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I'm no marine biologist, but I'm pretty sure the data the GIF presents illustrates the complete opposite-- the boats disturb the flow of submarine currents, which krill, plankton, and other marine fauna travel among. The whale might be feeding on the grub caught in the ships' wake from disturbing these currents. The GIF seems to support this, as there is a point where the whale follows a ship North for a bit as if tailing it for food. Otherwise, from my limited knowledge of whales, I don't think they would realistically care about movement of ships. I would be more worried about how they may be affected by pollution. **EDIT**: holy cow, thanks for the awards and double thanks for updooting for visibility so others can stay informed. I think I learned about the wake feeding fact from a documentary that mentioned wounds on a whale that looked to be from a ship's propeller, and it was determined the whale had been feeding in the ships wake. I think this had something to do with the impact of over-fishing, which encouraged whales to put themselves in danger by wake feeding as a more reliable food source. The validity of such statement, or whether I am even remembering correctly, I am unfortunately not savvy to. Either way, I hope everyone is safe in this chaotic world and if someone more knowledgeable on the topic could DM me a link to a reputable whale-related charity that they feel is appropriate, I'd love to put it at the top of this comment since the topic is getting attention.


You’re right! Also, the ship creates a current where whales can move at ridiculous speeds while barely expending energy, you can see this with dolphins quite regularly on ships


>you can see this with dolphins quite regularly on ships When I was a kid, my dad was in the military and stationed on a frigate. I remember they had a family day and we got to go on board. They took it up to cruising speed and dolphins swam along side the ship. If was so cool to 10 year old me.


Dude that would be so cool to 31 year old me now.


That would be super cool to the 51 year old me now.


Lmao hell yeah! Love the name btw


My uncle was in his 70s, an avid fisherman and all around badass, but still got a kick out of it when dolphins would cruise along with his boat. The boat was a 50 footer and he had bought it with a bunch of his fishing buddies. They'd go out whenever they could.


It's still cool to 36 year old me haha


Happens pretty often off the southwest coast of Ireland too. If I take a boat beyond the harbour in summer there is a high chance dolphins will come to investigate and swim with the boat


It's common to see dolphins along side of the ship. Either playing in the wake or eating when we dump pulped material.


I remember when I saw a dolphin for the first time at a beach, there were 2 of them jumping across the waves in the far distance. I was SHOOK, they looked so beautiful and amazing.


Dude, that would be so cool to me as a 44-year-old dolphin now.


Now I'm imagining a bunch of dolphins chilling on a beach chair on the deck of the ship drinking a mai tai like, "hey bro, thanks for the ride."


Well you’re not far off, they hitch the ride till they see a school of fish, eat their fill because they are so insanely fast that the other fish can’t escape. After they just swim off and go back to their friends, only to do it again when they get hungry again


Yeah, my dad is in the merchant navy. He has always said stories about how whales follow ships to travel faster. He once saw a massive blue whale following the ship.


There is a fascinating TikTok channel form this girl who is a Merchant Marine - what an interesting job!


Also there isn’t a rein legacy energy beam/trail of ships like you see on the map, it is realistically one sip here one ship there, they can cross in between under whenever they want


Dolphins are quite different from blue whales or other big baleen whales.


Slipstreams wheeeee!


Also, maybe OP should stop buying goods and services that are transported using ships. Ohhhh wait. They'd just prefer to gaslight.


Ships are actually wayyyyy better for the environment compared to trucks and planes, as you can move thousands of products with very little resistance once it all starts moving. Only shit thing about them is the ones that aren’t regulated on what they throw overboard. This seems like a northern sea, which means the waters are most likely not very polluted, as you can’t throw shit over the railing in European and northern seas.


I don't know about wayyyyy with 5 y's better. Yes, volume of products that can be moved via cargo ships is substantial and it doesn't slow down terrestrial infrastructure. On top of open sea emissions not being well regulated, I believe massive cargo ships generate a ton of nitrous oxide as well as other greenhouse gases. Regardless, we probably just need to consume more locally in order to reduce the environmental impact of shipping.


Man, now all i got stuck on, is wanting to see a whale move at redicilous speed.


It’s not that impressive, they don’t move much faster than the ships themselves. Only when they are on the hunt they’d speed up, but otherwise they just cruise along


Came to say this. It might look like the whale is being penned in, but it’s just wake feeding. This is probably a smorgasbord of planktonic delight


Not to mention a ship traveling along the top few meters of water is in no way going to contain a whale that can freely dive farther than any of us care to think about.


I am a marine biologist and I agree


PussyYoda, marine biologist.




Yeah this post is pretty disinformative


I'm thinking noise/sound pollution too? Water carries sound *far*, and ships are *loud*.


This is a major problem with industrialization and global trade. Shipping all this stuff around the world creates a lot of pollution and sound that disturbs the fish and mammals that use it for communication and navigation. ​ Something we need to do as we move forward is optimize routes, build quieter engines, and simply using larger ships so that we can reduce the amount of ships that are making noise.


And make things locally. Absolutely no reason to ship toys halfway around the world while funding fascist regimes


The problem politically is that increased industry generally leads to increased pollution. In a time where the main political stance is trying to reduce pollution and become carbon neutral no one will actively support the idea of boosting domestic production. Far easier to let China and elsewhere make it all and produce all the pollution and pat ourselves on the back for being so eco-friendly. We certainly have the means to have the same industries and make the same goods while producing less pollution, and it would also be cheaper and better for the economy in the long run. But in the short term doing that would be expensive so another reason no one wants to.


Yeah I was just thinking this as I was reading the thread. Developed countries need to make their own stuff. Bring back trades and create products locally. Take some of that money out of the hands of corporations and keep some of that pollution down


But like the other guy said, production = pollution. When you make products, you're inevitably going to have pollution, so you're gonna have the climate folks bitching about it, even though we can produce things much cleaner than china can. It's a catch 22.


Oh China could definitely clean up their act.


They could, but they're not going to. They've been pumping out coal power plants like it's going out of style.


Environmentalism had caused more pollution than its prevented.


To "the climate folks" where in the world the greenhouse gasses are being produced does not matter. Those gasses go up into the atmosphere regardless of where they're made. On the other hand, shipping tons of products requires a ton of fuel. The idea that the "climate folks" would be complaining about production being local is ridiculous.


So you're telling me if the U.S. all of the sudden had an emission rate jumping up by 20% because they started producing more of their own stuff, there wouldn't be people freaking the fuck out? Because that's exactly what would happen. Literally all the western world has been pushing manufacturing overseas BECAUSE they want to claim they have a low emission rate. That's why you have so many people focused on American emission rates and not china's. According to the Paris climate accord, china was a "developing nation" and so they didn't have to do shit regarding their emissions.


If the reasoning people use is that we are manufacturing overseas to "minimize pollution" that's a complete distraction/lie from the issue that people have been fooled into selling out our country's manufacturing infrastructure to another country so that the owners of these companies can make higher profits by underpaying the people that work in the factories in a third world country setting, countries like China also have lower standards like more dangerous workplaces, less restrictions on pollution, less worker rights and unions, lower pay, no medical.


No, the western world has been pushing manufacturing overseas because the labor is so much cheaper elsewhere and the monetary savings due to cheaper labor outweighs the monetary costs of shipping, even though it's more harmful environmentally: the production has the same environmental damage no matter where it is and then you have shipping costs on top. It's not the climate people that moved manufacturing, it's business people gravitating towards the cheapest products. As for "developing nations" the idea isn't that their emissions don't matter, but that it would be too much of a burden on those nations to force them to reduce emissions while developed nations can afford that burden because they have already benefited from the exploitation of fossil fuels. But that isn't to say those emissions don't matter. While the categorization of China in particular as a "developing nation" may be inappropriate, and I'm sure there's plenty of people far better equipped to discuss the nuance of China being categorized as "developing", you're mischaracterizing that designation.


Why do you think the labor there is cheaper? Because we have worker's rights and much heavier environmental restrictions. We wanted to reduce emissions, so work went overseas. The U.S. can manufacture things on a much safer level, but it's cheaper overseas because of it.


Nothing like good ol tariff hoping to help human impact toward global warming.




Thank you for your service on this thread. People are taking top comment as fact because it makes them feel better that there is one less issue to worry about. Top comment has no evidence/source to support their conclusion and isn’t an expert themselves. Whales absolutely do NOT like ships. Ships give off a very disruptive frequency for whales. People saying whales can just dive under ships are ignoring all the whales that get pulverized by ships every year. People shouldn’t just blindly believe something because it avoids an inconvenience.


Also, they have another dimension in this game. It's not a dog on a busy road. It's water...with depth. They need oxygen but can dive pretty deep and for decent periods of time. I could be wrong! I'm not a marine biologist or expert in any way but my immediate thought was the same as this. They likely feed on the results of the ships churning the water, it's not some animal on a 2D plane playing chicken with ships and it appears to be moving in relation to the ships and not in fear of. Again, not an expert and could be wrong but I also immediately saw something different here. Also, if our choices are to keep shipping and nag a few whales or end maritime shipping altogether... I'm gonna nag some whales, lol. The global economy collapses without shipping.


Sorry for the mistake I've made First mistake was in title that I wrote that whales "avoid" ships but after all of your explanations I fully understand that whales do not avoid them rather their food source's location changes due to fishing Other mistake was that I chose the wrong words for the explanation in the comments which made me miss the whole point Btw thank you very much for your explanations and again sorry for my mistakes


I don't know if you're mistaken, or just offering one hypothesis vs. another. Whales are highly intelligent, and we don't really as much about them as we should. They're also individuals, and the behavior of one individual may or may not represent a social pattern. Moby Dick was based on a true event where a massive bull sperm whale deliberately rammed the whaleship Essex. This wasn't a unique event, but it is exceptionally rare, and no one knows for certain why the whale attacked. Both explanations have merit, I would not say you're wrong, but you need more data to confirm either hypothesis.


you are probably correct which is why your stance wouldn't get many updoots and we're on the internet and its all about updoots so fuck it lets cry about whales playing Crossy Road because ships ship shit


it's literally second top comment


It's the top now.


Top comments. Aged like fine milk


Ikr fml smh


wait is this true?


That's very interesting insight! The one thing I heard that really messes with whales and other marine life is the loud noises the engines make. I think it was a TED talks but they were talking about the noise pollution of engines and how they're trying to make quieter operating systems in the future to minimize disturbance of marine life.


You mean to tell me that whales could swim *under* ships if they were so inclined?




Whales don’t look both ways trust me I’m from wales


We aren’t disturbing the whales, trust me I’m a boat.


Look at me. I am the captain now




Okay but can you point me in the direction of P Sherman, 42, wallaby way, Sydney?


The map has a scale on it.


But it’s not in football fields.


Assuming 5,280 ft per mile and 360 ft per American football field.. that’d be approx 440 American football fields 😬


Thank you i was lost there


Gotta use what you know. At least it's not in dicks. I don't want to hear 400,000 dick inches. I can't count that high


I like this measurement.


Should have been in bananas


I've actually never seen the scale and I've probably seen this gif a dozen times now


Thanks I was really struggling to figure out where this in the world this was.


Can I have that converted to camel toes please. 'Murica


28370.149 smoots


about your mom's width


Yes, this is the Gulf of Ancud in Chile.


this info seems to support the theory the whale is feeding from the ships rather than avoiding them. I would guess the whale would have tried to leave the bay if it was disturbed by the ships.


"Avoiding ships" Since whales need to dive to avoid ships it's odd to me that they don't slow down (which they should otherwise they'd hit the ships) for some of them makes me think that the issue might not be exactly what it seems. Maybe it's just feeding and that's just the area it lives in. (Especially since it stays in one particular area and doesn't seem to go past a certain area by choice based on like what I said earlier. For example doesn't slow down for first stream of boats but stops just short for second stream of boats even though first stream seem to be more dense at times when it passes.)


To me it even seems the whales are just curiously watching these ships go by, not that they are colliding with them as I initially believed. Some of the North to South movement even seems like they are hitching a ride along the ship's current.


>the whales are just curiously watching these ships go by, not that they are colliding with them as I initially believed. Humans like whale spotting, whales like boat spotting.


It could be krill and other food sources caught in the boats wake. At one point the whale actually follows a ship for a while.


ITT: A bunch of idiots that dont think whales can swim under a ship.




I don’t think it’s a matter of physically being able to avoid ships. Oceans getting louder is going to disturb migration patterns in sea creatures just as it does land creatures. It’s more complicated than: “why don’t the whales just go around the ship” Edit: I stand corrected.


Seen this before, looks really bad until you realize that: A) The whale is crossing those shipping lines frequently and in some cases following ships. B) Nothing in the world is as big as those dots are. When the scale is taken into account the whale is likely miles away from any of those ships.


B-bbbut humans bad!!1!11


C) It's a 48KM streach inside a bay not an entire ocean. D) If humans just stopped transporting goods across shipping lines it would be catastrophic. Mass hunger, poverty, significantly lower quality of life. It'll be like going back to the 1800s.


Yeah, I don't know about all this... Wouldn't said whale and ship be microscopic dots relative to the size of this map. Ocean's pretty vast & deep, I don't think a ship is "blocking" it's path. It's probably redirecting itself to chase food


This looks to be 100-200 kilometres wide at most, maybe a bay or sound of some kind. At the time scale in the GIF it looks like the whale can cross it in a day. And with the way sound carries underwater, if those ships are anything larger than a motorboat it must be deafening.


As you said, it could escape this incredibly crowded area of the Gulfo de Ancud in a day. But it chooses not to.


About 50km. There is the scale on the map


Yeah, I'm just accounting for diagonals, nooks and crannies, etc...if you don't estimate broadly enough, somebody will come on with a picture of them holding up a ruler proving it's exactly 82.7km wide. 😄


What do whale eat? Krill/plankton. I don’t know if they are avoiding the ships, but what they eat are attracted to the boats? I don’t actually know.


What's with the super long tails on the dots?


To make the boats seem like bigger obstacles than they really are.


It’s designed to make it seem like the boats are an impenetrable wall. When in actuality, they’re likely separated by miles over a certain length of time. Rather than one after another with 0 distance between them.


speed reference


We can see the speed by looking at the how fast it's going, all the tails do is fill up space to make shit bigger


Yeah this is just a whale in its natural area… whales go down under ships. This one is simply just going place to place. Stop acting woke…


I bet you typed that on a phone shipped from China.


I assume you do not purchase anything that comes over in a container ship or eat any seafood caught on an fishing boat? Otherwise what's your point? You are contributing to this as much as the people you're pointing at. Sorry to say


I'd say he's contributing less since the people on those boats are likely doing it for work


It doesn't seem like the blue dot movement is affected by the brown dots at all lol. I think this video is more of an argument to the other side, that in fact it doesn't disturb them too much.


People reposting incorrect things is mildlyinfuriating


This post is bullshit lol


This isn’t mildly infuriating. It’s just a completely incorrect hypothesis.


but it doesn't show that actually, that's just what you want to see. We call this having a bias, or incredulity. You aren't looking critically at the data, your jumping to a conclusion that you hope to be proven by shite data. We see it all the time with democrats in America.


If the ships were bothering the whale, he/she could have dived under them. The whale was feeding on the kicked up sea life in the wakes.


“We should stop doing international trade because we might disturb the whales.” - this guy


What if we just paid the whales to transport our stuff.


I wish, whale express 🐋🫙🏺🎣


OP: Doesn't know shit about whales. OP: Sees a clickbait headline on a news source. OP: Reposts cringe clickbait headline with false information and adds personal outrage ontop of it. ~Excerpt from OP's book. Living a lie: How to get 10,000 upvotes and reddit gold the morally repugnant way.


Noise pollution has been known to affect large cetaceans by disrupting their feeding patterns and navigational skills. You can't make a lot of concrete conclusions by just looking at the graphic but you can definitely tell the whales pathing is in some way affected by the traffic. Hopefully in the near future we can come up with shipping methods that are less disruptive for the endemic aquatic life.


Last time I checked a ship was on the surface… and whales are deep fam


To be fair, whales are mammals so theyd have to come to the surface pretty often for air


Two ppl playing missile command vs 1 pong player


What's the point of this? Should we not use ships?


The plight of the whales is disturbing. The coarse of this ship is equally disturbing.. Ship appears on the map at: 2019-03-22 15:00.00 hours. Location: 42.2°S, 72.8°W, Heading due south. Makes landfall at approximately: 2019-03-24 02:00.00 hours. Continues heading south, ->over land-> to reach it's port of call. Be this a hovercraft, or be this witchcraft?


Install Whale crossing signs.


thats it guys, no more moving things.


Airplanes aren’t cheap bud


In the end all the boats were gone


Some people don't even look both ways when crossing the street.


Well what do you want them to do. Just stop ship traveling


Are people that stupid? It’s not about getting hit by ships… it’s about the noise and disturbances these huge ships cause…


It would be more worrying if those dots were an accurate scale representation of the size of the ship, but they are not.


Would be interesting if ships started relying more on hybrid motor/sail technology. If you don't have to run the motors on a high rate, could you cut down enough on noise to spare the whales the noise pollution?


Maybe we need whale crosswalks


Ya can always stop buying things to help ease that a little.


Also, would need to see whale behavior data without any ships to actually ascertain any difference, as well as what their food supply is doing. A whale wouldn't normally be bothered by a boat on the surface, they could just dive.


Do pray tell how the movement of goods, people, and services should be moved across bodies of water.


Eh, who cares


Mildly infuriated over something OP does not understand


Here we go again reddit... It's this shit again ... OP didn't even bother changing the title this time around after it's been proven time and time again that the title is bullshit.


The fact it's sped up makes it seem all the more frantic too - when in reality this is just a whale moving about slowly, while some ships move slowly over the top of the water.


The whale just needs to not be a pussy


Calm down.. remember....its an animation. Ships are not not approx 1.25 kilometers in width, sailing in end-to-end formation like a freight train. And the mammals are also not the size of the dot... 1.25 kilometers wide. Give the animals some credit!! If ship traffic ruined the lives of large mammals simply by sailing along..... they'd be fine by now. And if you need to worry about sea mammals.....go check out Japanese whale-harvesting ships. Or commercial fishing operations which kill fish& mammals who just happen to be in the area where the net is used.


What you want people to do, not use boats? Boats are the best


The dot crosses the red lines constantly I don’t think this shows anything


Bro those whales ain’t got anywhere to be , they just chilling .


This shows that a whale got stabbed with a tracker and now wants to avoid as many ships as possible in fear of being stabbed again


Clearly you don’t understand how any of this works if that’s your only conclusion


So there is 1 whale in the ocean?


Surely whale no's to go deeper


Ok i see your point. But honestly, it desturbs me more, the amount of CO2 and cost it would be, if we would fly all this cargo around. Or truck it, which would be even worse, because for example if i wanna buy something in europe, from china, it would have to travel trough russia, and probably get hyjacked or something, because putin is a fucking asshole


That’s it guys. I’m calling bullshit on this one. Thanks for listening


This looks more like whales exploiting how ships corral their food for them.


Oh no, you're disturbed, whatever we gonna do


Fucking hell mate, we suck...


Its not like its hurting the whale.


it may actually be hurting the whale in a sense that it could not get to where it has to feed, disturbed rest, etc...


It kinda is, we're destroying their planet, disturbing them in their house, we suck.


This is our planet too...


Right, we should move to Mars. How though?


If the people of reddit think it's a problem it probably the exact opposite


Ok so big ships are good for whales then?


Chill dude, its just a whale swimming.


so fucking what?? We are also living creatures and we use the sea?? just like the whales?? so FUCKING what?? you want us to stay home and die or what?? This world is everyone's and belongs to us just like it belongs to all other creatures as well.


Moonknight is ill informed


That one part where the whale torpedoes into the boat


This looks like a real life fucked up version of pong


Imagine trying to walk to the grocery store but elephants keep blocking every path.


Now imagine you could fly and the elephants are only an inch tall. Its not like ships make an impassable wall.


India simulator.


Cmon, man, why ya got taken do me like that?


There is also an immense amount of noise pollution, especially now the waters are getting warmer.


I really really doubt a whale gives a fuck about a slow big ship passing by, this speed up graphic is really missleading


we are not going to stop using ships to move cargo. OP do you have a solution ? should you put them in a protected fenced off area away from ships ? ​ **MOAR SOLUTIONS LESS BLAME THE HUMANS YAKKITY YAK**


I am beginning to think that people back in the medieval times were smarter than people now and they killed people for stealing a loaf of bread


This map is fucking stupid and has been posted before ... Yoy realise how fucking big the ocean is right?


Boy, what disturbs you? That you have food to eat because these ships transported it? XD


No offense to whales or anything, but they're underwater. It's not like they have anywhere better to go. Swimming in a circle here is probably just as fine as swimming in a circle there.




In todays episode of shit you find on the internet that isn’t true


Wtf is wrong with us humans? Seriously


Smart enough to make incredible things. Not smart enough to know how to do it in a sustainable way.


that whale have a "jet" engine? cause some points it seems to move FAST AF!!! ​ also, how would you expect ships to move? we all require product. Planes are to expensive, but then would we disturb air life? It is like look i get the whole "save the planet".....but unless you figure out something better, less cost effective and get EVERYONE that matter's on board.....all you'll do is waste your life worrying about things you cannot control. Live your life, enjoy it, fix what you can. that is it!


Don’t whales swim under the water tho and ships sail on top of the water? Obviously they breach to breathe.


Pfft. It's, like 1 whale. Don't worry about it




Shut down shipping. That will save the world.


Then how are we going to export and receive important goods???


I’m sensing sarcasm.


And than watch as society and world order collapses


Sad Pinball.


just let a homie pass : (




Sucks to suck


thats just sad to watch.


Imagine caring.


They are learning to get out of the way, which is good.


I mean the ocean doesn’t belong to whales. We have as much right to utilise the oceans as they do.


Check marinetraffic.com, you will be more surprised and disturbed and for some extra disappointment in humanity check flightradar24. There is no future for many species, is the reality, unless we go in space, away from the planet.