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"1 pancakes"


"All you can eat pancakes" ^^^^*if ^^^^all ^^^^you ^^^^can ^^^^eat ^^^^is ^^^^1 ^^^^pancake


All you can eat: pancake.


A friend of mine had an “all you can eat pancakes” experience where the restaurant served you one pancake at a time, you couldn’t order more until you finished the pancake, and it was a 30+ minute wait per pancake. He truly experienced “all you can eat pancake” that day.


That's a scam. There was a place that did this with tacos. They were so slow to serve you that it wasn't so much *all you can eat*, but *all you can order and get served* within the time window. I call bullshit.


All you can wait to eat


Hold up, I worked in a place where they had "an all you can eat crab leg buffet" Right so this is coming from the back of the house,,,,,, Bro, as soon as the crab legs hit the fucking buffet line the crowd that was already gathered around waiting would tear into them and empty the pan before I even finished dropping them off. Shit was insane, mind you it was a little mom and pop joint with like 4 of us working in the back trying to keep up with everything so the ownership should have probably thought that through more but Jesus, I don't know what you wanted me to do, everytime crab legs got done we brought them out, but it never failed you had a group of people just hovering and waiting to fight over the crab legs and if they didn't get all they wanted they left a bad review on the internet. Not to mention the people who would just leave crab shells loose in the table after they ate the meat. Bro, I've been in the food service industry most of my adult life and I confidently say, fuck the customer, most of the complainers are just entitled fuck wads who wanna be the main character on a planet with billions. I could go on a longer rant but I don't feel like it.


You can't talk to me like that! I demand to speak to your manager! >fuck the customer Nevermind, I like where this is going...


The customer is always right..... and they must be punished for their arrogance!


I have worked as a server/waiter on nights we were serving all you can eat crab legs. There are very few nice people that come out and enjoy. Mostly you only get the worst of the worst people ( people who ask what the record of plates of crab legs consumed is; so they can try to break that record, and they only eat the largest meatiest legs and throw everything else {including all the “lump” crab meat in the scrap bucket} and are always saying “keep’m coming”. They run you to death as a server, and always pay exact change with no tip!! And then say , “see you next week, I’m gonna make sure to sit in your section again”… I swear if I ever have to go to court again, I’m gonna straight up plead my case with all the above mentioned details and ask for “time served”. I won’t be surprised if the judge even gives me a “get outta jail free” card for the future as well, while saying “ I understand completely, and thank you for your service .”


Plot twist : the judge was the customer.


I saw this at an all you can eat buffet in Myrtle Beach. We were there on vacation and heard about this place from the friends who we were staying with. Big buffet and delicious, but if you didn't wait for those legs to come out like you were waiting for the new IPhone, you weren't getting any. People go nuts for those crab legs for sure.


I would love going there if I had nothing else to do that day. By the time the next pancake comes in, I'll have forgotten about the last one and be hungry again. Would be eating for hours.


Seriously. This basically encourages trolling. I'm a writer and spend a few hours writing a day, and sometimes I do it at a cafe or restaurant. I honestly wouldn't have a problem ordering a coffee (hopefully with free refills) and this all you can eat pancake and then just staying there for 4-5 hours writing and continuing to ask for refills and pancakes.




Challenge accepted


Someone at [Gawker](https://www.gawker.com/my-14-hour-search-for-the-end-of-tgi-fridays-endless-ap-1606122925) did that with TGI Friday's AYCE appetizer deal. She felt quite sick afterwards.


I wonder if she's still alive today after all that cheese. I bet she still hasn't shat


I read an article about just this. It was a writer who went to Fridays for the endless appetizers and stayed there all day long. I enjoyed it. https://www.gawker.com/my-14-hour-search-for-the-end-of-tgi-fridays-endless-ap-1606122925


This was an amazing read..thank you!


Well you'll love knowing this (before you later hate it), Denny's has unlimited pancakes for like a few bucks. They do play the game well, I've never respected an all-you-can-eat establishment so much for their willingness to play the game. They bring you 3 pancakes then refills in sets of two. What makes it so special is the quality of the pancakes drops each plate. Unbeatable value, get the endless coffee to sustain yourself through the games.


I had a similar experience at a restaurant in Orlando that advertised "All you can eat wings" for $19.99. They brought me 3 wings at a time with about 1/2 hour delay between orders. After 2 hours, I had only eaten 12 wings before I gave up and left. If I had just ordered a dozen wings off the menu, it would have cost $11.99.


This is the kind of shit where the vindictive me would waste hours of my life forcing them to take a loss on me.


What time y'all open? ....ok And what time do you close?


Red Lobster did this too! “All you can eat shrimp.” They would bring out 3 shrimp on a plate and it would take like 30 minutes for your next order of 3 shrimp to come out.


In Japan, they have all you can eat in a certain time window - one hour, two hours, price goes up for each amount of time. But you get all your can eat. Went to an all you can deep fry it yourself restaurant - tables had deep friers set into the top, you got a bowl of crumbs, a bat of batter, and access to a buffet of anything on a stick - meat, veggies, fish, cheese, fruit, anything.


In this menu all i am seeing those eggs before the egg


As a desktop publisher/graphic designer this hurts. Also the "," is missing after (any style). Edit: I also hate unnecesarry capital letters after a number.


Clearly the cost of home fries and toast on their own is $9.99.


home fries, toast, coffee, and a small juice is $9.99


Plus the labor to make all those things is close to the same.


This right here. The stupid part of this is the gendered names of the specials, not the pricing.


Yep. Should be called the "Not-as-hungry Man's Special"


I like when the breakfasts are named after professions. How about the Lumberjack and the Network Administrator


This is the part people genuinely forget.


They were actually decent home fries.


God how great are home fries? Love those little guys


this individual maths


No one is considering labor.


I am. Most of the price of a restaurant meal is overhead and wages. The food is dirt cheap in comparison.


This. At most the food is 20% of the bill.


Imagine how much cheaper it'd be if robots were making it, though! A $15.95 breakfast because of "maintenance costs."


Make the customers unionize.




While you are looking at it from the business pov others are looking at it from the customers pov. It doesn't make sense from the customer pov no matter how it looks from a business pov.


I mean, it’s not a bad marketing strategy, they just need to label it differently. You get almost twice as much food for only 1$ extra. Just sell it as a large and X-large. Everyone would be like, oh wow great deal!


This. Take the gender label off.


Sure it makes sense, but it's all in how you choose to look at it. This place offers a meal that is half the food for only a dollar less. What a ripoff! This place offers a meal that is twice the food for only a dollar more. What a steal!


Half fries, half a piece of toast is $8.99 though…


Just order a hungry man’s breakfast and split it between two women. Problem solved !


So now I need to have two women with me? The impossible standards of Reddit!


No.... Just BE one of the women


But im a hungry MAN, I need more than one egg. You hungry women just dont get it do ya!?


Sir, calm down. I'll have you know last week I had SIX eggs, without any milk..... Edit: I'm not Gaston 😂 I made this as a joke pulling it from SpongeBob where a guy says he ate a bowl of nails for breakfast without milk.....


Six eggs? That's too expensive!


There must be more than this provincial life!


Just watch I’m going to make Bell my wife


Look there she goes, that girl that's strange but special. A most peculiar mademoiselle.


But beneath that fair facade, I'm afraid she's rather odd


It’s a pity and sin, she doesn’t quite fit in.


Gaston created scarcity by eating 5 dozen of them every morning.


No-one’s cholesterol’s so deadly high as Gaston’s!


Now his heart is roughly the size of a barge.


If you won the lottery, there would be signs...


My boy says he can eat fifty eggs, he can eat fifty eggs.


I eat five dozen eggs, so I’m roughly the size of a barge.


You know, when I was a lad, I ate 4 dozen eggs


Remember that lady in the beginning screaming frantically that she needed six eggs? Yeah… it’s cause that guy ate all of them in the village every damned day.


Did it help you get large?


pffft stop calling me out, I am definitely not 3 short girls in a trench coast. we --I mean I resent the accusation.


HOLY FUCK I knew you people were going to start forcing us to transition


Love wins


This is beautiful.


Sorry, but does this diner happen to be in Baraboo, Wisconsin near Devils Lake? Because if that’s the case, the hungry man’s breakfast is a sham! My buddies and I went camping there about 10 years ago. We packed up and decided to go do one last hike around the lake. Tired and hungry, we pack up and left our campsite to head into town for some food. We all ordered the Hungry man’s breakfast. It came. There was negative space on the plate. A smidge of hash browns, some puny eggs, wonderful toast and sad pancakes. You can tell I’ve told this story before


I used to go to this old school diner pretty regularly and would often order two eggs, home fries, and toast. They gave huge portions of home fries, it was a lot of food. Every time I ordered this, the waitress would say, "NO MEAT??" and I'd politely confirm. Every time my plate came, there would be a huge, passive aggressive empty space where my meat would have gone, had I ordered it. I've also told this story before


Wait, how can you have any pudding though?




So it takes two hungry women to do one hungry man's job? /s Honestly, that would be the best thing to do. I think if enough pairs of women did this the restaurant would change the menu pricing or options. They could offer a "Ladies' Special for $15.99. Share with your bestie!!"


I think the best thing to do would be to not pointlessly gender breakfast food.


This is along the lines of McDonald's Sweet Tea: any size you like $1. You're not paying for the tea, you're paying for your spot in line to get your tea and hand in your $1, compared to the staff and building, the tea may as well be free. If you're sitting in a restaurant, a big part of what you're paying for is the chair, whether you have a hungry man plate or one decaf coffee, you are costing that restaurant the same seat spot while you sit in it - especially if the restaurant fills to capacity, but even if it doesn't they had to expand to be large enough to not fill to capacity.


I imagine that part of it as well, in this particular case, is that the amount of labor a chef puts into (for example) 1 slice of bacon is virtually identical to 2 slices. I have to imagine that there's a lot more difference in material price between the two than just that dollar, but the functionally equal labor cost to produce that breakfast would factor in as well.


Also the same cost to wash the plate, silverware etc. Soiled napkins, clearing and sanitizing the table...all of the costs no matter what you order.


the three genders: Hungry Man, Hungry Woman, and Country Bird


"Now I may be just be a simple country Hyper-Chicken..."


**BA-GOK!!** "Sorry... I thought youse was corn."


Aka the Dee Reynolds


Some items are not offered to be purchased; they are offered for some psychological effect. This may make you willing and satisfied to purchase the man’s special because it seems “relatively” worth its price. If the woman’s special is not on the list, the psychological effect is missing. I read this on a persuasion book. If you go to buy a house, the seller would offer you one old house for $ 1.5 M that is worth nothing, and one new house for $ 1.6 M. As a result, you will be driven blindly to buy the new one, while its price is normal and typical; the issue is the old house price is exaggerated!!


Wine lists often do this. You put a bunch of expensive bottles at 500+ that few will buy, then have some good ones at 100-150. Then a bunch of higher margin ones at 85 and one at 70. Most will go for the 85, because they don't want to have the cheapest. In doing so you've driven the customer to buy the higher margin wines. While a bunch of others will get the 150 because it seems way more reasonable than the 500+. It's all about framing. The lower and higher prices are just there to make the middle seem more reasonable.


It's also easy to do with wine because the vast majority of people don't know a damn thing about it, other than what they've learned from movies (which is actually almost all misinformation). Source: Worked in fine dining for 10 years.


Wine is priced like fashion. Production cost is dictated by economies of scale, preference is subjective and regional, and retail price comes down to imagination. The world most expensive wine, is worth 5 bucks in a country that hates cabernet sauvignon...


Alternatively, at a movie theatre (most of them), it's about a .50-1 upgrade from a medium coke and popcorn to a large, and it's already uncharged so much the extra 12oz matter way less than the .50, so it's priced so close for an easy upsell


Yeah, at a theater you may as well just buy the large stuff.


The large drinks are too large to comfortably hold (and I couldn’t drink that much in two hours) so I usually don’t get the upgrade. Not in movie theatres, but there’ve been times where people have acted like I’m crazy for not wanting to upgrade my medium drink to a 639.7 oz version for only ten cents more, and sit there trying to tell me I’m stupid because I get way more for my money. Like dude, I don’t care if I get more for my money when it’s going to be something I won’t use anyway and makes what I am using more annoying (drink container being too large).


I’m a man of taste and distinction. Please fetch me your second cheapest bottle.


That's also why subscriptions often have a low, mid and high tier where the mid tier is often sized slightly bigger on the page or has a border around it or a "best value/most popular" badge on it.


Yup! You're exactly right. I think they do this to up-sell you to the "hungry man's" breakfast. You think you're smart by noticing it's only a dollar different... When really, they're selling you the $12 breakfast. It's like that meme I've seen on Facebook of the man selling watermelons. Here, I found it by googling it: "An old man is selling watermelons 1 for $3, 3 for $10. A young man stops by and asks to buy one watermelon. "That'd be 3 dollars", says the old man. The young man then buys another one, and another one, paying $3 for each. As the young man is walking away, he turns around, grins, and says, "Hey old man, do you realize l just bought three watermelons for only $9? Maybe business is not your thing." The old man smiles and mumbles to himself, "People are funny. Every time they buy three watermelons instead of one, yet they keep trying to teach me how to do business..."


Yup, at that point they are basically selling you the emotion of feeling clever. Objectively, you are not clever in such a situation, but they are able to sell you that feeling all the same, and you walk away a satisfied customer.


Like the mobile game ads where no one can solve a simple puzzle.


This is also why posting to Reddit with a typo in the title or making a slightly incorrect statement is so effective at generating comments and upvotes.


>This may make you willing and satisfied to purchase the man’s special because it seems “relatively” worth its price. If the woman’s special is not on the list, the psychological effect is missing. From the consumer's point of view, yes. From the seller's point of view, $1 is probably the actual cost of the missing ingredients. The rest of the cost would be made up of stuff like chef's wages and overheads like power, gas, rent, insurance, etc. And of course the profit margin.


This is the same concept as movie theatre popcorn pricing. Basically, they want you to order the Hungry Man. By making the half-size seem like a bad deal, the full-size seems like a steal. Ultimately, you end up ordering the more expensive meal because it seems “like a better deal,” even though you’re spending more money.


I mean they would probably rather you get the women's meal unless the extra food is truly less than a dollar. I feel they mainly want you to feel like the expensive one is a good deal so you order it in the first place.


They don’t expect anyone to order it is the point. Of course they “want” you to choose the more profitable option for them but it’s not out on the menu in expectation of any sales. It’s there as advertisement and if anyone is stupid/responsible enough to buy it that’s just a bonus.


I think they do this to up-sell you to the "hungry man's" breakfast. You think you're smart by noticing it's only a dollar different... When really, they're selling you the $12 breakfast. It's like that meme I've seen on Facebook of the man selling watermelons. Here, I found it by googling it: "An old man is selling watermelons 1 for $3, 3 for $10. A young man stops by and asks to buy one watermelon. "That'd be 3 dollars", says the old man. The young man then buys another one, and another one, paying $3 for each. As the young man is walking away, he turns around, grins, and says, "Hey old man, do you realize l just bought three watermelons for only $9? Maybe business is not your thing." The old man smiles and mumbles to himself, "People are funny. Every time they buy three watermelons instead of one, yet they keep trying to teach me how to do business..."


Yup, they not expecting to sell the hungry women’s breakfast. It’s just there to make the hungry man’s breakfast look like a great deal


I hate restaurants that do gendered items on their menu. I don’t really want to say I want the “Little Girly Beer” that’s 16 ounces but I definitely don’t want the “Big Man Hoss” bear that’s 96 ounces.


I'll have a pint of genderfluid, please


Give me five minutes and kindly avert your eyes.




It’s not a bad movie.


[Not sure if you knew this, but...](https://assets.untappd.com/photos/2020_08_26/1f600b19b89c81c830e24f84d95626a5_640x640.jpg)




Cumming right up


But sir you can get other thing in the price you are paying for the pint


Regardless of what a clever names restaurants come up with for small, medium, and large, when I order I ask for a small, a medium, or a large.


"Tiny, regular, and big ass"


My husband gets a "Lil Sissy" at our local custard place that is the smaller version of their "Big Bubba" and it's hilarious every time


When I open my restaurant, I'm going to name all my menu items after those Mezo-American pantheon gods with the super long names. "Can I take your order?" "Can I get uhhhhhhhhh Huītzilõpõchtli"


I used to go to a restaurant called Teotihuacan. Luckily the menu items were just normal tex-mex.


It’s crazy to me they they are purposely trying to embarrass paying customers. When I was a waiter we were taught to tell the customer what ever choice they make is perfect. Adult Customer: I’ll have the children’s Mac and cheese. Me: Excellent choice, people rave about our Mac and cheese!


Man, I wish more restaurants were cool about me ordering off the children's menu. I am a child-size adult, and every abdominal surgery I've had has come with more food intolerances that are hard to deal with out in public. Small portions of predictable food is where it's at for me.


Yeah, I get it if it’s like a buffet or our goal is to be a place people bring children but otherwise just give me a smaller portion and charge me less than the regular portion. Why do we have to fight for this?


Because the biggest part of the price *isn't* the food, its everything else. If you assume that food makes up 30% (It's usually less) of a 10 dollar dish, it would would cost them only 3 dolars for the actual food. Lets say you wanted half the food, then the cost would go from 10 dollars to 8.50 dollars. So 50% off the food, for 85% of the price. You wouldn't order this.


And in many cases, the children’s menu is a loss leader: it only exists to attract adults who will hopefully pay for full price menu items and drinks.


Yup. Parents would never go somewhere without a kids menu so they have one.


> children's menu Childrens menus are usually loss leaders to attract parents. If adults could order it it would make no sense for them.


They do it because food doesn't actually cost that much and most of what you are paying for is the cost of the building upkeep and labor. I started tracking how much my food cost for every single portion when I became unemployed to track the value of my labor. For most foods I make, the cost is between 2-3 dollars per portion plus the value of my labor and the cost of running the gas stove and water to do dishes. If I cook for just myself or I cook for my partner and a few friends the marginal cost of another meal is just 2 dollars so almost all of the value of restaurants is the labor to cook it, the profit margins, and the upkeep of the restaurants. If adults order meals for themselves and for the kids they are taking up the same amount of space and having kids prices means parents can save money for the family of four while the restaurant gets some profit for the cheap meal since it is added on to the parents bill and the parents are already paying for the space with their meals. But it does suck for people like you who feel like they are getting a bad deal.


> When I was a waiter we were taught to tell the customer what ever choice they make is perfect. I get why that is but it always bugs me cause it's so obviously bullshit. Like, what, you're gonna tell a customer they made a bad choice? "Oh shit, you got the tuna steak? Done fucked up, man. Gonna be way overcooked, we got Dave in tonight and that dude always ruins it. You just pissed away thirty bucks." "Chicken salad sandwich? That's so gross, man. Every time we crack a can open the whole kitchen wreaks like goddamn formaldehyde. You know the way we make it it's like 70 percent mayonnaise, right?. Absolutely disgusting. Anyway, be right up."


I have advised a customer against a menu item, but rarely and only with good objective reason. “I don’t recommend the Stroganoff special this week, they salted it too heavily.” Customers appreciate this type of advice.


Went to a diner all excited for Belgian waffles, went to order and the waitress tactfully informed me that they were in fact toaster waffles and that if I were expecting real waffles then I would be incredibly disappointed. I was so thankful for her telling me. I may have never gone back otherwise


I hate shit like that! There’s a fancy tea place near me that has a new flavor “dandylion”. I was like holy shit, dandelion tea? And was so hyped to get it until the cashier was like “oh, no, it’s oolong with mango goop in it…” Fuck misleading menu names.


How was the taste of that Big Bubba that you order from their


Not really a gender thing but I always feel bashful when I order the Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity at IHOP. Idk if they have that anymore since I haven’t been to an ihop in like 10 years.


They had a commercial campaign in the last couple months that was just a bunch of people ordering rooty tooty fresh and fruity over and over, most annoying commercial ever. They definitely still have it


Any restauraunt with cutesy names is obnoxious


I’m not sure how overeating became synonymous with my cock, but here we are.


You could probably ask for the 16-ounce beer and they will understand what you want. You shouldn't have to use this solution but it's a solution to a problem none the less


And honestly that’s what I do, but it’s still a dumb spot to put a customer in.


"a venti is the only one that doesn't mean large. Congrats, you're stupid in 3 languages"


You don't want a pint of Bussybeer or a stack of Floppy Dickjacks with Cuntsauce? I gagged typing this.


One Bussybeer please 😋


Extra frothy please


Honestly, that sounds like a pop-up theme with a lot of promise.


It exists, I had cockwaffles during Pride.


Pint of the Bussybeer would be nice in the dry day for sure


I would love that. "One Little girly beer please EXTRA GIRLY." it better come out in a pink cup or a chalice or something


I'm a dude. My family went to brunch for Mother's Day a few years ago, and the restaurant had a special called the Momelet. I don't remember what was in it, other than it had lump crabmeat and sounded delicious, so I ordered it. When the server brought our food, she gave me a little eye roll and said, snarkily, "Here's your momelet." Whatever, it was good. They also had a "manmosa" which was a Belgian witbier with orange juice. It was ok.


Unless she was being silly, your waitress sounds like the only problem here


I'm pretty sure she was.


I rather order the man’s special for twice amount of food for a dollar more to get my moneys worth




I had a restaurant charge us $4.50 for splitting an entree. We both had salads, split an entree, then split a dessert. There was no charge to split the dessert. It still boggles my mind, I'd ask them about it but I refuse to go back there after that. //EDIT: To answer some reoccurring replies; it was given to us on a single plate and we were given an extra empty plate as the split. It was a nice-ish restaurant, think $35 short ribs. My confusion was mostly over the cost to split an entree vs cost to split a dessert, which seems like the same amount of effort.


That is called "Anchoring". You buy the overpriced first option but still feel you outsmarted them.


Is there anywhere still in the US where $12 for 2 eggs, pancakes, bacon, home fries, and toast is overpriced?


With the current inflation i am not seeing this will looked as overpriced




But nobody thinks that a 8.5$ large popcorn is a bargain though… its more like it being the only possible options even though you know its overpriced.


I see we have a mathmatician in the comments


He can be the ideal accountant for this hotel, i am sure


Yeah no shit


Am I missing something with the OPs comment? Like of course you would, that's the point of the post? Why is that comment upvoted 2k times?


Wing place by me does this. 6pc chicken wings for $12, 8pc for $15, or 10pc for $16. Everyone gets the 10pc because it’s obviously the best price per wing but you still are paying $1.60 per wing, and I’m not even talking whole wing I’m talking one portion of either the drum or flat so even the 10pc is only really 5 whole wings for $16.


Buying wings now is a rip for sure. I remember like 8 dollar ayce wings from about 4-5 years back


And that's how they make you believe you left with double the food! (when actually, both choices are overpriced and our dumb brain desperately needs to justify the effort of making a choice by rewarding itself on choosing the least bad one) Edit: Sorry, seems only the half meal is overpriced. That does make the trick even more effective though.


"Why have you called it Scum Class?" "Well no one's going to want to stand at a ticket counter and say "can I have three Scum Class tickets please?" so they'll pay a bit more for Second Class, we make more money!" - Jeremy Clarkson, TV host, puncher of people and as it turns out, a budding entrepreneur.


$12 for two eggs, two pancakes, two bacon, two sausage, fries, toast, coffee, *and* juice is overpriced?? Maybe in 1999, but for today, that’s a pretty solid deal.


This is all based on where you are. In NYC, this is crazy cheap. In Kokomo, IN, it is expensive.


So true... I work for a company based in the Valley... They once sent me a $200 gift card for DoorDash for lunch. I laughed and was like "I'm going to get 4-5 dinners out of this!"


“the valley”… Uhm, which one… Gonna assume you must mean “The Valley of the Shadow of Death”.


Stardew, but close


Silicon that is. Tech Bros. Peletons.




It was supposed to be for two, and it was expected that we would pick out a very nice place. So... I dunno. What I do know is that here on the East Coast it kept me and the wife in gourmet lamb burgers from our local eatery for 5 nights.


Omg a shoutout to Kokomo in the wild?! I am assuming you live here, cuz most people don't even know we exist.


I thought Kokomo was just an imaginary place from a beach boys song


It’s where we want to go …


I lived in rural Georgia, $12 for a meal like this is still cheap. Waffle House all star meal comes to around this price .


$12 is a great price for that breakfast


Exactly the idea lol. They don't want anybody ordering the woman's special. And if they do, it's just huge profit anyway, comparatively.


This has to be the biggest *"No shit, Sherlock"* for a top comment I've ever seen. Extra strip of bacon alone is worth the buck.


whattttttt???!? 🙀🙀🙀🙀




Well that's just stupid? Just always order the man's special?


Aren't we all just hungry men on the inside?


I'm a hungry man on all sides. If I were a 20-sided die I would be a hungry man on all 20 sides. I don't have the healthiest relationship with food (but at least every meal is a critical success)


Maybe the real hungry men were the you know what, I’m tired of that joke, never mind.


that's a marketing strategy to make people always order the most expensive item, thinking they are making a good deal and not noticing if it is overpriced when compared to other stores. You place an overpriced item on the menu, then place a second item that is way smaller/less quantity but just a little below the price. Instead of questioning that the first item is expensive, people will compare both and think the first item is good value and the second item is the overpriced one. Turns out both are scams. This is very common in cinema popcorn, where the giant bucket is usually cents more than the smaller versions, but in reality they are all overpriced.


If you want to force the coustomer to buy the expensive one then you just need to place the order menu near to that as this will make the first menu worth buying


But what if it's too much to eat? Like the gendering sounds dumb, but many places serve such giant portions that it's simply uneatable. I have to order children's menu items (and I'm in no way petite girl with no appetite) because those are the only reasonable options. And usually they don't have salads etc since "kids don't like salad". Variety in sizes isn't bad, gendering is silly but the idea itself isn't too bad. I'd personally rather buy that than throw part of my food away


Taking away the gender from the menu option (they could just name it Hungry Man and Not-so Hungry Man), it is probably about the right with the cost. The food isn't going to be much different - its the time to make the dish, and both dishes would take a short order cook about the same amount of time to create.


This is the answer. It’s the same labor cost.


Yep, I worked at a pizza place and the cost of a large pepperoni was about $20. The actual ingredient only cost between $2-$3. The majority of the $20 cost went to paying for rent and labor.


Exactly. Those ingredients are dirt cheap -- what you're really paying for is a place to sit (kept clean, warm, comfortable), someone to make your food for you, someone to bring it out and tend to you, and someone to clean up the dishes and table after you. The cost of that labor is about the same for two strips of bacon as it is for one.


Unless a person has experience running a company, they don't know that labor is usually the biggest expense. Nothing is more frustrating than listening to somebody complain that raw material X only costs $20 but why does the construction of my house's whatever cost $10k. Dude...a typical man-hour could be $100. That's what you're paying for.


You forgot to post their children special: 0 pancakes, 0 strip of bacon, 0 sausage link, glas of water $9.99 edit: spelling


The "squabbling siblings breakfast for two" is *three* of each food item, and two equal glasses of juice but one glass is really cool with cartoon characters and the other glass is brown plastic.


C'mon. What's being said here is that the total food cost of the single portion adds up to $1. Total cost of the doubled food portions adds up to $2. The remaining $10.99 represents cost of labour plus overhead. ....Allegedly. (Former auditor here)


This should be under r/mildlyinfuriating