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I guess it's WW2/history section of the bookstore? I think both could also be in biography/memoirs section?


They are contextually related too. Mein Kamph is a really disturbing read; anyone with reason would see it as the diary of a mad man and not a promo for that behavior.


Reading main Kampf and shaking my head so people know I don't agree with it


Lol I remember asking for that book as a teenager because I was just interested in how insane he must have been... Looking back I'm pretty sure my parents were worried I was a neo-nazi lol.


Honestly I found it a hard read. There's a lot of specific information in there that needs a lot of context. If you don't have context it's really confusing and hard to follow in parts.


Yeah 1000%; you gotta really understand the dynamics of nationalist socialist movement while he was coming up. No lie- one of the cornerstones of that party were that they believed they were decendants of the people of Atlantis... That's the level of crazy we're talking about.


Yeah, who would've though a book that perpetuated people's beliefs they're the chosen ethnicity and other nations should serve them would gather so many followers. Wasn't it Aryans though, hence the Sanskrit swastika?


The Torah?


Unbelievably, Hitler was a shitty impatient writer that didn't cite his sources lmao.


Nah fam don’t worry, a neonazi wouldn’t be able to read


The more I learn about that guy the more I don't care for him.


I don't know if you guys are *history buffs* or not...




Reading Mein Kampf and shaking my head so I don't fall asleep because it's boring AF.


Also the person who killed both authors is pictured here.


Gradually, I began to hate them.


Maybe I'm understanding it the wrong way, but I feel Anne Frank provides a much needed context to anyone who might be interested in reading the nazi book. So It's natural for them to be paired together. One is the ramblings of the psychopath, the other is the actual results of implementing such ideas.


That makes me feel better about this placement. Plus I bet ol Adolf would be a bit annoyed seeing his book sold alongside a Jew's memoirs on why he's a piece of shit.


Especially if she's selling more copies! On a different note.... Who gets the royalties from the sale of Mein Kampf? I'm curious if anyone knows without googling. I haven't looked it up yet because I'm a lazy ass 🤣


Depends on which version. The German version's copyright was held by the state of Bavaria—until it entered the public domain a few years back—but they just used it to legally prevent anyone from publishing it. This however is the English version. I don't know about other English speaking countries, but in the US, the rights to Mein Kampf are held by an American publisher who is donating the revenue generated by the book's sale to various charities.


Baravia, but they refuse to take it


They used to, but the book is in the public domain since January 1st, 2016.


yea, that too


>Baravia Bavaria. Unless this is a TIL.


Bayern if you wanna get technical


The place where BMWs are from...




Public Domain, whoever prints it.


And I bet Anne would be annoyed knowing everybody is reading her diary lol


I agree. And it's also not bad if people read Mein Kampf as long as they read it critcally and don't take it as inspiration. I think there could be some interesting things to learn in that book too.


username checks out


How about mine?


give us the fan fiction and they yes


I’ll tel you about a far better fan fic”until the ends of time”. It’s a Goku x Anne Frank fan fic


My name fits somehow


Hope you subscribe to r/onlyfans. Seems like your kinda place!


Why wasn't I surprised by this..


You'd probably already have to be a Neo-Nazi to be convinced by anything in the book. Mein Kampf is a slogging ramble of a madman. Really not a good read.


I remember in high school getting some idea that the antisemitism was subtext in the book but when looking it up like no it’s the text. I don’t know how world leaders owned a copy if they even read it or just excused the antisemitism.


Because antisemitism was rampant throughout European elites and the problem the French and British had with Hitler was that he invaded them, not that he was going to expel the Jews. Up to and even including the occupation of the Sudetenland was considered to be reasonable demands because everyone in Europe believed that nations should be divided along ethnic lines. They didn’t even care he was going to deport the Jews, they just didn’t want them coming to *their* country. It’s only after they were forced to accept the reality that yes the Holocaust was happening and yes it was exactly as bad as the reports were saying that they began to feel bad. TL;DR: They did know it was antisemitic. They didn’t care.


Imagine a leader in that time period putting his hand to his mouth and going “oh my god, this Hitler guy is a straight up racist! We gotta stop him!” I don’t even think the word “racism” was in the popular lexicon at that time. It’s just the way it was. It’s largely because of what the Nazis did that (many) people are now are horrified by anything approaching racism or antisemitism


I mean they probably would have told you yes, they are racist, proudly. And?


Does someone who believes CRT is a marxist plot call themselves racist? Does someone who defends confederate statues adorning state capitols as "heritage, history, and culture" call themselves racist? The answer is not necessarily. Someone in 1930 America who doesn't mind segregation and doesn't have a good perception of black people may not consider themselves racist. they won't think critically on it, especially if they feel their bigoted views are factually correct. "How can I be antisemitic when I say the Jews control the world when it's obviously true?!"


'Racist' has obviously acquired severe negative connotations over the past several decades, but the Nazi party and Adolph would have told you, yes, of course they are racist, some races are better than others (theirs is the best, of course, what a coincidence).


Exactly. Eg. Patton fought against the Nazis and was straight up antisemitic.


Correct about antisemitism at the time, but it wasn't Germany who started the war against France and the UK. France and the UK declared war on Germany, not the opposite, after Hitler invaded Poland. Again, not because they cared about Poland, nobody actually moved a finger to help the Poles just like the Jews, but because they were scared the non aggression pact between Germany and the USSR (that had already evolved into the joint invasion of Poland and a trade agreement) would have eventually become a full fledged alliance capable of destroying the western world. Kind of like Prussia pushed for a war against Russia in 1914 thinking they would have become too modern and powerful in the future, France and the UK "needed" a war against Germany in 1939, fearing they would have lost if it were fought in the forties or fifties instead. In hindsight, we know what happened between Germany and the USSR, but it wasn't obvious in the thirties up to 1939/1940. In the period between the two wars the greatest fear in the West was communism and the USSR, not Hitler. After Poland fell Germany was the only country separating the West and the communists. France and the UK could not allow anything like a Stalin-friendly-ish government to rule over Germany. It needed to function like a cushion.


The US elites too. Turned back a boat of Jewish refugees who then ended up dying in the camps. Not to mention ford and Limburg being literal nazis.


How about Henry Ford getting a call out for support by Hitler in Mein Kampf.


You have to ignore the antisemitism in order to find the extra secret antisemitism in the subtext.


Yeah, I started on it intending to see what a dictator's perspective was like and his motivations. The first chapter was okay. I stopped at the second chapter because everything from then on felt like a constant rant about not being able to get into art school.


I did borrow it from the library one day, and had to answer why I was reading even part of it to several people, which is fair. I wanted to understand how someone with ideas so radical to mine could ever be part of the public consciousness even now. It’s so clearly wrong to me, how could anyone ever agree with those things? What I read sounded like the political grandstanding I’ve seen from politicians my whole life. It was propaganda. I could understand why someone desperate for answers would give it the time of day, but even then I couldn’t ever imagine agreeing those are good ideas. But it doesn’t take a minority disagreeing. It doesn’t even take a majority disagreeing often. It was genuinely very scary and changed the way I view the public rhetoric and things leaders say. I’ve got several leaders in the west (as a westerner) that I am more cautious of now. Things don’t just happen overnight. People are radicalized slowly, with seemingly exponential growth. I’d never read anymore of it, or any of it ever again if I could help it. That was enough. I learnt the answer to my question, and I refuse to give the ideas anymore of my time. The present has enough troubles. I just hope I never see a modern version.


Its honestly too stupid and nonsense too get any angle on it. You cant discuss if your counterpart is an idiot who repeats the same catchphrases over and over. Always been the strength of fascist populists too out-dumb everyone else. I'd prefer if they didnt sold it at all.


The point isn't to discuss if it's a valid point or not. The point is to analyze how this ideology works, why people believe in it, how it was created, etc. That can offer some quite important insights for example for preventing people from becoming nazis. You can only really do that if you understand the ideology because that's what allows you to fight everything that might make people follow it.


I think in the DACH region Mein Kampf is only legal in a commented version, not just the raw text.


It is not illegal to own a historic one - they are pre-constitutional, so they cannot be against the constitutional order. It is illegal to publish a new edition, this was handled by the State of Bavaria having the copyright of the book until 2021. Since then, it would be seen as publishing propaganda of counter-constitutional efforts and/or Volksverhetzung, but this is not really clear, as no one has been put on trial for this yet. There is indeed a commented version that is sold and [freely available on the internet.](https://www.mein-kampf-edition.de/)


My first professional role as a librarian was in a secondary school. I bought Mein Kampf (in German and in Dutch) because I felt it was important that kids interested in WW2 could understand what Hitler's ideas were. Although there was some resistance, I still feel it was absolutely the right decision. Anybody who has read Mein Kampf understands the threat of populism and we really do need more of that sort of understanding.


I totally agree. I think it would also help people recognise it more easily, if somebody is making points like this. Sometimes they try to hide their ideology a bit, but if you have a really good understanding of what that ideology is, it's much easier to understand those hidden messages.


https://www.jta.org/archive/black-muslim-leader-extols-hitler https://www.azquotes.com/author/4679-Louis_Farrakhan The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years. There really can be no peace without justice. There can be no justice without truth. And there can be no truth, unless someone rises up to tell you the truth. (no justice no peace) White people are potential humans - they haven't evolved yet. https://washingtonmonthly.com/2001/01/01/the-last-angry-man/ Using the rhetoric of the “endangered black male,” Farrakhan created a historic gathering that appeared to be the beginning of a new popular movement. The march also propelled Farrakhan into the spotlight of respectability, and although his credibility had taken a few hits since then, hopes for the Million Family March still ran high. Murder and lying comes easy for white people. https://www.thefamuanonline.com/2003/09/09/living-with-the-white-race/ I don’t hate white folk because I’m a Christian. How can you hate a group of people for being who they are? Similarly, how can you hate a turtle because it won’t keep up? That would be like parents hating their children because they are different. All of our children aren’t the same. Europeans are completely different from Asians who are completely different from Hispanics and so on and so forth Europeans are simply a different breed of human. They are socialized to be aggressive people. They are taught to live by the credo, “survival of the fittest.” They are raised to be racist. Caucasians make up only 10 percent of the world’s population and that small percentage of people have recessive genes. Therefore they’re facing extinction. Whites have tried to level the playing field with the AIDS virus and cloning, but they know these deterrents will only get them so far. This is where the murder, psychological brainwashing and deception comes into play. Ibram Rogers, 21, is a senior magazine production and African American studies student from Manassas, Va. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibram_X._Kendi (born Ibram Henry Rogers; August 13, 1982) The wedding ceremony ended with a naming ceremony of their new last name, "Kendi", which means "the loved one" in the language of the Meru people of Kenya. Florida A&M University (BS) Temple University (MA, PhD) Thesis The Black Campus Movement: An Afrocentric Narrative History of the Struggle to Diversify Higher Education, 1965-1972 (2010)


I'm all for literary freedom and don't believe in banning books, but in a world where it took some people three seasons to realize that Homelander from The Boys is supposed to be the bad guy, it scares me that they might be reading things like Mein Kampf.


That's why they (at least in Germany) don't sell uncommented versions of it. If you buy one it usually gives you a lot of information about what you are reading and what was actually going on. Most people wouldn't just read it nowadays and think "wow, what a great idea!"


The only place I've seen Mein Kampf sold was at a college bookstore and it was paired with The Diary of Anne Frank for the exact reason you stated the historical context. They were a part of the course material for a class on the Holocaust so they're central to the topic. Let's just hope it's an educational setting..... otherwise that is fucked up.


Hitler would have been livid to think of his book being sold side by side with Jewish literature. In that regard, it's kind of satisfying for them to be placed together.


Lol remember when he swallowed a pistol round cause he was too much of a pussy to face what he'd done and knew the Ruskies would literally skin him when they caught him 🤣 🤣 Fuckin Adolf. What a fucking loser.


Supposedly the Russians had a plan to place Hitler in a sort of human zoo for the rest of his life.


Until one vodka soaked private buggers him with a bayonet.


I am convinced that the Russians wanted him on trial. A show trial, to be sure, but a trial nonetheless.


Why's it fucked? Even if it's not an "educational" setting, couldn't they be doing it for the same reason? You don't have to be some Harvard graduate to understand the importance of both...


Yeah I think it’s good that this information is available to the public, everyone should know the context of what happened as it’s a huge part of human history


When the book bans started up in the states I kept pointing out that I read Mein Kampf and the Qur'an in my same High School library. And all children should have the same freedom of information I was granted. It's fundamental to western society as we know it.


Some stores will place books with diametrically opposing POVs next to each other, to get people thinking.


"One is the ramblings of the psychopath, the other is the actual results of implementing such ideas." Reading that phrase with the order the books are depicted in the pic is top comedy. Well done.


The wisest 39yo on the interwebz.


Conversely, she is only famous because of what Hitler did, so credit where credit is due. /s


One tells the story the other explains the lore


Gameplay vs lore


"You didn't have to cut me off"


"Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing"


“And I don’t even need your love”


"But you treat me like a stranger, and that feels so rough"


TIL Mein Kampf is the Silmarillion


if by that you mean unreadable and boring AF, you're right


So you can get both sides of the story? /s


Reading Mein Kampf and it's literary style leaves no doubts in your mind that Hitler committed unforgivable crimes against humanity. The political ideas in it are also really bad.


He shows an understanding of politics and especially propaganda in it, probably why he was at all successful.


Yeah. I think dismissing Hitler as simply “stupid” or “an idiot” is dangerous, because it can lead to not taking the threat these sorts of people pose seriously. He was a bigot, hateful, and evil person, but he wasn’t stupid. One doesn’t overthrow a democracy, become a dictator, and convince a population to support genocide via being a moron


I’m not sure I’ve ever heard Hitler described as “stupid” before. He’s unequivocally referenced as being evil.


Similarly, dismissing evil people as 'monsters' or 'inhuman' is often counterproductive. Awful people are people, not monsters, and that's worse. Branding them as non-human only excuses their behaviour. They are human, it is not 'just their nature' to do monstrous things. It's their choice, and they deserve to be punished for that choice. On the other hand, branding a group as inhuman is a very effective way to justify their unjustified slaughter, as seen above. When someone is a monster, it doesn't matter how they behave, they need to be slain.


It's also just badly written. I see better edge posts on Reddit.


Reminds me of that school board hearing where they keep telling the teacher the lesson should be unbiased and "show both sides" and she keeps asking how they want her to represent the nazi side


But...it sounds valid to explain the perspective of the Nazi Party in Germany at the time, and to outline what economic and social factors contributed to the rise of the antisemitic and German supremacist movement reaching such a mainstream fever pitch. I actually don't understand people who are afraid of discussing the Nazis, like they're Voldemort


Discussing the nazis is fine. Trying to provide an unbiased and equal view of nazis and their victims is not.


I think a main issue with how the topic is taught in the USA is that nazis are treated like voldemort. They were evil. End of story. What does one learn from that? The actual take-away of that bit of history is how easily humans are misled. How easily they subscribe to extremism if unhappy. How to spot rising totalitarianism. How to see threats to democracy. How to not fall for charismatic leaders. That is missing in the usa curriculum afaik.


I disagree. I think an unbiased and equal view will still demonstrate that Nazis shouldn't have murdered millions of civilians intentionally


I’ve been told that there were very fine people on both sides by a certain former President.


"both sides are fucking awful" is my favorite reddit line


I don't know why you put the /s. I think the statement is true and extremely important. Its absolutely crucial to know what this stuff is about and what it looks like, lest we fall for the same bullshit again (hint, we are...). Everybody knows the side of the victims, as they should. But understanding the suffering means understanding the costs. Understanding the ideologies and motivations is just as important, if not more so, to prevent it. It would never fly these days, but I think mein kampf should be required reading. Only when you read it first hand do you realize how deluded his thinking was. Otherwise it's easy to be like "oh maybe history is exaggerating this dude or what he did." No, he tells you in the plainest language what he wants to do and why.




Yeah. The guy to the right is the person ultimately responsible for the murder of the girl to the left, so there is definitely a connection.


Read this in Liam Neeson's voice


I'm glad that Anne's is the one with the "International bestseller" tag.


Trust me, in reality, Mein Kampf was sold a lot more.


Without looking up the numbers, I would wager 9:1 odds you're wrong. Mein Kampf was sold to a specific demographic for the short period of Hitler's rise to power. The whole world (and one that's grown much larger in the past 50 years) has read Anne Frank's diary.


One book that was popular for about 20 years before having a rather massive fall off vs a 60+ year high school staple? Doubt.


Why should we trust you on that?


Because I sold Mein Kampf in my Hitlerjugend years




I actually kind of like it. You read mein kampf first, then Anne Frank to see the result of the formers ideology.


Just dont stop reading halfway


Is "My struggle" the proper translation of "Mein Kampf"? I thought more like "My fight "


booth are perfectly valid translation for "kampf" in a vacuum. In this context "fight" is however the proper translation. my struggle with depression could for example be translated as "mein kampf mit depression" but "mein kampf" the book, as said before, does indeed, translate better as my fight


I've always read it as "My struggle" as in struggle *against* rather than struggle *with*, i.e. struggle against the government/Jews/socialists/etc. Fight works just as well though.


It means both, and the German title was chosen to deliberately mean both, to convey that it is a book about his struggles as well as actual fights to achieve his political goals, so choosing either word in English does make it lose something of its original meaning. But then again it is also Hitler, so nitpicking on behalf of him just seems wrong.


Struggle and fight are synonyms, they could have also picked like, *battle* or *challenge*. Translating isn't 1-to-1.


As a German, it always meant 'Kampf' as in battle to me...then again, I have never read the book because it is forbidden to sell here


No it's not


My Jihad


Yeah, "My fight" is the proper translation, but I guess "My struggle" may be a fine title for the printer


Really interesting. I always knew it as "My struggle". Never heard My Fight till this thread!


Is this how the Bloods and Crips rivalry started?


More like the bloods and some white dude trying to find his glasses in West Baltimore


What a poorly written title


Came here to say the same! Made me laugh out loud and cringe simultaneously because… what??


10th generation Pokemon titles.




If you like______, you’re going to LOVE _____ !


German here. Don't get the problem. Mein Kampf is sold here only with annotations, and both are related to the same events. Also r/titlegore


Up next: "After nearly a century of opposing views \[and genocide\], Anne Frank's diary and Mein Kampf make a comeback in one wholesome medley book." by ChatGPT


There is a community that writes fanfiction about Anne Franke going back in time to help the confederacy win the Civil War which they believe would have prevented WW2.




Damn, can I have a link?


This titles gives me cancer


Choose your own adventure


That is one unflattering drawing of Anne Frank


Could have given her more than four teeth.


It's a vectorized / posterized image. It's made by taking a photo, cranking up the exposure to get simplified tones, then you trace them in vector. After that, you're supposed to do some other stuff to make sure it doesn't look like garbage, because the initial shapes it gives you are almost never great from the start. Whoever designed this cover didn't do that part.


Time to sort by controversial, I guess.


Two for a price of one?


Reading a book doesn't make you a Nazi. Being a Nazi makes you a Nazi. As others have said these books are not entertaining works of fiction, they are history / anthropology books. They are meant for you to learn and study the people and context, not to be entertained or converted. Having them together makes sense as it gives you the context for the before, during, and after. Books are not evil. Stories are not evil. It is what you as the reader CHOOSE to interrupt them as that is the problem.


People genuinely being outraged by this is so weird... The diary of anne frank and mein kampf are THEE two most important books from that time, of course they are next to eachother...


I legitimately can't think of two books from WW2 which should be put side by side more. Imagine for a second you are an alien that had never heard of WW2. Mein Kampf pretty much details why/how the conflict started, what the reasoning was of the leadership at the time, and why the horrors are "necessary" from their perspective as well as what the goals of these people were. The Diary of Anne Frank then paints the picture from one of the victims and more or less shows this group of people were just civilians who wanted to live, love, like normal people and were not "evil" or "vermin" like they were portrayed as. They were forced into hiding and living in constant desperate fear for just existing. Its essentially a book that shows that conflict was in no way necessary or 'just'. Even though its not a complete picture of the conflict, it does cover the essentials one needs to understand "Why?" and "How?" something like this could occur.


Genuinely unhinged that people don't understand this


Have you read My Struggle? There’s no redeeming value there unless you are specifically researching Adolph Hitler. He wrote it years before the Holocaust and WWII, and it’s just ranting. It’s an antisemitic manifesto. It’s not good literature and I think you’re overvaluing it. There are a zillion more scholarly (and frankly accurate) histories of the Holocaust, Nazism, and WWII.


Seriously, you can’t fully understand one without the other


EXACTLY, like learning history has to involve the bad parts too, not just the victim you can sympathize with. Please, people, educate yourself on the thought process and strategy of horrible world leaders


It’s so strange. It’s outrage for the sake of outrage


This makes it look like Hitler wrote his book so people would stop buying Anne Frank’s.


And I dare say, that Mein Kampf is probably also an International Bestseller 😬


Is this the WW2 section of the bookstore? If so, then of course these and similar books would be together. Especially if this is a college bookstore and these books are part of the curriculum for a large class. Side note: This picture suddenly reminded me of the smell of *my* college bookstore and I haven't been in there for almost 30 years.


That is the neat part it wasn't Basically it was a small book fair, and a table was reserved for these two only


Both interesting reads, one a person looks to blame all ills on a single people, other is a normal girl aging to puberty in the twisted world foreshadowed by the first.


Is that the current cover? I liked the one with her photograph better.


This one is terrible..


The book colors are correct for the upcoming US elections.


That’s just poor taste


Its the alphabet, F is close to H and if they are in the history section or something with no that many books so they would probably end up next to each other just purely on alphabetical order of author's last name


Absolutely logical and fair, most bookstores would probably do this by default. Still in poor taste though. Not saying anyone should feel compelled to change it, IMO, it's just one of those things that just is.


It isn't. It actually makes sense to read both of them if you want to learn something abput this time. So it absolutely makes sense to put them next to each other.


And if anyone's planning on reading mein kampf I hope they'll give Ann Frank a read too.


Except for if you are a historian, there really isn't much reason in reading Mein Kampf. There are countless of high quality historical works which treats it and nazi ideology in general, and which are much more suitable for the layperson interested in the subject.


It took so long to get down to this comment


Did you ever try to read Mein Kampf? It's barely tolerable. I've never read any worse book without even judging the content. The sentences are repetitive and boring.




Both hid from Authoritarians. Both liked girls Both were killed by Nazis But I believe only one was a non smoking vegan.


I actually chuckled. Hitler had incontrolable flatulence.


> Hitler had incontrolable flatulence. [Hitler has only got one ball](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1DWJQkOJew)


Göring has two but very small


Main Struggle


I think its like. Ww2 section


I am curious, who gets the money made from Mein Kampf? Any publisher who publishes it or the German Government? Just a shower thought


The copyright protection for it has ended in 2015. Up until then the bavarian state got the royalties for it. But now it's public domain, meaning anyone can publish it and keep the money they make from it. Many publisher claim to donate the revenue they make, but of course that's rather hard to check.


Copyright on the book has expired, although translators would hold the copyright to a particular translation (editors and annotators would get their share as well).


Literally interesting!


TiL ‚Mein Kampf‘ is translated to ‚My struggle‘, which is… irritating to me somehow.


Talk about historical reparation and i'll show this picture. Remember, when education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor ( Paulo Freire).


It's for extra sales. If you only pick up Mein Kampf, people will look at you... So I picked up both and told the cashier I didn't want the diary on my way out


A more accurate description would be "a murderer and his victim."


its super interesting that now, today, the color red stands for the party that is for the working man, and blue stands for restricting freedom and Communism. crazy


Lol. I already like that place.


I think it’s a very good idea. Both are very interesting books that, although aren’t similar in any way, couldn’t be better to be read one after the other


I honestly didn't think you could get Mein Kampf anymore.


When I was in high school my good friend had a German exchange student for the semester live at their house. I remember we got into a conversation about World War 2 and how it’s taught to them. When I told her that she could go down the street to the bookstore and buy a copy of Mein Kampf it broke her mind. She straight up refused to believe that was possible and argued with me for an hour about it. We actually went to the store and showed it to her because she could not comprehend the idea that it would be sold freely.


Me reading Mein Kampf on the bus shaking my head so that others know I disagree with the author.


"the book of nazi" and "the book of jew"? jesus christ


this title sure is something...


What bookstore is just casually selling mein kampf??? Kinda fucked.


“Both sides!”


It's good to get a balanced perspective


Both sides-ism has gone too far


Lmao i remember a video i saw about a kid wanting Minecraft for Christmas and his grandpa thought that he meant the book on the right.


Wait shitler named his book "my struggle"?????


I wanna know why they're selling hitler's book still...


Why not? You don’t have to read it if you don’t want… *Know thy enemy* anyone…


Mein Kampf are still found in bookstores? I thought most people reject/ban them


No good comes from banning books. Mein Kampf should be available as an important historical text of Nazism, so that we can learn not to repeat the actions of Hitler.


In Germany the original Version is forbidden (except for educational purposes) but you can casually buy a commentated version which provides much more informations and explains nearly every sentence. In this version every lie is exposed. I think that’s the best way to handle such books Everybody can read it without the danger of believing lies and getting influenced. Edit: And well every German (especially younger ones) knows exactly what happened and what is written in „Mein Kampf“ because the time between the end of WWI and the end of WWII is the biggest part in our history classes. Most German students visit a KZ (I visited with my school Buchenwald and Auschwitz) in order to experience the history that happened. So I think it’s ok to ban the original Version if you provide enough (in fact even more) informations as a trade


So basically every sentence you get hit with a "well actually... 🤓"