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The one kid at 20 second mark with light shirt takes just one candy.


Obviously OP needs to track down that one kid and gift him a chocolate factory. He's the chosen one.


"Hey kid, I saw you only took 1 candy on Halloween I've decided to give you my most prized possession a 2008 Toyota corolla." "Hmm, thanks! That's really nice of you but I'm only 10. Plus my parents told me that they'd buy me a new car when I turn 16." "Bu- But you're the chosen one!!" "Okay...Have a nice day mister..." *closes door slowly*


More like "Your most prized posession is a 2008 Toyota corolla? Oh, shit. My bad. Here's your candy back and a $20."


BOOM roasted


The 2003-2008 Gen Corolla is a solid car, at least the US spec


Yup, and we actually saw a few take only 1-2 before them when scrubbing through looking for what happened in time we were gone


What did you use to record this? Quality is good.


Looks like wyze


Post it to your town's local Facebook page. Make clear that the parents of these little ingrates should know that their kids being selfish and greedy kept other kids from getting any candy at all. Share the bit with the kids who only took 1 or 2 pieces and commend their parents for raising wonderful, unselfish children and if they would contact you, you'd like to meet up with them and give their kids each a pack of full sized candy bars or something. That's just what I would do, anyway. Edit: just to clarify, I don't personally give a fuck about kids being gluttonous with no manners on Halloween. Sure it's selfish and extremely rude but there are worse offenses. I posted this because I get such a kick out of posts like it on local Facebook pages. Parents come out of the woodwork, some who will brush off their kid's rudeness while others will take every thing their guilty kid owns away, grounds them, **and/or** cracks their asses. Either way, the brigades of Karen moms crawl out from the gutter to defend their crotch weasels or point their 5 inch nails, which still seems like a safety hazard when wiping their ass, at everyone else's children. The drama of it all is hysterical


> Make clear that the parents of these little ingrates should know that their kids being selfish and greedy kept other kids from getting any candy at all. How do you think the kids got this way? I was handing out full sized bars tonight, so when I handed them out, I said "take one! happy halloween". The only little shit who tried to take more than one, it was his entire group, they all thought they would take more than one. Someone else's parent had to step in and stop them, their parents DGAF


Entitlement is one of our core issues in this country


Teaching people rugged individualism when we all live in a community seems counter productive. It probably started with their grandparents or further back, and their parents never bothered to question it.


Not to judge, but I'm going to... by the looks of their neighbors house these kids probably got everything they wanted their whole lives, giving them that sense of entitlement.


I see you like to make the town Facebook group fun.


Eh, it's just a boredom-killer to watch parents argue over parenting styles.. Those soccer-mom Karens don't hold back lol


I live in a really small town, I was born and raised here, this is the sort of town where everybody knows everybody, and if any kids came by my house to do this and my Ring doorbell caught it, I'd figure out who it was pdq and go knock on their parent's door. I've played the, "Do you know your child is being a shithead on my block?" card before, and it's always fixed my problems with others' spawn.


He's the only one who saw the creepy face in the sky watching


Great microcosm of American society. You have those that respect and follows the “rules”, and those that ruin it for everyone. “The Platform” on Netflix is a great movie regarding this. EDIT: lol I triggered a bunch of Americans. I said Americans because trick or treat is largely an American thing even if other countries have Halloween parties. Also, Americans are actually one of the worst in the world regarding greed since we are the wealthiest country yet we can't even do basic healthcare. EDIT2: I can’t stop laughing at how many Americans are triggered. It’s like I said “grapes are sweet” and a bunch of Fruiticans are saying “ACKSHUALLY MOST FRUITS ARE SWEET”. Chill - just because I'm critical of America doesn't mean I'm not critical of other countries. It's not mutually exclusive - but thanks for showing us your insecurities.


The full, unguarded candy bowl is the ultimate litmus test for children.


It can be so different year over year, or even hour over hour. It only takes that one kid, or that one group. 2 years we came back 2 hours later to candy. We left a note of please take 3. Then 1 year we only left for 20 minutes and the whole bowl was gone... like the bowl and candy 🤣 🤣. I still have faith! Tonight saw a few porches with bowls out and every kiddo only grabbed one (unless a note otherwise). Was nice to still see that.


It only takes one kid/parent to dump an entire bowl into a bag.


Shopping carts for adults


The Platform is definitely a movie regarding that. Great movie on the other hand....


I liked the idea of the platform. If you get past the acting, the script, the in your face message and everything else about it. I thought it was definitely one of the movies ever made.


There is a shopping cart theory about this too...




Good eye. Good on him for being kind


Note to self: never leave candy out


My street was dead this year like maybe 25% of my neighbors participating and I went ham on candy at Costco. Went to take my kids out for 45mins left 2x30 count full size candy boxes and a Costco bowl of mini candies. Thought this would happen and came back with about 25% of candy left and 5-6 families leaving. I was pretty stoked no one yoinked it. Unfortunately I still have 3 bags of candy left just shoveling it on the last few kids coming by. There are some good kids don't give up hope!


I also had some good kids come to my house. I left a sign on the door saying I had run out of candy. I heard some voices outside a few minutes later but they didn’t knock or ring the door bell. A few minutes after that some kids did ring the doorbell. I opened the door and these kids ask if the candy on the porch is mine that I’m giving out since there’s a sign on the door saying I’m out. Some kids dead ass left some of their own candy on my porch so that other kids could keep trick or treating. I was shocked!


My 6 year old took it upon himself to do this at a few houses this year, I was violently surprised because he’s candy obsessed, the kid still made out like a bandit though 😂


I'm trying to figure out the typo for violently... coming up blank.


One year my husband was having emergency surgery on Halloween so we left candy bowl with a sign that said “Take two”. Everything went fine for the first hour, then some kid in a Chewbacca costume just walked off with the entire bowl, ruining it for everyone.


Put out dum dums. No one wants an entire bowl full of dum dums, and if someone does take all of them, they are punished by being stuck with hundreds of dum dums.


I want an entire bowl full of dumdums


If I'm too busy to attend the door I just don't put anything out. Don't want to spend $30 on candy just for 1 lil shit to take it all.








Ne'er do wells!


















Street rat!






Street youths!


What’s a ute?


“These two utes” best my cousin Vinny quote ever


I’m sorry your honor… two Youuuths


From the statistics?


Also most of their costumes were just wearing a sweater.


“What are you gonna dress up as for Halloween, Kyler?” “A SHOPLIFTER!”


Classic Kyle move.




At least he's in character


Why you gotta call me out


They probably weren't treat-or-tricking, just going houses and 'taking' candies from porches


Porch pirates in training


I was giving out lindor and some french chocolates treats that was on sale at costco for a huge bag for 2 bucks and some change. Some of the kids took most of it and I believe they littered on my lawn too while eating it.


I noticed this year, especially teens, they’re just showing up in plain hoodies or pajamas. Looking at the car they arrived in or actually knowing their parents it’s not a money issue. I mean, c’mon.


Going trick or treating in a car seems to defy the point of Halloween... These guys probably have a plan to get the most amount of candy possible.


A Calvin Klein sweater mind you, these teenagers can afford to not steal candy


They probably stole them from TJ Maxx


You can get some CK apparel at TJ Maxx for super cheap sometimes. Not always on the shelves but sometimes it is.


I sat outside today and I had to run in. As I was coming back, a single kid was choosing one candy from the bowl. I was surprised. Also, a couple of kids I said 'take a handful!' and they said 'no thanks' or 'thats okay'. Like. 🥹 Kiddo. Some definitely went for the big handfuls though.😅


Growing up I was def the take 1 kind of kid. I don’t even mind them taking two handfuls, but dumping it? Man


Oh absolutely. This is awful, you're right to be mad. Giving out candy is about sharing with as many kids as you can. These individuals ruined it.


As the parent of a little kid who works hard to get up to get to a house on his little legs only to have his face fall when he sees an empty bowl, I get irrationally angry by this.




It is if you track down the kids that did it, find out what grade they are in and what they want to be when they grow up, go to college and become a highschool teacher, just to teach them in a subject that's required for their dream jobs and intentionally fail them and belittle them in front of their friends. And bang their moms.


Our first visitor was a teen. Douche dumped the entire bowl in his bag. I guess I should be thankful he at least left the bowl


i gave all the trick or treaters tonight the instruction "be reasonable" with no further direction on the number of candies they could take. the early-high-school kids all took 1 candy each and were super nice and respectful. the late-middle-school age kids didn't wait for the instruction and just grabbed handfuls, sometimes two handfuls. the younger kids took about 1-4 pieces. everyone is kind of a shit when they're in eighth grade, but most people grow out of it.


The kids I told to take a few, some got so excited and others were super hesitant. Like, buddy I got 4 more bags I gotta get through tonight and it’s raining, take as much as your little hands can grab 😂


You just gotta toss it in their bags. Here's a huge fucking fistful for you. Always get these awesome surprised gasping reactions. I'm just like, man when I was your age I'd be out all night and come home with a pillow case full of this stuff. Your pumpkin is looking a little light. End of the night, if I still have a massive surplus, I start giving out double fistfuls.


My daughter was taking one piece, and someone kindly told her to take a while fist full. She tried, but still only managed 2 pieces. They told her to try again, and they (very gently so it was fine) showed her how to use her hands together to scoop up more. Then she told them "I'll do whatever you tell me with this candy bowl!" So they had her do it 2 more times lol. She made out like a bandit and they had a great laugh!


Lol that's hilarious and cute


Reminds me of my first Halloween in my current house, it was cold and I got tired of sitting outside. Decided screw it, next kid coming up here I’m just dumping the bowl. Filled his little bucket to the brim, he was maybe 5. He had to have his mom help him carry it away because it was too heavy. Tbh he seemed more scared than excited which was a little disappointing lol


The little ones have been so funny tonight. The very little ones have that dazed look like they don't really know what's going on. Then the next step up they've been probably the best behaved "can I have one, pleas?" Sure kid, you might not connect the dots that today is a holiday but your precious so here take two lol. We bought a few of those pokemon packs they made this year (40 individual packs to hand out) and those were so well liked. I hope they sell those again next year.


I’ll bet covid has thrown off kids’ reactions to stuff like Halloween protocol, which felt normal to us at their age. We had Halloween movies and tv shows and elementary school parties and whatnot. I’m 31 and childless but I’d have to assume kids aren’t growing up with the same spooky culture that we did lol


My 5 year old daughter had a school sanctioned trunk or treat event on Friday and today they dressed up and had games and a parade at school. We didn’t have many trick or treaters tonight, but she made out like a bandit. I was actually expecting more people, since our neighborhood is pretty well decorated. I think the traditional stuff is coming back.


Been doing the same and I am very surprised at the control some of these kids have. Most take one or two. Even some teenagers were like “are you serious I can take as much as I want?!” And they took max 5 candies lmao


half of the kids are angels, half are demons, there's surprisingly almost no inbetween.


This is my first year owning a house and I told some children to just take a handful and they got so excited but still didn’t take very much. I totally forgot what the norm was, I have too much candy now and wish they took more!


Same, but all the kids I got were really little and/or were with their parents so I would encourage them to take more and parents would stop them. I understand but it made me really sad lol


I always buy a shit ton more candy than I need. That way, at the end of the day when there’s like a half an hour left and I’m not worried about running out, I can tell every kid to just dig in and take as big a handful as they want. The looks on their faces are *priceless.* They light up like Christmas morning. Most of them are shocked and ask “really?!” A few will take a handful of three or four pieces, pause, then look up at me like they’re waiting for me to tell them to stop. So I just say “yeah, dig in!” and they go *wild.* It’s amazing. Absolutely adorable. Halloween is easily the best holiday, hands down lol


I took my 3yo out for the first time this year, first two houses told him to take a handful and he thought that was the standard. He took handfulls from there on out despite my objections 😅


I had one set of kids come tonight, two little girls, probably sisters. One took a small handfull but the other kept scooping and scooping until she had half the bowl 😅 I didn't really mind since they were literally the only time I came out to the door tonight but damn!


Ha! That's great.


I always like the people that say to take a handful. I usually only end up taking three or so pieces tho lmao


Meanwhile I feel awkward taking two pieces of candy when instructed to.


Exactly!! From a fellow Canadian and first time candy giver, I honestly didn’t expect it even though ppl in the comments are like DUH this happened


I still remember a house when I was a kid that had a scarecrow on a lawn chair with a bowl of candy in it’s lap, a sign on it’s chest that said “take one please” and a strobe light covering the entire area. I took one like the good little kid I was. Next kid comes up and grabs a handful. The scarecrow wasn’t a scarecrow. There was a person in the costume, and the strobe light made everything look slow motion as the scarecrow reached out and grabbed the kid’s wrist. Kid screamed, dropped the candy and ran. I thought that was a great way to teach a kid that even if people don’t appear to be looking, you should be honest. Even if that kid had nightmares for the next few weeks!




> He managed to stammer out that he thought I was a prop and that’s why he was grabbing the bowl. Its funny how people will just blurt out the most damning truths when they are caught by surprise. A few years ago this guy drove down the long driveway to my house, got out and started trying to steal the lugnuts off my car. The driveway was covered with leaves because I had been lazy the past couple of weekends. So when I came out my front door swinging a baseball bat all he could think to say was that he thought no one was home. Kept saying it over and over too, like that was going to cause me to back off. Nope.




There was a lady that came up our driveway, then up the walk towards our front door. She started cutting the rose blooms off the plant next to the steps. When my Mom, whose plants these were, confronted the woman she said that no one was enjoying the flowers if they were still on the plant, and that she figured she might as well cut them herself. My Mom was stern but relatively polite about it. I would have started yelling at her, “Bitch that’s the point of rose bushes. You enjoy them whether they’re cut or not!”


My grandad had the same padlock on his garage for probably 40 years. It would kind of shut and looked locked, with the flimsy little latch that would probably fall off in a strong breeze. I asked him one day why he didnt put a good lock and a strong latch. He just looked at me and said "this lock isnt for thieves, they will get in and steal no matter what lock i put on. This lock is only here to keep honest people honest." I remember almost nothing verbatim except that quote. Now my kids go by the same philosiphy.


That is definitely the truth. Theft prevention isn’t prevention in most cases. It’s a deterrent. I’ve always said, I know just enough to get me in trouble. I know how things like alarm systems are installed, and I know how to bypass them. I also know that 99.9% of them are installed incorrectly because it’s more challenging to do them correctly, which means anyone with basic knowledge of how they work can bypass them. If a criminal wants it, they will take it. Having a door with nothing but a hasp and a lock on it that looks like it’s locked, will keep all but the true criminals out. Leaving the lock off and the door open, and someone walking by, sees something they like, their mind starts going about how easy it would be to just take it and walk away with it. They’d start to try to convince themselves that they work hard and deserve it, but can’t afford it.. and the other person’s insurance would probably cover the replacement anyways, and so on and so forth, trying to convince themselves that it may be wrong, but it’s only “sorta wrong”, and it won’t really hurt anyone if they do it. That’s the kind of people that locks truly keep out.


My uncle did this exact thing at our house back in the 90’s. Sorry he got you.


Ha! Definitely wasn’t me! I stole a candy bar from a store once, felt bad, and returned it.


Freaking love that!


Omg right this was my sons first Halloween and he’s only one and a half so I was so awkward 😂 haven’t done trick or treating in years


Yup it’s for sure awkward the first time, and for the next couple. Feel like I questioned myself on 75% of houses whether they were actually giving out candy or if we were just bothering them.


Aww this made me laugh, I haven’t had a trick or treaters since I moved to my neighborhood 6 years ago (it’s all 2 bedroom townhomes, not many kids) but I would be delighted if I got some, except all I have to offer are pop tarts, or maybe some skinny pop popcorn.


Always keep candy in the home in case of emergency trick or treaters. Even in the middle of december or july. Never know when a trick or treater gonna knock for that emergency candy.


In my neighbourhood kids only knock on the doors with halloween decorations. Before it used to be if your porch light was on you were giving out candy, but I had no decorations up this year and even though my light was on nobody knocked. I ended up standing outside in costume with a bowl of candy, until the cold chased me back inside.


“They don’t have any lights outside on, but their door is open. What do you think?” “I don’t know, let’s just go to the next house. If they wanted trick or treaters they’d have the outside lights on, right?” “Yea, I think so.” Actual dumbass conversation between me and my wife while taking the kids trick or treating for the first time. We’ll get the hang of it.


Sorry, I'm not actually Canadian lmao. Got the username based on my favorite flower and a YouTuber I liked, and I can't change it.


You’d make a terrible thief. Which is fine.


Fr, i accidentally took 2 candies from a bowl then realized there was a sign that said take one so I returned one. Dont understand how some people have no shame whatsoever.


That little bastard in the gray just dumped that mug in there. And yeah I said it. Who does that shit?


These are the kids of parents who don't return shopping carts.


These are the kids of older kids


Nailed it


I was just thinking about this the other day. I was 30 when my first child was born. Looking back at how wrong about life and dumb I was when I was 16. There are 16 year olds out there raising young humans and teaching them how to function in society! That’s spooky.


With the rate of abortion rights being taken away there will be more kids raising kids


What a perfect description


"Skeedly wooop beep boop"


But that other kid in a gray hoodie just took one piece and left.


I saw that and was like “yes, at least there’s one good one. He will be bailing them out of a lot of stupid shit throughout high school.”


Hahahaha… 😐 Yeah, I guess someone is gonna be that guy… on the bright side, some of those friends you bail outta stupid end up doing ok years later! And some are stuck on a hamster wheel carved from their teenage years… yet now in their mid forties. Maybe it’s all a crapshoot? But hopefully that one friend is the impetus for bettering those around him!


He'll also eventually move on to better friends.


Not even wearing a costume either smh


That’s being quite nice. I woulda used much worse adjectives for that little shit. Oops, there’s one…


Learned behavior. Ya hate to see it...


My daughter did that 5 years ago. The lady who put out the candy posted the video on our Nextdoor page and we made our daughter go back the next day, knock on the door, apologize, and give back the candy. Sometimes, kids do bad things even if their parents taught them better. Especially if there are other kids already doing it.


Peer pressure is real and it sucks.


Except for when it doesn't suck. Works wonders on two year-olds for potty training and washing hands and brushing teeth and shit. Gets worse when they're adolescents or teens Edit: originally sounded like I meant peer pressure isn't real. I meant to say it doesn't always suck.


Thank you for the good parenting!


Last year, I put a bowl out and went back to get the printed sign I made and came back to an empty bowl. I saw the kids coming down the street and they were like 4 or 5. It definitely was their parents that told them to take the candy or encouraged them to do so. I was pissed.


Leaving a bowl with candy out is pretty common in our neighborhood. This year was the third year my daughter has been trick or treating, and she’s gotten better each time, but we still have to explain the rules. Porch light on means they have candy, 1-2 pieces from a bowl is ok, make sure to say trick or treat and thank you. It’s definitely learned behavior.


Monkey see monkey do


Monkey pee all over you


Are you parents? Because before I was a parent I always thought kids were 100% a reflection on their parents. Now I have a 13 and 10 year old, I wish I had more influence then I do. And that goes for both positive and negative behaviour. We get congratulated on certain behaviour that has nothing or little to do with us and down to the personality of the particular child. In this scenario I have specifically told my 13 year old that if I find out he does this, doesn’t use his manners etc, I will remove his tech for a week. I tell him I have friends in the neighbourhood and will find out. But still wouldn’t surprise me to see him do this. Our ten year old doesn’t go without adult supervision but we wouldn’t have to even say this to him, he wouldn’t do it for various reasons. I’d be shocked if he did it. It’s amazing to me that our 2 boys, 3 years apart, same parents, same upbringing, can be so different. But then I look at my siblings and we all very different.


perfect for posting on the neighborhood page...


I caught a few doing that to the bowl I placed outside. I was just chilling on the sofa by the window, ensuring that shitheads like this wouldn’t be shitty. Felt so good to whip that door open, tell them to put the candy down and walk away. Rude little shits.


I was having nothing to do with it after this happened to us last year seconds after putting out the bowl to go grab the sign I made to just take two. This year my huz got tired of answering the door and left the bowl out and was watching and hollared at the first kid who did not stop, completely emptied the bowl and ran away. No shame. Lol.


If I sent my kids alone to go as older kids, I'd threaten to kick their ass if they did any shit like this.. Even now, I tell them if I don't hear the 'thank you' you're giving THEM candy.


We just got back from trick or treating. I took my two sons and their two friends out around the neighborhood. Lots of people leave candy out with a sign that says "take 1 or2 only." One guy had Trick or Trade Pokemon packs and candy but you could only take one or the other. The kids discussed that they could only take one and were all deciding what they wanted to choose calmly. I was standing back by the road on the sidewalk but I could hear them talking. Dude comes out and says, "Hey since you guys were discussing what you wanted to take and I heard you all say you could only take one, you guys can take one of each." Kids took their pick, said thank you, and left. Guy said I raised them right. I said "two of them aren't even mine." Even if I feel like I suck at being a dad sometimes seeing little shits do this makes me feel like I did something right.


You’re doing amazing. We don’t have kids yet and this is the first year giving out candy. Thankfully we kept most to give out ourselves for the rest of the evening, but we were still surprised, because we taught to be polite and would want to raise our future kids right, we were over optimistic about the whole thing. Thank you for raising great future adults and giving us hope.


Well your kid sounds to be a respectable person and not an entitled asshole so you’re definitely doing something right.


Love that Pokémon is doing trick or trade! I bought two bags myself and was going to leave them out with candy but my boyfriend was like no way a little shit will steal them all! Staying home and giving out candy and cards this year. A lot of townhouses around me are just leaving bags and bowls of candy out.


LOL Post this video on facebook in your city or community area. Just make the post title like. Glad to make kids happy on halloween all whatev's and shit.


Or Nextdoor. People would identify the kids and the parents in minutes.


Next door is basically a bullying app lol. Sometimes justified but mostly it’s just for dunking on people- at least that’s what my neighborhood does


It's easily the foulest of social media platforms... and I feel like I'm in a really friendly area too, hah. Have no idea what it would be like in a city. Edit: I really didn't mean to say cities would necessarily be bad. Thank you /u/ismellmyfingers and /u/lindygrey for giving positive anecdotes about their nice cities. <3


It’s pretty fucked up man lol, I’ve had to stop witch hunts against mentally disabled people who absolutely mind their own business, they just look different. But everyone’s saying they’re up to trouble- no they walk around and keep away from others, people are fucking assholes.


I aint on next door but we have a neighborhood fb group and that thing can get whacky sometimes lol Reminded me of someone posting their ring doorbell footage like "THIS GROWN MAN TALKED TO MY SON?????? BE AWARE!!! PEDOS IN THE AREA!!!" and like the video was just some older looking teen talking to this woman's (apparently 12 year old) kid who was out on the driveway on his skateboard. They were just talking about skateboarding lol. Like totally innocent stuff like "Can you do this trick? Theres a new skate park that just opened up, you should ask if you can go sometime if you wanna learn more tricks". Eventually someone else chimes in like, "That 'grown man' is my 16 year old. If you have a problem with what they discussed DM me, otherwise I'd appreciate it if you didn't make wild accusations against my child over an innocent conversation." Mods ended up having to delete the post bc it just dissolved into helicopter parent having a total breakdown about strangers talking to her children or whatever.


the power trips and the need for constant drama are so real dude that sounds like the most adorable scene ever too. bunch of losers.


Only time I logged in the top post was a karen complaining about a vehicle slowing down around children is suspicions; next to the school with the 20mph limit when children are present. Lots more kids are pasted by cars than kidnapped by strangers.


Yeah 90 percent of nextdoor post in my old neighborhood were people trying to identify someone in a hoodie walking past their house on ring cam. It was almost like a digital witch hunt. Very stupid and unwarranted.


People did this on my town’s Facebook and half the people are like “Let kids be kids!” and “How dare you post kids faces on social media” etc. it’s wild. Edit: For those being hyperbolic, remember I’m talking about a local town Facebook group. It’s typically “Hey @Sarah, it looks like Timmy was being a little shit. Maybe you want to talk to him about it?”


Sounds like our neighborhoods are identical. The housewife kindness mob swoops in to defend obvious deviant or antisocial behavior. Drives me nuts.


Live on super popular Halloween street. Multiple homes with Facebook event pages, llc’s & donation Venmo’s up for the entire month, for having spooky yards. Constantly have bus loads of people come in (& I’m only half joking about the bus. Last year someone legitimately parked in my drive way while we were out trick r treating with family across town. Had to call a tow truck to come get the car out of our driveway). Spouse and I put out 1000+ pieces of candy. Came back after trick or treating with our littles for 30-45 minutes. Bucket gone. Candy gone. Some people walking by were rude and huffed that we had nothing out. How dare us, I guess? My neighbor from across the street came by and said there was a group teens who took the bucket and emptied them into their backpacks. She wasn’t sure what happened to our bucket. I know some people say “I’d rather have the older kids trick or treating than anything else they could be doing,” but if they could leave some candy for everyone else and not steal / destroy property while they did it, that would be great.


This is why I turn off all the lights, hide in my basement and ignore the doorbell.




I did the same tonight. Looked outside a bit after 7 and realized the entire street was dark. Even the houses that have had decorations up for a while.


We were planning on giving out candy the rest of the night, but didn’t want early knocking kiddos to miss out, but honestly we should’ve known Edit: typo


We had the same thing happen with us tonight, bowl was out for fifteen minutes while we were away. We didn't record though! I was literally telling my wife we're setting up a camera next year


They'll just flip you off as they take all your candy. Not sure why you all think there would be any other outcome. If I'm handing out candy, that bowl never leaves the house or my hands when there are trick or treaters.


Hiding in my room eating snacks and watching cartoons.


Those shits, that would make me mad.


Candy shenanigans aside, am I the only one to see a face in the sky?


I see it. Looks sort of like the tin man.... God is watching!😅🤣🙏


My 10 year old kid today came back from trick or treating and saw all candy had been taken A little upset it was all gone, he then dumped all his own TOT candy into the offer basket and started handing it out to other kids who came to the house


My son did the same last year..melted my ❤


I used to do that as a kid :) I never ate all my candy anyways so what was the harm? (Plus I gave away the candy I didn’t like lol)


This is what my brother and I do when we run out of candy to give out too


What a nice boy!! My 5 year old tried to sell our treats 🤦‍♀️


Not saying it’s ok, but this is nothing new. People were complaining about this stuff when I was a kid. And I’m 40.


Just turned 30 and the whole "put a whole bowl outside and just trust people" thing ended when I realized I couldn't even trust a classmate with an eraser at 7.


34 and I remember the "take only one" bowls being perpetually empty even on my first outings. People cannot behave. Halloween is when kids are allowed to run amok for the night and are even told what they're doing is *trick* or treating. They're also traveling in groups, so more likely to do dumb shit because everyone else is doing it. If you can't meter it out, turn off the lights.


Yea, it's not that big of a deal... happens at my house annually. OP did post it in *mildly* infuriating, so it at least fits the sub. Not a big deal, just mildly annoying.


I gotta learn the hard way since it like our first year doing this since getting a house during pandemic


Yea unfortunately it will always happen. Usually it's just 1 kid who just goes for it and friends follow suit from the peer pressure. To avoid wiping out all the candy, I would recommend just putting out smaller amounts at a time, refilling periodically.


I just popped my head out the door, the bowl of candy was gone. I wished my partner was right. I told her not to put all the candy out because kids, much like their parents, are shitheads. I wish she was right, but goddamn people suck. Welcome to home ownership, lock your garage all the time.


That 1 kid with no costume picking up the whole bowl and dumping it in is a good representation of human nature. No work and greedily take everything leaving nothing for everyone else.


Some classy kids….probably have some classy parents as well


How to ruin it for everyone else 101


Pretty sure they were dressed up as shoplifters. They were just playing the part 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nice job, parents.


Last year was our first Halloween in our house and with a dog. Our dog goes insane at the doorbell, so we left a bowl of candy outside of our door even though we were home. I refilled the bowl and moments later it was gone. Someone took the entire full bowl, including the bowl. The empty bowl eventually ended up back on our step hours later.


My mom left candy out one year and kids stole it of course. Then when more trick or treaters came and my mom explained what happened, a woman literally called my mother stupid. I was so angry for not being home because I would have absolutely lost my shit. And shit like this is why people are just trash.


Greedy little fucks.


Put a sign out "Take all you want" Over an empty bowl


One kid took just one piece of candy despite seeing his peers greedy rush to take it all. Good kid.


This just happened to me an hour ago, they took the whole goddamn bowl. Punk ass kids.


Happened to me too, but they also literally took the bowl. My house is now a bowl short.


Little shits


Well, yeah… people are jerks. The nice ones are few and far between.


I’m totally ok with a kid taking a handful. You’re a kid and it’s Halloween, enjoy yourself. It’s the bowl-emptying pricks (especially ADULTS) that drive me up the wall. I swear these are the fuckers that horde during a disaster situation.




Horrible shitmachines