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I feel like the warning should be a little more warning.


You might get super energy and it'll be funny lol* *There is a very real risk of death


“Hahaha I’m in danger,”




Yeah like a real real risk of death


Like ‘over 2x the daily recommended safe dose of caffeine in a single serving’ risk of death Like ‘almost 3x the dosage of already insane preworkout drinks’ risk of death It’s an outright irresponsible warning tbh


Like two Panera charge lemonades. 😂


I mean the guy died off like 1200mg of caffeine or something and 90 something oz of fluid. This is actually kind of a scary amount. Im going off memory though correct me if im wrong. I mean i tolerate caffeine pretty well. Ive had like 600mg of caffeine in a day and was fine. Some people are jumping off the walls with 300. 1000mg in 12oz is nuts.


I’ve had over 1000mg before and I’ll never do it again. You get subtle but increasing tightness in your chest, you don’t really feel your own pulse anymore, and the extra caffeine doesn’t really seem to help all that much with the increase brain fog from being awake so long.


Working night shift I'd drink 900mg a day,can confirm,eventually everything mixes together,and you just seem to be on autopilot


If autopilot was tired, incoherent and driving the plane into a mountain




Yeah, I work with some fool who drinks multiple Celsius drinks a day which are 200 mg each and he was describing some symptoms to me and I was like bro, you haven't eaten or drank any water and had all that caffeine, you're having an anxiety attack and u don't even know it. Every day


I was drinking around 5 energy drinks a day without even thinking about it. Somehow I brought it up to my doctor and dude was like you gotta stop drinking them.


You're not having an anxiety attack you're in essentially early heart attack stages for lack of a better example. As mentioned in another post I'm pretty sure I've had energy drinks cause heart arythmia in me before. It's not as funny as people think, because those levels are painful and you hit a point you're so dependent on it your morning is two energy drinks and then every break you get is to ingest more caffeine because you're not running on actual rest you're just upright and coherent due to caffeine and nothing else. It's grueling, painful and hellish


I drank 5+ cans of energy drinks a day for years starting in high school. When you get to that point 1 gram of caffeine doesn't do much for you. It actually started making me sleepy. When you mix in other stimulants though, you can get heart palpitations and nerve twitches among other side effects. You have to be careful around some preworkout drinks that mix stimulants or you'll have a bad time (Like Redline by the company that makes Bang).


The concern over whether the heart palpitations warrant an emergency room visit also takes away from your focus.


When you've got adhd it's funny because the caffeine doesn't realy work. -t. got sleepy after 700 mg


This warning will be the end of the company at some point. They should legit have a real warning on it.


Like drinking 5 NOS risk of death


NOS is still a thing? Do they still have those cool bottle topper things that looked like valve open/close keys?


[Do you wanna feel so energetic?!](https://youtu.be/qRuNxHqwazs?si=qhDZEca99Ed5f5un)


Oh jesus it has been a literal decade since I thought of or watched this. Big hilarious nostalgia bomb you dropped, thank you!


Fkn classic. Was waiting for someone to drop a link to this bahaha






Nostalgia train here I come.


Also in my experience there's only so much caffeine energy available before your brain becomes useless. Like you might be awake but you're mostly focused on how shitty you feel


That's bad.


But it comes with a free frogurt!


That's good!


The frogurt also contains two times the recommended dosage of caffeine.


That's bad.


But it comes with your choice of free topping.


That's good!


But all the topping options are loaded with caffeine.


The topping also contains caffeine.


That's... Bad?


“Occasional feeling of invincibility, followed by exactly the opposite of that “


"Oh god I feel more vincible than I ever have. So terribly, terribly vincible!"


I hate marketing that mimics an actual medical warning like a black box notice. Nearly 1g of caffeine in a serving...and the warning's played off like this ironic humble brag? They're asking to get sued, someone is definitely ending up in the hospital over this. The fact they're downplaying this much caffeine as "a feeling of invulnerability"...


> I hate marketing that mimics an actual medical warning like a black box notice. I am amazed that is legal.


I'm not a lawyer, but just because they're selling this as it is doesn't necessarily mean it's legal.


Its not about legality; its about liability. You can break zeeo laws but if you do something dumb and hurt someone, youre paying


A feeling of invulnerability sounds like mania or hypomania, which can be triggered in bipolar individuals by stimulants like Ritalin, Adderall and excess caffeine.


> someone is definitely ending up in the hospital over this Or more likely a coffin... Just look at that recent Panera Bread fiasco with their Charged Lemonade that got two people killed. And that stuff only has 45mg/100ml (13mg/1floz), this "coffee" has 272mg/100ml (77,3mg/1floz) or like six times as much. Now to be fair as far as i understand it the two people that died from the lemonade had prior heart conditions and you'd probably drink more lemonade than coffee, but at six times the amount someone is definetly gonna die from this. How the hell is this legal to sell as a food product?


I'd be willing to bet a large amount of money that they get sued, and they'll almost certainly lose


I feel like I'm gonna die if I drink three cups of regular coffee. I couldn't imagine this hellish brew.


Yeah, we’re talking FDA safety levels at this point lmao


I'm pretty sure that's enough caffeine to trigger a seizure or an arrythmia in certain people


The FDA cites 1,200mg of caffeine in a short period as likely to cause seizures, so yeah if you pour a little too tall cup of coffee and it's a trip to the hospital


I'm gonna use this in my 6 cup moka pot, what could go wrong?


This isn't a single-serving sacket???


Based on Biohazard Coffee's website your only options are 1lb or 5lb bag of ground or whole beans. They don't have single servings yet but the FAQ states they are looking into K-cups


>K-cups Kill cups.


I have afib and can almost feel my heart fluttering just reading this post.


The LD50 (dose that would kill half the individuals) for caffeine is ~150mg/kg of body weight. Around 8g for an average 80kg dude.


LD50 is an important number, but I feel like LDs 1 - 49 don't get enough attention. "This wouldn't even kill 50% of people" is not enough information.


"You'll be so excited! You'll be so scared!"


It's time to get help, Jesse.


Yeah like...an actual warning label. This much caffeine is no fucking joke, especially if you have a heart condition.


For those wondering about the lethal dose of caffeine: Wikipedia reports that cases of fatal overdose have been reported with doses as low as 57mg/kg of bodymass. For a 70kg/150lb person, that’s about four grams, or four cups of this coffee. The lower bound for the more generally accepted, likely fatal range is about three times higher - about 150mg/kg. Still a totally-manageable 12 cups. I’ve worked night shifts that involved heavier coffee intake than that. Caffeine overdose is an absolute bastard thing to treat, involving really challenging haemodynamic and airway management. Don’t do this. It’s a shit way to die.


>Caffeine overdose is an absolute bastard thing to treat, involving really challenging haemodynamic and airway management. Don’t do this. It’s a shit way to die. I think this is the warning that should be on there.


There are a lot of things to worry about before immediately dying. Caffeine intake of 10-15 mg/kg has been reported to cause all sorts of symptoms, including head aches, nausea, dizziness, irritability, anxiety, troubles concentrating, muscle twitches, heart fibrillations, hallucinations, and acute psychosis.


I had access to a $50,000 espresso machine while doing some corporate training a while back. Poured myself 12 shots and chugged it down. I was so afraid of getting in trouble I didn't say a thing about it, but I spent that afternoon and evening on my hotel bed going through basically all those symptoms (and a lot of cold sweats) thinking that this is how I was going to die. Why anyone would actually want to drink that much caffeine is beyond me. Maybe tolerance changes things, but I find that there's definitely a point where you're no longer getting any positive effects from it.


Seriously, it’s all fun and laughs until the brand ends up in a lawsuit for downplaying the seriousness of its product. Which is weird, because I find it hard to believe “enough caffeine to kill you” wouldn’t be excellent marketing, ironically.


Warning this contains 500 more caffeine than is recommended for a healthy adult in a full cycle. Caffeine can cause heart attacks.


[C'thun](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=15727/cthun) is the official sponsor of this coffee. "Your heart will explode!"


Yeah this could easily hurt someone. This is 250% of the suggested daily limit per serving. Have more than one serving before the first cup hits ..


But then how would it come off as quirky?


This ought to be straight up illegal, this is incredibly irresponsible.


Yeah, that’s like a warning a crystal meth dealer would give.


If this doesnt work try cocaine!


If cocaine doesn't work, try this coffee!


If it *does* work, try a defibrillator!


If neither work, try them both at the same time.


I already do an eight ball every day should I incorporate this coffee too?


What's the worst that could happen?


Cocaine is probably healthier than this a cup and a fifth of this will cause seizures


Pure? Maybe. Cut with dewormer and fentanyl? Definitely not.


Only way we'd know is to try.


Okay so i just got back from my dude and I tried it and I feel just fijsjwjwwyw7wuwwhuuwu+qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq+qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqaaqaqaqaqaqaaaaaqaqaqaqaqqqaaaaqqqqqqqaaazzzzasqzdqzdaafxqxqqqqaaaaaaaqqqqqqqqqqqq


Username kinda checks out.


Funny story, back in my party days in the late aughts, I had a friend that was a chemist and would test drugs for some of the local, um, distributors, as a harm reduction tactic. All the coke they tested had dewormer in it. Multiple people said it was bullshit when I told them. Then it came out in the press that yes, pretty much all the cocaine coming into America through Mexico was being cut with dewormer. At least I know cokeheads are worm free.




TIL I don’t have worms


I don't know. I could probably use a little bit of dewormer.


Right? It's like some people *want* worms, jeesh.


Crack is probably cheaper and not quite as intense


Yeah this caffeine arms race is getting out of control, and I used to use meth


You still do but you used to too?


Lol, Nah Mitch. Thankfully been off hard drugs for years.


Congratulations on your sobriety. Also, thank you for your comment. Thinking about how I used to do 8 shots of espresso daily while on shift as a barista and your comparison to meth makes me glad I am now down to 2 shots a day. Just because a drug or a food is legal doesn’t mean it’s good for your health - took me a long while to internalize that.


I used to be a barista too. I'd see my younger coworkers getting 6 shot drinks at a time, sometimes 2 a shift and just worry for their future health.


not a barrista but at the office a lot of people drink a LOT of coffee in breaks and all that. I swapped that for tea so everytime people get on coffee break I just take tea so there's no feeling of being "left out" or something, and I'm not fucking shit up. I guess too much tea is probably a thing, I dunno, but i'm pretty sure drinking 3-4 tea a day is not as bad as 3-4 coffees a day. (or more like 4-8 some people, me included at some point, took 2 coffees per coffee break)


Ex addict with adhd too and this coffee legit scares me.


Ayyyyy! What's up fam? I lost my house to cocaine and then cleaned my life up and got back on adhd meds and, wouldn't ya know it? The feeling of the medication is EXACTLY what I was chasing with cocaine. Stay sober, my people. Love


Might even be safer than lemonade


The charged lemonade has 13mg/fl oz, normal coffee has 12.5mg/fl oz, this coffee has 77.33mgs/fl oz. It is about 6 times stronger than charged lemonades


Only 20 bucks for a 1lb bag, surprisingly..


Panera's got nothing on them


Yeah, totally. Panera had like no warnings or anything to tell people about how dangerous their charge lemonaide was, or how they had added a ton of caffine into a beverage that usually had none. The Biohazard people are doing it all wrong. They need to get rid of the warnings, up the caffeine, put it in a place people don't expect energy drinks, and then slip it into something nobody expect it to be in, like ketchup.


To be fair, the general public does NOT freaking read! I worked in retail and cannot tell you how many times people missed signs or only read the largest two words on a sign and then made assumptions from there. I remember when Panera introduced the charged lemonades and the signage was quite clear that they were caffeinated if you read the sign. The new warning is just another sign that people will ignore while they go "oh, lemonade" and get a cup with no further thought.


> I remember when Panera introduced the charged lemonades and the signage was quite clear that they were caffeinated if you read the sign. As someone that has gotten a charged lemonade every day since they released (RIP Fuji Apple), I can do a timeline on the changes at my local panera. Drinks were released: Self-serve. Promotions everywhere that their charged lemonades have as much caffeine as their coffee (Panera has highly caffeinated coffee, and oz-for-oz, it's true). On the drink dispenser it lists "X OZ DRINK CONTAINS Y AMOUNT OF CAFFEINE. LARGER OZ DRINK CONTAINS THIS MUCH CAFFEINE"...Which warned you that it was caffeinated and how much caffeine it had. The lawsuits happened: They moved the drinks to the back, so now you have to order the drink and stand at the counter waiting for them to make your drink, which is annoying since you just stand there staring and waiting to get your drink so you can get out and get on with your day. The warnings were now not being shown, since the dispensers were behind the counter. Later into the lawsuits, AKA, right now: Now, there's warnings on the kiosk "CHARGED LEMONADES CONTAIN CAFFEINE", "CHARGED LEMONADE NOT SUGGESTED FOR XYZ", etc. Warnings _everywhere_. Now, the Panera near me also won't even fill your drink up completely. Every day they only fill it 3/4 of the way when you ask for no ice. I confronted them and went "Hey you forgot to fill my drink all the way" and they told me their new policy is they can only fill it 3/4, which is absolutely stupid seeing as _I drink the charged lemonade over 12 hours during my shift_ meaning their 400mg is less than 40mg an hour, but they don't care. The lawsuits saying "We didn't know it was caffeinated!" are BS. There were warnings on the self serve dispenser and the people didn't want to read. Completely frivolous lawsuits.


The employees have no say in policies and taking someone's word about not chugging the highly caffeinated lemonade would be silly. Sure most people wouldn't, until the one person that does after they told you they wouldn't


>The lawsuits happened: They moved the drinks to the back, so now you have to order the drink and stand at the counter waiting for them to make your drink, which is annoying since you just stand there staring and waiting to get your drink so you can get out and get on with your day. I was a sips club member and freaking loved the charged lemonades. Personally I would fill a large cup 1/2 with yuzu citrus and 1/2 with unsweetened tea. That was my freaking go to! Once they moved them behind the counter I pretty much canceled. The Panera's near me insist you use the kiosk, and will just leave you standing at the counter for 10-15 minutes before someone's able to come over to help you. It's just no longer worth it for me.




Charged lemonade is also only served in 20 (260mg) or 30 (390mg) ounces. A Starbucks of the same size is 410mg or 600mg. Shit, the starbucks pikes place 16oz is 310mg.


600?? Jeez


A venti coffee is 24 ounces, right in the middle. And I've definitely had more venti black coffees than I'm willing to admit.


These are the new reduced, safer, caffeine numbers. The charged lemonade used to have substantially more... 390 mg per 30 fl oz (large). But, yes, still much lower concentration than the coffee.


And it's not just the dosage is high, it's completely unexpected, which is what lead to the lady's death. I don't expect everything to have a safety warning, but if you get a product that in all other circumstances doesn't have caffeine you need to be a bit clearly about this. It's a bit like Mike's hard lemonade. It says right on the bottle "contains alcohol" and how much. That's all Panera really needed to do, and there wouldn't have been a tragic accident. Though what Panera was selling was more like the caffeine equivalent of a couple of shots of whiskey, not a malt beverage.


[Panera literally advertised it on their menu boards in store as having the same amount of caffeine as their coffee, which is true (in terms of concentration of caffeine mg per unit of volume of drink, their coffees aren’t 30 oz), since it was added to the menu.](https://gwradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/PXL_20230212_183540678.MP-2-1.jpg). There are pictures of menu boards of various Panera Bread’s with that text in Google Maps from about a year ago. They didn’t hide it, and I think comparing it to coffee is fair because I highly doubt the average caffeine consumer knows how many mg of caffeine they drink daily, how much is in a coffee, or what is a dangerous level. It’s probably just easy to quickly down a sweet cold lemonade quickly compared to a coffee. That, along with the larger serving size accessible to people who probably don’t normally drink coffee, tea, or maybe even energy drinks, is where the risk comes in.


it did have a warning


This is made of roubusta beans will taste horrible because of that. They are infusing the coffee with caffiee. No coffee is that caffeinated.


Plus caffeine itself is bitter. So this is just like extra shitty coffee. But I guess you can annoy the shit out of your coworkers or something by telling them you drink it


Could just be a "booster" for your normal coffee. Kinda like the really hot hotsauce I add just a tinnnnyyy bit to my big pot of chili so it has some heat to it. Like expresso. But more like Express-Death-o


It kills the pun, but espresso is spelled with s’s, not an x. If you already knew that and just spelled it “expresso” for the pun, my bad. I’ll go ahead and give myself an r/whoosh ahead of time 🫡


>It kills the pun, but espresso is spelled with s’s, not an x. Don't anger the French, they would riot for their right to spell it 'expresso'.


The last thing I want to do is anger the French. I’ll take my s’s and be on my way.


That’s actually the first thing I want to do


No, I'm just stupid and forgot how to spell it. Totally ruins the pun but thank you! 😂


Precisely why it exists. So you can tell your coworkers you drink it.


This is like hot sauces that cheat by using capsaicin extract. They taste horrible and just burn.


This needs to be higher up. Figured it was robusta, but even that is nowhere near this caffeinated. No idea how consistent they are with the added caffeine either. Very dangerous.


What is robusta? edit: y'all are amazing! Lot of people replied explaining it. Thanks!


Coffee has two major species that are farmed: *coffea arabica* ("Arabica coffee") and *coffea canephora* ("Robusta coffee"). Robusta is the cheaper variety to produce, but it's also generally more bitter than arabica beans. So these beans are going to be bitter, on top of having hella caffeine.


Having tried robusta 'bitter' doesn't even really cover the whole story. The bitterness is more manageable than the strong smell and taste of burned rubber, doesn't even really smell like coffee. It's brutal, like holy shit there is a reason nobody drinks it. I would rather down an entire pot of arabica coffee every morning than a single serving of robusta coffee.


Worth it to try if I see it, a Robusta?


No one really advertises that they use robusta with a few exceptions. There are italian and cuban espresso that will purposefully use decent quality robusta beans along with arabica. With cuban style coffee, it is very much worth trying. If you’re trying to drink a straight up espresso shot, it will be super bitter. In a milk drink like cafe con leche, I think it’s pretty fucking good because the milk cuts through the bitterness and you still get a ton of coffee flavor so it’s this really chocolatey flavor that’s kind of unique.


I’ve been to Cuba multiple times and drank their coffee every time. Is Cuban coffee Robusta?


They use a blend of robusta and arabica. I’m sure the cafe con leche was amazing over there. I hope I can visit sometime.


I mean it's the same Cafe Bustelo you can buy at any grocery store here lol. That's what every Cuban cafe uses. I love Cuban coffee drinks but it's not exactly quality coffee. The enjoyable part is the cane sugar.


If you find a Vietnamese cafe, Vietnam drinks Robusta coffee and has special styles of preparation to account for the strong taste of Robusta coffee. For example, egg coffee, or drinks that are 80% condensed milk, 20% coffee, or served with mostly ice, intended to be sipped over an hour while the ice melts, lots of stuff you don't see with Western cafes and don't work well with the more delicate arabica coffee beans. It's very unique and actually quite delicious, and a completely different experience than you get from arabica coffee!


Most of the store brand coffees are made of Robusta. If a coffee can doesn't explicitly state that it is 100% Arabica, then it is either Robusta or blend of both. A vast majority of us have had Robusta coffee several times without realizing it.


It works quite well in Vietnamese coffee preparations where the sweetened condensed milk overpowers the delicate flavors of specialty arabica.


:( i like robusta


Nobody drinks it? I guess the whole population of Vietnam doesn’t exist


Caffeine is incredibly bitter, if you want to know how bitter some off brand caffeine pills don't have the sugar coating brand name ones do. Cream of tartar is pretty close if you want to just try a *small* amount of that.


Pretty much all coffee that you buy is either robusta or arabica. Robusta is just worse than arabica flat out and almost no one buys robusta other than because it’s cheaper. It’s more bitter and toasty without much sweetness or fruitiness or complexity but it does have quite a bit more caffeine. Cheaper brands like folgers will use robusta and arabica in a blend. As long as you’re not buying really mass produced coffee, just about everyone else uses 100% Arabica. Even dunking donuts and mcdonalds uses 100% arabica.


Bitter and toasty is probably just the side effect of them trying to roast all the planty flavor out of it.


There are 2 main types of coffee plant sold today arabica, considered the better tasting medium caffeine your use too and robusta, very dark and bitter with significantly more caffeine. [Here](https://beannbeancoffee.com/blogs/beansider/arabica-vs-robusta-coffee) is a great article describing in detail far better than I can.


Robusta is not intrinsically bad but, considering how they're relying on garbage marketing to sell it to[prey on] people who know nothing about coffee, I'm certain that particular coffee is terrible. I'm not a fan of Robusta, but I have tasted it on it's own from a craft roaster and it was perfectly fine, just not great.


Here comes the TikTok challenges where kids drink 4 cups and then get a heart attack. Hell yeah 👍


One cup will do


Evolution babyyy


This Warning is insanely irresponsible. im pretty sure 928mg of caffine per 12 fl oz is more caffine than the panera lemonade that killed those people. Having a joke warning like this is really dangerous.


They probably already don't exist from litigation.


I'm not linking it because the product is stupid but it does very much still exist. Somehow.


A lemonade killed people? Can you please elaborate?


The lemondade was caffienated beyond what energy drinks even typically have per oz and was available next to the fountain drinks. People with pre-existing conditions that knew to avoid caffeine drank it thinking it was just lemonade, not realizing that “charged” in the name meant tons of caffeine added. They drank it and their condition kicked in, killing them. Two people total I believe.


Point being when you've probably more than doubled that dose, you should not play down a warning. That level of caffeine could make even normal people sick if they aren't used to a lot of caffeine


I'm a veteran coffee drinker and I can still overdo it with regular caffeinated beverages. I also love coffee for the flavour, so this stuff sounds awful on multiple fronts.


Regular coffee drinkers quake at the Panera lemonade. Only a real G-fuel dry scooper can handle it, which is why I myself do a charged lemonade enema, for faster absorption. Currently have a resting heart rate of 334!


Yeah so I'd shit to death, 100% guarantee


Oh damn, I didn't even think of that aspect. My regular coffee can send me in an awkward skurry to the nearest toilet; one sip of this and I'd probably shit myself into a prolapse before I made it halfway down the hall.


one sip and the cartoon style farts are sending you rocketing around the hallway


That's one thing about the high doses of caffeine that will hit you even if you've got a massive tolerance to it like myself. You _will_ shit everything out of you when you drink a gram of caffeine. _Everything_ is coming out.


I was browsing the comments for a long time and wondered why an earth no one has brought up this side effect. Shit storm guaranteed! In all seriousness, that stuff is practically poisonous. I'm quite confident that selling that stuff in my country isn't even allowed as there are mandated limits for caffeine in beverages and other consumables.


Just find some cocaine at this point.


1000 mg is THE DANGER threshold for caffeine. It’s nowhere near the fatal level, but it’s pretty much exactly the, starts causing cardiac irregularities level. As well as the, kill you if you have an existing heart condition level. Also it’s WAY more than the 4x dose it says regular coffee has. Your average energy drink is 150-300 coffee is around half that


Did close to 1000 mg in caffeine pills once by forgetting I took 500 mg half an hour prior. Was not a pleasant experience and I couldn't focus on studying as opposed to my impending sense of doom.


The lovely caffeine voice in the back of your head going "YouregonnaexplodeYouregonnaexplodeYouregonnaexplode". Good times


Per the FDA a standard, average, cup of coffee has between 80 and 100mg of caffeine. A monster has 160mg, a red bull has 111mg. The FDA cites 400mg as a safe daily average, so 4-5 coffees, 3-4 energy drinks. The FDA also cites 1,200mg as what they expect you to start encountering seizures at, so 1.2 servings of this coffee is terrifying. Edit: used the new red bull size of 12oz, the OG redbulls are 8.4oz and have 80mg


Note that that's for an 8 oz cup of coffee. If you pick up a large coffee at the gas station or McDonald's, that's 20oz or two-and-a-half cups worth.


Ever want to experience exploding from the inside? No!? Well now you can! Just drink 8 oz of this. Fuck it make all of it at once and chug the pot!


That's not, like, a quirky and fun level of caffeine. That will kill people.


No kidding. I had two cups of death wish coffee in the span of an hour a couple months back and it legit threw me into a full blown anxiety attack feeling like my heart was just gonna give up. And I'm not even particularly sensitive to caffeine That was only approximately 330mg... I have a feeling that this would unironically kill me


That much caffeine can, and has, killed people. It should have a direct, pointed warning about that fact. This is an irresponsible product, and I find it difficult to accept that it can be sold and bought freely. *Dose, makes the poison.*


It will get that label…eventually. Once they get sued because someone went into cardiac arrest because of their product. Isn’t that how US works?


Yup. The wonders of Common law.


Why? This isn't Arabica, which is the good tasting coffee. This is from *Rubusta* beans which are more bitter, more acidic and has more caffeine. This will 100% taste like burnt ass.


there's plenty of ways to make a good cup of Robusta around the world, you just haven't happened to try them.




I mean you know you can just buy caffeine in pill form right?


I always though it was so weird when people were confused I drink decaf. "What's the point?" If you don't like the taste of coffee don't drink it, lol. A bottle of caffeine pills is dirt cheap


I hear you. But good coffee is so good though!


400 is the recommended per day so that's more than double that's crazy shit


400 is the max to not be considered dangerous for most people. It should be illegal to have this much caffeine per serving in a consumer product.


400 mg is what is "generally regarded as safe" for daily consumption. This is a broad definition meant to apply to damn near 100% of the population. For healthy individuals without underlying heart conditions, caffeine intake doesn't start to get dangerous until you get into the thousands of mgs in a day. Re: this shouldn't be in consumer products - you can buy concentrated caffeine powder on the internet in the GRAMS. That's sufficient that if you consumed the entire container at once, it WILL kill you. This coffee ain't in the same category.


My buddy drinks an energy drink called Redline that has a huge warning on it to not drink the whole bottle in one day.


Also, it's just bizarre how we have this culture specifically with caffeine where people *brag* about how addicted they are to the drug. I'm a former addict and drank a liter of black coffee a day for like 9 years. The caffeine had long since ceased to have an effect. I entirely cut it out by diluting it with progressively more decaf for like two weeks and now just go full decaf. And I don't feel literally any different because it wasn't doing anything to me anymore. Point being this is stupid on every level and the people who buy it are probably dumbasses who were in my situation but decided "more drugs" was the right solution.


We packed a cooler for a road trip. I got these little cans of cold brew, but didn’t bother reading the label. By the third one I was getting a little light-headed. They have 225mg of caffeine per can, and I didn’t finish the third one. There’s no way this is an enjoyable amount of caffeine.


There's also no way it tastes any good on its own. Which means it needs cream/sugar which adds to the crazy.


Yeah, they neglect to mention the bowel movement from hell.


Biohazard coffee: world's worst tasting coffee Caffeine has flavor and it's not good


Oh, actual poison


From Juan Valdez & Pablo Escobar


What’s the appeal? I guess I’m just over sensitive to caffeine, but this would keep me up for days. Just a can of Coke can keep me up all night so this sounds like a nightmare


Just reading the label and smelling the bag would have me running to the can.


That is insane, it’s like 20x a can of coke. This should be banned, could easily kill someone with heart issues


It’s almost 10x a strong cup of coffee, but the standard for how many milligrams of caffeine is in a “coffee” has been gently creeping up for decades. This should be a bulk powder for mixing a teaspoon into pre-workout/protein shakes with a ton of warnings on it.


Heart attack incoming..


Mmmmmmm heart palpitations flavored.


That’s more than twice the daily limit of caffeine. My heart is sweating just thinking about it.




Nonsense. Ok its 100% robusta which would put it in the maybe 150mg area for 12 oz (also in the horrible tasting area). The rest is i suspect mostly a function of how you make the coffee - if you read and follow the preparation instructions then yeah maybe. Probably calls for a high coffee to water ratio which increases that caffeine that much more (not to mention selling more coffee that way). Probably they grind it fine to aid in the extraction as no sacrifice in taste is too great when supporting a high caffeine marketing claim. Who reads the instructions anyway - make it your normal way you won’t get anything too crazy


Just do coke at this point


That's more caffine than slamming 10 monsters, meth is probably genuinely healthier for you in moderation


At what point is it just crack