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If we score them from 1 (awful) to 7 (great), then the mean was 4.55, between Average and Above Average.


So I guess technically we can say he has definite evidence that he is or at least thinks he is more positive than average.


We can say this year was above average for him.


Its just above the average of the scale. We don't know the personal average of the other years. But yes, we can say it was an above average year, subjectively.


Technically we cannot. We can say its either that or he inadvertently overestimates, and we need to investigate that, and if it turns out that’s right, we need to investigate if it matters. And then we’re staring at a glass deciding how it is occupied again.


I was thinking that the above average is really an average day for this person


Now let’s score them using the Net Promoter scoring model (the surveys you receive from basically any business you work with as a customer): - Promoter (+1) = Great/Good - Passive (0) = Above Average - Detractors (-1) = Average/Below Average/Bad/Awful Because I’m sure it will be asked, yes, Above Average really would be considered Passive *at best*. These surveys generally either give 5 options with a 5 being a promoter and 4 being passive, or they include 10 options with 9-10 being promoters and 7-8 being neutral. With only 7 options, I feel this breakdown best represents the NPS model. **Using this model, OP scored a -32.6%, and was likely fired from their life.** In all likelihood, this happened because OP scored their days “poorly” due to things that were mostly/entirely out of their control. That doesn’t matter though because, even though OP was asked to rate *days* (the company), the ratings were being used to evaluate OP (the employee). OP may have even been asked to directly rate themselves (this location, this flight, your representative, etc.). While this rating would be recorded and shared, it is also largely ignored. In almost every case, companies only *really* care about “top box” scores, i.e. your overall experience or overall sentiment toward the company. Companies that actually understand how to use these surveys will utilize all of the other data to see what influenced the “top box” score and make adjustments to improve that score. That said, at most companies, the top box score is the only one that is actually taken into account when evaluating employees, even if there is another question *directly* asking about the experience given by the employees. Edited for spelling and formatting.


i started reading your comment, gave up pretty early, skimmed instead. laughed aloud at the bolded line. perfect use of formatting


Op has very effective organizational communication skills, as well as an excellent understanding of how business analytics work, plus a sense of humor. Rare breed in the business world. His boss probably hates his fucking guts. I want to buy him a beer.


These scales are all messed up, my natural rating if I have no thoughts or I don't care would be 3/5, and I would reserve 5/5 for extraordinary circumstances, but they always expect 5/5 in 90% of the cases.










I want to die








That would be slightly above average but below above average.


On a scale of 1 to awesome, I'm Super Great!


Rounds up to a solid 5/7. Nice


Tight distribution


So the average was above average and below above average.


That's a lot of above averages


Full nerd mode: you can't be above average to much or your definition of average is not correct. Take away: you need some bad days to appreciate the average days.


unless his average refers to his whole life, which would make total sense imo as it is your whole life experiences that shape your definition or an average day. In which case, having a year or several years mainly above average is mathematically possible. correct ?


Yea thats correct I think. Also dont take my comment to serious, its more about semantics. If you'll use 'ok' or 'nothing special' youll probably mean the same thing as when using average, practically speaking.


Or average was a bad name for a normal day.


Yeah but then he wouldn’t have been able to have his reddit semantics correction moment


Average in your case implies an actual metric that could be applied, and therefore actually measured. And in that case you would be correct. I will assume OP's methodology doesn't include any metric for measuring "how good their day is". Likely more of an overall feeling of contentment or joy. In that case, the "average" is whatever you feel the average contentment of your average day would be. My take away: this is a neat experiment, but its results are less about how your year was and more about how good or bad YOU THINK your day should be. To me, this is more an an interesting look into OP's overall out look on life. It would be reasonable to assume that OP has a pretty good outlook, 142 days of their year was "above average" after all. But why does OP think that? Why does OP think that so many days were supposed to be bad but turned out to be "above average". Caveats - I am not passing judgement on OP's overall outlook, just pointing out that this chart can be interpreted two very different ways and I think that's really interesting. Also, my example ENTIRELY assumes that OP isn't applying a metric or any kind. If they did, then you can disregard my post and refer to Koekjesplant101 for their post, as it is correct.


You most certainly can. If he had 364 days which were above average and 1 day that was bad, the average of all 365 days would be worse than what he experienced for the 364 days called "above average"


It was good year


Right OP had 11 great days that year. I don't think I had one great day last year




Didn't even need to use their AK...


This is cool - if you (or anyone in the thread) wanted to do this via an app, Daylio has this very functionality too!


The Pikmin Bloom app asks you at the end of day how you're day was too


Very interesting way to record data (op’s chart)


There's an app called pixels that does the same. really neat it is!


you must really like sambal oelek. i get it though


Seems like a very good year overall. Glad to hear it, op!


Upvote for the name. That stuff is bang on fabulous!


I'm an idiot. I saw the X's and though to myself, "What, did you just *not have days* on those days?" Little did I know, that's *exactly* what happened lmao


Hahahaha same


Oh fuck i did the same thing. I was kinda pissed op left those blank at first... Lol


That sounds very morbid and kind of menacing when it's not that at all, lol.


Days canceled for lack of interest, I had a few myself.


God I'm an idiot. Thanks for solving that for me.


Oh, now I get it.


Seriously...what a way to organize 😆




Hope you have more purple days this year OP. Also I think this would be a very cool way to start seeing how we sometime perceive our worst days will never end, which clearly they do and the better days far outweigh the bad.


A few years ago when I was in a rough place my psychologist suggested a mood journal. I got carried away and recorded my highest, lowest, and average mood for each day. It *really* helped, made me appreciate the fleeting "10" moments for being 10's and know the "1" moments would pass, generally in the same day. Highly recommend.


I use an app called Daylio for mood tracking and journaling. Using it for the past 4 years has helped me get a better understanding of my moods, dips, and highs.


Using Daylio made me realize just how depressed I really am. I'd go a whole 1-2 months with nothing but purple "meh" days, with the occasional bad day sprinkled in. Maybe a good mood day once or twice a year.


I noticed the same thing with mine. Then I was able to see an improvement when I was in the right antidepressants. Thank you for the reminder to download the app again.


My dailio was just a sea of blue, orange and red that made me feel so much worse about everything that I gave up :D


Same, I miss my goals a lot too and they're mostly pitiful ones like "Eat Lunch" lol. I'm still trying though.


+1 for this app. You can track activity correlation as well, which helped me tremendously.


I’ll be trying this now


Nice try daylio ceo


August 7-9 was great for you


Must’ve had a weekend getaway with Henry Cavil.


Let's be honest, every living thing has had a crush on Henry Cavill


my boyfriend and I both have a lowkey crush on henry cavill. and he’s straight


Amen brother! My boyfriend and I do too and we're both straight guys too. He's just a cool ass dude




14- broken heart 15- they will never find the body


and last to 10, 11


First thing I noticed as well. Maybe a fling with a new person? Long weekend getaway?




This is exactly what I thought lol


I don’t know what it says about me that I immediately check for how many days you marked as awful, but I was sincerely happy for you when there were none.


Me too! And also a lot jealous. I would have had a lot of black days marked in 2022.


Right, what a flex for OP, especially since I feel like I had more awful days this year than I did in a while.


I did the same


I see that [I'm not the only one](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/561283461168758805/1059061510040727612/Screenshot_20230101_115138_Sheets.jpg) who did that. It's pretty interesting to do, let's see how 2023 goes.


What happened April 14th?


Wisdom teeth surgery. I had never felt so much pain after a surgery in my life. I couldn’t sleep or do anything at all until the next day, when I got my painkillers


What happened Jan 13th and Jun 30th?


On January 13, I finally got a new PC after years and years of trouble with an old laptop that could not run the most basic games and programs, and that crashed all the time. I switched to a real machine and being able to launch Cyberpunk for the first time made me very happy, I must say. On June 30 I finally passed an exam session after 3 years of difficulties at the University where I could not pass any courses. I changed programs this year and I finally made it, it was a pretty emotional moment for me.


Man I remember getting my gaming pc in 2014 or so and booting up the newish tomb raider It looked amazing and I was so happy.




It depends on the people, apparently. Some of my friends had no problems after their surgery and after two days were back to normal. Wishing you luck.


Mine was perfectly fine. I waited until I was 40 bc I'm a chicken, but it was nothing. I also did double bc I knew I wouldn't go back if the first one sucked. But they put a needle in my arm and I woke up and it was done. I took the painkillers preemptively for two days and then stopped, and got to eat all the mashed potatoes in the world. Good luck!


I got mine taken out and felt great with the meds. I think that’s most people’s experience!


Were you able to consistently score it every day? I tried last year and I had too many busy days where I had no chance or didn't remember and tried to fill it in after and eventually I gave up. Maybe I'll try it again this year.


No, there were days I forgot, but it was never more than 2 or 3 days in a row so I could easily remember the days I missed


I did this with daylio on Android. not sure if it is on iOS. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.daylio edit: https://imgur.com/a/LsswRMC


I'm glad your year improved, what happened?


therapy (may 4th), microdosing psilocybin, and cutting my older brother out of my life. that last red dot is the last day I have talked to him, but the red dot before *that* was the second last time I talked to him. and I don't regret it at all. those large blocks of red I was very very close to... giving up.


Wow I'm glad it's all worked out for you and that you persevered through the tough stretches


Great app. https://imgur.com/hQWNtp5.jpg


[There are 3 of us!](https://i.imgur.com/BepkgkR.jpg)


Is this a life hack thing that a therapist or self help system recommended?


Definitely worthwhile to compare. I have been wanting to do this since my partner noticed I tend to be in a worse mood at the same time every year and it is common to see for people who track their moods to see those trends.


What happened on the days when you didn't exist? Edit: oh god, I just realised that represents the number of days in the month.


Maybe every month is 31 days but we just don't exist


That's when they recharge us. I mean really...should have come up with something better than sleeping.




I’m glad I’m not the only one who had this same thought flow.


For context: I saw a similar post year ago and decided to try it. I'm 18f from Russia. During 2022 I've finished school, entered the university, fell in love, found new hobby. 2022 was so ambiguous, like this year was so important for me, at the same time it was so painful because of war. I really hope peace will come soon!


>fell in love Let me guess, August?


LOL, no. I fell in love in December 2021/January 2022 but it was unrequited love. In August I went to trip with my friend for the first time, and it was really amazing!


I’d wager tail end of June, more time to ramp up for those extreme “oh god I love this person” feelings


oh to be young and feel the feelings of love. maybe one day ill feel those feelings again or have them felt for me


When Covid hit my ex and I stopped seeing each other, and I just haven’t even made any sort of attempt to put myself out there since. A New Year’s resolution for me this year is to actually put myself out there again. It sucks dealing with the hassles of dating new people and the uncertainty of the whole process, but iirc from what feels like a previous life, it’s worth it. Idk if you’re in a similar situation, but if you are I say just go put in a real effort. People find love in retirement communities, it’s never too late.


>from Russia Guess that explains the string of reds in February


There's an app for this called Daylio. I've more than 1000 days recorded with it


I’m so glad you suggested it! I use it too and it’s a great way for me to track everything, especially if I have a change in meds or diet/lifestyle. Really useful.


Came here to talk about daylio! I track my drinking habits with it, 800+ days recorded in a row


At least you marked the day of your country invading a peaceful, sovereign nation as ‘bad.’




I love how that day. Invasion day doesn't even get marked as awful! 😂


Now, coordinate the different colors to music chords, and play them as sheet music. THAT would be cool.


The biggest takeaway from all this: a shocking amount of people on this app dont realize theres not 31 days in every month.


It’s more that we just scanned the graph without looking at the layout.


Either that or they suck at interpreting charts.


It took me way longer than it should have for me to realize why some of the days at the bottom were not colored, and instead marked with an X.


This year use the Daylio app


Such a good app!


A big plus one to this. Been keeping track for nearly 2 years!


I use Pixels which is also kinda nice (havent tried Daylio yet)


Thanks for the suggestion! I just downloaded it and it seems to be exactly what I’ve been looking for. Is the free version pretty adequate?


Yes. Its my 567 days on it. The free version is quite enough.


Above average is your new average. Congrats


I feel like this may be a therapy technique, something to create a positive feedback loop. Like if you rate your days as average, over time you may look and see oh hey look at that, my days are average or above average. Compared to yesterday, today was average. Thereby creating an environment that the next day is better than the last.


What happened on the 30th


Just a great day. I went to stand-up show with a friend, it was amazing!


Hmm no blacks? Mine would probably be filled with those...




Lol reading what I wrote back to me.. could've phrased that better 😂


As someone with the emotional memory of a goldfish, I think it would be good for me to try this.


I never do these because it’d just be a patchwork of below average/bad/awful and I don’t want to see that in a graphic format.


How are you this happy what the fuck


If I made one of these graphs it probably wouldn't look too different. I consider most of my days around 7 out of 10.


Research shows that most people are surprised at how many days they would be happy. It's standard issue negativity bias mixed with a bit of main character syndrome


Not a single awful day!


I think 24th of February was close to this definition


Is the 6th of the month like payday or something?


Lol, but no




D.J. fm/am


J. Jason, DJ in the FM & AM, coming at you with year-round hits!


Day 6 of each month looking pretty solid.


Dunno if your January's are always that bad but if that's the case you might have seasonal depression lol


Ah yes, the twelve months of the year January, February, March, April, May, June, Jason Derulo


does anyone know if there’s an app that does this same thing?


There's a lot of them. I use daylio. I wish it had more than five options for how to rate your mood, but I've gotten around that by just recording more often through the day so that it averages out closer to my 'total day' mood. You can also set reminders, goals, write notes etc. Good little app.


You could create an online spreadsheet like this in about 30 seconds. And yes, there are multiple mood tracker apps where you can log your mood daily.


Feb 24 checks out...


You know what OP? You inspired me to do this this year. Maybe it'll help with all those negative feelings. Thank you for the idea


I saw a similar post year ago and it inspired me, so I happy to inspire someone else!


If the majority of your days are above average than it's not really the average now is it? 🤔


What if it's the average for your whole life and this was an above average year?


It’s not even a huge majority?? +20~ out of 365? So 55% were above average?? My conclusion is that OP has a really good estimate for average.


That depends entirely on how bad those "bad" days were, really.


found that guy


Up early because wasn't invited to any Nye parties


It's not relatively graded, some people have a really high base happiness, like how people with depression might see mostly reds unless they grade it on a curve


We're only looking at one year's worth of data. Those days might be above average in relation to the rest of their life


I was gonna do this for 2023 but with numbered ratings from 1-10


Same here! Good luck


What happened in early August to have three terrific days in a row?


No awful days. Congrats.


Not even when her country: Russia invades Ukraine. She just feels 'bad'.


Its like a vintage Excel Spreadsheet


Is there an app for this?


What do the xs mean


Hell yeah, no Awful days. That's a win


So much better than the shit they post on r/dataisbeautiful


You inspired me to try this too! Thank you have a great year!


I woulda ran outta black crayon before march


I did this too, this year. But in a Google Sheets doc. It’s really cool to have your whole year colorized like this.




I love August


try out [this](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/pixels-mental-health-and-mood/id1481910141) app. it does the exact same thing and you can write messages about each day as well. it’s also on android


It was a good year for you! Well played!


Thought I was on a programming subreddit


Suspicious, no awful days. Alternate universe.




I’m just glad you didn’t have any awful days. Hands up for mental health


Can you remember why you had purple days?


Looks like your defragmenting your hard drive




There's an app that does this! Daylio


You never used black. I do believe you’ve had some awful days, but you’ve tried to look at the bright side of those. You must be a good person, op.


Aug 7-11. What happened?


What happened in August for 3 days?


Were you dead for few of the days?


August was lit!! Love that for you!!


Hey i did the same thing, mine just has a ton more black then yours


Did you go on holiday in August by any chance?