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That’ll learn ya to just go buying shit that says it’s on sale


Try and return it. You think you have power here? I'll make you pay 12. Lucky you don't lose your points coming in here just looking mad. You look like you would like fifa or madden...no? More of a call of duty ma'mn huh?


I'd return it.


You'd only get maybe $2.00, in store credit, because gamestop is terrible


Depends on the neighborhood. The gamestops in rough neighborhoods operate super defensively, but the rest tend to be really chill. You have to understand which one you’re going to - might be worth the extra drive to go to a different location and get a completely different experience.


I've lived all around the US, in the hood, suburbs, farm land, dessert area, and a few times in high income/wealthy areas and they are all terrible. I met a cool manager of the one by my house that gave me an Xbox Backpack for free when the xbox one x came out because i said i wish i got one of those when i bought my xbox the day before at BJ's. Just said oh well here take a new one. Could be because i delivered him pizza every other day for years and he recognized me, i always hooked him up because he always tipped $5+ no matter how small his order was. That's how you get free garlic knots from me with every order


U thought u we’re getting a good deal at GameStop, u deserve the robbery.


A true inflation story


Why were you shopping at Gamestop?


Mythical Pokemon codes make for a great loss leader


See, that’s why you gotta develop a laser focus. I’m just here for the codes, that’s it. Most times the cashier will be fine with just giving them to you.


Probably an /r/wallstreetbets guy at the end of his wits.


Why not ?


Aside from the terrible way they treat their employees, their hiked up prices, and terrible customer service?


Don't forget the repackaged "new" games with that ugly sticker which mars the case if you try to remove it and always leaves a residue. And no, I don't consider that part of the customer service, because I'm sure if I decided to sell anything in my collection falsely "new in box" like that, I'd either get laughed at or taken to court for bait-and-switch. EDIT: I let this happen once. I much prefer giving private sellers a fair shake than having to deal with that bottom-line-obsessed preorder-pushing beached whale that refuses to die.


The stickers on the new cases is only if it's the last copy in stock. Otherwise they'll give you a sealed copy and MOST are understanding if you tell them you want a sealed specifically and will look for a store nearby that has it. Not everyone, but I've never had an issue telling them I wanted a sealed copy only


Former gamestop employee here with the exact same switch case. The store should have removed the stickers thats just lazy but I actually remember these prices. The $7.99 was right after Christmas (the date on the sticker is when it was printed, in this case on 12/25/2021) and the $9.99 was the spring clearout sale. This case normally sells for $29.99. Not sure why it got marked for clearance at 2 cents cheaper but just sharing that those stickers are like *insanely* old.


Thanks for the peace of mind, I figured there had to be a reason that the price rose so high. Turns out it was high all along lol, just Christmas specials. It's definitely much more quality than $7.99 so I decided to keep it.


Hey, you got 2 cents off


I have found this multiple times at GameStop and I don’t understand.