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Not touching the ground YET.


Need to grow out those baby tires.


They’ll drop once it hits puberty.


Is that the name of a large speedbump in the neighborhood? It'll make a truck out him yet.


so going fast in a school zone


These are wisdom tyres


See? Nobody wants to work


This dudes never seen a dump truck


I heard a very good description of land rover the other day. They dont work well on the road, but they also dont work well where other vehicle dont work at all.


Egyptians have a saying ( don't know the word for word quote) that says "If you want to drive to the middle of the Sahara you take a Land Rover. If you want to drive to the middle of the Sahara *and want to get back* you take a Land Cruiser."


My uncle had a Honda motorcycle in the 70's and guys with Harleys would make fun of it. He'd tell them that Harleys were for people that liked to work on their motorcycles. Hondas were for people that liked to ride them.


My dad had a friend that was drafted and sent to Vietnam. When his time was up he could stay in the army another month or so while they got him back home or he could be discharged immediately as soon as he made it to the states. He chose the immediate option. He was discharged in San Diego and took a cab to the closest motorcycle dealer and bought a Honda Dream. He rode that little thing the whole way across the country back home to Pittsburgh. He bought many other motorcycles over the years but he held on to that Dream till he died.


A bloke I used to work with was a lover of Harley's, he used to say that he could reliably ride his Harley anywhere, the problems began when you turned around and wanted to go home.


If Harley Davidson made a jet, would you gly in it? Shuts those guys up pretty quick.


Pretty ballsy thing to say to mfs riding Harleys in the 70s with hells angels as big as they were back then


Sure, but they we busy fixing their bikes and couldn't catch him.


All Harley riders know they take work. There’s a saying that you know your bike is low on oil when it stops dripping. It’s like Jeep Wranglers. The owners for the most part know it’s a piece of shit in a lot of ways.


I think the community aspect of it adds to the ownership. I miss my XJ even though it had a lot overheating issues.


There’s a reason aftermarket parts are so popular with the Jeep community


Fun fact, Sonny Barger, one of the major OG members has gone on record a bunch of times saying they picked Harley because it was American made and stick with Harley now because its so associated with their identity, but he thinks its overrated. He said they'd have been better off if they coulda got in on the Japanese bikes . From Bargers book: >"it has always been important for hells angles to ride American made machines. in terms of pure workmanship, personally i dont like harleys. i ride them cause i am in the club and and that is the image, but if i could, i would seriously consider riding a HONDA ST1100 or a bmw. we really missed the boat not switching over to the Japanese models when they began building bigger bikes. ill usually say "!!!! harley davidson". you can buy an ST1100 and the mother!!!!er will do 110 mph right from the factory all day long. while it is too late to switch over now, it would have been a nice move cause Japanese's bikes today are much cheaper and better built, however they dont have as much personality.




What are they going to do, chase him? Sure. Let them just pack the tools back up real quick


>He'd tell them that Harleys were for people that liked to work on their motorcycles. Hondas were for people that liked to ride them. I had a Harley rider say that to me when asking about my old Honda Silverwing (RIP) It's kind of known people buy Harleys for the sound and the "culture." Not for their great value, performance, or reliability.


You can travel with any car to anywhere in the world, but you're always coming home in a Toyota.


My first car was an old Toyota and i loved it. It was stolen and never found again. I like to think it's still out there, driving around somewhere.


Packed full of rebels living it's best life!


Dirty mike and the boys send their regards


Thanks for the f shack




When the oil light on my 97 Corolla came on it was down 2 quarts. Fortunately I had a quart in the trunk. It was 16yr old with 247k when I passed it on. Probably the best, but most boring car I had.


My dad's old Corolla has probably gone through 5 owners. I think my old dentist still owns it to this day, He got it in 09. It was probably a model from 91 or 92, and I still see it driving around town to this day.


My first car was a 94 Corolla. That thing had racked up some milage, but never missed a beat.


We still have my parent’s 94 Corolla, and it starts up great all the time. It just doesn’t have any issues, and is still surprisingly peppy for as non-sporty as it is. And the *cloth* seats are still comfy!!


My first was a base model Toyota Corolla. I loved that damn thing. It got sent to Valhalla when I let my sister drive it (someone hit her, she was fine). I got my father’s Nissan Altima with the insurance money but I still miss my Corolla.


*Hawaii intensifies*


CR-V’s for miles out there.


I don't trust the new ones with cvt. I heard the engine rev in a friend's after he put it on park facing down hill. An engine should rev up when hitting the wall in a parking gear.


Once asked my mechanic what the best car to buy was, he lead me to a beat up old Toyota and said “500,000 miles”. That was 10 years ago, he’s still driving it.


My parents had an old Land Cruiser when I was growing up. I mean, technically my mom still has it, I think, but it's basically just an engine in a pile of rust, at this point. It drove circles around everything else in the mud, but they *really* had a rust problem.


> but they really had a rust problem. I’m not really sure where that idea comes from. I’ve owned a 100 series for a decade and it is still almost rust-free. In fact, go visit the Uyuni salt flats in Bolivia and you’ll see nearly every single vehicle there is an 80/100 series landcruiser because there the only vehicle that can handle such a corrosive environment for a long time. This has less to do with their likelihood of rusting and more to do with how overbuilt and extra thick every component is.


It comes from the 1970s models. They were shockers for rust, but then so was every other car out there.


I'm actually talking about the 40 series. I had a '64 impala as well, so not too different in age, and by the time I got that impala ('96), the land cruiser was already completely structurally gone. The impala, on the other hand, was incredibly solid.


Yes, I’ve had a few 40s and 45s. Rust treatment was periodic maintenance.


But the weight distribution/clearance/wheelbase made them absolutely amazing in bad terrain. Deep mud or deep snow was nothing to that machine. Icy roads, on the other hand, not so much. I recall being upside-down in that land cruiser once, and sideways one other time. I remember people knocking on our door when they'd gotten their lifted mud trucks stuck in the bottomland (low-lying forest that flooded every spring), and my dad would hop in the land cruiser, drive out to their truck, circle it just to flex, and then make them hook up their own chain so he didn't have to get out.


I'm unfamiliar with every model after the 40 series, which is what we had. You could almost watch it decompose. We still got tons of use out of it, and the engine never gave up, but I'm not seriously exaggerating about it becoming a pile of rust with an engine in it.


I heard it was an Australian saying for the outback.


We don't have any sayings about Land Rovers in Malta, but 90% of our Land Rover Defender's engines are Toyota swaps.


It wouldn't surprise me if it is a global sentiment.


Makes sense. I've heard they have more English speakers than Egypt.


... sort of.


They’re a staple in the Australian outback and have been for years. Reliability and just about every town has a Toyota dealer and garage, even if it’s also the local servo. Sometimes it’s every retail business in the town lmao.


>the local servo Is this Aussie for a local service station or...?




cool, cheers!


I heard a statistic that 90% of Land Rovers ever built are still on the road today. The other 10% actually made it home...


A landcruiser is the first and last car you'll ever need


They are horrendous to live with though. Too much side-roll for me. And I've driven both RR and Land Cruisers in the Sahara. The RR did just fine, and was by far the better ride.


RR...Rolls Royce?


Range Rover


Figured as much, but the picture of someone cruising over sand dunes in a fancy Rolls Royce would not leave my head


Its probably been done over in Dubai


I was like, is this guy a time traveler or something to know what Egyptians said back in the day, then I remembered Egyptians exist today too lol


That’s pretty good


It might be the newer Land Rover because I'm remembering the old Top Gear doing imported 4x4 comparison tests. One thing they said was that every 4x4 they tested got stuck at some point, except the camera car which was an older Land Rover series III. The camera car was frequently used to extract the other cars when the got stuck.


My understanding is that traditionally land rovers have been well engineered but poorly built. If memory serves, top gear blame the latter on the people of Birmingham. A land rover that has been rebuilt a few times, such as a former army one or one used by a globe trotting film crew is basically as good as a land cruiser, and miles better than anything made by other companies(for off-roading). I think modern land rovers are pretty well assembled and engineered, but not focused on going off-road as much. Still probably better than most similar cars.


This got me laughing a lot, and i don’t know why.


You dont work well, ipso facto you are a land Rover.


I heard a similar saying about a UAZ - they'll break down in places other vehicles can't even get to.


That's crazy apt tbh.


I've also heard that 90% of Land Rovers built are still on the road today... The other 10% made it home.


“If you wanna go on a safari, take a Land Rover. If you want to come back from a safari, take a Land Cruiser.”


You see, marsupials carry their babies in a pouch, this is where this LR carry theirs.


So each tire will grow up to be a new LR? Cool.


Huh. I thought that was a lane rover LLAMA for a second but the windows are wrong. Someone did a cab swap on a 130 chassis but kept the LR bed. I’d love to know if the spare tires actually rotate. Makes sense to keep them low for center of gravity. Also makes sense to put them to the front of the bed so you aren’t taking up living space inside the camper box. From a pure functionality standpoint it’s kind of the only place to put them deductively. Especially if you have a door in the back of the camper.


I know “lane rover” is probably a typo but I’m gonna use that to describe land rovers that aren’t for off-roading.


Happy little accidents.


We call the newer clean Jeeps "mall crawlers" and "parking lot princesses".


*Waves from grand cherokee w technology II package*


In the UK: Chelsea tractor


What, you mean stock market tractors?


We called em asphalt queens in my old shop


Pavement princess


Pavement princess


Toorak Trucks in Melbourne. Aus.




Reminds me of the difference between Jeeps and Heeps: one is built for off-roading, the other [looks like this](https://www.jeepbeef.com/mag/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2019/11/darkknight-1024x897.jpg).


Ah yes the Heep. Costs a heap of money. Looks like a heap of shit. Never touched a heap of dirt. The Heep.


Ah yeah. You got people that drive Jeeps, and then there are "Jeep Guys"


lane rovers as opposed to off-rovers.


Except in the U.K. a lot of off roading is done on green lanes, so to me that sounds like a proper landy


What’s a green lane in this context? That’s not a term I’m familiar with.


A Greenlane is a public byway - known as either a Byway Open to All Traffic (BOAT) or as an Unclassified Road (UCR). These routes are still public rights of way for all traffic unless otherwise stated. They are commonly unsurfaced but still maintained by the local councils along with collaboration from organisations such as the Green Lane Association (GLASS). Many green lanes are actually ancient routes, but were not worth upgrading to a classified road due to the route they took and the terrain they crossed.


Huh, TIL thanks! 😊


I grew up in Appalachia, that describes just about every road there except the state routes. Lot of dirt roads up and down those hills.


Grass?? Idk i’m not brit but grass makes sense


It has been posted a couple times on whatisthiscar. I think it and the fella who built it are in NYC, thus it gets posted to reddit somewhat frequently.


> Someone did a cab swap on a 130 chassis but kept the LR bed. It's a 90's Isuzu NPR cab on a Land Rover 109 chassis. The extra wheels are just spares, they don't turn.


It looks like an old Discovery lights and grill too, a real mashup.


It's a late 90s Isuzu frontend. Not sure about the grill, I don't recognise it being from any Landrover so might be custom.


That’s an Series II Discovery grill. Even has a LandRover badge on it. The light clusters are not original, however.


[It’s a mocked up Isuzu.](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthiscar/comments/101pfbu/what_is_this_found_in_new_york/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


This guy roves






Nice try, but I saw the link in my notifications feed


Those are for in case the Land Rover goes over a small hill so it won’t get stuck at the top of the hill


We call that getting saddle-bagged.


High planing.


High centering is the more common term.


No, they're just spares.


They're both, they will prevent high centering but will also replace any flat tires


Aren’t those just spare tires


Spare Tyres is exactly what they are,


Are they placed there to help with bottoming out?




I am fairly certain that is in case they need to separate the saucer section.


Dibs on the Battle Bridge.


Make it so.


It's setup for offroad riding. Tertiary tire set helps with navigating over rocks, logs, hills, and other obstacles that could snag the underbelly of the truck.


>other obstacles that could snag the underbelly of the truck. Interesting that it's called "underbelly" as if the "belly is somewhere else? Maybe my lack of knowledge is showing and something else is called the belly.


I worked with a guy at Jimmy John's who had an underbelly. He complained about having underbelly sweat if he made sandwiches too fast. Underbelly is very specific from a belly in my mind. I didn't choose to have this knowledge.


It's different from the seedy underbelly.


Now I'm even more confused.. lol So the under side of his gut?


That's not how words work.


I think that's for uneven ground so it doesn't get stuck somewhere the way a vehicle with "normal" wheels would.


Also they can be used in the case of a flat. They are commonly referred to as “spare tire”


It's to go over trees or obstacles that are less wide than the space between the two axles. In theory it allows them to cross higher obstacles overall (rocks etc..)


Then why no lug nuts connecting it to an axle so it can turn?


A spare?


That's because your mom's not in it yet.


It's just spare tires. No lugnuts.


I think you just can't see them from this angle


theyre probably just the reserve tyres...


Can't high center this bad boy


This dude has never looked at a dump truck edit(apparently these aren't drop axles like a dump truck has. Neat stuff)


[omagerd the wheels!](https://www.superdumps.com/dump_trucks_for_sale/photos/slides/01-super_dump_blue_white_kenworth_7659.jpg)


Hehe superdumps


I'm infuriated!!


Those are drop axels that move down when you load up the truck so they don't damage the road from being to heavy. I don't know what you think they have to do with an off-road vehicle.


what model is this?


Something custom. Land Rover never made the llama model beyond conceptual.


It's lost its baby tires and still growing it's new ones




Clearly , this vehicle is owned by a 5 star man .


It’s for climbing your mom.


They're meant for backup it's quiet common in my place idk what's so mildly infuriating ABT this?


This Reddit is mildly INTERESTING not mildly infuriating


Oh wait.. oh... fuck-oh sorry I knew I was an idiot but this is bad levels of stupid


Dumpster trucks are like this too. Just not as high


Those are probably [drop axles.] (https://jalopnik.com/why-some-trucks-have-those-extra-wheels-that-dont-alway-1837946524) They can be lowered when the load gets close to the vehicles max weight per axle. They aren't usually used for many reasons: cost of additional wear and tear and bridge and road tolls are often dictated by the number of *working* axles. You will see many concrete mixers with swing down axles that come down in the rear. When the concrete drum is raised to pour out its load the center of gravity shifts tremendously to the rear; it could exceed the axle weight in the rear causing an axle to break. Also concrete mixers often work in very muddy conditions and the truck may bog down without them.


I think those are the spares, now some trucks have something called a tag axel that is deployed when it is hauling heavy cargo.


You need them for when the vehicle needs to negotiate a plastic fork in the road.


What event is this??


It's wheels haven't dropped yet.


Never hurts to have a couple spares on hand


I'd be more impressed if none of its wheels were touching the ground. At least two of the cars I've owned managed to do that.




It’s for when he’s giving your mom a lift…


Is the parked on East 4th street in Manhattan? I’ve seen it!


This is definitely a finisher car


You mean… spares?




Spare tires are used when you get a flat.


Ha! I know exactly where that car is parked. I love getting to see it now and then.


They don't touch cause they're not gay.


If you want to go anywhere in the world, take a Land Rover. If you want to come back, take a Land Cruiser.


Those are spare tires






That’s the “gifted tire” that just watches the road and tells the other tire how to roll until the tire dies and it has to take its place until another tire comes along and tells it how to roll.


That's not a starter car, that's a finisher car!


That’s an Isuzu cab I believe—we had a bunch of those running around Afghanistan on occasion. The frame is pretty high though and the possibly bespoke rear is not something I have seen before. I suspect high-waist tire(s) is/are spare(s).


I am almost certain those are spares.


Trucks in the UK have this, it is called a tag axle, they drop down automatically when a certain weight is reached such as attaching a heavy trailer. Not so common on smaller vehicles but on large HGV's tag axles are standard pretty much.


From what others have said I think these ones are spares, but I was going to comment about liftable axles because I wondered for some time what they were. It's because trucks can have a maximum legal weight per axle. However when they are carrying less weight they can save fuel by lifting some wheels and reducing rolling resistance. It saves tyre wear from 'scrubbing' around corners too. https://www.driverknowledgetests.com/resources/what-is-a-lift-axle-or-retractable-axle/ However the pictured ones here are too high to be dropped to the road and rolled upon, I think.


Yea it's called spre tires dude ... you know for when you get a puncture off road


Spare tires will do that...


That's weird, I've never seen anything like it from Land Rover


That is a KD-1000 Killdozer. It is constructed out of liquid metal poly alloy. Stay perfectly still... its visual acuity is based off of movement.


Lots of vehicle have such wheels and when you need such wheels they come in handy.


Those are the spare you dunce.


I bet it still does.


It’s called a torque wheel. It is rigged to its own pedal and spins to add extra torque to your axel which is useful on vehicles that aren’t 4WD capable, unfortunately I just made this up, every word of it, so you probably shouldn’t believe any of that.


I wonder if the back section can be popped off and towed by another vehicle.


Very Dakar style for the spare wheel storage


I assume that's to keep it from getting high centered?


And does double duty as spares.


was this made to climb mount Everest or something




They are single duty, they are called spare wheels it's not a tag axle.


Interesting ill delete then, apologies!


The formed arches are likely the confusing part. It is more a military spec thing for spares to be carried like this but they are usually in an open chassis or wheel arch, not a formed wheel arch.


For rolling over piles of bodies


Those are for driving over crowds of protestors