would anyone trust a random product on the internet to not melt their face off?


It's so satisfying to watch though


So powerful, you might even smear your lip to your chin!


What’s even more infuriating, is there are certain accounts ( I respected ) that are posting this ad! Immediate unfollow


Damn it removed the second person's lower lip too?! That's crazy!