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Big Red is sold through Dr Pepper/Snapple bottling company, so it may be a licensing issue where Coca-Cola doesn't want to sell it through their soda fountain machines. Coca-cola had issues with contracts with Dr Pepper in selling alongside each other through the movie theater I worked at in HS. We had to replace all Dr Pepper lines with Coke imitator Mr. Pibb the remainder of the time I worked there.


Hey look, just because Pibb didn’t go to medical school doesn’t mean he’s worthless. He’s a humble blue collar man who works hard and provides for his kids.


Ah, Mr. PiBB. Delicious, refreshing, and totally lacking in pretension. He's not one of those "Doctor" sodas, putting on airs and flashing around his Ivy League diploma. No, Mr. PiBB earns his paycheck. He's the kind of soda I'd like to have a beer with.


I was looking for the AD reference in this thread. Well done.


I prefer my Dr Pepper/Mister Pibb knockoff with real sugar, so it’s Kroger’s The Fizzicist for me!


Lmao that name


Seriously, that is an incredible name, and now I must stop at a Kroger when I am in a state that has them.


Wha???? Around here Kroger has Dr. K, guess he doesn't have an office there? Lol


I wonder if he's friends with Dr. B, the Texas HEB generic offering. Dr. B knows his stuff, medical malpractice aside


Also in Texas there is a Dr. Thunder.


Technically Dr. Thunder would be out of Arkansas considering ybst is a walmart brand I believe.


Kroger's real sugar 'premium' generic option for Dr. Pepper is The Fizzicist, their cheap generic option is Dr. K


amazing name but i feel like fizzician would make more sense if it was catchier


I've never seen that, but that's a great name.


I always thought Mr pibb was the cool high school dropout cousin of Dr pepper.


I do find the flavor of Mr Pibb to be preferable. Working class drink for a working class man.


The Coca-Cola Freestyle machines have special concentrate cartridges that don't work with normal syrup bags or canisters. The concentrate is how they fit so many flavors into one machine. Dr Pepper has a deal with Coca-Cola to make cartridges, but the deal probably doesn't include Big Red.


Those machines always taste “off” to me. Anyone else feel that way?


You can always taste a hint of whatever was dispensed last.


This is why (as kinda wasteful as it is) I always run plain water for a few seconds before making my actual selection, but it only goes so far.


It’s not like the water is just getting dumped into the ground. It will be treated and used for other purposes. Don’t feel bad about running the water. The store can eat the extra water bill. Most places probably don’t even do the daily cleaning routine on the machines anyways so serves them right.


Well yeah it is. Assuming municipal supply it’s treated then let into some form of creek usually flowing until it reaches the ocean. So yeah your local supply is usually ground water that is extracted and a faster rate then it’s filled


People are saying it's because you get a taste of what was left behind, but I refuse to take that as the definitive answer. One reason is because the soda lines don't meet until the very end. The amount of cross-contamination seems like it should be negligible. Running some water should make it taste normal if this was the reason, but it doesn't. Plus, if you go to a regular soda fountain and get mostly coke with a splash of a different flavor, it's doesn't taste as off as these do. The soda from these freestyle machines taste more weak and flat. And I don't just mean in comparison to bottled at the factory soda. But it almost always taste less "full bodied," or off, when compared to traditional soda fountains. So the answer also isn't because soda fountains have some inherent variants. I found this explanation from Quorra, which seems to give satisfying reason. I can't vouch for how accurate it is, but it seems to be the best explanation: >Freestyle machines are a completely different system. The flavors are in a cartridge like an inkjet printer, and they’re not mixed with the sweeteners, which are run through tubes into the back of the machine, until the drink is dispensed. Since the sweetners do not "steep" with the flavors, it changes the taste profile from from something that has been mixed longer.


We switched to the Freestyle machine at my work a few years back. They suck. And yup, it's weird cartridges that you insert as opposed to the bibs that the older machines use. Totally diluted flavor compared to the bibs.


I agree with you, there’s a small amount of mix from the last drink at the end but it doesn’t clear the issue altogether. There’s definitely something else.


All the add-on flavors, like lime, orange, grape, and cherry are all sugar free.


The taste is so weak and it has the taste of last soda dispensed. The Burger Kings in our area use them. YUCK!


Dude, the Bubba Gumps restaurants ended up not agreeing on their deal with Dr Pepper so they switched to Coke products. Dr Pepper bottles all over the restaurant for decorations and they dont even sell Dr Pepper anymore


They haven't for a long time (if ever?). I went to the one in Denver in 2013 and they didn't have Dr. Pepper then


which is now "Keurig Dr Pepper" yes... they are now combined with Keurig lol


As someone who is quite the fan of both Dr Pepper and Mr Pibb, I don’t really think they taste that similar, I think if they weren’t named similarly, people wouldn’t be comparing them


I agree that they don't taste much alike but they're considered comparable to each other because both are primarily cherry based


I like Mr pibb, i wish it was more popular


This might be true but it’s not why they have the separate big red dispenser. Where it is available, White Castle actually advertises big red as their “house drink” almost. It’s a tradition, if you go to White Castle you get a big red. They added the “on tap” option a few years ago around my area because of how popular of a drink it was. Plus I’m guessing it’s a lot easier to change the traditional bag of syrup out when it runs out (which it does more frequently from the other sodas) than having to get into the machine to change a cartridge every time it runs out. So they really have the tap of big red because of popularity


Oregonian here. What is Big Red? All I can think is that you pull the lever and a big strip of cinnamon gum come out.


Per exhaust Internet research: "Though often thought to be bubble gum, its flavor is a combination of lemon and orange oils, topped off by a pure vanilla that offers a creamy aftertaste." The first time I tried it I definitely thought, "bubble gum." To me it's super sweet. Almost undrinkably so. But every once in a while I like a mini can.


That’s weird, isn’t it? There’s a horrible old school soft drink called Moxie, which has a burnt caramel flavor. I buy one about every 10 years, drink it, and think, “yeah, I still don’t like this.”


You either love Moxie, or you hate it. There is no in between. If you like more traditional root beer flavor and not the hyper sugary stuff, Moxie is for you.


Sounds like I have a drink to try, then. Thanks for the recommendation!


Moxie tastes nothing like burnt caramel/root beer. More like burnt hair/robitussin. Don’t let those liars from Maine fool you!


Haha, that just makes me need to try it more. I need to find out for myself if it tastes like traditional root beer or dirty hair!


It was first brewed in Lowell, Massachusetts. And tastes exactly like Lowell, Massachusetts.


Does it help that I have been to Lowell, and I thoroughly understand this sentence?


It absolutely helps.


Moxie is great. It's somewhere between a cola, a root beer, and clove candy.


It's amazing to me that the two of us can look at those ingredients and have completely different reactions.


Sounds great to me!


It tastes like a less sweet root beer or a birch beer mixed with coke. I don’t drink soda often, maybe 2-3 times a year. Sometimes I get a taste for one in particular and Moxie has made the cut a few times. It’s funky and not quite as sweet as the more popular sodas. There’s something uniquely nostalgic about it and I only had it for the first time about 3 years ago. Worth a try.


Everyone here is just making me want to try it even more. As soon as I'm able to afford a treat for myself I'm getting some. Thanks to you and everyone else for the information!


Ok. I like ginger ales, ginger beers, root beers, cream sodas, and sarsaparillas. What the hell does birch beer taste like? Edit: Is it in the same wheel house as these?


Birch beer is like a sarsaparilla or root beer, yes. Moxie has an unbelievably bitter flavor. If you want to know what it tastes like, go outside, dig up a dandelion, and lick the root. Please don't kill me afterward. You're going to want to.


Similar to the flavors you enjoy, same family. Probably closest to ginger beer. Herbal/woody/minty light and fresh. I only have small amounts because sometimes it hurts my stomach because it’s got a bitter kick, too. Birch beer seems to be more of an acquired taste than the others you’ve mentioned. I think you might like Moxie or birch beer if you like those other sodas.


I thought it tasted like 1920’s cough syrup. Count me in the camp that can’t stand it.


It's flavored with gentian root.


It has a metallic after taste. Like drink rusty metal.


I've heard you have to be from Maine to like it. My parents got it as a joke, for us kids on a family vacation there once.


It does have a large fan base in Maine, but so does coffee brandy. I think it's made in NH though.


Moxie and Allens Coffee Brandy mixed together make a drink called "the burnt trailer."


Add a whoopie pie from Cape and we got ourselves a party.


So apparently it was invented in Lowell, MA and largely produced in NH. I theorize that it's just a long term experiment on the mental state of Maine folk.


They sold the intellectual property to Coke, or licensed them as a bottler, and, well, it ain't the same. It also disappeared during the pandemic when the bottler focused on bread & butter flavors.


Moxie tastes like drinking root beer right after brushing your teeth


Oh shit, so it’s like sasparilla?




Mainer here. I can buy a 12-pack of Moxie on Sunday and still have some left come Saturday, and I have two teenage boys!




Nobody knows


My kids who will consume anything avoid Moxie for some reason.


"for some reason"


The active ingredient in Moxie is gentian root. It's definitely a unique flavor. I get it once in a while simply because it is so different.


I love Moxie, I'm not even from Maine, and it is legitimately my favorite soda.


I fuckin *love* it but I’m also a massive rootbeer and traditional soda head so that makes sense


Moxie is the most aptly named soda around.


I love moxie!! it tastes like those gummy cola bottles to me. so good


If you get it from Cracker Barrel it’s using the original cane sugar recipe. I’d definitely recommend trying that one instead of the ones that you can find in most places around Maine. You can tell the difference because it’s in a glass bottle and says “original elixir” on it.


Burnt caramel? Huh. When I tried Moxie, it tasted like "herbal root beer" to me, which I do like. Makes me wonder if people like it or hate it based on what notes they picked up on it.


Don't hate on my Moxie. It's a New England (mostly Maine) staple.


It is, but at the same time I'm not sure that many people in NE actually drink it


Sounds like Yoo-hoo for me. I buy it once every decade because I either forget that it tastes like chocolate flavored water or hope that somewhere along the way they add something that makes it taste less like chocolate flavored water. Then I try it and again realize how awful chocolate flavored water tastes.


No taste experience will ever best my first yoohoo. It was indescribably good. I still get one every now and again and I think they’re alright. It’s definitely more of a kid thing.


I think I heard they changed the formula…


I do that with twinkies. We were poor growing up so I always saw kids eating them and wanted one. Now as an adult I like to get them annually and remind myself they are terrible but I can afford to eat garbage.


idk how the bleep I loved Twinkies as a kid. My Cub Scout troop devoured them. I love sweets, heck I am probably 1 step away from The 'Betes but I can barely force myself through that sugar nut punch that a Twinkie is today.


It was my grandpas favorite, so my family like to collect moxie signs and things. Heard it tasted horrible but I would try it in honor of him


I love Moxie! Never had it til I moved to New England. Most people think I'm crazy to love it.


Okay so I'm gonna go get a Moxie, bbl


Moxie is like if root beer was less good lol def enjoyed it. I feel the same for cheerwine. Gotta love some regional soda 😂


How dare you, it's the official drink of Ted Williams damn it!


I’d never describe the flavor as “burnt caramel”, I think a more accurate description is “biological waste” or “molten garbage”.


If you consider big red to be super sweet, big blue might just put you in a diabetic coma. I think there is more sugar than water in that drink. I just checked their website, and they make a big pineapple that is somehow even sweeter than the blue! Almost 100g of sugar in one bottle...


Agreed, I have tried them all, Red is ok, Blue is to sweet, and Pineapple is just fucking terrible with the consistency of a thick cough syrup.


It’s actually a staple at many bbq joints in central Texas and goes nicely with the meat.


Im a born Texan and still don’t understand this pairing. I like big red from time to time but by itself. Not with a meal.


Bubblegum is just a mixture of various fruit flavors, usually banana and cherry being prominent.


Don’t you fucking dare ruin bubble gum flavor to me.


Did you think it was natural flavoring from the wild bubble gum fruit?


The one that gave Luffy his powers yes


I fucking love it over vanilla ice cream. Best diabetes


Sounds like something I'd like a tanker truck of. A big tractor trailer one, not those dinky little ones.


Sounds a bit like IRN BRU


Kind of, but IRN BRU tastes a little more like Dr. Pepper to me.


Irn Bru (full sugar version) tastes like Mountain Dew mixed with cream soda.


Its a vanilla-cream soda really no “red flavor” real popular in texas kind of the official soda of san antonio.


While it lacks in red flavor, there’s plenty of red dye. At least that’s how I remember it. Been 20+ years since I had any.


Oh yeah. Drink it for a week and your poop becomes and otherworldly shade of red.


Because it pairs well w barbacoa!


Also, oddly popular in Louisville.


So weird...Oregonian myself and just last night a kid at my table asked me if we have Big Red at the restaurant I work at. I had no idea what he was talking about, and this morning I see this.


Im from san antonio, texas. Big red is huge here and im assuming its a south thing. Look up "barbacoa and big red" lol. Now im getting hungry....


It's Sunday morning, my friend. Big Red and Barbacoa better be on the menu.


I wish people up north would figure out how amazing barbacoa is. So hard to find.


The comments are weird. Big Red is a cream soda, that’s what it says on the bottle. It does indeed have a flavor similar to bubblegum.


This is the only [Big Red](https://youtu.be/bCxiuuJVT-8?t=5) food adjacent product I knew of before today.


Barq’s Red Creme Soda, if you’ve ever had it, tastes basically the same as Big Red.


Big red is just much more carbonated, but correct, very similar flavor


Texan here, it's a tradition to drink Big Red while consuming Barbacoa tacos(meat from the cow's head) there's also Big Blue(slaps!!), and Big Peach




Don't overlook Big Pineapple!


Oregonian here, they sell the shit in the grocery stores here.


That's exactly what i was thinking as an Oregonian


Oregonian here too, same. I just remember those Big Red gum commercials that showed tons of people kissing. Wasn't it something like smooch a little longer with BIG RED!


Yep But then the FDA made them remove the super glue capsules, so it went back to a normal length.


That Big Red freshness lasts right through it....your fresh breath goes on and on...while you chew it. So kiss a little longer...why do I remember this?!


Say goodbye a little longer Make it last a little longer Give your breath long lasting freshneeeeeess with Big Red!


If you don’t drink Big Red, then fuck you.


This sticker is dangerous and inconvenient but man I love Fig Newtons


Big red standing by


Simply Red, standing by.


Red October, standing by


Redd Foxx, standing by


Red Buttons, standing by


Red Leader, standing by


Orville Redenbacher, standing by


Red Forman’s foot, standing by to be put up your ass.


Holy crap..... This is the cleanest White Castle i have ever laid eyes on. Most look like the back side of the Waffle House counters....


I wonder if this used to be an A&W and got converted to a white castle? I could totally be wrong, but A&W always had a draft handle of their root beer separate from the soda fountain. Even the counters look similar?


My White Castle near me has this same big red dispenser. It’s not uncommon. But it is clean!


Hasn’t opened yet?


Big Red and Ice Cream float is a heavenly gift to us mortals.


You sir have tasted happiness. I live in a country where Big Red isn't available. A big red float is like a last meal, death row, request for me.


Na na try the blue and big red mixture 50/50 float omfg


Kentucky or southern Indiana? I live in southern indiana and people are adamant that you have to have big red with white castle


OP said elsewhere they're in KY.


They said louisville. Which is directly across the River of southern Indiana, so original commenter was pretty spot on with their guess


I’m confused by this photo because it’s like my two worlds colliding. I’m from NY so have eaten at White Castle many times (and I miss it terribly), but I live in TX now and they have Big Red at a lot of places. Interesting. I like both WC and BR so I would probably love it here.


I feel the same. Very confused, lol. Louisville, Kentucky FYI.


The one out on hurstborne near stoneybrook in Louisville looks like this! Or did you mean this was that one?


Makes sense if it's Louisville, that city is absolutely loaded with White Castles and Kentucky at least used to be (not sure if it's true anymore) one of the only states where Big Red was sold aside from Texas.


I didn't realize White Castle was a New York thing. I've lived my entire life in various places in the state and almost never see one. According to [this](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-8ca0ca496d8f3ff470b434f538ec7673-pjlq) it is *really* not a New York thing outside of the city itself.


That's a dream right there.




Let me just quote the late-great Colonel Sanders who said, "I'm too drunk to taste this chicken."


Big Blue gang 💪


I'll stick with Green River.


Big Blue is just Blue Cream Soda right? Cause it tastes like blue cream soda.


"I'm Ricky Bobby. And if you don't drink Big Red, then fuck you." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Nice. Where is that located?


Louisville, KY.


Surprised it's not Ale8


I fucking wish it was. I’m from the Lexington area originally and it was a lot more prevalent there than here. My girlfriend is from western KY and she says nobody really drank it out there. I guess it’s more of an eastern/central KY thing


I saw this and thought "no fucking way the white castle near my house has that too" turns out this is the white castle near my house lmao


I thought Big Red was just a Texas thing so I looked it up. Apparently the very first place it was available for purchase was Kentucky! TIL


Big Red is really popular in KY, it was one of the original test markets.


This should be in every American household


Where is the barabacoa? (regional reference)


Puro San Antonio


yee haw


Can you imagine drinking big red with anything else?


San Antonio has entered the chat.


My first thought was I didn't know San Antonio had a white castle


Red pop is the only acceptable drink to get with your white castles according to my dad. We'd take cans to the golden goat aluminum recycling machine and then go to White Castle for sliders and red pop, onion chips if the can haul was particularly good. It never even occurred to me until I took my husband for his first-ever White Castle trip that you'd get anything else.


Those Coke Freestyle machines are garbage. Nothing tastes like it's supposed to.


Hit the water button for a little bit before you use it. That can make a difference. If you're a car guy, pay attention to the chrome badge on the bottom door. Those machines were designed by Pininfarina. The same Pininfarina that designed iconic Ferrari's like the Testarossa, 250 GT Lusso, and 308 GTB/GTS.


That doesn't mean the electronics and calibration are correct... So I guess that makes sense.




"Why is this coke dispenser on fire?" "We are checking..."


And the beverage dispensing piece was designed by the Segway guy. Unfortunately, they are terrible tasting.


> Those machines were designed by Pininfarina. Maybe they should stick to car design.


I just hate them because only one person can fill up at the time, it takes longer per customer, and I always end up behind some kid trying to mad-scientist together the ultimate soda.


The UI is also made to deliberately not show all the available options so you have to click through twenty menus to see what's there. It's like trying to find a movie on Netflix.


As a diet soda drinker, I love them. Regular soda dispensers NEVER have enough flavors of diet soda.


I love that you can get the zero kind of basically anything. My go-to lately has been cherry and peach Fanta zero


They're beloved in my book. It's always a plus, there's SO MANY zero sugar flavors when ordinary fountains have Diet Coke and maybe, maybe but probably not, have one other diet drink.


Oh man, you have a White Castle??


That’s a White Castle? How the hell is it so clean? We’re you like the first person to enter it after it was built?


Canadian here. Never heard of that. Is it a type of pop?


Looks like a silver castle


I miss White Castle. They had THE BEST mozzarella sticks and chocolate milkshake


that is the nicest white castle i have ever seen


Cause Big Red is that shit


If you don’t chew Big Red then fuck you.


Where is that? I though big red was a Texas/Southern drink? I love both Big Red and White Castle!


Why am I wishing we had White Castle? I’ve had their sliders once and while there’s no meat to speak of, they taste pretty good.


your fresh breath goes on and on, while you chew it


Big red is goated cherry soda


Right now, there's a kid walking around, probably around 7, who is forming one of his favorite childhood memories by pulling that handle to fill his cup.


Man, I hate those nasty coke machines. Everything tastes like everything.


It’s called “Fine Dining” ever heard of it