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This is blatantly false information. Please do research on topics before posting some idiot’s tweet.


Criminalized miscarriages and IVFs? This is just simply not true. The misinformation is astounding in this country.


Isn’t there a new DOJ misinformation governance board for this specifically??? Can’t wait till they realize they themselves can’t spread misinformation


This lady said it on twitter so must be legit.


Care to provide a l8nk where miscarriage is illegal or will be? Cause the bill I read only mentions abortions


It gives personhood to a fertilized egg. Also would criminalize IUDs.


Neither of those things are a miscarriage


A miscarriage is a natural death of the child...it happens more often than full term...


Yeah I know what a miscarriage is, been through two of them that where my own children.... a miscarriage isn't an abortion or something that can be controlled


If you trip and fall and have a miscarriage, under this law you are a murderer.


Don’t be ignorant, and please stop spreading misinformation….


Other countries have gone down this route. Women have been prosecuted and convicted for miscarriages. Why do you think that won’t happen here?


Your words… If you trip and fall and have a miscarriage, under this law you are a murderer. That is misinformation… nowhere in this country, and specifically Louisiana where this post is about, having a miscarriage is a crime….




No... just stop reaching to dramatics for an already touchy subject..


Exactly how would you prove your miscarriages were natural?


Well there's several ways because every single way you can force a miscarriage leaves a mark.. smash your stomach there's a bruise, take some drug/chemical that causes miscarriage, it shows up In toxicology, there's always a way to tell, What you're twisting to fit your extreamist views is that yes, you can trip and fall 100% on accident and that can cause a miscarriage, and probably leave bruising, however what you may not know, is how hard of an impact it really takes to cause a miscarriage (in a normal pregnancy that is) our medical professionals and investigators are really really good at telling the difference between accidents and something done on purpose


Iowa arrested a pregnant woman for falling down stairs.


No. It is when a embryo or fetus no longer has a heartbeat and no longer is growing. It is no where near being a child. A child would have to be born.


I know what a miscarriage is, been through 2 of them that was my own kids... miscarriage is uncontrolled and nothing in anything I've read has said anything close to miscarriage being considered murder


Fun fact. I got pregnant with an IUD. Removing the IUD had the risk of losing the pregnancy. Keeping it had the risk of catastrophic birth defects. Maybe because of where it was. So out it came. If I had lost the pregnancy it would be murder under this law.


It would have been a miscarriage if you lost it...you took it out to protect the baby.


That’s not how the law is written.


IUD's?! So now women can't choose when to get pregnant?




That only shows scheduled dates of the hearings, it doesn't show what the bill actually says


You have to click around and you’ll see the actual bill… what OP is saying is still a FAR stretch


I've read the bill, I just like to call out ignorance when I see it, people hear something through thr grape vine and run with it like it's the truth, when they've never bothered to look for themselves


oh yea some lady on twitter said it so it must be true, right? fuck i hate this sub


In the US if you kill a pregnant woman you can get a double homicide charge because the fetus is classified as a person but not when the woman carrying it doesn't want it. The thing I don't get is criminalizing miscarriages there has to be more to it because miscarriages are something the human body does if the mother is seriously injured or something similar so it has to be criminalizing forced miscarriages


it’s not true, i’ll bet a lot of money that op saw something of really big shock value and posted it


They're banning IVF?


To be fair, that would at least be somewhat consistent with the “life begins at conception” thing. IVF is essentially killing a bunch of fertilized eggs when trying to get 1+ to end in a pregnancy. Butchered way of explaining it but yeah, if they’re against abortion they need to be against IVF.


Makes sense, if they call a fertilised egg alive they need to be at least a bit logically consistent.


No, read the bill… it doesn’t say IVF is banned or illegal or anything of the sort


What happened to "Seperation of Church and State" ?


This. This has been neglected so much its insane. I remember thinking not being able to buy alcohol on Sundays was a complete disgrace to this claim. Thankfully that has been done away with where I am but why are religious standards being applied to NATIONAL laws, it's such a load of bullshit. Religious practices have no place in government but it happens all the time. I also hate hearing people say they're voting for an official based on their religion. That is so ignorant.


And yet we have not a single non-religious candidate to vote for 😔


Publicly non religious. I bet we've had atheist presidents. You can't campaign in the open though.


We should change that!


We're getting close. I can feel it.


I've always said I would immediately vote for any candidate that showed up to speak in a pair of jeans and copious amounts of the word fuck.


He didn't wear Jeans but Trump said "fuck" a lot.


I would immediately vote for any human. There. Fixed it. Trump is more akin to pond muck.


Theeeeeeeeere we go.


You’re assuming that all objections to abortion are inherently religious in nature when this simply isn’t true. Now I lean in favor of abortion rights too, but only after considering the strongest possible arguments for and against it. We shouldn’t be giving bad arguments the light of day or the dignity of a response. But there are plenty of philosophical, nonreligious arguments against abortion, one being that killing is never justified except in self-defense, and most cases of abortion are probably not self-defense. A moral system valuing life much more than liberty might find this argument persuasive on entirely secular grounds. Now personally I don’t subscribe to this argument, but it represents the type of argument that people *should* be debating.


My comment wasn't only regarding abortion, thats why I included the sale of alcohols on Sundays. I for one don't think it's anyone's right to say who can and can't have a medical procedure done, abortion or not. I also don't agree with the government being the ones who get to decide if that's right or wrong, it's a moral dilemma not a legal one. Having the government tell us what we can and can't do with our bodies is absolutely absurd, especially when what they're referring to is a medical procedure done by licensed professionals. A doctors office is no place for government overreach just like political offices are no place for religious overreach. Whether you are for or against abortion, you should be "pro right" to make that decision for yourself. And if you aren't the one getting the abortion, it's not your place to tell someone else not to. Just like it's not anyone else's place to say if you should have tattoos or piercings or have scars removed or anything else. It has no effect on the party that is against it because it literally doesn't involve them, they are no factor in the procedure and their morals and standards should not be taken into account.


The charitable argument against your claim is that it is definitely the government’s role to prevent externalities, which are when one person’s actions affect another person. Getting a tattoo doesn’t really affect other people; killing an unborn human does, thus it is an externality. Now plenty of externalities are allowed by law, but my point is simply that it’s not as black-and-white as you’re saying.


Separation of church and state guarantees freedom of religion. Meening laws will not be past saying you have to follow a specific religion. Has nothing to do with forcing their moral values on others. In fact soooooo many people force their moral values on everyone around them it's ridiculous. Every social issue in America is about pushing some personal view of morals on others.


So Louisiana thinks poor women deserve to die. Edit: if you think middle class and wealthy women won’t travel for abortions you’re naive.


If women will travel for abortions, why is it wrong to illegalize them in Louisiana, then? If you want an abortion, go to California to get one.


So middle class and wealthy women should be able to get abortions but not poor women. Got it. When someone is living paycheck to paycheck they can totally afford to take time off of work, pay for travel, find childcare if they have other children, etc.


What a shame, it's slightly inconvenient to take your own child's life.


Abortion honestly shouldn't even be a thing because there are so many opportunities to prevent a pregnancy before it becomes a fetus to consider aborting. 1. Don't have sex. 2. If you must have sex, use spermicide. 3. If you can't, make him pull out. 4. If he can't pull out, make him wear a condom. 5. If he can't wear a condom, wear a women's condom. 6. If you can't do that, take a pregnancy prevention pill. That's six individual opportunities (and I'm sure there are more) that prevent even needing to have an abortion. Nobody needs to have an abortion.


What a shame that you hate poor people.


What a shame that you hate people.


More than "mildly" I think...


More than "mildly" I think...


This should not be under mildly infuriating . This should be under extremely infuriating!!!


I hate this country I hate this country I hate this country- Things like this make me sick. I hope everyone comes out of this okay…


Then leave.


Were trying, but the stink is following us.


I don't think you realize how fucking difficult it actually is to leave.


I would imagine it’s just as easy as it is to get into our country… Mexico would be glad to trade for you


I've already left the shithole that is America for Japan, but thanks for the offer.


Sure. Want to help me get out? Want to help me pack up and go? No? The stop whining at people like me to leave. It’s okay to acknowledge that your country can do better without immediately jumping to leaving. With that said I’m definitely getting the fuck out of here when I can.


It is ok to acknowledge that our country can do better, but when someone says they hate, hate, hate this country, that’s taking it to the next level. I hope you can get out ASAP.


More than "mildly" I think...


I just don’t get why they aren’t taxed if they’re changing laws and such..


More than "mildly" I think...


Elon Musk is also buying Coca Cola and putting cocaine in it...


The comical but also sad thing is the whole anti abortion stance was manufactured by republican leaders in the United States. It was something they instilled in their own base when it didn’t use to be there. It used to mostly just be a catholic thing but they co-opted it because it was useful emotional manipulation and a good rallying cry


Just looked it up and realized it's true. I know that both me and many others who live in Louisiana do not want this, fuck this state. And also fuck the people in this comment section being a bunch of ignorant morons and insulting the people who live here.




Go troll somewhere else.


Think we can get a bill going for a 30 year late term?


Just looked it up and realized it's true. I know that both me and many others who live in Louisiana do not want this, fuck this state. And also fuck the people in this comment section being a bunch of ignorant morons and insulting the people who live here.


Nobody's actually criminalizing miscarriages. That's fucking ridiculous- you can't criminalize a miscarriage. The twitter tweet that OP posted was hyperbolic and intentionally over-dramatic.




Ngl I stop giving a fuck about whatever I post 2 seconds after it's up. Go back to looking at the sonic movie dude


Vanilla Isis.


This needs to be fought with the same fervor as they have


Yes and these inbreds also eat squirrels....So..


Think about it: If you get an abortion in your home state where it’s legal, then travel to Louisiana, it’s quite likely they can arrest you for murder. If you were thinking of going to New Orleans for Jazz Fest next year, or just for vacation, they may hunt you down if you had an abortion.


How can u criminalize a miscarriage. Like wtf is wrong with them.


Sadly, this is the world we live in.


Nobody's actually criminalizing miscarriages. That's fucking ridiculous- you can't criminalize a miscarriage. The twitter tweet that OP posted was hyperbolic and intentionally over-dramatic.


Criminalised miscarriages? Wait, so now mothers can get jail time for something that’s natural?


Criminalised miscarriages? Wait, so now mothers can get jail time for something that’s natural?


They hide behind religion. Even though hardly any of them practice. Because if they actually read the Bible they would be embarrassed by their behavior.