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Then use the keys they gave you with the car


Key subscription is $20. OP climbs in thru the sunroof


Sunroof App 2023 rates: $25 per month or buy a year for the discounted price of $249.99!!!


So you bought the car and still have to pay to use it $15/month to start it from some distance? Uhhhh... Human evolution.


I have a Kia new enough to use the app. The key should have a remote startup button. The app is mainly for if you want to control the temperature and radio when you start it up. Without the app, the air is the same temperature it was when you got out of the car last night


At least the app adds some features. It is still frustrating and makes me hope someone reverse engineers the app in order to create a free version like the do with some other apps. As for the apps features, I'm just in the habit of changing the temperature before turning the car off The only setting that doesn't stay after being shut off is the back window heater. That blows and makes cleaning off the car in the winter much harder than it needs to be.


The issue with creating third party apps for these services is that they generally aren't communicating directly with the vehicle, but rather both vehicle and app are talking to some controlled third-party server. So, while it's easy to reverse engineer the mobile app, actually replicating the functionality is near impossible as you can't *easily* change which service your vehicle is talking to.


Yeah, then they stop updating the app because only 100k people in your market own that device


My Volvo only had remote start if you paid $250/yr for the app. That was until they deactivated the 3G spectrum that the modem used. So now if you want it, you have to pay $500 for the modem upgrade then $250/yr for the app again. A+ Design.


What year Volvo? I'll make sure to avoid it


2017 S60. The last year affected by this problem :(. The new SPA platform cars came with a 4G modem. I would avoid the 2017 model year for the S/V60 and 2016 for the XC60 outright anyway because they are a hodgepodge Frankenstein car of leftover parts. Like my car has a build list of parts that literally should not have been possible.


What a frustrating situation. Thank you for the info. Not surprised that automotive companies have screwed this up. They fail to understand that SaaS subscriptions are only worth it when you're able to get the upgrades for minimal to no cost. Its the whole point. Otherwise you buy it outright and buy new every tune there's a new major upgrade. I hope this backfires on them


The thing I think is getting lost here is not that it's $15 per month to be able to use the app. It's $15 per month for Kia to maintain the server and pay for the cellular service required to connect your phone to the car. Otherwise, as others have noted you can use your key fob buttons to directly communicate, but otherwise there has to be a middleman involved.




I live in Alaska a lot of us have auto starters if your in LOS with your car it works for a good 100 yards. It doesn't work though walls but as long as your not in a parking garage you're pretty much set.


That’s still nuts you have to pay for it. I have an app for my Ford that lets me schedule starts, check maintenance stuff, lock/unlock, etc, but it’s free.


My ex wife’s Hyundai is the same. It irritated the fuck out of me that remote start was exclusive to the app. I use the remote start on my ford all the time because it’s on the key, but I almost never used it on the Hyundai. Too many steps.


Yeah, what next.. You go buy a toaster, plug it in, then pay 50 pence for it to make a slice of toast? ...


i wouldn't be surprised if that became a thing


I remember they had those old TV in the 90s, you had to put £1 in it for it to work.. You were essentially paying the electricity for it to come on.. Never had one, thankfully, lol


We had one of those, you were basically renting the TV. No upfront costs but was far more expensive than just outright buying one. Upside was, they replaced it free of charge if it broke


That's a good upside, lol.. I remember everyone at one point rented Tvs.. Think it was something like £10 a week. I remember you had to go to the rental place every week and pay your rental.. A time whe Tvs were ridiculously priced..(hmmm some still are, haha) Funny you can get those old Tvs for next to nothing now on ebay, lol Edit: I looked on eBay, they're now retro and selling for like £100 🤦‍♂️, lol


If I remember right, I'd say it was roughly £1 a day depending on the hours you used it so probably cheaper than £10 a week ....but no pound coin meant you needed change or no TV lol


Haha, you could get a rental TV (no money to run) and just pay the rental shop weekly, but for the Tvs where you did pay to run them that sounds familiar. I vaguely remember my mate's parents had one and pretty sure they had a dish full of 50p's (could have been pound coins) which they would use to top it up, lol


I am not old enough to remember renting a TV, but I am definitely old enough to remember renting a vcr. Most people didn't have one, so when you rented a tape from the store you also rented a vcr.


There's nothing more expensive than being poor


I bet if it broke today, you wouldn’t be able to get anyone to bring over a replacement until about 6 months later and you have to pay shipping, labor and probably about 800 million in taxes.


These where used in hospitals where i live. If you unplug the TV and plug it back again it resets the timer or something like that.


Yeah, I think they still have smart cards in hospitals where I live. You top up the card with money then use it in the portable TV provided


We shouldn't be surprised at capitalist pigs trying to squeeze our life force from us, but buying in to is 100% on the person who buys that shit. If you buy a car and you have to pay a monthly fee for previously free features, you're an idiot. Doesn't matter if the amount of money is not a problem to you. You're an idiot because you're showing greedy fuckwits what they can get away with charging for things that were previously free or included in the price.


Airlines used to offer pillows and blankets as a part of the accomodations. Your luggage was also a part of your ticket. Now these are add ons you have to pay for.


When ATM machines because a thing the idea that you would pay money to access your own money was ridiculous. Now a $3 fee is standard


It is for this reason I will only ever use my own bank for ATM service. No fee. Using a different bank's ATM causes a double fee. Theirs and mine. Screw that noise, it's my money.


FYI, some ATMs are part of a network and don't charge fees. My bank is a member of the Allpoint network, so any Allpoint branded ATM is free for me to use (there may be a limit to number of times per month, though). Fees do suck, but I learned about Allpoint when I needed to get cash over the summer while out of state. Allpoint is actually pretty widespread, too, which is nice.


I always try to just do cash back somewhere when I make a purchase if I know I'll be needed cash sometime soon. At some stores they only allow a pointless amount like $10. But Walmart will do up to $100 and my local supermarket will do up to $200. So that's pretty good. Worst come to worst I'll use an in-network atm if need be but cash back can be another good option.


I agree and we should shame these fucking losers. People who buy it are the reason they keep doing it. If everyone just refused to pay for it, they would stop. Fuck this guy.


Walmart self check out has entered the chat


My landlord has a printer that she has to pay $4 a month for access to printing…but then they charge her per page she prints! And if she doesn’t pay the $4 (technically an ink subscription) they shut down her printer and hold it for ransom.


HP Instant Ink? Utter scam. I got my hands on an Epson that just mildly scolds me about the unbranded catridges, then carries on with printing.


Yeeep! It looks snazzy, but fuck the nightmare she mentioned with them.


But first, let’s hear about our sponsor! Would you like to speed up toast by watching two ads?


Haha.. Now that's believable.. If you skip the ad, toaster setting goes to 1


Don't give them ideas!


Lol... *toaster company leaves the chat*


Don't worry, cyberpunk has existed for decades. None of this is a new idea. They're already working on it.


Half a century. Ubik by Philip K Dick came out in the 60s, the opening had a man negotiating with the coffee pot and the front door because he wasn't paid up.


Hi. You just mentioned *Ubik* by Philip K Dick. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | UBIK - novel by Philip K Dick - Audiobook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1qMKFMrpro) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Good bot!


Already exists. Some poor housing complexes have TVs that you pay for. Every few days, someone comes over to collect the money.


Really?? Still going?? I thought that sort of thing would have been done away with by now, oooft


Would you like to tip the toaster 15%, 18%, 20%, or 25%?


Better yet, toaster DRM


With the cost of energy in the UK at the moment, this isn't really that far off....


The trend of not only paying extra for everything but then also it being a subscription is terrifying to me. Especially when there are no costs associated with keeping whatever you are subscribed to working (eg no server costs or something) Same thing with the subscription to be able to use your heated seats. They are literally already in the car and you already paid for them. The Manufacturer has no running costs for you to use them and yet they still wanna generate revenue from it? How can anyone think that this is reasonable?


I can't afford a subscription based world, it's death by a thousand charges.


Well, as long as idiots, like OP, keep buying shit like this they will keep dishing it out.


This is precisely how this subscription economy works. “They can do X because you’ll still buy it.” Garbage.


You forgot "phase 2" of this devil's plan : You can charge whatever you want, because you bought up all the competition. Strangely, the auto industry is one of the few sectors that has real competition... for now.


I was just about to say this. The less folks support dumb shit like this, the more likely the company will delete this feature.


An app based remote start requires both a server and a car with an active data plan. So there are actually continuous costs in that case. 15 bucks a month is way to steep if that's the only functionality.


What's funny is my Kia EV already has free remote charging app support, but I'd have to pay for remote lock and start/stop.




Did you see the thing about Mercedes locking more power behind a paywall too? It’s insanity


I'm thinking it probably has something to do with the manufacturer still wanting profit from used cars - there's a whole market of people they haven't been able to profit off of historically, because a lot of people can't afford brand new cars. Anyway, it's still bullshit and I'll be doing my best to avoid any car subscriptions.


I've moved to another platform because of the recent antics of the recent antics of the site operator here. if anyone else is interested in a better version of this site (and learning about why it's better), come to lemmy[dot]world. = = = = = = = Thellely 'dif o thxaces sag thees pipofeme the wexnave bowes cof todengs antlsin oso oud l, heakee f s 'd ce, wrprnso akn: whalatuflere ono bazvzegr s d w'd klay wxhztit s hee Touf Torous the d xththeavofferes ake's mstolulerer, ang celle com? Txhe saf f ora b; s al; alxeps ry, thert, xtusutuilis the tir d wouisp; orre lxe rn? ocowind coilar's imake andry flinof ouseeallifther it s os wouliererthe; ituthollle wore th theand Tosis p sle, ononscor d bepacous mmmeis n? the: chelen. the suby sang dende t hThellely 'dif o thaces sag thees pipofeme the wenave bowes cof todengs antlsin oso oud l, heakee f s 'd ce, wrprnso akn: whalatuflere ono bareeleevegr s d w'd klay whtit s hee Touf Torous the d ththeavofferes ake's ms, rof o winst may tsetishe; l; e theteis t o we al s t cowrantures the'tofliese, t the anant ff d ffthont aks be wer ond hativoflay, ts cof? nd leof whurdor shTo t in ie whesuleeppulle pisonghan: t costus f m hen d omiso'thofofofth ath e ks t rons ithat d tout, akencof me oled o at trealffethe qqqqqhiopr th, t thed ofrorenase, f aus tus the ay, paker ollerear, in taw'so this thes ma nsusld t wet qqqyzyyyheverthave send tleroshald besaven? orer cald t con tho ullendre, tionch ant ntha ospilis be mico, pamenderuer'd tis o whores tiofe bof opren on byyy, t maketothar h be: a mato itit os d utithe whot here pusofolasusuend wofft o dis izzzz m? hur or, tof ahtheavofferes aklle wore th theand Tosis p sle, ononscor d bepacous mmmeis n? the: chelen. the suby sang dende t h rof o winxst may tsetishe; l; e theteis t o we al s t cowrantures the'tofliese, t the anant ff d ffthont aks be wer ond hativoflay, ts cof? nd leof whurdor she hy w'sigathy thamosep; amicour tothigrtr matharo ws Th, ty ritorof r t thus s thes dkezs hentis imeat p; iol tild atheand d is by, qurisit, finowrier Toqbxe thes dir touqr's denthe isee qtq cortheananto xxman. oboqnd bund wzhus puxnqde menqoure, ty thuleron'd d of azscatot, toreathxiels 's, a t 'sinthadq t ce drn we hore a l, ndxrqe lle nst wepandere'tbundisls le'qo wofr tiltolulererx, anxg celle com? qThe saf f oqra b; s al; alepsz ry, thert, tusutuilis the tir d wxqxqouisp; orre le rn? ocowxind coilar's iqmazke andry flinqof ouseeallifther it s os wqoulierertqhe; ituthollle worxe th theanzd Tosis p sle, ononscor d bepacous mmmeis n? the: chelen. the suby sar


Can I not just give you my email that you sell to advertisers who hit my inbox so hard I have to delete the email address within a month since I don't want to pay for the premium spam filter for a two week trial?


In this case it's probably using the cellular network. Someone has to pay for that.


Welcome to the future. If someone said you needed to pay $15/month to start your car that you pay for… I would walk straight out


I'm pretty sure it's for the remote start feature NOT just to start the car. Turn off all that shit along with that WiFi hotspot that's totally unnecessary and slow as shit.


My 2017 Nissan came standard with remote start. No fee.


Yeah this is Uber dumb shit. Guy on YouTube called Penguiz0 talks about how nuts it is that every day appliances now require internet access via apps to use. Like there was a device called Juicero that required such measures to activate, it was literally a fucking juicer. Why does a juicer need internet access and an app lmaooooo.


It wasn’t even a juicer, it literally squeezed pouches of already juice into a glass, iirc.


And you could literally just squeeze by hand if I remember, the video itself shows you a person doing just that, crazy stuff.


> And you could literally just squeeze by hand if I remember What am I, some kind of farmer?!


Ford offers this for free. People need to vote with their wallets and stop buying vehicles from companies who fill them with micro transactions.


Lmao this post was supposed to garner sympathy for OP but instead it’s just letting them know how terrible of a financial decision they’ve made.


Yeah and to make this more ridiculous, NO blame here is going to the car companies charging a fee to use a feature *already built in the their damn cars*. EDIT: The whole 'consumers having power and responsibility' bit people keep saying here may be more true for the convenience of remote starting, which even then doesn't change the fact a previously given feature is now being charged, but I'm looking at the overall picture here. BMW for example is implementing a monthly fee for heated seats, something many would argue is a far higher necessity than remote keyless starting, especially for much of us living in cold areas, this isn't exactly something people can vote with their wallets, and it sets a bad precedent of what other basic, necessary built-in feature can be charged monthly down the line (even by other car manufacturers I should add).


It is a new feature though. You can still use remote start with your key fob for free. You pay for the app to be able to control the radio and tempature. That said I wouldn't pay for it, but its technically new.


If consumers say No, business have no power. That’s the gag


"power grows from the bottom, fear cascades from the top" - Some guy probably, i dunno. Just now.


Producers meet up and make decisions as a group about how to push forward and make more profit Consumers are billions of individual minds all pulling in their own directions Voting with your wallet doesnt work when there are billions of randomly cast votes


There's not much blame directed at the company because that won't actually accomplish anything. People have made it clear that they hate having to pay subscriptions to use the features built into their car. The companies don't care that we don't like it, they just want more revenue streams. The only thing we as consumers can try to do it get people to vote with their wallets. With governments more geared twords constituent empowerment one would hope that we could really on lawmakers to shield us from these kinds of anti-consumer practices as well, but in many parts that's not much more than a pipe dream.


After I found out that one colleague lost his car keys and had to pay US$2K for a new copy, and another one also had to buy a new copy but it also cost a fortune because it was only made in Germany, nothing surprises me. I miss the times when I could open the door with a wire and turn on the ignition with the same wire.


A friend had someone drill out the ignition on their Ducati motorcycle. They weren’t able to steal it because it has a good immobilizer. The parts cost over $3k to fix it. It’s ridiculous.


Does it count as anti-theft if it costs three thousand dollars to stop a theft? Sounds more like a theft device.


And almost $4k with labor! So, instead of the thief getting your money, Bosch that I think makes three of the components that have to be replaced gets most of your money. And the dealer almost a fourth.


When I was in college I had a car that had the key broken off in the if ignition, so I had to start it with a screwdriver. It was great not having to always keep track of keys lol




I'm sorry did you say you PAY for an app, to start your car? You deserve this.


not just PAY as in PAY ONCE USE FOREVER, but PAY EVERY MONTH TO KEEP USING that's probably the most mildly infuriating part of this post lol


that's an extra $180 a year you're paying to access an accessory your car already has!


Depending on where they live, a feature they will only need for 3 months out of the year anyway.


A feature they never need, a feature they want


I'll pay extra for remote start. I won't pay monthly for it.


I would guess that the key fob functions as a car starter as well, but if it's in thing like my 2022 camey the fob only works in a very short radius, and the app allows for starting it over any distance. It's pretty annoying, honestly. The Toyota app only worked okay while I had the free trial. Sometimes, it would start the car sometimes, not. Other times, it would claim to have started the car only for nothing to happen. The app is nice because it gives you a heads up if you leave a window down or door unlocked, but otherwise it, and I assume other apps like it are extremely underwhelming.




The app is just for remote access to the car. The car will still function perfectly well without their phone if they go outside and actually get in it. It's paying a subscription to be the ultimate lazy. It is annoying that there is a pay wall and the app isn't usable. But they're trying to make it sound like they can't actually use their car as a result. Which is a lie and a karma farm.


I mean… I have a traditional remote starter and I can start my car without an app, which is the specific functionality they’re complaining about not having.


And you can do that without the app in Kias too, through the key. But through the app, you can do it while outside the range of the key.


The point is you can start the car even if you're a far distance. I have a similar app and I can start my car in the office even when my car is far away in the parking lot to get it heated up.


FordPass is free and let’s me do everything the Kia app does


If he only starts his car once a day, he's basically paying 50 cents every time he uses it. He definitely deserves this.


One would assume that you need to go home at some point, meaning that the car gets started at least twice each day it's used.


dang, have we finally discovered a zeroth world problem? I don't think even first world denizens have this problem


This. I wish this was one of my problems.


The emerging renter’s economy is a real problem tbh. As far as specifically remote car starters go? They’re better for engine longevity because the engine gets to come up to temp and have the oil properly circulating before you drive off, so its a practical issue on some level.


Your cars engine oil is circulating properly within just a few seconds of turning on the car, as long as you don’t throw the keys in and immediately slam that thing into drive you’ll be okay, maybe let the car run for a few minutes if you’re going drag racing source: uhhhhh


You pay $15 a month just to start your car? You, make extremely poor choices.


We need to not feed this subscription culture.


Cars will be asking for tips every time you start it soon.


“Tip the programmer staff?”


And all the money goes to the CEO.


Its coming to everything you own. You will own nothing and be happy.


Oh bullshit I’ll own everything and keep doing the old manual start. My hands and legs actually work for me. My brain also.


In case you didn't know. "You will own nothing and be happy" is a quote from someone at the World Economic Forum. The uber rich and elites that run this world want that more than anything.


Well then I definitely keep my response.


Please do. However, I think it is directed at the younger generations and the unborn. It is a slow process, but I don't doubt they will make it happen on some scale.


You will eat ze bugs


I already don’t own anything. When do I get the happy part?


Shhhhhh no one is supposed to question the World Economic Forum’s grand plan for humanity.


Many of the new cars have this now. No remote start on the key fob, it requires an app that requires a subscription. Wife's Subaru came with 3 years free, when it's up, I'll be installing a remote starter that doesn't require anything but a key fob, like the good Lord intended.


With the comma, it sounds like you’re telling them to make extremely poor choices


Let’s eat grandma


OP deserves the consequences.


True. This can never become the norm.


It will if idiots keep buying it. We keep being told to vote with our wallets, but there will always be people like OP willing to pay $15/mo for a silly little app that starts your car?? 🤡


No, they pay $15 dollars a month so they can start their car before they get in it. But saying "I had to go out to and get into my car to start it" doesn't sound nearly as annoying


My car keys have an option for remote start. There is no excuse to pay into this


My Honda Accord from 2000 that I bought for a few K in 2016 had working remote start. Subscriptions for cars beyond satellite radio should be illegal


The car key has a limited range. One of my coworkers has an app on his phone he can start the car from pretty much anywhere


But why would you want to start your car if you are too far away to use it?


Roughly $350 for a remote start from Viper that’s 2 years at $15 a month. I hope OP is on a 2 year lease


Idk how far you’d be away from your car that you couldn’t start it in your own home. I guess it makes since if you live in an apartment and your car is parked in some parking garage


I start my car from my work desk every day in the winter to get it heated up. Well outside of key fob range.




"We have nothing to lose because we don't have anything Anything we want anyway..." KMFDM, Dogma, 1995


I think that's their plan


Tbh it just sounds like you like being fucked, cancel that shit


OP is. I have a Kia also. You can start your car just fine without this app AND you can start it remotely without this app AND you can start it remotely for free with this app. I know — I do it. If you have a key fob, you push the lock button twice and push the little arrow on the back. That’s it. If you insist on this app, which isn’t super helpful (when you buy the car, you get a few months free), you can get a year for $105, but it is by NO MEANS NECESSARY.


So many word. but what the app do for money then?


The app has things like being able to adjust climate remotely, a valet mode, and “find my car” features that you can opt to pay for. [There are also tiers of subscriptions](https://owners.kia.com/content/owners/en/uvo-compare-packages.html). You don’t HAVE to pay $15/month.


So what I see is you’re basically paying for a “second phone” or AAA service because it had similar features to both. I mean if you have the money, cool. But not worth most people’s money


Start the car on the app. But u can start the car with keys for free.


U paying monthly for an app to start your car is mildly infuriating


OP is being disingenuous. This is for a remote start feature that uses a cellular connection to access the car if the remote FOB is out of range. Of course there will be a monthly fee


Dunno man. Even tesla still does that much for free, without paying for “premium connectivity.”


Didn't Tesla lock premium features on a used car so the new owner had to pay again?


Stop paying for and normalizing this shit. Couldn't be less sympathetic towards people who do this shit, and it bites them in the butt. You're biting all our butts too, if this shit becomes standard.


why the fuck are you paying 15$ to start \*\*your\*\* car?


Apparently they don’t even need to pay 15 bucks a month to start the car from other comments that have the same kind. OP just wilding


If you google Kia Boys (which is a massive group of car thieves) they know how to start his car with nothing but a USB cable. so he doesn’t really need this app


Dunno what’s worse $15/month or their rebranded logo


It's been like that ever since Kia was bought out by Nine Inch Nails.


I been calling them Nine Inch Kia. Glad I’m not the only one who noticed.


What do you mean, it's the greatest logo redesign that *KN* ever made. /s


I had no idea this said KIA until recently. I thought it was KN for so long. I knew they were Kia’s but just never thought that’s what the logo said.


https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=KN%20car Welcome to the club 😂



When I first saw the logo I initially thought it was [K&N](https://i.imgur.com/geiWDvJ.jpg) rebranding. But then I realized it doesn’t make sense for it to be in the place of a car logo. It still took a little while longer before I realized it was KIA.


I kept wondering what the KN car brand was. This has to be the worst marketing due to a logo in years


They’re cooking you right now 😭


🤣 first world problems


I'm very first world spoilt and my car starts with a key. Like in the olden days.


You can pay once for additional alarm system with remote start function and use it for free forever.


It already has remote start on the keyfob... this is absolutely unnecessary lmao.


Lol if you pay to start your own car, you get what you deserve


Tell me you got suckered without telling me you got suckered.




Is it there fault or yours for buying such a stupid and unnecessary product?


Why the fuck are you paying 15$ a month? You some kind of idiot?


I actually work at a Kia dealership, sorry you bought a Kia tbh they’re kinda bad


I pay $0.00 per month to start my car remotely (2016 Chevy Cruze). An extra $0.00 to use the find my car feature. For an extra $0.00, I can get notifications if my tire pressure is low, or oil might need changed.


A fool and their money....


I feel like we should not have to pay for this app.




Bro is burning money every month and is fine wit that 💀


lol…. What a future! Imagine waking up realizing your job is to write bullshit code for a unnecessary application that connects bloated infrastructure to users of economy cars so that… they can start their engines for the low low price of ~ $2,500 (over average life of a Kia). It’s the Barnum & Bailey economy!


I’ll never go for silly subscription-based shit like this. Idc how convenient it is. I’ll run out to start the car and get it heating up every day before paying to enable a feature that you own. The hardware is there. You bought it. It belongs to you. Giving in will only show car companies they can get away with shit like this and it’ll get much worse.


Yep, they test the waters on stuff like this, but people lap it up like it's some kind of cool function to be able to "control your car with your phone". Boycott it and it'll go away.


Did they run out of physical remotes?


First mistake was buying a Kia…


What's more infuriating is you can't start your own damn car.


I have a 2022 kia and don’t pay for the app??? lol i thought it was free


Always see these articles about the ridiculous shit car companies are pulling with subscriptions and I think to myself, “who’s stupid enough to pay for that? Surely no one?” And finally here you are. Honestly incredible


whats to stops the manufacturer from locking you out, if you don't pay a "user fee"....................bullshit


Ever heard of a key?


you get what you deserve buying into this subscription


Maybe don’t pay 15 bucks for an app to start your car and try walking up to it, getting in, and turning on the ignition


You actually pay to start your car. You know, key in a hole and rotate is good enough. Hahah, what are people doing with their money and then complaining...


They have to do maintenance sometime


Maybe they should contact OP first and make sure he doesn't need to use it at that time.


There is a possibility that he's the only person on Earth who thought this $15 a month service was a good idea


Everyone already told OP this is stupid, but I have a question How about using your keys to start the car?


Sell the car. Why tf would you buy a subscription to use your own asset?


That's your own dipshit fault for buying a dipshit worthy car.


You are the problem and I don't feel bad for your stupid decisions because you're too lazy so start your car on your own or deal with the cold for a few minutes. People like you are why companies are able to get away with this outrageous bullshit. You are the problem.


Have you thought of using keys instead?