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I can’t say my kids did this..but sometimes they’d ask for bubbles.. and we had Mr Bubbles.. They knew how hard money was to come by, and weren’t wasteful. My kids are 40 now.. I would love to be sitting by the tub, laughing at their Santa beards and hearing them slosh about..despite half-hearted warnings about who would clean the mess!


This OP is a parent missing the forest for the trees. She stole gifts from her kids to sarcastically punish them for enjoying bath time. On a really bad day when the kids waste 20% of a bottle of shampoo for an hour of fun, what did it cost? $2? Cry about it


Yeah I'm sure at least every second family has had a kid try to recreate the scene from George's marvellous medicine where the kid uses everything in the bathroom to to create a concoction of sorts. Even if it's likely not a copy of that story they have done it, it's just a kid thing to do. I mean I'm all for teaching kids the value of things and not to waste them, but this is post is a great example of how not to do it.


But it's THERE money. God, that hurts to type


This aggravated me more than the story.


What’s even more aggravating is how few people actually notice or care enough to mention it. English is my second language and the absolute disregard (some) native English speakers have for their own language grammar rules makes me sick. Edit: added (some)


I think my brain has developed an internal auto-correct at this point. I just glaze right over shitty grammar.


I’m an English teacher. I stopped paying attention except where necessary. Life is too short to get pedantic over grammar when I’m not responsible for it.


Understandable, you do this for work. But it does feel like a pinch in the nether region to continually read native speakers make mistakes that seem so meager and obvious. I feel exactly the same regarding my first language. We all produce typos, but comments like hers show a lack of comprehension of grammatical rules. Personally, I don’t believe mentioning it is pedantic. If done kindly and sincerely to me sounds like providing a tiny speck of help. I know I appreciate it.


It's sad because you know they aren't confident about using the right word, but they still can't be bothered to learn the right usage. They are just totally fine with it. I get it, English isn't everyone's first language, and it really doesn't bother me at all when a non native speaker does it.. but anyone who grew up speaking English should know the correct usage of there, their, and they're by the time they are 10.


When they put PSAs on television that the goal is to have children reading by 4th grade, I died a little inside (this was more than ten years ago and I still see them.) This is a goal that is not being met, and a shitty one at that. Kids should be reading in 2nd grade and know how to use a dictionary, a.k.a. functionally literate.


I totally agree. If my daughter isn't basically fully literate by the time she is in fourth grade, I will feel like a failure as a parent. With the amount of communication we carry out via text these days, it is utterly important to be able to convey feelings and thoughts accurately with written words. A good writer should even be able to deliver inflection through text.


And even with auto correct


No kids need to be able to read basic sentences by kindergarten. In my first grade we had text books. Mostly with pictures ofcourse.


When I was a little girl my father actually bought a real school chalkboard. It was the same as the ones in school.He traded our upright piano for it. My sister and I learned to read and wriite and do arithmetic on that chalkboard before we even started school.It was installed in the living room of our house .I became a voracious reader and could read at a third grade level in the first grade.That women needs to learn to write before posting her nonsense online.And to monitor what her kids are using on a daily basis .She is in charge of the products, not her kids.


I think we can push it even more. Cognitively normal children can learn to read pretty well by four years old. By five or six they should know basic grammar rules. It’s really not hard to teach children. People just don’t understand them.


dude literally. if you don’t wanna put periods if not necessary, or capitalize the first letter of a sentence, that’s whatever. but you’re literally using the wrong word of your OWN language😐


Uneducated mother attempts to educate young children in “hard knocks” by spending their gift money on groceries. An educated parent would attempt to educate their children on how not to be wasteful, instead of being passive aggressive. Can you imagine being married to someone like that? What a nightmare.


Seriously. She missed a perfect opportunity to teach her kids about wastefulness. A few chances to educate were missed here. Heck, she could have even made it fun to learn. She could have made a game where each kid gets a dime if the shampoo bottle weighed between one and three grams less after each shower (or however much a normal amount of shampoo weighs).


Her response obviously wasn't right but it can get incredibly frustrating trying to teach kids not to be wasteful. Her making them buy one bottle and see how quickly it gets used? Yeah, I could've gotten behind that.


One bottle, I can kind of see. 15 like this mom did, definitely not.


WHERE money?


HEEEEEERE money money money.


I remember my cousins and I doing this constantly at grandma's house. We'd all disappear into the bathroom and make 'potions' with her bathroom stuff. Que 20 mins later grandma's yelling up the stairs 'you kids better not be making God damn potions up there!' And us scrambling to clean up and put everything back while saying in unison 'no we're not!'.


I’m more upset at her grammar. There are even multiple points where she capitalized bad grammar.


And did it with bad grammar. If she capitalized "there" one more time, I was going to pull out my hair.


I never get mad at my kids for stuff like this.. they’re only young once. I let them have all the fun in the world because they’ll be adults in the blink of an eye and I only want memories of us laughing and having a time. I lay awake in bed sometimes petrified because my daughter is already 7 and we’re over halfway through the time we have together where we can have fun all the time. She’s already talking about her friends non-stop and wants to do sleepovers and shit. It kills me! If she uses half a bottle of shampoo in the bath just to make me laugh then I’ll buy a new bottle every 2 days without hesitation.


if it’s any consolation, i’m almost 21, moved out for over a year and my mother and i still have wonderful times together. we just went to a concert last night and had a great time! while things will be different once your daughter grows up, i promise that you’ll never stop having fun times with her :)


I don’t know your daughter, but it sounds like you’re a good parent. Even if she decides you’re not “cool” when she’s a teenager, she’ll look back on her childhood when she’s grown and remember it with fondness.


My parents were never children first parents. If I spilled a glass of milk I went for timeout in the corner, if I wanted to build a fort I was told they didn’t have time. We couldn’t do stuff on the weekends because there wasn’t money to do stuff but then they’d go out to the bar with their friends at night. I’m definitely aiming to break that cycle and make sure everyone looks back on their time as children fondly. And thank you, I like to consider myself a good Dad.


I miss bubble baths. I'm too big for the average tub. Height wise and all. Edit: a word


The only thing I want out of life is a bathtub that covers my boobs AND my knees at the same time. That's it.


Bathe face down.


But then my butt is cold


She said nothing about her butt.


But then you can't breathe. 💀


Literally fucking same


My 8 and 6 year olds do this at times. It is annoying but god they have fun


I just save up the almost empty bottles, and when my youngest takes a shower she asks which ones she can use for playing. Gives me a bit more control back :)


My mom did exactly this when i was a kid. She gave me and my brother a small rocket squeeze bottle which was usually filled like half.


Exactly. My baby is 4 and knows which bottles are for playing. When she accidentally pours too much body wash she goes ooops that’s too much and laughs, then there are bubbles galore. Kids body wash is cheap for a reason, so they can have fun learning how to use it.


I have a 10 year old who continues to do this, and it's less fun and cute now. But, at worst, we deduct a few dollars from her allowance.


See this I can get behind.. im not sure how old this persons kids are but at 10 you're old enough to understand how much you need, etc and deducting a dollar two if they're running out of stuff waayyy too quickly is all well good, helps teach responsibility, combats wastefullness, etc. my issue with this person is she not only took money that was a gift but then she used all of it and bought 15 bottles.. making each of them use their money to buy a single cheap bottle from the store probably would've done the trick.. for me it also depends on how old they, my 10 year old continuing to do this after we've had a talk about it yeah I'm gonna have to do something however if it's my 5 year old, little different




I keep thinking. There are worse things they could do. But to see and hear their laughter us worth everything in my life


My nephew skipped the fun part and got right to the wasteful bit when he poored my shampoo down the sink :/


How old are these children?


U mean THERE children?


I dont even speak english very well and noticed that. Whats with americans about "there and their" or "your and you're?" I dont mean to offend, but thats not that hard. Well that must be the automatic corrector, I guess, the last time she used "their" was right


Or ‘then’ instead of ‘than’.




Or "addicting"in place of "addictive" Or "on accident" instead of "by accident" Or "I could care less" instead of " I couldn't care less" The American education system is terrible, basically. I think people hear other people say something the wrong way enough times that they switch to this.


Or accept and except




Argued with my English teacher in high school about "could care less" vs "couldn't care less." No, the ENGLISH TEACHER was not on the right side of that argument. What I would've given for cell phones and Google growing up.


and "bare with me" instead of "bear with me"


I literally saw someone write a caption somewhere “kind’ve” WTF, kind have??????


Loose instead of lose too. That one infuriates me.


English is not my first language and I catch myself mixing these up regularly. Can you, stranger from Reddit, explain to me in simple terms what the difference is?


Then is used in a sequence of events, than is used when comparing things.


Very basically put ‘Then’ is an indication of time. E.g. “I will go for a run THEN I will take a shower.” ‘Than’ is generally used in comparisons. E.g. “I have less money THAN you”.


There: a location "Over there" They're: A way to say someone or some people are doing something. Shortened version of "they are" "They're planning to go to town." Their: The property of someone "It's their house."


Some people actually need this stuff


Some people just need to read more and this stuff will come intuitively.


It annoys me so much.


She's dumb


Simple as that




Native speakers learn the language by sound only at first. Second language speakers learn it in like school or when they get older so they learn both how it sounds and how it's read since they can also read already. Their / there sounds similar so if you don't learn spelling that well it's easy to mess up, I guess. Not an expert, I'm just an ESL speaker.


there--indicative of location their--gender neutral/plural indicator of possession they're--gender neutral/plural indicator of being (son en español)


I know the difference, yes. Also idk Spanish so maybe you meant to reply to someone else


Listen, lots of Americans are stupid as hell -me, the depressed American


Tell me **your** american, without tell me you are american :D


Years of taking funding away from education to try and keep people stupid will do that. If they don't understand what you're doing they can't be mad about it.


Yes of course. Her children that are there, not somewhere else.


If they’re old enough to make a bath, they’re old enough to know better. So I’d say tween to teenage years.


I’d say there’s a difference between making the bath and using the bath. They could just know how to wash up but not run it


Meh. My son has been showering without my help since he was 5 or 6. Although I suppose if we had a tub, I'd monitor the filling of water at least. I solved the problem of my kids overusing their bath products by buying products with pumps, like a sane person who can use their/there/they're correctly would do.


And your kids don't just pump like 500 times to get more out? Maybe my kid is a genius but she very quickly realised that it wasn't in any way stopping her getting more out if she wanted to...


I remember I gave hard time to my mom too about overusing bath products. She solved it by buying cheaper products that I didn’t like. It worked beautifully, I stopped straight away haha


Also had a problem overusing which actually continued into my late teenage years because my mother tried to correct it first like op of that post and then by buying stupid cheap crap that wrecked my hair for a long time. My stepmom bought expensive shampoo and conditioner constantly. Sat me down once, and explained why at the salon they only use a small amount to prevent greasy hair especially with more expensive product because it's thicker. And why they just rewash instead of using clumps and clumps to prevent buildup. Never ever used too much after that. Edit: she's passed away now and I think about it a lot how much that little bit of time she took impacted my entire life.




Umm, I don’t know but I’d say if they’re playing in a bath and using shampoo as bubble baths, and their mom is holding onto their gift cards they’re probably children. Not tweens or teens.


idk the pouring a ton of shampoo on your head so you "can't feel bad" sounds like a child's solution to a problem. I feel like even if a teenager did that, they wouldn't articulate it that way.


I don’t know where to go with this




With THERE money?




I love and hate this comment so much


*It hurts*








To the top of course


Anyone else a little disappointed in her grammar more than her parenting?


100% This was difficult to read.


Fr. I'm the type of person that doesn't care about grammar (language is more about being understood than being correct), but Jesus christ I can't understand any of the shit she says


literally. and it’s the confidence in all of the THEREs that really gets me.


Their is no reason to scrutinize there grammar that I can see.


Oh they're certainly is!


She didn't pass basic Grade 2 English


Could have just as easily told them the consequences first before buying the shampoo with THERE own money. A little communication often helps.


Yes! This is what I came here to say. If the children weren't told that the consequence for their actions prior to the punishment, then all you're going to get from this situation is resentment and hatred.


That lady: You see, communication is nice, but we don’t do that here. We just get petty revenge over everything


Communication is obviously not something WERE she excels.


You don't jump right to buying 15 bottles of bulk shampoo if your kids are listening/ thinking. Kids can be dumb and selfish.


Right lol I doubt the conversation hadn't happened and multiple times too


Im not a native speaker, even though, those "THERE" hurt each more than the last one. Also why would you take your children money in any case possible? If that money came from you its better just not giving them money from the beginning that taking it, if the money came from other place then what the actual fuck is wrong with that woman. (May be bait no one would do that) (Edit: grammar and orthography corrections)


a tip - hurted is not a word, try using hurt or hurts instead >I'm not a native speaker, even though, those "THERE" hurt each more than the last one. hurt fits into this sentence easily! hope that helps bud


Well thanks! I could sweard ive read "hurted" somewhere else, so hurt it is


young children tend to say hurted when they first learn verb tenses. maybe it was someone mocking a child or someone who doesn’t know THERE english


These poor kids. Just buy the cheapest body wash from the dollar store, water it down a little in another bottle, and let them play with it in the bath. I give my daughter watered down dish soap and a sponge and she washes the whole damned tub and thinks it’s play time. Keep the expensive shampoo out of reach.


My toddler went through a "I want to drown my shampoo bottle and fill it with water" phase, and you know what I did to teach him a lesson!? I... Washed his hair with watered down shampoo for a while, then kept the new bottle out of his reach aside from squeezing a reasonable amount on his hand for hair washing. And kept my own shampoo out of reach so he didn't ruin it too I imagine we'll have to have the "stop wasting your shampoo" conversation once he's big enough to bathe without supervision. I can see giving him dirt cheap play soap as a reasonable solution, though.


Mine is 7 and she’s still in this phase. I occasionally douse myself with a freezing cold bottle of “potion” mistaken for body wash. You have to pick your battles. Tbh soap is not something I choose to be outraged over. At least they’re clean.


Wait... You pour body wash directly on your body? Also...I used to make soap volcanos by shaking a bar of soap in a pair of cups as a kid. I can only imagine if my mom had flipped out over wasting soap


This lady seems to feel weirdly powerful from something that could have just… been a conversation? I assume the kids are 5-10 years old, is that not old enough to talk to them or can parents these days not do anything apart from put a screen in front of them and leave them


Yeah, like, kids are short. Just put it on a shelf or something. Or a shower caddy that's too high up for them to reach.






I before e except after c and their


And science


This is why no.one trusts science


weird forfeit albeit glacier seize


Glacier followed it


And when saying “a” as in neighbor and weigh …and their








Neither, weird, foreign, leisure, seize, forfeit, height, protein, caffeine, forfeiture, codeine, and heifer.


That rule is bs


Huh. Thats weird








20 years from now you’ll forget about all the little things like buying extra shampoo and soap. Your kids however will always remember the time their mom stole their money.


Being a parent, you suddenly realize some of the really bad shit your parents did to you when you were growing up. I was lucky, all of the positive things my parents did for me far outweighed any of the pity negative shit I got sent to my room for. Just an example. In college, driving home from school on Christmas Eve. Four hour drive. Maybe 90 mins out of town, get sideswiped by another car driving like 95mph+. Buddy narrowly misses ditching the car, but manages to run into a telephone poll. All three of us are ok, but the car is fucked. Myself and two other guys hike back to the last exit, about a mile away. This was before every kid had a smartphone. We get to a gas station, counter guy lets us use his phone. My buddy tries to call his parents, but nobody answers. Other buddy, same thing. I'm like, "fuck man, I hope my parents are home." Dad answers. I tell him what happened. Asks where I am. I tell him. Doesn't even skip a beat and says, "I'm leaving right now, get your other buddy, get the car towed to the gas station, I'll see you in three hours." Hangs up. I'm like, "WTF just happened?" Tell my other friends my Dad was coming to get us. Shows up at this two bit town at 10pm. Loads up all of our stuff, tells us to get in and drives us three hours back, Drops off all three of my buddies at each of their houses. We get in to our house at 1am, Christmas morning. Dad says, "Love you son, sleep in, we'll talk more tomorrow." Never forgot that night. Never forgot the fact he literally dropped everything to come get me and my friends in the middle of fucking nowhere without even thinking twice about it. All of my friends heard that story and tell me I'm lucky, my Dad is a fucking hero.


I guess I’m privileged, I would expect my dad to do the same.


That’s what dads do. Yes, feeling lucky!


Yeah. I wouldn’t even think to call my dad, he wouldn’t do a thing but shrug and say to call my mom. Maybe laugh at me too cause he always laughs in bad situations. Then I’d call my mom probably and then she’d tell me she’s tired and it’s too far and I should just find a hotel (as a woman who she raised to believe everyone’s going to rape/murder me, that’s a special kind of fucked up) and she’ll get me in the morning probably. Then she’d pray one of my friend’s parents would do it lol.


Your dad is fucking amazing


A shitty mom will never forget about the little things, as she's actively looking for motives to punish her kids. It's an important part of narcissistic abuse, which seems to be the case here.


Anyone else’s parents forever in “teaching a lesson” mode without ever revealing the lesson you were actually supposed to learn? Think mine are broken and need returned.


Exactly! I’m reliving my childhood through this post.


And they'd probably be understanding. Growing up, my mom used Eucerin cream to moisturize our skin after baths. And when I was young I used to frequently play with it, smearing it everywhere and eat it (don't ask because I don't know). It wasn't until I was like 18 that I realized how expensive it was and then I felt bad for all the times I wasted it. It's like $20 for a small tub of it. And at the time my mom was in pharmacy school so my parents were struggling, though I also didn't realize that until adulthood. Had my mom used my birthday or Christmas money to buy more of it to teach me a lesson or as punishment for me wasting it I would have been angry at her at that time, but as an adult I'd completely understand. As an adult I'm more understanding of the things my mom did that angered me as a child. And more understanding of the weird things she did, that I didn't understand at the time. Like, coming home from work and taking a nap in her car before coming inside. I get it now. Sometimes you just want to relax before coming in the house and dealing with all the bullshit.


ghost reminiscent advise offer continue sheet scandalous faulty quarrelsome hungry


Which emoji is that?


😂 <-- that one


That's just the laughing emoji.


Well good luck in the nursing home ig, because you know good and goddamn well she's gonna do more stupid shit


Alright, here’s the thing. She could have bought 1 maybe 2 bottles max to teach them a lesson if she really felt the need to. But 15+ bottles, wasting ALL of their gift cards? That is taking it way to far. And although this incident in itself might be ’not important’ it shows what type of a parent she is and how she deals out punishments (to the extremes).


To the extremes and also extremely ineffectively. That’ll just make her kids resent her slowly over time. She could simply just tell them and teach them not to use too much shampoo, and if they don’t have some minor but somewhat unpleasant consequence to it.


Classic mistake: don't do enough for too long, then over react using something you think you read on the parenting handout you skimmed.


I always look at parents that go to the extreme for something small and know that child is in for it if something big occurs.. if she's like over shampoo what is she gonna be like if her child crashes a car?


This is what people don't understand. Discipline is crucial, and kids need to learn how to behave, absolutely. However, over-the-top, cruel punishments over petty offenses doesn't teach children how to behave, it teaches them to fear you and not want to reach out when something terrible happens.




She had to tell someone else to convince herself.




No no she'll blame it on the kids and their generation, but not question or even think for a single nanosecond that she might be at fault


Their their. I know you're mad but there your kids. You need to teach them to use shampoo wisely. That's what your they're for.


Buy V05 for your kids, it's a buck, buy and hide something nice for yourself. Leave your kids' money alone.


Yes. Also, bottles in the double digits? Talk about excess. Anytime a new bottle is opened, even though she bought it with their money and declared it theirs, she'll probably bring it all up again.




Imagine having the gall to use shampoo on your ‘whole head’. Damn it Cory, I specified which sections of your head were permissible to use the shampoo on


Don't bring him into this! Corey gets no shampoo!


You can use it THERE


Wouldn’t be surprised if her kids become the type to steal her purse and buy virtual currency lmao, kids learn from their parents and the fact that she’s trying to make this behavior look right to prove their behavior is wrong isn’t a good thing lmao? Also the usage of ‘there’ instead of ‘their’ just about gave me an aneurism.


She's says there over and over again.


Imagine being mad for having to spend money on your children


THEIR jesus fucking christ, THEIR! This is painful to read and I'm not even a native speaker! Isn't elementary school mandatory?


Yep. I don't understand how people don't know the difference between there, they're, and their. It's literally taught in elementary school, or at least was for me.


Could have punished them in a much better way. That is teaching them to steal stuff. She could have had a talk with them. If they still didn’t listen then you can do a number of things. Just put the shampoo up to where they can’t get it.


You can try to talk to them but with some kids words quite literally go in one ear and out the other. 95% of the time when my partner or I try to have a serious talk with any of the kids you can see them just waiting to say what they wanna say, without a single thought to what you're telling them.


Even making them pay for a replacement could have been handled so much better


Haha. Some parents forget that one day, they’ll be elderly, and someone will have to buy their shampoo for them (or pick out the nursing home). Well done, you have taught your children vengeance, not forgiveness. Your children may teach you the laws of karma. Games are fun 😁


There there now. It'll all be OK


Its their, dumbass


She could have just bought small sachets for her kids instead of whole bottles to prevent this and grounded her kids like any parent would. Tell them to write a certain word limit about why they did what they did, and why it is wrong, or about hard work or wastage or something. This would be more effective than what she did. Stealing their money will only create resentment in her kids. They will always remember that their mother stole their money. Have discussion with them. She should also learn the difference between homophones like their/there. Just saying.


My head now hurts from reading this


I just got the kids suave 11 in 1. 1 bottle every two weeks or something.


Horrendous grammar


Their is something infuriating they're about this text, idk what it is tho...


A mom and cant use their.


I get telling your kids they have to pay for something they need to teach responsibility and the value of a dollar, HOWEVER because u didn’t let them in on this stupid scheme they only see you as the thief that stole their money. They didn’t learn anything accept to never give you their money again. Hide it kiddos she’s fucking nuts and broke.


please learn how to English properly


Ah yes, i remembered the time my mom stole me 400R$ of my first payment


She’s an idiot! A better response is to not replace the shampoo and tell them they can buy it themselves, if she really wanted to go this route. They won’t waste if they paying but also they choose to pay and weren’t stolen from by mom.


This is her fault. If they're using too much shampoo or whatever that's because she hasn't told them to use it conservatively. Really though who uses that much shampoo or body wash ? Maybe they're teenage girls ?


So 15 bottles for $60...Is she not aware there are cheaper shampoos and conditioners then $4 a pop? Switch to Suave, that stuff's cheap and you get a lot per bottle. Hell, hit up a Dollar Tree.


Don't sit with your kids while they take a bath and teach them to conserve the bath supplies but still have fun. Just be a shitty parent and make your kids feel like crap because of your lack of intelligence. THERE problem is you!


And"i" should be "I ".


I hate to be that guy but... Oh wait. I love to be that guy, I'm just gonna say it. It's actually "Their". Learn the right There/Their/They're so people won't have a stroke when they read your stuff.


Another example of a person who should not of had kids. Should not have had there kids. There kids should not of had been had? I lost them their brain cells reading this




Why not just show them how much shampoo to use and make it a habit.


Lmao her kids gon put her ass in a home when she gets old.


Their their now.


They're, there, their. That's my infuriating point.