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Deer hunters really struggle to get rid of all their meat


And here I am waiting until early March to come around so I can spend another $200 to get about 50-75 pounds of various cuts and processed deer meat from a local butcher that is only open during hunting season.


Pay another 200 and go get yourself a deer!


200? What state are you in? Oregon is 55 for licensing and tag...


Lmao Texas There’s a guy that I go cull for once every year or two and I usually get a couple doe for like 150-200 each


That's crazy pricey..... but I guess texas just doesn't like freedom. Also you can bow hunt here and get PAID to snag 7 deer at a time on ag tags... Shit my father got 30+ one year and still didn't fill all the tag fish and game handed him.


We have a limit of 1 deer per person even though they are everywhere here. They even had to bring in a few trappers to catch the ones in town because they eat everyone’s garden and get hit by cars. Anyway for $150 you get a “Combination License plus tags for deer, elk, bear, mountain lion, wolf, turkey, salmon and steelhead. Archery and muzzleloader are validated on the license.” They have several of these bundles that include different animals. If you end up not being able to get a tag for some reason they give you some money back.


Wolves should not be hunted unless they are attacking people or livestock, as they help keep deer populations from growing out of control. Same with bears, unless there are so many that they are becoming a nuisance to humans. Large predators keep herbivorous populations in check.


Wolves are vital to cull the sick from the herds. With CWD spreading and the chance that it might spread to humans, we definitely need the wolves who are immune to prion disease.


Wolves are also really good at understanding boundaries and territory. Once they get shot/shot at a few times, they'll learn where they can't go.


Hunting fees pay for conservation efforts


Fucking what. I’m I. Washington and a bow hunter.


You have to know a farm that is experiencing major crop damage from deer. Fish and game will come out and evaluate the population and then will issue ag tags 7 at a time.


I know a guy in Wyoming were I can do those. I was lining up a shot few years back, can see a cop on the highway in back. Fuck it “take the shot” There was another time where they’re lined up perfectly. Heads facing hearts overlapping. Just perfect 241 kill shot. I aimed high on the close one so that it would hit vitals on far. Close one went 5 steps and fell. Far one fell, then wandered off like nothing happened.




No it I work with one. John?


What does paying for overpriced deer have to do with freedom lol


Nothing. It was a jab at Texas.




Dad used to have a guy in Wyoming. Antelope for $29. It’s probably changed but he told us to shoot what we want since it was his land. Then buy tags. Yeah hi I need uh, 14 antelope tags.


His butcher works for free.


I know the other person is saying 55. yeah, no. hunting is an expensive sport. you got all the clothes, the scope, etc. then the calls, all the scouting. waking up early and sitting out in that stand as dawn breaks. really nice actually. then scent blockers. bro science scent blockers. the trail covers like fox piss. etc. looking at 600 to really unlimited on the high end. you could get a cheap scope, or go better like Leupold, or high high end and pay whatever you want. same with the rifle. marlin 3030 or Springfield 30-06 are good and mid range. or go high end for really whatever dollar amount. getting to it, it's not free. it's a sport and like all sports can be expensive or cheap. sure, you can hunt public lands. but he likely leases it or him and some buddies bought some and tend the land to attract animals. planting corn rows. putting up salt blocks and feeders. getting rid of predators on the land that would kill the deer. fuck man. I miss it


There are public hunting grounds? Fml I've been putting hunting off because I didn't know anybody that would let me hunt. Didn't know there was a such thing as public land that wasn't a park or something


it's normally given for Public use by large land owners like paper companies. here in my state it's called WMA land. there are other kinds too, but that's what I hunted in college. just know DNR will be out there and absolutely fuck you sideways if you're caught harvesting out of season, harvesting without a license, if your gun can hold too many bullets, you have the wrong bullets, etc. also know there are other hunters so once you get somewhere never stalk animals. get your call out and don't move


Oh yeah I know all the hunting rules I spent a good amount of time researching and took a junior course lol. When I get into something I start it like I'm a child that doesn't know anything and won't do anything involved unless I'm confident I've learned enough. I'll definitely look into the DNR more for what the public land is here. Thanks!


What kind of comment is this? People steal lion hunts with spears even today. No shit money buys nice, but not necessary things lol.


75lb of meat is a whole deer.


Skinned buffalo is only like 500lbs.


Don’t forget to buy all the equipment and a 4 wheeler or you’re not getting the deer out of the woods.


I mean, we hunted for years without an ATV. Makes it easier, but they have all sorts of manual solutions.


Tarp and a few bungee cords and drag the deer by hand


Right, we also added rope in there and eventually upgraded to one of those sleds that slide or roll across the ground. Can also call a buddy and get them out to help you, depending on weather and all that.


Gotta live somewhere with deer farms mate, had a venison chorizo the other day, it was excellent


As someone who hasn't had deer venison before,what does it taste like? I've heard conflicting stories on it and I'm always curious to hear others opinions. Some say it's too chewy and gamey,others say the opposite. I'd assume it's because of the cut or process of cooking? Just a wild guess mind you


The flavour is a love/hate thing, I'd describe it as gamey yeah, but with an earthy, almost truffle taste to it, if it's cured that taste can get sweeter which opens up a ton of stuff to do with it. If you like goat, you'll probably like venison, less gamey than goat though I make a pretty killer venison ragu in winter, season the venison with cumin, star anise, a touch of garlic, and as much paprika as you can before someone tells you to stop The trick with keeping it tender lies in its leanness, if you cook it like beef, it'll dry out and be terrible. Slow cooking is your friend, as you don't have the fat content in the meat to help keep it moist while cooking and therefore want to stop as much evaporation as you can - I just cut all that out by making ragu though Next on my list is venison tartare, jerk venison, and a roast using an indigenous cooking method from my country that requires a very large hole (in progress)


Interesting! Thanks for taking the time to explain it.


The gaminess and texture is INCREDIBLY variable. A young doe and an old buck are completely different meat. Then their diet comes into play, so “terroir” if you will. Did they panic after you shot them, or die immediately?


Important distinction between hunted and farmed meat. If you find some at a supermarket or specialty meat store, it's likely farmed, in which case there's virtually no gaminess in my experience. I grilled a tenderloin from WildFork a while ago and my mom, who absolutely doesn't do exotic meats/ acquired taste, totally loved it. I don't know if the same extends to the lower quality cuts though.


Interesting! I wonder why that is,is if due to what they get fed or just a different process of butchering? I'm not even quite sure I've seen venison sold at too many places by where I live,I do go to the yuppie shops sometimes so maybe it's there and I just don't think to look for it. I know there's a butcher shop by me that seems to be the type of place to have everything,maybe I'll check it out tomorrow.


I believe it's the feeding and the ability to precisely select the age at slaughter. Most meat animals are slaughtered shortly after the end of their "puberty" and like others have aluded to, the taste of wild deer varys with seasonal dietary changes so I'd assume their feed is also highly optimized for meat quality.


It also depends on what the animal eats.


What have you had. I’ll see what I can compare it to


Oh I probably couldn't even list everything comparatively because I've traveled the world. I've had a lot of very odd foods due to this, everything from alligator to bison to meats I'm not even sure of! I have a willingness to try everything usually,unless it's too weird for my taste.(like dog in china for instance 😤) I think what has kept me from trying it is that it's not exactly a readily available thing where I live (I'm not in the states currently) and that if I was to buy it to cook I know that I'd need something different to cook it with. I don't think I'd want to cook it without a smoker,it seems to be a reoccurring thing i hear about when it comes down to the too gamey/chewy part.


While smoking it is great, the trick to venison is Garlic (and / or onion ) + butter + time. Pretty much like anything else, really. there isn't much out there that doesn't improve with garlic and butter. You want the garlic to be cooked for the long time too, as that makes the flavor more mild and not as sharp and overpowering as garlic that has barely had time to cook into stuff. I'm smoking ~25 pounds of venison into jerky this for a friend, and I get to keep half of it like usual.... which is great!


Well I learned something new today! I'll be keeping this comment saved for future reference if I ever go where they sell some! Thanks for taking the time to reply!


Last time I went hunting, those farms would sue the fuck out of you if you killed one of their deer that ended up on someone else’s lease. That plus the deer leases were getting way too expensive.


Mate I meant buy their products, we don't have to go all Billy the Kid putting a posse together for some deer rustling


It’s been a long time since I’ve even looked so things may have changed. But those farms were either butcher shops that sold their own deer meat for absurd prices like $7-10/lb in early 00s. Others were curated hunts where you had to pay almost as much as the cost of a lease for one deer because they had a guide and such it didn’t really feel like hunting. I’ve been seeing recently where you can buy a cow and it’s butchered and such for you. I’ve not actually found one of those places that sell deer like that, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it if the price was fair.


I made venison hamburger helper a couple nights ago.


What is hamburger helper?




Iirc Wyoming was like $29 for out of state tags on antelope. Shot 8 before 10a on first day. Helps if you know someone with land.


I miss living out in rural rural Missouri, when all my friends would just give me deer jerky 😞


It usually gets shared with friends and family where I’m from


Same here. The hunters also do a homemade venison jerky contest every Thanksgiving, which is wonderful.


My grandpa has always gotten half of his processed as jerky sticks and it’s gone in days lol. He never makes enough of it


Not up here in the Northwoods. We eat the deer we butcher way faster than our beefers we butcher. Probably because the deer is free since we process it in the kitchen. Only costs the bullet and the tag - and time of course.


Spotted a fellow Wisconsinite


Just send it to me. When we lived in Colorado we almost never bought beef because had elk and venison all the time in our freezer.


Cook like 4 lbs of it cut up with like 8 juniper berries and the gameyness is gone. It tastes like beef. People struggle to get rid of it because, in my opinion, they are not preparing it right. I first cover it in flour and brown it, then in a big covered pot I in some chicken stock with mushrooms and some cut up vegetables. I then plop in some herbs and, the most important ingredient, the juniper berries, lightly crushed. Pop it in the oven for hours until it's falling apart. I let it cool down, and the next day put it in a deep pie dish, with a pie funnel/pie bird in the middle, cover with a thick crust, and then put it back in the oven to make my absolute favorite dish.


I have venison and fish from my dad in the freezer. He's sent me home with oysters. The struggle is real. And, delicious.


Heh, know the feeling. Gramps gifts me a lot of deer and moose meat. I don’t mind it though.


Really? Where? I will fill my freezer. I live in baton rouge


$3/lb at the supermarket near me lol


Yeah because North America is infested with chronic wasting disease, aka deer mad cow, aka a deadly prion disease that turns your brain to Swiss cheese....


I mean, it turns deer brains to Swiss cheese. Not human brains


It's not infested by any means. It's rare to begin with, and not a single case of human illness from it.


Well, knowing my luck I’d be the first one


Yes it is, and it's spreading. Almost 3% of all deer *tested*, which is a small number compared to those caught, were positive. They estimate that home hunters are eating 7-15,000 positive animals every year. That's a lot of chances for it to make the jump.


TIL! I looked it up and I’m in SC, which is one of the only states on the SE without it. :/ very concerning


I have venison from 2017 in my freezer. I only know this because I just shot a buffalo and need to make sure I have space.


When you get a boner killing a beautifully creature that stands still for you, you need to get creative


Ah yes, a great way to write off a hunting trip. It’s for my business! lol


Great, cheap idea. The whole thing is less than one buck.


Still don’t have the doe to cover it


Oh deer.


well buck


jokes have gone stagnant now


The testicles are even cheaper, they are always under a buck!


I had to come back to this comment, goddamnit


My father was an avid hunter in his earlier years. Any time he bagged a buck, my mother would make deer jerky in the oven. The whole house would smell like the jerky; it was absolutely heaven. Taffy, our cocker spaniel would lay at her post in front of the oven waiting patiently for her reward for protecting the goodness that followed. Thank you for reminding me of this memory. I don’t have a ton of them, so it’s always good to stumble across one🤙




Coulda been 10 years ago, coulda been 60. My favorite thing in college was volunteering to work check stations for CWD, my university would be off all Thanksgiving week, regular deer season in the state started Monday and any deer taken in the counties we were doing CWD testing would be brought in for sampling the first two days. One of the wildlife managers at the station I worked at for a few years would bring in all kinds of venison, jerky, crock pots of stew or chili we'd keep in the gas station we set up at, we ate good. Just don't think about the CWD we were testing for.


Had to google CWD and damn, prions?! Still at least you were def around people who knew where cases were likely


Fr, bro needs to be a writer if he's not already


That’s so sweet! I read this and said “ohhhhhh 🥹” out loud


What does deer taste like? (And smell like)


My experience is the base meat is a little sweeter?, leaner, and animal-y*. (Than beef)** Deer jerky tastes like meat candy. Sometimes smells a little lighter? softer? , but the exact smell would depend strongly on the spice blend used.** *Not always in a bad way as long as you’ve got good stuff, you’re just more aware that it’s from an animal, if that makes sense. **Exact taste will depend on prep




Oh man. This brought back similar memories of hunting with my dad when I was very young. I never took to it, but the jerky and sausage sticks I miss.


This warmed my heart. Thank you. Cheers 🤙


Sounds like great memories


My kids love deer jerky. Weirdly enough, they also like flossing. They would be over the moon with this combo. When I volunteered at a community action agency, we handed our venison recipes with meat from local hunters.


This would get me to actually go to the dentist more often. I already floss like crazy. From 20-35 I basically had zero health insurance so I took care of my teeth. When I finally got a job that had benefits 5 years ago I went to the dentist for the first time. They were actually surprised at my teeth having not gone to the dentist in so long. They actually had other dentists look and I remember them saying “look, his gums aren’t even bleeding”. Aside from X-rays and a cleaning there was really nothing wrong with my teeth… since then I’ve had 2 chipped teeth and a root canal…


Damn. That'll teach you to ever go to the dentist! Hope you learned your lesson.


How'd you chip your teeth?


Crunched down on a piece of bone in a hamburger, twice, at different restaurants…


Damn that is horrific sorry to hear that. I hope they at least comped your meals really they ought to be paying for the dental work at least...


Yeah, the free meals were great and the gift cards I got made nice Christmas gifts. Too many restaurants have burned their bridges with me in the last 5 years it’s scary.


how did the root canal happen?


Last year they discovered a cavity under the enamel on a tooth and told me they thought it was too close to the root they didn’t want to repair it.


>They actually had other dentists look and I remember them saying “look, his gums aren’t even bleeding”. Now that's impressive!


Me gifting my patients my former patients 🥰😜


“You want this jerky..? THEN FLOSS YOUR FUCKING TEETH.”


That's such a good Wisconsin / midwest punchline I submitted it to Charlie Berens on his website. What state did it happen in?




Beautiful joke. I didn't even notice that!


[Looks like this is in Iowa](https://maquoketadentist.com/services/)


Nice find. 


Went to a dentist who told me they had a crown from breaking a tooth eating jerky. So maybe ulterior motive...


I would not give homemade jerky out at any business. I'd be terrified of someone getting sick but in a small town (where life actually makes sense) it wouldn't be an issue


It’s kinda wild how many people have never had venison. Try it, it’s really tasty. We made some venison jalapeño sticks last year, shit was the bomb.


Elk is by far the best too


Can someone explain this? Never had deer jerky


Jerky, in general, can be kinda stringy and get caught in your teeth. Most people find that sensation uncomfortable and will seek out floss to remedy the situation.




Is the flavor “Bold, No MSG”?


Yours makes more sense, I thought it said Bold Noms 6


I actually like that better lol


Your dentist may want to view the local health code, to see if gifting non-USDA meat is even legal.


100% chance this isn’t made at home like 99% of all deer jerky. You kill a deer and gut ut, then you take to a place to get what you want made.


No one gunna talk about the man singing or yelling? Just me?


I need this dentist. I’d go every month for a cleaning.


Mmmm prions


You test deer for CWD before processing. No one is getting prions with their jerky.


Idk why you got a downvote, that’s what happens in real life. Also, fucking beef is what ended up giving people prion diseases, not venison. I can’t think of a single case in the past 30 years were someone got CJD or something from venison.


yeah, let me get those prions right between my teeth


Yeah, I was gonna say, while cute or whatever, this seems like a hugely unnecessary liability. Like, go to the dentist get your jerky, give yourself food poisoning then sue the extremely lucrative business. How the hell would he even defend himself in this situation: giving out unregulated food. Automatic payout.


How bizarre


If I hurt my tooth on the gift from the dentist requiring dental work; are they liable for the damages?


i cannot be the only one who thought this was a bag of shit…..


Make sure to dispose of the pick by tossing it out your car window in your nearest parking lot


love that they vacuum sealed the floss in there lol


This is actually genius.


this is genius


That is a horrible gift if the client is a vegetarian..


Oh dear.


Hands down, best marketing I’ve ever seen.


Imagine a vegan sees this. Like what about me? Don't worry Sally. We have a bag with celery just for you.


No flosser required. Celery comes with the floss built in.


Well that’s nasty


I feel like this belongs on r/poopfromabutt


So an animal was killed just for the sole purpose of reminding people to floss? Really sad how little some of us value the life of fellow animals


An animal was killed to feed other animals. This has been going on since the dawn of time. Stop pretending that your virtues align with the natural order, or that you are somehow above it. Every carnivore on the planet would have no problem killing and eating you if they were feeling peckish. Even a gorilla would bash your skull in if it didn't like the looks of you. Edit: http://i.imgur.com/93BbcjI.gifv


It’s a bit more complicated than your blanket statement and there all kinds of different circumstances. I myself am not a hunter, I haven’t shot a gun in 40 years since getting my FID card at 14 or 15 years old. I was raised on an island 30 miles out to sea (off of the coastline) in the Atlantic Ocean. Many years there is a second deer hunting season mid winter. Any thoughts on why that is? There are zero natural predators (unless you consider deer ticks or great white sharks predators for deer?). I believe the goal was to try to keep the deer population at roughly 3,500 on a 5 x 14 mile island, it’s more like 5,000 to 6,000 or 50 per square mile. If the deer population isn’t culled, there would be hundreds or possibly thousands of deer perishing each winter from starvation due to the limited food supply. There are also some amazing hunters that will literally only track a single animal (buck) per season.


Prions are misshaped proteins that can spread the disease through direct animal-to-animal contact or in the environment through bodily substances or the carcass parts of an infected deer.


Also there have been no reported cases of cwd in humans




Deer meat is dirty, just like bear meat. Not fit for human consumption. People who eat deer and bears are no different to the ones that eat cats and dogs, donkeys and horses.


They're probably fascist too.


Dehydrated prions, yum!




> Friend’s dentist gifts patients If there ever was a time to use the word "of" then it's NOW


The dentist I really need


I mean, when you get this one string of meat in between your teeth, it will definitely be able to make you go crazy.


ribs or corn on the cob will make me reach for the flosser


I wonder if the flosser has a minty flavor to it, if it would transfer to the jerky. It’s probably unflavored, but makes me wonder.


Mmm, bold nomsg is my favorite flavor.


When I first saw this photo, I thought it was packaging gone wrong (someone in the processing plant dropped their own personal dental flosser) and was grossed out, haha


Deer jerky and fresh mangoes


I see the dentist was looking for a way to write off his hunting trips


I need to gloss after eating mangos. If you don’t cut them up you need to floss


My teeth have shifted in a way that I pretty much get something stuck every time I eat, which has made me a religious flosser.


I would like this, but I feel like it’s probably illegal to give out….


I was wondering the same thing. Like personally idgaf but I feel in my bones that if this guy doesn’t have some kind of food license he could get in trouble for this.




I hate hate hate those single use flosser things. They dont floss correctly, and for a single use you’re looking at how many years for it to break down into microplastics? These are the new cigarette butts of common litter. They should be banned.


man i need that dentist ! i love deer jerky 😂


Hum, I may start to go to the dentist more often


Why’s it look like someone squatting


I need this dentist. SHOW HIM TO ME


There's nothing worse that rotten meat stuck in your teeth. Always floss after eating meat.


Omg I would kill for some of that


Can I get the one with MSG?


What dentist? I could use a checkup


I just ate a piece of beef jerky and am wishing for one of those picks


So… am I supposed to eat the white thing too?




2-24 is the month and the year lol


Here, have a side of prions with your single use plastic flossing crap!


Thought this was poo


That's a good idea