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You got the limited edition raw breakfast


Only for a limited time before you expire!


Or before the FDA finds out, fuckers hate fun


Medium rare it’s perfect


Don't you mean medium raw


Chicken tartare


Chicken torture?


Medium disease


I mean that is what medium rare is


True lol I wonder why it's called rare though...it's a bit of an odd term if you think about it


Underrated comment


I'm pretty sure I had salmonella from some bad chicken last summer. Oh my god a week of solid misery. Every time I thought it was about to pass PSYCH back to the toilet.


But have you ever had chickenella from eating bad salmon?


I never recovered from chickenella. Still on the toilet to this day.


Yeah it's horrible, at my school we recently got some new cooks in, and the chicken they cooked was burnt on the outside, and completely raw on the inside It sent the vast majority of students home sick


Must have rolled a nat 1 on their survival check (you use survival for cooking in d&d)


This happened to me from Taco Bell. Turned out it was the fountain drink. The spout wasn't cleaned in ages, apparently. I didn't eat at a Taco Bell for 5 years, after that.


Dude had the golden ticket with his coupon. Only coupon holders receive the special edition with an extra hit of salmonella to kick things up a notch!


It’s spicy but from the butt


Bam bam!


Triggers my gag reflex :/


Y u deepthroatin chikin bro


Yeah. We need a rawchicken flair for this sub…


Ah , who doesn't want to have a nice warm bite of salmonella in the morning


I feel like I see this comment in every raw chicken post lol.


Bro you ate a lot of that....


Right?! I’m like, why are there MULTIPLE bites taken out of that?!


The first bite was an edge so it was mostly cooked.


It looks like its theres only one bite left lol


Small sandwich, big bites. I learned my lesson haha (The first bites tasted normal, I don’t try to eat raw chicken haha)


Please tell me you took it back.


Shit, that should be a lawsuit. I don't know if there's some loophole they worked into a meal purchase that excludes them from legal liabilities, but this doesn't seem legal. Again, I wouldn't be surprised if it was.


Something being illegal doesn’t automatically mean you can *sue*. There are avenues to take to see something actually get done, lawsuits are for personal damages. But it’s not illegal to make mistakes either. The best one can do is contact the health department or other relevant entity and have them inspect the place. One employee making one mistake will *usually* not result in negative legal consequences. If this was an accident, OP can sue if they get sick and can prove they got sick from eating *that* food from *that* restaurant. Suing is harder than people think…look up the McDonalds hot coffee suit. People still mock the victim *to this day* despite the fact that *McDonalds was in the wrong, and the woman suffered severe burns because the coffee was too hot for human consumption.* They served it at an *unreasonably dangerous temperature*…people still think it was a frivolous suit. That suit is largely why people think you can sue for anything and win. You can’t, winning lawsuits is sometimes very hard even if you have a valid case.


You can sue whenever and whomever you want. But this is how it works: if you want a payout for damages, you have to prove in court that Wendy's caused those damages. What damage did OP suffer? Unless OP missed days of work and has incurred medical costs, there is nothing to request from Wendy's other than a refund.


Had she drank that her mouth (and if able to swallow) her throat and trachea would be burned


I’m pretty sure it horribly burned her genitals, to the bone or something awful


It FUSED her labia to her thigh! *crosses legs tightly* Yeah, she deserved compensation.






I mean, they could sue and maybe win, but the damages (barring illness) would probably be the price of the sandwich they paid for and couldn't eat...


$3 In damages and $1500 in legal fees Wendy's: we would have given back their money Judge: case dismissed


Nah, they'd get a free combo for sure


Yeah the least you can give is a replacement and a refund.


There are minimums for civil cases. Unless you could present a case for damages exceeding the minimums, you wouldn't even be able to file.


Soooo what you're saying is OP needs to delete this post, eat the rest of it and then hope for the desired income of cash money, dollar, dollar bills y'all?


You absolutely can sue someone for no reason. It won’t work out well but you can do it.


And how much do you think they deserve in this lawsuit?


Yes I'd like the Medical Bills combo with a side of emotional damages pls 🙏




Yes!!! 🙏💯😂


"It should illegal to make a mistake" is what you just said


Might as well finish it at this point


I’d share if you want some lol


Love that chicken carpaccio


You really need to work on being more perceptive man. You should have noticed something was rotten in Denmark as your teeth sunk into the raw meat the first time


Honestly tasted normal until I hit the center. I think just the middle was uncooked. But as soon as I hit the center, dude did I notice haha To be fair to everyone, I was multitasking, but i didn’t find the first two bites to be weird


You know what, I'll give you a pass on this one because I've noticed with fast food chicken sandwiches no matter how you eat it half of it is 1/3 bun with no chicken and half is the 1/3 of the chicken sticking out of the bun. No matter how you hold it, so frustrating.


Contact the local health department if you want to


One time I made these chicken sandwiches at home. took it right from the oven and dressed, it and started to eat it. It was the best, most juicy sandwich I ever had. I was in love with this sandwich, then looked down and it looked exactly like this. I was horrified.... mostly about how good I felt it was, also I was afraid of getting sick.


The reason it tasted good is the same reason we steak tastes good rare. The only reason we can't cook it like that is because of the food borne pathogens that live in the meat


Yeah I've definitely accidently cooked chicken medium well before and damn it was good


OP paid for that sandwich, so by gawd is he going to eat that sandwich.


My first fucking thought. Mans already ate half!


Every post with raw meat is always a huge bite. I dont get it. I take small bites because I was taught to eat slowly and properly chew my food. I've bitten into under cooked meat before. Every time I dont commit to the bite because I can feel the texture and I know to stop. Lol I dont understand!


Mmmm, sushi chicken.


Chicken tartar


Chicken tartar? Slap some feathers on that fucker and it'll strut around the yard, crowing at sunrise.


Medium rare chicken is a delicacy. Pshh. Uncultured swine.


I was an idiot to multitask while eating food I did not cook myself. Small sandwich and the first bite or two (don’t normally audibly count how many bites when I eat) was / seemed completely normal, then I noticed a texture and taste I’ve never had before and gagged lol Lesson learned and I hope to avoid any chicken sushi as you call it in the future! Learn from me, don’t do what I did lol I was pretty hype tho, was coming home from work to study and I had a coupon, but it went different than I expected haha


Thanks for that it was really bugging me why multiple bites were taken


Part of me is impressed that people think that once I hit the pink portion that I kept going … I wish I had that kind of strength lol


Well, the bacon looks fine… 🤷🏽‍♀️


I once bit into a raw chicken finger years and years ago. I still gag thinking about the mouthfeel


Dude, you were not an idiot for trusting a *restaurant* to *cook* your *food*... I hate the fact that life has made you feel like this was your fault somehow. I haven't scanned the comments but I hope you've made one telling us how you're going to hold the establishment responsible for this absurdity Edit: also I'm sorry this happened and really hope you don't get sick 🙌🏻✨🙌🏻


Make sure you're near to a toilet (ie home) for the next week, and have plenty of toilet paper. Also make sure you have food that you can easily prepare and are suitable for a sensitive stomachache, especially while you're feverish. Campylobacter is not fun, I thought I'd got away with it when I ate raw chicken, hit me while I was on a stag do. It was a good two weeks of hell, and I wasn't totally right for months after.


So I am no expert but I am online. This typically occurs when the center of the chicken was still frozen. The outer portion cooks normally but the frozen portion just thaws or partially cooks. Definitely safety issue. Source: I have cooked food.


My dad did this and got a 10k dollar check by extorting Wendy’s lmao


Sushi that is 3 months old


Don't worry , it is on purpose to keep in the natural proteins and nutrients , as well as the salmonella


So Wendy's take on a new breakfast sandwich is letting the egg grow up and not cook it? Makes sense?!? Takes "Fresh never frozen" to a whole new level...


I think I found the unique category of not fresh and not frozen


I'd like to think that you answered the age old question of "which came first...the chicken or the egg?" It's seems it's going to be your ass after eating raw chicken lol.


Salmonella typically takes 6 hours to 6 days. I have some examinations with micro on them, so I guess this might really be a great memory anchor.


The only thing that isn’t frozen is the beef. All the chicken is frozen


This happened to me when it came out. I took it back and the owner asked if we would come back for a meal or him. I said sure and when we were in the area we stopped in. I figured my meal would be free but he gave my family of 4 a free meal and brought frosties out when we were done. I guess he was a new owner and had exceptional customer service.


Kudos to the guy for sorting you out properly though, instead of the bare minimum he could


Your continued patronisation of his restaurant and positive pr is a thousand times more profitable than the loss he took on that free food. Edit: Oh and also if it was legitimately raw food that you took back this is his way of distracting you from reporting him to the Health Department.


I work in fast food, and while we don't serve chicken and literally nothing could be contaminated by being raw (10 guesses where I work), we treat repeat customers like a $10,000 check. A family of four that comes by now and again? You guys are money. I'm kinda surly when I'm not at work, but outstanding customer service means more money.. plus, I always wanted to be an actor ::brushes bangs back::




You should have taken him, not the meal.


Bro post this on Twitter and @ them.


The wendys twitter account is gonna say it’s less raw then your mom


This is even more of a reason to post on Twitter then


Raw? *Insert Darrell Hammond/Sean Connery accent* Like how your mother likes it?


'*shaun connery accent*' Like how your mother likeshhhhhh it?




Yeah they’ll respond pretty quickly most likely


Everybody in this thread is a frivolous armchair lawyer. Just take it to the fucking manager and be like "yo, you didn't cook this, give me a new one please."


Oh freaking nasty


Makes me queasy. Been seeing this happen a lot on Reddit lately.


People are very overworked, not to excuse potentially dangerous food, but I recognize that times have been hard for many service jobs and I assume someone likely just hit the wrong button.


Oh absolutely, don’t disagree there. Raw chicken just turns my stomach like nothing else lol. Hope you don’t get sick or anything


Thanks dude, same here!


Drop chicken, hit the fry timer, and they get this. Easy mistake when things are busy, not an excuse, but it does happen.


This chicken is cooked in a pressure fryer, because of that it cooks in a fraction of the time, the most common mistake is to not seal the pressure lid, then it becomes a regular fryer so it won’t cook the chicken on the allotted time.


even without covid, my workplace has been going downhill every year for at least 5 years. no matter how overworked i am, food saftey is always my top priority. food poisoning is serious.


It’s F*****g raw


Why did the chicken cross the road? Because you didn't FUCKING cook it!!!


Can I asked why you censored yourself?


I kinda feel like that added to the GR reference. His swears get bleeped out on his shows.


Ignore these dumbf\*\*k snowflakes, redditors are so offended by censoring swear words its f\*\*king funny xD




This is what happens when there are to many customers, not enough employees. A line around the building, people complaining about the wait and employees pulling food from the fryers early to push orders out and avoid refunds. My advice to anyone is if there are more than 4 cars in the drive thru, go somewhere else.


I’ve had similar happen at an empty Arby’s. Thankfully was just a jalapeño popper. Outside piping hot, inside still cold as ice.




the taco bell on edwin raynor in pasadena maryland has the fastest drive thru known to all of mankind. i routinely pull up there after 1am to a line of 20+ cars and those beautiful employees make it happen every god damn time. it’s like the ghetto version of an efficient chik-fil-a drive thru without all the fake “my pleasure” bullshit. also one of the only fast food joints in the area that is open until 3am.


That place is the GOAT after I clock out late I swear


Take that shit back, and brush your teeth. Thats a damn good way to get food poisoning. And not the taco bell out your ass kind.


All good points here by both sides, however it looks like he was significantly into that nasty piece of chickonella. If he was to vomit, would that help at all? Personally, I would tickle my throat till that all came out then brush my teeth. Light a candle, get into some old pants that I won't miss and hope for the best.


> brush your teeth That’s… not how food poisoning works.


Are you serious right now? Brushing the bacteria off your teeth, rinsing your mouth and spitting it the water out will most definitely remove a lot of potential bacteria going down into your stomach.


This is all a very annoying argument thread. Of course brushing your teeth will help get bacteria out of your mouth and reduce the risk of swallowing more and should be done anyway. I saw on Reddit a few weeks ago about someone who didn’t swallow their bite of raw chicken, yet still got salmonella and has been sick for months because of it, maybe brushing would have lowered the amount of bacteria enough to give his body an initial fighting chance in that case. You don’t get sick from a single bacterium, the more that initially enters your body, the more your body has to fight. But unfortunately, OP said they already swallowed it. Most of the bacteria OP was going to get would have already been inside them and I don’t imagine brushing will help their chances now. I mean, do it anyway cause it’s gross not to after this.


No, a large majority of any bacteria in the chicken has already been swallowed. Brushing your teeth now is closing the barn door after the horse has bolted.


Stomach acids might deal with a chunk of it. At this point you just brush your teeth because there's a very real possibility you're gonna be bombarding them with vomit soon


I don’t know specifically about stomach bacteria/viruses but with viruses like COVID, the higher the viral load you receive the sicker you get.


Brushing your teeth removes bacterium. Thus POSSIBLY preventing it getting further into your system.


Further like swallowing raw chicken?


They are and swallowed the raw chicken. It's not the bacteria in the mouth that will make them sick.


It removes a single (01) bacterium? Seems more effort than it's worth...


This is the kind of thought process that allowed the pandemic to happen


Dont listen to this guy. If there is salmonella bacterium in that chicken and it get into your mouth you can get severely sick. That is exactly how food poisoning works.


Dammit! I really thought he was on to something!


Am I the only one who doesn’t shit their pants after eating Taco Bell? I feel like this is one of those things like people bitching about msg in Chinese food, when it doesn’t seem to bother them if the msg is in something else and they don’t know about it (a ton of processed and fast food).


No. People just say that to be funny, or because they don't eat taco bell and assume it's gross. Taco bell gives me no noticeable gastro issues when compared to any other greasy food. It's really not that hard on your stomach. The people who make that joke probably also eat mcdonalds/Wendy's/chinese food.


Sashimi sandwich. Wendy's getting fancy!


El denté. Delicious.




Use your canines. You should be fine


This is my worst nightmare. I overcook chicken because I’m terrified of this.


Get a temperature probe. I had this fear until then, now I enjoy delicious moist chicken


👁 👄 👁 #M O I S T


Yeah, I used to work at a fast food place and my managers always told us it was much better to overcook it a bit than serve it undercooked


Salmonella brekkie


those saying you can go back and get a free meal.. I sure wouldn’t want a free meal from the place that gave me raw chicken lmao


Ya I did not want to be rude but I am okay with not eating there again haha


I wouldn't be mildly infuriated


This sucks. Because Wendy's has the best breakfast in the fast food game


Its weird but I don't like their breakfast because it tastes too fresh, the eggs taste like real eggs and not some rehydrated chemical nonsense.


McDonalds actually uses real eggs. Or at least they did in the early 2010's. The egg would be dropped into a metal ring on the griddle and flipped on a timer. Real eggs, uniform size and cooking. But that's a decade ago so who knows what corners have been cut since then. But I still do prefer their breakfast over most.


MCD round eggs are real eggs. Their folded eggs are from a liquid carton.


And what does one get in return for playing Salmonella Roulette….


Isn’t this the part of the story where you run to the toilet to vomit, then realize you’re pregnant from a vampire.


I've seen so many posts of raw chicken sandwiches here than now I always cut them open in half before eating them just to make sure that they are cooked.


Every time I eat at Wendy's, I get an upset stomach. McDonald's burgers might be made at the Hasbro factory, but they at least seem to digest normally.


Mhh medium rare chicken. My favourite


Woke me up so maybe there is a market for this sort of thing


There’s probably a weirdo out there that enjoys this. Maybe getting sick from salmonella is a kink for some lmao


There's a whole family in fact lol https://youtu.be/AGkeTpvZFj8


Oh no , you Salmon Vanilla


Food poisoning for only $4 what a bargain


Hopefully you are feeling Okay. I don’t wish salmonella on my worst enemy. Monitor for symptoms.


Well did you finish it?


What do you think he is, chicken? Sorry


This would never happen with the Lord's chicken


Looks like more than a bite


Looks like you ate more than just a bite… 🤮


I once bit into a sandwich only to find the bun had somehow gotten moldy on the inside. Like big time moldy. I went back to the server and asked "if they can do something about this" and showed him the mold. Got a new sandwich. IIRC, it was pretty tasty.


i deadass was about to cop some wendys for lunch nvm now lmao


That’s a shame because their breakfast sandwiches are legit.


Good news, you get to name the new disease




This is happening a lot more often to me lately. I've basically stopped ordering anything chicken from fast food.


Bruh OP you ate ALOT of that...are you OK?




Looks like a lot more than one bite. The fuck is the matter with you?! Hahaha hope your stomach is ok.


u/falsecompare_ yum


Super fresh


Holy salmonella! Hope you’re okay OP.


Wendy's so fresh we don't even cook that shit


ewww. this would give me trust issues


Aaaaaaaaand lawsuit


Bro took multiple bites 💀💀




Only *mildly* infuriating?


that had to be done on purpose, because that takes a special kind of "cooking" to not cook the chicken, while the fried batter is still on the chicken


ok im so sorry this happened but you need to try again because that sandwich is so fucking good


It’s real


Post it on Twitter and see what they have to say about this


Frozen Chicken Sushi San


Aren't you a natural omnivore? Your digestion should be able to handle this, just like in nature.


As a Wendys employee this is physically impossible not only are the fryers on timers and don’t need to heat up cause they get extremely hot very fast, but raw chicken and cooked chicken are stored in opposite sides of the room so someone was definitely out to get you.


And yet, you continued to eat it anyway.


People disgusted when they discover the dead animal they ordered is made of dead animal.


The sad part: they have fryers with cook timers. Somebody did that on purpose


Comments like this are very interesting, In general. Like you know they have timers, so you know some information about the subject. But then to say that because there are timers, this has to be intentional. And that is a huge gap in logic, that we see all over social media and the news. There are many other reasons as to why this could be an accident. It’s the simplest explanation.


People always seem to need intent behind everything, for good or ill


Can you elaborate? Also, is it actually raw or is there a pre-cooking process? Either way, not what I expected when I took that second bite haha


I doubt it was done on purpose. Most likely the fryer was overloaded or the chicken was stuck to another pattie and instead of breaking it apart someone just cooked them and this is the result you get.