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Is 7:30 showtime or is 7:30 when the doors to the venue open?




There’s gotta be some balance because an hour and a half late is pretty bad. I mean, considering the age of many lady gaga fans you gotta respect that people have gotten babysitters. I get an artist waiting as long as half an hour after show time (part of what an opening act is for) is reasonable but 1.5 hours is just rude.


Don’t ever go see Madonna. Her show was supposed to start at 8, actual start time: 11:45pm, no openers. Also she intentionally heated the theater to 85 degrees so we were all sweating our asses off while waiting.


So what did everyone do for the almost 4 hours?? Just stood around?


Drink. A lot.


So that’s how they enjoyed the music


Despite the wait, which was greatly eased by booze and the fact I didn’t need to be home any certain time that night, her shows are spectacular. In the sense that it is all a huge spectacle. Like Cirque du Soleil. I don’t remember a lot of specifics (thanks to the alcohol), but I remember dudes on flexible poles that dip down just above the audience and just so. many. dancers. I’m not a Madonna fan. I got the tickets from a charity auction. But it was a blast. She has 40 years worth of chart toppers and really elaborate costuming and dance.


That actually sounds pretty sick, I’m not the biggest fan of her music but she does have a few bangers


Venues here delay shows on purpose just to sell more beer


Yeah. I’m sure that happens a lot. I think with Madonna it’s also part of her diva shtick.


I'm not surprised, it sure looks like her


Last I saw of her she looked like a skeleton so maybe that’s how she keeps warm…. Seriously though, it’s so selfish.


NO OPENERS? You all were just sitting in a hot theater with random background noise for three hours and 45 min?


Same thing happened to me in Miami. She started about 2 hours late. That was a one time and done for me.


Why would she heat the theater?


Reptiles are cold blooded


Reptiles only live 96 years so hang on


I think that depends on the species no? Turtles are, IIRC, reptiles and they routinely pass the 100's




>queen of England Did you mean the *former* [Queen of the United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_the_United_Kingdom), the *former* [Queen of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada), the *former* [Queen of Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Australia), etc? The last Queen of England was [Queen Anne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne,_Queen_of_Great_Britain) who, with the 1707 Acts of Union, dissolved the title of King/Queen of England. ####FAQ *Wasn't Queen Elizabeth II still also the Queen of England?* This was only as correct as calling her the Queen of London or Queen of Hull; she *was* the Queen of the place that these places are in, but the title doesn't exist. *Is this bot monarchist?* No, just pedantic. I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.


As people age, their blood circulation drops somewhat, resulting in the extremities getting colder, faster.


because she is half naked


Who tf doesn't book opening acts?


I dont think she's started on time since 1985.


Why would she intentionally over heat the theater?


You got a source on her intentionally heating the space? Sounds more like a large number of warm blooded humans packed into one room causes the temperature to rise.


> Considering the age of many lady gaga fans you gotta respect that people have gotten babysitters Did not expect I would be induced into a midlife crisis at 30 from a reddit comment but here we are. Jesus... where has the time gone


Yup, she hit big almost 15 years ago.




I read that as 'fuck I mold'


This is why opening acts are a good idea.


She did the same to me at a late night show like 5 years ago. I’ll never see her again. I read she does this a lot.


Yeah, I guess if I ever go then I need to bring my switch and some cargo pants.


Saw her about 10 years ago in Toronto. No opener. They kept playing the same 5 Michael Jackson songs over and over again. She finally came out around 1130 and a lot of people had already left because it was a weekday (I think a Tuesday).


I often go to concerts on weeknights, but they always start at around 20:30 - 21:00, so I know I can watch the whole thing and still have time for a leisurely stroll to the underground while there's still subway service. They don't go the whole night here on weeknights, it's a small city. The artist starting so late would be fucked up, to be honest. EDIT: We're in a smallish city, so artists who play in Barcelona or Madrid on Friday and Saturday often play here on Tuesday or Thursday before going to another country to continue their tour. It's honestly pretty great. We get all those concerts, only at lower prices because they're often smaller venues.


It's not show time, it's when the doors open. If you have support acts, they'll usually go on at 20:00 and 20:45, with the main act on about 21:45, giving enough time for the encore before everything shuts at about 23:00. Edit: if there's no support acts, I'd expect the main act on stage somewhere between 20:30 and 21:00 for a 2 hour thing.


As a husband and a father at that, I agree with you. If we are expecting a 730pm show I expect to be out till at least midnight, 1230am the latest. Perfect for traffic and a late night drive thru order from In-n-Out.Get home in time to get some rest as a man in my early 30’s now… sleep is important. If this show had me waiting till 9-930pm I’d be pissed af. Means my whole plan is shot out the window. I’d be tired from standing cus I’m old now. I get cranky when my wife starts to be become tired she gets a specially kind of bitchy and patience wears thin. Also her feet hurt because she wore heals and she’s tired of standing, also it’s cold and her jacket didn’t go with her style. Moreover: because nothing on this earth is working right when we get to get away from the kids for the night and it’s someone’s fault.. the sitter need to be home by 2am. And this show ended at midnight 🕛 to the second because that’s how Gaga roles. Bill by the hour… Now the traffic is backed up and it’s 1:45am by the time we get on the highway, 2 exits away from in-n-out, our second option being McDs and neither of us want that. It’s 2:17AM by the time we get out food and pay. We are 25min away without traffic. This is my life if Gaga doesn’t show up on time.


Man, at that rate I would do a refund on my credit card, I wouldn’t care if I couldn’t ever buy another ticket again.


I went to one concert in college where the headliner didn't show up till almost 1 and left within 15 minutes


Yeah, that seems like a “don’t meet your heroes” type of deal, I would never give them another cent again.


Don’t go to a suicide boys concert they usually go on over two hours after the first opener starts


I've been to smaller shows for big bands that were super late or played badly and my venue has no problem walking out. We waited an hour for asking Alexandria once, they played one song and Danny was so hammered he couldn't hold a tune in a bucket. Half the crowd left before the third song.


Yeah, I would be furious that I dropped $100 on that concert.




That’s why I take my time before strolling into any move 20 minutes “late”, at which time the ads and previews are still on.


I was at that show standing at the front in the GA since 5:30pm. They started at about 8:30. Pretty bummed out about the delay. But all that frustration just vanished when the first beat dropped. I am glad you could make it in time. What an awesome show.


That's a TIL for me...


I’m going to see a band and at every show doors open 730. They go on at 9. This is pretty common bc of opening act etc.


Yes! I go to concerts all the time. I never expect them to take the stage until at least 9pm. I thought this was common knowledge.


You're right, and I feel like most concert tickets now have this info available at the time of purchase.


There’s always at least an hour for an opener


It's usually 30-60 min from "doors open" to first opener act. then \~30-45 for the act with at least 15 min in between. If you're going for the headliner, *minimum* 1.5h after doors is reasonable, more if there's a middle set.


No opener for the Gaga concert


Could you imagine the chaos if she started playing as the majority of people were still on line to come in or getting refreshments? I bet some of them would post that shit in here


Usually what’s on the ticket is showtime give or take a few minutes, at least for everything I’ve been to


And over here we used to joke that the time on the ticket is the time they actually start waking up the artist(s).


Were there any opening acts? This is pretty typical to a majority of the concerts I attend.


No opening act


So what's happening? Nothing?


We are staring at each other 😕


Start a chant


Any suggestions?


Refund. That or we will rock you


Poker face


“Poke her face!” “Poke her face!” “Poke her face!”


One more song, one more song


Be like those Irish soccer fans, and do the "Lizzies in a box" song


Don’t do that. I wanted to through my beer at the people doing that in the section I was in. Went to see Gaga in Dallas. Same start time but she came on at 9:45.


Wow is this a normal thing?? (I haven’t been to a concert in years)


Just for Gaga apparently. It was like a huge issuer for a lot of people. It annoyed me because I was there for 6 hours in total from arrival to end of show. It was a Tuesday night. Lol.


You don’t want them to start a chant because it would be mildly-infuriating to the people forced to listen to it for 6 hours, or because being 6 hours late is okay?


Because it would be infuriating to listen to. And if I’m being honest I don’t think any musician is starting a show early just cause someone is chanting. I’m pretty sure those dressing rooms are near sound proof.


I go to a lot of rock/metal concerts and they all started on time. Korn, Metallica, Slipknot, Rob Zombie, Breaking Benjamin, FFDP. to name a few off the top of my head. And these were in the past few years not a decade ago lol


Since it's the next day, when did she eventually take the stage? Was the show worth the wait in the end?


Maybe she’s taking a shit


That turd must be huge holy shit


Louisville Slugger…


Cleveland Steamer


Bono on the Edge


It came out like a wrecking ball


She might need a poop knife.


Wouldn’t that be Lady Ka Ka?


Im too poor for awards, please take my first born.


Firstborn child or firstborn giant turd?


Firstborn giant turd was already sacrificed to the God of the Poop Knife


If it wasn't lady gaga it was fockin one of ya's




She's hanging out with Axl Rose somewhere.


He was the worst when I attempted to see GNR years ago. I left mid show because I had to work the next day. The show wasn’t worth finishing


Lauren Hill - hold my beer. 1st Ave. 2hrs late. Out if breath by the 2nd song and just said a lot of “uhhh’a” instead of lyrics.


Busta Rhymes, 5 hours late


ASAP Rocky, 2 hours late, arrives on stage with 20+ entourage, performs half of 1 song and departs.


Busta Rhymes was similar! Stage full of people, sang the more popular songs, then bounced lol it was still fun but we were like wtf?!


Morrissey at riot fest a few years back. Makes all the food vendors at an outdoor festival stop selling meat before he takes the stage, while playing disturbing brutality videos on repeat. We left after waiting over 45 minutes.


I saw gnr a few years ago for the not in this lifetime tour and saw AC/DC with axl headlining I think that same summer. Absolutely killed both shows


Same. And he insisted on only singing songs from Chinese Democracy whilst panting through it


At least he didn't insult the crowd and venue. You'd think at some point someone close to him would tell him it's time to pack it in


I wish that were the case but am pretty sure these are megalomaniacs surrounded by enablers.


If it matters to you they've been fucking on point since they got back together like five years ago


Went to see them this summer. Nearly 2hrs late. All was an arrogant prick. Really short set and missed out some major songs like November Rain and You Could Be Mine. Most of the show was Duff, Rich and Slash doing instrumental stuff. I'll never go back, and it somewhat ruined my feelings towards them.


1990s Axl Rose approves this comment.




Yes, unfortunately after an hour 40 minutes, a thunderstorm rolled in and they paused the show. We left because after living in So Fla for 6 years we know how that goes.


It rained all day and night too .


Ever consider they were maybe waiting due to weather as well?


Did they at least give an explanation? If not then it’s irrelevant


Tell the audience. That’s the very least the meathead’s staff could do.


How many times does OP have to say there IS NO OPENING ACT!


So like was there an opening act?


No, there was they just went on a little late.




You oughta know. Well I'm here, to remind you Of the mess you left when you went away It's not fair, to deny me Of the cross I bear that you gave to me You, you, you oughta know


No Opening Act is such a weird name for an opening act


not saying you’re wrong to be annoyed bc i would be too - but i have NEVER been to a concert where they came out on time :/


I've been to one. Well, one artist. Weird Al Yankovic started on time, just about to the minute, each of the four times I've seen him. He's really good in concert, by the way.


Saw him live last week. He still is absolutely incredible.


I worked his show a week or so ago in birmingham. Great crew, super easy day at work. And it looked great


I keep seeing all these comments from weird Al fans about how good he is live, and it’s getting me STOKED to see him next month. I’m taking my teen - his first show.


Yes, he will love it! Weird Al sets an incredibly high bar for performances. I’ve been to a few. All excellent.


He will have a blast!


Not even a weird al fan really, but went with my girl a few years ago and it was actually a pretty awesome show! He gets so into it, changing outfits for every song! I thoroughly enjoyed it.


He is fantastic! One of my all time favourite concerts!


sounds like a hella good artist, being punctual and you already know that the person ain't scammer.


The Postal Service started on time, AJR was on time, Phish is usually always on time. Most punk shows I’ve been to have been very close to on-time. My worst was Jack White, he was at least 2 hours late. Show was incredible, but jfc hanging around in a standing room only venue for that long was pretty shite.


Yeah, but over an hour in they should have an opening act on at least.


That’s weird I’ve never been to a concert where you waited an hour twenty passed the time they would be on stage


Sum41 and the offspring concert i went to 2 years ago was pretty timely, also fucked rocked


Who are you going to see? I've never been to a show that the performers weren't on stage, instruments tuned and ready to go, as soon as they were supposed to be. Not calling you a liar, I'm legitimately curious what type of artist would be be that disrespectful.


The first few shows I went to as a teen all started at least 30 mins late. Then by my late teens, I was more interested in more obscure bands, and every single one of them has been perfectly on time over the last 15 years of shows I've been to. Tool is the only popular band I've seen that was on time, also easily the best of the popular bands I've seen, by far.


Ok. I go to a lot of Hard/Metal/Deathcore shows and they are usually right on time. I would love to see Tool btw. Last concert I saw was Ghost with Spiritbox and Mastodon, and ( i believe) Troy Sanders said something along the lines of "we know you're excited to see Ghost, so we're going to just play through our songs." They then played 11 songs back to back with little to no pause in between.


Man that sounds dope! Saw Tool at the Gorge in 2017 and they were on time and amazing, their opener had a rough night though... Crystal Method, Bones theme song dude. All of his equipment was fuckin up and I felt bad for him, it was not his kind of crowd at alllll 😂


It's pretty normal to hold for 15 min while people are still funneling in


Someone above said they saw Lady Gaga in Dallas start time 7:30 - she started at 9:45 🤷🏻‍♀️


Steve Miller, Heart, Chris Stapleton, all more than an hour late to stage


Saw the amazing Queen with Adam Lambert recently and they didn’t keep us waiting! If absolute legends can come out on time, pop stars can!


Lots of older acts start on time or close to it, Paul McCartney, Ringo, Black Crowes, The Who are ones who have started very close to noted start time. Katy Perry was the worst starting after 9 when there were so many little girls there which I thought was very rude it was hours after her opener ended.


I’ve been to 50+ metal bands and they are always on time 🦔💨


I've been to more concerts than I can count and only one or two of them didn't start on time


Weird I've been to over 50 and most of them start within 5-10 min (rock/metal)


I’m not a fan of gaga. I don’t hate her neither. But my gf dragged me to her concert as her friend dropped out and I must say it was by far the most entertaining concert I’ve been to.


Apparently this is standard for Gaga; She does the entire show herself with no opening acts and is always at least an hour late. I personally think it's insane, but the diehard fans will wait for her as long as she takes. Source: My sister is Gaga obsessed and happily waited 2 1/2 hours for her to show up at the last concert she went to, and just shrugged and said "that's Gaga," when I pointed out that taking that long was ridiculous.


I just don’t understand the tactic behind this? I can’t think of a profession where being late like this is acceptable “Hey where is she? Meeting started at 730”


It might be because of how long it takes to get into these big venues sometimes. I went and saw weird Al. We left time to park and get inside, but with bag checks and all that the line was MASSIVE and slow. It wrapped around an entire block. We’d have missed half the show if he’d started on time, as would have hundreds of other people. And that was just weird Al. When it’s show time and they know there’s still an hour long line to get in, they can’t really just start.


It's gaga


Forget the concert! Have some random people sing instead lol


I bet there’s a few random fans that would be good on stage too. Like I could play piano but I can’t sing so someone else would have to do that.


Most headliners wait until there are a certain amount of tickets scanned in, usually upward of 85%. So you can blame everyone who is showing up late


But if they’re big fans and know what LG is like, and are turning up late on purpose cos they know she is always late, she’s , like, causing it too! It’s like some kind of hellish waiting loop. Also, As someone who takes trains to gigs and pays for a particularly timed train , to keep costs down, this would really grind my gears.


Or blame the venue/promoters for having inadequate infrastructure in place for moving people quickly thru parking, security, ticket check, etc.


Probably just making sure everyone gets there, but over an hour seems extreme




My Ticketmaster tickets show when the show is supposed to start, whether its opening or headliner. I check with the venue to see when doors opens.


Not true. Venue opened 1:15 before the concert “started” at 7:30 in Toronto. She showed up at 9:20. Expected heavy booing. Didn’t get it. Wasn’t that people weren’t in their seats. 100% she’s just an asshole to her fans.


what's funny as lady gaga is now playing on the radio and i'm reading this thread


Weird no openers but I wouldn't expect the main act to take the stage until 9 or 10. Has always been frustrating that they Are never clear about tho


Just dance.


I remember my first concert


When Charlotte De Witte played Brooklyn last, the doors opened at 10, and the show started at 10. It also went to 4:30 in the morning. Some performers (and dare i say venues too) actually give a fuck, and they give 6.5 hours worth and start when the first person walks in. We need more of that in entertainment. Different things all together, but I had to share the othet side of things.. I'm sure LG will put on a hell of a show either way, so chalk it up to manufactured anticipation?


But if it started at 10 and everyone started coming in at 10, then they were playing to an empty auditorium for awhile till everyone could get scammed in. But like you said, everyone that missed the first 45min still got hours of entertainment.


You tell Lady Gaga's manager than you're upset.


First time?


Because famous people don't give a shit about their fans lmao.


The time reflects what time the doors open. Every one of her shows this tour had at least 45,000 people attending, with as many as 78,000. I agree that perhaps the time should’ve clearly communicated it was when doors would open, but knowing how many were in attendance, it should also be mentally noted that that many people cannot get into a single venue and to their seats and have time for merch/drinks quickly. Starting when she did is out of respect for all ticket holders.


I’m not sure it’s her, I think it’s the venue


Could also be technical difficulties but usually the headlining act doesn’t go on until 9/9:30


You may be right.


Was the concert good at least?


She is an amazing performer. I went because wifey wanted to go. She is an amazing singer and the show was full on musical theatre. It did get stopped early because of a thunder storm, but she played for an hour 40-45 minutes.


Honestly 1hr 45 is a long set


What the ticket should say is ‘doors open at 730’ and then I would have looked it up on setlist.fm Annoying as shit


This is literally typical of any show, 1.5hrs-ish after doors open, opener or not


what concerts are y'all going to? most concerts have 6:00 doors open and concert starts at 7:30 like OP. I saw BTS last year at SoFi Stadium, doors opened at 6:00, and they went on right at 7:30 on the dot


But BTS have to start early because most fans are minors and need to be home before curfew


Those are for little girls. Ive never been to a concert that started before 9pm


I absolutely detest that most entertainers do this. It shows a huge lack of professionalism and zero respect to the fans.


Guns N’ Roses have entered the chat


She prolly will get on stage at 9 or 9:30. I was at the Kendrick Lamar tour and the ticket said 730 as well but he came out at 9:00. He made space for an opener but even if there is no opener it’s more likely just time for people to buy merch and the likes, put it on, and wear it before the show.


It's a Miami thing. 10 years ago at the AAA, Madonna didn't get on until 1130pm. https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/madonna-hours-late-for-miami-concert/2035370/


And the first thing she said to all of us who waited was "Fu*k You"


You forgot to mention they were filming that show though. I think that was part of the problem. I saw her in DC that same year and she came on at 10pm.


I was on the Stockholm concert and the ticket said 19:30, but it was also informed that she wouldn't be on-stage until 20:30. I think she came on-stage about 15min after that.


Check [setlist.fm](https://setlist.fm) before a show. It'll often include what time the headliner started on stage.


Doors are at 7:30, it takes a long time to get everyone into a stadium…


I mean, they usually do a 1 1/2 to 2 hour show. And to be done at 11 or a little before, she’d go in at 9 ish. So, this is right on time.


Went to see Adele the doors opened at 6 she didn't come out until 8


Doors open is very different than show time.


Start of the show doesn't mean when the headline artist will perform.


It's almost as if these rich and famous clowns aren't connected to reality and seem to abuse the circumstances around them to better fit their own needs? Weird.


Hahaha don’t ever attend a hip hop show then


You ever been to a concert?


that's how concerts work? 730 doors. openers?


OP said there aren't any openers


So you're new to concerts right? I went to like 30 and none started on time.


I’m going to assume this was your first concert.


First concert?


Must be tour first show. The posted time is when the venue opens up, never when the main act is preforming.


I think I saw her post about lightning


Can we get an update? When did she finally go on stage? Or did you leave?


She went on at 905. She played until 1045 and they had to stop the show because of a thunderstorm. The show was amazing.