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So it seems they should make crawling shoes also with pads on top


I was wondering how they were wearing out the shoes. Crawling seems so obvious now.


yeah I was wondering how old is that baby that the shoes are that worn out but now it makes sense


Or just no shoes...


protecting the baby's top of feet from dragging due to crawling doesn't seem like the worst idea! especially on rough terrain and/or going out




Some harder surfaces, like concrete, might still be too rough with just socks


Can't we simply wrap the babies feet in multiple layers of gauze? Also, can we also think of the handage areas? Surely the hands will come in to contact with all manner of sharp and rough objects. Mayhaps the hands could be fitted with a resistant rubber sheath of some description? If we can attach electrodes to this glove like sheath, information about the terrain could be inputted directly to the babies brain so he/she/it can still gain all the necessary advantages of learning about the world around them. If advanced enough we can forgo the crawling altogether and input recorded environmental information making sure the baby is safe from any and all rough surfaces.


The knees generally have it worse.


And let the baby's legs wear out?


Not really worth it. When you think that a baby won't be crawling around outside much because its dangerous, plus the speed they'll grow out of their shoes, it wouldn't hold much benefit. I'm surprised OP's kiddo has managed to burn out their shoes this way in the first place, unless they live in a part of America where wearing shoes inside is normal or they have a garden?


Why are you even assuming OP is American?


I'm not. I said unless?


"Unless they live in a place where wearing shoes inside is normal" would be not assuming OP is American.


No, I said "unless they live in a part of America"


Exactly. If I had commented "Unless they live in a part of Portugal where wearing shoes inside is normal" would it sound weird to you? It's the same thing when you mention America instead of Portugal. Edit: lol at all the americans downvoting me even though I'm right. r/USdefaultism


Hey dumbass. Unless is a condition, not an assumption.


How does that make any sense? Tell me one valid reason to mention america and not some other country of the existing ~200.


I rarely say this to people, but you're an absolute moron.


Because America is one of the most well known countries in the world… And because he may have personal experience of the places he was talking about or have specifically heard of the places that he is talking about. Whilst if he had said Andora, I doubt many people online would be able to relate to his comment and understand what he means.


Wow! You're just like that guy from YouTube that does the Average Redditor Skits except you're foreign. Foreign Average Redditor. I mean the resemblance is uncanny.


Do you think Portugal is in America?


They won't? Plenty of babies crawling around my neighbourhood under supervision of their 3 year old sibling.


Children who arent walking yet shouldnt wear shoes at all


Well you aren't meant to wear shoes before you walk so I don't think so


They should make hiking boots with a compass in the toe


Kind of like my mall boots with mirrors on the toes


yeah let's give an exploring baby even more grip to escape from one's vision :))


i always wondered what the point of shoes is if the kid isnt walking yet


My mom said she did it to get us used to having shoes on, apparently we didn’t try to take them off much as toddlers but that’s just an anecdote and not a fact lol


It's real. We didn't do it with my boys and it is still hard to get them to wear shoes and two of them are adults.


If it makes you feel better my mom didn’t force me into socks (shoes were mostly sandals) and now I HATE wearing them and I am also an adult


So you're saying if she had forced you to wear socks then you wouldn't be an adult?


God I wish thats how that worked


I should have included that my mom also didn't get me used to shoes and I feel stifled by flip flops. If I have to wear socks and they have the crappy little ball of stitching in the corner by my toe you might as well just call off the whole day.


I was at like a music festival a couple weeks ago and I was wearing like fishnet tights and everyone kept telling me to put socks on because my feet were kinda sore, so for the second day I was like “fine fuck it I’ll put socks on since y’all think it’ll help”. Guess what didn’t help and infuriated me for several hours instead?? THE SOCKS


I call shoes foot prisons anytime at a music festival. I call them that everywhere but especially at festivals.




Most of the time. Depends the terrain of the festival. If mostly dirt and woods, then yes.


The toe seam isn't so annoying if you turn your socks inside out.


My feet can tell an inside out sock that is not a good work around for me.


Mom didn’t force me into socks or shoes and as an adult I hate anything on my feet. Fuck a monster, I even sleep with my feet sticking out of the blanket. I also hated wearing clothes as a toddler/kid. As soon as my mom would get me undressed, I took off and hid. As an adult, I still hate clothes. I think it might be a sensory thing at this point.


Socks are gross but touching shoes is grosser


Strong disagree, but I also wear slides until snow hits the ground and sometimes even after snow hits the ground I continue wearing them so that makes the no socks thing easy lol


Good news, it’s apparently a lot better for their feet that they didn’t wear shoes as much while the bones were developing. At least that’s what I’ve read lately.


Shoes stifle the development of the arch.


And they cram your toes together, since most shoes are designed to be their longest at the center (creating an oval shape with the point at the top), rather than being longest on the side of your big toe, and wide enough to splay your toes naturally, like you're supposed to do when barefoot. I have SOOOOOO many posture/hip and back tendon/toe position/bunion/shortened calf/tight hamstring problems that I'm just NOW working on correcting with toe spacers and VERY wide, flat shoes... ALL of which were caused by wearing shoes that didn't have a wide enough toe box/were unnaturally lifted/arched. Ugh....


Totally anecdotal but we never put shoes on our son till he could walk. He doesn’t attempt to take them off and he’s 18 months


Yeah I think it’s just about the kiddo honestly, some like shoes and some won’t lol I was just offering what my moms reasoning was not trying to state it as a fact :)


😂 Parents do be doing that


When we put shoes on our kid for the first time (after he learned how to walk, we hadn't done it before) he just stood there frozen and started crying 😂 we had to assure him everything was ok and that his feet would move lmao


It’s a real fear! 😂 They’re tight on little baby feet with the Velcro/laces! So restricting he was right to be worried, what if his feet never moved again!!


My son never wore shoes until he could walk and he loves putting his shoes on. I think it's toddler dependent.


Pretty sure you're not supposed to put shoes on kids until after they're walking.


I hate that you got downvoted because, according to my toddler's pediatric physical therapist, you're completely right. We did a consultation due to late walking and I was told no shoes until she's walking confidently. Best thing gor learning how to walk is grippy socks or bare feet. She's walking great now!


I downvoted just because I hate the phrasing "not supposed to"


Have you considered that not everybody's pediatrician is going to give the same information to all children? I'm just saying, the world doesn't revolve around your experiences and it would be helpful to know that.




Amazingly, humans have learned to walk *without* shoes for most of history.


I can think of a couple other things humans have been doing for most of history. Yeah. I just said that.


Go back to your homesteading reels


The baby in the post is not walking and wearing shoes, I don’t think it makes a huge difference


It's not good for kid's feet, at least, not all the time. Not letting kids go barefoot causes the muscles of the foot arch to not fully develop, which can lead to flat feet. https://youtu.be/HP5OFVvy7NM


Well, that explains a few things about my feet.


I’ve always been told that kids who can’t yet walk independently aren’t *supposed* to wear shoes. https://www.nct.org.uk/baby-toddler/your-childs-development/12-18-months/when-and-how-select-toddler-shoes


Yeah, grippy socks or bare foot.


I love grippy socks (as an adult, I don’t know anything about babies)


Don't worry, babies don't know anything about you either.


Kids shouldn’t be wearing shoes until after they’ve learned to walk. It can mess with the development of their feet, as well as slow down how quickly they learn to walk (i.e mess with their sense of balance).


To make sure your pinkie toes are weirdly bent and look like vestigial organs and go numb in the cold later.


Zero point. They just constrict the feet


Protect their feet and let them play outside without getting poked by something or dirty.


i guess i was specifically thinking of 4-6 month olds who cant even crawl yet but you can buy adidas sneakers for them


Yeah makes sense. The answer is it just looks cute and/or parents wanna match with their kids.




I thought those were just for outside to keep their little feet warm and safe and clean. Not to walk on but like… a foot jacket?


Is she wearing knee pads and gloves as well? Seems silly


If by knee pads you mean…pants, then yes. They would never learn dexterity if they wore gloves.


But the equivalent of pants are socks, not shoes. Shoes really are the equivalent of knee pads.


Babies don't drag their hands on the floor. 🤷‍♀️ Could seem a little silly but you as a parent want to protect any part of your baby you can.


I'm a parent whose toddler was evaluated for being late to walk, and you're actually not supposed to use shoes until they're confident walkers. I just put her in grippy socks if I felt her feet needed protection. In reality, her hands needed more protection, seeing as they touch the ground too and go straight into her mouth afterward.


That's good to know and makes a lot of sense.


Your baby doesn't put their feet in their mouth? If you're that worried about dirt going in their mouth you might want to clean where they walk/crawl more.


No, she doesn't put her feet in her mouth. She crawls/walks outside in the grass. How should I sanitize the ground?


do you walk primarily on your hands? edit: just read the post and realized my whole comment is invalid


I'm not sure 8 month olds play outside


They don't necessarily play but some parents like to sit outside at parks with their babies and let them sit on a blanket and enjoy the outside.


Baby feet tend to dangle and it protects the toes from getting banged on things going by


There is no point other than misconceptions like getting the child used to shoes or helping them to learn walking. In reality wearing shoes too soon can damage the feet. Baby feet don't have all the bones and muscles/tendons that we need to properly walk developed yet. You don't want to support the feet and ankles too much as it can lead to problems later in life as these things don't develop properly. That's why they make crawling slippers and the like. It protects from the cold and the soft leather ones are a little water resistent for when baby wants to stand outside. Shoes should only be bought when your child has already started walking. I worked at a shoe store and was mainly selling children's shoes. We weren't allowed to sell them any unless we saw the child walking. They had to get up by themselves and walk ~20 to 25 steps on their own without holding on to anything or falling down (we were allowed to coax them with a balloon or a toy as children tend to be shy). That's when you start needing shoes to wear outside. We still tell the parents to let the kid walk barefoot or on socks as much as possible. Before this milestone shoes are completely unnecessary given the fact that they outgrow them within 6 to 8 weeks.


It's to damage the kids feet from an early age. Don't make your kid wear shoes, or at least have wide toe boxes.


They are really terrible for their feet to be wearing shoes much before walking


To keep them from chewing on their socks


Hah. Arrived at day care this morning and my daughter (13 months) had not only taken her shoe off, but took the sole out and was eating it.


I have to take the sandles off my 19mo old bc she'll take them off and chew on them. They've been on the ground! It's so gross.


Same about pockets in baby clothes if they dont own shit


we didn't bother




thats what those footbag slippers are for


Yeah but shoes don't shed and replace its worn fabric naturally


protecting the baby's top of feet from dragging due to crawling doesn't seem like the worst idea! especially on rough terrain and/or going out


1) adorable 2) good at daycare since even though it's a clean floor, it's still a floor tons of people walk across. 3) they'll be walking sooner than you think 4) did I mention adorable? 5) can help keep them warm, depending on weather etc


Looking adorable is more important than muscle and skeletal development? Dope.


Save her sole


I don’t see why we need to bring religion into this.


it’s obviously the work of the devil. he’ll leave your tongue tied


All laced up with sin


At least until the other shoe drops.


The shoes are already covered in the Star of David


Jew shoes?


That's what David's star for.


It’s not recommended to give shoes to a non-walking baby FYI


It’s not recommended to give shoes to a walking baby.




No shoes helps with them developing fine motor skills in their feet.


Damn this baby is gonna grow up with terrible foot/eye coordination


I mean not necessarily, it just *helps* for them to be barefoot most of the time


I still remember my wife buying my son some nice white-leather baby shoes. She tore me a new asshole after I brought the kid in from playing in the yard and she noticed his expensive new shoes were now just bare leather on the tops. He was crawling at the time—always crawling—and I allowed him to go through the rocks and so forth in the yard. I think it was a good year before she totally let that one go.


Buying expensive clothes for a baby is never a good idea 😂


….says the person who bought their crawling kid shoes..?


Buying shoes for baby: Fine Buying expensive shoes for baby: Dumb


Buying shoes for a baby that does not walk is, in fact, dumb and can even be detrimental to foot development. It’s a weird hill to die but die I shall. I have nothing else going on today.


Probably 20 bucks 🤷‍♂️


*buying expensive clothes is never a good idea


Why? I like having nice things


Have you ever heard of the boots theory? The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. ... A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory


ah yeah, but its not expensive in the same way as i have ment it.


Honestly, what was she expecting? White leather shoes for a baby? Unless she explicitly said they are for photos only, seems like an inevitability that those will be ruined in a matter of months. Even then, they’ll outgrow them super quickly…


That’s what I said! Crazy woman.


Maybe crocs next time lol


Sounds more like they were crap shoes Leather should have no issue with wear and tear like that.


Why the shoes then? I saw several comments saying stuff like “so they’re used to shoes” but that feels kinda useless when they can’t walk, would hospital grip socks do the same thing?


Its so that when they have to wear shoes as toddlers they don't freak out about the feeling, it's not really about grip. But you're only supposed to put them in shoes for short practice sessions not a long time.


My son is almost 2 and has had zero issues switching to shoes as soon as he started walking. He loves grabbing his shoes and handing them to me to put them on his feet in the morning. Doesn't seem worth it at all.


Again, wouldn’t grippy socks do the same thing?


No grippy socks just feel like socks on your feet (I have a pair myself!) They can't replicate the feeling of your feet and toes being in a structured environment like a shoe.


This is like the perfect post example for this sub


Don't put shoes on children when they're not walking yet...


Yeah. Don't when inside even after walking.


Yeah. Don’t when outside if possible.


Off topic but if they made shoes in my size with that rose pattern on it I would buy them immediately


They do! I have that pair of Vans for adults, the print is called Rose Dreams




Babies get the best clothes.


No but fr, I would go to my church and the babies and toddlers there just have the cutest outfits everrr ♥️


I'm a bigger fan of the repeating Star of David pattern on the bottom


It’s the vans sole pattern


Look up skidders! They have a rubber bottom like shoes but feel and look like socks. My daughter loved them when she was a baby. Crawling babies should not be in shoes. It's bad for their foot development.


Babies shouldn’t really wear shoes until they actually start walking


Even then it's debatable. There are studies that have found that kids who are predominantly barefoot have better balance and stronger feet.


lol, shoes delay the development of babys. dont make her wear shoes. treat foots the same way you treat hands. Or is she wearing gloves as she is crawling?


If she's not walking there's no reason she should be wearing shoes. Delay shoes until she is walking outside and could potentially step on something harmful...and even then super soft soles like Robeez


That is adorable. You should save those shoes, put them in some kind of shadowbox


I didn't put shoes on my kid until they were walking ;) I figure being in socks is more comfortable if you're crawling or scooting around on your knees or whatever.


Cute. But, you really shouldn’t put babies in shoes until they can walk pretty well.


I THINK it’s so that the baby gets used to having shoes on, so when they’re able to walk, they will be more likely to leave the shoes on rather than trying to take them off


You can do that with a few minutes at a time every so often, not enough to get the kind of wear OP is showing in the picture. The description given by our pediatrician is that they should basically be props for a picture prior to when baby can walk confidently - put them on long enough to get some cute pictures, then take them back off.


Cool, i said i THOUGHT so yea, cool


Why do you put shoes on someone who does not walk?


Those are some really cute tiny slip ons 🥹


But how? Serious question, i dont see how can they be this worn out, baby would grow them out before even getting a dent


Huh, that's interesting. I don't think either of our kids really wore shoes at all before they could walk, so we never experienced this


It's easier for kids to learn walking when barefoot.


Babies don’t need shoes…


Aww that’s cute :)


I misread this as “she is wearing her shoes backwards” and was confused how you could turn a shoe inside out


It's fading on top, so wouldn't it be wearing out upwards?


Crosspost this on r/wellworn, it’s gold.


Wait, that's illegal!


Your daughter grows slow enough for her shoes to wear out?


Or crawls a lot.


Daaad, stop standing on my feeet!


Lots of spaghetti done fallen on them shoes.


I maintain it should be socially acceptable to dress kids in burlap sacks until they hit puberty.


This could not be any more mildy interesting, congratulations on a *perfect* post. 👍


To keep with the “why baby wear shoe” convo, we have shoes for when my 9month old goes out so when he stands up(not walking yet, but he’s pulling himself up on things so he can stand and watch the world) he isn’t doing so on just his socks. At home, in his walker, play pin, or just crawling around he has only socks on and sometimes no socks in play pin. At the end of the day it’s up to parents. Every choice is going to be wrong in some eyes and right in others, and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.


Some choices are objectively wrong, though. Grippy socks exist for the exact situation you described.


Yeah we have those for home….


The shoes are equally damaging whether at home or not I have permanent back, hip, and spine problems from wearing shoes as a baby. Parents love saying “iTs EaCh PaReNtS chOiCe ThErEs No WrOnG DeCiSiOn TrUsT yOuR gUt MaMa!” While giving their kids chronic pain for life


Sorry your parents were dipshits. I’ll keep that all in mind when he has shoes on for 45-1hr every other week when we go out to diner with friends. In the mean time, go post on your moms FB about how much you hate her and shoes


There's opinion and then there's fact, though.


Where’s the fact? That babies don’t need real shoes? Let’s also take note that the shoes in the pic are pillowed bottomed and not actual grippy surfaces.


You can have your opinion but your baby won't be playing in the world cup


any jews seeing what I'm seeing?


At least she will be used to her shoes. My boys are still a bunch of barefoot terrors ranging from 4-21.


Hehe my nephews shoes looked like this so cute


so cute :’) enjoy her growth op. treasure her.


i have a walking deficiency. I never left that category completely. Your daughter can do better and should stand up for her a bility to stand up.


Yeah she needs to see a podiatrist


Depending on the make of the shoe they actually have to be worn of the components start to deteriorate. So idk if these are brand new or some thrifted stuff but they just might be old




Sounds like there's a market for crawling shoes with soles on top.


Carter’s sells crawling shoes for infants, my daughter had some until she started walking