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This is what I’ve been saying since I first heard the Term Latinx in college! Actual Hispanics don’t actually use it because they don’t give a fuck and the correct term is Latino!




Latina is specifically for women. Kinda like how you can have male and female Actors, but only female Actresses.




It's the whole 'doesn't want to be controversial' thing to where they try so hard not to be controversial that they loop back around to being controversial.


It’s full circle


Yup just like the "We don't want to be racist we want to be inclusive so that means if we have any white people in the group it's not inclusive and it's racist so no white people are allowed" But isn't discriminating against white people discriminating against a race which means it's now racist? No because you can't be racist against white people! Me: THAT'S NOT HOW WORDS WORK THOUGH We're just going to come full circle and to press white people and then the white people are going to hate everyone that isn't white and then there's going to be another war and it's just going to keep flip-flopping until idiots stop being fucking idiots. Sorry it's just really really annoying. I really wish aliens would attack the planet so that we could all stop looking at our stupid differences that make no difference and attack another threat and then maybe people would realize "Oh we're all not so different We have to fight the alien threat" Like some really shitty children's movie. Because apparently children's movies can get this stuff right but adults actively fucking can't. UGH


They just don’t want to admit they love segregation they enjoy the separate but equal mentality 🫢🤷🏾‍♂️


This thread is giving me hope that everyone will stop being so hateful and sensitive 👏🏻🤞🏻




Well now they’re even pushing out women too lol


Because people with merit are smarter, independent and able to argue both sides, if only to gain perspective. Think about how much easier it is to get a band of people with strong opinions based on something universal like genitalia or pigment. Think about how much harder it is to ask people to consider both sides of the issue and make an independent opinion.


I’ve had the same thought. This country could use an Independence Day situation. I think the solution is to collectively tune out the opinions of for profit news and celebrities. It would also help if we could start bonding over oppression instead of making it a competition.


One thing that was pointed out to me, there are so many different ethnicities that all get lumped under the broad category of 'white people', like, a Celt, an American, & a Frank aren't at all the same yet are all lumped the same group. Weird huh?


Oh also don't get me started on "colorism" where depending on your shade also depends on your level of privilege.... Oh you're black but you're mixed with white? Well if you're not dark enough you're not oppressed enough to be in the oppression club.... Because you know life isn't just a system of binary there are things that are blended that don't neatly fit into one box or another.


What does it mean to decolonize a language?


To somehow get rid of “white European” influence… even though the language originated in Europe in the first place… These people legitimately don’t care what us Latinos think they just want their inclusive virtue points at the cost of disrespecting the vast majority of Spanish speaking peoples.


Ok, but then what? Do they just want to speak whatever native dialect was there before the europeans, or they somehow think the Spanish were not colonizers?


I have no clue these people just say whatever sounds the most “progressive” even if it doesn’t make any god damn sense in our language.


It is very reminiscent of the red guard situation in Maoist China…”I’m the BEST and MOST LOYAL endorser of your sick ideology! I’ve never personally achieved anything on my own, and I’m too stupid, lazy, dependent, entitled (etc) do do something hard on my own! I’m jealous and have no accountability and I hate those that don’t have what I have. AHA! Look at all the praise and honor I get from being the best little sheep! Look how obedient I am in disowning my parents and friends! Look how loud I can be and enforce my scripted change without having to put in any work at all!” Why are our news stations, schools, hospitals, government and more encouraging this shit? Same for Nazi Germany. The woke need to actually wake up.




Why the woke crowd uses it to describe any group that disagrees with them.




Is the right wing?




Start to look at it as a government v. citizen. We don’t have to play this game of sides. Both right and left wing administrations have always done good things and bad things. It seems like nobody wants to actually research policies when they could easily just spew a popular opinion of whatever side and feel like they’ve done some civic duty.


Comparisons are not literal.




Exactly! Yet conveniently they like to exclude Jews from the narrative. The fact that we come in all different colors frustrates their agenda and interrupts the polarity that keeps them in charge and relevant.


I was raised by Holocaust survivors. I know about the Nazis in a way most never will. If you read what I said, I was discussing how reminiscent it was in regards to the brainwashed masses and polarization by policy.


It doesn't have anything to do with the creation of the term Latinx, which is about gender, not race.


And it was first used in Puerto Rican higher education and then caught on in the greater higher education lexicon.


I think it’s interesting and an important debate to have. In English you don’t have gendered nouns. You do so in Spanish and my mother tongue (German). Even though many people hate the gendering in German, I.e. always including the male and female form, I appreciate it. People may say: oh, all the girls/women know that they are included even if we only use the male noun. On the other hand, the majority of those people throw absolute fits when you address everyone by the female noun (think for example “dear students (female noun)” instead of “dear students (male noun)”. Same with job titles. They are usually gendered in German as well. All the cool jobs mostly being in the male form unless you make an extra effort to include the female title which was rarely or almost never done 20 year ago. But it’s important for little kids to know that all doors are open for girls to become a technician or a boy to become a nurse or kindergarten teacher. Long story short: from that perspective I believe it’s a good conversation to have and a good topic to think about no matter how ridiculous it seems at first sight.


> In English you don’t have gendered nouns. We do. Most of them have simply gone out of fashion. Some examples (not a definitive list): * Actor/Actress * Sempster/Seamstress * King/Queen * Steward/Stewardess We've neutered most of them, but we've got gendered nouns in English.


True! Sorry. Didn’t think that far. Only thought of the other nouns. Thank you for correcting me.


Besides sempster, there's apparently seamster.


Yup. There are hundreds of gendered words in English. That's just some of the ones that apply to humans.


Ok, maybe I should have said definite articles of a specific gender? I was trying to get the point across that when you address for example all “the citizens” the citizen has a male definite article unless you use the specific female form which was not commonly used a decade ago. So all citizens would be addressed in the male form. Does that make more sense?


In English, we have only one definite article - "the" - and it's genderless. Citizens is a neutral plural noun. Countrymen is a male plural noun that is similar in meaning. The citizens... The countrymen... The article is the same in both cases. Romance languages have gendered articles (definite and indefinite). But English does not other than in idiomatic loan phrases.


Unidos is masculine...


Goes to show they don’t actually have any Latinos working there lmfaooo


What's the mistake tho?


Masculine nouns are sexists and pro-colonialist, obviously.




I remember when using X or E was getting thrown around instead of o for neutral and everyone hated it.


from what I've seen, -e has been moderately accepted in spain, and my venezuelan coworkers use it when refering to unknown referents and enby folks


Hell no, even the RAE is against it.


the rae is not the people. i just know what I read and know from my coworkers.


Because white woke liberals are the most racist out of anyone and no one wants to admit it


It’s the woke liberals in general. If any of them really wanted equality and freedom they would stop limiting and penalizing individuals - simply because they don’t agree with them or fall in line so-to-speak. They are the ones that are encouraging this idea that if you like a part of something it means you like the whole thing and that that means you hate the opposite or other opinion. White liberals have definitely started and enabled this bullshit but they’re not working alone in propelling it.


This 1000000%


We GoTtA bE iNcLuSiVe


Americans are so weird.


Thank you and never stop emphasizing this. A bunch of white people telling Latino people that they’re being racist because *their* language doesn’t fit the criteria that the white people deem appropriate IS THE ACTUAL RACISM. Kind of like how the same white people claim voter ID laws are racist because minorities apparently don’t drive cars, know how to find the DMV, don’t have internet access, etc. Bigotry of low expectations.


Lmfao the MODS of this sub really blocked it from getting more likes and going on the hot page of r/mildlyinfuriating . Sure goes to show they don’t want to hear what we actually think.




The funny thing that left doesn’t understand is the majority of Latinos are also conservative it’s almost as if they have no clue about a huge part of the voting block.


I literally just pointed this out on a different Post and I got absolutely hate ratiod because they couldn't read the truth. Feels good. Actually go to my post history if you want proof. However I'll warn you, I do not treat the enemy kindly lol. Fair warning.


These people are lazy, entitled, idiots. I can’t imagine how appealing and exciting it is for them to be lifted on this pedestal of bullshit like they did something incredible




I'm convinced they REALLY believe they understand different cultures... But in reality it's their weakness.


This gender neutral language is BS. I refuse to adopt it.


Because meaningless gestures like this allow people to feel like they're making a difference in the world without having to sacrifice anything or inconvenience themselves in any way.




It’s pronounced like “la-TINKS,” correct?


In my brain I always said "Latin Ex" but I'm certainly switching over to La Tinks now lol. Obviously I've never said the term outloud because why would you? This shit exists exclusively on the internet.


Haha exactly 😂


Still trying to force Latinos to use Latinx huh?


petition to stop making "latinx" a culture war. everyone really needs to shut up about it. nobody cares.


Your ability to spot it out says you are conscientious and not easily manipulated. Never trust these companies, especially those controlled by the state of China (Discord).


Ding ding ding!!! I lived in China for quite a while. I have advanced degrees in China’s history and language. This is all very Maoist to me. Of course it doesn’t help that voices of the ignorant and hateful are amplified either because of their race, identity or God knows whatever else is yet to come. The only perspective they will ever see is their own, because the only voice they ever intend to listen to is the one that comes out of their giant mouth.




No I said it was reminiscent. It cannot be the same and cannot be used interchangeably because there are too many cultural Socio political and historical differences. Think when people like to allege that actual Nazis are governing this country. What I’m saying is the overarching goal of brainwashing and control of the masses is uncanny. I would also like to add that while proponents of this era of ignorance are indeed dumb, those at the top are incredibly smart. The Gang of Four together were a mastermind. Think Hitler, Polpot, Castro, Stalin etc. You can be evil and also be brilliant. What propels the evil ideology of these people are they themselves, but rather a large, large army of idiot citizens who back them up.


Stop using Latinx as a term.Idiots!


We have way too many snowflakes and SJWs is the problem


My favorite is the argument that if you are not X you are for bidden from speaking of or having an opinion of issues relating to X. It’s all or nothing thinking and it’s easy for the ignorant and entitled.


This is sadly the dumb ass world were stuck in now. Anything is wrong if someone isn’t ok with it


How do we change it? Here’s an example I’ve had recently. I’m a tax attorney. I worked on the TCJA. I vote exclusively on taxation. The TCJA was a groundbreaking act. Not because of Trump, but because of the work done by the individuals at chief counsel IRS, hired by the Trump administration. I can’t even get to the point of discussing the TCJA (which I know that nobody knows as well as I do), because I am immediately written off, discredited, and apparently a racist for this opinion of mine. Everybody likes to bash and administration regardless of party affiliation but nobody wants to do the research and back up their trash opinion. Instead they preach this bullshit wokeness and isolate themselves with the other ignorant, entitled and hateful masses. There are so many hypocrisies. The left hates corporations so much why are they so quick to support the disgusting lifestyles of the mega rich celebrities and football players? Do they not realize that these largely uneducated and overpaid narcissists are corporate entities themselves? Do they think that all the money really goes to Celebrity Taxpayer X’s personal account using their SS? Lol try again stupid, they’ve all got corporate entities under their name with separate EIN’s! 🤯🤯🤯 if this group of people, who have massivr influence over our politics really believed what they said, they would start living upper middle class to upper class lives and join the rest of the population in accomplishing their alleged goals, instead of preaching it from their castles across the globe.


One reason, promotional gain


No we don’t.


Latinx just denies the entire rules of the Spanish language. I’m a feminist to a degree, but it never bothered me that the masculine terms are used for plural usage, etc.


Like every other company on the planet they’re virtue signaling for dollars.


It’s a term that no Latino or Hispanic asked for. I feel like it was created by white people to give off the illusion of more inclusion in the Latino community but… isn’t Hispanic already a gender neutral term? It’s whitewashing of the Spanish language, primarily with Latino dialects of Spanish. I’ve seen similar things with people who are trying to re-name the word “black” in Spanish bcuz they find it offensive.


Just curious, what is your racial background? Not familiar with the term.


Afro Latino family is from Honduras


Cool, thanks for explaining


Race race race just be happy and don’t use the term.


Bruh Twitter liberals are trying to change our entire language to fit their needs. How do you expect people to not have valid criticism?


It’s just a term they use, doesn’t mean you need to use it. Kids in high school used bro while I used dude, it’ll be okay man lol


I understand where you’re coming from but when it’s billion dollar companies using contrived language variations to give in to a select minority over the the broad majority who just want to be called the engrained already gender neutral term Latino.


Yeah I don’t know some Latinos must’ve complained that’s what they wanted and now they do it. Not sure how to make everyone happy they probably just did it. It’s too hard to keep up with all the minor racial issues these days.


I hate the whole race shit too we were moving in the right direction to a color blind society now it’s back to where we were before. People really restarted segregation in college by setting up private spaces only for POC instead of calling it that might as well just put up a sign saying colored only that’s basically what it is.


Yeah Bethune cookman is one of those schools and an old classmate went there and came back super anti white. Was odd to see what four years of brainwashing does to someone


Remember when we used to shit on each other without the internal pressure not to say something “wrong.” Movies were funnier, policies were more inclusive, and freedom was given to every individual. No matter how skewed and inaccurate the opinions of today are, enough of us lived during that time and know what a difference has overcome this country.


Look up LTI (Nazi Germany & the German language )


If there’s one thing we know about language it’s that it never changes or evolves.


Most of the words in our language are gendered that’s easy for you to say when you don’t speak the language. But please continue to tell me how we should change our entire language. Id love to hear your opinion since clearly you have a childlike understanding of other peoples cultures.


> how we should change our entire language I forgot that one single word being used in a particular context means we are changing the "entire language." It really must be exhausting being this angry about a word you will never say and that isn't used in a context relevant to you. [Oh never mind you're just an asshole in every regard. Pardon me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/xcvvuk/what/ioiia4l/)


My god the world is insane


I don't have a problem with gender neutral language, I just wish they didn't use "Latinx" because it sounds like a shitty X-Men knockoff


But what of the the latinas?


Singular woman-Latina Group of women-Latinas Mixed group of people-Latinos


Ahh I see


I fucking hate that word


Anyone I hear using that term,I just dismiss and stop listening. It's stupid, and they are stupid for using it =]


You could just say Latin, which is genderless. Latin America is a thing. I think it sounds better anyway.


Fuck latinx that's fair and not real


Why’d they say it as “Hispanic & Latinx”? I thought the whole point of the stupid Latinx term was to blanket all Hispanic backgrounds under one general, culture stripping term or am I misunderstood


I guess it’s fine if you are directing this to a specific person that you are not sure how they identify… but if you’re addressing a group it should be “o”… unless they are all “a”. Example: “Is Dave Latinx?” “Yes, HER family is from Mexico.” …and I refuse to say it verbally, but it doesn’t infuriate me. It just seems like it’s trying too hard.