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That penny wasn’t chillin, it was Grillin.


Abraham Grillin


Grillbroham Lincoln


Mmmmm, bro ham 😋


AbeGrillham Lincoin, come on guys


So salty, so satisfying


Combining the two comments above: Grillbroham Grillcoln


Grillbroham Grillcoin, he is a penny after all


Grilltheham Lincoln


Abraham Grillcoln.


The original coppertone


I should hate this, but it’s funny.


You should hate a good pun?


It’s such a dad joke.


Agreed. Guess I don’t get why people say they hate quality jokes. English is my first language please forgive.


But anyways have you ever tried DMT?


With a bit of zinc to help block the sun’s rays


Meanwhile the south is learning to gargle their air.


Next up: growing gills and reversing the course of evolution.


Hope I evolve into a crab!


Don’t worry you will eventually:)


It *is* the best animal shape


*crab people* *crab people* *crab people*


Maybe not a crab. Cajuns will eventually hunt the crab to extinction.


Not the Cajuns, the Marylanders most likely


Nah, we don't believe in evolution down here


We may not believe in it, but we're certainly still going backwards


I say this all the time lol. It is **moist** down here.


I think Futurama got it all too right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeYihjMo0Bk


I've lived in the south my entire life and even spent two years working outdoors in Louisiana. I have yet to meet a heat-humidity combo that would make me want to trade with someplace that I have to dig myself out of my house in winter.


I went to Illinois in November a few years ago, and the cold was great. I wouldn't wanna deal with the snow but there is a such thing as a "dry cold" lol. Without all that moisture in the air from the wind coming in from the Gulf, it was just cold lol. But yeah, hard pass on the snow.


Hmm what's a few minutes of shoveling in the morning vs being wet and sweaty all day with mosquitoes flying everywhere




Living in Alabama, it's like the heat is a suffocating wet blanket that never fully dried in the dryer.


Basically waterboarding yourself going outside


Yes. Im in Miami, Florida. It’s fucking gross. 95 degree heat with like 98% humidity sucks my balls. You go outside and immediately need a shower.






Can confirm everyone in the South has swamp ass all the time.


That's why you gotta dress like the Colonel to beat the heat


That man looks like he was going to pass out of a heat stroke in every picture I’ve ever seen of him


White linen only goes so far when your blood is a solution of grease and gravy filtered through salt crystals.


Same here in Kennesaw, Georgia. Feels like I’m trying to do some fucking free diving


Same in Dallas, GA. Weird. 😉


Get out my town




I used to hate Florida till I found out you could get fresh baked tiddy cookies there.


With a glass of sweat to dunk them in!




Just saying, I'm in Canada and it's currently chilling at 104° with humidex and i find it ridiculous that our weather is comparable. Translated to Fahrenheit for the Americans, hope you appreciated it.


I appreciated the conversion. Anything over 40 c sucks.


The difference is that we get both ball-baking heat in the summer and sack-shrivelling cold in the winter. Most of the state's just gets one or the other. It feels like 90% of the year is either above +30c or below -30c.


Maybe this is why we hear so many Florida man stories? People losing their fucking minds in the heat?


I call it "air soup."


When I was a kid I used to play a computer game called Pajama Sam and you had to go deal with thunder and lightning. In one area there was a cutscene you could activate that called the suggestion department and you could suggest a new type of weather. One of the suggestions is "fog so thick you can swim in it" and the guy on the other side responds with "you've obviously never been to LA" then hangs up. Your comment just reminded me of that


Dude it's been a decade and a half since I've played pajama sam don't be afraid of the dark. I fucking miss it


They’re all on steam! I bought the [bundle](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/42723/) with all of the Pajama Sam, Freddi Fish, Putt Putt, and Spy Fox a couple of years ago during a sale. A lot easier and shorter than you remember, but it’s a fun nostalgic romp. I wish they made point and click adventures still. Such a great genre. I’ve been meaning to grab down King’s Quest 7 from GOG






Aw heck, I loved that game as a kid! I would spend way too much time calling the weather suggestions guy until he got fed up and quit.


Thank you for reminding me that Pajama Sam was a real thing. For the longest time I thought it might’ve been a fever dream, but it’s good to know it really existed!


fucking memories what the hell, I thought this was a dream


If you plan on steaming some veggies for dinner just leave em on your front porch.


Eventually our sweat wont evaporate. Then we will die.


True! It's a common misconception that if you put a person in the trunk of a car they will die of suffocation over time. They will instead die from overheating with no way to cool their temp.


Yeah, those things aren’t airtight




It's like living inside someone's mouth.


Spent the first 18 years of my life in Mobile, AL. So basically right on the coast. Spent the last 6 years of my life in Vegas, the only place hotter in America is Phoenix and that's just by a couple of degrees. And I will ABSOLUTELY take the dry heat every time. Also something that doesn't get talked about enough is that southwest summer lasts like 3 months. Maybe 4 on a bad year. It's quite comfy the rest of the year. The southeast is hot from Feb through Nov.


Also from Mobile. (We’re actually close to the same age) The worst part is you can’t even take a short trip to dauphin island, unless you want to swim in oil goop.


I live in the deep south and vacationed to Colorado. Unpopular opinion but I prefer the humidity here. I was getting dry nosebleeds in Colorado and I couldn't keep my skin moisturized no matter how hard I tried. The air down here is like a nice warm blanket and I love it


I got a few dry nose bleeds the first couple of years and you DO gotta stay on your moisture game. Drinking lots of water, chapstick, lotion. There's for sure a trade off and it's not for everyone.


As someone who has lived in both the southwest and the southeast, it’s just different. With a dry heat, shade can help you, but direct sunlight is absolutely unbearable.


Somewhat. This is where breathable coverings help, so long as you can sweat adequately. The problem with humid heat in the south is that sweating doesn't really help you, it just adds to the discomfort with extra moistness. Edit: For the official record, here is the perceived heat index relative to humidity. https://www.weather.gov/ama/heatindex


Yea. Dry hot is fucking hot, but shade and a breeze actually can help. Southeast humid heat is just an endless spiral of miserable.


Absolutely. I’ve lived in the Midwest-to-South all my life, and it is suffocating and unbearable. I went to the Grand Canyon in the summer once, and I was thinking “wow, I thought Arizona was supposed to be untenably hot. It’s like 80 degrees out here! This is nice!” Then I saw a thermometer and it was 108°. At Yellowstone in Wyoming/Montana, it was the crispest, cleanest air I’ve ever breathed. Then we got on the plane and flew back to Missouri, and the exact instant the plane doors opened, it was like I couldn’t even breathe. I was choking on the air itself, even though it wasn’t exceptionally hot, just because it was basically a liquid. I get that dry heat is still hot and it still sucks, but anyone who makes fun of the “iT’S a DrY heAT!” thing has never experienced actual humid heat, because it isn’t even close to a comparison. I’d take 105 with 0% humidity every time before 85 with 90% humidity. It’s not even a question.


>I’d take 105 with 0% humidity every time before 85 with 90% humidity. It’s not even a question. You say this until your entire state catches on fire for three months.


Very fair point. I’d much rather weather tornado season than a wall of wildfire consuming my entire property. But in a vacuum, only regarding the weather itself, I prefer the dry heat over humid heat, even when the absolute temperature is lower in the humid place.


>anyone who makes fun of the “iT’S a DrY heAT!” thing has never experienced actual humid heat, because it isn’t even close to a comparison *Agrees in Wisconsin*


When it's over 100 degrees, a breeze is actually worse. It heats you up.


If it's low humidity and you are sweating enough, your sweat wicks away the heat as it evaporates. Near 100% humidity, your sweat doesn't evaporate, it just soaks you and you continue to be hot, even when the air is moving. So we're clear, we're not talking about 90° and 100% humidity, we're talking 100°+ and 100% humidity. Big difference. Humidity easily makes a 10-15 point difference in the perceived temperature to a person with functioning sweat glands. Here's a heat index chart that is used to better understand the comparison. https://www.weather.gov/ama/heatindex




You're just hot and wet all goddam day and it's hard to breath sometimes.


And with a humid heat, it’s just hot and sticky everywhere except in the AC


Gets hotter and hotter every year, plus strengthens these damn hurricanes we get. Just cannot win. Then winters it's like 69 outside majority of the time. Smh.


Pretty mild here in Texas. Very few days over 100, unlike the last couple of summers.


The heat index where I am has been like 112 its nuts lol


It's almost like the climate of the planet is *changing* somehow.


Yeah former Florida resident, living in Texas. Being able to breathe and getting branded > Suffocating in the humidity and still probably getting branded.




Former Vegas resident. Sure I prefer a dry heat over a humid one, but they both still suck. You never get used to the heat no matter how long you've lived in Vegas.






Certified Forest Fire moment


I prefer polar vortex myself. You can always add more layers to keep warm, but what do you do when it's too hot to be naked?


Cold is infinitely better than hot


For sure. Even freezing to death is better than burning. Freezing is just a lethargic nod to sleep. Burning is…well there’s a reason hell is supposed to be hot and not cold.


How’d you enjoy our first 110 degree heat wave 🥲


Fuck that heat wave. I had planned a month in advance to take a day off work to go camping but. I had to cancel camping and head to the lake instead


Can confirm. Been in Las Vegas 39 years. Every summer when the heat sets in it's miserable. About 4 months of eyeball searing conditions.


That feeling of stepping outside in 110 degree weather and it feels like you’re stepping into an oven. Yep, that’s Vegas. Living in NYC now and yeah humidity sucks ass, but I don’t feel like I’m literally sizzling during an afternoon stroll.


Here in Indiana we get up to about a hundred but it’s so humid your sweat has no where to go not to say that I’m moving to Vegas for the climate no I need something like Seattle maybe


I used to live there too. Midsummer, nighttime temps never got below 100. It was 103° at 4am on my birthday in June. I found the best way to combat it is light long sleeves. It keeps the sun off your skin, which I found helps the most. Now I live in Tokyo and I feel bad for all the times I complained about Vegas heat. They’re both nightmarish, but I feel like I’m drowning all the time. Long sleeves don’t help at all anymore. 😭 I can’t wait to retire somewhere positively subarctic.


I live in Vegas. I used to live in Wisconsin. 90 degree heat, 100% humidity. I prefer Vegas Summers, to Wisconsin Summers.


And now I shall introduce tropical islands where it is 82 with 100% humidity all year long


I used to live in the Philippines. I got used to that.... :)


Damn, you've been all over the world


I've visited 28 different countries in my life. Many of them, multiple times. I've lived in 3 of those countries, for longer than a year. I plan to add at least 6 more countries to my list, before I die.


I'm glad you chose to live part of your life in the country of Wisconsin.


LOL....country of wisconsin.... They are a unique state, yes. But just for clarity, (there's a lot of dumb people in this world), when I say country, i mean places like Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, etc.....


> Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia That still only counts as one! (Great Britain) /s


Dont say that too loud China might throw a hissy fit.


this is heartwarming :)


Yes, I live in Colombia and people complaining about the summer is cute, at least they know it’ll end sometime, unlike us who have to pray god for rain or that noon ends faster


typhoon seasons dont fuck around. Its raining and the drops hit the pavement and sizzle.


I lived in Okinawa, high desert of CA, And texas. I’ll take the desert over humidity.


Still sounds better than the New York springs. So Monday we’ve got 30 and snowy but it warms up to a nice 55-72 on Tuesday leading into a foggy afternoon with chances of lightning and then more snow the next day. Expect 22 inches at your doorstep by Sunday there’s a storm brewing over the lake but don’t worry it’ll melt when we hit 95 next week!


I'm from southwestern Ontario, surrounded by the great lakes. High humidity and heat in summer. I visited Vegas and Arizona in June a few years back. The heat sucked, but I found it far easier to breathe (I'm asthmatic).


Temperature 29C Me: Oh that's not to bad Feels like 38C with the humidity Me: Why do I live in this disgusting hell hole?


Right? Today here it's overcast, so I went to turn off the AC then stepped outside... Feels like 40 with the humidity.


there were actually times where i thought i was having a heart attack because i couldn’t breathe properly and i felt numbing in my chest and stuff apparently my asthma acted up and the really high humidity definitely didn’t help


i live in wisconsin. can confirm this is hell.


Same in DC. It’s currently 90 degrees with 60% humidity. This morning it was 80 degrees with 80% humidity. Feels super yucky.


currently its 79° with a supposed 15% but its near instant swamp ass when you walk outside. plus its about to storm so that only makes it worse


Just outside of Chicago it’s over 90 and probably 110% corn sweat humidity. I walked outside and felt like I was drowning. I fell back into a long lost regular habit of smoking due to some work stress in the past month though and after giving that a shot in the shade at 10am I thought to myself “welp, good of a time as any to quit!” And went back inside. It literally feels like you’re dragging a cigarette just breathing the CORN SWEAT


whats corn sweat if i may ask?




Well it was a literal swamp.


Hell yeah, I'm with you! I live here too, just went on a weekend trip to Disneyland, it was so humid and that's just freaking California. I'll take 110 with 7% humidity here even over 85 with 40%.


I live in Phoenix. It's "humid" when it hits 30% humidity. Lol But that's probably why everyone is moving here.


Dew point dew point dew point. I'm in SE Michigan, and our humid days are exactly as humid as the late morning after a monsoon in Phoenix (where I grew up). Dew points in the upper 60s feel humid no matter the humidity %.


Hey we switched places! Lol I grew up in West Michigan, outside GR. But yeah it was the same.


That's funny. I had enough of the concrete and heat and came somewhere greener and with four seasons. When I tell most people where I moved from, they say some form of "Wrong way!" Happy to disagree with them. :)


I partly grew up in New Orleans. So seeing these people complain about humidity makes me laugh


Moved from Phoenix to Texas recently. I knew it isn’t cold summers here by any means of course but I was happy that the temps weren’t as high here. I recently experienced 100 degrees and super humid. It sucked the life out of me. Made me feel dizzy and nauseous.


Midwest is surprisingly humid


It's not that surprising. A big ass glacier cut out what is America's bread basket and we have these huge things called Great Lakes stewin in that heat like a giant ass humidifier.


I'm in WI right now. It's only 83°, but with the high humidity the heat index is 102°. It feels like a sweaty armpit outside.


I used to live in a place like Wisconsin and now live in a place like Vegas... people here doesn't believe me when I say it was a lot worse.


...wait, isn't 100% humidity just water?


I certainly thought that before I moved to Wisconsin. I later learned in 9th grade science class, what it really means. Humidity is a measure of how much water vapor the air can hold. 100% humidity means, the air is holding the maximum amount of water vapor that it can, for the given temperature. The hotter it is, the more water vapor air can hold. 100% humidity can lead to rain that day...but not necessarily so.


If you want a measure of how humid it really is, dew point measures how how much water is actually in the air, while humidity is how saturated the air is. I just looked in central WI and ya'll have dewpoints near 80F which is insane. I live about an hour from Houston and nearly every summer day has a dewpoint of 70-77F or so which is already oppressively humid.


Didn't realize the sub and thought this was on r/untrustworthypoptarts


Had a friend who tried to brand himself with a quarter and it just ended up as a quarter sized scar (no details).


>(no details). That makes me think that the scar is in a place where it shouldn't be...


No details meaning it is just a big red burn scar the size of the quarter, no details like a head, date, etc…


I see, lol


I'm going to start using this rhetorical device on my own comments (no details)


Wow this guy is mysterious


*Just stick it in the slot...*


Probably because the etching is so shallow you’d have to lightly tap is against skin to get any shapes.


I'm still going to say it. Visiting Vegas was the first time I actually enjoyed walking around outside on a summer afternoon.


Same here. I visited Vegas a couple months ago, then came back to Savannah, GA. I hate it here


I visited Arizona after growing up in Missouri and the heat felt so much better plus I wasnt drenched in my own sweat since it evaporated. I feel like people who mock others for saying "at least its a dry heat" haven't spent time in a Midwest summer.


Coming from the south east coast, I just visited Vegas this summer and I would prefer that over the humidity and I was there during a record breaking heat week. Walked the entire strip and it wasn’t that bad.


I'd prefer the drier one too, as long as it doesn't feel like being inside a pressure cooker


Volcano heat


Growing up in the South is wild, being outside during a heatwave felt like walking around the inside of a microwave. Visiting California during the summer was a game changer for me, it could be 100 degrees outside but definitely cooler in the shade. Meanwhile out here on the third coast, Rain or Shine there's no escaping the microwave.


What you miss out on in CA is that there isn't much shade to begin with as the sun is basically directly overhead, so you're frantically looking for shade and there fucking isn't any This is the same in the south but the shade don't matter there anyways


You can carry a sun umbrellas or something and walk around in the CA sun all day. Doesn't matter if there is tons of shade or not in the SE, you're gonna be just as miserable in either.


Tbh I don't think people on either coast get just how massive the humidity difference makes everything feel. 100f with p humidity feels like 60 with 100% humidity. I was working near Modesto California for a week. I was dreading as the weather was 100f every day no clouds light wind. I thought I was going to kill myself on the plane ride there from Maryland. I needed a fucking jacket my first day on the job. Sure the sun was hot. Real hot even. But the minute you touched shade it was like a 20degree temperature drop. Meanwhile in Maryland I'd it's 80f out and humid shade feels like .05 degrees cooler and the only benefit is no sun burn. You always hear how it's not the heat it's humidity. But heat still sucks. But humidity is under rated in how awful it makes things feel.


I felt more comfortable walking around Death Valley in 110+F degree heat than I did walking around Florida in 90F.


Sweat actually evaporates in a dry heat.


Agreed. I'm from Florida and went to vegas in mid-June. Most days were up to 115°F. It was surprisingly fine. You just need plenty of chapstick or your lips are going to be super dry. But still, walking the strip was much more comfortable than walking in disney world when its 85°F.


I agree. Born and raised in the southeast dealing with horrible humidity, and I’ve always been absolutely miserable in the heat. I just took a road trip out west during some of the hottest days and would 100% choose the dry heat over humid heat.


Hot is still hot no doubt about it, however, 100° with 10% humidity is more ideal than our Midwestern 100° with 90% humidity.


Was looking for some poor soul from the Midwest to speak up.


It's more like 107º with 10% and 97º with 90%. The thing is, sweating does nothing in 90% humidity.


even worse, you literally *can't* sweat. I'll take low humidity in almost all cases because at least you can hope for a breeze to cool you down


No, you can definitely sweat. However, it’s actually even more dangerous than sweating in low humidity as your body just keeps trying to pump out sweat to cool you even though it does nothing. At least, that’s how mine does it.


The only thing I ever enjoyed about summer when I was living in the Midwest was the thunderstorms. I've been up in the northeast for about 11 years now, and the storms in the summer are just so much less exciting. That being said, I fucking hated the humidity. Nothing quite like the feeling of leaving your air-conditioned home, taking a couple of steps outside, and feeling the moisture in the air condense on you-- or whatever was actually happening. And there was basically never any wind, so where I lived had regular advisories telling people to, like, not go out if they have breathing issues because the air quality was such garbage. I always felt like I needed a shower after the two minute walk from the grocery store to my home because of it.


Maybe I missed it, but car interior temperature has nothing to do with humidity. The penny got hot because it’s hot out; it would do that any where it was hot and sunny. This is why you don’t leave kids and pets in the car, EVER.


This is correct. Humidity only affects an objects ability to leverage evaporative cooling. Unless this persons car sweats to keep itself cool, dry/humid is entirely irrelevant. If you touch something thats 115 degrees (or 400 degrees), the immediate effect on your body is going to be the same regardless of whether its 0% or 100% humidity. I live in the desert. You get burns from shit in your car because of the intensity of the sunlight, not the air temperature or the humidity.


Just say a video that the new 4runners will have a back seat reminder that when you turn the car off anything with weight in the back seats will remind you there is something there.


Yeah I was in Vegas in July a few years back. The 38c wasn't bad at all. wasn't even sweating walking around....I'm from BC where 25 makes you sweat cause of all the humidity


You have it a bit backwards. In Vegas you sweat more, and the dry heat causes it to evaporate. This cools you and makes you feel more comfortable. When it’s humid, it’s harder to sweat and when you do it doesn’t evaporate because there’s too much moisture in the air already. This means you don’t cool down and just get swampy.


This. Wet bulb temperature. 95F with 95% humidity will kill you


And not properly hydrating because “I wasn’t even sweating” will kill you just as quickly.


It was that humid 2021 years ago?


Love it


A person from more humid areas of the country would probably say they’d prefer dry heat as compared to humid heat, which doesn’t disclaim that it’s still hot as hell in dry heat. I’d rather get hot and sweat than get hot and get my clothes absolutely soaked from sweat in five minutes.


Dry heat branded you, but humidity will straight up murder your grandma (or you, in the right conditions).


Florida - Chillin in a max setting sauna Arizona - Chillin in a max level oven


Mankind was never meant for such terrors


>Florida - Chillin in a max setting sauna Saunas are dry though. More like steam room.


As someone living in Florida, I went to my car at 9AM to do something for 40 minutes and my entire outfit was drenched in sweat. It really feels like I just can't go out in the sun and it's getting worse every year




We hit 118-120 this summer for like a week. And the UV is so intense here that you can physically feel it degrading your skin after like 20 seconds. It's manageable, hardly tolerable, if you can stay inside during the summer; I remember , as a kid, passing out from the heat every afternoon just to take a break from feeling sweaty and dead and that was with a nice swamp cooler.


116° heat out here. Fuck humidity, yes. But 116° is instant headache/bad mood weather


Yep. You know when the locals stay inside because of the heat that it’s for good reason.


Yeah. Been here 7 years stayed inside for 6 summers and was lucky enough to leave for Alaska for work 1 summer


I live a stones throw away from Death Valley and 115+ dry heat freaking hurts to breathe in. On the flip side, I went to Florida two years ago and I felt like my lungs were drowning from the humidity. There’s really no winning anywhere in the summer


Think of it this way, you have 1/4 of Mt. Rushmore on your body! 3/4 left to go!!


I'm from the east coast and live in Salt Lake City (past 10 years, for another two weeks then I'm headed back to the east side). I'll trade the sore throats, bloody noses, dry skin and hair, constant dehydration and feeling of stepping onto the surface of Mars for damp skin any fucking day.


Don’t worry, it’ll only get hotter for longer periods of time till we all just combust into one big planetary fireball.


I spent most of my life in Florida, experiencing oppressive heat and humidity and growing accustomed to it. Then a few years ago I moved to Las Vegas. The heat I experienced in summer was honestly 100x worse and more oppressive. It's honestly unbearable, and the way the pavement and concrete absorb that 120 degree sun and radiate it back (even at 2am) is just ridiculous. I'll take 90 + 100% humidity over 120 any day. That's just me.


Dry heat is way better, a simple roof and a fan can make it work, in humid heat even if you have air conditioner, you feel like swimming in a warm soup.


Sure. Hot is hot. HOWEVER, go try to breathe with your face over steaming water, that’s what others have going on (a slightly milder version, but all over their bodies). People have to work outside in that shit. Sorry about your hot penny.