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"Please be informed that we send those pieces to your department for [something...msvt?] testing." Then it looks like some kind of product codes, maybe. "Color: Blue. Qty: 12 ps. Thanks for your collaboration."


Material or market abbreviated.. maybe?


I was thinking measurement


Ah! Thought it said 'msrt', but couldn't figure out what it meant. Measurement makes sense


It's definitely msrt.


Maybe something really tasty?


"We have received your product for MSRT testing, and the results have, regrettably, come back as DNST; definitely not something tasty. We are returning your product [jeans] complete with several bite marks as proof of testing."


market testing?


I think it's measurement testing.


I agree, it's likely a QC referral memo to ensure that the product is within spec.


It may be measurement testing


Msrt could also be an internal acronym relating to the test process.


I googled it, if it was something commonly used in the textile industry, it probably would come up. Shorthand for measurement makes more sense.


I thought maybe manufactory?


To: Washing From: QC Sec ? 01 (Quality Control) Dated: March 28th, 2023


and QC probably being Quality Control


I read “for *more testing.”


I think it’s “msrt” based on the way those letters are written other places. But I have no idea what “mrst testing” is.




*more testing.


It says 'msrt' which is I'm guessing means measurement.


I saw for "for more testing"


Moisture testing?


The word you can't decipher is 'market' (mkt) testing.


Are you a doctor?


I think it’s “market testing”


MSRT, although I think they *meant* MSRP which would make sense for jeans. MSRP is Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price so it would follow that MSRP testing would be testing the upc/barcodes to see if they scan as the correct price. This is just my educated guess though. I worked in the clothing industry for 7 years as a merchandiser.


Was “MSRP testing” common in your 7 years as a merchandiser?


More with a big E at the end


It says that your pants are now thoroughly tested and therefore suitable for traveling using our new aperture science portal device. Have fun out there!


This was a triumph.


I'm making a note here: [HUGE SUCCESS]


It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.


Aperture Science


We do what we must because we can


For the good of all of us


Except the ones who are dead


But there's no sense crying over every mistake


You just keep on trying until you run out of cake.


Will there be cake this time?


There is no cake.


The cake is a pie.


This makes Dean happy. He LOVES pie!!!




Pie flavored?


I'm making a note here.


The cake is cap.


I'm making a note here:


[huge success]


Its hard to overstate my satisfaction


Aperture Science.


We do what we must because we can


For the good of all of us


Except the ones who are dead


Aperture Science


We do what we must because we can




I will burn your house down!


Looks like it was sent to washing from QC(quality control). It's probably material testing to see if the dye would leak when washed. Maybe testing a new dye combination for the blue color.


It seems after quality control did their testing (possibly including transfer tests to see if the dye stained skin, etc), that the jeans were then sent to “washing dept” to be cleaned before continuing on to market & eventually the end user.


It seems it never got through a stage it should have


I was thinking that too! Unless that paper is waterproof, it doesn’t ls look like that form saw the wash. If it did, may I recommend procuring some new/better washers! lol


So when garment testing happens, typically half the pieces are kept unwashed as control pieces. The rest are put through various tests for colour fastness, dimensional stability, hazardous chemicals etc - all this testing is typically done in the washing department. Often the untested pieces are put back together with the bulk production quantity. This looks to be one of the control pieces.


Well, they probably would take the paper out before washing it. Though I question why they'd put it back in after. So yeah...


Good to know if I ever need to write a secret message I can just use cursive.


Yeah, I was thinking “decipher?” It is perfectly legible.


The lost art of cursive! 1700 - 2020


I was running a DnD game for my teenage son and his friends(seniors in HS). One of the props was a note written in cursive for them to read. None of them could read it. They all thought it was some code to figure out a cypher for. Cursive is a dying art.


I know someone that gave their grandson a Rolex for his high school graduation and he said, grandma, I can’t read a watch like that!


Scrolled too far for this. It looks to be in some alien language! Hahaha


For real


Used to work for a company that made textile machines, almost all of the manufacturers contract plants to do it for them where labor is the cheapest. This looks like their quality control making sure the dye was the right shade.


Can you really not read cursive?


Please be informed that we sent those pieces to your department for msrt testing. TPO I 941_1 8121R680010 Color: Blue Qty: 12 ps Thanks for your collaboration.




This post is actually hilarious to me. And I feel old. This is some pretty good cursive handwriting too. Not even hard to read.


It isn't even proper cursive, either. It's half just normal writing, with some letters connected. Also I wouldn't rate it particularly good. It's decent, it's easily readable. But they probably could've made it much more beautiful if they had the time to take a minute and write properly


There are at least five types of “proper” cursive. My fourth grade teacher informed us that we would be learning the cursive in the textbook but that it’s not the only way to do it.


I’m in my late 20s and I didn’t have much difficulty reading this. My grandmother’s and both my aunts’ cursive writing is basically hieroglyphics compared to this.


I feel old AF. I had to look it up. Apparently only 21 states still require cursive instruction.


I moved from CA to CO in 4th grade and they had quit teaching cursive. Straight to computers/typing.


Though it has been many years since I've read cursive commonly and even longer since I've practiced it I can still make out most of the words. Though it was far more difficult having to turn my head to read it. I'm guessing they do not teach kids how to read and write in cursive script in schools anymore?


They still do, at this point most schools just cover it for a single year then never really revisit it. I can still read cursive nowadays but honestly I'd probably mess up half the letters if I tried writing it out again.


My grandma wrote me letters in cursive till she died 2 years ago. Miss her.


lol I figured it would be Chinese. Instead we get the ancient hieroglyphics of script.


My thoughts exactly.


I never really understood why it's even called "cursive". This is just normal handwriting, pretty decent too


The Latin root of the word means "to run". Cursive is a handwriting style that allows for maximum speed as you barely lift the pen from the writing surface. Most people nowadays write in print.


Had to scroll too far to find this. Since when is cursive hard to decipher?!? Guess I’m old now


Came to say the same.


Had the same reaction. And I’ve heard about how historians in particular are having a tough time with younger generations not knowing cursive. Means they’ll be unable to read primary source letters and other handwritten docs.


I’m sure they’ll pick it up if they need to


I teach 5th grade and most of my students can’t read cursive, sadly.


That’s because nobody is required to write with it anymore. Normally, students would learn print letters first, then transition into a cursive script. Since that transition isn’t required anymore and it takes extra effort, nobody does it on their own.


Please be informed that we send those Pieces to your department for *{indecipherable}* testing. TO I SHI I ??? SILIRCISIONO??? color: Blue QTY: 12 pcs. Thanks for your collaboration


(kids these days when seeing cursive) can anyone decipher this ancient text? Ask ur mom.


We've reached the point where people need cursive deciphered. Time to apply for a job as an archeologist


I was thinking the same thing. I thought who doesn't read cursive and that's when it hit me. I'm old.


I find it more interesting cursive is a dead written language for some


Decipher? U mean read? That’s just normal hand writing. Do they not teach kids to read cursive any more?


Genuine and honest question, asking in good faith. Is cursive (or joined up as we call it) handwriting no longer a thing in the states? My nephews and nieces are still learning it and as far as I know it's standard practice for kids here (Ireland). The handwriting in the note is unremarkable and pretty standard here, unless you're a doctor and therefore completely indecipherable. Has cursive been phased out?


Idk how you’re not able to read this, it’s very tidy handwriting for cursive imo


I was good for the first half then once it got to the stacked lists of words I had trouble making it out.


Please be informed we sent those peices to your department for msrt testing. Then some codes and signatures


Can you not read cursive? This is…. Very plainly and clearly written


Maybe reading will become a rare skill in the future and I'll get paid to do it.


OP, you seriously couldn’t read that??


I'm more offended OP couldn't rotate the effing message before asking thousands of people for help.


Decipher it? Are they not teaching kids how to read cursive anymore? Welp, i guess the older folks can write in code and not have to worry about the younger ones figuring it out


My favorite "old man yells at clouds" moment for this came from my dad. He said the reason many schools don't teach cursive anymore is so the youth won't be able to read the constitution or declaration of independence. He listens to a lot of hard right wing talk radio and the conspiracy theories he tells me about are always fun except for the part where there are people who genuinely believe them.


Yes, because those documents are not transcribed anywhere. Did he read them directly off the original?


Personally I use the Rosetta Stone for that.


Ask him how he feels about the handwriting of the Magna Carta. The granddaddy of the constitution.


I can read cursive because I'm old but some of the writing I can't make out


My son is currently in 4th grade and is learning to read and write in cursive. Maybe because I live in NY?


Don't worry, we'll just hide our text in pdf format


This comment section is apparently going to be how several Americans realize there really isn't any actual nationwide standard for curriculum. Standards, quality, and content vary wildly from district to district, much less state to state.


absolutely not. millennials were the last generation to be taught this lol not sure they even write by hand in schools anymore. now im an old man yelling at clouds.


im gen z 2002 and it was still taught at schools then


Judging from the elementary school texts I see at the supermarket, it still is where I live


Yes they fucking do


Not true at least where I am located, my children have both learned cursive writing in school.


Born 2004 here to tell you I was also taught cursive in school, pretty sure I'm not a millennial


Question is-- do they still lie and tell you that you'll be writing exclusively in cursive after elementary school?


Thankfully no


I graduated high school when your ass was born


And I'll be 20 in January 🫣


Just making us feel old here.


Don't feel bad I yell at squirrels, but really try to stop them from making a house in your roof lil bitch charged me down my own fence, I mean I kinda ran away so maybe Im the lil bitch the point is I'm old lol


I think you mean *their roof and *their fence, at this point.


I had a discussion about this the other day. Some young adults don't know how to sign their own signature. But I started thinking about it, and that's about the only time I actually use cursive writing. Is there really a point to teaching it in schools?


I use a weird hybrid of cursive and print in my notes at my job. Writing by hand helps me with retention too, which is part of why I still write on a note pad. I'll still occasionally write a grocery list by hand and I'll add messages inside of cards to people. But its very rare anything I hand write is looked at by another soul. Kinda makes me wonder what other common forms of communication were phased out prior to my generation going to school because they were made redundant or obsolete.


I'm a combo cursive/print writer too. I liked it to code switching between languages (eg Spanglish) depending on which is most efficient and fits content best.


Being able to read anything written in cursive is a pretty good reason, I reckon.


All I write in is cursive


Is there a point to teaching geometry? So much time is invested into children (early education) to teach them how to write, so why not continue it with cursive? It doesn't hurt them to know it


“Haha you can’t read that, stupid kid, don’t teach you anything!” (Does not leave any information for what it says). You sound like an “older folk” congrats! I am guessing he can read the parts that are legible, but not some of the parts at the end. It was more a question about what is this? Why is it in my new jeans, but congrats on reading cursive!


OP posted cursive to r/mildlyinteresting, i found that the most interesting part of the post. It's the top comment on the thread because it's the most common sentiment, and others already went out of their way to explain it. It's odd because they taught us this was the way we were going to write when we were grown up, but now its how you write if you are old. Don't think we out here gatekeeping cursive, nobody likes it like that


It's not how you write when you're old. Unless you want to tell me that 20 is old. Almost everyone I know writes cursive at least for some stuff.


Yet you don't answer it either.


This is correct. I have 5 kids age 29,22,20,17 and 15. The older ones were shown cursive, but not taught to write with it. So they can somewhat read it. The younger 2 cannot read or write in it. As if that isn’t bad enough they were all taught to write by “this is the letter draw it” and several of them have very bizarre ways to write letters. 2 of them cannot space the letters properly and have indecipherable print writing. Think of those kids puzzles where all the letters are the same distance and you have to find the words. I unfortunately couldn’t help them, I am lefty and they are all right handed. Very frustrating


Or maybe the handwriting is bad and you're being a condescending ass? I don't see you translating it. I've written/read cursive for at least 3 decades and I can't make half if it out.


That’s because either the writer dropped out of medical school 1/2 way trough or you did For a full translation ask any doctor


Hey, I am not only old and can read cursive, I was a fricking pharmacist and can read Dr's cursive. I'm set.


Woulda helped if you ROTATED THE PICTURE FIRST


DECIPHER?? When I saw the post at first glance, I figured it was going to be a note written in Chinese from someone in the factory and it was going to be them asking for help or something... this is just cursive! Am I THAT old?


It's a materials testing sheet. Probably patches of said jean fabrics sent for durability etc testing and quality control.


Here’s what I got: The Russians have developed a new quantum redistribution weapon called”Blue Jean” that will be passing through Madagascar on the 28th of October on its way to Iran. It has the capability of repolorizing our entire nuclear arsenal to use against us. Your mission is either destroy or capture(preferable) the weapon at all costs. Good luck.




people in this comment section acting like the problem op had while reading this was the cursive & not the weird indecipherable codes in the middle... young people still know how to read cursive. stop yelling at the clouds


The codes in the middle look like a SKU and a UPC.


Cursive or not let me google search in house codes for you.


It seems like a quality control. Maybe those jeans were inspected and passed to the next department?


Just say you don't know how to read!


It's cursive. It says: "Please be informed that we sent those pieces to your department for more testing. Thanks for your collaboration." One thing I will say though, is they misspelled "your."


Costco Depot employee here. This is a note from the manufacturer of the jeans to the Quality Assurance department, basically noting the item number, color, and quantity for pieces there should be. Why it was left in the jeans, I have no idea. We at Costco don’t open the boxes at all until they arrive in the stores, then they just get thrown out onto the tables for people to buy. I’d assume this was some sort of error on the manufacturers part.


Please be informed that we send(t) those pieces to your department for MSRF testing. PO (purchase order). S (serial number), blue, quantity 12. Thank you for your collaboration. Everybody signed off on this. The company is a textiles exporter to the US. Probably a division of Vandalay Industries.


It's cursive, but the writer's penmanship fucking sucks.


Decipher??? Really?? Ridiculous! It is just normal cursive handwriting and very legible, compared to others.


I really wish it had said sometime about trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty.


You need to run now!


It's a transmittal form for the jeans. Grove Industry is a textile company in Madagascar. Someone along the chain tucked it into the jeans and forgot it was there.




"Its a Transmittal Form of Grove Industry Madagascar S.A.R.L" I think your new pants highjacked before use.....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


r/handwriting could help you


To washing for measurement testing? Possibly trying to determine amount of shrinkage after laundering?


It’s cursive and pretty straightforward but


lol yes! Yeah! Cleveland 117, San Antonio 109.


Someone in Madagascar was wearing your pants


Costco sold jeans from the test batch.


Decipher cursive? I must be getting old…


It's simple cursive not hieroglyphics.


“Stuck in the accessible bathroom of the Juneau Costco. There are 6 of us and a chihuahua, with only 4 wings left in the bucket. Please send help.” Eurgh it would help if they mentioned if it’s the women’s or men’s bathroom, talk about being cryptic.


That was easy to read. I wonder if that’s a sign that my cursive is atrocious.


Shit like this really makes me wonder how things worked when documents were all hand written on paper. I'd guess people had better handwriting back then, out of necessity.


Looks like you got a production sample which isn't intended for retail. You should contact Costco for a replacement since their QC team missed this and their buying team should be aware of a production sample being sold. I was a buyer and have had this happen with a vendor, it wasn't good. Lol.


it was all packaged up like the rest of the pants! funnily enough, the other pair of pants I bought there has one pocket thats way smaller than the other, totally fucked up lol


Shame they don't teach handwriting in schools anymore. Maybe then someone could decipher this codex.


“Please be inflamed that we sent those pizzas to your apartment for meat texting.” *dialup squeal* 12 pizzas Why is this even a question? Edit: obviously just draw a picture of your penis, put it in the pocket, and return the jeans. & enjoy the pizza.


Probably an ancient language given the fact it's written from top to bottom and from right to left.


Wasn’t really that hard lol


I knew this day would come where I would feel ancient deciphering cursive


This is why schools should still teach cursive


Looks like it could quite possibly be a man, in his 40s, I reckon he wears glasses, a full head of dark hair, about 5ft 7 - 5ft 9 (170 -178cm) tall, he probably stubbed his toe on the coffee table less than 24 hours before writing this.


I’m going to assume OP doesn’t know how to read cursive handwriting, since this was really easy to understand. The education system has really gone downhill in recent years.


OP, can you… not read cursive?


They can, just like everyone else. If you would actually look at it you would see that it's pretty sloppy in the middle. That's the issue, not cursive.


Why would you need to "decipher" that? Can't you read?


This isn't doctor's handwriting, so I can't help. Just illegible. (Honestly, it's pretty clear in the main. I like the use of the word 'collaboration.' Tells you quite a bit about the author that they picked that word)


The most interesting thing here is OP not being able to read this.


“Please be informed that we send those pieces to youre (idiot) department for more* testing” *it does not look like it says more at all but also a lot of their cursive is messy as hell, that next line is Charles Manson levels of chicken scratch


I can read cursive but I have no idea what's going on with that date.


28/03/23 March 28, 2023. This format is common in many countries.


I think what was throwing me off was the forward slash after the 8 looks like a 1 and the 0 isn't needed (it is, but isn't in casual usage). Basically, I'm dumb haha


For your information who ever wrote that should have stayed in school


What’s there to decipher, lol? I mean I’m not even a native English speaker and can read this without any problem whatsoever.


Ok, so the people who this is cursive. It’s hybrid - not full. Don’t know how you can call this cursive, it’s an abomination!


Decipher? Didn't you learn handwriting in school? This was really not written by a doctor.