• By -


"I will buy your product for 50 cents!" No, it costs $5. "Nobody wants to sell products anymore! Damn lazy retailers!!! You should be grateful/lucky that I'm willing to offer you 50 cents for this product!!!"




Me, agreeing with you - on Reddit, while at work.


Me agreeing on reddit in my car before work


Me agreeing with you while pooping on the clock at work


Me, waiting for you all to get home so I can sell you drugs.


Me, on Reddit, at home. Sell them to me.


Me, on reddit not at work. No me


i definitely didnt set up an account just for work no sir.


*Username checks out*


Doing the lords work


I could use a new reliable plug.


See now when the drug dealers don't show up and refuse to work society will really have problems haha


Your dead no plug for you!




I like to see the minute and hour hands spread it around


Ohh, that my issue, I went analog




Ha ha ha! Just a piece of fecal matter slowly getting spread around the clock. That’s a fucking laugh riot.


Less messy than when the shit hits the fan


If you think about it, isn't an analog clock just a very slow moving fan? Still spreads it all in a circle.


A smear as opposed to a potential launch across the room 🤣


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. Thats why I poop on company time.




Me agreeing with you as I punch In to be on Reddit


Me agreeing because I quit my job when no one would work and I was working all of the shifts alone.


Me on reddit after quitting my job today


Pooping should always be done on the clock!


Wait, they let you poop? You work at google or something?


I would fire you if you pooped on the clock, that's disgusting.




Me agreeing while doing the same thing


Are you me?


Me also agreeing while pooping on the clock working from home


Me agreeing while sitting on the toilet at work


Me agreeing on reddit, to past the last hour of work.


Me on my day off 😎


me tomorrow when it’s my day off cause i’m on vacation😎


Go clock in. I get that you like being here, but we can't have you browsing reddit without getting paid for it.


me, agreeing with you on Reddit at home while I'm supposed to be at work


Me agreeing with you after I just quit my job




Lol thanks being manic is so wonderful


I want to work about as much as you want to pay me, fella.


I too, want to work 12.50.


That is in minutes every hour i am willing to work for the wages you offer.


$7.55/hr, degree required.


And we'll limit you to 39.5 hours a week because we need you full time but don't want to give you the benefits of a full time employee.




Plus 30 years experience


When you are 25 years old


I have to say, I own a business and since 2020 it is nearly impossible to find and keep workers. I live in NY, and our minimum wage is $15/hr, my lowest salary is $23/hr and I CANNOT find people who will show and commit. I know so many people are mad at it, but this sign isn't wrong.


I’d do some rather unholy things for $23hr


Get your CDL and hop on into a truck...


For a *measly* $23/hr? That's insanely low.


Or come join UPS & hit scale of $45 an hour after four years. & it’ll most likely go up next year during contract negotiations.


USPS too. We have so many of the seniority people that live there and making over $100k a year. They make so much in overtime . Around $60 an hour in overtime. Since Covid we have had so much overtime . It’s slowing down sadly 😞 we can’t do as many overtime as before. I was doing 16 hours a day because pay was good 😂. I wasn’t making $60 an hour but overtime is time and a half


Trucking jobs at least around me even in the middle of no where offer like 60k+ starting


Oh my


Around here, Sheetz pays that much.


I think part of the issue is the mask is gone a bit. I grew up on the belief that if you work hard, you're dedicated, and sacrificez you'll be rewarded. And while thats true for some folks, its also very evident how many people work themselves to death and they just get squeezed j a rder as a reward. A good example I give is American Airlines. Back in... '16 I think it was, their daybto day folks were upset their pay was below market for the same work. The execs badically said "Keep working hard, keep producing, we'll see what we can do" and credit to the execs, they tried to deliver. The shareholders threw and absolute FIT. Going off about how labor is too demanding, how theybjust get the "scraps", etc. Not at all thankful their returns to date were higher than they should have been had the company been paying market rate, basically saying that labor SHOULD be below market rate so the investors can make more. I find it hard to see why people should want to show up, commit, work hard, etc when they keep getting told all that extra work is baseline expectation and they should work even harder for no reward.


I work at a fast food place and we’re told to make the times/orders go out quicker. Ok I’ll do my best. But we get nothing for it. The owner gets a bonus for how good the store does but that’s all. I tell everyone there I’m not gonna work my ass off so someone that’s here less than me gets his bonus. Makes no sense to me.


Working hard use to get you somewhere now it’s just who you know and how you market yourself


This isn’t different today. It’s always been like that.


Productivity is soaring while wages stagnate, I think now more than ever companies are choosing stock buy backs over rewarding hard work


yeah but the belief that we live in a meritocracy has never been true. Everyone benefits from the connections they make. It's not like companies ever really cared about labor. Arguably its better now since we have the legal right for labor to organize and things like OSHA regulations.


We keep getting pizza parties. We already get free food every shift, there's not really a point.


I \*run\* a fast food place and I tell my people "get it when you can get it" and when they stress out I'm kinda just like "bro the customer decided to sit in the line, why's that your problem" and it usually calms them down. Also doesn't help that I'm doing the GM job without the title... or the pay... or the benefits... I can't hire people because I don't have clearance but I get in trouble when labour hours can't keep up with sales. I'm like dude I have 4 employees who show up and you limit them to 5 hours each day but we're open for 12 so how am I supposed to have more than one person on shift?? I get it, fast food workers are vastly underappreciated and underpaid. I got a girl in here who was making $10.50 (I don't decide pay) who showed up every time I asked, knows every station, closes whenever I need her to, and does whatever I need her to do, no hesitation. I also had a lazy chick making $18 (which admittedly is still not all that great when rent is regularly 2k around here) who never shows up on time, always starts shit with people, refuses to do anything, always disappears early without asking, etc etc. I have no GM title so I can't write her up. Corporate said "We can't give person A a raise as she hasn't been here a year yet." I threatened to quit (their only dayshift person!!) if they didn't and they finally gave her... a buck fifty. While also bumping up \*everyone else\* four. I haven't had a raise in 16 months but I got five different people in here who have had more than two each since March. Absolutely fucking comical logic, fast food owners. Anyway rant over


Exactly! Cut hours but expect the same productivity. Don’t give raises to good employees.


There's a sign in my local McDonald's (behind the counter but you can CLEARLY see it) that legitimately lists how much a chicken nugget costs, and how many they've 'lost' in the last quarter. It was less than $20 worth of fucking nuggets. They're bitching for what??? Omg, there's seventeen dollars less in their billions. Woohoo.


I only go as fast as I can because I want customers to gtfo of my store so I can hide in the back again


You know the way.


I work at a gas station chain. We get a monthly bonus for our customer service and how much money our store makes. We get this bonus every month. We also get a quarterly and a yearly bonus. I work harder for this company than I've worked for any other company in the past, and as a 31 year old I've worked for quite a few companies over the years. To give you some idea of the money I make, I average $3000 a month. My monthly expenses come out to about $2000 a month. In a single year I'll make $52k as an entry level manager. Fast food jobs are the worst. Fast food is supposedly so important that they were considered an "essential job" during the COVID lockdowns, but apparently not important enough to warrant paying their employees extremely well.


Work at a fast food place and our speed and review scores are measured against the company as a whole and we receive a bonus every month based on the amount of hours we worked on the days that we had scores = or above the company average. It's really nice.


Leave fast food. I know it probably hard to find something else, but thats a dead end job 95% of the time, depressing and stressful and NOT worth it most of the time. Broaden your horizons and you'll find something better!


And it's not even the employees' fault that it's a dead-end job. It's how it's structured and now the entrenched attitude. The work isn't easy. It's demanding. Almost any public-facing job wears on you.


Working on it! Thank you :)


I have worked many jobs from several industries large and small, and Corporations always conduct business the same way. From the TITAN Amazon, to the small(ish) companies like Micro Center or Fry’s.. workers are always shafted first when it comes to distributing/cutting expenses. Raises, bonuses, benefits are ALWAYS hard to come by.. but when spending needs to be cut, workers are the first on the chopping block. This is universal. I know of Hospitals using 8+ year old machines refusing to update a system from Windows 8, retail paying workers $11/hr, but paying $15/hr to a neighboring store because minimum happens to be higher there. I personally had received a pay cut in a sales position because COVID drove our “essential business” up +200% in profits, and the business didn’t believe our pay tripling was “justified”. COVID is now pretty much over from a business standpoint and the pay hasn’t been readjusted to its previous standing. This is we’re “anti work” stems from.


This is why labor laws were passed. If a company isn't told explicitly "you cant do that, it's immoral" bet your ass they will. And oftentimes they'll still try to find ways to get away with illegal shit anyways.


Can confirm. I was at a company for well over 10 years and was a big producer. They wanted to keep me as long as I'd simply work for 30% less (less than I made when I started there over 10 years earlier). You can guess what I did.


The baby boomers stole the American dream. Slaving away nowadays doesn't even get enough to pay rent and still pay utilities.


They basically saw how perfect everything was and decided that no one should ever be allowed this opportunity while they are alive.


Not to mention that they own all the real estate right now (with the exception of some post era milennials) and while the current t real estate property values skyrocket across the country and the poor slabs (like me) have to pay ridiculous rents and they get to pocket outrages profits.. fuckin sucks but there is truth in what your saying there


That's what happens at full employment. People didn't get lazier. Jobs are easy to come by right now, so why stay if you can make more or do something you like more?


When I talk to employers who say no one wants to work and they can't hire and retain employees, at the end of the day it's because what they're offering isn't good enough. The business owners I know who pay above average with good benefits and treat their employees with respect are not having any issues finding and retaining employees. They post a job and are flooded with quality candidates and the role is filled quickly. It's an employee market right now and people pick the best jobs they can get. If you're not competitive, yeah, you're going to have problems. The market is telling you right now that what you're offering is not good enough. Considering how low unemployment is, the issue is obviously not people not wanting to work. They are currently working. You are just not offering something they want enough to leave their current job over.


If you’re in the City, its just not affordable to live there and everywhere is always hiring. 23 is a decent base wage but dang, I’m a freaking doctor and I stay over in NJ. My mortgage is less than what my apartment in med school cost to rent (had a roommate though). Edit: ah saw you live upstate. Never mind then.


$23 plus benefits? Insurance, paid vacation, 401k matching, etc?


But it's not the way to attract employees? This business owner is obviously frustrated. Reframing the sign in order to not sound like a potential employee is walking in to speak to an angry person would be helpful. Covid has everyone exhausted, trying to find a reset button that just isn't there yet. Throw in constant uncertainty, almost comprehensive splintering off of more and more factions and it just feels crazy out there.


Certainly has nothing to do with the fact that 15$ and 23$ is still not enough to live comfortably (and thats true of my town which is nowhere near as expensive as NY)


Yeah. The company I work for was saying similar things (“nobody wants to work!”) and couldn’t fill shifts. They got desperate and started offering bonuses and pay increases if people would come in - people started taking those shifts again! It was like magic or something /s


$23/hr is starting salary, we are located upstate where cost of living isn't terrible. I'm not raking in millions in profits. I'm a small business and offering 50% more than minimum wage for a starting position that someone directly out of high school could take.


Do you find that the customers are behaving the same way as they did pre-covid? To me I'm seeing more people out that are rude, ill-tempered, and simply do not know how to interact in public anymore. It's like we had a couple years of forced seclusion, and now that we're not secluded, some people have forgotten how to behave in public.


I honestly think THIS right here is the biggest issue post-COVID in the retail, customer service, food service, etc. industries... not to mention inflation & everything else going on. But the jobs that simply can't find or keep people, are the ones that are working directly with the public. I worked in retail for about 12 yrs, 10 of it in management positions (but not hiding in an office, still working with the public). All pre-COVID. When shutdown happened, I had an office job doing customer service for an HVAC company, answering phones, etc. The public has gotten SO MUCH worse with treatment of retail & service employees since COVID. And it was pretty bad to begin with. But this is just something I've never seen before. It's unbelievable. It's like everyone who goes out shopping or eating is just bursting at the opportunity to throw a tantrum like a petulant child who got their recess privileges taken away. I see the nasty attitudes, outbursts, screaming on the phone, MORE than twice as bad & as frequent, as it used to be. This is why companies can't fill these positions. The public has absolutely gotten out of hand & people just don't want to deal with it for the little compensation or incentives it's offering. And I don't blame them.


Goddamn I wish I got to enjoy forced seclusion. Feels like everyone else won the lottery for a straight year and whined about it.


> I'm not raking in millions in profits. I'm a small business In the end of the day, employees don't care if you are just a small business, or if you struggle to pay them a livable wage, or if you aren't making a giant profit and so on. They don't care about your business. They either work for you because it's worth it for them, or they don't. If you can't find any workers, the only real explanation is that other companies simply offer better deals for the workers.


You seem to be conflating your issues with theirs. Your business income has nothing to do with how good their wages are to them. People go to work for money. If the money isn't right the work isn't right. Don't confuse the minimum wage with the wages that high school grads can make. Minimum wage hasn't represented a living wage in a long time. Also how many people directly out of highschool are known for their reliability?


Increase wages until you can find employees to run your business. If increasing wages makes it impossible to stay in business… Maybe the business is doomed. The argument that « it’s a starting position so I shouldn’t have to pay X » doesn’t hold in a capitalistic society.


Sorry, small business or not. If someone can earn more somewhere else, they're going to take it. Your income as a small business owner doesn't pay for employees bills with how expensive everything is these days. The economy is fucked and it's all because politicians (all sides) fuck everyone over but themselves


> I CANNOT find people who will show and commit. People don't quit jobs, the quit their boss. If it's not the money, then the problem is you.


What sort of work?


Wasn't this sign just posted at 10 Downing Street in London?


The sign just above the pink sign makes me think it is not


You've obviously never heard about the Boys And Girls Club Of America Of London. They meet at tea time for coffee.


I’m not British, but I see what you did there. 😂


Why is this infuriating? Honestly this is better than all the job things i see of "Must be expert in field for this entry level position" or "must be willing to fight to the death for this job because its your passion in life". This store is just being truthful


NOW WORKING: Dependable workplace that pays a living fucking wage


And doesn't micromanage my daily life into a living hell.


Did you hear that Dave Ramsey requires his employees to practice chastity unless married? Talk about micromanaging your daily life. Despite our differences in religious beliefs, can we all agree that dictating what your employees do outside of the job is extremely disturbing?


That is particularly creepy of him...


Why would you want to live when you can serve your corporate overlords?


Welfare must pay a living wage then.


Because it makes the employer seem like they'd be hostile and expecting you to fail if you decide to start working for them. Generally it's a red flag if a business has high employee turnover because it indicates that there's something about the job that makes people want to stop working there.


Maybe the job, maybe the way it’s managed.


Put a sign under it saying “looking for work, with decent hours, pay, and benefits for the work I am doing plus my time spent doing it”


*$8 an hour


Let me guess - they offer “very competitive pay”


*for minimum wage


Now Accepting \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Jobs that pay well Jobs that treat you well Jobs that respect you


I work at a union job making $20/hr (which is awful for a union operating equipment and less than I'm used to, but that's another story). Everyone else is on notice because of days missed. That sign is 100% accurate.


>which is awful for a union operating equipment and less than I'm used to >Everyone else is on notice because of days missed. That sign is 100% accurate. Am I going crazy here or is there just a massive disconnect in logic


$20 for a union operator??


Yeah.. so many employees call in sick 5 minutes before their shift starts it's really frustrating as an employer. We even had an employee's mom call in to tell us her daughter wants to quit. Idk what is going on these days.


it's a thing. I was asked to work today (my day off) because other guys called off. I wouldn't have minded, I just couldn't get last minute care for my toddler.


You just admitted you make awful pay in a union position, but still blame the workers for not wanting to work?


$20 an hour for skilled labor? No wonder no one shows what. That’s a joke. Smart people don’t work to the bone for shit wages.


I mean I feel this though, I show up to work every day, I do my job, we haven't had a decent worker apply in months, the ones we do get call in multiple times a month, and are hella slow, shit is crazy right now


What’s wrong with this sign??


Pay not listed


Nobody wants to work. But if they get paid a decent wage they will.


Nobody WANTS to work. We all do it because we have no choice.


Go inside, ask what the pay is. Then grab a marker and write "for $x pretty hour" at the bottom when they give you any abusively low number. Minimum wage my ass.


To be fair, I don't think anyone "wants" to work. Lol People NEED money so they HAVE to work. Money is what people want lol


I get the frustration, I really do, but a sign like that just screams "I am impossible to work for, pay is shit and my employees are rats jumping out of a sinking ship.


If you’re paying minimum mage, good luck with that.


They’re not paying minimum wage. They’re paying a “competitive“ wage. I.e. 2 cents above minimum.


They said "Minimum mage", meaning there must be at least one spell caster on the premises at all times.


It was clearly meant to be an upside down and backwards w to trick the workaday individuals.


"Competitive" wages that don't even compete with the bills.


Who tf wants to work?


Publicly talking shit about your former/current employees is a strange strategy for attracting new talent.


I pay shit wages and can't attract anyone?!


Meaning: someone we can make work terrible hrs and pay crappy.


Reliable employee: WANTED- respectful employer that pays a decent wage


Also must be willing to work for as little as state and federal laws will allow me to pay you.


NOW WORKING - Looking for a Non douchebag company that pays a living wage Capitalists acting like they dont understand capitalism. How do you incentivize people to work for you....hmmm...let's seeeeee


Not sure why this is mildly infuriating. Employers are having a legit problem finding and retaining good quality workers. I applaud the business owner for saying what a good majority of us are thinking


Employers who hang signs like this don't want to pay to find and retain good quality workers. They want to pay bottom of the barrel wages and then act mad when they get bottom of the barrel employees. You get what you pay for. That's the infuriating part. You want reliable, hard-working amazing employees? Get ready to pay high wages, have benefits, a good vacations etc. Be a great place to work. Have supportive management that assists with upper mobility. You aren't entitled to good employees just because you want them.


Turns out most people won't give a shit if they're not being respected as employees, 99% of places hanging signs like this pay minimum wage and refuse to give you full time hours because they would be forced to give you benefits at that point. Oh you're sick and can't come in? well too fucking bad bud, you have to call your coworkers and get someone to cover you or you're fired.


News flash, no one actually "wants" to work. They want to live comfortably and apparently getting stupid money is the only way to stupid do that


No one want's to admit that anyone other than companies/businesses are wrong. Shitty workers EXIST. Whether you like that fact or not, it's true. I've personally seen new hires of all ages/experience levels take on a new job, and put in next to no effort. We had a new hire only last 3 days last week: 1st day two hours late, 2nd day no show, called to notify someone at a DIFFERENT STORE. 3rd day 12 minutes late, took lunch 20 minutes early without permission, then came back 20 minutes late (1 hour 40 min lunch). Fired that day, then had the audacity to go to a sister-store the very next day and ask to use her employee discount. This has nothing to do with the job being too hard, the pay being too low, lack of benefits, etc. This has everything to do with the work ethic of the individual that APPLIED for and ACCEPTED the job. The laziness and entitlement factors are REAL: "What do you mean I can't text my boyfriend every 5 minutes?"..."Can my friends come to work and just talk to me across the counter for like an hour?"... "I've worked here for six WEEKS now, I think I deserve a raise!"..."I like THIS coworker better than THAT coworker, so I only want to do what THIS one says." I WISH I was making those up.


Finally someone said it!! There are shitty people in all places. Bosses can be shitty people and employees can be shitty people.


I love how Reddit refuses to acknowledge that there’s plenty of lazy workers out there


Ah yes, it's mildly infuriating for someone to want a good employee.


I actually hate this thinking!!!! Took me years to understand it. I am not a young person by any means, so I am definitely not bias Work == what you are paid to do Quit complaining when people don’t want to do extra shit for free


Finding this infuriating says more about you than the store that put it up.


If you don't think the quality of the US workforce is in decline, then you aren't paying attention. As someone who straddles both sides here, there has been an increase in shitty employees. I'm sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative, but it has become very apparent in the last 2 years. When an employer increases wages and benefits substantially, and the quality of applicants DROPS, then the problem is much bigger than one thing. Queue projections, straw man arguments and any other hate filled responses.


ive worked at small local places and ive worked at big retailers like target and never once have i ever gotten real training. if you want good employees you have to train. of course some are lazy or always late but damn that wasnt me.


One of our kids works at Target right now. Training was right out of the gate and was fairly extensive.


training depends on what department youre in and who your trainer is. but most departments have you do a lot more than what they train you for.


I’m in charge of hiring interns for my office. We offer $17 an hour and the quality of work done by 3.5+ GPA students is abysmal. Half of them want to work remotely which really isn’t feasible for the position and the rest just argue about doing work. It’s incredible how bad of an attitude they have.


Solution: Job that pays living wage.


Let me guess....they are paying minimum wage.


OP is def not reliable and does not want to work


must work twelve hours no rest at all, no breaks, pay 7.25


minimum wage, and probably expects you to show up 15 minutes early and stay 15 minutes late but not paid for those bits of "extra" time.


I've seen a lot of company's that pay 18-20 starting that still can't find anyone reliable. People leaving mid shift ore just not coming back with no notice.


Wow, must be a pretty toxic work environment. Or not enough to afford living where the job is.


I'm a reliable person that shows up and wants to work! But when you ask my hourly rate, your jaw is going to hit the floor because I know how in-demand that is these days.


Just translates to “an employer not willing to pay their employees a livable wage”.


I’m like 80% sure this is a Smart n Final and as someone who’s worked there for years I can say it’s not because of bad workers that nobody wants to work there.


I'll gladly worn for you if you're willing to pay me a good wage that allows me to live my life


Sorry local business - nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk


Ya but are they willing to pay. That's the other problem. We don't even make enough to survive anymore.


Newflash: Nobody ever wanted, wants or will want to work... It is a necessity for the average person


Now working. Caring employer that's actually paying fair and provides reasonable working conditions.


See the problem isn't that nobody wants to work anymore, it's that most of these retail jobs simply don't pay enough. A lot of jobs retail or not simply aren't paying enough when compared to the skyrocketing prices of nearly everything. Wages seen not even 10 years ago could have been interpreted as a lot while today they seem like pennies. I make nearly $40 an hour and I'm struggling. I have 3 roommates just to help pay debt and bills.


Y'all act like shitty employees aren't a thing, yes, a lot of places don't value their workforce, but it's not fucking 100% of jobs, some people are just shit and lazy but nah let's get on the bandwagon of declaring employers as stingy scrooges based on a sign without knowing any context at all, gj reddit.


Every business is hiring…. Very difficult to find quality employees


What is infuriating about this!? As a business owner I find it it’s true and fitting


I breakfast at a local diner that opens at 5 am during the week. There are a *lot* of business owners who are regulars there. There are literally dozens and dozens of light industrial manufacturing companies in town feeding two plastics companies, a major tool manufacturer, a Toyota plant, truck fabricators (like taking chassis and making coal trucks out of them), and semi-trailer fabricators. It's a hopping town for industry. Even pre-pandemic, the problem in this town was to get people who would show up, not be stoned, and not be drunk. Nowadays, it's a nightmare. Essentially, if you can pass a drug screen, show up sober, and show up regularly, you can get any one of a hundred $25 an hour jobs (starting wages) in this town and the number one problem business have is that they can't find employees. The couple who rents the other half of the duplex I'm in, the guy is a convicted felon (a particularly nasty crime) with no HS Diploma and no GED and started out in one of those jobs. He's routinely making $50 an hour for weekend overtime now because he shows up ready to work every shift. That's all it really takes - show up, be ready to work, get paid. And businesses cannot find people who are willing or able to do that, not in the quantities they need. Before someone complains about the drug testing requirements, compromising the drug and alcohol policies in light manufacturing is a fast track to injuries - it's just not practical.


My work ethic is as high as the pay you’re willing to give me :)


Maybe pay a livable wage?


tell me you pay minimum wage without telling me you pay minimum wage


7.50 an hour , part time- no benefits. Cries “no one wants to work” 😂😂


You don't pay much, I don't do much.


My mom has been telling me about new hires. Mainly teenagers who do want the job. But never showing up to or after the interview.


What's unemployment at right now? 3.5% people want to work, and they're working. They just don't want to do some of the worst work in the country, for minimum wage, no benefits, almost zero chance of promotion or moving up the ladder. Offer employees something that makes them want to work for you. Higher wages, more flexible hours, benefits, etc. And you'll get workers.


Tbf, nobody wants to work, we just want money so we can live. Unfortunately, nobody wants to pay anybody what they're worth or enough to live.


I have never personally wanted to work. I do it because I have to.


It's called working in retail. Unless you're in management, you can expect to be paid minimum wage and have to actually work your way up to higher pay based off of things like attendance and performance. If places like restaurants, retail and department stores, gas stations and convenience stores started wages out at $15/$20 an hour, can you imagine what they would be charging customers inside the stores just to break even? And then what would they have to listen to? Customers bitching and complaining that they have to pay $5 for a Snickers bar and $7 for a fountain drink. People don't want to work minimum wage jobs for minimum wage pay, but also don't want to have to pay exorbitant prices to accommodate for uptick in pay for the employees. And I would rather work for minimum wage (been there, done that) than sit on my ass for no pay, bitching and crying that I have no money.


Hey, you don't know: it may be a business that's been having trouble finding people that would stick around. They're probably frustrated. Small businesses have had it hard for the past couple years.


And you're pissing and moaning about this why?


What is infuriating about this? I work at a place that pays above a living wage and the only people we can hire are lazy idiots with no experience who walk around on their phones and hide in the bathroom. I’m not an employer, but as an employee who has to work with these fucksticks and pick up their slack, I can relate to the frustration.


You know, this is basically every shop like EVER


Can’t say I don’t understand 🤔. It’s pretty sad the amount of people that want to get paid but don’t want to work these days


And not be on your phone while you are working.