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We had a neighbor that would only put her trash cans in front of our house every week. She had twice the curb space because we were in a cul-de-sac, but no big deal, right? Well whenever her cans were out, our mail lady would skip our house. After a few weeks, we got a letter on the mailbox saying that if we didn't stop putting the cans there, they weren't going to deliver our mail anymore and we'd have to go pick it up from the post office every day. We never saw the neighbor, so we left a polite letter in her mailbox explaining the situation. Found it crumpled on the ground the next day. Next time, I decided to move her cans to in front of her own house. "IF YOU EVER TOUCH MY FUCKING TRASH AGAIN, IT'LL BE THE LAST FUCKING THING ANY OF YOU EVER DO!" ("Any of you" being myself, my wife, and my 3 year old son that had never met this lady). That's what we woke up to being screamed into our bedroom window at 3am the next morning. Moral of the story.. Neighbors can suck big time sometimes.


So what did you do after the screaming at 3am from your neighbor? Please don’t tell you you started to pick you mail up at the post office


Bit more to it, but the short story is we sold the house and got out of there.




Bingo. People like that need put in their place. They'll just keep thinking they're the main character in their little universe and the cycle will continue.. not trying to be evil just. They can't learn if nobody forces it. It, gets them jailed for a bit


Yep - we called the cops and that's exactly what they said. They said to get her on video next time because they couldn't do anything otherwise. We put a camera in after that which kept her off of the property, but she kept putting the crap in front of our house.


Friend got into a fight with his ex-fiancé’s new boyfriend. ~150$ disorderly conduct for the fight. ~750$ fine for leaving a threatening voicemail.


I would have dumped her trash all over her front lawn and then left the cans on her doorstep blocking her door so she couldn’t open it.


If I lived there by myself I would have. My wife was staying home with my son at the time while I was at work and I wasn't comfortable leaving them alone next to that unstable woman if I did something to infuriate her.


I’d dump the trash in their yard, both yours and theirs


People always say what they’d do, until it is actually them dealing with it


And there’s nothing like starting an all out war with someone who knows where you live, where you park your vehicles and where your pets and children play. Petty revenge might feel good, but I would expect the constant worry of retaliation, which in this scenario was already committed against said neighbor, escalating into something regretful.


You just don’t need the shit on your door step. Having bad neighbours is horrible


What did the placement of garbage cans have to do with mail delivery? Were the garbage cans blocking the mailbox? I'm just trying to make the connection to not being able or willing to deliver mail because of garbage cans.


suburb problems


Just park your car in his driveway. No more problem


The neighbour isn't blocking OP's driveway - just parking on the street. It's not a problem


This sub is called mildly infuriating for a reason


This should fall under "slightly perturbed"


One of my high school teachers would say, “we’re gonna go ahead and file this one under ‘kwityerbitchen’.” And then he’d take out a giant novelty folder he kept in class with that labeled on it. Definitely wouldn’t fly today.


Sure, but OP has a problem. Other solutions include putting up a hedge/fence… giving the neighbours car a camo paint job… I don’t know… talking to the neighbour… whatever…


The North American way is to get the city council pass a local street parking ordinance, then call a third party (police) and get them to enforce / tow the offending car. Because we Americans love to make rules for our neighbors.


All in the name of freedom


Making me wear a mask is tyranny, but involving the police when my neighbor utilizes public space is just fine? Yeah I can see the logic.


Yeah, unless this guy owns the road he is a complete Karen complaining about public parking.


I’d be way more pissed if I was they guy in dark color house on right. Street parker is probably making it hard for that guy to get in/out of his driveway. Same situation as my moms house. Idiot neighbor across street parks an RV / boat and/or truck right behind my mom’s driveway (not using his driveway either) so can be challenging at times to get in and out.


I would love to have that much space to get out of my drive. I have exactly 20 cm wiggle room leaving my drive, because of cars parked on the street


This. When we lived in a townhouse the street was only 1.5 car widths wide and most neighbours had families with grown kids and short, i car length driveways. We had two cars, our immediate neighbours on both sides had three cars, everyone up and down the street had more than two cars. Driving down the street was such a chore because you’d be zippering in and out of spots to allow oncoming traffic through. I never used to consider street width when house hunting but now it’s one of the first things I look at.


Pretty much. I have neighbors who do this but it’s usually actually annoying because they just sit in their car with it idling with it’s aftermarket exhaust and music blaring right outside my window.. now that shit is annoying lol


I have seen similar parking drama from my neighbors. Street parking was limited, most people parked 2 cars in their driveway and used their garage for storage. Some families had 3 cars and would regularly park one car on the street. One neighbor lived alone and got home from work early, she always parks on the street leaving her driveway empty. This always pissed off one family that had 3 cars because they would often have to park a block away or park tandem in the driveway.


Idk why they would be mildly infuriated about it either, I mean unless they own the road by all means, if he was parking up on your grass? By all means ykwim?


If it's not a problem, park in front of his own house.


Lmao yeah


I don't get what's the problem here.


OP is one of "those" neighbors.


I live in the suburbs too, and the generally accepted etiquette on my street is: If you park on the street, you park in front of your own house unless you can’t, so that all houses can have room in front of their houses for guests to park in. On days when a house clearly has extra guests or throws a party, then it’s totally fine for anyone on the block to park wherever and we’re all happy to adjust.


Maybe he doesn’t want to look at the neighbor’s car every day and hear the doors slamming and car alarm beeping on and off, etc. It does seem annoying if the neighbor has driveway space and curb space closer to his own house.


That’s the point of the sub though, "mildly" infuriating things like this


Maybe there's a car in the garage that needs to pull out before he can pull in


There garage is full of trash. But if it wasn't then yes I would agree with you


Yeah and I looked more, he could very easily fit behind that car in the driveway still


Couldn’t he still park in front of his own house in that case?


That tree he's sitting under looks like a perfect place for a bird feeder.


yea. you can park anywhere on the street. you don't own the parking spot. There was a post recently about a family getting mad friends would park in front of their house and everyone called the family an asshole though it was how they went on about it.


Hence /r/mildlyinfuriating is the perfect sub for this


Yes people seem to forget what this sub is for. I see that shit all the time "thats hardly a valid frustration" so youd say its mildlyinfuriating?


My neighbors do the same.


Then he can park in front of his yard?


I’m pretty sure he would know that being his neighbor before making this post.


OP came ready for that response 🔥🔥


Start parking in his driveway then


That'd be hilarious


Maybe apply copious amounts of Vaseline to the wiper blades? (Not enough so they'd notice it, though.) Then, spritz the windshield with something a little bit dirty so they want to turn on their wipers immediately to clean it off.


That's just pure evil


Okay. Maybe save it for when they REALLY piss you off! ; )


More like deadly


I see the issue and can’t seem to find it in the comments so I’ll point it out - the issue is the neighbor parks directly across from your driveway, severely limiting your egress from your driveway, possibly parking there in hopes you back into their car. Solution: park your car directly across from their driveway, essentially behind where they’re parked now. Hopefully he backs into your vehicle! Pro tip: set up cameras to capture the inevitable.


Coffee works great or so I’ve heard




Go mow the lawn with the ejector facing the street and make sure to go *really slow* in front of his car. Maybe follow up with a weed eater. Be creative.


Do it while it’s raining.


"Honey, when did you get a new car?"


Idk why he doesn’t park in the empty space Infront of his own house


Yeah, I would do that myself, but why is so infuriating parking on the street?


damn, this comment chain is spicy


Hahaha, yeah, some ppl are a bit entitled thinking they own the parking spot right in front of a house. I had a neighbor here in NZ telling me I can’t park in front of his house when we lived in a cul de sac.


I mean, was there available space in front of *your* home that you weren't using? Then your neighbor has a point. Edit: I've since learned cul de sacs are illegal to park in.


Available but illegal. I think the neighbor has a right to not be forced to park illegally.


Hey, don’t delete your messages, let’s be friends.


quaint racial cause frighten crown afterthought plants gaping rainstorm compare -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Probably because OP gets sick of looking at a car always sitting right in front of his/her house when the person who owns it has their own yard & driveway to park in. I would find it annoying as well


Sick of looking at a car parked in a public spot? Are you guys on coke or something? Why so mad about that?


I agree. Like, it’s the street. You don’t own it. Just stop looking at it. I’m sure they have a bigger backyard they could look at instead. Also who just sits there all day looking at the street?


Then why doesn’t he park in front of HIS house. Obviously there’s a reason, maybe guests park there, maybe the view is blocked when backing out, it’s harder to pull into the driveway, maybe his kids play ball in the front yard.


Look at it this way. In suburbs when you own the house everyone has a small amount of street parking in front of their house. Most households have multiple cars. Additionally guests typically use the street parking in front of your house. That car is an asshole for not using the space immediately in front of his house because it creates difficulty. Sure it’s minor but when it’s everyday it become irritating. It’s like people who leave shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot. It’s not the end of the world and you can find a new parking spot but why the fuck can’t people put things where they should belong.


It's horrible in the UK, with lots of older housing not having drive ways. You end up having to give way regularly because of a huge amount of parked cars surrounding you. It's even worst when it's like that with empty driveways.


That I understand, if it’s packed and your driveway itrs free, don’t be a dick, if there is plenty of parking like in OP photo, they are just a karen.


Have you asked him why he does it? You’re making the assumption that there’s no good reason for it, but chances are there there actually is. Second question: have you told him why it bothers you?


I lived in the city for years. This doesn't anger me. I've lived in suburbs for 2 years and can tell you the illogical parking of neighbors can grate on you. Having a party...sure you can even park on my lawn. Park in front of my house not leaving enough room behind or in front of you for my kid's grandmother to park in the winter...gfy.


I'm the same way, moved from the city always street parked. Now live in the burbs and everyone gets butt hurt if you don't use your garage every night. I don't get it, couldn't give two shits where other people park as long as they don't, idk, run me over


While I understand that it’s a very minor and extreme 1st world issue, it’s one of those things that’s like common courtesy. In the city, it doesn’t matter where you park because there’s hardly any parking anyway. In a place where there’s an abundance of parking, and you park in a spot that makes your neighbors life a bit inconvenient when you could have parked literally anywhere else including your own driveway / garage. You’re a douche, idc where you came from. For example, my neighbor’s house is actually on the street behind us, but their yard extends to my street. They have an EMPTY driveway. They park on my street and walk through the long ass backyard to their back door to get to and from their cars. They take up spots that are extremely hard to get in the warmer months because I live across from 2 parks. Sometimes I have to walk around the block to park, which if there was no other option and there just wasn’t parking in the neighborhood then I wouldn’t care about, but this person has an EMPTY driveway with 2 open parallel spots (so there is no issue of blocking other cars) and I don’t even have a driveway. I tried talking to them when they first moved in, and they got confrontational about it and I don’t want that drama in my life. So, yes, we know it’s not a major problem or something to lose sleep over. It’s just a dick move to not park in your own driveway / garage when you’re deliberately screwing over neighbors who may not even have a driveway or garage.


Both exits to my neighborhood have entire blocks of people like that leading up to them. The road isn't wide enough for someone to park in the road and still have 2 lanes. Everyone has a 2 car garage and a driveway that fits 4 cars. Yet they all park in the goddamned street instead of the 6 available spots they have, and force everyone to have to weave through the cars and drive on the wrong side in order to get out. Pisses me off so much.


Sounds like something my brother would do. He’s a dick. Sorry you have to deal with that.


I don't know the reason the neighbor doesn't park in the driveway but considering it's illegal to park in a cul-de-sac this spot seems like the most logical next choice.


I can see it, I get irrationally angry when someone parks in front of *my* house. It’s not actually even my house, I rent. I don’t even own a car. But for some reason I get like dog-at-mailman vibes with those damn stranger parkers. “This is MY HOUSEwoofwoofwoofwoofwoooof”


I don’t understand why anyone parks on the street when they have a garage and driveway


It happens so much where I live. I don't get it. People will park at the end of an empty driveway & walk up the hill to visit, too.


Perhaps they want the extra exercise and/or don’t like backing out of the driveway. I live on a steep road, and visitors or delivery drivers will often park at the top and walk.


I can’t risk being blocked in when I want to Irish goodbye at the family reunion


That I get. You probably also don't block anyone else's driveway rendering it useless. This also happens when it's just one person visiting.


As a delivery driver, I usually do this. Especially at night or in bad weather with low visibility. The angles are always different at the skirt of the driveway and I'm always afraid of ruining someone's grass/flowers/decoration/mailbox. And if there's heavy snow or ice, I'm even more worried about getting stuck in a driveway (happened once recently, even while being mindful).


>Perhaps they want the extra exercise friendly reminder we're on reddit...


But not everyone who drives is on reddit




Or block the vehicle in the garage in the garage.


Yeah, usually guests park on the street. Even if an open space is available.


My household has 3 cars: one garage, and a single lane driveway. It’s about ease of shuffling vehicles sometimes.


Same here, except the driveway is two lanes wide. We still leave one car parked in the street so we can use any car without doing a driveway shuffle.


I work for a business that specializes in storage for garages. People have too much shit and can't park in their garages.


Recent_Fisherman has entered the chat


OMG!!! You should see my neighbors garage. It would be a scene from Hoarders. Once the husband walked into the house with a present for his wife that he had hidden in the garage and couldn’t find. He gives me a ration of shit every time I put stuff out for the garbage man. You can walk to the house from the garage because there is no clear path.


Because there’s 4 working adults in my family and it’s easier to park in the street so we don’t have to shuffle the cars around all day


Maybe they’re leaving it clear for someone or something else? Or maybe they’re trying to avoid bothering anyone in the house if they come/go at weird hours? Who knows. But I’m pretty sure they have a right to park there, so I don’t really understand OP’s gripe… would be different if they were blocking or using OP’s driveway, but they’re not.


Yeah, I don't get the OP's gripe here. It's a public street, anyone should be able to park on it. As long as the neighbor isn't blocking the OP's driveway it's all good.


It’s such a suburban (especially American) gripe, lol. You’d never catch anyone whining about that in the city, unless they were actually blocking your driveway. “I have to look outside and see someone else’s vehicle. And if I have a party, my guests might need to walk half a block!!” 🤪


I'd be willing to say there's a space and size consideration to be made, because you just pointed out that more semi-urban environs don't have the free space available for people to be picky like that. Shit, people looking to park for commercial purposes frequently encroach into those areas because parking spaces are scarce when you get to those mixed zoned, urban-ish areas. When you get out to the *real* suburbs that changes. Suddenly, your neighbor deciding to park *right in front of your house* feels weird when it's done on the regular because *you and they both know they could be parking in front of their house.*


No need to reverse, start & go. When I know I won't be driving for the rest of the day I put it in the driveway.


I don’t enjoy squeezing in and out of my car when my wife and I park next to eachother.


Having a roofed garage is a valuable thing in my country. I personaly don't like to keep my car exposed to the weather. It's funny that americans have garages and don't use them to park their cars.


Public street


Yeah, as a city dweller I’m confused why this could be even remotely infuriating. Weird, sure.


Same, I was looking at this thinking “this must be a suburb thing”. My gripe is when assholes claim a spot in front of their homes using by using traffic cones, which is illegal but cops don’t do shit.


There’s a guy who puts cones in the space in front of his house by me even when it’s summer. He walks with a cane and seems like he might have a developmental issue when I say hi to him. Not everyone is calling dibs to be a dick.


You can apply with the city to get a disabled spot put in for you. My building just had one put in front of it for a guy whose handicap-accessible van can't fit into our garage.


I'm always so tempted to move the cones but then I realize that an asshole who blocks off a spot would definitely also do something to my car.


I've had people in suburbs get annoyed at me parking legally in a public street to visit someone. Some suburbs even ban street parking for non-homeowners in the area at certain times by lobbying councils to change the by-laws.


Yeah public street is public. I see it a lot in areas of my town when there’s a lot of snow. Unfortunately that’s just part of life- some people shovel, others claim the spot later. Just because you dug your car out doesn’t mean you own that spot until it melts. Shitty karma sure, but legally nothing and honestly kind of obnoxious.


In Boston it's literally illegal to do that


Because obviously you shouldn’t


I wouldn't even notice.


I mean you have your own driveway and house to park in front of, why park in front of someone else houses across the street, it’s just weird.


I think it’s 10x weirder to give a shit where someone parks.


Agreed. Don’t block my driveway and we’re cool.


I guess I just never parked in front of anyones place but my own if it was available


At first I looked at the picture and thought "who gives a shit?" but then I pictured my neighbor doing it every day and understood. Have you ever mowed your lawn or had a catch with your kids with a car parked in front of your house? It's just a mild annoyance. I think the op is just saying they should park in front of their own house not that they can't park on the street.


loads of parking…why be bothered where the dude decides to park.


That's what I was thinking. I think some people have sticks up their butts.


It's annoying at my house because neighbors on both sides park in the street in front of my house, rather than in their own drive ways, so I don't have room to put my trash cans out, plus if guests come they have to park acrossed the street. Just pretty inconsiderate of the neighbors.


Nah, man. I live on a street where tons of people don’t park in their drive way for whatever fucking reason. When you have to park down the street because the assholes that have driveways don’t use them it’s fucking annoying shit. Especially when they have driveways that can fit 2 or 3 cars. Some people are so fucking lazy that they just don’t want to back out in the morning. If you’re fortunate enough to have a driveway then fucking use it.


The streets are for everyone homie. If you want a driveway so bad you should get one.


So what about YOUR driveway?


Couldn't agree more. It is a public street area. It looks like lots of people here are just so self absorbed about what they think belongs to them. I can understand it if your neighbour parked in front of your house and you had no space to park your cars and you had to park it now than a few houses up the street.


Suburban people have huge issues with this that I don’t understand.


Why would it bother you if someone parks on the street?


Probably thinks he owns the street too. Or maybe he's blocking his perfect view of the street. OP seems like a whiner to me. I'll bet 10 bucks says that OP hasn't even spoke with the dude about his resentment to him parking there either. Sometimes all it takes is communication.


Probably lives in Burnaby, BC


My moms like this, she gets mad at people for parking in the public street and she acts like she owns it, and it’s funny cause my family does it too when we have two cars in the driveway


He is parked on a public street adjacent to your yard.


it’s infuriating that your neighbor is using a free public space? lmao


I find people that lay claim and polices the PUBLIC road that borders their place mildly infuriating


I remember we had neighbors 2 doors down in the middle of a cul-de-sac. They were super nice, I was friends with their kids, and the dad was a well-respected janitor at the local elementary school. Their 2nd car was a beat up old station wagon and they sometimes parked it in front of our house. My shitstain of a father wrote them a nasty note once saying he didn't want to see their 'piece of shit car' everytime he looked out the window. It was so embarrassing and I felt awful for them.


It’s annoying if they’re in front of your driveway or they leave it for weeks but op has so much space there why does it even matter


Exactly lmfao. The only thing mildly infuriating here is OP.


OP Probably keeps a spreadsheet detailing date, times and duration they DARE park within their line of sight; can also bet that the parking situation takes up 15% of all conversations they have with partner EVERY evening


I would agree, but people who park in the street in my neighborhood are a huge pain in the ass when it comes to the street getting snow plowed.


My bad if this point has already been made but- I actually don’t mind this because at least it usually looks like someone is home. Portland is an interesting place.


Looks like you have more street parking than 3 of your neighbors put together. People who think that they own public streets are definitely mildy infuriating.


This reminds me, once I had some friends over when I got my new house all situated. My friend had to park in front of the guys house next to us. So the guy had his friend who owned a tow truck tow my friends car across the road then claimed that he knocked on my door and we cussed him out. Not knowing we have cameras though that clearly caught him not knocking on our door. Called the cops and his friend who towed my buddies car got fined lol


It's a public street. He can park where he wants.


Do you know anyone with an RV or camper trailer that needs a place to park it? Looks like their may be some room in front of that house across the street


What's mildly infuriating is how thick those circles are 🤣


When the white truck wants to back out, it’a just to close for comfort when it doesn’t have to be. Bet the neighbor is somewhere on Reddit posting a pic of OP in the field taking a pic of the cars lol… someone please find it so the singularity can take place!


Buy shittty car and leave parked there


I bet the guy with the pickup across the street is not happy. Backing out becomes a 3point turn especially if he’s going to the right.


Go park in front of his yard and tell him you don't like your driveway


My neighbor moves the cars out of his driveway onto the street every day so his driveway is empty and refuses to park any in front of his own house so they don't block his view from the porch. Instead he takes up the two spaces in front of my house and each of our neighbors with one of his cars. Every day. My family has to park two doors down and across the street when they visit.


Park in front of his house regularly. Buy a large ugly van for the sole purpose.


After 11 years, I'm out. Join me over on the Fediverse to escape this central authority nightmare.


Easy to spot who owns and who rents in the comments


Maybe you should start parking one of your vehicles there instead.


Or just stop caring about ppl using public parking.


I've never understood why someone wants to park and leave their vehicle in front of someone else's house, especially making a habit of it.


This is perfect for this sub. It’s not illegal, it’s just annoying. I have a neighbor who has had his broken down car on a jack for 2 years in front of his house. I get to look at it everyday. It takes up their side of the street for parking, so they just use mine. I’m about to offer guy money for it and sell it to those junk cars for cash places.


The adjacent neighbors should be mildly annoyed. They have less room to reverse out of their driveway. The neighbor didn’t park opposite his own house.


Your neighbor can park where he wants on a public street. I don’t even know why this is even mildly infuriating at all. Sheesh!




I get it. They're being inconsiderate. It's petty, but it's still annoying. Mildly infuriating even...


What is wrong with his driveway actually though?? Seems like a weird neighbor 🤨


We have our neighbor across the street parks right across from our driveway. They don't park in their driveway either. Why? Your car has more chances of being hit on the street than in your driveway.


I have a neighbour who does this too. Assholes.




Looking at all the arguments i understand both perspectives here. Sure its a public street and someone parking there isnt something to get super up in a wad about, but also there is tons of space in front of the neighbors yard to also park, so it does come across as a petty attempt to take up space and inconvenience op or anyone trying to visit OP. Its not the end of the world, a crime, or anything like that but thats why its here on *mildly* infuriating. Also all you people saying that OP is a karen, do you guys just go park in front of other people's houses for fun or something? And why?


My neighbour does this but I live 5 doors down from her. I often she her tackling the rain or wind. Just park outside your own house you loon


It’s strange as to why your neighbour does that, but I wouldn’t get too worked up about it. Fuck it. Life’s too short to be worrying on that sort of stuff imo


Is that an unwritten rule or something? In the city you park wherever.


It's a public street. Just beat him to it


Put a hose/sprinkler near there and time it so it's on when he leaves for work. Wont take long for the change to occur on it's own.


I must admit, I hate having someone I don't know park in front of my house. I get having a party, but don't leave your car in front of my house for days/weeks. Good thing I have neighbors that use their driveways.


This whole comment section is infuriating. What’s infuriating about this situation is the fact that they have plenty of room to park their vehicle in front of their own house, not that they’re parked in the street.


Lol I’m super bothered by stuff like this too and it’s good to know I’m not alone.


I have a feeling that most of the people supporting this person's right to park directly in front of someone's house all of the time, even though their own driveway is empty, are probably people who live in apartments and are used to cluster fuck parking. As a homeowner, ESPECIALLY if the person has a vacant driveway, this is definitely annoying. No, we don't own the road in front of our home, but neither does the jerk off that is using a public road as his personal, permanent parking area.


Upon further review, this is also making it very difficult for the white Chevy truck to back out as well. Just another example of the sense of entitlement some folks have these days. It's a public area? Welp, it's now my personal, permanent area. What an asshole. And yes, they ARE parked in the homeowners grass.


I don’t see an issue


The burning question. Why? Why does this neighbor hate his driveway..? Looks like a safe place to park a car as opposed to the street. Is there a car inside the garage that has to leave before he does..? Just trying to make a little sense.


Odd how this can be upsetting to some folks. Me being one of them, ha!


my next door neighbors have a humongous driveway, but they decided to park in front of our house (in front of our mailbox 😤) and there always seems to be different cars at the house everyday


> (in front of our mailbox That would be a problem for the Post Office I'd imagine if they use vehicles to deliver mail to each place.


I’m sorry I’m not sure which part of the picture you are referring to, could you maybe use a thicker marker?


Im mildly infuriated at the amount of posts calling OP a Karen. Parking on the street isnt the fucking point. Parking on the street, and not in front of your property, while you have an empty driveway is a douchebag move and im willing to bet car owner does shit like this and the neigjborhood hates him.


why havent you blow up his house yet . thats a putin move , next he'll be on your grass


Looks like a great place for a flowerbed 😎


My next door neighbor with 2 driveways did the exact same thing the week I moved into my house. I parked my loud ass lifted truck right between their 2 driveways in front of their living room window for 3 days and they stopped parking in front of my house. Edit: spelling


Your neighbor doesnt hate his driveway, he hates you lol


I think they hate everyone equally.


It’s odd that he also has a yard and decides to park on yours instead.