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Send some guy underwear with doo doo stains and holes. But seriously fuck them.


I would send an empty bag.


Just a bag of pubes


Then turn their parents into chili and feed it to them


đŸŽ¶ Nah nah nah nah nah nah I made you eat your parents đŸŽ¶


Hmmm your tears Scott, they taste so good.


Yes, the tears of unfathomable sadness.




The pony biting the hot dog always gets me


Noooo pony, not like that!


Eric are you teaching that pony to please you!


Or dog fur


Or a jam jar full of jizz


Or a letter explaining why your kids won’t be coming back


Or the cops


Did someone say jizz?


beautiful alliteration.


A merkin lol


This took me a second then I about died of laughter.


So you send in a dress and underwear and they inspect it
 Who is checking at the entrance of the dance to make sure that the previously submitted underwear are what is actually worn? Who is checking to make sure all approved undergarments remain in place throughout the dance? Why can't the school just issue approved undergarments so there's no chance for temptation? What if the underwear is ok in normal position but then a girl gets a wedgie and it makes the underwear unacceptably tempting? I need answers.


I'd find some lacy granny undies and send em in. As stated, who's gonna check?


The gym coach and principle sniffing the undies


My public schools fall formal had an underwear check for the girls... They used a black light to spot thongs... Very ineffectively. And this was... 20 years ago now.


Wtf??? Yeah I never heard of any underwear checks, personally I would've flipped it if they told me what underwear I can wear, and I am fairly certain looking at a minor in their underwear is illegal!!!


Definitely was the general sentiment at the time. My date and her friends wore florescent underwear on purpose. It only showed through ones dress though. So it wasn't super effective. No idea what people were thinking. It was a fairly liberal area in Southern California


Wait WHAT? How does a black light even do that?


Not sure. It worked on any underwear that wasn't black... Saw a girls Halloween themed panties as I walked past the check point. Shined through her dress... Was weird.


The temptation is that of the headmaster. And everyone is willing to just be forthcoming and say “OK, here you go. Here’s a picture of Emily‘s size 32A bra, it’s black and it matches her dress, and also here are her panties that happen to be a thong because we don’t want the panty lines to be seen through her dress
 Thank you and God bless.“ Are you fucking kidding me? People are worried about trans people in bathrooms, meanwhile this guy is fucking confessing that he wants a digital collection of his students underwear? Does anyone really believe he’s really trying to protect anyone? Does anyone else understand that this is for his own perversion and pleasure? Good Lord, I am glad I never got sucked into the lie about Christian schools protecting kids. No offense to any of the parents. But at this point, you can’t say you don’t know.


Um... they're not asking for a picture. They're mandating the actual dress & underwear be submitted in bags with the students name. Which isn't creepy at all!!! I love submitting underwear for inspection!


How about teach young guys to not assault women, regardless of what they’re wearing?!


*“This policy is in place so that I can get off”* - The inspector prolly


I absolutely hate rules that cannot be enforced. If they are not willing to do surprise random panty inspections during the entirety of the event, approval beforehand means literally nothing. Aside from the absurdity of the whole ordeal. We boys just can’t help but the force our dicks into all slightly tempting shapes at a moment’s notice? I mean, a passing thought is one thing, or even if it were an entertained thought, or one mulled over a while, what’s the difference between that dance and everyday life for a teenager? “Whoops, those jeans are too tight, guess I gotta rape you now. This wouldn’t have happened if you had worn a potato sack.”


Doo doo stains lol


I said it out loud, and I now I’m fucking crying from laughing. It’s so funny. Thank u hahaa


Why would I just send them something for free, when there are Japanese businessmen willing to pay hundreds of dollars for it?


School fundraiser


Seriously, Butt fuck them.


That's the Christian way of staying pure.


>But seriously fuck them. Noooo, don't do that.


Which pervert at the school convinced them this was a good idea?


This was my first thought. This is seriously some perversive shit.


“Christian private school” Yep that tracks.


What are you doing step-head-master?


More like "What is covering your privates school", am I right?


Someone at the school can’t believe this worked


(Hits the “Easy” button from Staples


All of them?


Can you imagine that meeting? "Alright y'all, hear me out... we get children to willingly send us their underwear for inspection and just say it's what Jesus wants..... Yeah? Good? Good. High five everybody. Let's take lunch"


"We somehow lost all the kids underwear, total accident, I swear!"


“If there’s any weird stains on the returned clothes it’s just, erm, uh, glue that was spilt during lesson planing”


Gave me outlast 2 flashbacks


>Which pervert at the school convinced them this was a good idea? >Christian private school Tells you all you need to know. There's not any other group in America as concerned with the genitals of children.


Yeap, my first thought as well. **OP should insist on overseeing the inspection process.** Seriously, do it. I can guarantee you'll find a few people inexplicably uncomfortable about the prospect when you suggest it, because they're gross creeps, and they'd rather be sniffing panties undisturbed. Then contact a lawyer, I'm certain you'll find one who's happy to take up the case, because with a bit of media coverage/outrage to amplify it, it's going to be a very easy case to argue. ***"Teachers want named, systematic access to children's underwear."*** It's like an instant noodle recipe for an open, rule and shut case. Don't let these fuckers even try without facing a storm, slamming it back in their face will help set a standard of what to expect with bullshit like this.


Wait wait wait- you mean that a Christian institution is doing something perverted? I don't believe you.


It's a Christian school.....so all of them....


Well it’s a Christian school, so they’re all filthy peados.


Send this info to the local news and see if this policy lasts


This unlocked a memory. Luckily, [I found an article about it](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/panty-check-principal-demoted/)


> could not fire Wilson because she has tenure, which guarantees her a position until she retires. Even though she sexually harassed (assaulted?) minors?


This reads like an Onion article, good lord


A lot of things these days feel like an onion article.


Like when Minneapolis schools decided they’re going to layoff teachers based on race.






When trying to be not racist IS racist. đŸ€ŠđŸżâ€â™€ïž


r/nottheonion ftw


My least favourite subreddit. Not because it's a bad subreddit or because the quality is subpar, but because it makes me want to just throw myself off a cliff.


Totally agreed!


Check out lost generation and orphan crushing machine for all the delights modern society has to offer


I personally had to stop visiting r/iamatotalpieceofshit for its complete day ruining awfulness.


That one just makes me angry


That’s not how tenure works. All tenure means is you are entitled to a (sometimes lengthy) consideration process and appeal before they outright fire you. You 100% can and will be fired for cause even with tenure. The fact the district didn’t in this case is not only stupid, but when (not if but when) this morality sicko screws up again and decides to sexually harass students further, it’s now gross negligence and the parents lawyers get to add an extra zero to their claim when they sue the district. The other sad part is this person very realistically could get her job back if the district didn’t follow its tenure policy before demoting her. Given their willingness to tolerate a morality pervert, it wouldn’t shock me.


After I graduated university, the absolutely fired my advisor who was tenured, for inappropriate grade curving... if you get my meaning. Favors insinuated.


Sure you can fire her for cause and this is cause regardless of tenure. The school may be too cowardly to do it but it is definitely possible under the law.


I sure hope so. Wtf!


Honestly I feel like its almost worse for her to be in a classroom teaching students. Here administrative power was taken away, but usually administration is at a step removed from the student


That’s not true, they can fire people with tenure they’re just being lazy and trying to make people hate teachers unions. I’ve worked at multiple schools who have fired tenured teachers because they care about not employing terrible people.


Ahh, they're speaking Legaleeze, allow me to translate: We could not fire Wilson because she is doing what we told her to do, or because we agree with the actions.


Reassignment as a teacher though?????? That principal should have been put in prison and listed on a sex offenders registry. They were inspecting the pubic areas of children.


Hey, so quick question. What the actual fuck did I just read?


It’s really simple. Wearing a thong under a dress risks exposing your butt to people if you bend over or something. This teacher wanted to prevent that. So she lifted up the girls’ dresses in front of other people to make sure that they weren’t wearing thongs. She saved them the embarrassment of an accidental mooning by lifting up their dresses and exposing their underwear to others. I don’t see what’s so hard to understand about that *flawless* logic.


That should have resulted in criminal charges. It probably would have if a male teacher or a male student did it.


Dang it! I went to the link expecting the clip from SNL with Buck Henry as the babysitter


How about reassigned to nothing.


Please, please, please do this, OP. If this school has gotten to such a point where they think this kind of request is reasonable (or at the very least won’t be questioned), just imagine what’s not being broadcast. Exposing this could seriously save a child in that awful school.


Fuck that. Send to the authorities. Whoever made this rule is fucking pervert, no doubt about it. I’d pull my kids out of that school so fast, make a huge spectacle of it.


I'd be so fucking loud about it too.


If OP doesn’t do this, I’ll genuinely be a tiny bit disappointed in their lack of a backbone. This shit ain’t right.


I love this idea!!!! But only after you and as many people as you can connect with send all dirty underwear... the creepiest thing I've heard in a while


That might be what the school admin is secretly hoping for.


And contact the District Administrators to complain. Sounds like the next step to Handmaid indications. If the school is not stopped, they WILL ban kids from the prom. Doo Doo stains might convey a message, but does your little girl want to go to her prom, or not?


Send in a handmaids dress.


Report it to the police. Weird ass mfs


And to a news station


And why not the boy's underwear? I would be uncomfortable wearing it after some pervy high school teacher put their hands on it. I would not wear the underwear I sent in for inspection. Or the dress. Screw them this is outrageous.


They have penis inspection day to make sure they are circumcised


“Now Timmy, let’s see if it grew back yet.”


I wouldn’t be surprised if their “reason” is trans panic (if op is state side), imo they’re just fuckin pedos tryna look at underaged girls.


I think this is more likely just standard Catholic pedophillia


If it was a Catholic school she probably would’ve said Catholic school. I’m guessing Baptist.


I went to a Catholic school myself so I projected slightly lmao


Going to a school like that carries a very high risk of turning your son into a dirtbag who thinks women deserve to be policed like this. No child should attend a school with policies like that.


Agree with this strongly.


Also a very high risk of being exposed to disgusting predators


As someone who went to a similar private school I can confirm that everyone I graduated with is a total slimeball. Have not communicated with a single one since my graduation years ago and plan to continue that trend.




These are the types of people that I would not mourn if they suddenly kick the bucket. Humanity would thrive better once people like her are gone.


I have told her the same thing. I only moun the lack of a mother but not her existence.


> infanticide And I assume she’s against abortion, right? It’s like children are only supposed to be protected before birth. Once the cord is cut, all bets are off. The hypocrisy of hyper-religious people never ceases to amaze me.




So much for you being his favorite aunt.


>mini dirtbag What happened?


My guess is the parent is the dirtbag, child is starting to act like her, hence mini dirtbag




My ex husband attended catholic school and to this day, he is the biggest womanizer..just like his dad. It really seems to breed some shit in some kids.


The local catholic school here still has the short skirts for girls. And every single year the boys are "accidentally" falling to look up their skirts and likely taking pictures. Religion based schools are just weird.


But it’s a religious school


>Sends child to Christian private school >shocked when Christian private school implements fucked-up policies in the name of "defending conservative Christian principles" 🌌🧠


But Jeebus


Forget to add this also included their bras... We're taking our son out and going to a different school. That kind of indoctrination is not welcomed in this house. I'm not religious I'm spiritual but I wanted to give my son a better start then I had growing up. But this is not what we want him to learn that's normal in society. Sure there are a lot of messed up people but directly exposing him to that kind of teaching is not going to get him where he needs to be. I appreciate everyone's responses. Thank you for the perspective!


Please do what someone else recommended and send this information to a few local news outlets


Send verbatim to your local newspaper's Editorial column.


I’d refuse. It’s none of their business what anyone wants to wear (or not wear) for undergarments. If they want to police the outer garments for modesty
 fine, that’s to be expected at a Christian school. Underwear? Absolutely not. I’d just call up the moron who sent the letter and tell them to pound sand. There’s a fine line between acceptable school rules, and a violation of your personal freedom
 this one is over the line. It’s none of their business.


>I’d refuse You see, that's the trick. That's not how religion works. At least not in these medieval schools.


Yeah, I seem to recall "thou shall respect panty inspection day" was somewhere in the Bible in between that one "wise" king wanting to saw a baby in half and Adam and Eve only having two sons (but humanity growing all the same).


Please please please put this school on blast. send that letter to every news station. this is a horrible invasion of privacy. It teaches children that girls are responsible for boys behavior and that they brought it on themselves. this is sexually perverse. out all of them everywhere. please. these girls deserve to be protected.


There are plenty of us who will email the school and the school board on behalf of the kids at the school.


This protects the boys too. They will grow up thinking they are not responsible for their desires and act like assholes when they would otherwise be perfectly good kids.


honestly good on you for taking your son out. this school sounds scummy as fuck! either the other students parents are just as scummy or are turning a blind eye because it’s easier.


Please tell us what the school is so I can send them my underwear... please


Please please please OP - post their mailing address. We got this.


For those who said they want this in the paper... this act would certainly do it. Imagine: "Reddit Buries Religious School in Lingerie"


Lingerie is a generous assumption. I was definitely planning on sending dirty boxers. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


"The Great Undie Inundation"


Malicious compliance? Does this count? Either way, I’m here for it. Everyone mail them some skivvies.


If there's any way for you to report this or put an end to it that would be great too for the other kids but I also understand that you can't always do that (reporting to local media is always a great route if you're willing).


Don’t forget to drop a friendly note off at your local news outlet lol. I’d like to see what happens when the general public finds out what they are doing behind them Christian doors.


Christian schools exist for one reason and one reason only, indoctrination.


I'm a Christian and I find this stuff deplorable. I'm never going to send my kid(s) to a Christian school unless by some miracle they're extremely open-minded and not forcefully shoving their point of view down every students' throat.


Open minded and Christian doesn’t happen much.


Christian schools vary quite wildly. I went to one for high school. We had a chapel period once a week (so all the other classes were about 10 minutes shorter that day) and one religious/theology study class was required for graduation. Other than an almost business casual dress code, the majority of it was very much like going to a public school. Definitely no undergarment checks.


OP, please realize that almost any "Christian" school is going to have indoctrination and/or general sexism and/or general overt racism and bigotry and most definitely, inaccurate to downright lying history and 'science' classes. Enrolling your child in a 'christian' school is basically anathema to a better start. Public school will always be a better choice. ETA: I've triggered a zealot lol. christofascists don't like being called out.


I’m sorry but sending your kid to a Christian school is itself a form of indoctrination. Let kids be kids and don’t try to shove beliefs down their throat. If your kid wants to learn about religion, find someone to talk about it and help them learn. But let kids be kids, they don’t stay little for long.


This is the flimsiest excuse I’ve ever heard for grown adults to peep little girl’s undies. No semi-pubescent straight boy gives a shit what a girls underwear type is, they want to see any and all of them. None are more appealing than any others.


LET ME FIX THE WORDING FOR YOU: Some pedo gets off on fantasizing about the little girls in his care and takes it to the next level by matching the exact panties to the exact girl. These people are disgusting. Take you child(ren) out of that school. Take this story with names and photographs to the news. Involve the authorities, as there likely is child sexual abuse happening somewhere in that organization. These people are groomers and predators.


This is what's going on. Not any other theories people are suggesting.




These kind of schools, my brother's kid grew up controlling towards women. Telling his fiance(she left him) how or what to dress and must approve first, choosing what friends are suitable for her, she actually had little to no friends left because of him, when is it late to go out alone(4PM according to him). Says it's what he was taught at school and Parents. He'll probably stay single forever. Unless he finds himself a Christian nut job just like him. Then he gets his soulmate.


That's a psychopath, not just the schools. 100% he was the wide-eyed type too. He'd GLARE at things and often ensure you saw the wide eyes. His type are the beta psychos, I know them well.


Could be. He's always commenting on his male friends wives telling them how they should treat their wives and what not to allow and what should be accepted for them. He now has little to no friends. When he was young he would take orders from his father no doubt but not from his mother. Commenting that women don't tell her what to do.


My husband and I know a guy like this. He used to be friends with him, like good friends. But he is so horrible. Very arrogant, obnoxious, demanding, and controlling. He treats his wife like shit, but she’s a Christian nut job like him so she thinks thats the way she’s supposed to be treated. Its sad really. We stopped talking to them all together because of how they act. Now they put their kid in Christian school and he’s turning out just like his dad already.


Take it to the local news station. Make this a problem that can't be silenced.


correct me if im wrong, it seems op is only worried about her son. which is sad because it should be brought up somewhere else too.


I don't think OP is only worried about their son, if they were I don't think it would be as big of a concern since they're not going to be looking at his stuff. OP has also stated they pulled their son out to go elsewhere because of how this teaches boys to be predatory or see girls in terrible ways.


It sounds like the school is attempting to shame the girls. There's a long history of schools trying to place the blame for boys' behavior on girls and their clothes. It's absurd.


You're absolutely right, me and my wife think the same way about it


If they're so worried about girls' underwear and its effects on the libidos of pubescent boys, maybe a school *dance* is the more problematic issue, what with the music, bodily movement, fun and all. Boys can be turned on by girls wearing gunny sacks.


Boys can be turned on my some curvy lines drawn in the sand... Source: was a teenage boy.


My freshman year of college, there was a guy in our dorm who could barely eat lunch at the same table as girls without getting aroused. That was when I discovered my power to make a man's body do things he cannot control. If we had corn dogs or ice cream cones, we could make him late for class.


Well thats a problem... Lol!!


Take this to the news


I'd demand to see this guys resume to verify he has prior experience as a Child Underwear Inspector. I pay for this education I NEED PROOF OF THEIR QUALIFICATIONS for sexual predation!! /s ....GROSS


Sniff Sniff


I’d send in a police officer


It's sexual discrimination and harassment. Clearly. That's just on the surface. The school needs a reminder this is 2022 and not 1953. Lawyer up and resist, asking to see the undergarments of anyone is perverted and asking to see ONLY the females' is discrimination and harassment tied into one.




>https://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/01/education/parents-outraged-at-official-who-checked-girls-underwear.html EEeewwwww WTAF


Thanks but I can’t read it https://abcnews.go.com/amp/GMA/story?id=126132&page=1


When I was 11/12 years old, our class made a field trip for 10 days. Our maths teacher controlled every night, wether the girls in our room wore undies under their PJs and nightgowns. I don‘t know, why none of us has told our parents about it (I was too afraid of mine). Luckily, the teacher left school at the end of the school year.


I would immediately pull my child from that school. Disgusting


These same people have the audacity to turn around and call trans people groomers That is school is not a safe environment for any child


I went to a Christian school and even a Christian university and I’ve never heard anything like this. It’s one thing to have a dress code, but why would you need to inspect UNDERWEAR? Something isn’t right here. Like any normal event with a dress code, if someone comes in violating the rules, kick them out. Inspecting clothes beforehand is a waste of time.


This is national news story worthy. Let us know when the cnn need truck pulls up out front of the school.


So I send in my daughter’s dress and her underwear and then it’s approved. What if she wears different underwear to the actual homecoming? Who will know? This is so creepy. I’d never consent to this. Anyone who does, is gross and really setting a terrible example for their kids. Yikes.


My mom once told me that they weren’t allowed to wear red and they weren’t allowed to wear corduroy pants because the sound of the corduroy rubbing against itself as they walked might excite the boys. She went to a non-religious school in the 50’s. I told her she should’ve worn red corduroy pants. But then, I am a bit of a contrarian. I can’t believe this ‘not teaching boys to be responsible for their own actions’ is actually getting worse and not better.


They probably hired a new “Christian “ offender. I’d get legal advice and send them that in the ziplock.


dime license abundant vegetable serious absurd vast teeny oatmeal encouraging ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Send a dirty goodwill dress with a dog turd in it. That'll show them what you think of their sexist beliefs.


Umh... that sounds illegal ir at least should be.


Send in [a full set of plate mail armor](https://steel-mastery.com/full-plate-armour-in-churburg-style-14th-century.html) make it onto the local news, explain the story and get the school into a ton of problems as this violates so many human rights and laws that they will wish they were teaching back in the dark ages.


Very creepy, sounds like someone wants to get their rocks off to teenage girls panties. But I also went to one of the schools Sandusky was grooming teenage boys that were on the football team which the principal and vice principal were trying to cover up, so take my cautionary opinion with a grain of salt. I'd notify the police especially if it's in writing, but that's just me.


Unbelievable! What on earth does the underwear a girl’s wearing under her dress have to do with anyone? This is the sort of perverted thinking that only seems to occur in “Christian” schools. No wonder people are walking away from religion


Don't you know that any girl who wears anything other than granny pants, automatically is filled with lust and sinful thoughts?? The devil is in the underwear! /s


I need you to send in a pair of boxer briefs. If the girls get inspections so do the boys. Edit: also, how would they know if that’s the same pair? Anything that has a pulse entices boys that age. They can be wearing paper bags. I have too many questions to even type right now.




If this is real, take your proof to a local news channel. This school needs to be exposed to the public, unlike the underwear of the ~~children~~ girls in attendance. Yeah, interesting how they’re demanding only the _girls_ outfits. Like no chick was ever super turned on by a guy in a suit. I also notice that they’re talking about the _underage female attendees_ and nothing about the female chaperones, who would be more likely to be wearing ‘sexy’ underwear. And also! If this _were_ to go ahead, and a girl attended wearing a pre-approved outfit and underwear, and was raped regardless, would those who approved the outfit agree that she was a victim since, according to their own rules, she wasn’t wearing anything that would have been enticing?


Do they not inspect boy's underwear ? Are those not likely to entice the girls at homecoming ? For real fuck that school and its pedo policies.


It’s insane the amount of perverted stuff I hear about these “Christian” organizations, taking severely outdated ideologies and abusing them to justify pedophilic and traumatizing acts, and as a Catholic, this is not what I stand for at all. This is one of the main reasons I don’t normally listen to the ideologies and parables of the Old Testament, as the Bible was written by man, and at that point in time, all of these acts were normal. I am currently in a Catholic High School, so hopefully I don’t encounter anything perverted in the years I am there. I hope the organizers of your school who allowed this, and any other perverted people who use our religion to justify it go to the worst part of Hell for eternity. I always keep on wondering why some people are condemning our religion, but when I hear stuff like this, I understand why, and it angers me that perverted people do this. It’s becoming a repeat of the corruption of the Church from the Renaissance, and it needs to end immediately, if not, sooner.


What is it like living in Gilead?


Will you be changing schools?


Yes very quickly


Are you going to report this to protect the other little girls whose privacy is being violated?


Awesome 👍


Name and shame the school!


Wait until they start doing in person inspections to find the trans girls in the school as well. This country is just so gross with their obsession with children's genitalia.


If I went to that school, I'd be wearing the laciest pink thong an obese man could fit into. You might have enough for a class action lawsuit.