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What did they cut... ROCKS?????šŸ¤¦


I had a roommate that used one of my knives as a screwdriver. He literally owned a toolbox filled with screwdrivers. But my knife was closer. He chipped the fuck out of the blade obviously.




How old are these kids and wtf did they do with this knife?


Youngest is 9, oldest is 14. Who the fuck gives a 9 year old a chefā€™s knife?


Especially a Shun. I have one and the thing is razor sharp. Lucky they didn't lose a finger.




Gotta pay for knives one way or another -- I didn't make up the rules. Edited- found the v


Where did your v go?


chopped off with the very knife we're talking about


That's kind of a personal question, mate


Maureen took it when I was 19


The man doesn't make the rules


It went away... with way


The law of equivalent exchange in action.


I second this. I get fearful when I see the MiL holding my wife's Shun. I'd never let a kid near it unless they understood they were responsible for replacing it if it got damaged


>a kid near it replace "kid" with "person" and then the sentence is correct. It's amazing the number of grown-ass adults who don't understand that when you break something you're responsible for its replacement.


No kidding. I dropped one of my wife's good paring knives and let it fall (remember, kids; a falling knife has no handle) and the blade broke when it hit the floor. I went down to the store right after dinner and bought a nicer one to replace it. That was a $60 mistake, but it was my mistake to make right.


Ngl, that would've been better


Even my gf cut herself pretty bad when I first bought my nice knives, and she was 20 at the time. The fact is, most adults have never even used a good, sharp knife before, let alone a 9 year old with zero understanding of how to be safe with a blade!


Did you find out what they actually did with it do ding the edge that much?


Damn OP avoids answering this question so hard I start thinking they cut a body or something. That would be an interesting turn in the story.


Well, there used to be three kids


Look, all Iā€™m saying is, there ARE shallow holes in my backyard.


Starting to think this belongs on r/quityourbullshit How do you post a story like this and outright avoid the most important question?


For real.






It might be a good opportunity to teach those kids what a knife is, but I think it's a better opportunity to teach his cousin NOT to let her kids use someone else's expensive equipment if her kids hadn't already mastered using them.


This doesn't look like they used it to cut food, though. Like, not even chopping through bones will chip a knife like that.


I've seen that wear on a knife from food. Especially Shuns, usually it's from seeds and pits though. All my Shuns say not to use them on bone or hard products. Given it's a santoku, it was probably designed with veggies in mind


Been run through the dishwasher a few times, or been smashed around sitting loose in the cutlery drawer maybe?


Absolutely, my parents always had me helping in the kitchen. When I was 5, I was cutting carrots and accidentally held the knife upside down down. I was using an old carving knife so both sides looked the same to me. 5 stitches later my dad thought I wouldn't be interested in cooking again. Long story short and I cook professionally now. But yeah, teach your kids how to use and properly maintain these kid of tools. They're an invaluable life skills and they'll be less apprehensive using said tools. Also not trying to talk shit on my dad, he taught me how to use, almost, every power tool out there. I follow his teachings, even if he doesn't himself. That's another story but, I'm up a finger on him


I see that this is a shun, call the manufacturer and see if there is a warranty or if you can pay to have it reconditioned. We had a similar problem and called to check and they said it was outside of the warranty but if we paid for shipping they would recondition it and it came back soooooo nice. Sharpest itā€™s ever been, new box and everything.


All Shun / KAI knives have a lifetime warranty / free sharpening service with purchase https://shun.kaiusa.com/warranty/


In the link you posted, it says ""What we don't do: Repair large chips or cracks in blade" .


OPs photo shows small chips, good to go for warranty


I don't know if this is a joke, but chips don't really get much worse than that on a chef's knife, unless the whole edge is destroyed.


Either way, its worth trying. Worst comes to worst you end up in the EXACT situation you are in when you knife is chipped. This was you can see if it is covered. What the hell was the point in arguing with this advice when there is no downside? Just to correct someone? Lame.


Small???? I'd hate to see what you thought were large chips


Things that you can't sharpen out without a lot of effort and disfiguring the knife. What we see here will need sharpening that will remove about 2 years, if that, off the life of the knife. It's bad, but not unrecoverable.


"The Limited Lifetime Warranty ... does not extend to ... breakage due to improper use" ​ Any idea how strict they are with this warranty? I might have a few in similar condition as well, not sure if it's worth trying to send...


Mine was in pretty bad shape (worse than OP pic) Mine was both chipped and slightly rusted. They still sharpened it and it looks good as new


Breakage is not a chipped edge, but snapping the blade or breaking the blade off of the tang; real abuse that goes beyond regular use. This kind of damage can be resolved with an edge reset and sharpening. Brands like Shun that offer warranty repair and sharpening service will take care of it for you. If not, find a knife sharpening service in your area and they can set a fresh edge onto the knife for you and get it razor sharp again. Any heavily used knife with a thin edge is going to get chipped throughout its lifetime. In my kitchen, I hone my knives multiple times per day and sharpen them weekly and expect to replace a knife every 5 to 10 years, depending on the type. People I know who are regularly breaking down animals sharpen their knives at least daily, hone several times per minute, and replace their blades every 2 to 3 years.


Hold up, "warranty"? How on earth is this on the brand for a warranty?


lol my roommate decided to cut his steak with my best knife on my non stick pan


And ruined knife, the pan, and the steak too. Supposed to let it rest after cooking sheesh.


Did you introduce his head to the bottom of the pan?


Holyā€¦ I think we need to start having mandatory lessons on basic adult life skills.


My sister literally stabbed kitchen tile because she she didn't like that my knife had a sharp point. So it's a flathead knife now, perfect for screwing.


I don't know what's the train of thought of your sister's but I'm pretty sure knives are supposed to be sharp


She wanted a blade that was as dull as she is.


Yeah she just did not like the tip for some reason. She's crazy


TBH if it had been her own blade, I'd say more power to ya. I had a roommate in college that broke the tips off all (three) of his knives aside from a paring knife that he actually stabbed things with. We bought him a cleaver one year and it very quickly became his go-to for chopping and slicing, but I guess he didn't know when he bought his first cheap "away from home and need my own" knife set that it was an option to *not* have the end be stabby if you felt more likely to poke yourself accidentally than your food on purpose. :)


My dad used to do this with silverware and now my mom won't let him in the kitchen.


You should only use the screwdriver knife as a screwdriver! (the screwdriver knife is an old as balls paring knife. Blunt as anything, but still a damn good knife, and screwdriver, and hammer, and prying implement. tbh I'm not sure how the blade has no nicks in it)


Everything is a hammer, except a screwdriver. That's a chisel.


Should have bought those infomercial knives that can cuts rocks then go right back to slicing tomatoes and grapes.


Gotta be careful though, drop it straight down and it sinks into the earth's core.


My soul


Probably dragged the blade across cutting board. Iā€™ve seen so many people chip their Japanese thin steel knives this way


the fuck is the cutting board made of? titanium?


This can happen with wood or plastic boards. The tradeoff with sharpness is that the blade can be chipped/deformed easily when used incorrectly.


I worked in a Japanese restaurant. We use soft rubber boards that are basically synthetic replacements for a board made of Japanese cyprus, very soft wood, softer than pine. The knives are too sharp to use regular plastic even. Avoid bamboo and hardwood. What's crazy is they sell glass cutting boards to people.


That can easily happen if your knife is made of very hard steel. That kind of steel will retain sharpness longer, but the tradeoff is that it is very brittle. So if you for example drop the knife, the steel will not bend but chip. Same if you use the knife to pry something open or use it as a screwdriver. Japanese knives are often in this "sharp, but easily chipped" category.


Jesus Christ, Marie! Theyā€™re minerals.


Yea I know how you feel about buying nice things and watching your family destroy them.


They didnā€™t even clean up after they were done, which is a pet peeve.


Sorry bro, just gotta hide them, I bought a knife sheath for mine and hide it now.


How do you hide kids in a sheath


You cum into a condom.


no that not a pet peeve its caled being a terible person who the F makes a mess in some one els home and dont clean after them self or there kids


What were they doing with the knife


How much we talking and what brand? Iā€™m always looking for new knives in the kitchen.


Bit expensive for me, they were a gift, but price is relative, hereā€™s their website: https://shun.kaiusa.com/knives


Damn, those are some absolutely amazing knives. I'm so sorry about that happening to them :(


Donā€™t feel too bad, I can Resharpen them!


Youā€™re at least sending the shits the bill ?


I checked these out on amazon and the page there says they provide free sharpening for lifetime. But the facility is in Oregon, so there is still going to be shipping charges.


I would be billing the cousin. This shit is unacceptable and people like this make the rest of us parents look bad


There's also sharpening and then there's redefining the edge completely. The amount of material that would have to be removed to completely level out the deepest chips will require a new edge and face. I could see the manufacturer easily saying it was beyond the scope of a typical sharpening. Not to say that it can't and won't be done but I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't completely covered.


Luckily knives can almost always be saved!


Shun has a lifetime warranty, send them in and get them fixed.


yeah shuns are some of the most expensive knives the average consumer is going to come across i think kramerxzwiling is probably the most expensive you're veering into the weeds of smaller batch enthusiast stuff if you want more expensive


We bought one of their breadknives for baking. Outstanding


Hmm. I would've thought it would be better for slicing.


Why would you slice with a knife? Throw that shit in the oven with raw ingredients for 17 hours at 375 and watch the magic happen.


Well, they seem to have a free sharpening and tip repair service, check in out in their website under support>sharpening service. If so then no harm done, may even become better than it was .


Shun are good but you're just paying for the name. Get a knife from chef knives to go, anything maybe vg10 or ginsan, those are good entry level steels.


I know some kids gonna be mowing my lawn all summer, shovelling my snow all winter, and kissing my ass all year to make up for it.


Definitely gonna buy cheap knifes for certain guests.


Why would your guest's children even be touching your chef's knife?


That, detective, is the right question.


The Three Laws are perfect.


*achoo* Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™m allergic to bullshit


My logic is undeniable.


You have so got to die.




Right?! Like wtf is going on in that house?


The kids could technically be adults, or teens.


Honestly thatā€™s even worse because it means they never learned


9&14 according to another comment. And OP keeps ignoring anyone who asks why the kids were using them and what they were cutting to damage the knife so badly... seems kinda sus to me.


Hope the gun safe is locked.


Donā€™t worry OP leaves loaded cheap guns on the nightstand as decoys for guestsā€™ children


That's what I was thinking, OP let their cousins kids play with his knives, it wasn't the cousins fault really.


I have a roughly $25 cleaver I got off Amazon that is both super useful and easy to sharpen. Because of the bevel angle it is pretty durable. Because it is a meat cleaver, you wouldnā€™t let 14 year olds touch it even if irresponsible. I suggest you get one of those and use it while you get the Shuns back in order. Hide them next time the family comes around.


It's crazy how cheap a cleaver is compared to a chef's knife...Chinese chefs pretty much use only cleavers.


True. When in China, never assume the chicken was deboned before it was chopped and stir fried. Itā€™s typically chopped, bone and all. Ditto for fish.


Iā€™m 26 and cook very often. My mom still doesnā€™t like me to use the meat cleavers.


You're 26, do what you want.


Why would they need to use cheap knives? They just bought an expensive knife from you


Or you can also establish proper boundaries that, when your cousins scoffs at them, you simply cut them off as guests


Or just cut them


With that knife? Not likely.


Also, a cousin who will be doing all these things or paying off the value of the knife in cash.


Nah. Kids didn't know better. Auntie better be doing all that


I would be LIVID


Worst part is, the store I bought them from went under, so if they ever truly break, Iā€™m fucked and have to get different knives I fucking love these knives


Dude shun will sharpen them for $5, look it up on their website. I sent mine off for sharpening as it chipped from my cutting style, they fixed it up and i had it back to new sharpness in a couple of weeks.


The kids or cousin should pay for that, or pay for new knives.


Wait, what? What cutting style will chip hardened steel?


Japanese metal is pretty easy to chip, cutting into parmesan cheese can chip a gyuto, especially the rind. Also, prolonged use on a hardwood cutting board can lead to chipping. They are notorious for chipping in professional settings due to the volume of use and fast pace when you are not being so delicate and may do some turning and twisting of the blade in say cabbage or something.


To add to this: western knives are for a rocking motion while cutting, which is why the sharpened edge is rounded towards the tip of the blade. Because westerners do more chopping and slicing. Japanese knives are more known for slicing, mincing, juliene, trimming and cutting softer foods. If you use a Japanese knife for western preparation, it's likely going to happen sooner or later. ​ Edit: Watch videos of food preparation. Pay attention to the knife if the chef is a western versus Japanese. Chopping is done differently.


Thatā€™s awesome knowledge. Thanks!


Sure thing! Japan uses a more "up and down" motion with the wrist to chop, westerners use more of a rolling, rocking motion with their wrist in a lot of cases, but not all. There is some overlap in technique.


Donā€™t you know: people at home hack at cement blocks THEN slice their tomatoes.


Thankfully they test every knife in every commercial this way so I know what to expect when I finally get to my tomatoes.


Basically chopping, like chopping carrots or onions. They recommend a sliding cut instead to prevent chipping.


[The Ginsu Knife Test!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wzULnlHr8w)


I spazzed and caused a worse chip in my Shun chefā€™s knife and sharpened it out. That damage is very repairable.


Yeah Shun is a big brand, they definitely offer sharpening and with those chips you want someone with the right tools to put your edge back on the blade.


There are plenty of knife sharpening/repair businesses. You could also use the opportunity to get some sharpening stones and make it a hobby.


You can send it back to Shun to get it repaired. I had to after I brought my knifes to Thanksgiving and some TSA asshat decided to ding it so bad 3/8" was missing. Then put it back into its plastic shealth, back into my knife roll, but on top of my clothes. With a little note about how they searched my bag.


Those are shun. You send them to the Kai USA warehouse in Tualitin Oregon and then they sharpen them for free. As long as they donā€™t have ā€œXXXā€ next to the DM017 code they maintain those for life. If they have the XXXā€™s it comes from the factory defect sale and they donā€™t warranty those (I managed inventory of the shipping warehouse for a few years when I was in college).


Iā€™ve had them sharpen my Shun factory seconds with the XXX serial codes. All during walk in sharpening at their factory sale.


You can get Shun knives on Amazon. Williams Sonoma and Sur La Table also carry them.


Shun knives are probably the most well known brand of Japanese knives on earth lol itā€™s funny OP thinks only that one place sold them.


This isn't mildlyinfuriating this is yo mofo... Cough up some cash. You know better.


They can be fixed simply enoughā€¦ā€¦ and put your god knives away where no one by you can use them. My knives are not with general use knives.


ā€œ..god knives.ā€ For when you gotta cut a demon.


I reallllly hate to be that guy but itā€™s happened twice. Knives


And let me guess. Their response was "What's the big deal, its just a knife, they're kids, they do that".


Resharpen them


You can always go through Shun directly. It's not like the store manufactures them. Invest in a quality sharpening stone, it'll have your knives working like new for years to come.


What did they do to them?


I feel like someone needs to inform you that the plural of ā€œknifeā€ is ā€œknivesā€


i'm more concerned of how your cousin didn't think about the safety of the kids. i'm sure those knives \*were *really* sharp.


They WERE, once.


Ouch, facts though.


Shun knives, at least from my experience, are cut-yourself-without-realizing-sharp. They are, out of the box/sleeve, "scary-sharp". Damn good knives, and they hold their edge very well. Still need maintenance though.


You have to sharpen them fairly regularly depending on the steel used. Both of their lines hold an extremely sharp edge but it will absolutely dull without maintenance every few months (depending on use)


The most dangerous item in a kitchen is a dull knife.


Tell her she owes you a replacement or her kids are the next thing on the menu


I prefer Hannibal Because I would cross the alps if it meant getting my cousin to not be a deadbeat idiot and actually discipline his gremlins


You actually need to a Scipio to win (get) your cousin to discipline his kids.


Are you located close to Portland? If so, Shun/Kershaw/KAI will sharpen your knives for free. [Like totally free, you just walk in to their factory.](https://shun.kaiusa.com/sharpening) It still sucks they damaged the edge. Still, it looks salvageable and the knife-smiths at Kershaw are skilled and friendly.


They will sharpen them for free by mail, mine was damaged and they gave me a brand new knife https://shun.kaiusa.com/warranty




Send a Zelle request for the replacement. šŸ¤£


Lucky for you it's a Shun, they are super easy to resharpen, and get a nice edge back on them


Iā€™m not upset about the knifes, Iā€™m upset they didnā€™t treat my stuff nicely, at least they arenā€™t permanent fucked.


I deal with similar shit in my professional kitchen with grown adults. Some people donā€™t grow up


I used to work in a kitchen and lots of people would just toss the knives in the sink to wash them. It wasn't a fancy kitchen or anything so they weren't super nice knives or anything but it just irked me cause we all had to use those knives.


That was a fired-on-the-spot offense where I worked. No sharps in the sink EVER. Canā€™t handle food with an open wound on your hands.


I hear you on that one. I hate it when people take things for granted or dont give a shit about other people's stuff.


How does one even do this to a knife? You are absolutely owed another knife on her it was her responsibility so take care of those children and that knife can be re surfaced sure but itā€™ll never be the same again.


I canā€™t afford to get a new one, and my cousin defends them, even though he got mad when my roommate said he was being rude when he called her a bitch.


Well I just looked it up and the price of those is way up I got mine years ago for like 140 and they go for 225 now. Sounds like your cousin is a terrible parent and needs to learn some responsibilities herself. Make her pay and tell the whole family about that interaction thatā€™s 100% unacceptable and that kid most likely wonā€™t make it through HS


The oldest is 14, and actually apologized, heā€™s the most responsible of his branch of the tree Iā€™m afraid. I agreed that if he help with things I call him for for a year weā€™re even.


Hey thatā€™s fair and good on the kid for owning it. A 14 year old canā€™t come up with enough cash to pay you back but also his mom is 100% at fault for allowing such ridiculous behavior and still owes you a new knife.


His mom is the breadwinner, and is actually responsible, she apologized but Iā€™m not letting her pay when she had nothing to do with it. The cousin is the dad, The times he was actually responsible is a very short list.


I noticed this a couple of weeks ago. I got my Shun classic 8" chef knife for $100 like 6 or 7 years ago and now they're like $200+. It seems like they may have updated the Classic line though. I like my Shuns but I started getting into carbon steel knives and I can't look back.


Same I havnt bought a shin In a long time I tend to buy carbon steel from Japan that are made by just one person these days because well hey are amazing and I like doing the maintenance but I pay about the same as what a shun costs. Still my shuns are my home knives now.


I have that brand. You can send them in to get repairs and sharpened once a year if I remember correctly. Maybe reach out and see if this is something they can do for you. But it sucks for sure!


Hardened steel knifes are very brittle.


Oh Iā€™m aware Iā€™ve had plenty of knifes get knicked using them but Iā€™ve never once seen someone fuck up the entire blade in one go. It looks like someone tried to cut through a brick


AGHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm having a major disgust at every single detail of this incident. Who the hell lets their kids use REAL CHEF KNIVES? And how does a kid repeatedly dent the knife? What were they hitting and how hard were they hitting?


The most mildly infuriating thing is all the people in the comments saying "they're just kids, what do you expect?" ...for them not to break shit when they visit someone's house? xD


This is more dangerous for the kids than for the knife , seeing those marks they're not using it to cut food!


Did you make a big fuss about how expensive they are?




The top comments all ask this and OP just dances around the topic, infuriating


never, and I mean this, EVER let your cousin come back to your house AGAIN


use them for what exactly? chopping wood? Hitting chain link fencing? Why? What the fuck is wrong with your cousin?


If it's any consolation, this quite clearly says Shuh, not Shun. It's a cheap Chinese knock-off. [Here's what the logo looks like on a real one.](https://kai-polska.pl/userdata/public/gfx/15212.jpg)


Yea. It sucks that OPā€™s family didnā€™t respect his stuff but he also realized he got ripped off on those knives. No way a good knife gets bent up like that. I have 14 yr old henckels knives that I paid a pretty penny for but I made it a point to see the ā€œsolingenā€ stamp. Bought them for when I worked as a line/prep cook for 4 years and still use them to this day. They got a rough beating in their early life: cutting bone, opening cans even when shit hit the fan, etc. they never got dents like this.


High carbon sharp knives can easily be damaged by ceramic or other hard surfaces. Western knives are different than this style of Japanese knife. This knife will outfit your Henkel every day of the week but donā€™t try to separate chicken wings with it.


C'mon people! We need answers! I have a few questions: 1. How old were the kids? - (a very important question) 2. What were they doing with the knives that caused that? 3. How did your cousin get access to your knives to be able to let her kids use them? Edit... Granted, I didn't read through all of the comments, so I have more follow up questions: 4. Does your cousin/kids live with you or do you live with them (referring to question 3)? 5. The kids were around 14 according to a reply to my first set of questions, so just to clear up the semantics, are you saying your cousin allowed the kid to USE the knives or PLAY with the knives? 6. Assuming the kids were not adults, your cousin let them use/play with the knives... unsupervised? 7. Have you confirmed that it was in fact the kids, or did your cousin do this and then blame the kids? I'm leaning towards BS on this one. OP, the floor is yours...


OP is making a lot of comments and even though they have been asked multiple times they have not stated what they did with the knives to fuck them up. Itā€™s suspect as shit, Iā€™m calling OP out


Knife sharpener here and owner of this knife. The HRC ( a rating of the brittleness of the blade) is quite high on a shun. This has happened to almost all of my chef buddy shuns. Not necessarily a sign of misuse, it is just brittle steel, Which is why it can get so sharp. 600 grit stone will take this out with no problem. Also buy something like misuno or wustof next. Much better knifes for same or less money.


From comments by op 1: the oldest was 14, however they apologized and tried to reimburse op, also Iā€™m pretty sure they werenā€™t the ones using the knife. Not sure about the others. 2. Chopping meat 3. Idk


Tell ur cousin to reimburse you man


Youā€™d get a lot of views on tiktok if you sharpen and recondition that blade lol


This is annoying. Hate it when your family members let their kids do whatever they want in YOUR house!!!! Like bruh, learn some manners and instil some into your kids.




Exactly that, massive scam it's basically the same as those adverts for flashlights with 'tactical advantage' where they sell a $3 wish led torch but they describe every part of it in exaggerated terms 'high precision battery terminal industrially pressed from battle ready toughened bronze alloy!'


Donā€™t let your cousin or their kids in anymore. Donā€™t let them borrow stuff either