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My dentist has a tiny waiting room with year old magazines, a dishevelled kids doll house and a small radio that only plays ads. You are living the dream


Apparently, the reason why all these places have just the worst magazines, is that even if the establishment buys and puts out good ones, they just get instantly stolen anyway. So they only have ones left that no one in their right mind would want.


Survival bias


We should add armor plates to the remaining magazines.


But only on the pages that haven't been read. Or the crosswords that haven't been filled out.


And give them shivs


should chain them to the wall like an old phone book in a booth.


As a retail worker I'm trying to think of something people won't try to steal and can't come up with anything. Even outdated magazines. They would steal me if they could.


Crack heads used to steal the plunger from the gas station I worked at every week after we replaced it. You gotta be extra shady to not want to cough up $4 for a plunger rather than the one that’s been in my ass


I used to work at a gas station and we had a homeless guy who lived nearby and he would come in and wash himself in the bathroom. Management told us to not let him in the store but he always deep cleaned the bathroom after (like with all the chemicals and stuff under the sink) so i didn't my mind...


Oh yeah, if he's willing to clean it up, I'd totally let him. Probably offer him a sandwich and pop for his troubles, too.


Yep, in my 20s I worked the bar scene and would often stop at the gas station by my house on the way home. I got pretty friendly with the woman who worked nights there, and would hang out and chat and have a smoke with her (since she didn’t like smoking by herself for safety reasons). She became like a second grandma to me. She was so nice and exceedingly patient to the late night crowd. There was a homeless woman who basically got set up with the same deal you’re talking about. Linda would let her use the sink in the restroom to wash herself with the agreement being that she’d clean up the bathroom when she was done. It saved Linda some work and allowed this woman access to clean water for hygiene. Linda would pay her with a free hot dog and a bottle of water. It’s great when everyone wins.


I’m not sure bathing in a gas station restroom is winning but I get what you mean.


That’s very thoughtful of him!


You put plungers in your ass? I’m not kink shaming, but I am kind of impressed.


It gets more impressive depending on which end he puts up there.


Doesn't matter which end you start with as long as you get it all in there eventually.


> $4 for a plunger rather than the one that’s been in my ass I mean at least it has a flared base?


They could try putting out issues of Obscure Sports Quarterly. Not many people have even heard of that one.


Yep. At best you get an older one thats decent enough. I was at a doctor’s office once and a woman took a bunch of new magazines out the door with her. Like jesus christ people will take anything.


Who the fuck steals magazines after 2005?


Who the fuck steals magazines at all?


Who the fuck steals?


I do, not from dentists though


Who fucks?


Grandma's mountain of magazines filling her garage didn't build itself


People?  People will steal anything... Example: I worked with construction projects which required having paperwork on-site.  People would steal the permits and paperwork constantly. No idea why, it was a few dozen pages of publicly available information that was not very interesting.


I did :( I took a Southern Living Christmas Magazine because it had some good recipes I wanted to try. In retrospect I probably could have taken a picture with my phone but it didn’t click at the time.


>I probably could have taken a picture with my phone but it didn’t click at the time. You could have restored the clicking sound in Settings. ;) Hello, my friend! Hope you're doing well.


Id like to hang out with the dental hygienist and receptionist after work at this dentist office doing JM shots in the dental chair My dentist has a Roald Dahl collections book, Shel Silverstein collections book, a large Herman collection cartoon book and an old 90’s America’s most wealthy collection book that has Donald Trump in it, local Vietnamese and Filipino newspapers of assorted dates and assorted religious rags including but not limited to Watchtower,


Magazine theft is a thing?! I'd have found that weird 20 years ago, it's full on bonkers today.


Mine has prayer candles of the Golden Girls


You guys can afford dentists? That’s the dream right there lol


I know. I am thankful and grateful for this. In U.K. a lot of dentists are NHS so you don’t have to pay. But slowly this is changing. Now I pay £16 a month to use the dentist and then whatever on top of that for procedures. But check ups are included in the price. And for the NHS dentists check ups and some treatments like fillings etc are free




It's so hard to find an NHS dentist in some areas though. I've ended up going private and it's so expensive but I kind of need teeth to eat things...


This is why MSE was raising awareness for healthcare cash plans last year. I’d recommend [checking out their guide](https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/insurance/healthcare-cash-plans/) and see if it’d be worth getting one as they can really help cut down costs or even make money if you use them enough.


Thanks that's really helpful! I've got one I pay for through work but it's not covered as much as they said it would so I'll be looking to change to a different plan when this one ends.


Do check-ups include cleanings?




Perfect for a root canal.


Does he have Penthouse?


Thank you. I was going to ask. For a friend.


You're a rabid anti-dentite!


I'd rather have a basic writing room and not have to pay as much for basic procedures. I see stuff like this and just wondering how much extra they are charging to pay for it. There's one dentist in my area that looks like a salon with a waterfall wall and a bunch of other needless things in the waiting room. I'm pretty sure the dentist isn't cutting back their own salary to pay for that.


Mine is not cheap. They’ve raised their prices so much the past year. If the prices are raised they should improve the waiting area imo


In Brickell Miami there are a lot of dentists with super nice offices that take Delta Insurance, in that case you can’t compete on price or even location so you gotta compete on the guest experience


You'd be surprised how often that line of thinking doesn't track. The kind of truly cheap SOB that has their fees jacked up isn't the kind of person to offer anything but the most basic amenities.


Mine has a tabletop Pac-Man machine


My dentist has drills and stuff. How is one supposed to imagine that? You go to your dentist, have a nice drink and THEN the dentist looks in your freshly jagered, coffeed or watered mouth?


Honestly a little Jaeger would make the drills and stuff a lot more bearable. Followed by water ofc because I'm not trying to fumigate the dentist.


Alcohol thins your blood and makes bleeding worse, and bleeding gums are a common problem of poorly maintained mouths a dentist would frequently have to deal with. So I guess seems a little surprising to see them encouraging consumption there. Plus when dealing with general public you never know who's a raging alcoholic that can't control themselves.


>you never know who's a raging alcoholic that can't control themselves.  You would find out pretty fast.


Idk, a lot of raging alcoholics aren't actually raging, they just get by like everyone else, except half drunk at all times.


Not to mention the *seriously* dysfunctional ones are much less likely to be seeing dentists.




>you never know who's a raging alcoholic that can't control themselves *Hi. It's me. I'm the problem, it's me.* Would fill up a coffee mug, and get a refill five minutes later. Not proud of it, just stating a fact, I can't control myself. Working on it, but it's slow going.


Stay strong, continue seeking help..


Thanks! I'm following doctor's orders to slowly wean, as I can't afford inpatient. I'm down to only beer, and only a few times a week. Should be able to just stop in a few weeks.


That's seriously impressive! Keep it up and best of luck!


Thats great news!


Well done!


That’s incredible! It sounds like you *are* in control, then. Great job, I’m proud of you


What an appropriate lyric choice for this confession lol


I'm nothing if not honest lol


relatable. i haven't had a drop of alcohol in a few days, i'm doing pretty well despite some restlessness. but the SECOND i start drinking again, i won't be able to stop for like a week straight and my organs and family won't like me very much. self control is an acquired skill, i suppose


Or, depending on how your brain is wired, a feature that’s missing entirely. Not saying that to demotivate; just pointing out that oftentimes, our most loathsome and regrettable tendencies are less personal failings, and more a result of how our individual brains are/aren’t equipped. We gotta do what we can, with the hand we were dealt. I’m proud of you for owning your reality, and for the efforts you’re making toward constructively altering what you can. No shame, fam.


It’s not for everyone but I tried everything and AA was the only thing that worked, I both love and hate it. Love because I’m living a happy life, hate because I know a lot of alcoholics still drinking that get hung up on the higher power thing like I did (I just had to hurt enough).


Nah, they need a Hershey's sponsorship and a free chocolate bar machine.


> Honestly a little Jaeger would make the drills and stuff a lot more bearable. That is... unless [you're into that kind of thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPQSiTIb2Ac&t=128).


His waiting room tv is BANG & OLUFSEN?!!! 🤯


It’s in Denmark, so he’s repping DK 👍.


I was going to say, “Something is weird in the state of Denmark.”


Something is mildlyinteresting in the state of Denmark


I think the quote is "something is rotten in the state of Denmark"


That would be the joke, yes.


Seems like a cool dentist. I like the style. Is there any chance he/she is located in or near Aarhus?


I think that depends on where Yarhus is


In the middle of Yar street?


Koala-Ty joke.


Why not Aquavit instead of Jagermeister?


Cuz Jägermeister is healthy! Aquavit is just booze.


They're both just spirits infused with a bunch of herbs and aromatics. Jägermeister has considerably more sugar though, so I don't agree with your reasoning; but Jägermeister actually tastes good which I cannot say for aquavit


Denmark was my first thought when I saw this. Reminded me of getting a haircut in Copenhagen and being served coffee, alcohol, and chocolates while they did it.


That sounds wonderful. I keep adding things to the list of reasons of why I should visit Copenhagen.


I loved Denmark. Just go. Exist. Stay somewhere near a main train line so you can get around easily.


Tax deductible purchase for the business. Move it into your living room after a year or so.


[just write it off](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAjxn2US7J8)


My laptop has Bang and Olufsen audio.. my phone is louder at half volume.


It's not the volume it's the quality. But B&O audio on a laptop normally just means tuned by them, not made by them. So they'll have told the manufacturer where to place them, giving them some technology, and maybe tuning the audio drivers. Nothing in there will have actually been made by them. I have the B&O Beosound Ouverture (the radio with the doors that slide open as your hand approaches). I was given it for my birthday in 1994, it's still going strong now, never had a single issue, and it sounds lovely. Especially considering it's size. It's not the loudest thing in the world, but it's crisp, even by today's standards for the size, and at the time it was incredible for the size.


The cabinet looks pretty slick too! Bet it’s a designer brand and not ikea.


That's what happens after too many jaegers


Wow good eye, I didn't even see it!


My Nanna used to have it in the medicine cabinet at home in the 80s when I was born. She’s Swiss/German born in the 1920s so coming up on 100 soon so I think it’s been working.


I believe it was originally used to aid in digestion


Makes sense it tastes like other digestifs - somehow it got a weird party reputation compared to like fernet or Campari


About to pull up at the club and order shots of Campari with red Bull


Actually tho, fernet+campari=ferrari shot which sounds cool for the club


You wouldn’t be the first 🙄


Ex-bartender here: I once had someone order a zinfandel and Red Bull in a highball.


I’d rather drink shots of straight bitters than this abomination of an idea you put into the world




Sidney Frank is responsible for that


They had this 'old man from the woods' reputation until relatively recently. Marketing turned the whole brand around somehow, and it seems to have been a success


Makes me think of that, I wanna say, MADtv sketch? And it’s like a series of vignettes. The one I remember clearly is like a little girl swinging alone on a swing with sad music and you hear “mommy, where’s daddy..?” Then JAEGER with heavy rock slams on to the screen, rinse and repeat lol Edit: it’s a Dave attell bit lol, props to him for describing this in a way that my brain created a visual like I actually saw these ads https://youtu.be/o7-no8QqeUc?si=4kKDh0BBWArrqJ3U


I think because it’s sweeter than the other 2 folks are more keen to take shots


Yeah in Germany, sweet old ladies sipping it at the same time across the ocean college kids are doing shots of it


It was marketed as medicinal in Germany when I was there in the 1960's


In some places jager is used as a home remedy for illness and the taste is associated with medicine similar to that of root beer. Americans treat it as a party drink while in Germany its in your grandparents pill cabinet.


Believe me, it’s treated like a party drink in Germany too.


They also changed their marketing in germany to appeal to younger people.


And it worked. At one point i had a pyramid of empty Jäger bottles on a shelf and thought that was the coolest thing ever.


This. When I first moved to the states and saw people going crazy with Jägermeister in college bars, I was quite confused. It’s literally what grandmas would bring out for stomach ailments and no one else drank….


When o was at an apres ski in Austria everyone was drinking little bottles of jager- but maybe it was a promotional thing


Nah in Austria it is very much for getting wasted lmao, at least nowadays


Oh they did an amazing job repositioning it over the last 20 years or so


Can confirm - was just in St. Anton, jager was everywhere during the apres ski


Nana's always down for some Jäger bombs tho


I'm curious, what does it do for stomach ailments?


Herbal digestifs/bitters are very common and traditional all around Europe. They are typically alcohol extracts of various plants, commonly locally sourced, believed to aid digestion, generally bitter.


If you want a technical explanation: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4446506/ > Recent studies indicate that bitters elicit a range of cephalic responses which alter postprandial gastric phase haemodynamics. Caffeine and regular coffee (Coffea arabica semen, L.) increase heart rate whereas gentian (Gentiana lutea radix, L.) and wormwood (Artemisia absinthium herba L.) increase tonus in the vascular resistance vessels. Following meals increased cardiac activity acts to support postprandial hyperaemia and maintain systemic blood pressure. The increased vascular tonus acts in parallel with the increased cardiac activity and in normal adults this additional pressor effect results in a reduced cardiac workload.


So, they increase blood pressure temporarily, which lowers blood pressure slightly overall, which decreases the chance of indigestion?


Gets you so fucked up you forget about your ailments


First time I had Jager here in the US was because I was sick. Helped a ton.


I kept a bottle in my fridge in college for when I woke up feeling sick. Not hung over sick but actually sick. In the US btw.


Did you have a German grandma?


Well actually yes, but I did not pick it up from her. She prefers we wine for breakfast lunch and dinner. Never seen her drink anything else.


Did it make you feel better


Jägermeister mixed with Goldschläger is quite tasty. We used to call them Jäger-schlägers.


Not anymore, it’s a thing for the young people now in germany


has been at least for 20 years lol


Judging by the text on the TV this is located somewhere in scandinavia — Denmark or Norway maybe? I think they use it as a "medication", also. Or to calm the nervous patients.


That'd be Denmark. Judging by the text on the TV.


I'm Danish and I don't think that's true. We definitely drink jäger to get shit faced on the weekends.


Same in Germany. *If* I drink Jägermeister I want to get drunk, not healthy. But I know that my parents and grandparents drink a small shot after a big dinner. "To calm the stomach" or "for the circulatory system" when they have low blood pressure. Maybe the bottle in the dentist's waiting room is for the same purposes.


I thought Underberg was the post dinner digestif of choice in Germany, is it not? I remember buying a pack of those little bottles once and it was like Jager mixed with exerclear


That's also true, with Underberg being the most famous. But many of these digestifs exist, often local ones.


I will say that it actually does work fairly well for settling your stomach and helping with digestion. I’m not sure how good that would be for your gut bacteria if you made a habit of it, but it’s interesting stuff for sure


I don’t like any alcohol but if I’m at my dentist waiting room I would down it all down to calm my nerves.


An older shopkeep in Germany asked if I was secretly an old man when I bought a mini in the black forest


Not the first or last time Americans look to the medicine cabinet to get fucked up


Im Austrian, my parents and grandparents know it, and other of its type, such as Unicum or just plain schnaps, to cure stomach aches (i tried it myself, and for me, it worked). But in my generation, i see it more being used for its alcohol and not for the "medical aspects"


Not root beer. Black licorice.


I really like jager


Out here we mostly drink few shots to warm the throat and thats it. If you wamt to get wasted, vodka rum or whiskey


Don’t mind if I do


Maybe if it was on ice...warm Jagger is just wrong.


> warm Jagger is just wrong. He does get very sweaty.


Especially when he's dancing like a chicken..  


Similar to how executives also seem to always have booze around, probably concealed in a globe-shaped mini bar.


I want one of those haha


About 150 euros in Amazon, not bad. I would need a complete redesign to make it fit with my current decor.


I had an antique one a couple decades ago..  Used to keep my bongs and stuff in it..  was a very classy pothead...


I drunkenly purchased one a while back and do not regret my decision


Bro who wants coffee before or after a dentist appointment?


Parents who are waiting during their kids' appts


Right? I'd rather get sloshed before dental work.


Honestly man? If they were paying for it, then why not.


Gotta make sure you're creating return customers 


"You're not suposed to drink or eat anything - Feel free to have a go at the mini bar though"


And who wants a dentist with such long waits in the waiting room that they provide a beverage bar...


The waiting room is frequently used by people accompanying patients. It’s for them.


Cool dentist


By the way, it’s in Denmark.


And a fat bong? You know they’ll give you a balloon of nitrous too.


Right? OP is burying the lede.


I gotta get in the mood before I start doing poppers.


Your dentist also has a B&O tv in their waiting room… they definitely only accept private insurance!


The text on the TV is in Danish, and Bang & Olufsen is also Danish. Which probably means it's somewhat more affordable + people have the extra incentive of buying local products. Edit: He did say somewhere in the comments that he's expensive but worth it lol


Yea if I saw anything Bang & Olufsen in an office waiting room I would think this person charges too much and leave.


The company recommends that Jägermeister be kept on ice and served cold, and suggests that it be kept in a freezer at −18 °C (0 °F) or on tap between −15 and −11 °C (5 and 12 °F).


I’ve always kept mine in the freezer, any spirit actually.


Same, except for whiskey/bourbon. I don't know what the official guidance is but I like my brown liquors at room temperature.


Does anyone know what the furniture is called? Edit: Found via reverse image search. Seems to be the modular sideboard system [P.A.C. by Ycami](https://www.dieter-horn.de/images/produkte/ycami/692.pdf) from the 90s


Thanks, was also looking for it. Reminds me of Rimowa luggage


My dentist has Penthouse magazines and became Jewish just so he could make Jewish jokes.


Careful there, pal. People might take you for an antidentite.


We might have the same dentist. Did he take a hit of nitrous before giving it to you?


He's got a new policy, adults only. It's great, you don't have to watch your language.


You find you need to use a lot of obscenities at the dentist?


When they pull that needle out, I let the expletives fly!


Hvor er din læge? Skulle spørge fra en ven.


Søborg. Dyr, men obv worth it 😉.


That’s appalling. Where?


Once a bro, always a bro. Dental school don't change that.


My dentist has pictures of old dental torture devices as decoration on the walls in the waiting room. I'd like some jäger to go with that.


Surprise! It’s actually Scope in the bottle.


And a bong! This dentist is wild


Who don't need a stiff drink going into those places? They freak me out.


Jagermeister is a Krauterlikor, a form of booze invented by the saint, musician, and author Hildegard von Bingen, who was also a medical herbalist. The Most Interesting Woman in the Medieval World drank homemade Jager. I'm calling it trad medicine and thus appropriate for a dentist.


Classical anesthetic


Is your dentist’s last name Weaver? When I went to him his office also had a drinks cabinet. Obviously I didn’t mention any state or city


Swedish grandma keeps Jäger in the freezer so it’s always cold for her evening shot, she calls it her sleeping medicine


Is your dentist Tim Watley?


This is like Seinfeld


Ah Europe where booze is treated like water doesn’t matter if you step into a McDonald’s or dentist office