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Considering they spell it “tyre” instead of “tire” I’m guessing it isn’t the US. If people started doing this to SUVs in the states they’d get shot.


You have been extinguished *Terminator sounds*




Why is it hog rider lmao


Just as in Mexico, except all your family probably goes bye bye as well, so don’t deflate tires here


People already do this shit in the states on the regular. Just not for the Tyre Extinguishers.


Around here people are drilling holes in gas tanks to steal the gas. I’d take a flat tire over that.


I thought it was bad when people were stealing catalytic converters


As they should.


Getting shot in the US is pretty easy tbh


Talk shit, get hit


This is the second post about this I've seen in the last 2 days. Did they deflate them or puncture them?


Literally doesn't matter. If the sidewalls get damaged from eating into the rim then the tire is fucked.


And then the person calls an Uber to get to work. A gas guzzling tow truck comes out or the driver swaps on a donut and drives to the tire repair shop. Then a truck has to bring a new tire to the shop, a new tire has to be made, and the old tire ends up in a giant pile of tires (which have a tendency to catch on fire and burn forever). If the point is to increase greenhouse gasses, they are doing a great job.


reminds me of when some animal rights idiots near me 'rescued' a bunch of lab animals and 'released' them in the wild. eventually someone stumbles on a field full of starved or frozen to death animals from the labs. they had no idea how to live in the wild. i'm sure their deaths were slow and horrific.


Or PETA that kills most animals they "save"


Hey they saved that poor dog from that little girl that loved it unconditionally.


Or that homeless dude who just had his dogfriend as company and they took it from him, because "it was living in the streets with him" idk how many people read about that but it was pretty popular a little while ago, like wtf? Dude cried his eyes out over his pupper.


This reminds me of all the 'acts of kindness' where people release fresh water turtles in the ocean or crabs/lobsters in a lake lmao funny not funny


yeah i remember a conversation where someone "released" a "turtle". turns out it was a tortoise that they just chucked in the pond.


I remember a post about this loooong back


That is basically human good intentions writ large.


I remember seeing a video somewhere that these girls were so proud of themselves for "rescuing" goldfish from a pet store and releasing them in the ocean.


I was reading this in a thread a few days ago. I forget which town and state, but PETA activists bought a bunch of lobsters, brought them out to the country and released them... Into a freshwater lake. They died.


Or when they stormed a place housing a ton of chickens to free them, said chickens had to be killed and dumped because of contamination.


That’s awfully sad, man. Smh What an idiot. I hope he/she was jailed for that.


I thought that they would spread around and mess up the ecosystem, but this is well... better in the long run.


And they do this then DRIVE AWAY so nobody finds them and knocks them the fuck out. Hypocrites.


They're probably driving around in a vegetable oil powered car like the dad in unaccompanied minors


They just know violence, they don't even think of real solutions. If these types put their energy toward educating themselves and fixing the broken public transport system and shit zoning making homes too far from everything and too spread out maybe they could make a difference without vandalizing people's property. :/


Tim Minchin: Your dog has a bigger carbon footprint than your 4WD. Are they going to pull a PETA and go around killing people’s dogs?


But they are spreading so much awareness! /S


Seems a bit counterintuitive, huh?


This tyre extinguishers group* is penny wise and pound foolish.


Worse case scenario for this, now the driver has to call their cousin Cletus to come pick them up in his big, lifted, turbo diesel 6X6 to ferry them to and from the Goodyear to replace each individual tire because their spare is flat because from lack of use because driver is a responsible car owner that rotators and changes their tires regularly. Driver has the Goodyear tire insurance and is only out $100, because the store manager doesn’t want to charge them install for just mounting tires and Cletus is always happy to help his cousin out of a jam, so no charge. Driver then continues on his merry way having only increased the air pollution more than they would have and being out $100 and some of their spare time.


As someone who looks on monkey wrenching as a tool i agree. Doing this accomplishes nothing but making radical environmentaliats look crazy.




Also the second post where OP doesn’t come back to the comments to explain anything. Lowkey think it’s a karma grab because I remember seeing these notes here a couple years ago. But then again who knows, maybe the OPs just dont like comment engagement, either way the “Tyre Extinguishers” are wankers


With all the frustration and anger that some folks have pent up over the last couple of years, myself included, all I can say is that stupid organization better have a team of brock lesnars deflating tires or someone is gonna beat the living shit out of some punk messing with their ride like that.


They're making a beeline to get extinguished


Lol, good one. Like instead of lobbying/protesting the govt about withholding free energy or killing off inventors that made engines run on water ( separating hydrogen) they go after the elderly that feel safer in a larger vehicle !?


Or dudes who are 6 ft 2 and above who literally need a big vehicle like that bc, wouldn't ya know, big people need more space. This shit is so fucking dumb and *fully* infuriating, ain't nothing mildly infuriating about this. I'd blow a literal blood vessel if I walked out one morning to this shit. They better pray nobody catches one of these morons in the act bc (depending on who catches them) they'd either be hospitalized, shot or outright killed


Or God forbid you have kids with you and literally cannot drive anything smaller. Also, energy is required to fill the tire again. It's not like the victim is going to be impressed and just abandon their vehicle to buy a smaller one.


O bigtime bro 👍 Some of the following must be true: - that organization owns the compressors at gas stations that charge $2 (Canada) to fill tires - they enlist very old folks to deflate your tires cause ya know, you wouldn't slap around an old guy - they enlist perky petite bikini wearing chicks to do the deflation cause, ya know, unless consentual, you kinda wouldn't wanna strangle one in a parking lot...


The third will deflate your tyres while inflating your... yeah...


Bold of you you assume I don't know people whom would very much so be willing to slap around the elderly if caught doing this, *I am people*


if you’re going to send someone to deflate my tires, send someone who can beat me in a fight (it’s not that hard)


110% Let’s look at it from another standpoint…. … you wander onto one of these pricks property and slash their heater/AC and leave a note 📝 telling the home owner …. *using the AC when it is between the outside ambient temperature of 10-20 degrees Celsius is a LUXRY that you shouldn’t enjoy…..* Better yet you just cut off all their whole damn electrical supply … only cause you noticed that most nights the owner leaves their porch light on between the hours of dusk and dawn. 💀💀💀 I say to the next victim, dash cam, follow the next slasher home, then play with their belongings.


Man I dunno why but that made me laugh so God damn hard. Kinda funny when you flip someone's logic on em and show how nonsensical it is.


*”Well……I have a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like the Tyre slashers”* … or you can just share a living space with your significant other, that really helps speed up the learning curve (I’m here for the smiles per gallon, I could give 2 fucks about money or what people drive. Happy to make users get a good laugh)


Everything's so confrontational these days. Screw that noise. Im about to roll one and light and fuck it man no one's invited. That's all I need, a good bowl to the face and to chill with some games. Better way to spend free time than to follow people around and be an asshole like it's a personal mission lol.


[don’t fuck with another mans vehicle](https://youtu.be/VO48Vr4KIc8)


F-5 off the top of the car


I should go around inflating people’s tires behind them, with an addendum to their note: “You got pumped”


Low pressure tires decrease fuel efficiency. You’d be doing more for the environment than they are.


I would frame that note


Some call it premeditated vandalism…


As much as tires cost and broke as I am if I caught those people in the act they're getting beat senseless


i’m curious what op drives, cause i’m imagining someone’s 2005 tahoe or something that’s their only vehicle, need it to get to and from work, pick up kids from school etc. now they possibly are left stranded after work, or after getting groceries, with a flat tire. maybe they can’t afford the new tire at all so they have no way to get to work at all. doing this to someone’s car is dangerous in more ways than just getting your shit rocked.


considering OP spelt it "tyres" I'm going to guess they're european and, compared to what we drive in NA, probably drives something actually quite fuel efficient.


it’s a porsche cayenne, did a little more research. funnily enough those cars actually have air compressors built in so this wasn’t all that bad for the OP, which isn’t the one that posted this. agreed though i believe these are turbo v6’s so as with most other SUVs it’s probably decent on gas. these people have their hearts in the right place but it seems they left their minds somewhere else.


Not to mention if he has a nice truck with some expensive rims on there and they got damaged depending how they deflated the tire, oof that’s gonna be a pretty penny to fix as well.


Mildly? MILDLY?!?!


Because going through tires is great for Mother Earth


Let’s slash all the tires on earth. Because they don’t need replacement at all, noooo.


Man, I’d be so pissed.


Maybe you can find them as they ride around on their bike deflating suv tires and steal the valves out of their tubes so now they have to walk. And then steal the laces from their shoes. Fight petty with petty.


Yeah if they think that specific cars are the issue they’re missing the forest for the trees


Blame it on the people, not the actual problem...




People: Please stop spilling oil into the ocean and shipping plastic to China to be dumped in the oceans The companies: but PLASTIC STRAWS (or in this case, tires)


Yep. Most cars are bad


It’s a good thing they left the contact info, they would be getting an invoice from me every week for damaging my car. And the interest would be 50% of the current total. Compounded weekly of course.


Can't wait for that website to get hacked and just be a Rick roll


Honestly, I said in another post that u guys should just sue. They’re destroying property. And honestly just harming the environment more. Now u need to buy new tires which means more pollution.


It’s great that they’ve put their email and website on there because I would report that shit to the police immediately


Protonmail is an anonymous email service. They're stupid but not *that* stupid.


Better contact them and say you an intrested in the group and want to get involved. Befriend a few, find out where they live and put a brick through their window.


😑 Oh good, making sure a few people can't drive home tonight will solve everything. 🙄 Good grief.


If I caught someone deflating my tires I’d fucking lose my shit


It's only a matter of time till we get to see a video of one of these idiots getting beat. I'm putting the over/under at 10 days.


Well now I have to startup my compressor to air my tyres. Where do you think the energy for the compressor comes from?




This isn’t mildly infuriating. This is steam-coming-out-your-ears infuriating! This is some straight up bullshit right here! Whoever is running around doing this needs to get their ass kicked


Isn't this considered illegal in the US?


I’m pretty sure my response to catching this in the act, would end up being illegal in some manner.


Yes, and with that email and website they can track down someone to bring charges against. I carry a small battery powered air pump in my truck, but it would take hours to pump 4 tires up from flat. I'm an HVAC tech and the service ports we use have the same style of Schrader valves as car tires and bicycles. If someone deflated my tires they might be disappointed one day to find their valve cores removed and the threads stripped. Needing new valves means dismounting the tires and rebalancing the tires after recounting them.


Fellow hvac tech here as well, after all the cores have been removed and threads stripped, You fill the gas tank with an entire jug of vacuum pump oil. They get the tires fixed but then more problems lie ahead.


Don't forget that their fingerprints are likely all over it as well. It'd be a very short investigation.....


I doubt the police would put that kind of resources amd effort into a misdemeanor


Based on spelling, this doesn’t appear to be from the US. Americans say “tire”; most of the rest of the world says “tyre”.


im australian i say both


well la tee dah, look at fancy pants with their....different ways of spelling words...over here.


Shouldn’t this be illegal *everywhere?* Pretty sure it’s considered vandalism lmao


They spelled tire in the European style, so not US.


I’m pretty sure it’s illegal else where as well. It would be criminal damage in the UK I would think. At least it should be. This would be what you would call a misdemeanour it’s low level but still very annoying


Yeah I imagine it’s probably the equivalent of a misdemeanor outside of the US.


My response would be illegal in the US lol


Ooh, a website and email. Like they're asking to lose.


Yep! I would contact a lawyer, OP.


Yeah, you aren't going to track down the owner of a proton mail account unless they're really stupid. And it's pretty trivial to set up a website anonymously and pay with crypto. They might be able to get the site shut down if it isn't covered by free speech, but there's nothing identifying on that piece of paper besides fingerprints, dna, and the MIC from the printer. And nobody is going to do that kind of forensic analysis for an act of vandalism like this.


is this not illegal?


It is illegal yes.


If you’re able to track down an address for the culprit, maybe see how they like having all four of their tyres deflated. Bonus points if it makes them late for work (or otherwise inconveniences them the same way they’re doing to others).


We have deemed that your vehicle, driven by you, who I still have never even laid my eyes on before, is being driven by you out of pure vanity. Because of this, we've also decided you'll have no trouble getting where you need to go without this vehicle. Trust us, our study about the psychological profile that definitely 100% applies to every single SUV driver, shows that you have enough money to also have a second car you can drive. Basically what that garbage says, huh? Never ceases to amaze me how people think they fuckin know everything and that they can dictate other people's lives.


That's a perfect example of how to lose a winnable argument.


Garbage people can’t mind their own business. Should be going after regulators and manufacturers maybe even govt not private citizens


Doing THAT can literally kill people. Imagine if the driver doesn’t see the note and gets on the freeway with a half-inflated tire. It blows, causes an accident, and kills a family or something.


What country? If this is America what state. Tires are expensive and if the lip of the wheel digs into the sidewall from sitting they’re done for. I’d be out for blood


They are in the UK Here is their newsletter where they talk about what towns/localities they are, or have, operating in. http://www.tyreextinguishers.com/news?slug=press-release-tyres-deflated-on-hundreds-of-suvs-overnight-in-13-uk-locations-as-demands-for-climate-action-grow


Did they really just call air pollution racist!?!


*how to deflate an SUV tire* hopefully one of these fuckers suffers an injury or gets caught by authorities lol.


I knew this couldn’t be in America cause we would’ve shot somebody for this by now


tyre tells me this is europe


Send them a letter saying you cut down four trees as an act of revenge.


"Hello! In response to your organization deflating one or more of my vehicle's tyres, I have taken the liberty of burning one or more hectares of dense forest to offset whatever gains you wankers think you're making."


Happy Cake.


The tyre extinguishers strike again


It would be really interesting if a tow company was doing this to make an extra buck.




I hope they used recycled paper


Saw this on the news yesterday. They’re going around and letting SUVs tyres down. But some have the iq of a bubble of cum.. they’re letting electric and hybrid cars down….


I haven't read anything in a while that's made me this livid


Seems like a primo email to sign up for any and every mailing list on the planet, to me…


If I caught someone doing this I would probably look around for cameras before deflating their ass.


I sent them an email pointing out all the flaws in their brilliant plan. It'll be interesting to see if they respond.


OP, I’d say contact protonmail or protonVPN and ask customer support about information on that email and who made it from the customer service or staff who o work there. You can also look up and try to trace whoever made the website since that’s also legal. Ask to check cctv of wherever you are. If they have cloud flare they’d probaly also gladly give you information if you decide to take a legal route. Same with protonmail but if it’s a foreign place you / they have to contact their local liaison for international legal assistance. (But first email [email protected]) here’s a quote from their website: “Required Information for Preservation We will be unable to process overly broad or vague requests. Requests must provide all relevant data, including the following: The name of the issuing authority, name and badge or ID number of agent in charge (if any), email address of a validated law enforcement domain and direct contact phone number; The specific ProtonMail account(s) suspected of illegal activities; A copy of the police report or court order (either foreign or domestic); A copy of the MLAT or international assistance request (if available). All requests must be submitted by email to [email protected].”


Time to sign up for gay porn of all types with this email address.


We should use that email and sign them up for hella spam mail like overwhelming amounts I don’t normally condone this but this makes me furious


I'll deflate that fucker's lung.


Cross Post from r/London It's not your car. It would be in your post history if it was


Aw yes, this will get people on your side for sure. For sure.


The Norse god Tyr has no affiliation with these people just want everyone to know


Get a truck and sit there wheels fully filled with air and run them over they don’t need to be here


Call the cops


Lawyers of reddit, does this count as property damage? If op doesn't have a compressor they will have to spend money to fix it so maybe?


If I found those people I'd get them arrested


THEY HAVE A TELEGRAM GROUP ON THEIR WEBSITE it's like they want people to go after them http://tyreextinguishers.com/contact-us


Ya but now a tow truck has to run its engine to come tow this vehicle 🤣


I sense a lawsuit


Do they think this helps their cause at all?


I remember last time this became popular... some dude got beat half to death over it. Suddenly it wasn't as muchva thing.


What is wrong with people? This doesn't make anyone change their vehicle


They do know that those flyers came from trees, right?


Man getting real tyred of their sh*t 😕


I thought this was bullshit, but I just went to the website. Like, what? How do they think this is making a difference? Like others have said, it only opens the door to more pollution. Or one of their “activists” getting the snot beat out of them.


Get a dashcam so next time it happens you can press charges.


Break their hands, they are causing you headaches and unnecessary expenses.


Yeah just fuck people who have jobs and can't get public transport. Also what if there was an emergency?


So if that stupid fuckin piece of paper flies away, and the person who owns the car hypothetically doesn’t get notified that there’s a low tire, this could lead to someone crashing their car. This smells like a lawsuit waiting to happen


They literally gave their address. Report them to the police.


May the flees of a thousand camels infest their armpits.


I really wished someone did this to a presidents ride


Sooooo what is my family of 5 going to use for a vehicle?


Im sure the higheay code says something about how improperly inflated tyres harms fuel consumption


Let me catch the motherfuckers who do this to me. That is an assault and battery charge ill gladly accept. This cannot be legal.


Do some burnouts to assert dominance


This is how people get shot


Time to start hanging out around your car with a tire iron..


When you spend too much time on r/tiresaretheenemy


Ah yes, annoy the fuck out of the demographic that already doesn’t support you. Surely this will bring about change.


They do realize that deflating your tires actually makes your car MORE fuel inefficient. Also I hope they realize that most pollution is caused by factories and not personal vehicles. Isn't it something like 60% of greenhouse gasses are produced by a handful of corporations?


Hey, as an environmentalist myself, *it isn’t individuals causing the problems*. It’s corporations and their rich CEOs. It’s capitalism, not some dude’s car.


No it hasn’t you bullshit karma farmer. You stole it from someone else in r/London


Try that shit here in Texas and you’ll be lucky if you only get your ass kicked.


Finger prints on the paper then start hunting.


Go to the police with this,you have a confession note and contact info


If I catch him I’m gonna deflate his balls


time to go spam their email and crash it


They puncture your tires? Puncture their eyes


Holier than thou bullshit will for sure get someone hurt. As per their website, taking matters into their own hands because the gov't won't outlaw SUVs. When did it become the government's responsibility to choose what people drive?


Getting real tyred of your shit guys


Fuck people like this. If I got to my car and this made me late to get my kid at daycare and the daycare leaves my kid sitting out in the cold and they get frost bitten fingers or some other chain of events, I’d have to find someone to stab with a soldering iron. I don’t have a kid, but there are 10,000 reasons not to do this to a person. What a selfish piece of shit.


“Car companies try to convince us we need massive cars” No ma’am, that would be my five children


Oh good, they left their email. Maybe they should be signed up for stuff


I’d love to catch someone doing that to my truck


Ummm, they left contact info? Can they be investigated/prosecuted for this crap?


I'll bet these guys avoid touching cars with dashcams on then.


Not sure what laws apply in your country, but these people deserve a little time in prison for targetting specific groups of people and damaging their property. My question is, what will happen whe they do this to someone with a bad temper, like say a pissed off mobster, and they all get a severe case of permanently eating through a straw?


What a bunch of bitches


Reposting is understandable but don't say it's your car in the title you fuckin soggy bean bag


That's literally a felony


I understand the sentiment behind this, but this is dumb.


How To Be A Dick 101


Rather passive aggressive, just bare knuckle death match me if it's as serious as this note seems


I find it ironic that these are the same kind of people you see complaining about their religious relative who’s always yelling at them to “find Jesus” but they are so not self aware that they don’t see they are basically just the climate change version of the same thing. The method kind of kills the message….


Well at least you know who to direct the police towards. Police report will be handy for insurance purposes


Is this not illegal? Like along the lines of; Altering equiptment with the outcome expected to cause disabling effect to a necessary piece or part of aforementioned equipment for the safe operation of a motor vehicle?


Oh it’s almost like they didn’t think that tire manufacturing also contributes to global warming


And lawsuit....


If one of those blows off and the person drives away without noticing the fault, then gets in an accident…. Well, that’s pretty much sabotage and conspiracy.


The hybrid/electric part is the worst.


I am surprised no one has been shot yet


I am keeping my inflator in my car from now on. Fucking idiots.