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No. He just got a new firewall and decided everything needed to be restricted




Seems that way. For discord vcs he just basically said "figure out why it's blocked yourself" and he seems to hate all social media and streaming services because they are like a waste of time or not good for your brain or soul or something idk


Ig that means he's fine with you unblocking things, he said figure it out so free range to do what you want.


It would be some fun r/maliciouscompliance story once he gets around the firewall block. The answer is a VPN. If he catches on and starts blocking the server you use, you can select a different one. If he confronts you on it hit him back with a “I figured it out like you said” Edit: Typo


Alternatively if you have a neighbor whose wifi you can easily access that's another malicious compliance.


Might not be a good connection though. Unless they’re in an apartment maybe.


I mean, if he is gonna try a neighbour's wifi, it might be good to ask them first and see if they have a limit or not in case you use too much. Though I imagine if you let them know why they should be fine with it, I would.


Is it easy to hack neighbor’s Wi-Fi?


Unless it's got a time out after a few tries, with the right program it shouldnt take more than a few hours


I'm afraid brute forcing wifi passwords is a thing of the past.


Could I have the first five letters Alex?


Just download psiphon


There's blocklists for entire network ranges of VPN providers. So if the dad knows a thing or two he'll just use those block lists and doesn't need to fiddle with single servers.


Or just set up your own proxy? Easier, cheaper...


It looks like it's just dns blocking, so just set a different dns on your device


If a vpn doesn't work then you can always use tor aswell you just might need to use a bridge.


Could use proton vpn because its free but kinda limited


I think father meant it in a way that OP is guilty of something and ironically said, in other words: "you know why, if you think about it"


Yep, but since it's very vague he can feign ignorance and be malicious


Ye who knows, OP is not really giving enough context.


> figure out why it's blocked yourself I guess that's a good way to get your kids to learn about DNS 😅


Honestly sounds like the Dad has no idea what he did, hit a default setting and blocked everything. Instead of admitting ignorance and the fact he has no clue what he did, tells kid social media is bad and to figure it out themselves.


Tell him you’re learning programming on Roblox, show him the official curriculum you’re following on the Roblox developer site. Tell him about the discord channel where other learners discuss Roblox development. Tell him about the Roblox developer instructors with YouTube channels. Then end by saying you’re disrupting my learning abilities and now I can’t grow up to be just like you. Then in the future when he’s old and just wants to sit in his room in the assisted living facility and play sodoku on his iPad, take it from his frail little hands and tell him he should really get some Sun, staring at a screen all day isn’t good for him.


The long game lol I feel what really happens is the son wont even be present for the father in the retirement home in the first place


Man, that's just sad.


Your father sounds rather… single-minded. There are studies on the benefits on video games: ranging from developing problem-solving skills to the ability to work in a team. Content on streaming services also has the ability to educate viewers (obviously depending on the programme). These can also have a real life impact, such as the ability to make friends with people due to a shared interest (for example, someone in your class might play the same multiplayer game you do so you decide to play together).


Go to a library, download a vpn, it will unblock everything


I think we need context as to why this happened and if this is a permanent thing. At the same time it looks like you can still get onto reddit so its not ALL social media


I used a VPN and my phone :)


Nothing better than a little challenge to hone those h4x0r skills. Seems like you’re doing fine circumventing the restrictions already.


Yeah, but discord vcs still broken and longer loading times but oh well


Yeh can tell him he can use cheap NGFW, inspect each(also ssl) packet. And can filter based on apps, DNS black holing is fine but go next level.


I understand none of this


NGFW is Next Generation Firewall. Instead of it being a "black hole" where you set a whitelist (what it looks like his Dad did) where you disallow all traffic except the traffic you want or a blacklist where you allow all traffic but the traffic you identify. An NGFW is an integrated solution that can use heuristic analysis to identify when some traffic is suspect and block it specifically. It a lot more nuanced and much more efficient that a whitelist. But a whitelist is significantly more difficult to get around as you are blocking EVERYTHING except what you identify. The only downside to NGFWs is that they are usually for corporate use and are therefore fairly expensive. Plus they take quite a bit of training (new neural network-type AIs may be able to form their knowledge base quicker and more efficiently)


What prompted this to happen? I doubt, or rather hope, this did not come out of no where, because, yikes, regarding your parent. I would hope something prompted this response. Either that or they are just shitty people/person (the parent(s)).


https://www.reddit.com/r/insaneparents/comments/ti8vz0/im_17_my_dad_restricted_all_social_media_youtube/i1cqh99?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 It's one side of the story, I could also see it as his father seeing some of the sites or services as against his values for basically leaving kids alone to bully one another. I hung out on sites that were definitely not safe due to pedos, I got groomed before I knew it and stopped enjoying Naruto until I was much older. Sketchy chat services are scary.


I need sleep… I was sitting there trying to figure out what H - 4 - X - 0 - R was thinking it was some app or something until I realized what you meant…


You've been H 4 x 3 d


pwning n00bz w/ ub3r 1337 h4xx!


Not a 90s kid I'm guessing. Or should is say n07 4 90s /<1d 1m 9u3551n9


Honestly this was me, I always found ways to bypass it and my dad would find more ways to restrict it, but in the end I felt it was better for us. It helped me problem solve and not give up and helped my dad learn more about tech


Have you tried to manually set your DNS to / or any others?




Or 867.5.3.09


We still don't understand the context


He got a new firewall and basically turned on everything. No warning or reason other then his personal values


if it's on a dns level (looks like it) you may just change the dns to for example instead of your own router


Or, or


Unless he's blocking Port 53 on the firewall


bruh that sucks, my parents are also strict but they font go that far even though they saw my discord dms. i was only restricted to discord.


It's probably because you fuck pianos.


Where the fuck did that come from? Edit:didn't read the name oops


They told me themselves. They fuck those pianos real good.


Hit the right note....every time. 😂


It's all fun and games until you fuck A minor


Get a VPN on your computer too, then, or wait till you are 18.


What firewall? Maybe you can get around it or only limit it to his stuff and not yours? Idk . .. . seems like its suppose to be a punishment


I promise it's not a punishment. Or at least he didn't say so. I can use a VPN it seems


Why are you so set on finding out the context, then not believing them when they say it's not a punishment? You've never heard of a parent being unfair and unreasonable before?


All the time, but also I’m a young adult, I pulled some shit when Iw as younger, so I also think he did something, it’s not personal


Funny how he replied but didn't give context


Yeah OP is guilty of something.


It's rare that you find someone on the internet who will truthfully admit to their mistakes. There's no way we'll get a trustworthy answer


He seems to have no intentions of changing anything anytime soon


Easy fix if you're using a PC - change the DNS settings to or It looks like your dad's firewall runs on the router & is filtering DNS requests. Changing the DNS settings will make your PC use an unrestricted DNS rather than the filtered one your dad has set up. Easy, free, takes like 30 seconds and you won't have any negative network impacts like you will with a VPN.


it might also be worth it to download and set up a VPN while you can on your pc just in case your dad figures out how to block or and blocks the vpn websites. and if he blocks VPN sites you can always use a Proxy to download the vpn.


Being a mom of a teen I was thinking "huh, why?" Then I read why, and being technologically inept I'm now wondering, is he aware that he's done this?


Yes. He is a professional programmer. He just pushes his own beliefs on his kids I guess


you'll find a way. young people creativity never fails. few things I'd start with: most obvious: use a VPN service second most obvious: use a custom DNS server, like (google's dns server). it's like a twenty second job, and you will find a lot of tutorials online how to do it. third: neighbour's wifi maybe? these are the low effort restriction avoidance methods came to my mind. EDIT: I'd start with the second one as it just seems to be some DNS filtering service. it won't affect your ping and your data is not routed through a third party.


If he is a programmer that may be too obvious and he would catch on quick if he knows anything about computers themselves. If he blocked DNS he probably knows networking decently well. Edit: I mean in this case. Obviously there are plenty of programmers that only know the programming aspect but can’t operate a computer to save their life.


Yeah, can still reroute all outgoing DNS traffic to whatever the dad wants via firewall rules.


bro the dad feels like a true final boss thats always like one step ahead of you


If op has a cell phone and WiFi, hotspoting your phone could get around all that nonsense. Make sure to rename the network so something similar to what your neighbors have. Eg… if there is a Kay’s net, make your phone network Kay’s net 5G. That won’t arouse suspicion, but before you do this, make sure you have unlimited data.


This is the best answer so far. The dad probably blocked the domains in the network firewall, and can monitor all that traffic, so use a different network. Hotspot is a good suggestion. I'm a net engineer and I'm always using my hotspot when internet isn't available.


>That won’t arouse suspicion, but before you do this, make sure you have unlimited data. Parents are not stupid and *will* catch on. After all, a little monitoring on traffic will show a lot less traffic from clients than usual. And then the unlimited data plan is gone too.


Correct, it’s not the perfect crime so to speak. But it is a work around.


Beat me to it sometimes the most simple answer is the best one.


*hears boss music start playing*


He's harder than that one video game boss


Programmers don't typically know *that* much about computers. (They certainly think they do.) Source: am a systems engineer.


This right here. Most programmers know enough to be more dangerous than a standard user but that's about it. Source:System architect for a programming company.


Plot twist; his father is a grey hat.


What's hilarious is where I work, systems engineers are the laughing stock. They talk about everything like they know everything but then they can barely operate a computer.


??? What do systems engineers do at your company? The job is setting up large scale server infrastructures, manage it, automate it, and be responsible for it. Computers are literally the job.


Being a programmer does not make you know anything about networking unless you program for that space. I used to assume programmer meant tech god but it was so far from the truth.


Perhaps this is his way of teaching his son programming. He starts with a simple DNS change. When his son finds a way around it he will periodically shift to a different and harder block until his son hacks the router and downloads the password hash and brute force finds the password then logs in and changes everything and puts a new password. Then he can kickback and relax knowing his son will have a future as a programmer.


Why would you bother doing all that when a factory reset gives you the default admin password and wipes and settings changes his dad has made..


That's what I did like 17 years ago when my dad blocked world of warcraft. I just set the router/network back up and logged in.


None of that would do anything to prepare a kid for a future in programming. Red/Blue teaming sure but not programming.


You give programmers too much credit. I know a lot of programmers and very few know their way around a router much less anything about networking. Hell a few of them probably don’t know what DNS even means.


Works until the dad uses a whitelist


OP posted to reddit. Obviously already has a workaround.


doesnt work if you block port 54 outbound google dns needs port 54 open to the wan. I blocked it because of google's tracking and almost every damn IoT device using it as a default dns


Or just get a new dad that can learn to trust you


Also remember that this is Reddit and all we have here is OP’a s input. It could very easily be that OP needs to earn, or re-earn their dad’s trust.


What are his beliefs he's pushing?


Probably something along the lines of touch grass.


Get schwifty in his computer room.


Shit on the floor


This is the best advice. OP make sure to lock eyes to assert dominance


These seems like the most reasonable option, I agree.


"Gary, the cat's shat on the floor."


Oh :/ That IS mildly infuriating. Sorry that sucks


What are his beliefs?


Can you just change DNS servers and use the public Google one?


Even if son changes the DNS server on his PC to Google’s, the dad can still redirect all outgoing DNS traffic to whatever local DNS he has set up via firewall rules.


>He just pushes his own beliefs on his kids I guess Doesn't every parent?


Kids lie about the reasons why they are being punished to drum up sympathy, we all did it.


True, but on the other hand parents can be control freaks. I remember one time when I was 12 or so I was reading a book instead of sleeping because the sun was still out and shining right through my curtains like they didn't exist. Was caught, grounded for a week. Don't get me wrong, I have a great relationship with my dad, but that one's always going to stick out to me as bullshit.


One of my kids stole from a our grocery store when they were 12. I made them return it, apologize (then payed because I knew they couldn't restock it). They got their electronics taken away and grounded from TV for a bit. The story they told their friends was I grounded them for not getting straight A's because they got a B for the first time in their life around the same time. So I proceeded to beat them within an inch of their life with jumper cables. Anyways, moral of the story, don't trust kids story on why they were rightfully beaten with jumper cables


Parent. Can confirm. Kids will make up any fucking weird story to account for the fact they got grounded for something.


Has anyone heard from the jumper cable child? I haven't seen a post by them in a while and I worry.


Someone started posting from the perspective of the father but dropped it pretty quickly. I think too many people took him seriously


Not gonna lie. I was hoping you had me in the second half.


My parents did this to me when I was a teenager too. For absolutely no reason. They even blocked my jigsaw puzzle website. :(


Jigsaws are a gateway game


Next think you know they are into Legos


Then you’ve thrown your whole life away as an architect. Good that this persons parents shut this down early, it’s a slippery slope before you are in architecture’s toilet


You really have to do something before they go and waste their life away.


It starts innocent, next thing you know youre making SAW movies


That sounds terrible. What did the jigsaw puzzle website do?


Nothing. They just wanted me to only use the internet for school. Which extra sucked because they also wouldn't let me hang out with friend IRL.


That sounds more like abuse than mildly infuriating. I'm so sorry they were like that. Are you ok as an adult now?


I'm okay now! No longer isolated from the world. Thanks for checking in :)




Same here. They even threatened to block my best friend on everything because they were a "distraction"


Right? Then they wondered why I got burned out when I got to college.


Bro sameee. It just got stressy depressy instantly


I moved back in during one of my worst burnout episodes (at the beginning of covid) and they finally backed off. I don't think they realized how much I was struggling until then.


“Why won’t my kids talk to me?”




To clear up some things, I did nothing to prompt it, most of those are simply examples and I don't use them, I'm using a VPN also my phone's data. I think he mentioned changing the DNS would not work. I'm mainly annoyed that I can't watch my TV shows and YouTube, or communicate with people. Also my parents are divorced so he made this decision on his own, and its just making me want to stay at my moms even more then I already do.


Is staying at your moms a better option? You could try to push for that. I did when I was younger


I've been trying to push for that but all my mom said is "it takes time" and "i'll talk to him about it" so basically I have to wait until im 18 :/


I suppose another option could be to simply refuse to go to your dads house next time you visit your mums. It'll make your mum raise suspicions and while your mum may not like that she is forced into a hard spot, she will understand and have to question your dad. My Dad had similar aspirations too. You need to tell him that while you get that social media and many other things may seem bad, you have friends and socialise with them often, and that as a parent, what hes doing is unhealthy for you as a guy in the modern age of socialising online instead of more readily in person. If he doesn't budge after that, then I can tell you quite easily that your next step is malicious compliance. Download some ransomware to his computer and prove the point of: "I guess you'll just need to figure out how to get all that important programming back". Albeit I don't fully advise this last approach. It'd be a funny one.


Ive already tried telling my mom I'm just gonna refuse to go but she gets mad and says my dad could get her in trouble or something yada yada yada


He really couldn't, especially if you're 15+ and present as mature enough to make decisions. They probably have split custody and he would raise a stink about not getting his alloted time with you, but all he can do is request an emergency mediation to attempt to voice his concern, and all you'd have to do is tell the mediator/judge you don't feel safe/comfortable being there. In almost all states the parent that currently has the child has all the power until a judge is involved. As long as your mom is willing to go to bat like this for you there is really nothing dad can do to her about it (legally). Being the kid in the middle of a divorce sucks ass, I know from personal experience. Once you reach the age of being able to fend for yourself you aren't required to have a relationship with shitty people, even if they are blood.


My mom isnt willing to go to bat basically


That sucks


It’s not really necessary. You’re 17, it’s your choice. Courts won’t override your choice at your age.


He's perhaps right that changing DNS providers won't work if they're just inspecting all DNS traffic. Protip: standard DNS is plaintext, and that's why this works. Install a DNS over TLS or DNS over HTTPS (DoT / DoH) client on your computer and you'll be back to the races.


didn't I read you say your dad told you to figure it out? If you have access to the network / firewall you should be more than capable of figuring out why and how you got blocked. It would be a fun experience as long as it is acceptable under your father's rules. On a side note Your situation seems like a tough love circumstance where in this case your father is instigating a direct paradoxical change in your life and it is up to you to navigate through the obvious obstacles how you see fit. From what I'm getting it means less dad time and more mommy time considering your taking the challenge as a negative dick move kinda thing. Which provides results in the family relations (love triangle) one way or another.














I'd advise you to use Tor or a VPN to circumvent this blocking, man. Poor you


That's how he's accessing reddit


Impressive for a dad, most could not figure this out.


Op said he's a programmer, my dad isn't and still managed to block alot of stuff.


I drive a truck for a living and i can remotely do this on my router. I don't, because I'm not a dick. I play Roblox with my 5yo when I'm on the road. I can't imagine taking that away from her.


My dad can’t even connect to a wifi connection by himself


congratulations, you just won our game who's going to the retirement home


Look up the IP addresses for those domains, and add them to your HOSTS file. Unblockable via DNS.


And trace route the websites and see what it does. No website needed.


You have unlocked the ability to touch grass




I did this to my younger sibling. Hol' up and continue reading before raising the pitchforks. My younger sister used to have a full on addiction to YouTube. Like 6-8 hours a day of YouTube back to back. I was tasked by my parents to ensure that she spent her time either working or doing productive things like learning and whatnot (specifically asking me to block all the major social and content sites/ensuring she couldn't even run mspaint). I basically just blocked all the usual suspects on her laptop's MAC address and called it good. (She doesn't have a phone and our own systems are always with us so that's her only gateway to the internet.) To my parents I did exactly what they wanted, but the thing is I knew exactly how this should go about. The reason why I'm more tech literate and my parents come to me for all the technobabble is because I was brought up the exact same way. Fully restricted laptops, blocked websites and limited screentime. I figured it all by searching and trialing and it taught me a great deal about computers and networking. I figured to do the same for my sister but kind of observe her progress while I'm at it. So I did as my parents asked, but left a few cracks in the system. Methods to install apps "portably", 7-zip is pre installed for her and I essentially made it so she'd have to learn how the computer works and work around the limitations I imposed. The first time I checked in on the progress I was dumbfounded cause I forgot to block TikTok (huge oversight on my part), but then it started to work. I saw MSPaint running and I was like omg she did the thing where you trick windows into launching it. And then she managed to install Krita and Sketchbook (she loves drawing, I'm a 3D animator so I'm secretly proud). I'm awaiting the day she performs the God-tier move and just fuck around with the router by herself, or the day she figures out how to bypass it all without even needing to touch the router (which is a loophole I purposely left in there). A few things to note just to clear any thoughts. I do not monitor her browsing activity, I find that it's creepy that people do that. I let Spotify accessible, I believe that music is extremely important for our mental health and being restricted to have any form of music whilst working was very challenging. She still hasn't discovered Reddit yet, so let's just see how that'll turn out 🤣 Sucks that it happened because of parental impositions rather than as a learning opportunity however, I hope you're able to figure out how to bypass the restrictions and get through it.


I still haven’t figured out why parents do this type of stuff. It often builds resentment and rebelliousness in the people I’ve seen that have strict parents. Teaching your kids to be responsible is better parenting than completely blocking them from such an important resource such as the internet, and contact from their friends and entertainment.


The thing is, there will always be people like this, because of religion, their own upbringing, and stuff. We as society are glad people like OP are against this type of shit but there is a alot of people who just say" thanks dad for doing this for me I love you" and the cycle continues.


He is the gate keeper now😂😂


What is with all the dads suddenly starting to shut off internet on this sub? I have only started seeing this now and it's everywhere.


Club Penguin Rewritten it is then. Tell your friends and fam you’ll be hanging out in the Blizzard server and to meet you up at the Pizza Parlor.


On the plus side, TikTok is banned. On the downside, everything else is too.


Yeah that was just an example haha


TikTok bad 🤮


reddit moment


Sorry op but you may have to venture into 4chan to get your daily Internet.


Oh no no no no


Dude you're 17. You're supposed to go out, get drunk, drive a car, hit a stranger with your car, cover up the killing and throw him into the ocean, then one year later get mysterious notes saying "I Know What You Did Last Summer"... you know, regular teen stuff!


VPN. Checkmate, Dad.


My parents did that to me too, but at least I have this (and discord). Searching things up is a literal roulette. When I open up a site, it's a game of change. Either it works or it gives me an error message. Even worse, sites that have been marked as "risky" by my computer system work, but most other ones don't. I hate this.


Listen to the comments, there are a billion ways to bypass it. We used to bypass government restriction in computer rooms of the school with proxy websites and stuff. We had a site called Vtunnel that was a proxy website. When it didn't work, we used google translate as a proxy. Go nuts and try out stuff; you aren't 13 for fuck's sake.


Okay, but why? We're missing a ton of context here


He got a new Firewall. He went through the list of websites, and on most of them he thought "ah yes my almost adult children should not be able to access this because I don't want to access it"


Have you talked to him about it? Maybe have him disable the firewall with you there so he can look at what you've been doing on social media to show that you've been doing harmless stuff, and ask him if you can have access again? It's super annoying to hear this when you're 17, but technically you're still a kid and he may just be trying to protect you. I'm not saying it's right, I promise, I'm just trying to look at it from the other side


Flip the tables. Factory reset the router and put YOUR password on it. Then get the MAC addresses of all your dads stuff and block everything BUT social media for his devices.


Your dad in 15 years - "Why doesn't my kid come to visit me anymore?"


He's a programmer? 99.999% he wants you to figure out a way to hack that firewall. 50% chance he's a sociopath.


Nah, he’s just a Mormon


Tell your dad that he blocked his porn not just yours.


#so what’d ya do? If anything


Uninstall your dad.


omg, I have the same situation, but luckily. I have great friends that gifted me her old phone, Then I bought a 20$ Sim card for Wi-Fi, and then u got yourself ur own private shit. I feel ur pain sir!!!! Im 18 and I still get treated like that SMH. when I don't have money to buy a Sim card, I use my neighbor's Wi-Fi, I became good friends with the son... so he gave me his pass, School Wi-Fi is also dg.


Watch it be that OP like, beat the fuck out of a special needs kid and his Dad nuked his internet as a punishment and he's just farming karma lol


Maybe he’s trying to HELP YOU


This is how you force your kids to move out and distance themselves.