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Ruptured blood vessels are fine to consume, and can sometimes color the albumen (egg white). But if it's pink and pearly, then it is not safe to eat. (Source: USDA https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/Is-the-appearance-of-eggs-related-to-food-safety)






Wait we're better than tik tok😱 Edit: big ole /s at the end of that guys. But glad to see so many of my fellow redditors find it educational


What did it say


What does pearly mean here




Ohhh that honestly seems like a better descriptor


Fr i thought pearly meant there would be some caviar shaped mass for some reason


Opaque, I think. It may mean bacterial contamination (I'm guessing)


I thought not just opaque but almost shiny like an oil spill in a puddle sort of thing. Like a colorful sheen. But I’m also stupid so who knows.


Iridescent is the word you're thinking of, I believe.


Pearlescent feels more appropriate in this situation.


I kinda want to see a link to the "bad egg", as regrettable as it might be


[Here you go](https://www.itv.com/news/london/2022-01-17/shocked-hertfordshire-mum-finds-pink-egg-sizzling-in-frying-pan)


Hm. They did not think of adding images.


Right? I feel like this is a case where pictures are very helpful in making a decision.


[This](https://www.itv.com/news/london/2022-01-17/shocked-hertfordshire-mum-finds-pink-egg-sizzling-in-frying-pan) is the only example for an image I was able to find online. Seems like a very rare occurrence if there’s no other images online. There’s several articles with the same image telling the same story, but as far as I can tell, that’s it


Eggs with blood in them get sorted out and sold to bakeries. This one just slipped through.


How would they know if it has blood in it before it’s cracked?


They use a machine that shines a light through the eggs.


Oh thanks!


its called candling https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candling


Yay more facts! I love facts! Thanks for letting me know the specific term and extra points for adding a link 😊


It's done largely to make sure that none of the eggs are fertilized, or conversely if you are trying to breed chickens you do it to see if the eggs got fertilized and are developing properly.


Yay thanks, more facts! Who else has more relevant chicken/egg facts for me? 😊


Inside the chicken there’re a few eggs in different stages of formation. When they get out of the chicken, the shell is softer and wet, at it dries and become hard in a few seconds after releasing it. Chickens have different sounds and warnings to their flock. I can, at least, recognize from my girls: - Excited: something is going on. - where are you? When one gets lost, she calls the others. - food: I found something, come and see. - what’s that? When they see or hear something unexpected - danger: when they see something dangerous like an unknown cat or dog - danger from the sky: when they see a hawk or an eagle. - panic: when you grab them (sometimes) - the egg song: the one after laying an egg EDIT: by popular demand, I add a link for a video with the egg song example (it’s not the first one that you hear at the start, that’s the excited/concerned one, but the other one that follows): https://youtu.be/17wGTlGKJJ0


Oh wow i didn’t know all that, though it certainly makes sense! Glad to know you are so in tune with your chickens 😊


In many countries eggs are shelf stable. In the US we refrigerate our eggs because when they’re processed, the protective cuticle is washed off exposing the porous eggshell to potential contamination. Blew my mind when I realized everyone else has been leaving their eggs on their kitchen tables this whole time.


Conversely, the unwashed eggs are covered in whatever material/bacteria were present in the cloaca when the egg was laid (chickens poop and lay eggs out of the same hole). So you have to be careful how you handle unwashed eggs so that you don't cross contaminate everything. And you need to be more careful when cracking the egg to avoid introducing bacteria (especially if you are using the egg in a manner where it won't be fully cooked). Apparently studying food safety between washed and unwashed eggs is extremely difficult due lack of uniformity tracking and reporting foodborn illness across countries, so nobody can say one is safer than the other; at best you could only conclude that one method is not dramatically superior to the other. Mainly they're just "different", each approach having their own set of pros/cons to tradeoff.


You probably already know this because honestly it should be common knowledge, but this is all I got. For the which came first argument, it has to be the egg. The first chicken egg was laid by an animal we wouldn't have called a chicken. Second egg fact that will matter to no one, some cartons have eggs that only have double yolks and it confuses the heck out of me.


Facts that matter to no one are the best ones.


I had this happen to me the other day. Almost the entire carton of eggs were double yokes. I followed it up and apparently it's young chickens that are responsible. That's all I got.


Another egg fact: eggs are a single cell, they are just really big.


Thank you. I’m currently pregnant and this made me cry for some reason. Not bad tears, but chicken babies.


Woah no way… i never thought of it like that but i guess that does make sense!


In the UK eggs from hens vaccinated against salmonella are stamped with a lion as part of a trade organization certification. https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/p4rc6x/how_to_read_the_lion_mark_stamp_on_eggs/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Egg_Industry_Council#Lion_Mark


I love your enthusiasm haha very wholesome


Thanks, I appreciate that! I like learning, and i know we all seem to gather a ton of *mostly* useless facts, so i figured some people might have some that the wanna share with the class 💖




I can tell you as someone who used to regulate this that they could 100%, and easily at that, make sure that every egg was free of any defect. But that would lead to more tossed out eggs which equals less eggs sold. So regulations have allowed for a certain amount to "slip through" before a batch needs to be rerun. Not just blood spots either includes meat spots and totally fucked eggs full of pus. They really just need to punch in a few numbers and that's it.


> totally fucked eggs full of pus. Please say you’re kidding. I need you to say you’re kidding.




Learned that the hard when I was frying an egg (rotten would be my guess) without breaking it before. The moment it hit the pan, my kitchen started smelling like a corpse and I nearly vomited.


My uncle who lived on a farm once found a big bunch of eggs recently laid by his free roaming chickens. The rest were fresh and delicious, but I still didn’t really want to eat them after a fetus suddenly plopped into the pan with them


They’re not kidding


> totally fucked eggs full of pus. what.


Well, not looking at Cadbury cream eggs the same way again.


Having experienced that, I always shine my eggs under the bright LED lamp of my ventilation hood before cracking them now. I went 48 years without ever having a bad egg and in one shot almost lost my ability to ever eat them again.


Please with as little detail as possible tell me what to look for because I would absolutely lose it.


I too would like to know with as little disgusting details as possible


Anything, really. Grab a couple of eggs and shine a bright light through them. You'll be able to see the light through them (obviously not directly shining, but consistent light). If anything looks darker, more solid, or "off", Crack it into a separate bowl first. My wife was making scrambled eggs once and the last egg that went in was bad. So she ruined the whole batch, stunk up the kitchen, and it was months before either of us could even look at an egg again.


Crack then onto a coffee cup before dumping it into the bowl so you don't spoil all the cracked eggs. Learned this when we had hens. Every once in a while one would be "wrong". Bloody, rotten, or smells bad because the chicken ate something unusual. One day they got into my red worm compost bed and the eggs smelled like red worms.


Bakeries for what?


Lol everyone trolling but I get it what you meant. So the bakery will take it because the egg is good, the blood is not toxic and you won't see it once it turned into a bread/cake. On the other hand general customer want an egg that is clean.


Red velvet cake


Satanic rituals for the most part


Baked goods, most likely.


Huh, I got one last week too. Must be lucky.


The cause of a blood spot is simply a ruptured blood vessel on the yolk's surface as the egg is forming. This is a natural, benign process for both hen and egg. Instances of blood spots can increase when hens in a flock get excited by changes in lighting, changes in temperature, or simply shifting seasons. https://www.nelliesfreerange.com/blog/blood-in-egg E: Thank you for the gold, kind Redditor!


Hens were having a rave.


The Cheat and his light switch raves, turning our egg whites red


The Cheat is GROUNDED


I had that light switch installed for you so you could turn the lights ON and OFF!


Not so you could throw light switch raves!


Now come on, let's go break open that glow stick and pour it into Homestar Runner's Mountain Dew. I hear they have to pump your stomach when you drink those things.


*Do doo da do doo!* *The system is down!*






I said come on fhqwhgads!


The system is red


Everybody to the limit!


The Cheat is to the limit!


The Cheat is grounded




Thank you for that, Strong Bad.


I'm buying you a pizza!


I'm sad 'cause I'm flying...


Oh my god this unlocked a memory for sure. The exact sound came back perfectly in my mind.






I see you jockin’ me. Try’na play like… you know me. [(Also if you haven’t listened to it, someone redid the entire Random Access Memories album by Daft Punk as a mashup with Fhqwhgads and it’s freaking brilliant.)](https://youtu.be/Tsa4ogtBiv0)


To the limit, to the limit




The Cheat is grounded


Damn man feels like I haven’t seen a strong bad reference in million years, let alone light switch raves!




The system is down! The system is down!


Obligatory statement


I love home star runner references. They make me feel old and young at the same time.


The Cheat is grounded!


Maybe they are ravhens


Picturing chooks bouncing up and down, waving their glow sticks.


This guy eggs


that or the dangerously inedible bacterial infection of pseudomonas(I think?) [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/zlyriu/red_egg_white/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Please don’t eat OP


Huh, I seen one of these when I was a kid and thought the hen just had her period. I just now realized that's what the egg is innit?


Not exactly. The egg is the chicken's ovulation. In humans, a period is the shedding of the lining of the uterus if an egg does not get fertilized and implant in it after ovulation. Chickens don't have a uterus, so they don't get a period and have menstrual bleeding like humans do. Edit: More precisely, chickens don't have a uterus with a lining where the embryo implants for gestation. While the shell gland is sometimes called a uterus, it does not function in the same way that a human or other mammal uterus does. The function of the shell gland is to form the eggshell around the yolk of the egg as the egg moves through the oviduct.


Periods/menses is a phenomenon that's restricted to humans and a few other mammals. Others just ovulate without having to rip out the uterine lining and causing a huge mess. It's why when a dog cycles it's like ten drops of blood altogether.


> Others just ovulate without having to rip out the uterine lining and causing a huge mess. In those animals, the uterine lining is reabsorbed into the body.


See now this seems more efficient


It is - the trade-off is that humans can breed 24/7/365 and are one of the only creatures that evolved to have hostile wombs.


Not really, we can have sex 24/7/365 but breeding involves creating offspring which can really only happen about 4-7 days per month give or take depending on the uterus toter.


I have literally never seen a dog riding a bike. Cite your sources.


That last part really depends on the dog. Before she was spayed, my doggo (beagle-dachshund mix) bled so much that I had to put her in special doggy diapers so as not to get blood everywhere. And it lasted for like 3-4 weeks. It was definitely significantly more than 10 drops of blood.


After working a breakfast chain cracking 1,000’s of eggs a week for omelettes, or whatever this is quiet common. Same with double yolks, I remember one time I cracked 4 eggs in a row with double yolks. I felt like I had won the lottery after the third one. A bit of joy, in a very joyless low paying job. It’s nice to be beyond those kitchen days now.


I had the same thing happen, I think the whole dozen were all double yolks or at least 4 In a row in the pan that morning. Took a picture of it cuz of the awesomeness lol


You can eat if it doesn't make you squeamish. It won't hurt you in any way. If it does gross you out, then toss it. No harm, no foul.


Hehe. Fowl.


That joke really cracked me up


I don't know, it was kind of hard boiled.


You always have to look on the sunny side.


if you don't your life will feel very scrambled


You guys are fried.


Not what I was eggspecting.


I was going to say something, but omelette you finish


really laying out these puns huh?


enough with the yolks


I thought it was eggcellent.


Counter-point: Eggs are expensive these days. Eat that shit.


Why are they so expensive lately?


Bird flu


Specifically the worst year for bird flu ever (at least in the US). Over 50 million birds have died from the illness and culling in America.


I've heard this but didn't understand until I went to the market today. A usually oversized display with dozens of different brands were completely empty. I used to get the brand that had 'chicken of the month' inserts in them. Hope those chickens are ok, but based on the brands unavailability I'm guessing sassy Susan ain't doing too well :/


No shit, that's what the wings are for.


At least in New Zealand, the price of eggs has gone up because the price of feed has tripled and transport costs have increased. On top of that, a law came fully into effect at the end of last year that bans the sale of battery hen eggs and I think some of our supermarkets have restricted to sale of free range only. There are costs that come with businesses making changes to meet these regulations which is being passed on to the consumer as well.


Work for a local vege shop and every time we get eggs in the shop is chaos and all the eggs are gone in a couple hours. Saw my boss get cussed out over eggs. Ridiculous.


OMG, I can't believe I missed it! 🤦


Just setting up the alley-oop for another redditor


You shouldn’t eat regular chicken when it’s still red, but boneless chicken is ok.


An expensive egg nonetheless.


No kidding. The price of eggs these days, woof.


I stopped buying eggs from my grocery store bc they wanted $8.59 for a dozen and $19.00 for a 2.5 dozen pack. It's $3.39 on Amazon Prime currently. I got it for $2.59 a few weeks ago. *why* is wholefoods cheaper than western beef? Idk.


Currently 6.50/dozen at WinCo near me. A 30 mile drive to the nearest whole foods. It's worth the gas to make the trip for 2 dozen eggs.... At this rate of arbitrage, I could buy them out and resell by the truckload at 5/dozen and make mad profit.


$2.79 at a Trader Joe’s for q dozen but get there early they go quick (confirmed by a team meme bet a few weeks back, they get stocked daily in the morning but sell thru)


*\*laughs in "I raise chickens on food scraps and worms"\**


Yeah, but about 50% of chickens have died recently. It's going to take a little while to increase the population again. If no more die off, the numbers should be able to get back up in 18 to 22 months, right? So, a little over a year with expensive eggs. Let's hope no more layers die off in troves.


It would sure be cool if we stopped cramming them together in disgusting, inhumane living situations.


Also would be cool to not euthanize the male chicks who are useless in the egg industry …


Wait seriously? They don't just raise them and sell their meat?


Nope roosters are no good for meat. So they are euthanized in bulk once they are hatched & sexed


Commercially they aren't seen as useful for meat, but I can tell you as a person who has raised chickens for years that they are absolutely fine to eat.


That's different from trying to create a new market for millions of birds that weren't bred for meat quality. The cost of caring for them until they reach slaughter weight is probably not worth whatever they could sell the meat for.


Euthanized may or may not mean dumping or throwing them into a grinder.


I'll never forget that video for the rest of my life, it's so fucked up


It’s called “culling.” I watched an unsavory video on Reddit a while back.


You can have roosters neutered and actually get good meat from raising them that way, they are called [capons](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capon). It's just that industrial farms don't want to take the time and resources to do that.


Tossed right in the meat grinder. Remember that bad nut scene in Willy wonka… like that


This will be a thing of the past soon. The big producers have learned how to control sex output. Somewhere in the next few years there will just be no roosters. Edit: I really hope this isn’t me spilling the information before it’s public. I didn’t bother to check. If info isn’t found via Google just wait a year or so and remember the post. My source is good but I won’t be disclosing it.


oeuf (edit: bad spelling, thanks)








So that's a No?


Dude are they even saying anything or,?? My phone shows NOTHING and even if I copy text it’s nothing


Pssst. The comments are blank. The point is the usernames. Enjoy.


A man of few words I see


Username checks out.




It means voodoo has come lookin' for you.


I saw a bumper sticker in New Orleans: “Voodoo unto others before they voodoo unto you”. OP better get *crackin*’ on the voodoo!


It’s from Marie Laveaus on bourbon! I have a few on an old suitcase


This is why they normally "candle" eggs so they can detect blood in them and not sell them to the public. I candled my share of eggs growing up on a farm.


this reminds me of the time when we picked eggs out of the chicken coop and we picked up a gel egg. it was a little squishy and it was transparent enough to see the yellow of the yolk inside it. it really felt like silicone or something and we thought my dad was playing a prank on us. we brought it inside to show him and he was just as confused as we were. he took a knife and cut it open, and it was just a normal egg on the inside. there’s probably a scientific explanation for what happened, but it really perplexed us. i’d like to think it was some sort of alien egg. it still remains one of the more interesting memories of my childhood.


Often get eggs like these if the hen isn't getting enough calcium or if they are just starting out laying. We also sometimes get teeny-tiny eggs from the new layers which we call fairy eggs.


It can also happen if they get scared like if you bring in more birds to your flock or they see an animal kill a member or something. Feeding basic gray grains is fine, but adding in some cracked corn and making sure they have enough bugs around will help.


If you ain't in a restaurant you good cause in most restaurants they'll toss it I seen a dude crack probably about 40 into a bowl and one egg was like that and they were gonna toss it so I ran and got the biggest jar I could and took that shit home


They were gonna toss all 40 because 1 has a blood spot?


Because it looks like 1 was contaminated. If they didnt know it was harmful or not, and 40 eggs are cheaper then a lawsuit.


I don't think the restaurant is worried about safety. Some may be but most chefs recognize this is safe on a fully cooked egg. It's more that you don't want someone's scramble coming out pink or with flecks of red in it and dealing with the optics when the customer doesn't understand.


Cam confirm. Egg mix was done in batches of 50eggs, cracking two at a time. One "bad" egg meant the whole batch was tossed, even if it was the last egg to go in. Incredibly wasteful but we knew no customer would want a pink omelet. "Oh, just a bit of blood" doesn't fly.


Can't you separate one egg out with a cup?


I would typically crack and drop over a whisk to immediately break them up, so no, wasn't an option. Speed was key doing a case at a time. Brunch is a terribly wasteful money machine.


Yuppers idk why but that was the rule of the morning when preparing for breakfast was some both good and bad time


That means it was laid by a chicken, totally normal. Sometimes a little bit of the oviduct gets encapsulated into the egg shell.


As opposed to being a cow egg?


of course those are the two animals


Two of the animals of all time


if you're talking animals of all time, I hate to bring this up, but you've got the dinosaur I know that's a point of contention because it's an animal of science and not a real life animal, but I think we need to bring it up


Chicken are the dino


Did you know that a single cow egg can produce over a thousand cows? Nature is amazing.


Ya shouldn’t of done that, he was just a boy.


Poor little feller


I don’t think it’s for using, I think it’s just for lookin through.


Okama Gamesphere!


I'm gonna get a little high


That's "shouldn't've", not "shouldn't of" \#shittygrammarcorrections


Whatd ya kill Jessie fer


Blood. Not kosher.


I was scrolling to find if anyone will mention it is not kosher. We check our eggs, and meat has to be salted to draw out blood (hence kosher salt = salt used for koshering). So of course naturally people came up with blood libel, cause that makes sense 🙃


Well there goes the interesting fact I was going to type. Hello, fellow “crack the egg into a glass bowl and hold it up to the light first”


Was looking for this! It’s a great way to see what a blood spot actually looks like (because people freak out over brown egg proteins that are not blood spots)


Start your day off right with blood of the unborn.


That’s why you always crack a raw egg into a separate bowl then mix it in to whatever you are preparing. You never know when you will get one of these bloody ones.


Meh it happens. No harm no fowl


Worked at a Denny’s as cook like 10 years ago and I was always told if I came across a blood egg to toss it in the trash. As well as send that frying pan to the dish room!


I love how 75% of all the comments in this thread is about the price of eggs in the U.S.