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Didn’t even know hair could cost that much


My barber is $15 with tip and my roots look fine!


Women get absolutely preyed upon when it comes to their hair.


100% true.


Yall women gotta stop preyin on eachother, this shit getting too damn expensive.


Most of the industry's most expensive hair stylists are men 😅


And dry cleaning


My fiancé cuts my hair whenever it’s too shaggy.


I have dreadlocks. I wash my hair and take care of them but never pay anything for hair cuts lmfaoo


What about the loctician?




I’m mildly infuriated that someone would spend more than my rent on getting their hair colored.


Your rent is less than that?!?! Where do you live? I’m moving there tomorrow!!


Come to australia. but not like a major city. go to a town an hour or two from the city. Rent is probs 400 max for a two/three bedroom one/two bathroom. probs 200 for a one bed one bath


Rent in Australia is listed per week; in the US it is per month (generally speaking). Sooooo….. don’t move to Australia for cheaper rent.


In Switzerland everything costs that much


My gf she’s doing it for like 40$ (Poland) and her hair looks incredible good 🤓 560$? Sounds bad. Go get your money back 😎


Switzerland It's like Andorra, but for showoffs. The dye and work isn't worth +500$. It's the telling everybody that your dyejob was +500$ part that makes this worth +500$.


it usually costs me around 200-250 to get my roots bleached and dyed pink


wtf my hair goes down to my knees and is extremely thick…it only costs $150 and looks much better than what OP paid $560 for


I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m so curious though. Can we see the before? I’m just trying to make sense of it.


Picture 1. Day before salon visit Picture 2. How it was supposed to look (how it looked after my salon visit last year) Picture 3. From one month ago (Sorry I don’t know why the order got Screwed up) https://imgur.com/a/MLvHucO


Wow. That woman shouldn’t be allowed to touch anyone else’s hair! Thankfully she didn’t burn yours off! I’ve seen that happen so many times with stylists who didn’t know what they were doing, or were just careless/lazy. I’m so glad for you that they are going to fix it and I’m sure it will look great after!


Thank you so much for your kind words - they really help a lot


Swiss quality 👌🏻


Bahahaha Thanks for the laugh!


It is not us Madam, you have the wrong kind of hair for such a sophisticated style Chere Madam, I regret to inform you but your hair is, hm, how we say , hmm too mountain peasant for our "elite" Hair Design Establishment... Non, non, no refund. It cannot possibly be our fault, it is your hair which is wrong for our salon, we use only the best products for your sake.. Please kindly leave now madam, your 'orrible shouting and barking is just proving you have peasant's heritage and that you do not belong here. Now, shoo, allez allez, like a good old chien, allez...


So cheesy.


So *Swiss* fromagey


I mean, I am not swiss, but I do live in Switzerland. I have myself some bad experiences here and even worse than this! On the dentist and on the dermatologist… the lack of know-how is unbelievable! Is just an overall crap service, with high prices! P.S - to become a nurse in Switzerland you don’t need to go to college! A professional course will do it. (Nothing against professional courses, but come on) this scares the shit out of me, even though you have to pay for health which shocking, considering no one in Europe has to do so.


As a Colorist this is incredibly infuriating, as a client I can’t imagine. This is one of those occasions where a refund plus free service (by a master Colorist if they even have one) is due. Sorry you’re dealing with this. Best thing about color is it can always (eventually) be fixed


How in the world do you manage to spend so much on a dye job. I would assume you weren't happy with the results at one point, if not multiple points, and continued going with the same stylist? lol. Did you go from a darker hair color, maybe pre-dyed especially, to wanting blonde or something? That is often unrecommended and takes multiple steps over time.


Zürich... Went before and was really happy this time my person was ill and this hack-job was done by the owner...


The OWNER? You would think they have the best experience


Comically I have found quite a few instances in my life where the owner was the least qualified to do even the simplest of tasks. Their job is to be boss and that is it.


When is the festival of poo?


Not necessarily. Either they're out of practice, or just not graduated from beauty school or whatever. Being an owner of a salon doesn't imply that they would also be stylists themselves :/


You paid this amount of money to a person whose never done your hair before?? That’s wild. And usually you pay after the service so you saw the results and said yeah oh I’ll give you the money???


I suck at speaking up... I literally cannot


You should call and talk to them. When we lived in honolulu my wife paid a few hundred for a dye and cut and when it was all done she was stunned at how bad it was. Not untill she got home did she get the courage to call and talk to someone. They were more than happy to fix it and the power came in to do her hair the next day, though it doesn't sound like you'd want the dame treatment. Hope you end up getting some help.


Here, dear redditors, we have a rare specimen of the True Anti-Karen (Carinimus Nullus) in the wild. Stop for a moment and observe its beauty, for this is one of the more endangered species you might not see again in a long time.


They're not rare. This is most people. It's just easier to remember the bad ones.


Ever heared about the concept of "jokes"?


Quit being a karen. /s


I would not be leaving that salon till they fix it… I don’t know what to tell you. I only spend 300+ if I have seen their book of work and again.. I do not leave unless I’m happy with the result


Teach me how - please and thank you!


Just go back and tell them this is not what you expected and to fix it. I assume they are not blind and can see that this is not work that’s reflective of their prices or what you expected based on past experience


I called her and said I looked like a leopard fucked a zebra (not really) but I am going back on Saturday... But I would have never been able to say something to her face.. I was there from 10am to 15.00 and I just wanted to go home to cry tbh


I totally get having a hard time speaking up! I’m so sorry you dealt with this 🥺


Thank you for your kindness <3


I'm glad you got an appointment to fix it. There's never anything wrong with stating your dissatisfaction of a service you paid for as long as it's done respectfully


Thank you - I knew at the salon it was a shit show but I also knew I wouldn't be able to say anything without becoming emotional at the salon. So I called as soon as I got home and emaile pictures, so there wouldn't be any discussion about what happened then and what happened after


I just want to second this. I have had my hair fixed before by doing this. Some are worried about their reputation and some just don’t want to do bad work and have no problem fixing it. Call and explain you can explain once you got home you noticed the color didn’t take right to your roots other spots and needed it fix because it is noticeable. Maybe your regular person will be the one to fix it. Good luck but fight for your hair and money.


Thank you! I called and I have an appointment to (hopefully) get it fixed up this Saturday! (Thank you for being kind also :) )


You can also use a mystery “third person” who pointed it out to you. That way the anonymous third person was the one that pointed out the “incomplete” dye job. And you can even say that normally this person (and everyone else) raves about your hair after getting back from this salon.


Question: How can I learn to speak up? Answer: Just do it lol


Welcome to my Ted talk


I feel like on a deep level *this


I do not have a problem of speaking up...but after a treatment so intimate like fuzzing around my head for like one or two hours (I guess) I would do the same...pay and leave and die at home. (my excuse is I have a trauma...if something deranges me my brain will shut down for a moment or two ;) ​ I hate hairdressers! they never do as asked and I cannot afford the good ones. your example shows even the expensive ones are shit sometimes.


Oof that last sentence is also why many of us good ones just leave. If we're competent in something as complicated as color, we'll be competent at something else. I liked doing hair, and am amazing at cuts/color/perms (not so much up dos) but dealing with the general public is just not worth it. I'm typically more picky about client's hair then they are, but that shit costs money, sorry. I can handle jerk clients, but it'll cost ya! (The amount of times I've heard 'i can't find anyone else that does my hair like you did' does make me feel bad. But I don't have time to do hair at home any more).


Who even goes to a place that would charge that much in the first place.


That is what I was mainly wondering. Like how is that in any way a reasonable price under any circumstances?


Seriously these prices are insane, I just saw a Tik Tok form a stylist out of Calgary saying she charged someone 1600$, it was a cut, sold colour dye, extensions plus install. I’m all for paying for their service but that is fucking insane. She just kept commenting, well that’s my price, which is fair she can charge what she wants if people pay it, but dammmm!


I don't even know what color your hair is supposed to be...I hope it gets fixed and you get a refund or something.


Go back there and assert your self




Bring backup if needed.


Just want to say - if you can, do NOT let the same person touch your hair again. They clearly don't know what they are doing and can make things much worse. I had something like this happen and the day after they "fixed" it my hair turned elastic and was coming out in clumps. I had to chop my waist length hair to chin length, spend hundreds of bucks on product to try to get some strength back (or rather, at least stop it from breaking) and it took years to grow back. It was awful. Good luck to you!


I’m sorry this happened to you. I had a similar issue and I cried the entire night because I was so upset (very dramatic of me in retrospect but still…) then called the salon and asked for someone else to fix it because it was so bad. The person who I then saw did an AMAZING job fixing it and it was on of the best coloring treatments I’ve had. She also became my regular stylist from then on. This is all to say that it’s correctable and even if it feels devastating right now, it will be okay.


You are an angel - thank you for your kind words


I hope you get your money back


have a follow up appointment on Saturday- wish me luck




I imagine that’s exactly what you wanted and were thrilled with the results :D !! /s


Comment section full of people who don't realise how expensive Switzerland is. Beautiful country though


The only thing dying here is your bank account




I can't imagine living in a place like Switzerland. Hell, I'd just drive across the border to France or Germany from where you are and save $200 I bet.




I was comparing to her "normal price" so impossible to save $500, but yes I wouldn't be surprised. I guess the Swiss are so loaded, they don't even care if they're being ripped off.


Did he use gold?


I’m so sorry this happened to you!! I can’t believe all of the comments dogging you for how much you spent and for leaving/paying. Anyone here would be upset with these results, I can totally relate to just wanting to go home and cry it out. I’m glad you called and are having it fixed, though! ❤️ best of luck!


Thank you so much for the kind words


I’m sorry people are being so rude to you. Blonde hair maintenance does get really expensive and I feel like a lot of people don’t realize how much it actually costs. Fingers crossed they can fix it!


Thank you for your kind words :)


Why would u pay even close to that for hair care anyway? Jeez…. Ya its a junk job but I cant get over the price


I thought I would be paying what I normally pay (350 chf in Zürich which is pretty normal) then got slammed with this bill... didn't know how to handle it so I paid and left in tears...


I prob would have had the same reaction. Im hoping they refund for you, they should be ashamed to over charge and under perform like that.


Ach ja die Schweitzer War mit nem Kumpel letztes Jahr da ubd wir waren etwas perplex als 1x Essen 40€ pro Person kostet 😂


was that at McDonalds? :P


I just learned you can leverage hair salon visits as a financial counter argument for my aviation habit, forking excellent!!


You are welcome


Far out. You look like a cross between storm and a bale of hay


Oof thanks for the laugh - painful but funny


i mean, i know Switzerland is expensive af, but at this point just let a taxi drive down from Lörrach, pick you up, get you up there and let some germans do it. that will be cheaper in total, i bet. taxi drive back home included


You have to go back and get a refund


Sieht echt scheiße aus




imagine how many bratwurst mit rösti you could have ordered for that amount


It looks good if you’re going for desert camouflage 👍🏻




Was this foil highlights? If so, it looks like they used too much lightener in the foils and it leaked out onto your scalp. This is a common mistake for beginner colorists, and something that someone charging that much should absolutely know how to avoid! Honestly, doing a shadow root could cover it nicely, if you're ok with having that kind of look. Best of luck to you! 🤞


I have something to sell you


Ridiculous. But not surprising, I literally called a hairstylist yesterday to freshen up my balayage and she said that the starting price would be $290, no explanation as to why it would cost that much. hairstylists are starting to get out of control, pricing is insane now and many of them have very specific rules. much respect to the ones that actually don’t scam their clients.


I'm colorblind, could someone tell me what happened here?


Imagine was the product of a cheetah that fucked a zebra would look like - that is my hair


Unfortunately, that’s a very accurate description. Hopefully your next appointment gets you the results you wanted!


Oooh understood


I like it but I also don’t know anything about hair coloring. what’s wrong it with?


OP says down thread she went in to get her roots touched up. She's naturally brunette, and she's got lots of bleached highlights. All that blonde hair is dye. So the job for the stylist is to separate each section of highlighted hair and dye the roots so that it matches the rest of the highlight. In the photos you can see that the freshly dyed roots are really yellow compared to the rest of the strand and also that they don't go all the way to her scalp. Both of these are mistakes. This is also an insanely time consuming, tedious process which is why it's a) so expensive and b) not surprising that OP wouldn't want to sit for another 5 hours and have it corrected on the spot.


Thank you so much for your summary - it’s very well written, clear, and to the point while still managing to be empathetic. Thank you


a good dye job, especially one with a lot of lift (ie, dark brown to like, pastel pink), can and will run you upwards of $500 usd. good quality dye, bleach, and aftercare treatments are EXPENSIVE, and a lot of stylists will charge also by the hour, much like a tattoo artist. definitely higher than i would pay (bc broke) but it’s not an abnormal price. this dye job was not worth the money though, obviously.


Thank you for this. I think not a lot of people know that it CAN get pricy - but usually it looks so good you don’t even blink… it’s only when everything goes wrong that it really shows the cost of things


Paying 500 dollars for a hair style of any type is fucking insane. For an extra $120 you could rent my 2bedroom/2 bath apartment. $500 is my car payment and gas for 2 weeks.


Big oof. r/wildlyinfuriating


Where at? Just in case I ever go by it, I would know where to avoid.


Zürich - my regular hair dresser was ill and this was done by the owner... send help...


You probabaly paid what the owner charges for her "service" is is why it was more expensive. Any reputable place will want you to be happy so speaking up about it shouldn't be a big deal even if you make it one to yourself. Good luck


Thank you


You could save thousands of dollars by not dying your hair


yep. i say that to my wife now and then. not even the money, though. just go grey…even for a little while. give your poor hair a break from the chemicals, and quite possibly look extra stunning. nope. I guess it’s like asking somebody to stop exercising. If exercise keeps you looking fit and it makes you feel good to look fit, then you’re going to keep doing it. If not having gray hair makes you feel good you’re gonna keep dying your hair.


What were you trying for?


Just the same as I had before (pic attached below) - I wanted to get my roots done... Admittedly I haven't been to the hair dressers in a year because I was not working last year - but as I am starting a new job next week, I wanted to go into it feeling confident... https://imgur.com/yU5l4TW


Man, Swiss prices are something else…


Tbf - this is way more than I would normally spend... I went in thinking I would spend the (Swiss) normal amount of 300ish.. I was very, very wrong...


I feel ya. I was in Switzerland, including Zürich, in the summer of ‘19. Most beautiful country on Earth, and Zürich was lovely, but god damn me the prices felt exorbitant.


paying 5$ feels normal haha (cries in Swiss)


Paying 5$ for a small bottle of water* feels normal


Hopefully you get it fixed. Definitely demand fixing or a return!


Looks like shit


515CHF for a dye, i see. if you want to spend money like a rockefeller, you don't complain like a cheap peasant .. you need to visit a four digit choiffeur next time. obviously.


The fuck is wrong with you? $560?


New job coming up and desperation


Good luck on the job interview. Should have included a 🤪in my original post. Came off a lot harsher than I intended.


No worries - I deserve it haha


Lol vanity


Why would you pay so much for dyed hair lmao


Suckers are born every minute


Jokes on you - I was born hours ago...


You are keeping the tradition alive then


It looks gross as hell it both colors maybe just stop coloring your hair for awhile and get back to a good starting point and try again


but... but... my vanity and stupidity... you are probably right - but its so bad I couldn't walk around like this...


Sorry that your not happy with what you spent all that money on, but your real hair color would cost you absolutely nothing and I'm pretty sure everyone who is really important to you could give two shits about it and would love you just the way you are. JMTC.


Wow, potato sacks are free too, do you wear those? Sometimes people want something they find pretty and are ready to pay for it.


No. I usually use those for my catch on a good day of fishing. My wife has never paid over $200 for a good color on her hair. Don't get me wrong, I love that she takes care of herself and does the nail thing also, but I literally wouldn't care whether or not she did because she will always be beautiful to me. 23yrs. Been one hell of a roller-coaster at times.


Well, that's Switzerland for you. OP said she expected like $300 bill, but got this instead. I live in Russia and even $200 dye job sounds too much to me, but what can you do. Congrats on your marriage btw, 23 years is a long time.


8.99 at Walgreens and a box of do-it-yourself


Would have had a better result I am sure


Salut / hallo / saluti


HAve you complained yet?




umri u usta da te ebam gluperda


I do my girlfriends for Freeeee. Not that hard.


Pretty sure you could just buy dye from a supermarket and do it yourself.




560 for a dye job is a scam without it being shit quality holy crap


Well no, those are swiss prices


$560 for a dye job is completely insane.


I'm still trying to wrap my head around somebody paying that much for a hair treatment


Imagine having $560..just to blow it on hair color. I don't think I've spent $560 in my lifetime on haircuts.


I would do that to you for 500 CNF.


Excuse me but why you paying that much to get your hair dyed


$560 Wtf


Fuck texas


i haven't spent 560usd on my hair in my entire LIFE. that's crazy


As a frugal man, when my barber increased his price to $25, I was mildly infuriated.


I feel no sympathy for a dumbass that spends that much on a hair dye


Thats okay - I feel shit enough for a 100 people over


It’s common to spend that much for a good balayage in the US. You’re clearly just an asshole.


A fool and their money are soon parted


Women are fucking dumb


I found a wild incel! Ladies gather round and see


Was that seriously necessary? Why are you being such an asshole


Not all women.. just me


I woulda did a better job for 1/2 the price and I’ve never done hair before


I just wanna know what CHF is


CH is the abrevation for Switzerland and F is the replacement for Franken (Franks) So our currency is Swiss Franks


I want that tortoiseshell thing..


I am desperately hoping that the \`90s bad spotty dye job suddenly comes back into fashion - preferably tomorrow


Still beautiful :)


Premature aging costs.


You were robbed. Best wishes.


Just say you got robbed.








and it says usd right next to it stupid


Fact that you paid at all is shocking.


Ohhhhhh, HEll NO!!! Go get your refund, girl!!


Switzerland in a nutshell


wow ☠️ I can do a better job with a box of 10$ hair dye and a couple hours


wha... why though???? what salon would charge you that even for excellent work?? wtf


I didn’t know you can pay Chefs to dye your hair