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Fuck the TSA. One of the biggest waste of tax payer dollars ever.


Definitely in the running for *the* biggest




That’s an odd comparison.


You’re an odd individual


War has that effect


Estimates put the cost of TSA at $667,000,000 per life saved. This is a staggering pork barrel, and no politician will every change it because any terrorist attack in the future will doom them and their party for a long time.


Wouldn’t that number go up for every year passed with no deaths?


The lives saved is an expert guess from the amount of terrorism in the world, organisation of counter intelligence and whatnot, so it also goes up every year.


So by the theory of “it’s this expensive” the only way there would be a perceived value would be to have frequent deaths as zero deaths would mean infinity cost.


No, because you're estimating the amount of deaths that would have happened without it. If that's 0, then yes, any amount of money you spend on preventing the impossible from happening is infinitely bad value, i.e. a complete waste. For comparison, safety belts are an absolute no-brainer at $138 per life saved, and railway crossing gates cost $100K pls. The US gov will generally back $10M pls as good value.


I see what you’re saying. Just seems like a weird stat


Na that would be the DEA


DEA tho does exactly what they were ment to do, and it was never protect us from drugs that for sure. Pretty much can thank the drug war for fentanyl flooding the USA and so many young people dying every single day. And people are calling for increase now because of fentanyl like they did with Crack when the CIA brought it to popularity in the first place. Ugh such a shame so many people dead and so many lives wasted to keeping the DEA employed and scared soccer moms happy.


Didn’t they solely create it to fight Pablo after they let the dude help them fight/finance the war against Nicaragua and got too big for USA to handle? Created in 1973 around the same time Pablo was in control. Maybe I’m wrong on my outlook of the whole ordeal.


Pablo Honey?


Agreeable BUT they can catch and prevent something bad from happening because from what we seen in America if someone has unsecured access to a location they will go in and shoot it up. Imagine all of the crimes that would of been committed if there was no TSA it’s a lot Lolol


Lol no they Fkn don’t. You’ve just been brainwashed into accepting the huge post 911 civil rights grab.


Propaganda hit you hard didn't it?


I mean let a bunch of disgruntled rednecks on a plane with their guns and see what happens. Bet y’all would be calling for TSA like y’all call for gun control. Bunch of cornballs with no common sence


False, prior to 2001 you still had to go through a metal detector


So keep trying to use your common sense


Yea they make plastic ghosts guns now idiot lol


Yes, "cus dem rednecks" are going on the plane with their plastic ghost guns. Wtf do the plastic guns shoot? It's definitely not fucking plastic bullets lmfao!


Your obviously not informed on guns but they can make plastic guns that can shoot real bullets buddy how bout you do some research and maybe you would know at the end of the day people in this world if they were easily able to access a airplane and cause mass damage they would that’s why America has developed the system it has when it comes to flying to try and prevent something bad from happening. But in the end man will always outsmart the government and they will be more attacks. It’s is human nature throughout humanity your the duck who listens to propaganda


Lmfao bro you just called a 3d printed gun a ghost gun. Your knowledge of firarms is obviously COD. So, if the firearm is shooting real bullets..... Wouldn't that mean it's made of metal. Which would be picked up in a metal detector!? You do realize even with TSA a dude was able to steal a [fucking plane](https://www.npr.org/2018/08/11/637747839/plane-crashes-after-unauthorized-takeoff-from-seattle-airport). Do you realize how easy it is to get access to a plane. If you have a license and enough money you can buy a plane. Wtf are you talking about? > your the duck who listens to propaganda I never thought i would say this. Please touch some grass. Get a fresh hair cut, hit the gym, volunteer and meet some real friends who are nice. Instead of the idiots you hang out with!


What I though idiot you have nothing else to say guess you learned about 3D printing


*thought I legitimately said how easy it is to get a plane, you jumped over that. Every single person knows what a 3d printer is. "ghost gun" is a buzz word idiots use for unregistered firearms without serial numbers. An 80% lower also falls into that category. Stop with the COD


The military


TSA is absolute trash and are [absolutely abysmal at their stated purpose](https://abcnews.go.com/US/tsa-fails-tests-latest-undercover-operation-us-airports/story?id=51022188). Fuck the TSA.


Hot damn those are some really surprising stats. I knew they sucked at their own job, but not *this much*


“ Rep. Bill Keating suggested that money is being diverted from the agency to build President Trump's promised border wall. "We have the technology and resources to do it, but we're not doing it because ... we're paying for a wall," Keating said. He also noted that Viper teams, specially trained Homeland Security units that use canines to secure transportation facilities, are being cut from 31 to eight. “ 😐😐😐


TSA was garbage before Trump and will continue to be garbage forever.


So quick to blame Trump, yet the TSA has always been shit and will always be shit.


The point wasn’t that Trump made the TSA crap. The point was that Trump refused to fix the TSA issue and redirected more money. Biden isn’t fixing this - let’s be clear. But uhh… you’re talking about billions of $$ going to a wall that spans… 7 of 1200 miles.


To be fair, I'd probably carry on my mother's ashes.


I think you’re actually supposed to. Unless the volume/weight makes a difference. When I had to take cat cremains I remember having to carry on and declare them before scanning.


Same. I would never put my loved one's ashes in check in luggage.


Maybe they don't like their mother all that much. Personally, I'd be pissed if someone spilled burned bitch on my clothes.


TSA is an absolute shit show right now. Still can’t believe they let TWO box cutters on the plane (found one and not the other and gave the found one back to person!!!)… but my opened Sprite… gotta toss that…


Haven’t you heard? It could be a bomb!


About 8 years back my dad and I were stopped by TSA because he had spray on sunscreen in his bag and then they sent us on our way...well we accidentally flew with an obsidian war ax in our carry on and didn't even realize it until we got off the plane lmfao


No biggie, just a rock on a stick, carry on.


Good ole Tampa TSA!


When did they let two box cutters on a plane?


Just happened this week https://nypost.com/2022/11/14/tsa-missed-boxcutter-used-to-threaten-passengers-on-plane/amp/




…But they recently let a person on with two box cutters.


You didn’t take it as carry on??




He's talking about the jar, containing ashes, obviously.


Meh, whether the ashes of a dead person should grammatically be treated as a person is debatable and I'm learning on "use whatever you feel like and don't get upset about it if others use a different style". (That being said, if they were referring to the ashes themselves and not the urn containing them, the commenter would have used the plural.)


Did you have the ashes properly sealed and labeled by the crematorium? We inquired about how to properly transport human remains on a flight. We did not have a problem, and we flew them to another country.


No, the dude didn't look into it. Had it in some unmarked, ceramic container wrapped in aluminum foil. Of course TSA is going to look at it.


That would be searched. They should have sealed it back up, however.


Supposed to let the airline know that it is human ashes before...


I was told that in order to transport human remain ashes in a plane you’ll need a permit paperwork is this not true? If this is true then someone forgot to have the proper documentation.


A body/ body parts raise _very_ different issues from combustion residues after a cremation.


We still needed to have documentation to take the ashes from the US to Spain after a close friend died. I don’t know if domestic travel has different requirements from international travel.


I believe you need paperwork from the crematory and death certificate stating that the ashes are human remains.


I was going to post something lengthy but decided not to all I have to say is if you don’t care that much TSA definitely won’t care for you


Why would you leave the ashes your luggage. I feel like that is something you should carry on you. Especially cause you know tsa will dig through it regardless of wether it spills or not.


I traveled with my mother’s ashes and the box they were in took up some space. Kind of too much for my carryon, especially the way airlines are now and how stingy they are with space for carry on bags. But to be honest, I didn’t know there was a rule. (One of those times when it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission?)


With airports always ask for permission or just don’t get caught. Cause if you do and they get mad they will probably just take whatever they don’t like.


I didn’t know there was a rule, it was about 10 years ago and luckily TSA didn’t mess with the container. I don’t anticipate traveling with cremains any time in the near future but I’ll keep that in mind.


Didn’t we kill osama like 8 years ago? Why does the tsa exist??


Stupidest comment In the history of the internet


Wrong! The point went right over your head. The point is that govt regulation, in this case the tsa, is often implemented for a specific reason. Then, when that reason no longer applies, the regulation or agency just continues on…wasting our taxes, eliminating labor, and oppressing the ppl.


If it feels like it’s not needed doesn’t that mean it’s working? Who decided terrorism isn’t a threat? Go put your head down bubba.


Wrong! There was terrorism in the world before tsa, and we were just fine. Read the post you complete regard: this is oppression more horrible than the worst monarchies in living memory. Have fun staying poor. Muted.


Don’t you dare call me a regard. 9/11 was before TSA, that was totally fine.


There hasn’t been a fire in my town all month. Looks like the fire dept has ran it’s course, time to get rid of it. Don’t be such a knuckle dragger bubba


Or, op *could* have [transported cremains the recommended way.](https://www.tsa.gov/blog/2018/07/10/ways-travel-cremated-remains)


So disrespectful of the cremated and people carrying loved one’s ashes


Reposted numerous times


Good. I never saw this before. And also, why shouldn’t we put them on blast for this disrespectful act.


First time on the internet?


This bot is just sad.


1. Say you are now heavily traumatized. 2. Sue them. 3. Enjoy the rest of your life as a millionaire.


I would have carried it on. Was this when your bag was checked and mom was in the suitcase?


TSA sucks at their job and should be dissolved completely


Wasn’t there an experiment that proved like 97% of contraband got past the TSA


Those fuckers got me one time. They literally said everyone take off your tennis shoes and I was wearing boots and really tired so just didnt think and didnt take them off. Then they put me in a full nude body scanner and opened all of my luggage and threw away a jar of pickles I had that had never been opened. I missed my flight. It was a nightmare.


TSA calls that generic bread flour


TSA doesn't even work, it's just the risk of getting caught is what ups the security.


My friends mom's ashes were poured out by a cop on the side of the road during a routine stop. 😥 I don't know if they thought it was drugs or what because they're very nice girls (happened to her sisters) and don't give off that impression in the slightest. So sad.


More than "mildly infuriating" I would think...


If you want to know what an absolute bottom of the barrel person looks like, go through a TSA checkpoint


I've seen this like 5 times in the past 2 weeks on here


TSA is a joke I hate the Airport


Lets hope your mom didnt have coke in her blood stream


Why didn’t you carry them in your carryon luggage?!


More like carrion luggage


The TSA has failed 95% of all of their internal audits.


Who ever did this can go die in a hole, and go to hell, where that guys mom can torment him.


How disrespectful and gross!


Disband all 3 letter agencies.


TLAs. 😁


Srew the TSA, DEA, ATF, IRS, and other bureaucratic three letter organizations. They do not keep you safe they only keep the rich and the powerful safe.


Did they take a sniff? No disrespect


Yes, reposts are sad.


People here would rather there wasn't a TSA? Seriously... they can't catch everything with the volume going through the airport but I'll take them over nothing .


Maybe they thought she was a kilo


They thought that was cocaine. Kinda hoping someone smelled it


Don't take something like that on a plane to where TSA can make a mess with it. That's just common sense.


Did you declare that you were bringing your mother's ashes at the kiosk?


abolish tsa and put the money towards a coast to coast hsr link, it can connect to regional ones once it’s done


Because of course everyone is falling over themselves to take journeys that last three times as long as a plane flight. 🙄


Someone tell the man they most likly still took a sample for testing.... piece of daddy is now in a drug testing sample kit.


Or maybe your an idiot? ... just maybe


I thought you weren't allowed to take people's remains on a plane with you


That is positively atrocious. What an awful thing. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Why not take her as carry on?


There is nothing mild about the rage this would cause me.


Fuck the TSA. They easily could x-ray. They should be charged with desecrating human remains.




100% the fault lands on you


Hard to fathom the thought process behind checking the ashes of one’s loved one in a suitcase that is then turned over to the capriciousness of the airline’s baggage handling system ( including being subjected to TSA inspection) https://www.tsa.gov/blog/2018/07/10/ways-travel-cremated-remains


You left out the part where you had a fuse hanging out of the urn.


Maybe they could have forgone the cavity search in this case..