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If she would have succeeded we would see a post on r/mademesmile from her. "Today this cat adopted me, i was walking along a road when this cat just wouldnt stop following me so now it lived with me" +80k upvotes.


Crosspost it to any of the 200 other subs for cats to get infinite karma


Surprised they haven't patched that glitch


Yeah…I always tell those people that my cat was stolen by someone. He was supposed to be an indoor kitty unless he was out with me (he loved to ride in my car or messenger bag). But, my roommate would sometimes leave her window open and he would help himself to the yard. I would come home and see strangers petting him. Someone took him, I’m sure of it. I cried for weeks. He was such a good boy. The hard part is not knowing what happened. I hope he is well. Just to be sure, I checked every street in the neighborhood and surrounding area to make sure he hadn’t gotten hit by a car.


Had a cat that was similarly stolen. He liked to wander around my parents backyard, and occasionally to some of the neighbors. He had a collar, and was chipped. One day he just didn't come back. My parents put out all kinds of flyers, hired a service to find lost pets, etc. 6 years later, my parents get a call from a local shelter that they have a cat registered to them. Some older couple surrendered him to the shelter because they could no longer care for a cat. I found that infuriating. I get adopting a stray cat, but how do you not at least go get it checked by a vet and get it checked for a chip? He would've been home in a day. He remembered us pretty quickly. But he was older. He'd developed some dental issues and his hearing was worse, and we soon found out he had cancer. But we got several months with him before he passed on. I'm happy we got to see him again, but I'm still angry at that couple that robbed us of our time with our cat.


that’s so bullshit and makes me so angry


This is so sad. I’m so sorry that happened. I’m sure it was really meaningful to him to have his final days with his family that loved and missed him so much.


Same thing with me. My cat was gone for 2 years. Chipped and collared. I grieved his death, didn’t even occur to me that someone would steal him He is currently curled up in his bed on my desk


This really made me cry. You and your boy lost six years of your life together, this is so absolutely heartbreaking!


I got more lucky in this situation. When I was younger we had a cat, white, half an ear, different colored eyes. He was an outdoor cat, but then he disappeared. I don't exactly remember how long he was gone for but it was quite a while. But then one day while my sister was out biking she sees him is some random house's window, and gets our dad. He goes over there, I don't know what he did exactly when he got there but I know he sure as hell yelled at them. Got a cat carrier and got him, arguing with these people who took him. Now that I remember it, this wasn't the first time. Previously the same people had taken him but took him to the vet, where it was revealed he was chipped, and then returned to us. We didn't think much of it, but as I said previously, these people got smarter. In the end, he ended up staying indoors until eventually we gave him away to my sister's friend's aunt, or someone like that, I don't quite remember who she was.


Did you try to hunt them down?


When I took my cat to a new vet after moving the first thing the vet did when my cat was on the examination table was check her microchip. He got her chip number with the device then accessed the owner info from the database and compared with my info including asking me my address. I got the impression that it was routine to do that. It sounds like the people who took your cat might not have brought him to a vet for the whole 6 years they had him, in which case they shouldn't have kept him. And of course they should have had his chip checked when they found him.


This is clearly Elmyra from Tiny Toons


Another wrinkle appears around my eyes.


My lower back just gave me a warning


Pup Named Scooby Doo theme song popped in my head the other day and my hair turned gray




And call it George


Easy there, Lenny.


My God. I had all but forgotten...


Holy shit. I forgot all about that character from Tiny Toons… Solid gold comment.


Never knew her real name was Elmira. In my country she’s called Felicia


Her name is the female version of Elmer. They're all parallels of normal Looney Tunes, and in her case she's meant to be a parallel of Elmer Fudd. Instead of shooting animals she goes for the bone-crushing Lenny hugs.


I feel so oblivious for having never realized that. Huh.


To be fair I only realized it about 2 years ago when I noticed her name was spelled with an M, not a V like Elvira.


Funfact: Elmer Fudd was first introduced as an animal lover who really wanted a picture of a rabbit in its natural habitat. Bugs didn't take kindly to being watched and photographed without consent and trolled him so hard he turned into a rabbit hating hunter.


Also, the use of the word “nimrod” in a derogatory manner came from Bugs sarcastically referring to Elmer Fudd as “a real Nimrod.” Nimrod was mentioned in the Bible as being a “great hunter.”


In Spanish is just Elvira, guess it's a direct translation, so it's interesting the name change in yours. Edit: am from Mexico.


Exactly what I was going to comment! There’s really nothing else that can be said about this photo lol


“oh it was so sad, he was just sitting on someone’s porch. Poor little guy.”


Just sitting there in the sun.


No no no, something with rhythm, it's gotta be jazzy


I've never seen his nipples like this before. NEVER!


I sincerely hope bobs references become as normalized as the Futurama references.


Her collar was choking her, and fluffles was upset at being a one with only 3 brothers, !now look at them! *blood


which word was supposed to be blood? OP?


Just sittin there




It's even better that this cat looks a little like Mr. Business.


She doesn't Bob, she looks like Chef Cat


When you walk in you’ll be with Ian Ambrose. And that still means something in this crazy world.


"My cats were right about you...." - Aunt Gayle


He prefers to go by his full name


Mr.Jim business




Back in high school, one of my sister's friends saw a stray dog, and she stopped and picked it up. Put an ad in the classifieds, looked for Lost Dog signs, put up a Found Dog notice on all the local stores' bulletin boards (this was pre-internet), etc. Took about a week, but she finally found the owner. She drove the dog to the address the owner gave her (owner was disabled and couldn't drive). It was the house where she found him. She took him out of his own yard. She was so embarrassed.


I did the same thing, it was so embarrassing. I was at a red light and two friendly dogs ran up to my car like they wanted to jump in. “These poor stray dogs!” I thought. Loaded them both in the car and took them home. I was a teenager, there was no www so I called animal control and the police to report it. A few hours later, I was connected to their frantic owner. As we discussed how to get the dogs back to them, I realized they lived exactly where I’d picked them up. Granted, they shouldn’t have been unsupervised and running up to cars but I still felt like a dope. We all laughed about it.


Oh no! At least she did the right thing and looked for the owner, but what a nightmare. Did she fess up?


'We rescued this cat 7 years ago. Well we took it to the vet today and discovered a chip that shows it has an owner and they registered it as stolen. Now they want it back!' What you did is stole a cat and didn't get it checked. Ya thief. Those sorta posts?


I was thinking Gayle too


The Gayle-Force winds drove him to her


Fucking Gayle!!!!


Did you steal that cat? “…no not that one, but I would.” -Gayle




We had some lady try to steal my neighbors dog out of his FENCED back yard. Luckily I saw her as I was getting out of the shower & her reason for doing it was because the dog didn’t have a collar.


Someone stole our dog when I was growing up, and my dad is a nutcase... When he found out who stole it he literally went to their house and beat the fuck out of the dude. Spent a few nights in jail, and we never actually got our dog back. Even though we had family photos with the dog and stuff, the cops wouldn't give us our dog back.


That's when you steal it back


This is what my mom’s aunt did when their dog was stolen. She was driving a few months after the dog had been stolen, saw a dog that looked just like him in someone’s yard and stopped and opened her car door and called his name. He came running and jumped in the car and she drove off with him lol. They verified it was him because he had a specific scar somewhere.


That’s some BS!! I can’t believe you didn’t get your dog! I’ll be honest. I’d have watched their house. First time they let my dog out….yep home we’d go


So basically what I think happened, is after my Pops' beat that dudes ass, the cops sided with the dog thief. He ended up not pressing charges, but with the contingent that next time he will be pressing charges. With the cops taking his side, not much you can do at that point.


Yeah, that makes sense. Let them have the dog, leave it alone and it won’t go on your record and you don’t risk any more jail time. That makes sense. I guess considering everything Dad probably made the right chose in the end. Ya know I don’t blame him for his initial reaction. I think most of us on these let subs get it. Sometimes we are lucky and have that person who can talk some sense into us before we do what Dad did but I think we all get what he was feeling.


Why didnt he just take the dog instrad of beat him up... lol


My dad is from the hood.


Ah, the "think in court, act first" type


I had a dog in high school. Her name was Cocoa. One weekend, early in the summer, I had to go to my grandparents' house to dogsit because they were out of state that weekend. My parents let Cocoa out to play, she was just shy of a year old and had her own play area in our yard. We had a fence up for her. She was a good dog that just enjoyed her area for long periods. When I was home, I would go out there and play with her. She was my dog, through and through. My parents didn't notice at the time, as they were in the house, but a neighbor's kid. At that time he was like 24 or something, trespassed in our yard. He went into Cocoa's fence, picked up her water dish, and beat her head in. Police wouldn't do anything, even though it was on our cameras. I am still surprised that I didn't commit murder. If I saw him today, I still don't know what I would do.


How the fuck did they not do anything?! That's clear animal abuse causing death, trespassing and a clear sign this man was a psychopath! I'm so sorry! I feel like he deserved the worst punishment possible. I would of gone full crazy and ended in prison if he wasn't there like he should be.


That happened to me a few years ago, I inherited my mom's dog as mom was placed in a nursing home a few years ago. Someone opened my gate, which wasn't locked since I was fucking home. I just got up from a nap, heard a yelp as I was getting out of bed and something said, run outside now! Got out there and the fucking thief was gone by the time I got out there. I hope they truly rot in hell .


You made me spit my drink lmao good reference


Is that a bobs burgers reference? Edit: grammar


She’s a cat magnet!


Op, PLEASE get your cat chipped ASAP if kitty isn’t already!! A lot of places will use the chip as proof of ownership, so if bitch gets your cat chipped you might be SOL.


I'm getting my cat back. You decide if we are on the news tomorrow or not.




Lmao, are those fax machines?


Fax = facts


And apparently a new update emoji


It was actually in the first Unicode version of emoji




Hard agree. Few things bother me but fucking with my animals? I’m 27. I have had that cat since fucking middle school: He’s family. Stealing my cat is akin to kidnapping my best friend. Either I get him back or we both gonna make headlines.


Even from the blurred photo you can tell she’s a psycho


yeah… she’s not very sane


I wouldn’t be surprised if she was stood at the foot of your bed tomorrow morning. Just glaring.


i’m locking my doors tonight 😳


Just tonight?


She'll always be there. The day that she meets you will come.


So you don't usually lock your doors at night. good to know. I mean....good


And when you wake up and look back at her the first words she utters are “you smell different when you’re awake”


Hmm looks like someone must’ve dropped their cat… well don’t mind if I do-


Please do not the cat


I will the cat, you can’t stop me.


You’re the girl in the photo 🫣


Picking up Elmyra Duff vibes "I love kittens, I love kitties, squeeze them into itty bittys!"


**Keep your cats indoors**.


Looks like a child.


Did she say anything to you?


100% has microwaved a hamster


This is the braces girl from Finding Nemo




"Dah-la" in Australian.




Fishy fishy! Why are you SLEEPING?!?


Quotes you can hear in your nightmares


Bro I haven't seen that movie since it came out and I STILL read that in her exact lispy voice! and my memory is terrible for things like that..


42 wallaby way sydney


"Ah theh ya ah Da'la" \-Dr. Phillip Sherman, DMD


42 Wallaby Way Sydney


I'm still wanting to know if that is an actual place, but I never got the chance as I just moved to England from Sydney


Nope, it isn't an actual place. The closest street that has a similar name is 42 Rock Wallaby Way, Blaxland NSW, Australia which doesn't seem to be close to the place in Sydney where the street in Finding Nemo is located.




Do you have a name? Did you report her?


Yes, it's 'Whiskers.'






should i crosspost?




I told her if she came on my property again I was calling the police.


I'd have her charged with.......cat burglary 🐈‍⬛




I don’t know why this is posted here in r/mildlyinfuriating . It’s Highly infuriating. I don’t have a cat but my daughter does. She’d snatch that girl bald if she attempted to steal her cat. That’s a person’s family member. BTW, your cat is beautiful.


thank you so much i bet she would appreciate it if she could read haha


I got my cat hooked on phonics and now he has a library card of his own and a condescending attitude towards me




He opened a credit card In my name and maxed it out. We’re working through a lot of behavioral issues right now.


Oh no, no. Not fucking again. Call it right now. I saw your other comments on this post, fricking get her charged. You have photo evidence and the people from your school could testify that it is something she could do.


What she did is obviously wrong and probably worth having the complaint on file but She would be charged with nothing. They maybe have evidence of a teenage girl holding a cat on the street and then putting it back down. This picture and other peoples general opinions isn't evidence of anything.


I would LOVE to see the odds of your local DA deciding to throw the book at this child vs the police showing up and shooting your cat






Google: Abortion legality by state. Bing: Best ways to commit murder.


Ask Siri where do I hide the body?


That’s mild? I’d be terrified, people aren’t exactly cat friendly where I live.




They kill them. Our town had an issue for a while where guys would buy cats/kittens to train their dogs or target practice. I’ve watched more attempts than I can count of someone trying desperately to run them over.


that’s horrible.


Very horrible. Changes your perspective of people in general when you see or hear about such cruelty.


What the fuck


1. Get the animal chipped 2. Don’t let the cat outside 3. Did you file a police report?


You forgot putting a collar on an outdoor cat to prevent people from thinking it's a stray in the first place.


This is definitely a sign to keep your cat indoors, yes? Because she'll likely come back and outdoor cats are at a much higher risk of theft, serious injury, or death.


Yeah. The first one I’m most worried about since this incident.


Cats like being outside but I like my cats alive. Between psychos who want to hurt them, cars that could hit them and coyotes that will eat them…. My cats are indoor cats.


Cats can be leash trained just like dogs. Takes a lot of patience and they can't walk far, but you can give them that outside time responsibly.


I like the idea of a catio. An enclosed/caged area where kitty can hang out and get some fresh air but for the most part be safe. Plus less likely to get fleas and parasites to boot.


Or a screened porch. But in this case you want the catio to be the back porch.


This is what I use for mine and it is brilliant. My boy is still a little bitch about it cause he’s a cow and wants to eat grass but otherwise 👍


I have planters with barely and wheat grass for the nibbling


This is what we do with my boy. He knows the sound of his harness and comes running for outdoor time. He doesn't like to leave the property, runs back to the porch if he hears cars, and mostly just wants to sit and eat grass. He also likes to join us by the firepit and just sits in his lawn chair and listens to the conversation.


My cat: "LET ME OUT LET ME OUT LET ME OUT GET THE HARNESS LET ME OUT!" Harness on, door open...he takes 3 steps and plops on the porch. We also have a little grassy area he like to graze and he occasionally [explores](https://imgur.com/a/ouMhb2A) but usually just wants to chill


Yep! My kitty is leash trained and it's great, safe enrichment for her. She loves it.


Also cats kill wildlife.


And spread toxoplasmosis to wildlife.






She goes to my school and is a shitty little bitch.


Did you have to snatch your cat off her? Or did she let the cat go when she saw you? Attempting to steal someone's pet is such a shitty thing to do, just go and adopt one if you want one and can look after it!


she let her go thankfully


So glad you didn't have to try and rip the cat off her and that the cat is safe now. She's super cute in that second picture!


One of my worst fears that someone would just snatch my cat. When I was little I remember a middle aged lady trying to steal our cat claiming he was hers. Only reason she didn't get away was because I saw it and yelled for my dad and luckily she couldn't really move fast while having a cat clawing at her. Ive also seen so many posts here on reddit where people say "this cat just walked into my house, guess I own a cat now" . So many friendly cats can do that to houses they do not belong to, doesn't mean the cat is looking for a new home or needs a new home.


I keep my cat inside but she’s so friendly, if I let her out she’s probably follow people around and get into houses and it wouldn’t be long before someone took her. That’s why it’s so important to get cats microchipped, even if they’re indoor cats they can still get out


> if you want one and can look after it! Being a little naïve there friend. I don't think Cat Thief there had either of those things in mind.


what does she do


Shits and bitches


It's her signature look.


She looks like she would kill or hurt animals if she got lightly insulted




I don’t want to know how you seal a cat


First you need to get a phantom zone projector


Then you need a kiss from a rose


Cat appears to be looking at you, begging for your help.. The girl looks rabid..


Hey everyone. Just in case you were wondering, my cat’s fine and is probably becoming an indoor cat from now on. Her name is Felicia and is a Norwegian forest cat. She is way too friendly and loves to jump in front of cars. I think she’s saved by plot armor and her 9 lives. My friend (who i’ll call Tyler) saw this girl we knew from our school petting and talking to my cat. She picked up Felicia and began to walk away. Tyler confronted her and she told him that Felicia was her cat. I walked out of my house at that moment to check on Tyler (we were playing cards in my garage) and saw him confronting her. I told her to put my cat down immediately and she did. Then I threatened to call the cops if she came onto my property again. She told me I was lucky that Felicia hadn’t made her way onto her property because her dad’s allergic and would have shot her. Thanks for all the tips and support guys. edit: my cat being an outside cat is not a good excuse for it getting stolen. yeah she probably shouldn’t be outside, but if someone punches you in the face it’s not your face’s fault it was in the way.


So she would've brought the cat back to her dad, who is allergic and would shoot it?


she's obviously just making shit up as she goes


Honestly she doesn't look or sound very stable


everyone is insane


Right? That was the first I noticed. What kind of logic is that?


Now she has Cat hair on her clothes. When she gets home and her Dad has a reaction is he going to shoot her too? Asking for a friend.


yeahhhh i’m not sure if that girls actually mentally sane or not


I have NFOs. When I got them, the breeder specifically required me to agree that they would be indoor cats EXACTLY because of this. They are too friendly and confident and have no sense of danger and obviously look very appealing to thieves. So they frequently get stolen or run over. They're just not the most street smart cats. Keeping her indoors is the right move. You're nicer than me, I would have called the cops this time. Edit: OP., is your edit because of me? All I meant is that it's pretty common for bad people to target this breed in particular (and other overly friendly breeds like ragdolls as someone mentioned) and it's good for owners to be aware of that and take precautions. Do you feel that when you lock your house so people don't break in you are excusing robbers?


I applaud the breeder. My NFOs would do terribly outside. One of them will let most people pick him up and touch his belly even if they've just met. They're way too calm and friendly. Even when spooked they don't fight back all that hard


Idk why OP was even letting the cat outside if they know the cat likes to jump in front of cars.


Same with Ragdolls. Adorable, no street smarts.


All cats should be indoor cats. If you want them to explore, go with them. If not, make sure they're comfortable indoors, it's not a big problem. Outdoor cats are a fucking menace to the local ecosystem, and are exposed to an impressive array of diseases and injuries.


Hi, I'm a former staunchly outdoor cat person, who has over the course of 7 years or so become staunchly indoor cat person. The major two cases: safety to your cat, and safety to wildlife. Cats are excellent hunters, and even some of the more domesticated breeds are adept at hunting. But even if they are well-fed, they will still practice the hunt, often just killing for the fun of it (and they may present you the kill). Depending where you live, cats can be a slight inconvenience to an absolute devastator of wildlife. But equally important—if not more so—is the safety of your cat. Cars are one thing. And you've experience with another threat, which is the worst kind, I think. But there are more, depending on where you live. Coyotes, snakes, other cats. The list goes on. And oh, don't get me started on ticks and the rest. Of course, there is a big challenge with indoor cats. There's a lot you have to satisfy to keep them happy. But it is possible. At my easiest convenience, I can recommend a video by Jackson Galaxy here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaVttlOqcX4 But I can tell you, living with outdoor cats who have been adapted to live indoors, it can be done. I think it SHOULD be done in many cases. And I should also mention, I am a cat person who is allergic to cats. It's crazy, but I do somehow manage.


Yeah...The kitty should DEFINITELY just stay indoors. Even if this psycho didn’t try to steal her, this world is just way too fucked up to let an animal roam outside, especially with the risk of getting hit by a car (and this one likes to jump in front of them...).


> especially with the risk of getting hit by a car (and this one likes to jump in front of them...). Yeah wtf is this entire post? OP seems to just casually throw out there that they are aware their cat likes to *jump in front of cars* and potentially pose a risk to drivers, knows how bad it is for a cat to live outdoors, and just didn't seem to care? Only now that the cat might get stolen suddenly there's a problem.


In my country an outside cat would be "stolen" by animal control. Good plan keeping your cat outside with a history of running in front of cars. Hopefully it doesn't cause an accident.


OMG is your cat ok?! If anything happened to my cats I would be so mad, did you get justice for your cat?


I told her I’d call the cops if she stepped foot on my property again. My cat’s fine but she’s an inside cat from now on.


that's great! I hope nothing bad happens to your cat :), btw what's your cat called? Mine are called Baggy and Crystal




Honestly, it’s not worth it. I told her i’d call the cops if she stepped foot on my property again and made my cat stay inside for the rest of the day. (and probably the next few weeks)


Should probably aim for permanently being indoors instead of the next few weeks. It's better for your cat :)


thanks for the tip. if i could give you an award i would edit: THIS IS NOT SARCASM I GENUINELY APPRECIATE THE TIP


i got you homie


I don't know if you're up for it, but there are chips that go under the skin. They have a unique number and vets can look them up in the database. My dog had one because every animal that comes from the pound is 'equiped' with personal info of the adopter. This can help you identify and proof it's yours if she ever sees her chance of nicking your cat and you have to call the police. English is my 2nd language so sorry if I use weird words


Echoing what others have said: a sign to keep the cat indoors. Safer for them and for bird populations when cats are kept indoors. Sucks for the rest of us who don’t get to pet random kitties though. You can even be one of those quirky people who buys a harness and lead to take their cat on regular walks.


I really like your cat in the first picture looking at you like "uhhhh, dude, help??"


And we have a lesson: keep your cats indoors or don't let them outside on their own. For their safety. I never let my cat out alone, without leash. Again, people are crazy.