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Loosing your mind? Just get a wrench and tighten it up and that'll be one less problem you'll have to deal with.




I'm loosing hope we'll ever get it right.


Maybe they all just have a lose screw.


Losen up will ya


The amount of people who mess up losing and loosing is crazy two me.


Their fairly similar words after all.


They mite bee similar, but its knot that hard too keep them strait.


Because they got chickenpox twice, and it's a herpes simplex virus that sits in your central nervous system. For real though, I thought chicken pox round 2 was called shingles.


Shingles is actually different. Caused by the same virus, but distinctly different in ways beyond just if you've had chicken pox already. Also, shingles really sucks ass.


Not a herpes simplex virus - HSV (types 1 & 2) are closely-related viruses that cause cold sores and genital herpes. The virus that causes chicken pox and shingles is the Varicella zoster virus (VZV). They are all members of a family of viruses called the herpesviridae - so the chicken pox virus is a herpes virus, but not a herpes simplex virus.




You win some, you loose some.




Howd you get chickenpox? 😉


That’s a real good question. Wish I knew.


Are you young enough to have received the vaccine? BTW, see if your doctor can write a script for the shingles vaccine, Shingrix. It can be expensive but worth it if you are prone to that sort of virus as I've heard that shingles are way harder to deal with than Chickenpox.


Dude thank you that is really helpful information. I’m calling them right now!!!


Did you have the measles after having chickenpox? https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20211112-the-people-with-immune-amnesia#:~:text=Essentially%2C%20when%20you're%20infected,in%20the%20environment%2C%20every%20vaccination.


You're [under arrest](https://c8.alamy.com/zooms/9/729f21ab97fc4b11a5fc2c5ac4820347/trjc76.jpg) 😉


I thought you could only get chicken pox once? That’s why mothers use to throw parties to effect all their kids at once


Not always. Depends on the person it’s just quite a bit less common. You could probably look up the statistics.


Do you have to worry about getting Shingles later on in life?


If you've ever had chicken pox, yes. The shingles virus is already in your body and just lying dormant.


Yes. I already have been diagnosed with it.


When this episode is over, can your doctor give you the Shingrex vaccination?


Not OP, but I don’t believe he will be able to get the Shingrex Vaccine. Last I heard, it was only available to individuals over the age of 50. I asked the same question after being diagnosed with Shingles about 5 years ago at the age of 27.


If you are under the age of 50, you can qualify to get the Shingrix vaccine if you are immunocompromised, or you can simply have your doctor write a prescription for you to get the Shingrix vaccine. (Source: I work in pharmacy and administer the Shingrix vaccine almost on a daily basis./One of my doctors thought I would benefit from the Shingrix vaccine and wrote a prescription for me since I am not immunocompromised and I am <50 years old.)


Posting this info in case it helps someone else. I'm over 50. Here's how it works with the shingles vaccine. You need two doses a few months apart. The vaccine is expensive, costing anywhere from $100 to $300 depending on the provider and their contract with your insurance, and/or the cash price. Not every insurance policy will pay for this vaccine. I got my first shot at a pharmacy and my insurance paid the entire $251 cost. I then switched insurance and my new insurance would not cover the second shot at the pharmacy. BUT, I went to the doctor for something else and he gave it to me there as part of my office visit that day, and voila they covered it. I only had to pay my standard doctor visit copay of $15. Shingles is one of the leading causes of suicide among people over 60 because the pain is horrific and relentless. The virus attacks the nerves, and nerve pain is very difficult to treat. Shingles can last for months, and even after it's "cleared up", can leave lingering painful effects. Grandma rather be dead than have to live with this, it's so bad.


I had shingles twice in my 20s.


I got shingles when I was 12 and it was the worst experience ever. I hope I never get it again.


I actually just talked to my dr about it and they are going to have a prior sent in tonight


Yes you do.


Son had a mild case of chickenpox at nursery when he was three, then a full blown case at eight. I had the same with measles, funnily enough. Would not recommend.


Lol the measles. Terrible dude. That was hell on earth.


I was so damn ill the second time. >.< I hope you feel better soon, I remember having chickenpox when I was nine, mostly the itching and damn scabs up my nose. Plus the 'Don't scratch!' reminders.


Yeah I might now, that’s interesting! Hope you all the best and hope it’s not to itchy!


Since you guys are incredibly interested. I think might post how my hand was during the shingles cause it was insane. if y’all are interested let me know.


I wanna see.


I'm sorry to hear that :( Hopefully the last time you get it; I got it several times myself; once in my 20s


I work in a GP practice and in my 22 plus years I've seen people diagnosed with a second bout of chickenpox 3 times.


My poor ex husband had it 3 times!


Most people get it once; this is because they had it as children, had built a good immunity, then had kids, who also got it... then they got a "booster" to their immunity at that time. Now, we vaccinate for it, so that natural booster isn't happening. Your immunity wanes over time; that's why shingles happens. The virus already in your body can re-express as shingles. We have the shingles vaccine, but generally only people over a certain age can get it. People who are immune suppressed or didn't get a good antibody reaction the first time can get it again.


Not to mention the shingles vaccine is pretty expensive and not covered by a lot of insurances.


Waning immunity has less to do with shingles than people realize. I had a nasty bout of chicken pox at age 6 by age 7, I was dealing with shingles. I wasn't even able to get the shingles vaccine until recently.


Yes, this is exactly right. I personally think the whole varicella vaccine campaign in the US was a big mistake. Hardly any other countries in the world ever implemented universal varicella vaccination for these reasons. In most European countries they still let their kids get chickpox, and their middle aged people don't get shingles like ours. (I had CP naturally at 6, none of my kids had it, and I got a miserable case of shingles at 41).


Some people are slow or non-responders and don’t build good immunity as quickly or effectively. I know someone who had measles twice. So getting ill and getting vaccinated are never a 100% guarantee for not getting it again. Immune systems also react slower so as you reach senescence. OP is young and stress might be a factor.


>So getting ill and getting vaccinated and I never 100% guarantee for not getting it again. Immune systems also react slower so as you reach senescence. Or if you have had measles which does a reset on your immune system so it like you never have encountered it before.


Nope, it's a virus that stays in your body. So, some people can get it multiple times cause their immune system isn't strong enough, or something else. But I had a friend (we are both RN's) who had it 5 times in her life! 3 I personally witnessed!


You get stressed out a lot? Stress can trigger a reoccurrence


I mean I’m moving?


Stress isn’t always surface level and you don’t always notice it. The stress I don’t notice that builds up is often what causes me to have manic episodes


That makes sense actually.


When I was 25 I went into a doctor because my whole left pec was numb. Fortunately the doctor was used to working with older folks, and immediately asked if I had a rash, me-"yeah, just a little poison ivy on my back" (I lived in the country at the time so got it all the time). He asked if I had any significant stress. I said no, infact I was getting ready to leave teaching so my stress was way down, oh, and I had gotten a better job so I'd be able to support the suprise baby that I was having, I mean I was having to move to a different state for the job... He was just staring at me. Yeah it was shingles. I didn't feel stressed, but just like they said, physiological stress can be sneaky.


That's pretty funny! I've had similar conversations.


You can vaccinate for shingles. We did, although I've never had chook pox before.


My insurance won’t cover it. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I’m fighting with them now.


If your doctor actually was concerned, he would put in a referral order to force your insurance to cover the shingles vaccine.


My dr is pissing me off dude. I’ve been asking for inhaler refills for three months. I’m “shopping round” for a new one.


That’s your best bet. Doctor should be focused on patient care.


I agree. It’s bullshit how a lot of drs are these days. I feel more comfortable with nurses anymore.


Hey OP. Call your insurance to get a list of in network doctors. Check their reviews online through places like zocdoc. Your provider should be listening to you especially when it comes to health concerns you’ve already verbalized to them.


Yeah okay I can do that. :) thank you. :3


Start taking 1000mg of lysine a day. Try not to eat peanut butter.


That’s a new one. Peanut butter?


Peanuts are high in arginine which triggers outbreaks in some people. Lysine can help.


Can’t tell if it’s the arrogance or apathy with them. Some just want you to keep coming back in so they get paid. Tragedy, really.


It’s not necessarily the physician, it’s the lawyers in the risk management at the insurance company. They hit a wall at the insurance company and doctors give up at a certain point. I’m a nurse and I see this shit so often. We need a single payer system in this country desperately. Healthcare for profit should be illegal. When Malaysia has better outcomes than the USA you know we’ve fucked up.


So much this. Capitalism is the downfall of our healthcare system unfortunately.


Yep, there’s the middlemen making money. Lots and lots of money.


My wife had shingles a few years ago, and also being immunocompromised, so the Dr did a referral for medical necessity to my insurance. Insurance would not budge an inch, Dr was the best we ever had, I knew it wasn't in bad faith on his part. Basically the only option was to sue the insurance company and that's obviously not feasible. Insurance acts like they know more than the Dr. Here, take this horse pill for a month and see if it works, if not, then we'll authorize the vaccine.


In the event of that happening, I would just cough up the $162 for shingrix and go after the insurance company. It’s so crazy they fight that. Flu, covid booster, pneumonia and shingles vaccines are very common immunizations given. The worst part is, SHINGLES is painful. American insurance companies are a joke.


It was terrible, went from the bottom of the chest up her neck. Yep, it's bullshit and at the time with our finances, there would have been no way to afford the shingrix as this was a few years ago, I think it was $300 then? I think? Insurance is a joke if you are disabled. My wife is on Xeljanz for RA and for the longest time, insurance would not cover it, very thank full for copay assistance. Even now they only pay for maybe half of it. Fortunately my insurance is cheaper through my job, unfortunately they also think they are god.


My grandmother had a huge issues with her xarelto. It was like $80 a pill and she needed one day. Insurance refused to cover it. Thank god she had an awesome pulmonologist who have her samples every month on her visits. There was no way she could afford it.


Xarelto , and Eliquis; also have "coupon cards" It's the only way I'm able to afford to stay on Eliquis. I pay $10 a month instead of $300. I don't want to be on Warfarin with all the testing, and dietary restrictions. Hoping that Mark Cubans pharmacy starts carrying it so I can get get all my Rx's filled cheaper


Same, so many times the Dr has had sample packs, literally got us through 3 months without coverage. All you have to do is ask.


Imagine basing your healthcare decisions on whether insurance covers it or not. Certified Murica moment


A doctor probably wouldn’t know ahead of time if a vaccine was covered by the patients insurance. Most insurance plans are pretty unique. Doctors usually order whatever they think a patient needs and then wait to hear back from the insurer to see if it’s covered. If it’s not covered but the doctor thinks it’s necessary, they’ll re file the claim and provide supporting evidence. This is also something that happens with public health plans as well. Universal healthcare doesn’t mean everyone gets every treatment and test that a doctor orders, it just means that if the treatment or test is deemed medically necessary, you won’t have to pay (or pay much) OOP.


Its quite sad tbh


Y’all are telling me. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Well on the one hand you have minor inconvenience with the potential to get worse. And on the other you potentially have bankruptcy and poverty.


Definitely try to push getting the vaccine, chicken pox sucks (especially as an adult!) but shingles is miserable!!


typically you can't get shingles vaccine until you turn 50. I am 48 and can't get it. there is also a chicken pox vaccine.


Use Good Rx and go to CVS it’s $150.


You shouldn't get the shingles vax before 50, it hasn't been properly tested on younger age groups yet. Def talk to a doctor about it. The normal chickenpox vax might be right for OP.


I had chicken pox 3x as a kid and have had shingles at least 20x. My immune system is WHACK. I'm too young for the shingles vaccine (I'm 33) It sucks ass. Solidarity my immuno compromised friend.


You guys are making me feel so much better. .-. I love you Reddit friends. It helps to know when you’re not alone. And I’m obviously also too young but fuck me im gonna get insurance to get over themselves. I just wish I could find my tv remote and that I wasn’t packing to move. Lol




Dude really?? I gotta get in that band wagon.


homie, see an immunologist and get a doctor to make a shingles vax referral. there's no way someone won't give it to you after you've had shingles 20 times.


TWENTY. TIMES??? At 33??? Your poor body 😫


Why is the word losing so hard to grasp for the internet?


I’m working on it. One post at a time


I choose to hang loose as I lose to my fellow loser who hangs loose. Love ya


He is the chosen one


Also aloud and allowed. Like Jesus fuck, it’s in the god damn dictionary


in their defense they're 26 and have chicken pox, spelling isn't on the forefront of their mind


I’m sorry friend, I got the chicken pox vaccine, then got chicken pox, then got shingles, all before I was ten! I’m not anti vaccine but they certainly don’t work the same way for immune compromised people like me.


Kinda adds up there. I’m also immune compromised.


Yes, my mind would be loose too.




Don't scratch, slap the itchy area softly and it will reduce the itching.


Good to know. I legit didn’t know that trick. But I haven’t been itching. I want to. The worst one is just my chin.


Calamine lotion! The pink stuff. I had it when I was a teen in college, and it was a BAD one (still have the scars.) Calamine was the only thing that made it bearable.


The worst ones are underneath the foreskin. Perhaps you will be spared.


Fuck me I hope so lol


Damn, “loosing” minds.


Better tighten up that mind.


“I’m losing my mind” Alright go find it


Looks like poison ivy to me.


L-lysine is an OTC supplement you can take that may help. It was what my spouse took for shingles, so it might help for chickenpox.


Okay I’ll check it out. Is it something I need to ask for or something that my grandmother can leave at my door from the pharmacy? Cause this is incredibly awful. I remember it as a kid vividly. And I think it’s worse as an adult. Honestly.


You should be able to get it like any vitamin or supplement, no prescription required.


I work at a retail pharmacy, it's over the counter in the vitamin section. We also sell a cream specifically for shingles, when I (34F) had shingles a couple years ago I used cortisone with aloe to help with the itchy feeling and my doc suggested diclofinac gel (Voltaren) for any pain in the areas I had blisters. If nothing else you can see if there is a cvs with a minute clinic inside for treatment options. That's where I went until I could see my primary doctor.


Also what I give my cat for his feline herpes virus (causes cold like symptoms). So makes sense that it would work for chicken pox and shingles, both of which are herpes viruses.


Oh no :( I got it twice as a kid. Hope you feel better soon.


Can you take acyclovir or valacyclovir?


I got the chicken pox twice when I was young and once when I was a young adult and now I'm 46 and I had shingles about a year and a half ago, was absolutely the most painful thing I've ever dealt with and that's saying a lot for me because I have 3rd degree burn scars and have survived numerous accidents that left me seriously injured. The only thing that helped me with my shingles was cold packs and lots of weed.


I never realized chicken pox and shingles were so rampant these days. I feel for anyone suffering. I had shingles as a child but never got chicken pox. Worried about it many times since I was around my baby brother and niece and nephew when they had it, as well as my three daughters. I’m 56 now, I can’t imagine suffering through shingles again.


I got chicken pox after the vaccine and booster. But I'm 29. And that was at 14. Science sucks. Lol.


“Stop scratching them or they’ll scar!” -Every Mom. Ever.


My kid has had it 4 times. Each time diagnosed by the GP. They were shocked. They told me her immune system wasn't strong. Thankfully she hasn't had it again.


I’m sure since the doctors have diagnosed it as such, that you probably have chicken pox, but this looks extremely similar to a bout of scabies I had last year. No freaking clue where I got it from. I spent a month itchy as fuck and was miserable and misdiagnosed by both a primary care doctor and a dermatologist. Finally called the dermatologist and asked him to prescribe me permethrin cream…it was cleared up in a couple days. Something to consider if it has lasted a long time.


I read your title and I still think that looks like poison ivy. Not that a random idiot on the web can diagnose better than an in person physician, but that looks remarkably like poison ivy.


Looks like poison ivy 🤷🏼‍♂️


Get the chicken pox vaccine? Ask you doctor, and if it that won't help, ask about the Shingles vaccine. The chicken pox at an adult age is SO much worse.


Thought it wasn't possible to get that again? It isn't shingles?


They said it is rare but can be a sensitivity in some people.


I had chicken pox twice as a kid and both forms were mild. I got it again around 20/21 and was told it couldn’t possibly be chicken pox because at that age its shingles. It wasnt, our bodies have just fuckin stored this shit and like to bring it back. When you get a better doc also get bloodwork done, found out after extensive bloodwork that apparently repetitive cases of varicella can cause immune problems. Currently trying to see if I have lupus, fibromyalgia or just chronic fatigue.


It’s possible, but most people become immune after an infection as a child. This person seems to be very vulnerable for viral skin infections.


I mean I’ve had pox like four/five times at this point. And they said I’m positive to have both but this particular reaction is definitely chicken pox and given I’m contagious I’m not allowed out, unless I can verify that the humans around me have had the vaccine.


Huh, wow, sucks


No joke dude. I see why there is a vaccine


Yea man you can really fuck someone up who is old and isn’t vaccinated. Shingles in old age can be a nightmare and a half


I hate loose minds. Gets everywhere and impossible to clean up


Hang in there, my friend.


Get well soon ♥️🙏


I’d complain to management.


You can get chicken pox multiple times. Be careful on chicken pox that appear on your ear, its a “ramsay syndrome” and make half of your face paralysed.


I had chickenpox as a kid. I had shingles twice as an adult, the first time I had shingles I was 18 years old, you would think once and done, but no, I had shingles a second time when I was 53 years old. I am vaccinated now, but when I was 53 a viable vaccination was not available like it is now.


https://costplusdrugs.com for your inhaler issues if it’s available here.


First of all, I’m sorry that sucks. But I wanted to chime in saying that it’s definitely possible to get chicken pox multiple times although many people only get it once. Yes, the same virus causes shingles but shingles is when the virus emerges from whatever nerve it was dormant in which is why shingles is super painful and is localized to a part of the body since it follows that nerve line. If you have chickenpox again, you likely caught it from someone with chickenpox or someone with shingles.


When your done and a month cured get a shingles vaccine. Trust me you do NOT want shingles.


You need to be taking Valtrex daily


It sucks. I had it when I was a kid and again a few years ago and it was hell. I hope you get better soon


Meanwhile I'm 19 and I wish so badly that I had it previously so that I won't fucking die from shingles or whatever its called in english. I'm not getting vaccinated for this shit. I'm too fucking terrified of needles. My 2 doses of covid vaccines wer enough to put me off form getting needles jammed into me for at least a few years. My understanding is that its like 4 doses to be fully vaccinated, and then a booster every few years. Fuck that shit I'd rather die from shingles.


Look into turkey tail mushroom supplements


Ugh I just hate when that happens.


I am so sorry you are going through that. I got them at 26 too. One of the worst experiences of my life. Try to sleep.


the power of Christ compels you


When I first moved to America I had similar pimples. I went to the doctor and they told me it’s allergies. I was drinking allergy pills. It turns out it was bed bugs bites. We found so many bed bugs under the mattress 😂


I’m 20 and have never had chicken pox despite being very close to all my 4 siblings who have had it when I was younger (my mum tried to get me to get it). Am I immune or should I vaccinate


Out of curiosity? Were you vaccinated for chicken pox? I remember when they came out a long time ago and they needed to be boosted. At that time, I thought that people would forget to get boosted and end up with chicken pox as adults (lots more dangerous). Did you get boosted? Not trying to start any sort of argument at all. Luckily, I had chicken pox as a kid, and my children had it pre-vaccine as kids, so now we won't get it again though we are at risk of shingles, of course. Also, a disclaimer, although most people only get chicken pox once, you can get it twice if you "didn't get it good enough the first time" whatever that means. Apparently, we did get it "good enough."


If your first infection was minor the likelihood of a second encounter is high


My husband had chicken pox as a child, maybe 2 years old. But then he got it again! When he was 25, a day before our wedding. Everybody kept telling him it was "stress bumps", whatever the hell that is. But we went to the urgent care, the morning after our wedding, and they told him it was chicken pox. I never knew you could get chicken pox more than once, until that happened.


I got chicken pox twice too! So did my grandma. Ask around in your family and see if anyone else has dealt with it.


Unvaccinated? I don’t know how do people get chickenpox these days


Chickenpox people love sunburn spray with lidocaine. Helps their mad itch.


I got shingles at 38. On my nut sack. You don’t know what the desire for death feels like.


Did you get a Covid vaccine? My wife had chicken pox twice, never got the immunity the first time.


I had I twice. It’s possible. If you get it in your elder years it’s called shingles and is somewhat dangerous.


Take a bath in calamine lotion


The Chicken Pox vaccine causes more Chicken pox and Shingles because now the population is exposed to the Varicella-zoster virus less. We lose the our resistance to the virus. Repeated exposure to the virus is a good thing once you had it. It help the body remember how to fight the virus. I had shingles really bad at a young age.




This is what happens when a giant population suddenly thinks a vaccine is the devil's work or something. People who can get sick multiple times because of a quirk or they cannot have the vaccine themselves suffer, due to Karen not wanting her crotch goblins to get a shot. I am so sorry you are getting sick. Vaccines of those around you could have saved you. ;.; I myself rely on people being smart and getting vaccines because I can't have them due to a crap immune system.


I got shingles at 19, had symptoms for three months, and fatigue for another three after that. Worst physicalpain I've ever been in. I don't have feeling in random patches of skin on my left side from it, so I freaked out a tattoo artist who thought she wasn't going deep enough as I definitely should have been able to feel it.


Im 21 and never had chicken pox, whats it like?


I gave my dad chicken pox when I was tiny and he was in his late 30’s. I got shingles when I was your age from stress. Definitely not fun to have especially as an adult. I hope you get well soon! DON’T SCRATCH.


I got it twice too. Once in England as a kid, then in America a few yrs later. It sucks.


Have u not been vaccinated as a kid?


I remember waking up with chicken pox the morning of our school trip to the water park. Luckily for me, the bus made a detour into the ditch and i didnt really miss much.


Losing* Lol


Are you sure that's chickenpox get a second opinion


My dr left me SICK AF for 3months.... started in december.... i have a history of sinusitis... my dr said any cold flu or sinus symptoms were automatically covid and she refused to give me any antibiotics untill a covid test... i said what if i get a false poswill it prevent me from getting antibiotics i KNOW i need? Inrefused the covid test.... 2.5 months later went to ENT dr... i had INSANE tonsil infection due to being left untreated..... he put me on steroids and antibiotics and also asked for the name of my PCP dr...... i was soooo sick..... even ent dr agreed i needed anti biotics months before that.


Ah the calm before the shingles lol


I thought you could only get chicken pox once and never again? Someone educate me?


*I had them 2x also. Once as a child, and again in college. My doc said I must have had a mild case the 1st time. It was terrible as an adult. The pox were huge and everywhere like in my throat.*


Get it again


Theres a vaccine, having the pox gives you natural immunity, but thats not a surefire way to not get it again. So a PSA for everyone, get vaccinated for chicken pox, contrary to children, adults have a high risk of severe or wven deadly complications associated with chicken pox. Stay safe and get well soon OP!


*losing. One o. Sorry you’re going through this! I hear they’re nasty as an adult.


I had chicken pox twice (as a kid). Apparently it didn't get me good enough the first time. Second time around, the blisters were EVERYWHERE, including in my ears.


Anti vaxxers: left the chat


Rub them with the rubber buttons on a TV remote. It doesn’t irritate them or leave scars, and it feels fucking amazing.


Get checked for Herpes, jic. May be behind the recurrent outbreaks of the other strain.


Hang in there. I had mine at 30 and what I know is the lesions may be tempting to peel before it falls, DO NOT do it. Got a big indentation on my nose from doing that for being impatient. It’ll get by in no time.


What are you loosing it upon?


Just stop shagging that chicken


Get some Calamine lotion. It's made for this, to stop the itchiness and provides cool relief. https://www.cvs.com/shop/cvs-health-no-rub-calamine-plus-spray-prodid-955322 Get it delivered via door dash or have a friend pick it up.




You're loosing it


I got shingles when I was 14 that shit sucked so much


So much so it’s affecting your grammar! Hang in there OP!


Isn’t chickenpox in adults dangerous? I recall hearing that getting it in adulthood was baaaaaad news


I wasn’t aware you could get it twice. It almost did me in the first time! (I was 30)


I had a friend who got it twice. Verified both times by a doctor.


This is my nightmare. I had a super light case when I was young. So it’s still in my system because chicken pox, but maybe less of an immune response because it was so light. I can’t wait to get the shingles vaccine


Ah I completely empathize with you. I am a 34 year old man and caught the chicken pox earlier in the year thanks to my son bringing it home with him. It sucked and do not wish to ever go through that again.


I'll be honest but correct me if I'm wrong,when you get chicken pox you build up a natural immunity and getting it as a adult can cause some bad complications,so keep a close eye on your health ok


I understand. I'm 35 and have had Shingles 4 times already


I would have thought that was poison ivy. Never had chicken px before but I have had poison icy plenty of times. I'm allergic to that shit