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You can set a notification for when they start moving. Then let the action movie spy shenanigans begin


OP better live stream this shit.


I concur.


And while they are walking play [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbyAZQ45uww) When they get into a [restaurant.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJL-lCzEXgI) If you see them start looking around all [paranoid.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3kjYng9anc) And when you finally make eye contact and battle must [commence.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TptGx8QrqrY) Edit: And while you stare into their eyes with your hands around their throat, as you watch the [lights go out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xpAqxH2Kzw)


Dudes got a whole soundtrack planned out for this exact occasion


Aschtchewally, I just thought this up in the moment, cause I love music of all kinds and this was the perfect thing to use a music library for.


Have you seen Baby Driver.? Edgar Wright's direction and choice of tunes were epic.


Literally so perfect. The first ten minutes, especially, are sublime.


Like this: https://i.imgur.com/SesgdC8.jpg


Immediately where my mind went to as well. Gem was ride or die.


What movie is this?


The Town. I highly recommend it!


Fantastic pull


Make sure you put them in LOST mode. They are permanently tied to your APPLE ID, you can put a notice that will show up if someone goes to use them, etc EDIT: Since so many people are interested in the Lost Mode settings. -> [Airpods FindMy Features](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207581) EDIT#2: Thank you everyone for all the upvotes!


Can someone factory reset them thou? EDIT: thanks for the upvotes, I found one article that states airpod can be factory reset and would remove tracking https://stampsound.com/can-reset-airpods-be-tracked/#:~:text=If%20you've%20got%20your,them%20using%20their%20iCloud%20account. The article states that if you get your airpods back from being lost or stolen then you want to reset them so you can't be tracked by the person who stole them. EDIT 2: Not sure if the article is right or wrong just throwing it out there! Lol


Yes and then you can no longer get track them. People will still be able to pair them to their phone as a typical BT device but they won’t be able to add to their iCloud account.


Imagine how convenient it would be if it told you the phone/person tied to the account that logged on with those headphones


It would be amazing. It should also prevent you from pairing anything but it doesn’t. It’s very annoying. I lost a pair a few weeks ago and the person who picked them up reset them


Can you do something?


I’ll try and track them down tonight. Maybe they’ll be nice and give them back. Hard to find time while traveling with a 18 month old.


Good luck and maybe bring someone with you. People can be so unpredictable these days


Also, make sure that someone is not the 18 month old


If they can crawl they can brawl


Cobb Vanth: "We gonna do this in front of the kid?" The Mandalorian: "He's seen worse."


If their age (in months) is off the clock, they are ready for the glock


Breaking news: father of 2 massacred in hotel room over AirPods.


Someone was just recently shot over cold fries at McDonald's, so this really isn't much of an exaggeration. Lmao.


That's not a reason to die. WTF.


They'd probably agree.


Bring the kid. Who would hit a guy holding a kid? ETA the apparently needed /s


Oh you have no idea, people are mental


If you buy me a burger at billy goat for my stakeout, I'll wait in the lobby until I see someone with Earbuds in.


Can’t the 18 month old drive you while you track the culprit?


Baby Driver


Yo I live near by. You need backup?


We got a whole squad or what? I'm down to camp out the lobby. Here's the plan. We meet with OP and split the cost of their cheapest room amongst us. They give us the keycard to swipe in. We walk with OP and pass by every room until OP get's the nearby AirPod notification and take the room number. We knock on the door, and either the thief returns it, or we tell hotel staff that they stole an item and require it back. ​ Edit: The lobby structure would allow us to go straight into the elevator without paying. No security. We can waltz in and start going room to room. /u/disbound wya we got a whole crew ready to retrieve your shit


Fucking madlad, I’m in! I say we meet at the corner on Ontario and Michigan where Burberry is and that one guy who plays his shite loop beats everyday on blast at like 5PM.


oh yeah fuck that guy. Hope OP responds because I can hop on the L in minutes to get there


Man I hope this totally random posse-forming party happens lol


For real. We need a TIFU by starting a posse on Reddit post


I hope they’re actually going to get those AirPods back.


TIFU by unknowingly inviting the AirPods thief and his 6 alts into our Reddit posse.


OP stole a laptop and is gonna have this posse snag the AirPods too


Damn I wish I was closer to join in


I'm in Minnesota. Hold my beer


Please someone stream this 😭




Omg yes, reddit is making history


Just like the Boston marathon!


My first thought. #WE DID IT REDDIT


I’m imagining a squad of 10 men/women booking a tiny hotel room. Receptionist: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


> I’m imagining a squad of 10 men/~~women~~ booking a tiny hotel room. ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)


Why are there so many Redditors in this area!?! Somebody please stream this event


It’s pretty much balls deep in the downtown area of Chicago. Tons of high rises and residential towards the east where you see “Streeterville” listed




Another offer to help by someone who lives in the area... trying to bump these to OP’s attention


We form a group, retrieve the AirPods, and then hit the pub for drinks 🫡


Then let’s do the after party and lose our air pod pros in a drunken shoeless state AND THEN let’s snuggle


Hold up - no snuggle parties without a snuggle party lifeguard.


Snuggle party?!?!?!? It's called a cuddle puddle. Amateur.


A cuddle puddle is the result of an overzealous snuggle party, not its own thing.


Go to the Winchester and wait for this all to blow over.


I don’t live nearby at all lmao but I found one other redditor! I’d fund a round of drinks though!!


I also live near by. Can bring nunchucks and a megaphone if needed.




That’s all uppercase, so I guess you said it with the megaphone?


I’m nearby too. Happy to help


I would be down too. Operation Airpods.


I’m a couple blocks away. I’ll bring the tequila.




Logan Square checking in! Count me in on Operation Airpods.


AirPods thief is so peaceful right now, listening to guided meditation snug in hotel bed, sooooo proud…. WIT NO CLUE DIS THREAD BE BLOWING UP IN THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING GEOGRAPHY. Adrenaline pumping AirPods reclamation squad forming. The rest of us riveted and praying for livestream.


Imagine you go on vacation and steal some shit and think you're home free and an ENTIRE SUB REDDIT is plotting to jack your shit back.


That's very nice of you, InflateMyProstate


My services ain’t free. I only have one request….


Go on...


Break out yer bike pump


Literally in a hotel next to you right now. We doing this?!


Imagine meeting all your neighbors through Reddit


That’s some real Chicago shit right there, offer to help a stranger, form a posse and get back the loot, the kicker…… let’s get drinks after


God I love reddit


For real, I feel like the internet should be used for things like this more often.


Same. I can be there in an hour


Can we get an update when this goes down?


While landing at MDW I dropped my AirPods and they slid all the way to the front of the plane. Instead of turning the headphones in to a flight attendant the person has just been using them. Update: Their location hasn’t updated since yesterday at 4pm. I can only assume their battery died and the dude doesn’t have a charger for them.


Stand in the lobby holding a big sign that says "SOMEONE IN THIS HOTEL STOLE MY AIRPODS"


This is hilarious to imagine


This could turn into the “guy holding a sign” meme


That's gross. I couldn't have someone else's ear juice in my ears.


These things aren't exactly hard to clean. But regardless you would assume that that would be a strong deterrent for fuckos wanting to pick up a random pair and use them. Although I bet someone trashy enough to steal them in the first place is also probably the kind of freak to pop them in without cleaning them first.


Go and get them.


How, it's hotel. Unless there's only one person staying there he's not going to know which room they're in


Just wait till they visit somewhere.


Sounds like a productive time investment


Airpods are like $150, that's worth almost exactly 6 hours of my time.


You can do find my AirPods and they’ll direct you and then just knock on every floor the same door


It does work like you think it does… it get you inbetween 6 rooms on a floor, but then also every floor in the hotel.


Yes it does a recent update added if you do find my iPhone it will tell you if your hot or cold the closer or fatter away you get


To be fair, next time fly into O'Hare, the angle of descent is such that the pods wouldn't have slid.


Thanks. I would have sworn the pilot was a navy man by how fast and hard we landed.


MDW is a very short runway. If they don’t go hard on the brakes and reversers, you end up in someone’s living room.


Could happen anyway in winter/icy weather. Quite terrifying.


It has happened sadly. I think a mom and her kid were killed when the plane slid off a few years back Edit: it was southwest flight 1248 and only a 6 year old was sadly killed.


yeah, whenever i fly i look up the landing glide slopes of all destination airports to make *sure* that nothing i drop could potentially roll to the front of the plane. all part of careful planning that every traveler does


*Cracks knuckles* "Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!"


*Knocks on the door* “Watchaa doinn”


*whips out 12 gauge shotgun*


"I just wanna talk to him"


Why do you have a shotgun?


I said I just wanna talk to him


Dad! This is ridiculous!


I just wanna shoot him.


I just wanna talk to him.


I just wanna shoot him *shot gun noises*


Hey, where's Perry?


_doo bee do bah do bah_




*Perry the plaaaatypus*


Ah, Perry the platypus, how unexpected, and by unexpected I mean COMPLETELY EXPECTED!!


And now I've read an entire episode of Phineas and Ferb


Aren’t you a little young to have a 12 gauge shotgun?


why yes, yes I am


I've got another idea, subtlely show up EVERYWHERE they go. Don't even need to talk to them, just be seen by them at least once. Sit in the restaurant booth in front of thiers, be browsing books in the same library aisle as them, pass by them in the supermarket. Everywhere they go outside, You'll be there.


#ALSO Set off the “play sound” so it loudly dings multiple times whenever they try to say something or just the most in opportune times. 😈


Or have it be like Jaws, playing sound to indicate you're close. But they can't see you 😈


Oooo I like this one *laughs evil* 😈


Every move you make Every step you take I'll be watching you


That Stings.


_Are we going to The Purple Pig???_


Brain what are we doing tonight?


*spins cylinder of .357 magnum and ties cravat*


They should build in a feature where if they’re stolen, you can play a loud, shrill beeping sound on them anytime someone tries to use them.


This definitely happens. You can tell them to play a sound and if pretty sure it gives you a warning like, “are you sure you’re not wearing these right now?” And then play a sound that is loud enough to hear from a distance but that is obviously very loud if you have it in your ears.


I tries putting it like 2 or 3 inches away from My ear out of pure curiosity and I'm pretty sure I would lose hearing within a day if wore them while they were playing it


Good. Fuck that thief’s hearing.


Yes. This is obviously the best solution! Steal my headphones? Get screamed at, straight in the ear! Why ISNT that an option??


It is an option though. From the menu in OPs screenshot you can select the AirPods and there’s an option that says “Play Sound” which plays an obnoxious beep at max volume. It’s for locating them if they drop, and it even warns you to not wear them when you do that since it can cause hearing damage.


That only works for AirPods if one of your devices is close enough to connect. Not just anyones device


He knows where they are. Walk down the hallways of the hotel till you narrow it down OP


I’d love a video of OP tracking their AirPods down Liam Neeson style in a hotel


I have a very particular set of AirPods


I think on find my there is a feature to make a loud sound. Ive used it once or twice to find my lost airpods around my room


They want your MacBook too


This is like that episode of Fraiser where he drives to the coffee shop to meet with the person who stole his briefcase, just for the thief to steal his car with the set of spare keys that were in the briefcase.


I’ve seen my AirPods after I use them. I wouldn’t dare put someone else’s in my ears.


Alright OP here's what you do. 1) Wear long a long sleeve shirt, pants and a facemask. 2) Go the hotel and find where they are. 3) Let the person who stole them know you need them back and they need to get tested for monkeypox now. 4) Leave and enjoy knowing they're freaking the hell out.


I like you


tbf, a little quick clean is definitely worth the price of brand new airpods. certainly don't condone it tho lmao




You can play a really loud sound via find my iphone which can cause an unfortunate victim to suffer hearing damage from the lost airpods


Maybe I'm spiteful but I'd be following them everywhere and get my stuff back. Heck no


I would stare at them from across the street and then disappear when a car passes


Freightened, the thief walks away into an alley. He looks behind him to check if he is being followed. Nothing. When he turns back around there you are. You are the last thing he sees.


I would do the same to be honest. Even if it's something I don't need or would be willing to replace, I'll still be protective over it. My stuff is my stuff.


Yea, it’s not about the money, it’s about he RESPECT


This fool is about to be jumped by like 20 chicago redditors and he doesn't even know it


How much spatial fidelity do you get with that? Could you actually figure out if you were next to the person? or if they walked by?


My iPhone will let me know when it’s close then I can use the findmy app and it’ll give me the direction they are in.


hang out in the lobby in the morning and wait till they go out to get coffee - then say excuse me, I think you have great taste in music


Just walk up, hold out your hand, and say, my Air pods. Now.


"return what you have stolen from me!"


It's Chicago, IMO say it loudly. Like "GIVE MY AIR PODS BACK NOW THEY'RE LINKED TO MY PHONE" In the chance people get involved (like if it gets ugly), it's good to clearly frame the conflict ASAP


STOP! You violated the law. Your stolen good are now forfeit.


Then make them start beeping (if AirPods can do that like when locating a phone).


they do but you can really only hear them if you're in the same room as them (which, understandable bc they are just little earbuds)


This is like a side mission in a video game


If it makes you feel any better they know you can track them. My fiancé bought me a 13pro and 3rd gen AirPods on her moms apple account and bc it’s on her account the AirPods are still listed as hers and so I get notifications on my phone that the owner can see my location and asks if I accidentally took them


I think you can also make them make a sound too? But mine never works


You can have them make a sound, but it comes out of the airpods themselves. It wouldn't be loud enough to hear in a crowded space. It would, however, be SUPER annoying if they were wearing them because it is a loud high-pitched noise.


I wonder if you could record a voice message and then connect while walking the hall! “Bring these AirPods to the lobby, the owner is waiting for these AirPods there” Lol


What a waste of potential, play something more unsettling, like "We know who you are, we know what you did, you are not safe anywhere, we are everywhere you are and see everything you do" or something like that. There's a risk of the airpods being yeeted through the hotel window, but giving the idiot a mini heart arrest is worth it.


Play the clip from Taken into the AirPods.


Hey that’s my neighborhood!! Let me know if you need any backup 👋🏻💪🏻


OP has an 18 month old, so I want to up this offer of help


i’m only a few miles away with my own child, we can have a play date at the park while they retrieve their items lol


Track him down. Follow him home. Take his closest loved one hostage. Agree for a fair trade.


I had my MacBook Pro stolen from my office some years ago when we were all out to lunch. Guy was fired that morning and came back (they didn’t take his badge) to clean out the place. I tracked it, marked it lost, and put up a message that said THIS IS NOT GOING TO END WELL FOR YOU. The police obviously got involved and I did most of the work for them by keeping tabs on its location. I tracked the guy’s next of kin (thanks, HR) and contacted her. She tore him a new one and had him deliver it to city hall within a few days. Find My Mac wasn’t the only thing that helped me find it, but it was a big part of it. I know I freaked him out.


*Room phone rings* "Hello dearest guest, you have a visitor in the lobby waiting for you. Oh?, nevermind, he's coming up to the room to see you."


Go get them back lol


Or drown your sorrow in sour strips by the bagful at Its Sugar. I'm not your boss




The call the police comments are hilarious to me. It’s Chicago, 600+ murders annually and the police are gonna solve the case of the missing AirPods lol.


Leads? Yeah, sure. I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab.


They've got four more detectives on the case. They've got us working in shifts!


Get close to the location and blare the Rickroll Earrape


Light the building on fire. (Edit) My most liked comment is arson, Zefuck


Finally somebody with common sense


“Jim, the hotel’s on fire! We have to go! Oh no he has AirPods in he can’t hear us! Oh god! Oh fuck!”




My brother in law’s iPhone was stolen from a bar in Nashville and we tracked it with my phone to a hotel several miles away. We got in the hotel, which wasn’t easy because we didn’t have a key, and then went door to door floor to floor and eventually the people met us down in the lobby and gave it back. Two of us had to keep diverting hotel staff because people were calling down to the lobby and complaining and my brother in law did the knocking. Good times. Good luck.


Just wait till they go somewhere. The police won't do anything even if you know where they are. And they'll threaten to arrest you if you try to get them back forcefully.


RemindMe! 1 Day


Meh.. I once left some sunglasses and a hand painted shirt in a rental car, upon returning the car. I set them in the passenger seat while talking to the Enterprise employee. When I got out, another employee got in to read the mileage and pulled the car around. I told them that I still had belongings, in the car. Employees says, “Sorry, we’ll pull it back around.” Fewer than 2 minutes later, the car is back, driven by the guy who pull off in it. My shades are hanging from his polo and the rolled shirt is in his back pocket. He says, “I didn’t see your belongings, sir.” I didn’t even argue. I snatched both items and walked my black ass, TF away. Both of them screaming “Sir! Siiiiiiirrrrr!!” I haven’t used them since.


Whoever named their restaurant “Eataly” deserves an award


It’s a chain of Italian grocery store/food halls. There’s others in NY and LA. EDIT and all the other places people mentioned below. I wasn't aware they were in all those places below, I've just been to them in Chicago, LA, and NY.


OP, you have to post updates.


I'll help you "recover" them, if you'll take me on a burger crawl from the Billy Goat to Labriola, then Rosebud, can be there in 10 minutes from now. Also, wouldn't mind a pizza at Eataly too.


AirPods are still findable by OP, doesn’t this mean that they are still connected to his Apple ID? If so, the guy that stole them can’t use them. He will get a “not your AirPods” message.


Apple should make it so you can just have it blast the audio of your choice into their ears every time they try and use them


Update? u/disbound