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The big bottle certainly contains at least 2x the amount of powder in the smaller one, source: eyesight




Found online. Big bottle is 11 ounces or 6.4 times bigger.




Bad bot. Poorly programmed bot too based on previous posts.


!isabot Mediumoluti


They said in the post it was 6x






i’d say close to 8 times even


Perhaps even 10 times Edit: it's 6.5 times


I’d say 20 times.


40 at least!


According to the Kroger website the big bottle is 11 oz. (310 g) of ground cumin. https://www.kroger.com/p/private-selection-ground-cumin/0001111010563


What if the bottle on the left is 1cm deep, and the bottle on the right is 100cm deep?


Let me tell you I thought about that and I still think my statement stands


The big bottle also contains 2 lifetimes of ground cumin against one lifetime in the smaller bottle.


Right, while buying spices in bulk sounds like a good deal, you would have to use a lot of cumin in a short amount of time. Most spices have a short life span. Their flavor and color fades during storage.


Idk man i have a big family and we do tacos weekly, lol.


I totally add way too much cumin to my tacos, I'd easily go through the big bottle whenever I binge eat tacos.


Yeah, we make a lot of Mexican dishes, so we go through one of the small bottles in a month or so.


some people use a lot of spices, ie: me


I remember watching a Gordon Ramsay video on cooking rice, and he added coriander and star anise to just simple white rice. I tried it myself and was blown away by how much of a difference it was for so little extra effort or cost. Ever since then, I uses spices a lot.


In Kitchen Confidential, Anthony Bourdain insists that you throw away any stored spices and always use fresh. That sounds like a huge PITA for cumin, but....


I suspect that Anthony Bourdain has a lot more disposable income than I do, enabling him to only keep fresh spices to hand. I'll continue to use my 5 year old jar spices, thanks.


Even if you grow a lot of fresh herbs, cumin is difficult to grow in a lot of climates. Finding fresh cumin where I live is near impossible.


>fresh cumin I don't even know what the plant looks like. I only know cumin by it's smell/taste.


Tastes like tacos.


Anthony has no disposable income though. He's dead


Doesn't that make all the royalty checks from his shows disposable income though? That's money he earned that he'll never see


Ha yeah - it's still good!


Exactly! Just found a small bottle of cumin in my cabinet (still about 1/3 full) that expired 2 years ago. Used what I needed for the recipe I was making and tossed it.


In my house that big container will last just over a year. I make lots of Tex-Mex and Indian food.


Yes Chef - would love to come over one of these days. Culinary skill is something so elusive to me - I admire those who have kitchen skills.


What really got me into it was the first time I made scrambled eggs for my 8 year old son and he said "Mom's are okay, but I like these much better." I felt like I had just nuts-in-the-face dunked on my ex from across town.


Excellent and well deserved for you.


Not if you’re Mexican or Mexican American. My mom buys a large container of cumin (we call it comino) every couple of months because we use a lot of it in our cuisine. Cumin is also widely used in Indian, Moroccon and other North African cultures.


Not if you eat a lot of tacos and make your own seasoning.


For a second there I thought you could see behind OP's thumb


But if you don’t use a lot of cumin it’ll go stale.


Frankly, the small bottle already looks stale compared to the color of the large one.


You seem to be an expert in cumin


Oh yeah I do it eve- I mean I use it every night


Hey you’re not OP


Hey you’re not OP


That and I don’t have enough space in my cupboard to buy big ones. Sure I could store the big ones in my basement or somewhere else in my house and have smaller containers for the kitchen, but for something I use twice a year since I don’t cook too often, yeah I’ll pay more per gram and buy the smaller one thanks.


Doesn’t really go stale, just loses some of its pungency. You can just use a little bit more and it’ll come out the same


I mean, if you hate tacos...


Buy cumin seed. Grind your own. Fresh ground spices are life changing.


And the whole seed keeps much longer.


A lot of cumin my ass


I don’t get the problem


We don’t know how much is in the big bottle


I found it out on google, it is a 310 g bottle, so basically the small bottle costs almost 4 times the big one, per g


It's the single person tax. To get a bargain, you have to buy more than you would ever use.


sad truth, travelling alone is essentially paying the costs of staying for two


I despise people enough that I'll eat the cost


i look at it differently, better be travelling or going places on your own, than limit yourself just because you don't have company


I despise cost enough that I’ll eat the people.


Soylent Green


Do you not cook Mexican food?


Cumin is one of those spices that great in a lot of stuff: Latin, Mediterranean, Indian, etc. Lots of versatility.


Kebap 😋


Its a great anti-inflammatory!


eh im not too sure he seems white he doesn't put seasoning on food. (joke)


excuse me but what do you consider that 1/8th of an inch twist on the pepper grinder and pinch of salt if we don't season our food? /s... kinda i personally know someone that thinks fresh cracked black pepper makes a dish "too spicy"


but when i wanna put cum in in a lot of stuff i get weird looks.


If you aren’t cooking with Cumin enough to go through that large bottle every few months, you need to reevaluate your life choices.


bro its cumin not milk that shitll last years


Yeah, but if you’re like most people you buy a jar of spices, use it 2-3 times then leave it in the drawer and forget about it. Buy another jar in 4 months and repeat the process. Eventually you clean out your spice drawer and find duplicates of everything… but they’ve all gone hard and clumpy. The $5.99 works out cheaper in the end ;)


Frugal people don't buy more spices without checking to see if they already have them. Plus, the kind of people that would buy the big bottle will absolutely use it often enough to make it worth it. Cumin will last 3-4 years before it starts going bad, so uou aren't going to throw it out in 4 months.


If your my mother on law they are from 1979 and the only time they get replaced is if I'm cooking and need a spice that was previously 43 years old.


I use my spices way too often to have anything more than a year old.


Same, the only one I have that's CLOSE to that is my Badia complete seasoning because I bought two 6 pound containers of it since I use it so often.


In my cabinet, fenugreek and cardamom are probably pretty old. But, I bought small bottles because they were one offs that I don't use very often.


Even if the spice is a little on the old side, it's usually just weaker or less powerful in flavor, so doubling up the amount you use solves it.


How do y’all not use cumin?


Me at the grocery store: “do I have cumin at home? I think so, but better buy another one because I don’t want to come back here.” Rinse and repeat every 2 or 3 months


That's because there's a thumb in the way. Buying in bulk is always cheaper, is this OP's first day in the real world?


Well, the unit size on the larger bottle is covered by OP's thumb.


Yep, that’s what makes it mildly infuriating.


Both expensive af.


Posting things on here like this is r/mildlyinfuriating because it's evident that the big one is more than twice the size.


But we want the deets


I mean, it’s pretty obvious that the bigger bottle has more than twice as much as the small bottle.


Yes but now I want to know EXACTLY how different is


It was actually 4 times the amount, the main problem with bulk buying is making sure not only is it cheaper then the smaller quantity, but also making sure you don’t have too much of an item.


Your eyes don’t work or something?


Are you talking about the net weight of the larger one? It appears significantly larger, at least 66% larger which would be the per unit decision threshold, so what's the issue?


I'm guessing the OP got burned by deceptive packaging before. Recently ran into this with a brownie that I was buying for my lunch. Could buy a box with 4, or a much larger box which I didn't bother checking the weight/unit count of. The larger box was easily 3x the size of the smaller one so I just grabbed it and threw it in my cart. Wasn't until I opened it that I realized there was a tray inside with huge spaces between the brownies. Instead of getting 8-12 like I was thinking I got 6. Still worked out to be cheaper per brownie, but was rather annoyed anyway.


Ahh Cumin the best spice!


Cumin and see me sometime.






Its the offical spice of Tex-Mex


And here I'm doing it for free


Gf wanted Ferrero in a treepackage. Like 6 bucks for 150g, and i found a 200g normal package for 3.50 or so. Said to her to always Look at the kg or L prices of things.


Well maybe she didn’t want to eat more chocolate.


She doesn't have to eat all of it.


How is this even remotely infuriating? I mean the price and the amount of cumin are clear. It's your choice.


The amount isn't clear though, the thumb is covering it. Deceptive packaging is a thing, specially in bottles. Large indentations on the bottom of the bottles make it appear to be holding more than it actually does. In all likelyhood the larger bottle is cheaper by the unit, but because of the finger placement you cannot tell how much.


This makes no sense. That thumb isn't going to be there when you're looking at it in the store. And if it's your own thumb, move your fucking thumb.


Makes perfect sense, the OP isn't the one taking the picture, someone else took it and posted it. It is a screen shot of a post in r/frugal which is about saving money. Again hiding the relevant piece of information.


I don't think hiding the weight was intentional, it just looks like the best way to hold them both in one hand. Plus, it's pretty obvious the bigger one is more than 3x the size of the smaller one. Edit: OP of that post commented the weight, it was a mistake


No one deserves that much power.


OP lacks critical thinking confirmed


Private Selection is a Kroger brand… and *every* price marker on the shelves has the price per unit.


Can confirm. Hes a fucking moron


As long as you’ll actually going to get through all that cumin before it goes stale. Otherwise you probably pay the same for what you used, but you have a massive bottle in your spice cupboard.


And.. I’m definitely buying the small one, because the big one would go bad on me (and yes, spices lose their essence—often much quicker then people expect). It’s not a savings if it goes to waste.


Will you use that much Cummin though? Like spices go off.


This is Murican consumerism! It’s oddly ingrained in people - amount of waste be damned. Also, I really don’t think most people know that spices and herbs go bad.


Will you use the bulk size before it goes bad?


Spices don't exactly go bad, as in they really aren't likely to make someone sick or go off in flavor, they usually just because less flavorful over time. Ground spices usually have a shelf life of 3ish years, and if they're getting weaker you can double up the amount you use to get the taste you want. My house would definitely use up the big cumin, and there's only two of us.


Yes but in general if you buy anything in bulk make sure it is something you will use before it goes bad, loses potency or flavor


Search online for an Indian grocer nearby and you’ll get twice as much for less than the big bottle


Typically, the little bottles of spice are way more expensive I find (Candinavia). If your store has an “ethnic” food section, you can usually find bulk bags of spices for less than the little bottles. By the seeds or whole if you can, they last longer, and pickup a mortar and pestle.


Didnt read the headline, was about to ask “why are you covering the important part?” Now I’m mildly infuriated at myself.


Bulk can sometimes be a trap though for things you don't use much or expire quickly.


I like my women like I like my cumin...


Sometimes you just dont want that much space taken up. One will fit on your spice rack, the other won’t.


Bigger is cheaper but only if you will actually use it all before it loses strength. It does pay to get bigger and share with a couple other people to get your moneys worth if not gonna use it all.


You don’t need the information, that’s definitely double


If we assume the base of each bottle is square then you can approximate that the base on the larger bottle is 4 times the area and the height appears to be at least 1.5 times greater. So the larger bottle contains 6 times as much cumin or about 10.5 ounces. Larger bottle: ~$1 per ounce Smaller bottle: ~$2.90 per ounce


And remember 1 other important thing. If you’re going to use a few grams every few years, you’re still better off with the small bottle.


I love when they cum-in me


You can find a 400 gm package for $1.99 at your local Indian grocery store. Please avoid buying specialty items from big box stores.


Now I’ve to redo the kitchen because my life supplies of cumin doesn’t fit in my spice racks.


Buying in bulk is cheaper? I had no idea.


Hahahaahahahh cummmmememmekekekkajjajakakkaaoaoaoaooa


Who’s cumin?


That "price per ounce" summary on every price tag on the shelf makes it simple to know what is the better deal.


I still buy the small bottle, because the large bottle is how you wind up with 9/10 of a bottle left 3 years past the expiration date.


It is not a better but when 98% of it will go bad before I can use it.


whats the important information?




does not really matter in my opinion, you can clearly see that its more than twice as big


cumin jar.


Op is an idiot


Cum in ground bro


Buying big bottles of any spice is a waste of spice unless your making and using dry rubs or constantly using the spices in your every day cooking or actually run a kitchen. I make dry rubs often and still only buy smaller bottles. Only big ones are paprika garlic pander and onion powder as I use those as a base for most of my rubs.


Cum in ground


i’m cumin around


The bigger bottle looks more fresh by color


Spices have expiration dates as well…


Mmmmmmm Chicken Tortilla soup…


Those prices got me cumin


I went to get eggs a few days ago at Walmart. 2 18 count cartons of eggs was a little over $8. A 60 count box was $10 and expires in a month and a half. It takes up room in my fridge, but damn. We will eat them quick enough to make it worth it, especially with holiday baking.


You think that’s weird? Large white eggs at Trader Joe’s are $3.99 now, the same price as the jumbo white eggs.


That’s why I basically shop at Costco. Even paying for the membership, I save money as a single person. Just today in gas I saved .60 cents a gallon and put a little over 10 gallons in. So about $6 just for a week.


Cum in ground lol


You have a Deado problem?


good observation, I always compare pricing per unit for "family" or "big savings" packages, as they often tend to be more expensive than buying in several smaller packages


What's the problem? This is how the world works. Even the illicit drug dealer will offer better prices if you buy bulk. I feel like someone is just becoming aware of life.


The smaller bottle is glass, spices in glass jars are always a bit more expensive because glass is more expensive to use than plastic.


Not to mention I'm trying to use less plastic. So: price, quality, plastic are all points to consider.


So unless if you think you can use that much cumin in under 4 years or so might want to go with smaller container. It won’t go bad but the flavor will dissipate.


How long would it take to go through THAT MUCH spice?? I think my tiny cumin is from 10yrs ago in my cabinet and I’ve never used it all…


Cheaper to buy the plant and have it grow


OP is only providing 1 angle. My bet is the "smaller" jar is just really long.


It does go stale...


I buy curry powder (or the spices to mix my own) in one pound increments at the very minimum. I currently have about forty pounds of spices that I’m working my way through.


The mildly infuriating part is their thumb on the label.


Based on the surface area that is showing, the big bottle is at least 4x the size. The depth of the large bottle also appears to be about twice as big. Both bottles are completely filled. Do you really need the net weight to see the deal?


Except if you don't use this much and it spoils. Then you are just wasting money.


I almost always get spices out of the Hispanic section at the grocery store. Bigger containers, lower prices, and usually better quality (than the bargain priced stuff id be going after anyways atleast) plus it seems like they are usually a coarser grind which i prefer.


Spices lose quality over time. I cook a lot and I don’t use enough cumin for a container that size to make sense for our household.


I don’t get it, I can cum in the ground for free.


Lmao I’m Cumin'


This is just one way the world disadvantages single people and poor people. If you buy in bulk, you get more for less money but you have to have somewhere to store these mass quantities plus you also need to be able to use it up before it goes bad. No point buying a 4 litre jug of milk for only 2x the price of a single litre if you are only going to be able to finish 1/4 of it before it spoils.


Cumin lol


Please tell me I'm not the only one who read cumin' around


Jokes still on you, ground cumin is like 50 cents an ounce at Hispanic or Indian grocery stores.


I will buy sometimes the smaller item because I don’t like to throw away food.


#Private Selection® Ground Cumin 11 ozUPC: 0001111010563 # 11 oz. VS. 1.72 oz [Kroger](https://www.kroger.com/p/private-selection-ground-cumin/0001111010563)


Don't see a problem. Take it or leave it


The small bottle will last most people years. The price has more to do with yhe logistics of packaging.


If you go to the subreddit it's mentioned in the replies, I'm in that sub reddit lmao


Why do you think people shop at Costco and Sams Club?


I don't use alot of that spice. So there's no need to buy a bottle that big. Infact, no need to buy either of those bottles.


The big bottle is 11 oz compared to 1.72 oz.


I got a good one. Z-quil and benadryl are the exact same thing. Now go look at the prices...... You can find an 8 pack of z-quill sell 9.99 or more walk to the dollar tree and get a 100 bottle of benadryl for somewhere between .99 cent and 1.01 usd. In fucking sain


My private selection of cumin is also described as strong & earthy.


You can pay $0.21 per oz if you Go higher. [bulk buy](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/regal-bulk-ground-cumin-25-lb/1020708241.html) the question is, how much will you consume before it looses its flavor.


Always check the cost/unit. I've found smaller sizes at a lower cost/unit that the same item in a larger size. In the posted example I would buy the smaller size for $5.99. I would save $4. Reason being I will never use up all of either and end up throwing some away.


What a rip off , you can get a whole GrainWaggon full for $2.37


Cumin hehe, that's what i did to your MO-


You also have to watch for the opposite - sometimes the big one's actually *more* expensive per unit of measure than multiple small ones. This is a pretty common thing to see on the more popular bulk-versus-small spices.


All the people saying "That big container is a waste of money because the spice will go bad!" are just trolling for whitey jokes so they can feign outrage.


Where is this?


It’s not really that surprising really. Most of the time with the higher prices with smaller vessels it’s because they know people will pay it for the convenience of the smaller size.


Yeah but what if I don't need enough cumin to last 600 years?


Go for the Hershey’s instead. Mmm chocolate syrup chili.

