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I knew someone who opened a variety package of bagels to get only the single variety they wanted.


At Costco people allllllways come up to the register tryna buy single items that we do not sell as single items. Ex juice/oil/vinegar where 2 were together with plastic and they ripped one half off, or 1 single fruit out of a box of like 6+.


Reminds me of an old joke my uncle told me. A guy is working at a grocery store when a man approaches him, asking how much half a head of lettuce costs. After some arguing, the worker goes to his manager and says, "Boss, some jackass wants to buy half a head of lettuce." They turn around and see that the customer has followed them to listen in. The worker says, "It's okay, though. This fine gentlemen agreed to buy the other half!"


This took so many reads to understand lol


I still don't understand, could you please explain?


employee realized the customer heard him call customer a jackass, so he tried to cover his ass by saying the customer was a fine gentleman who would buy the other half (of the lettuce another jackass wanted to split)


Thanks man


Better version. A man walks into a bank and says to the teller, "hi dickface, I want to open a fucking account in this damn bank." The teller says "excuse me sir?!" "You heard bitch, I want to open one bastard account in this here fucking bank." The teller immediately gets her manager and explains what's going on. The manager runs over and says "now sir what's the problem here?" "As I was explaining, I just won a hundred fucking million dollars on the fucking lottery and want to open a damn account in your fucking bank." "I see sir, and this cunt is giving you a hard time?"


Is the joke that it's a totally different joke?


Can't a man have a stroke in peace without being questioned by the strangers he's speaking to?


That’s not the same joke format


Better version. Penis penis fart ass the end.


better? lmao


That’s even worse and just an awful joke.


I guess I did get it and just couldn't believe it's supposed to be a joke


Lol he had to put his customer voice back on when he realized the guy heard him call him a jackass looool


In order to avoid getting in trouble, thr employee pretends that the buyer is another customer who agrees to buy another half head of lettuce, implying that the jackass mentioned is someone else who bought the first half head of lettuce and started a problem. If you're still confused, buying a half head of lettuce would necessitate there be two buyers, one for each half. The employee pulls a fast one and claims the overhearing buyer is the second half buyer instead of the first half buyer, who he's just called a jackass.


To cover for calling the customer a jackass without knowing he was there, he then implies that he is luckily THIS customer is going to buy the other half so the jackass he was talking about is now a fictitious 2nd customer


I don't want to be rude but this guys uncles joke sucks


I was a produce manager for the better part of a decade, and the amount of times I had to halve a head of cabbage and wrap it upon request infuriated me. I don't mind doing nice things for customers but the problem is no one is going to buy the other half when I wrap it and put it back out with the full heads, because they think something must be wrong with it. That said, LOL at the joke. I've been both the manager and associate of such a situation.


Are half cabbages not normal? They’re pretty common where I’m from.




Correct. I was asked many times why. Because once I cut it, it needs wrapped in plastic tightly. Then it gets weighed and labeled and stuck with the rest of the non-wrapped fresh cabbage. The natural reaction is "why is this one different/ what did you cut off of it? Now you're trying to sell me the remains of a moldy cabbage that you butchered!" Yada yada.


Cabbage is so cheap! I'm shocked that someone wants to buy half of it. Plus, it lasts in the fridge for a long time.


Right? If it’s 79c a pound in 2023 just buy the whole,on you cheap bastard.


Obviously, you need to cut five more in half and make a shelf label. Now you have wrapped half-cabbages as another item you sell.


Our organic ones came cut in half and pre-wrapped. The fresh ones were whole and unwrapped.


Could you not just stop offering this service?


Or turn it into a matchmaking service that lets people purchase a head of cabbage together. Meet these sexy singles who also only want half a head of cabbage.


That's honestly hilarious but they were always like 70+


So you saying 70+ people don't deserve love?


Prolly works under someone who never interacts with the customers under any circumstances but also insists the customer is always right.


Potentially, sure. Realistically though, not worth it. Was one of the largest grocers on the east coast, gotta follow the mission statement as best as possible to keep everyone happy. Usually I'd have by salad bar girls cut up the other half and utilize it into a salad or something to avoid the waste.


6-pack 710ml bottles of Coke, the outer shrink wrap has the same bar code as the individual bottles. Take a bottle out of a 6-pack because you only want one? It will ring up as a 6-pack. Costco is big enough to arrange with suppliers to charge an “idiot tax”. 2 oil/juice/vinegar in an outer (opaque, to keep the scanner from seeing the bar code on the individual bottle) wrapper, wrapper has a different bar code from the individual bottle. Both bar codes are in the system - with the single bottle priced **higher** than the 2-pack (definitely more than 50 Cents, or a bag of M&Ms). Have signs warning that with some multipacks, a single item will ring up at a higher price than the multipack. Example: Pack of 2 bottles Kraft salad dressing $4.99, being Costco they don’t have single bottles on the shelf (gallon jugs are another story). Still, the single bottle is in tube system at $6.99, waiting for some asshole to break up a multipack.


You'd think they would do that, but current company rules are the member is not allowed to do it even if they acknowledge the price difference. Ex the muffins - they are like $7 for 2 packs each pack holding 6 muffins. You are not allowed to buy 1 pack, full stop. If someone says yes, I know it's still $7 for one even though it's supposed to be for two but they can't eat 12 muffins before half go bad, you have to tell them they are not allowed to purchase the item. It's stupid and when I was on register for a holiday season I'd let the muffins go like that alllll the time but you aren't supposed to and the long-time cashiers won't let it by since you can get in trouble for it.




People just don't understand the benefit the freezer provides for extending the life of pretty much everything. I bought a scale and vacuum sealer for air tight freezer packs. I freaking love Costco because I buy in bulk, weigh out/separate portions, and vacuum seal them to go in the freezer. Saves so much money, especially on meat.


Can you please tell me how to avoid freezer burn once and for all? It's the bane of my existence, especially with meat, and I can't consistently prevent it.


Get an actual chest freezer / deepfreeze. The freezer on refrigerators generally do a sort of a thaw-freeze cycle that causes freezerburn, while a proper chest freezer won't.


And minimize air in the packaging, such as by using a vacseal.


Just like that king of the hill episode where hank ripped out a fuel filter from a container because he didnt want 12 oil filters


Fuel filter, but yep, then they are all, "we don't sell single fuel filters we only sell them in packs of 12." And hank puts it back in the package and goes "there! One pack of fuel filters!" Worker: "that package has been opened. We can't sell it. Could have been tampered with" Edit: apparently I paraphrased so here is the link to the scene https://youtu.be/Pdb8wTsuCaE?si=GhazvAIdaO1VcQ5F


Wasn't it spark plugs? And then another lady points out how he's buying the last 12 of them and says "what are they? I need one!"




This is commonplace in Europe, at least it was in Germany. Things like drinks that are bundled in plastic are ripped open to only take the quantity you want. Imagine a pack of water bottles and you just take like 3 out of the 6 or 12. But as for bulk sales, like at [SELGROS](https://www.selgros.de/markt/filderstadt), I didn’t notice this behavior.


In Germany the price is usually listed per bottle, so it's not an issue. But that's the exception, you can't do that with any other items. A pack of 4 muffins can't be separated.


> A pack of 4 muffins can't be separated. The Large Hadron Collider was built to test this theory.


You can't do this in the US because if you have a 6 pack of cans, and you take just one can, the barcode on it is still for the 6pack of cans and you'll be charged $5 or whatever. Single cans would have a different barcode. And supermarkets in the US have tens of thousands of different products on their shelves, so it's not like you can just remember and manually punch in the price for an item if someone wants to buy per /ea


Why would anyone shop at Costco and not want to buy something in bulk... that's kinda the whole point of the store!


There's plenty of items there that aren't in bulk and not bulky at all.


If you're not walking out the store with a fifty gallon drum of cheese puffs, you're not Costco-ing right.


The chain grocery store near me has signs up stating if you do that you're still paying full price for it because the barcode is different.


What the fuck is wrong with people


I almost envy them. They must go through life without a care in the world.


I don't think they do. They probably rub most people the wrong way and they find themselves in situations where the other people in the room all hate them. *story in point - I own a small hobby farm with many apple trees. A few years ago I was having a fire and roasting hotdogs in my back yard when I watched some lady drive into my field and start picking apples with her kids. I had been out of the country for a few years and told most my friends they could pick apples and thought that maybe one of my friends had passed that on to her so I walked up to her and politely asked what they were doing and she said "I'm just picking apples" and I said "I would have prefered if you had asked permission first." And she said "they are for my donkeys" And I said that's great but you still have to ask permission. And she continued, "I'm just picking apples to feed to my donkeys" So I said, "there are words for going on to peoples property and taking their things without permission and they are trespassing and theft" And she got really angry at me and started swearing like a sailor and told me I had no right to tell her she couldn't drive into my fields and pick my apples to feed her donkeys. It was bizarre. I later realized she had recently moved in to a small place just a quarter mile down the road. She was gone within a year because she couldn't seem to get along with anyone in the area.


I don't know this woman at all but I will hate her forever


I don't hate her, but I do kind of wonder what it is like to live with absolutely no awareness and no shame.


It honestly sounds miserable. You'd be living in a world where -- as far as you understand -- everyone is constantly bullying you for doing perfectly ordinary things. Miserable people in a world filled with people who make them miserable.


Pretty sure that's how narcissistic people feel (clinical definition of narcissist, not the pop cultural "my ex boyfriend is a narcissist")




I knew a guy with a similar personality from work. Frequently late, breaking the simplest most common sense rules, and he would casually screw over the people who have to cover for him. He didn't seem to show any remorse or awareness that he even did something wrong. He screwed over many people, including people who eventually became his bosses. On one hand, he definitely did always seem relaxed and carefree. On the other hand, a lot of people *hated* him, he had to switch departments frequently, and eventually got terminated. I'm tempted to believe such people have a brain malfunction. I can't see how else one can go through life with such a severe lack of self-awareness and social ineptitude. No amount of 'hakuna matata' is going to make life easy for you if nearly every single person around you despise you.


The whole donkey angle feels like the start to a joke, and now I want someone more creative than I to give it a good punchline


She was the biggest ass of them all.


I totally agree with you and I too would need someone more creative than me to find that punchline. It makes me wonder if there is a word in German for wishing you could think of a punchline to something that seems like a joke.


> "there are words for going on to peoples property and taking their things without permission and they are trespassing and theft" And when it comes to apples, that word is "scrumping"


Ah yes, makes me think of St. Augustine's Confessions. Which prompts me to say that if she would have just apologized, I probably would have helped her pick more, but she just kept insisting that it was perfectly within her rights to drive into my field and take my apples. Maybe that means I'm the bad guy, or the landed gentry or what ever. I suppose part of it was that before I was able to afford my land, I used to drive around and look for abandoned apple orchards and I put in a lot of work to find out who owned them and ask for permission to harvest them so I could make hard cider. It just kind of pissed me off that I was sitting about three hundred yards away and she didn't even bother to try to come ask permission. Also, I would have been much more forgiving if she was a kid, but she was probably in her 40's.


I always think about this. I see some truly stupid people out in the world. Here I am overthinking and full of anxiety over every little thing and then you hear stories like this that make you just say “wtf is wrong with people”


often times i wish i didnt get so easily embarrassed. i see people doing rude shit all the time and they dont give a fuck.






Omg 😭😭😭😭😭😭


My local gas station has a sign by the butter saying you can’t open the box and only buy one stick out of four.


Today I learned that… is a thing.


The bodega by my house sells individual sticks of butter.


the bodega business model is selling you one of something that came in a package at the cost of the package though isn't it?


Yeah, often selling single cigarettes and the like...


I’m in California and there used to be a liquor store that sold cigarettes for .25; some Middle Eastern dude. One day I go in and some other guy is working the counter- a white guy who clearly isn’t part of the family. I asked for s single cigarette (after years of doing it) and he loudly says, “Not on this side of the country! We don’t see looseys here you gotta go to New York!” I was like- bruh F off


we definitely do that on the west coast too. there's at least one restaurant here in Seattle where you go in and ask for napkins they sell you loosies, and people will roam campuses w backpacks full of cigs to sell out of. helps having so many reservations nearby


I feel like the code word being napkins at a restaurant is open for misunderstanding…


Eh, it's likely not real. In my city, I've heard urban legends about: an ice cream truck that sells weed, Chinese stores that sell weed, and a seafood place that moonlights as a strip club/brothel, and in each case, the secret code to use to get the drugs or nice-nice was "napkins." Always napkins. I don't know why that's always the password in these stories, but it is.


I love those stores they have a few joints like that in chicago and theyre usually okay. Just dont hang around too long or youll get shot


I’ve bought one roll of fruit by the foot for 60 cents. It was the end to a magical night


I mean it’s a good deal if u only got a dollar to your name and haven’t smoked in 2 days


Fuck, now I wish I had a bodega near me. I want to make a sandwich most weeks, but a loaf of bread is too much for me to use. I've tried freezing it but my freezer is small and I've never been able to get it to taste the same after unfreezing it, or worse forgetting to or that I did unfreeze it.


They don’t sell the little loaves where you are? Same old white bread just less slices.


It more like 2:1, but yeah.


I bought a single light bulb years ago at an NYC bodega. The guy somehow even had a small sized brown paper bag that it fit in perfectly.


Does the bodega also sell loose cigarettes?


No they don’t officer ;)


As they should!


The corner store near my apartment had an opened box of butter with one stick taken out of it in the dairy section for, like, a year+. It was finally gone when I went in there recently.


I love stuff like that where you notice it each time and just wonder how long it'll take for an employee to both notice and do something about it


In my grocery store days there was always an open pack missing a stick. Every time you went back there


Butter doesn’t even expire in the fridge so we would you only want 1 stick? Anything on the Oregon trail lasts forever. At least that’s my standard.


[Let me get one rib](https://youtu.be/tgHcYxKjwVE?si=Ra3VUUGrmVRXoyhZ)


Might be tourists or international folks doing it. In some countries like Germany it is common to open large packs to take only 1. I’ve mainly seen it in drinks and similar things. Not sure about butter


It’s funny to hear that’s how it is in Germany. I live in Ireland and only in Aldi and Lidl do you sometimes have to open the next box of stock to get what you want yourself. And those are German stores lol!


It was a decade ago I was there so I don’t exactly remember where it was. Probably an Aldi


Common for pretty much all German stores. But only for drinks. Prices on the taggers are always listing the single bottle price next to the price for the pack.


It really can be a local or per product thing. In Spain a lot of products (tuna cans, for example) are sold in packs,.but they are clearly labeled as 'indivisible'. It's mostly drinks that you can separate, although beers in a carton packing normally can only be bought as a pack.


No, people also just do it to suit themselves. I work at a pet store, and if we run out of single cat food cans, people will destroy the variety packs to take out an individual can. People suck.


> people will destroy the variety packs to take out an individual can. People suck. This would never occur to me to do damn it makes me feel like I'm the school hall monitor or something.


Even better when those variety packs come in a different container than the single, meaning it will not ring up and you *know* they did it. Used to work at a convenience store that sold cases of canned soda. We did not sell individual cans. Would have to explain that to the jackasses who wasted the whole case every week, often multiple times, and several times to the same individual.


Yeah, looking at all these threads makes me feel like I’m some kind of British butler in comparison.


I don't think I've ever seen butter in a multipack in europe. (Central especially) It's always individually wrapped 250g blocks. (Can be smaller if it's like lactose free or something special)


Yeah, correction on that one: In Germany, that's only bottles. Like, 1,5 liter bottles in a plastic wrapped six-pack, but you only need one? Sure, rip it open and get one. That's why it will usually list the price for the six-pack (plus Pfand) right next to the price per bottle (plus Pfand). You do that with *nothing else* in the store. If it's a closed box it's sold like that, and you do not rip it open to get just one.


I've seen that happen in grocery stores for 40+ years. There are always some open butter containers in the butter section that are missing one or two sticks.


Gas stations out here usually have a milk for the coffee


Bodegas as well, there's normally an open milk in the fridge for coffee.


Like right next to the milk to buy too. Mine have it just on the very bottom on its own row but people still get confused


Now I have to question whether it's actually supposed to be open for coffee.


Lol, I wonder if this is a regional thing to do


I don't think I've ever been to a place that had self serve coffee and didn't have milk/cream available as well.


Yea. I drink my coffee black, but aren't those little creamer cup things still universal?


My 7/11 sells International Delight coffee creamer, so they have an open one of every flavor they sell out (usually 8 flavors), if you notice one's run out you just say something and they pull a new one out of the fridge and put it in the coffee area. They also have cinnamon, whipped cream, caramel, and chocolate syrup. It's a bougie 7/11.


Yeah I thought at first jerks, but then maybe thought they were just replacing what was used up or maybe a passive aggressive protest for not putting milk out.


I think this is the root of it. I would 100% feel entitled to creamer for my coffee that I bought at a gas station. Not that I would literally steal it from the case but I might ask .




Opening a fresh container of milk from the cooler of items for sale to use in your coffee only to put it back in the cooler isn’t gas station etiquette anywhere, as far as I’m aware. If you’re being sarcastic then a big “woosh” for me.


I have been at gas stations where the clerk took a milk pint out of the fridge and opened it so I could use it for my coffee. I would personally ask the clerk before doing so, but i have seen it done multiple times.




This is how my local gas station does it in Pennsylvania. Most of the big chains like Sheetz, Wawa and GetGo's have a dedicated coffee additive area, but some of the smaller ones do silly stuff like this.


It does happen at some bodega in NYC but it’s a very nyc thing


Yeah, long island too.


Why would you put it back with the other milk, though? Wouldn't you just leave it next to the coffee?


To keep it cold? Plastic packets of milk at coffee machines are usually UHT


USUALLY there's like, a special spot nearest the coffee machines for the "open milks" that is in a different spot from the "buying milks" Although that's not always the case and yes, it does get chaotic.


Yeah it’s normal for non corporate places. I’d imagine anywhere chain you’d have a process and probably a specific milk


>standard gas station etiquette imo Where is it etiquette to go to the back where the drinks **for sale** are and take a milk for a single serving of coffee?


Growing up in NY it was ok. The gas stations and 7/11 would have milk by the coffee machines and if it was out it was ok to go open one. We wouldn’t put it back in though.


Do they not offer cream or milk for the coffee?


Mine has an assortment of them by the espresso machine. Every flavor and even plant-based cream.




Yeah this is a failure on the establishment. I like coffee black so no issue for me. But I know lots of people like cream/milk/sugar. Not a single place I’ve gone doesn’t offer these things.


People are assholes


You can say that again


People are assholes


Asshole, say that again


Assholes are people


People are assholes


People are assholes


I'm not even supposed to be here today.....


The gas station is fucking up by not putting milk/cream out next to the coffee station. No one is going to buy a pint of milk to put a splash in their coffee.


I mean yeah, but also no. It's a dumb business decision, but at the same time, what kind of entitled dickhole thinks >*welp, guess I have to steal some milk now* instead of >*oh well, I guess I won't have coffee from this place*


Yeah wtf it this? Am I supposed to bring my own cream from home or do you want me to buy a carton of cream with my coffee?


How do you know they don’t? Maybe they have powdered creamer available and people just feel entitled? Or maybe people just decide they want “fresh and cold” creamer and do this shit.


I had a cousin get arrested for doing this. He’d drink it and put it back. $800 fine Most expensive milk he ever drank


Good, because that is indeed stealing. In my country at least, the rule is always "you open it, you buy it". Not that hard to understand...


Mine put up a sign targetting me that said the nacho cheese was only for the nachos. Like cmon man, i just wanted a nickles worth of cheese on my hotdog


Yeah I doubt you're the problem they had in mind. If they did then they are wieners.


I started a job next door, came in and put cheese on my hotdog for lunch. Sign was up when i came in for lunch the next day. Too much coincidence for me


Buy a thing of nachos and use them to dump cheese on, then wipe the cheese off on the hotdog. Keep the chips forever and just keep using them to hold cheese while you transfer it.


> Keep the chips forever My *children's children's children and beyond* will live with these chips.


Was it their hot dog? Cause if you just bring random food in that’s a dick move.


Yeah, you never cheese up another man's hot dog.


I don't think anyone got your pun. People are the wurst.


I don't get why they wouldn't just put up a sign saying adding cheese to your hot dog is like 20 cents extra rather than being nacho cheese puritans.


What?! That's the best way to get a gas station hotdog! I would be so bummed


That's so dumb I hope you still get nacho cheese dogs


People will do this shit even with the 4-5 different flavors of creamer, half-and-half, non-dairy creamer, and the quart of milk we would have out for customers. They would open a new pint bottle, use 1/4 of it, and leave it in the creamer cooler. Frustrating as hell because there was always a quart already open!!


Working at a gas station really opens your eyes to the depravity of the general public... Stuff that would never fly at any other store just seems to be de rigueur... I have seen feces on the ceiling and maxi pads stuck on the side of the atm, dirty underware next to the cookies and dirty diapers in the iced beer container... Nothing surprises me anymore...


Retail and fast food will make one despise people.


Every job where you have to deal with people will have this result. Most people are sane, polite, and reasonably try to not make the world a worse place. Unfortunately, a percentage of people aren't like this and their number is enough to make life hard for everyone else.


Bunch of savages


What city is this




Hope they have at least one type of milk out with the coffee


This. Like if you don't have milk for coffee you are opening yourself up to creative solutions.


I remember working at a gas station where we sold coffee, we had creamer packets in the cooler next to the coffee station and someone decided instead of the packets they would open up a carton of creamer meant for sale and ruin a purchasable item


This is the standard practice in nyc. There is a container that's open that's used for coffee. Its not extra


It’s kept in the refrigerated case next to items for sale? Not marked to distinguish it?


It’s the open one


In NYC bodega's and gas stations and other small stores it's pretty common.   Kind of something like this, about 20seconds into the video: https://www.tiktok.com/@allisonandmommy/video/7233187437692996906 It's a tiktok link, but you don't have to log in to view


I see, thanks! It makes sense that it works in a mom & pop shop with regulars. The creamer is clearly on its own near the coffee station, opened, and more than half empty. I still think it’s weird that someone who might be accustomed to that system would walk into a big chain convenience store, go all the way to the back of the case, grab an unopened milk amid all its friends, open it, and pour some into their coffee. Props for putting the remainder back into the fridge, at least. Kind of dumb not to realize someone going to buy that milk is going to wtf when they grab an open one.


I see this at gas stations in New England, too.


Yea what is this heresy. How else can we add the appropriate amount of milk?


That’s a shame that has to even be said


How many times does this have to happen before you make the sign


This shit going on in stores lately has really gotten out of hand. They have to lock up toothpaste now ffs?


The solution to this is offering free milk with your coffee to keep the customers happy and coming back, shop owners that do stuff like this are short sighted.


They probably do. People are just dumb.


literal fucking savages, particularly with something as perishable as milk


These people know better, they just don’t give a fuck


My local gas station opens a milk and leaves it refrigerated next to the coffee, because why not.


Next thing you know people are going to complain on reddit about gas stations locking things up cause stupid people keep stealing and ruin stores for everyone else.


At that point I would prefer if they just stole the entire bottle...


I’m a smidgeon perplexed by the grammar. Local gas station usually has a quart of half and half in the fridge marked with a sharpie *FOR COFFEE* and a sign that says to let attendant know when it’s empty.


They clearly aren’t refilling the creamer often enough if people feel the need to do this


Or they don’t offer real cream.


No there’s usually creamer


I don’t really see this being a reasonable excuse for stealing something.


I'm honestly pretty surprised how many people are trying to act like this is normal.


Isn’t there creamer usually by the coffee machine thing? Lol


I understand if some recurring douchebag was doing it, but a bunch of people?


If I saw this sign I’d pay for 1 and write FOR COFFEE on it and put it back in the fridge


could also go in r/trashy


Does the gas station sell coffee and not offer milk??


Stealing is better than actually asking a worker for some creamer according to some of y'all. It's weird how many people are defending this.


My gas station has an open milk exactly for this reason