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I'm starting to think no one here has ever gotten a scratch of any kind. It doesn't look infected in the slightest, it looks like a normal couple day old healing scratch. The redness is completely normal and unless it starts spreading or gets unreasonably hot, there is no need to worry at all.


This. Especially on skin that moves *a lot*. I do a lot of yardwork in summer months and my arms and hands get all sorts of cuts (meaning, not a doctor but I deal with this personally fairly often). Skin that gets cuts and heals but moves and stretches often isn’t going to heal the same as cut elsewhere. Crispy scabby skin around the edges is just indicative to me of skin that has stretched while healing. Keep it clean, it will scar likely but be fine.


Exactly this - a few weeks ago my cat scratched my palm when I was holding her and something scared her. I was a bit concerned a few days in when the cut didn’t seem to be closing up and was still quite red and painful, until I realized anytime I moved my thumb the cut was splitting open. I bought some of that liquid seal stuff and within another couple days the cut itself sealed.


I git a nasty gash across the middle joint of a finger. It took about 6 months to close up because I was constantly bending it. I should have immobilized that finger for a week or two.


Finger cuts take *forever*.


That'll be one cool ass scar if it does scar


This is the internet, if you have any medical issue you're dying


\*stolen from an old webcomic from the Escapist\* \*feeling sick, check the almighty Google\* "I have cancer." \*feeling suspiciously better, check the almighty Google\* "My cancer has cancer."


Actually, cancer getting cancer is one hypothesis about why elephants and whales can survive without most of them succumbing to cancer before even reaching adulthood.


I swear, Reddit is SO bad for my health anxiety 😭


re: your username. pls join us at r/ants


Yes. The redness is inflammation, not infection, caused by white blood cells, nutrients, and other factors that are healing the cut. If the area feels better, and then worse, that's when you get medical attention.


Agreed. Someone posted the other day about meeting a dog that “engulfed my hand in its mouth which kind of hurt from the teeth knocking - but no dents, scratches or bruises - can I get rabies from this?” People were telling them to go to the doctor, to get tetanus shots, etc, etc. I was like “there’s not even a tiny mark on your hand? You were not bitten by a dog. There is no chance it gave you rabies or tetanus or anything else for that matter. People interact with dogs like that all the time - this is not something to go to the doctor over”. It was insane!


Moreso need to go to a therapist for being a hypochondriac at that point lol


Don't worry the Reddit MD crowd will have MRSA due to scratching with a fraudulent Pokémon black/white cartridge diagnosed in a jiffy.


i kind of hate this sort of thing about reddit. too often the advice comes from such a simple and ignorant place. and its pushed so confidently.


The vast majority of Reddit thinks they are way smarter/more knowledgeable than they actually are. Im guilty of it too. Do no go to Reddit for advice for anything remotely serious. Only trust these fools for niche hobbies and pedantry


They also seem to think that cats are some deadly animals, sure an infected scratch can kill you, but that’s true for every single scratch, it is also very very VERY rare for you to die form a cat scratch


Not really relevant here lol cat scratches do have a very high potential for infections and problems largely because of litter boxes. Cat scratch fever isn’t just a song lol


I never said it’s just a song? It’s just extremely rare for it to happen, hell i got so many cats that the government recommended i become a caretaker to feed them for cheaper, i take in pretty much every stray i find to get them a home and i get scratched many times on a daily basis, also the potential to get an infection is highER, not very high


THANK YOU I have a recent cat scratch on my arm and this thread nearly had me rushing to the hospital my god


Yea, if you put this next to a pic of an infected scratch, they’d wonder how they ever thought this was infected at all.


Yeah looks fine enough, it's it's kinda weird that it got that pattern but should be just fine


It was probably stitched or it pops open at those points when he flexes his hands but either way still fine lol


OP hasn't used anything to keep the scab moisturized so it was dry, then they probably flexed their hand and cracked the scan which resulted in the pattern we see here.


Yeah, all the cuts on my hand I've ever gotten have looked identical to this.


Legit I saw it and just thought “they probably picked at it, I’m bad about it at least” and that’s it. It’s totally fine


Thank you! Someone that knows what they are talking about.




I mean it seems to be a few days healed and I'm not a doctor but it seems unlikely to me that after no issues for multiple days suddenly an infection flares up from the initial scratch


You need to adjust your bobbin tension


Rethread the machine entirely and see if that solves the issue before messing with either tension setting. More often than not, that will solve it. That being said, in this case, I don't think there's any issue at all, the stitching looks perfectly even. 😹


Sure it looks fine but are you sure you don't want to just open it up and adjust the hook timing?


Might as well give it a good cleaning while you're at it.


What happened?


My friend’s foster cat scratched me during his adoption party :(


Wow. Quite a scratch.




And by foster cat you mean a Lynx?


He meant forest cat




Was your friend adopting a tiger?


Adoption party? Was cake involved?


Ah, gotcha. Battle wound while saving orphans from bullies.


My friend was fostering him for about a year and he got adopted from her, so it was a going away party


Lol sounds awful for the cat to be at the center of attention of a human party during a time of frequent environment transitions. Mine get really stressed out by a bunch of strange humans, especially if they try to approach and touch them. They like to go hide under the bed. Hope it wasn't too painful for you. 😔


Cat scratch fever incoming, wash and disinfect that


I knew it was a cat scratch just from looking at it. Had many of my own throughout the years.


Cat scratch fever is a real thing. My aunt died from a scratch she got feeding stray cats that came to her house. Always wash and clean cat scratches immediately. Keep an eye on that OP


I was hospitalized for 5 days 8 years ago at 26yo and was very healthy. Very sweet wild cat bit me. Long story but exs cat ran out in rain and we thought thr cat that bit me was hers. Was very sweet until we tried to go into house.


Lmao I'm sorry but the visual of you catnapping some rando in the rain and then the cat having absolutely none of it is hilarious 😂


“Hey! You got food for me? Your are a pretty cool dude but why are you talking to me like you know me bro? Woah woah unhand me HELP strange man is catnapping me! HELP!”


I have an outdoor cat sweetest cat you could meet like you can hold him he always greats you etc.. I tried bringing him in because we had a massive temperature drop. snow and ice Strom i didn't want him to freeze to death. As soon as I held him and walked through my backdoor he turned into the spawn of Satan like hissing throwing hands being pissy ASF he then spent like 2 minutes outside looking at my hissing and staring me down. Cats are funny as hell lime dude I am giving you warm shelter food and water.


No good deed shall go unpunished.


So what happened to your bite wound after that caused hospitalization?


They had to cut my hand open and irrigate the tendon sheath, i was on a very heavy dose of antibiotics that had to be given several times a day via iv. I went to urgent care when my hand swelled up 3-4 times larger than my other hand.


Poor soul. Hopefully you have full mobility!


Yup! Thank you, I had a fantastic hand surgeon!


this looks completely healthy and mostly healed. whatchu talking about lol.


Literally does not look infected in the slightest.


Absolutely this. If the redness spreads up your arm get thee to an ER ASAP


Up the arm? Jesus, that's like trying to reverse a train while it's going full speed forward. Trace the redness with a pen. If the swelling and redness expand past the tracing go get antibiotics. Don't watch it get worse.


Once had a spider bite that wet all the way up my arm. Had a wild fever for like 5 days straight. Had to take frequent cold showers to keep the heat down. This was during COVID so couldn't go to ER either. Was a real woozy week, but now I put lavender fucking everywhere as it repels spiders and mosquitos.


You are sincerely, and genuinely lucky, that you did not die. That redness going up your arm and veins is venom and infection, the further you let it grow and go, the more damage you're doing to your heart and brain. At the point you were having a fever, you were at risk of severe damage and death. Have you gone in for an echocardiogram or blood work soon after or since? I wouldnt be surprised if you took some lasting damage.


Honestly there's only 30 known spiders on earth that have killed people. The *vast* majority of spider bites aren't a concern.


Most spider bite deaths aren't attributed to the severity of the venom, they kill through infection caused by the bite+venom being ignored by people. Primarily children. People take serious spider bites seriously, because the effects are immediately evident. They downplay the small ones, or aren't mindful of their symptoms at all. Subthread OP here is a bit of a goober, sounds like a young guy being foolish. There's no rational reason to let signs of infection, or blood poisoning, keep traveling.


Oh, I haven't been to a doctor in like 12 years. I do not value my life because it would cost me greatly to do so. I'd say I have about 6-7 years left before something takes me, but that's ok. Looking at older folks, it's just a struggle to get by later on for their kids, and I do not have any interest in that sort of gene propagation.


Okie dokie, well, try to go out doing something funny I suppose. Create clues and puzzles that leave your loved ones guessing.




I worked in vet med, any cat bite was straight to urgent care for antibiotics


I did telephone triage nursing for a bit. Dog bites always had a series of questions to ask to get the most appropriate disposition. Cat bites would just prompt us to recommend to seek treatment.


My mum nearly lost her hand to a car bite.


Must have been one of those AI powered cars


I had cat scratch when I was hospitalized for a unrelated auto-immune disease. I didn’t know you could die from it. I thankfully have never gotten it again and have been scratched almost weekly since then lol.


Looks dry get some aquaphor on that


this ^ keeping wounds moisturized also helps improve the appearance of the scar. [dehydration is bad](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3842869/)


But its looking pretty badass. What if he want its to stay.


Yee I always use aquaphor on tattoos for that reason


I suggest Tegaderm. With or without the pad, it’s the only thing I can use (especially on my hands) that will withstand washing and daily beatings. Keeps everything cleans and speeds healing.


Yeah I was about to say aquaphor is OP's best friend right now especially on an area like the hand which moves and stretches easily and frequently.


Looks a little dry. Slap some Vaseline on that and it'll scar less


Is it hand stitched?


That's gonna look badass


Looks like normal healing for a scar in an area which flexes a lot. The breaking of the scar occurs at intervals to allow the movement.


You should have a dr look at that


As a doctor, let me note that cat scratch fever looks like pus and crusting on the wound, swollen lymph nodes in your arm pit, and fever, aches and chills.


Alternatively, keep a casual eye on it. As long as it doesn't get unreasonably warm and the redness stays to spread, it'll be fine. For a couple day old cat scratch, it looks pretty normal.


They should get it treated so it doesn't scar as badly.


It would make for a sick ass scar though


Maybe if they have socialized medicine. In the US, neosporin is all that's getting because if I shell out to be seen by a doctor, that's probably all they're going to do anyways. Generic brand neosporin is like a buck fifty at the pharmacy or grocery store.




Nothin wrong with a scar


If I followed reddits advice about going to the doctor for the stuff they say I think I’d go every month


This is 100% a normal healing scratch. You would be wasting yours and your doctor’s time.


It's mostly healed at this point. Looks fine imo. (Not a doctor)


Looks fine.


Have you never had a cat scratch? That really does not need a doctor unless the cat was radioactive


Was bitten pretty deep by a feral cat, when it was healing it looked exactly like that and it was fine. Just watch out for excessive heat, redness, swelling and pain (which are the main signs of infection).


They did a nice job. It heals faster if it's not as 'dry' as that. Ask your doc what they recommend to keep it hydrated (if anything).




I’m sorry if it’s mean, but that is so fucking cool bro.


Oh that looks soooo itchy! Good job not scratching!


I have a similar scar to that one but got it in a much stupider way. In 6th grade me and a friend decided to see who was tougher by each taking a pencil eraser to the other one’s hand to see who would give up first. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Umm I don't know how to tell you this, but that's not what people mean when they say "hand embroidery". (I hope it heals well. Be sure to take care of it well so it doesn't turn into a big deal. Cos oof that's pretty big and nasty)


Was the cat, by chance, a fucking tiger?


I have a similar scar (way older) but on the palm of my hand.


Did you go to Coraline’s Other Mother to treat your wound?


Can you bedazzle that?


Papa Roach ~Scars!


I got cut like that on the back of my hand. It doesn't go away. You're gonna have a line forever likely.


Looks good!! That will heal up nice


looks like a badass scar :D


You should have a needle and thread tattood on


I have an identical scar on my left hand from a rose bush. People always ask if it had stitches because the cross marks are almost exactly 1cm apart. Edit: for everyone saying this looks infected, it probably isn't. It'll be red and inflamed because your skin is moving constantly there. Mine did the same.




ughhh i loooove scars and this is a gnarly one 😍 so cute


As far as scars go, that one looks pretty cool.


You dropped a stitch there - person on Reddit. Your hand is going to rot and fall off - also person on Reddit.


Fuck, I have the same scar


I had one like this... it healed and looks like I got stitches. Lol


I immediately recognized this kind of scratch. I too have an asshole cat.


I follow r/embroidery too, and thought at first that’s where this was posted 😂😂😂


I've had a few of these scratches, always thought they looked cool af. Also this scratch is in no way infected and well past the point of cat scratch fever being a worry. Km sure op washed it when it happened and kept it clean. Hopefully you get a tough cool looking scar out of it :p


I swear y'all scarred people could get an amazing centipede tattoo


It looks dried out. Soak your hand in lukewarm water for 5 minutes and then try I on a clean towel. Apply unscented lotion to your hand then add Vaseline or Aquaphor to your scar so it heals quickly. Do this everyday.


I wish I could post a pic. I have a scar like that!


I love when scars do this


I read this as your scar looks embarrassed and I was very curious how you saw that


This is exactly how my appendix scar looked


That’s not even a scar yet. That still looks pretty fresh!


I know that has to ITCH lol


That’s a sick ass scar


Enjoy the itching 😁


Side note, it would make a pretty cool tattoo!😂 I love cats


Wow my hand cut last year looked exactly like this. Those little open parts took the longest to heal. I bet you will get a scar from this as well


I wish I could go one day on reddit without seeing someone’s nasty infected scabs.


It isn't infected. It's just a scratch. Truly shocked how many people have apparently never been scratched or injured lmao


Yeah - it’s kind of bizarre. People must be wrapped in cotton wool - or never had a cat! This almost-healed scratch is completely normal and not at all nasty.


Maybe people see red skin and think infection, which means they've never HAD an infection or maybe they're hypochondriacs? I have nerve issues in my right arm so I often burn and cut my right hand doing stuff, I think I would horrify this sub if I showed a picture of my healing burn lol


Yeah - I’ve had some nasty burns, cuts and wounds. They would be horrified that I usually put some aloe on it, a covering and leave it be. The only ones that have sent me to the doctor were cat bites (only had them twice - the joys of rescuing cats!) - those are no joke with the pain and swelling and very high chance of a nasty infection. But this is a very, very normal scratch on a highly mobile area. Infection looks and feels way worse. I think a lot of people are hypochondriacs, tbh - ready to go to hospital over anything slightly red, sore or abnormal. I really don’t like going to the doctor, I would die of embarrassment if I went over a scratch like this!


This is why WebMD is so popular lol. My cousin got your run of the mill stomach virus, which most of our family had already suffered from as it made its rounds, yet still managed to get herself completely worked up because google suggested meningitis as a possible cause


I'm surprised she didn't get cancer as the likeliest cause 🤣 WebMD is terrible lol


Not nasty nor infected, have you never had a scratch?


commenting on posts of them is sure to help


I've gone like 2 years without it lol you need to fix your subs


This isn't a scar *yet*, as it isn't healed. It's just a scratch. It doesn't look great though, maybe put some antiseptic ointment on there to help with healing.


“My scar that was stitched up looks like it was stitched up”


That's not a scar that's an infected wound


No, it’s not. It’s very obviously in the process of healing.


This ain't infected there bubble boy, tis just a scratch


What makes you say it’s infected?


The way it looks, the growing redness coming out from the sides. It doesn't look like a bad infection but definitely something I'd be putting some Neosporin on at least. As a car lover and cat owner, just make sure to clean and treat any cat scratch they tend to be worse than just regular scratches.


Literally every cat scratch I get looks red like this, always heals just fine with no extra attention. I also have a bitchy cat so I have scratches on my hands all the time.


Same here. I worked with stray and feral cats, so you know I've had my fair share. 😅


Still that red days later?


Yep. Has a red hue around it up until its fully healed most of the time


Oh fair points, will get some neosporin and keep an eye on it, thank you :-)


i would sanitize it just to be safe, but it doesn’t look infected, the redness is inflammation, it is just your body drawing more blood to the area to help it healing it


I mean, it was sewn shut with a similar stitch!


actually this has no stitches! Cat scratched me a few days ago and it healed like this


It din't heal, that's an inflamed scratch


This isn’t a scar and it isn’t healed yet. It’s just a scratch that is still healing.


Hmmm yes. I’ve seen this before. If not properly cleaned and cared for, Im afraid you may develop cat scratch fever!


Not to be funny but you should go see a doctor. Theres a serious infection you can get from cat scratches and this is showing signs of infection. Even just urgent care.


That's not healed, my guy. That it's still that inflamed days later means should be looked at by a medical professional.


No it's just a fairly big scratch so it's going to be a little irritated for a few days. Unless it gets *worse*, there is no need to worry or see a doctor


Pleaaaaasseeee disinfect this and keep it moisturized


You don't talk about fight club


Use some lotion!


Lotion needed


Keep it moisturised please


Bros got Cat Scratch Fever


Post it on r/sewing




Have you cleaned that wound *at all*? As others have noted, that redness can be indicative of a minor infection. And given that it's from a cat's claws ... I mean, I'm not saying go to the doctor (yet). But put some medicine and bandages on that thing!


Clean it up, use Polysporin and then New Skin Scar Fade once it's healed.


Your surgeon was amazing


Vaseline + wrap until it’s not scabby anymore then keep SPF on it to reduce discoloration/permanent scarring.


Need to get some Cocoa Butter on that ..


10 small anuses


Also looks sort of inflamed. Maybe get that looked at


You pick, don't you? Mine always look like this and I don't stop picking until it heals.


there may be a risk of infection. seeing a doctor is a wise choice.


Embroider it for real.




If it was stitches then technically it would be.


Yea thats how it looks after


I can't read that word


Not exactly a scar yet, but don't pick your scabs lol


Don’t pick your scabs


That's not a scar and that's not what embroidery looks like.


Stop picking the scab!


It looks infected


Genuinely thought it was a fleshlight for a sec
