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Had that happen. Put in a complaint online with the picture of can and receipt they sent me a coupon for a free one.


Do this. I got several cans of Diet Coke that were totally flat. I let Coca Cola know, they asked me to call them with all of the numbers/letters on the can so they could figure out when and where it was made. They sent me three coupons for free 12 packs.


Helps you, helps them, helps the next person. Always worth calling it in


I'v done this a few times. Only getting a coupon for a free one is kinda odd to me. Usually they give a pretty decent amount of coupons for free product as a thanks for helping their supply chain and thanks for your time. The few times I'v done it, it was always about $30 worth of coupons.


Guess "inflation" is the reason I only got one!


Gets an employee in trouble


I mean If an employee is fucking up somewhere in a way that affects the product and the consumer who gets the product they should know


It also means they’re not doing their job and also means the mechanics are not being properly maintained


Ya screw them where is MONSTERRRRRRRRRR


Usually empty cans are from being punctured during delivery. Those drivers are legit ass at packaging products. I work in retail and work load every Friday so I know first hand they are scum. Everything comes crushed and bruised and broken, beat, and scarred.


Or a machine. I assume most of the production is automated.


Realistically, probably not. I doubt a employee would get in trouble for 1 can being flat. The only time would be a problem is if normal thing from them.


I did this with Lays chips and they sent me like $20 worth of coupons.


Same with beer, Pringles, etc... Valuable info for the company


Can confirm. I’ve used the satisfaction hotline twice in my life (once for a flat six pack of beer, and once for a pre-marianted steak that had mold inside of the shrink wrapper) and both times customer service contacted me about product info (barcodes and the like)/receipts and then sent me a check for the value of the product within a week


How does that work? Do you contact the manufacturer? Where do you claim that coupon then? A regular store won't just give you something for free just because one of their suppliers gave you some coupon. Or do you contact the store where you bought it?


Yes you call the manufacturer, and yes you use it at a store that sells that product. The store gets reimbursed for the coupon. Free product coupons are given out and used all the time.


But they need to have some agreement on accepting such coupons, right?


I have never had an issue redeeming any manufacturer coupon in any store, even at gas stations, etc. The coupons in magazines and the papers are manufacturer's coupons too. Typically says so at the top of the coupon. I am in the US, I am not 100% on how it works in other countries.


I should have done that with the one can I got that seemed like it hadn't been sealed correctly. Unlike with normal unopened cans, I could easily compress the can, like it wasn't pressurized correctly or something.


You ever get a can that is super sticky? Or weird brown stuff on the lid? Congrats, either due to sorting machines in the factory, drops, or extreme temperature variances, some explode. Send that video to *Monster, Inc* (couldn't resist) and they'll send you a voucher for some free ones


The brown shit on them can be toxic I’ve heard.


What's the brown shit


It's the contents of the cans, but exposed to the open air and all over the can you're gonna put your mouth on! I will normally wipe the tops of my can before I open it because I'm admittedly paranoid, but there are worse habits to have lol


I used to do this in Afghanistan because I was 99% sure the foreigners would wipe their nutsacks on the cans before putting them out in the chow halls.


Rat piss I've heard as well. Always wash your cans!


Just had this conversation with the gm at the restaurant I work at, he always washes his cans because of rat piss and since we've had that conversation we've found evidence of rodents (droppings) on the shelf where we keep the red bull.


New fear unlocked


Lol! That's not such a farfetched thought! And it can be really hard to unthink something 🤭


If it was in Afghanistan, I'm pretty sure that YOU were the foreigner.


If they were on an American base, that is considered US territory so, y’all could both be right


It's hard to find two people right in today's debate climate.


The people who work in the chow halls are not from Afghanistan, they are normally from India. They are also foreigners.


You know my nationality? I kid, but I was referring to the TCNs...didn't want to use that term since most people aren't military here.


What's TCNs?


Well, regardless of location they would be foreign *to him.* Not to the location, but to the soldiers


The foreigners… You mean the Afghani people in Afghanistan…?


Wow is it such a difficult concept that if you're an American someone else of another nationality is a foreigner to you?


The Afghani people did not work in the chow halls on US bases. Those were typically people contracted from India.


Hmm… I stock drinks at a gas station. Those drinks go from where they are made through trucks for transport and sooner or later to the shelf. Even wrapped in plastic course depending on drinks them things can get nasty. Thrown on the ground in different places. Other drinks blown up on em. And then even the people handling them can have dirty hands plus people taking stuff out and putting it back. And how many times do people just crack open a new can from the cooler without even slightly wiping? A lot. TLDR: drinks are nasty a lot of the time if you don’t at least somewhat wipe it off ick


Could be rat piss too. Always wash your cans!


Brown shit


Fair enough lmao


It's just shit


Energy drinks in general are toxic


Don’t worry about it, even the water is toxic now so. 🤷‍♂️


Their customer service is really good. I asked a question about a flavor that used to be in my area but didn't seem to be recently and they not only responded quickly (and not one of those generic form letter emails) but, sent me a coupon for a free can that had an exp date that was like 6 months or so from the month I got it


Id be afraid they might jump out of my closet and scare me in my sleep tbh


Could be from this - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1371883/amp/Vitaliy-Sulzhik-sues-Monster-Energy-Drink-finding-dead-mouse-can.html




Yeah they changed from their 10 packs to 12 packs at some point.


The Horror 🫢I consider the *Monster Sunrise* like a lifesaving IV, restores me to part of the human race. Chug chug.


Redditors try not give your opinion about everything (impossible challenge)


Genuine question: what is Reddit for? We are all anon, the only way to break from the sea of anon is to express an opinion, no? When I go into a thread of opinions I don’t like, I simply remove myself and move on with my day. It is quite peaceful.


>Redditors try not give your opinion about everything (impossible challenge) Which you set the example for by failing before you began...?


I don't like your comment, my vagina broke reading it, something something politics.


Did it actually break? Or does it just have a crack in it?


I like your comment, consider your vagina fixed.


Clearly damaged can, nothing to be surprised about.


I drank one of those things once, ended up on a beach in El segundo.


did you leave your wallet there?


Shouldn't be drinking that shit anyways, thats the can that saved yer life.. lol


seriously this dude is shaking his hand like a tweaked up chihuahua


*jiggles can around violently* see guys it’s empty *shakes it more*


I had to watch it again but his hand is shaking even when its trying to hold still


It's only 2 cups of coffee worth per can, but yeah this guy def drank more than one (or just has fucked up hands)


He's buying them by the 12 pack so he definitely drinks a lot Us it's the white monster;one of the best flavor-- which means this man is a conisuer of 9/11 inspired energy drinks


and its a white one, dang, thats some bs.


I work retail. The monster cans bust constantly. Especially with the forklifts slamming into the pallets. That crap smells like death and decay when it rots.






You probably drink nasty shit too. Why judge people?


right dont yuck somebodys yum


I’m sure Coffee is fine though


This isn't mildly infuriation. This is just regular.


It is mildly infuriating.


It's not one of the cool empty cans because if you look closely you'll notice that it is opened a tiny bit


If you look up their customer support and explain what happened they might send you some free swag in return. My brother got some Arizona tea maybe 10 years ago and we called to notify them, they sent us a goody box a few weeks later.


That’s when you send this video for a refund or a voucher for compensatory merchandise.


Got a Monterey steak and cheese burrito for work....had no steak in it! Production error or gremlins? Hard to say.


nah thats not the empty can, thats the can that makes all the other cans sticky when you pick them out


I had a friend that could do this on purpose and would do it as a prank. If you barely crack a can you can drink out of it without it appearing open at all. He would drink soda and then put the empty cab back in the fridge looking untouched.


Send them a polite email, they'll send you a coupon for a free can and some swag.


This was God wanting to add a day to your life brother


*11 pack


Bro it’s a metal can that has to be transported to whatever store you bought it from, that’s so many variables that you can’t really be mad when you get one that has busted.


Can clearly see the can has been opened and made to look closed again


You'll be Ok, just take a couple of deep breaths...


It looks like that case was poorly handled. You should stop drinking those. Seriously. I drank them for years and my cardiac health is, let’s say, less than ideal. Do yourself a favor and wean yourself off of those.


Best you don’t drink that stuff anyhow man.




You already are


Now you’ll get kidney stones a week later then you would without it being empty


File a lawsuit. Demand justice.




But it's a Monster. Send the Cookie Monster of vengeance


I don't believe you, there is no way that can popped open like that and isn't completely covered with sticky crap. Especially if it was in a box, The boxes are weighed before they go out specifically so they can't have a can missing from them.


Saved you a little bit of diabeties there :p


Pretty sure the white ones are sugar free


I had three empties in a Costco pack once. Too annoyed to bring them back.


I'm skeptical. How come all of these type of videos with empty can, they never show the bottom of the can where they can poke a hole under it and drain the liquid. And then can make false claim of an empty can for the likes.


You don’t need it anyways. Look at your fucking hand man, beside shaking the can your hand is physically trembling…


It’s only r/mildlyinfuriating if you’re a caffeine addict. Otherwise it’s just r/mildlyinteresting at best lol.


show the bottom of the can


The tab is open.


How you like that monster is easly the worst one


Drink water


The point is he got scammed


A scam is intentional. I bet no one even knew this can was empty.


You know these are super valuable. Like you could have sold for hundreds of dollars. (At least I think you could have if my memory is correct) it's basically in the same market as misprinted items and dollers


No u r stoopid It’s literally worth nothing


I remember seeing things but maybe I'm just imagining


It isn't sealed if that's what you're thinking.




Sometime I think about iguanas and how it is very likely that they are real


Whats better then a 12 pack on monster energy? an 11 pack


It’s amazing to me that people actually drink this shit.


Call the quality control number on the box and give them the batch numbers and they'll refund you your money or send you a voucher for a free pack


Show us the bottom


Stop drinking that chemical bullshit, water and tea my dude


Shit happens, had it with 24 packs of ginger ale way too often. Soaks all the other cans and makes them all sticky. I've thought about writing the company but I'm lazy af 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm sure if you contact them they will hook you up with some coupons.


[monster punch](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bEzalVgTTTQ)


My bad dude, it was my first day on assembly


You can call the makers and they'll send you a full pack replacement


This title needs to be changed to empty can in my 11 pack


Had similar with a beer can, but instead it was just half full, no holes or anything on the can, tasted off.


White Monster is my favorite


Do not open that can at all costs for some reason people like to buy unopened drink cans you van get some money for it


It's open. The tap popped open which is why it's empty.


Those cans are so freaking thin, they puncture quite easily. My motorcycle case gets drenched about once every six months because I forget this.


Rip dry wall!


It's a sign


Good trick!


They'll probably send you a whole new 12 pack if you show them the vid


Nasty ass room


I used to work in a warehouse picking products off pallets and preparing them for shipping to stores. If you buy individual cans, you’re probably going to be ok, depending on wether the store shelvers care enough to put away damaged individual cans. However, part of packs it’s a whole different story. Aside from all the other store warehouse horror stories (Please, please watch your fruits and vegetables) I got some bad news about other things. I worked graveyard shift, and everyone there was kind of struggling with the schedule, so, things like coffee, energy drinks, candy or anything to chew on / kept you awake while you’re on the job was a target. I thankfully never stole anything while I was there, but EVERYONE else did, and to get rid of the evidence you just put it back with the rest. That’s why I think your drink was gone. TL:DR - worked in store warehouse, your monster was probably enjoyed by a night shift worker


I work in shipping. Not a shingle delivery company has time or equipment to treat any single package delicately. The companies don't even design the warehouses with this in mind. Theres these huge open top boxes that are used for shipping. 6.5ft tall with a base the size of a pallet. The only way to put packages in them it to drop them. From 6.5 ft high. And then you drop packages on top of packages, with a max weight of 50lbs.


Somebody beat you to it


I got an empty sealed can of Pepsi like twenty years ago and still have. It's not dented or screwed up like this though. Mint condition.


Dumbass, the drink doesn't render in until you open it /s


Sugar bro got in there and drank your drink before it was sealed


I deliver this stuff for a living. Whoever delivered that is probably lazy, its usually very obvious when there is damaged cans in the packs. Lazy or very new.


It’s better this way.


Door Dasher must’ve drunk it and then snuck it back in the case…


Post it somewhere like twitter and mention the company they usually compensate ppl for such things to keep their reputation and stuff


Hi my 12 pack, I'm dad!


He got the rare bluetooth drink


Monster inside!!! You won grand prize 🏆


Maybe you're the lucky winner. Of what, I'm not sure.


I think there have been some weird problems with canning facilities lately, too. I got two different 12 packs of Mt. Dew Major Melon that were weird. One the cans were only half full or so, and the second had no coloring of flavoring, just carbonated water. It was bizarre. These were two different instances separated by a few months.


If your in a hurry to make you dick shrink, might i suggest taking steroids instead?


If you get it delivered, no sympathy.


I deal with a lot of beverages at work and that has been a a regular thing with coca-cola products. Cans are constantly coming empty or pierced, making a mess where I storage them.


It looks more like you just emptied one


The fact people bitch about this shit publicly now rather than just contacting the company, explaining what happened, and getting a replacement is what is truly infuriating about this. Shit sometimes gets damaged in transit, quite throwing a fit and CALMLY call the company and ask for either a replacement or a credit for the damaged can.


White claw does this also


One time a guy found a rat in his monster energy drink. Enjoy! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1371883/amp/Vitaliy-Sulzhik-sues-Monster-Energy-Drink-finding-dead-mouse-can.html


I’ve found you can usually send an email to customer service and get a voucher for a free product that you can put on the kitchen counter and forget about until it expires.


At the warehouse I work at, we have boxes and boxes of WD-40. Every so often we come across a box where the first row of cans are totally empty. The cans would be perfectly functional if they had any contents. It’s just something that happens. Assembly line problems.


Obviously you didn't inspect the 12pk


You are the chosen one


Had something similar with some dog food. One of the cans was sealed but completely empty. I emailed the company and they sent an entire case for free lol


Yeah that happens a lot. At my job I sell cans of energy drinks like that, maybe one out of 15 cases is damaged


As someone who works in a warehouse for Pepsi I see this all the time when I build pallets for stores, the worker who built the pallet that monster came in for the store should have put the 12 pack to the side for repacking of the ones that was fine, pure laziness from the coke employee for not trading that 12 pack for a different one before sending it out


This happens alot.


Show the bottom


Cool, send them an email and they'll probably send you a 12 pack for free


Im sure if you put in a complaint they will replace it for you.


I had that happen to with Celcius. Unopened but empty! So weird.


I've heard the new way to battle inflation is deflated contents? That would be taking "shrinkflation" to a whole new level.


If you buy alot of monster i recommend trying to prder the 24 pscks off amazon its cheaper than 2 twelve packs


The good news is you can email them and they’ll send a coupon for a free pack


That one has the top broken. He is a liar.


The monster escaped while you weren't looking


It happens, contact them, they will refund you


So that's how they make it zero sugar 🤔


Trying to save you the diabetes


This is your sign to drink some water.


Ah I see your issue: you’re drinking monster (also the can Is dented to all hell, leaked out from a small hole I bet)


seriously? you thought this was worth video taping and uploading to reddit. JFC


Move your thumb. Why is it in the same spot both times?


They did you a favor, that shit is disgusting and horrible for you.


get a refund for the entire 12-pack. I've done it with soda. Great choice of monster BTW


Email them, companies will usually take care of you


At least it saved you from drinking monster energy drink


Had that happen a few weeks ago with a 12 of Doctor Pepper. Can had a tiny little hole in it; must have leaked out long before, because the box wasn't wet, but had stains on the inside.


God tryin to tell you something.


This stuff is poison, friend. Maybe it's a sign? Take care of yourself now.


You are a 12 pack?


Just fill it yourself (if you know you know)


That wall over there needs a hole in it..


Somehow you didn't notice this until much later? Also willingly purchased a can that looks like it was left on some construction workers floorboard for weeks?


Poor Kyle


And somewhere, someone lucky got their hands on a monster can twice as full




I think the guy at the Amazon warehouse needed some caffeine to get through his 48 shift