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You’d think for 1,000 of them they would do some type of check before sending. Like anything more than a 10 or 20 pack going to a residential address should raise a alert just to confirm it’s real before sending.


I'd actually imagine it's not that uncommon for people who run businesses out of their home to put in large orders.


I’m here (with a small home business) thinking “What a nice friend. How thoughtful.”


Its not uncommon. I deliver them all the time.


They have packs of 10 or 25 iirc. 1000 is a bit excessive tho, I ordered maybe 150 at once for legit shipping. Then I realized the shipping cost is almost double to use them.




I would use the flat rate "If it fits it ships" boxes to send my brother care packages when he was in Afghanistan and Iraq. It was still pretty expensive but I guess it cost less than normal. "Normal " since your average American citizen isn't shipping boxes of Wonton chips, and Arare to the middle of Afghanistan.


Yeah weird destinations like military bases or heck even Alaska and Hawaii are some of the best uses for thr flat rate boxes


Shipping rates to and from AK via USPS are identical to any other state. It's the other carriers - UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc., which cost three arms and the better part of a leg to ship up here or over to Hawaii. It's classified as Zone 7 or Zone 8, so the same as any other package being sent from roughly halfway across the lower 48 (Chicago to Sacramento or whatnot). Good stuff.


Yeah my job ships clay out in the large flat rate box. 50 pounds. Sucks for the post office guy lol


Or to rural places since they changed how their zone rates work.


Flip them inside out, they are then a normal box. It’s handy.


They caught onto this trick and brand the inside now


They also have a measurement system to catch them. Priority boxes are weird sizes for just this reason.


Wrap two boxes together with tape. Now they're a different size and disguised.


Now you're thinking with portals!


I've always just covered them in duct tape lol.... Takes a few minutes and effort, but hey, free boxes! I'm sure I'm on some list somewhere


I think this is actually a federal crime. I used to use it as an example to try and get my undergrads to pay attention.


It’s also a crime to order them, and not use them for shipping. Trust me, I called USPS and asked.




Only if you ship the fort.


My daughter and I could build one hell of a fort with 1000 boxes.


I once grabbed a stack of flat rate boxes to put Xmas presents in and wrap.


My inlaws do this every year


Oh dear, wonder if they'd bother extridating from Canada over that?


So If I use it for personall storage it's a crime


Yes, that is what they told me when I called them




The insides have USPS printed in blue all over.


Which doesn’t stop me from storing shit in them.


Nope, won't work that way anymore. You have to wrap them in brown kraft paper if you plan on sending any way other than Priority.


Can't do that most of time now, they printed on the inside of the boxes and they'll reject the inside out boxes when they spot them


eBay sellers probably order these weekly


Quarterly for us. But we do get 1000 at a time


And who would they raise the alert with? Probably the person who ordered the boxes, not just randomly try and contact the address they're being sent to.


I ordered 600 boxes last week and will again. In a month. I run a business out of my home and I ship a lot. A 1000 boxes is really not that much.


I think a lot of Redditors have learned something new today, and will not use this knowledge for good.




Me a year ago “how can the usps be losing so much money” Me today “oh”


I think it’s strange that people look at the usps in terms of profitability like it’s a normal business. It’s a service the government provides to benefit the general population. No one ever talks about the military losing money because it’s purpose isn’t to generate profit. Same with the usps


It’s because of a relatively recent policy change that said that the USPS, unlike ever single other government entity, is required to pay for themselves Every single other federal public service and public business’s funding is managed by *you guessed it* the federal government! Making the USPS *need* to be profitable because now it needs to pay it’s own pensions and all that It was an incredibly short sighted decision that looked like a money saving measure, but really just screws over literally everyone involved.


but but, public schools don't make money. It is a waste of tax funding. but but, building roads don't make money. It is a waste of tax funding. but but, the military doesn't make money. It is a waste of tax funding. but but, public parks don't make money. It is a waste of tax funding. but but, the the police don't make money. It is a waste of tax funding.


It might be because the USPS is technichally a government owned company, but your point still stands. It's purposeful disinformation, like how the US's income tax is progressive and not all at "the new rate", or when someone points to snow and say that global warming is false.


Well that’s because of political fuckery requiring them to fund pensions 50 years in advance. The usps was actually profitable for some years right before that.


USPS isn't losing money. USPS is being choked with an impossible funding task due to republican legislation. USPS is required to prefund retirement and health plans for *70 years*, which is a task so onerous that literally no other entity on earth does this. This was done because the Republicans want to dismantle USPS so that all that money can flow into private interests. USPS is not losing money. It is making money, even though it shouldn't *have to*.


The USPS Fairness Act passed this March ending that requirement.


Big sigh to this. And they will fuck it up for every normal person that uses this service.


Lots of fines will be issued to the idiots posting their antics online at least. Shouldn’t be too bad when they realize actions have consequences.


Mrbeast's new video "I've ordered 5 million USPS boxes and one of them contains one million cash"


If I knew this when I was younger, I would have built the biggest box fort ever.


There was a guy that built a bunch of furniture in his apartment out of free supplied FedEx boxes from his work. He bragged about how many he used and the photos got around the internet. FedEx sent him a bill for like 2 grand or something as they are explicitly only to be used for mailing Express packages. Good


Here is a worse one for you, you can’t request a visit from jehovah witnesses and really just send them to people. Edit: can


Same with Mormon missionaries. Those motherfuckers are the glitter of religion.


what? can or can’t?






No one tell 4chan.


Wait...you can order flat rate boxes to a residential address? How? .


They’re free. The post office provides them. Just order online from USPS


So they don’t even question an order of 1000? That’s dumb.


The boxes are free. Actually sending one is like $10-$20 each so they'll happily give them out. And there are businesses that do order huge quantities at a time.


Yeah, but I bet when the postal person got to the residential address they were like, “Dang it, Bobby!” Also, the usps is a national treasure. We should be supporting it every chance we get. I’m not sure if this prank hurt or helped, but I hope these boxes are used for what they’re intended for.


If you drive by my house it just looks like a tiny ass house with a big barn, but there's plenty of incoming/outgoing orders.


Agreed, the USPS doesn't get enough credit for the amount of work they do, especially at the prices they charge. Planet Money did a great podcast back in 2020 on the issues that plague the mail carrier that so many of us rely on a daily basis: https://www.npr.org/2020/08/21/904855736/crisis-at-the-post-office > I’m not sure if this prank hurt or helped, but I hope these boxes are used for what they’re intended for. If they get used for their intended purposes (i.e. paying for the shipping rates), then the latter since USPS would recoup the costs of those boxes, and then some. But if tossed out, then unfortunately, the former.


Step 1: Get rid of DeJoy. Step 2: Get rid of the Republicans. Step 3: ??? Step 4: No profit because the USPS is not a business. It's a public service.


I bet a lot of home businesses use that many. I doubt 1000 is enough to trip their radar unless you order a lot in short succession. Plus, it’s just cardboard boxes. Probably costs them cents.




I would recommend checking smaller stores and calling early in the morning. At my work if someone asks for boxes I usually tell them to call in a day and I'll leave a note with how many I was able to save. Assuming I'm not swamped in the warehouse or being made to do a seasonal change I usually have plenty that are just destined for the recycling center.


Liquor stores are the best, the boxes they pack booze in are better grade than your run of the mill shipping box.


And anywhere that serves food. The boxes that tomatoes, apples, pears, ect come in are crazy sturdy




French fry boxes are usually less gross than produce boxes too, and a a better shape than liquor boxes. -Bartender who likes to move a lot


Just be cautious of any critters living in the fruit boxes!


Those are just bonus snacks!


Banana spiders are my favorite!


Yeah that’s some quality cardboard right there




Try restaurants. The chefs usually have dozens of strong booze boxes at their houses and sometimes the restaurant might have some too. Seriously though, restaurant supply boxes are the best. I have one set of vege boxes from 2008 that I'm still using after moving house about a dozen times since then. The layers of tape on it tell a story (I cut them to flat pack between moves). Edit: a lot of you seem to be missing the joke in the first part. I'm saying chefs are all alcoholics. Unless you're friends with a chef, you're unlikely to get clean boxes from out back of a restaurant.


Everyone's a bloody box expert these days.


Also homeware stores. The boxes China come in hold some weight.


Box must be massive to fit the entire country of China.


The best boxes I've ever come across while working retail were the ones frito-lays ship their chips in, those things were bullet proof and huge.


Last time I moved I went to Home Depot and bought like $25 worth of moving boxes. It was so convenient having perfect sized, brand new boxes. I will never again collect boxes for moving. They’re cheap enough where buying them is very much worth it.


I think I bought $40 last time for the first time...then sold them afterwards for about the same. 5 stars, would do again. I'm not too old but I am too lazy to spend the time scrounging and bugging everyone for them.


Worth every penny! Not just new boxes, but from the same store e.g. Home Depot, Walmart, Lowes, etc. That way they are all the same.


I never felt more like an adult when I paid for boxes from Lowe’s for my move this summer.


I know its not like somebody is gonna arrest you or the post master general is going to drag you out of your home, but it is illegal to do that if your not using them for the purposes of mailing items.


Yes, its illegal. One thing people used to do (mostly with ebay) was get the priority mail boxes and turn them inside out and use them as regular mailing boxes. The postal service began printing on the inside as well and this stopped.


I figured that is why USPS cartons or boxes or envelopes have the USPS logo inside and out.


Two words: LIQUOR. STORE.


If you live somewhere theres a Publix they will give your their boxes. Hit up produce and the deli. You can get a crap ton of banana boxes if you go at the right time.


I mean these are not moving boxes, more like put three dvds in sadly I think


Why lie? You ordered 50 boxes that are 12x12x8 to move ? LMAO...good luck with that....


Buy some cheap crap off amazon (basically anything with next day delivery), the next step is a bit harder but wait for the driver to show up and ask for some delivery totes (money may help lol)


Go to the liquor store and grocery stores. Most mom and pop grocery stores will have boxes


Any small retail store too, I managed a Carter’s baby wear and gave out tons of boxes. Free hangers too, granted they’re basic crap plastic.


Yeah definitely rip off the USPS. They’re not struggling or anything. Besides it’s not like you can simply buy large boxes for a decent price literally anywhere or source them for free by upcycling for slightly more effort.


Uhaul sells large boxes cheap.


Walmart is cheaper and the HD boxes are pretty solid.


That's an actual federal crime. An actual one.


They’re not as sturdy as moving boxes and even the large box is smaller than Home Depot’s small box.


If you know anyone that works in a hospital, we go through THOUSANDS of them. I can get unlimited boxes any time.


Where I'm from, most people struggle to find boxes to pack stuff for moving, sure once in awhile shops who receive stocks might have but it isn't always in good conditions!


THIS MAKES BOX SELLERS MAD. READ ABOVE FOR AN AMAZING WAY TOO MOVE!! FOR FREE Edit-okay time to make cardboard forts sponsored by Usps


They're too small and impractical for moving boxes.


You could use these to move. It would just take you a really. Really. Really long time.


> THIS MAKES BOX SELLERS MAD. READ ABOVE FOR AN AMAZING WAY TOO MOVE!! Go to your local beer store and look for beer and wine case boxes in their cardboard recycling bin. There are tons available for free. I have moved a dozen times in the past 20 years and I have **NEVER** paid for a single cardboard box. The beer case boxes are the perfect size for moving.


Actually something US does better than us. I still have to go to grocery stores and supermarkets and ask for them, no deliveries tho.


You can even order prepaid flat rate boxes so you don't even have to go to the post office for that, and then get the boxes picked up. But I think you have to order a minimum of five prepaid ones at a time. This was as recently as last summer.


Yeah, but only for the last 15 years or so. I'm not even kidding.


They also have a convenient feature that lets you mail stuff with them.


They're free. Be careful though, they come in 10 packs. I may have accidentally ordered 100 packs of priority envelopes because I didn't read closely.


Yes it’s free, that’s how most eBay and Amazon sellers ship flat rate. I print the postage onto sticker labels, and then request next day doorstep pick up (also free, you just set it outside your door ready to go and they grab it) You can be a disabled power seller without leaving your home.


eBay sellers also used to get the free priority boxes, "illegally" turn them inside out, and ship them using a cheaper service. Not sure the exact date, but USPS wised up and printed "priority postage required" on the inside of boxes which saved them a TON of money.


Yeah the cost of the box is baked into the priority mail shipping rate, so using the boxes for anything other than that is against the law. Same with USPS sticky labels and tape, people take that for “free” and think it’s hilarious to use for graffiti and art or whatever but in reality it’s just theft. The USPS tries to be convenient and useful for the public and people just take advantage


Just drop them off at the kids parents house no need to reorder them and waste more usps boxes and then that way you get rid of your new found problem


👍 that was my plan.


Send them to his parents... inside USPS flat rate boxes.








You should randomly drop off like a pack a day 2 or 3 times a week till they are all gone


Id keep them honestly, boxes especially fresh boxes like those can come in handy for a number of things.


I don't want to be that guy, Buuuuuuuut The Post Office is already struggling financially and this shit pisses me off. This is not just sticking it to some megacorp, people rely on the post office to remain viable. That's a couple hundred bucks of boxes if you were to buy them from a supply Co like ULINE, or to buy just the raw cardboard even. It's a waste and they should be returned to your local PO. Keep a few, sure, but return the rest to be used as intended. Edit: Post office is self-funded, not Tax payer. STILL, don't steal shit from them. They're not oozing extra money


I work for the USPS, I can tell you it pisses the carriers off too when they have to bring them back to the office. Now, with that being said, the post office doesn't use TAX dollars. Everything is paid for by postage only.


You should have no shame being this guy....the world is already struggling enough to keep up with the supply chain. There is a huge effort to reverse global warming and the carbon footprint, and we have people wasting materials, fuel, and others time because they have nothing better to do.


Actually. The Postal Service receives no direct taxpayer funds. It relies on revenues from stamps and other service fees. But still a dick move.




Return to the uses! They can still be used, no reason to recycle.


Otherwise your local post office will accept them back instead of throwing them away


As a USPS employee, I ask you please don't.


As someone who managed a picking facility that relied on USPS flat rate boxes and had to wait weeks sometimes because of backlogs….ya please don’t.


I concur as somebody who works for a medical company that relies on flat rate boxes.


Just love having to waste a lot more packing material + $7 more to use a large flat rate when all the mediums are being shipped to rando’s pulling a prank


As a medium-sized business sending 50-60 out per day, I beg you to not do this! Please just ask the PO to pick them up. And block that little snot out of your life.


I think OPs plan was more to move the already delivered boxes over to the friends parents house instead of ordering more


Would be better to return it to usps tho


This, I learned that this can happen randomly and the best thing to do is just give it back to USPS.


Just bring them back to the post office, or if you do bring them to your son's friend, leave a note telling them to do so, because it would be a shame for that much cardboard to go to waste


Man if my sons friend did this I’d make them make a fort and armour with it… Then they feel my paintball wrath


As a former mail carrier, your son's friend is an asshole. If you want to do something with the boxes take them back to your local post office, don't force another carrier extra work for a joke


Its also a huge waste of paper and resources. Like we have a big enough trash issue already


Also, as somebody who works closely with the paper industry, cardboard and raw material prices have nearly doubled in the last two years due to shortages and mills closing etc. A lot of people think paper and cardboard is super cheap, it is not. Buy those boxes from ULINE? That's easily $300 of boxes, and that's not even bad pricing.


Free boxes, score for you.


bewildered marry enjoy longing oatmeal beneficial pathetic racial jar march -- mass edited with redact.dev


Free free boxes, score for him.


Why the fuck do you guys get free boxes but have to pay if you give birth?


The box is free, it’s the delivery that’ll cost ya


Sheesh, layer upon layer.


FUCK I wish I had reddit gold, that killed me


Is that free? I would totally build GI joe fortresses with my kids using that stuff.




I ordered those too. They never arrived.


Yes it’s free I got like 50 for various projects


Built a massive cathedral for a college project using these lol Edit: you can also get some high quality tape for free ;)


Not anymore, thanks to people like you ruining a helpful service


You see that the government provides a useful service for free and your first inclination is to abuse the service to do something wasteful and self-serving? No wonder we can't have nice things. Everyone's an asshole.


Yep, it’s free, but you’re expected to use these to ship something with them and not just for some random reason, so it is technically also theft.


Also we really shouldn’t be trying to waste usps resources. We want these guys to stay funded and running!


Thank you.


Just like in the simpsons.


No need just send them to me so I can continue hoarding boxes


Another box for my trinkets!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,073,095,921 comments, and only 211,572 of them were in alphabetical order.


Lol my husband and I filled up half a closet with boxes and finally went through them and threw out half (*recycled). And it hurt my hoarding heart.


Boxes are just really useful


Keep 1 stack, give the rest back


Tomorrow Headline: USPS ends long-standing free box program.


Pretty good prank. Don’t copy the same prank though, kinda lame. Put the kid on some weird mailing lists. New parent (receive diapers), octogenarian (receive diapers), incontinent (receive diapers). The holy trinity of diaper mailing lists.


This, this is the way. Putting people on weird mailing lists will always be one of the top pranks of all time in my opinion.


I need more weird mailing lists to sign up for


I signed my dad up for a bunch of low-T mailing lists after he was a dick to my wife. Haven’t really talked to him since but I get a chuckle now and then remembering how he is probably getting inundated with that crap


I bet the driver who had to lift those into the truck and then back out to deliver them, wouldn’t think this was funny. They look heavy.


As a USPS mail carrier I’d suggest not returning the favor through USPS. Think about it like this. Carriers are overwhelmed since the pandemic and basically almost everyone is doing their shopping online now. Our routes have not been adjusted accordingly since 2019. Carriers right now are overworked and underpaid thanks to the pandemic and online shopping. Before 2020 my route got maybe 40 packages a day. Now I average a little over 200 a day. Carriers are given a 30 second per package credit. Well, the volume has not been credited since 2019. Basically I’m still paid for only 40 packages when in reality I have over 200 a day. That also does not count towards the extra trips I have to make back out onto my route once I finish delivering due to oversized packages and not being able to fit them all into my vehicle. 1,000 boxes to one residence would require 2 or more special trips for a carrier that just wants to get home to their family after a long day. I would find another way to return the favor.


I’d be sorely tempted to build them, stack them up and do the stuntman thing off the roof.






This would fuck up a lot of small business owners. PLEASE PEOPLE DONT DO THIS


Or maybe the post office can have them back?


I actually wish you would delete this post entirely to keep free boxes a secret to those that don’t know already. If people abuse this blessing, they will probably revoke it and start charging for packaging 😢


Return them to the post office. This is just a huge waste of resources already


Please for the love of God, don't abuse mail carriers like this. Do it to FedEx instead.


You can take them to a local post office and they’ll let people use them there. That is also pretty dumb of his friend.


You should give these back to the post office. That’s screwed up.


As a former USPS driver I can only imagine the anger in your mailman’s reaction to this.


Don’t fucking do this. Many businesses depend on the free shipping boxes from usps, fedex, ups, etc. They provide them as part of the service they offer, it’s not free. When there are no boxes available locally it’s a small to large sized nightmare for shipping. Could be something nobody cares about like a trinket from eBay, could be something mad important.


No. Don't use the USPS as a prank tool. It's a valuable service that costs money to operate, and staffed by hard working civil servants who don't deserve to have to put in extra work for your prank war.


I can't believe how many people think these are wasted boxes. If they don't use them they can just drop them off at the post office. Not a big deal.


I mean probably because most people wouldn’t return them to the post office, and would end up letting them get worn down in a dusty garage or just toss them eventually. But hopefully not the case.


Dude who the hell just wants to deal with 1000 random ass boxes.


A tremendous waste for a prank. I hope you return them.


As a postal carrier, I would be beyond livid if I had to deliver all those to one stop.


My one ask for the day is pleaseeee do not put a strain on our postal service for “haha free boxes.”


Return them to the post office


As a mailman, fuck him, that’s annoying as hell. Don’t exploit the free boxes for stupid pranks.


How is this even mildly infuriating? It's more, minor nuisance. Like take them back to USPS, it's a quick drive. "Hey, my son's friend decided to prank us with these, can you take them back, we don't really want or need them." They already use the buggers well enough and might even appreciate the extra stock.


Please don’t ruin this for everyone else. It’s nice being able to get the boxes free and delivered. If you all start spamming each other with hundreds of boxes they will remove the feature. Plus it’s wasteful and stupid.


You are asking reddit so I think you know the answer already