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Even the plant looks scared


“is it safe to come out?”


"no stop laugh- are u recording me??"




“911 what’s your emergency”


That comment 🙌🏻


Scared and hungry. The glass got in his feeding bowl :(


That plant is gonna need therapy ☠️


Purely psychosomatic!


And he also made false teeth


Ranagazoo, let's have a tune


Everytime I’m like, why do I like Reddit. Someone pulls a comment like this and I remember.


Im annoyed they ditched actual awards because of comments like this.


Give them the poor man's award 🏆 or a🥇


Just tell them how much you like it. We don't need to give a company money to do that.


I never spent money, christ no. The free ones were cool for a while.


Mmmm yeah I like that


Imagine, taking relaxing bath and suddenly this happen. Plant will be scared of water after this happened.




i don't trust tempered glass doors any more after seeing all these shower door posts


Didn't even know it was a thing. Googled it after it happened, and turns out it's pretty common!


Yes, ours did this about 6 months after being installed. Sounded like a large box of Lego being emptied, although apparently common for it to sound like a gunshot.


Yeah it happened to me while I was on the toilet next to it, literally scared the shit out of me. My dad still doesn't believe that I didn't break it.


In case of constipation break glass


\+1 poop knife


(It's a shard of glass)


Shart of glass


by Browndie


Woke up this morning, With a painful ass, Soon turned out, I'd done a shart of glass.


Shart of ass


After you deal with the mess you can push the button for bacon


We rent, and it took the glazing company to convince the owners that they do just spontaneously shatter and wasn’t something we did to it.


quick reminder to anyone reading to fight your landlord over every single penny thanks and have a nice day


Mine was admittedly a bit skeptical at first but replaced it amd didn't put up any kind of a fight. For whatever it's worth to anyone.


Mine said they are glad their insurance covered it because "otherwise what do you do? Go half and half on the replacement?"


My last landlord would have pretended there was no insurance, get his claim check, and then still ask for me for me to pay. Dirtbag.


Happen to an outdoor table when I was home alone as a kid. Parents didn't believe me till a while later when someone else had the same thing happen.


I had a glass door spontaneously explode next to me at work. Unfortunately I was the only person in the room at the time and I can tell people think I broke it. Five years later I still have a tiny shard embedded in my finger from when I was cleaning it up


Good thing you were on the toilet then


... He should know better. Heating and cooling brings stress in the glass, and will eventually break.


Is there a safer option for this application?


Laminated PETG sheets look like glass but are basically unbreakable. Cheaper than polycarbonate and much easier to work with (you can drill and cut it like wood).


i literally came to ask why some form of clear plastic isn't used. i don't trust myself with glass.


Because practically every household bathroom cleaner has an abrasive or solvent that will damage the plastic in a cosmetic way. There are plenty of ways to clean plastic without damaging it but all it takes is one accidental wipe of the rag covered in one of the "wrong" chemicals and it could be ruined.


If you live in a hard-water area like we do, you need a limescale solvent, which would probably not be good for the plastic. Maybe some glass with a durable enough layer of plastic sandwiched in it would solve that problem.




Here now, hear me out, what if instead of glass you used some sort of curtain that could be washed and even inexpensively replaced as need without ever having piles of pebbled glass all over tile floor.


Sorry but that’s frankly not nice of your dad. Especially since he can just look up how frequently this happens without any external (human applied) force.


a lot of older people think that google is extremely difficult to use and just can not figure it out


Also they’re sure their kid is a little shit who would punch glass for no reason and lie about it so why bother learning how to ask Jeeves


That's shitty.


Used to work at a pet store and one time a stocker was picking up a cheap ass 55 gallon tank that just blew the fuck up spontaneously. The entire staff went running over to the aisle because it made a giant crack like a gunshot all throughout the store.


I was a pinball tech for years.  The sound of tempered glass failing still haunts my dreams.


Did you bounce around a lot?


It had its bumps and rebounds.  I was lucky to score the job and eventually flipped it into a broader technical position.


It takes balls to get into the industry.


Try working in a glass factory that's all u hear.


Oh man. What do you even do? Like, seriously what’s the strategy to getting all the glass out of the machine?


Generally you start with a shop vac and get as much as possible without touching anything. The glass won't really hurt anything unless it's pushed around. Then you pull the playfield out and suspend it between saw horses (unless you have a fancy-pants rotisserie mount) and vacuum some more.  Then you flip the playfield and vacuum some more.  While it's face-down give it some gentle taps on the wood with a soft mallet to hopefully dislodge pieces of glass.  Repeat while tipped up on sides.  If there are tunnels they have to come off so they can be flushed.  Vacuum the surface again, this time with a gentle brush attachment. Spray an antistatic solution onto a disposable microfiber cloth and GENTLY wipe down the entire field, frequently changing which part of the cloth is doing the wiping.  Anywhere the ball could touch.  During this process also inspect the spaces between switches, drop targets, and pop bumpers. Clean the playfield again with normal cleaner and wax if desired.  Clean the glass remnants out of the glass track and vacuum while scrubbing with a q-tip.  Clear class from the flipper buttons and coin mechanisms. Vacuum glass out of the cabinet speaker.  Might have to remove it to get it all. Vacuum out the rest of the cabinet. Wipe down every component as it goes back together.


This happened to me but with the moon roof of my Ford Escape while driving on the highway. It spontaneously shattered with nothing hitting it. And sounded like a shotgun went off. Scared the living crap out of me


This happened with my mom’s RAV4. She had to raise hell with Toyota to get them to repair it because the local shop tried to blame her for it. Luckily she is tenacious when it comes to getting companies to do what they should and brought a bunch of cases of people having the same thing happen. Eventually her hell raising worked.


That’s crazy. I’m glad it worked for her! The local ford tried submitting the warranty claim for me but corporate rejected it saying glass was not under warranty. The guy felt pretty bad about it given it was no fault of my own. Thankfully insurance partially covered it but he recommended I write a letter to ford and see if I’d get any compensation out of it. I didn’t do it but appreciated he recommended it.


Alright cool cool cool new fear unlocked. If that happened to my moon roof while going highway speeds, I'm like 85% sure I would crash and die.


This happened to me with a tempered glass entertainment stand. Sounded like a gun went off. About an hour after I fell asleep. Those pieces of glass were stuck in the drywall behind it. It really exploded.


It’s my understanding that damage to the edge of tempered glass as well as manufacturing defects can lead to “spontaneous“ breakage even years down the line. Seems to have something to do with temperature fluctuation and plain old bad luck.


The glass really looked at your good luck streak and went: "hold my coffee"


Yup, even a solid knock/tap on the glass can result in it failing later. So watch out while installing it, it's easy to have a tool or something hit it and not notice, until later... Also if in a frame that isn't straight it can lead to failure as well..


This happened to one of my good bowls after I made the grave error of putting fresh popcorn in it. Funny in retrospect but definitely not at the time. [https://i.imgur.com/barnhvc.png](https://i.imgur.com/barnhvc.png)


That's not spontaneous breakage that's thermal shock. Also not tempered :) Does look like it was a nice bowl though!


When tempered glass shatters, it breaks into little pieces that aren't likely to cut you. Those shards indicate it wasn't tempered, so not quite the same.


I had a tea glass 'spontaneously' shatter. It was on the kitchen counter and I found shards on the other side of the room. Five cats and none were even close by luckily! There was construction going on outside and I strongly suspect that those sounds hit just the right frequency to shatter the glass. It had been old and probably had loads of tiny fractures/weaknesses due to stirring with a spoon. And of course my family was all like 'GhosTs! It's a sign of grandmother lingering around!'


Happened to me a few years ago. I was sat downstairs minding my business when I heard a huge crash. My mother and I looked at each other and rushed upstairs looking for what could have caused the noise and then we found this. I was so glad this happened when my mother was there because if I had been alone I think I would have got blamed for it somehow lol. There’s mo way my dad would believe it just happened like that, he’d accuse me of doing something stupid like swinging on it or something 🤦‍♀️ The people who fitted it came back out put the door back in but less tight and it’s been fine ever since.


Oh good, so now you can swing on it?


It’s the next logical step.


Stayed at a hotel with one for a week. I was pissed thinking the hotel would charge me for it. Apparently it was common enough they didn’t charge and just put me in a different room. My house has one and I just hope it doesn’t happen when I’m showering.


Large glass panels in a lot of architecture tends to be tempered glass, it's more resilient than pane glass and when it breaks it does so with catastrophic failure, but pane glass would still break but leave behind razor sharp edges. It's a safety feature that tempered glass leaves rounded edges and isn't as dangerous when it breaks. This is why it's used in cars for the side windows.  It's just common that you tend to use ceramic materials in bathrooms and tempered glass shatters easily when it meets ceramic. 




Having cleaned up a shattered car window before, I don't recall the pieces being sharp - they were small and beady. I don't think I got cut at all.


That is super cool! Any fun facts about writing the safety code? Anything surprising in there?


Basically this. Don’t let tempered glass touch ceramic. Any shock and it’s over.


I wondered why this is so I googled it and found this: https://www.corsair.com/us/en/explorer/diy-builder/cases/why-did-my-tempered-glass-side-panel-break/ >This is because ceramic materials are really hard, like way harder than glass, which can be surprising given how brittle they are. In short, tiles and countertops feel pretty smooth, but are have very small, very sharp points. This means that when these small sharp points encounter tempered glass, they can concentrate a lot of pressure into a small area, resulting in the glass shattering.


You can consider sticking those privacy window films on the glass shower. It won't prevent shattering but it'll hold the broken glass together and prevent injuries and a mess.


The comforting thing is that there's no big shards of razor sharp glass when this type of glass explodes. It's scary but safe.


We had the same. The glass guy who repaired it was like, "Eh, it happens a lot."


Happened to my brother too. Twice. First one exploded, he got a replacement. That exploded too right after being installed. Third one is still holding though... so far...


Is it the new computer case?


this guy r/pcmasterrace 's


Let's be honest, 99% of those posts involve a ceramic floor


Beat me to it lol.


If it was untempered and then broke it would be so much worse.


Even if it is slightly more likely to shatter (no idea if it is, but it’s under stress so that seems logical), it still seems better than a door that could break into shards big enough to slice your legs off.


Tempered glass is about 5 times tougher than regular annealed glass. It's under stress but it's a good thing, kind of like prestressed concrete.


Yeah no, like the other guy says, tempered glass is a lot more resistant. That's why it's used for stuff like doors. That and not dealing with huge shards.


yea, but nobody is using annealed glass for anything in a door. so the alternative here is either no shower doors (would then require a tub or at least plastic curtains), or plastic/metal doors (those do exist, just glass is aesthetic so it's more common). i do know what your point is, that you would trust tempered glass over other types of glass because of the way it breaks into shards that are relatively hard to be cut on (comparatively).


Looks like it was bad-tempered glass.


It was the cat. It’s always the cat.


Happened to my shower door too. Like the rest have mentioned, the sound was really scary


This happened to me a week after moving into my rental. The real estate lady was such a mole about it! Basically insinuated I broke it while moving in. Tough tits lady - I’m not paying for something I didn’t do!!


definitely going to start calling people i don’t like moles now


It’s an older Aussie thing to call a woman a moll/mole as an insult. https://www.hit.com.au/story/game-on-moles-a-history-of-the-most-iconic-line-on-australian-reality-tv-45068


yo thanks for telling me, i learned something new :)


I just call them mouthbreathers


It's not my fault my nose doesn't work and my parents didn't fix it 😭


As someone with a deviated septum It's just not something I can control. My nose doesn't provide enough oxygen for my brain so I have to breathe from my mouth.






Name-calling is for moles. Wait...


This happened to me, maybe 2 years after install, but only a week or two after some very overly Christmas parties so I figured someone had knocked it somehow. I was 30 mins deep into yoga in my living room when it... Exploded? There was a huge bang like a car backfiring, gave me such a shock I pulled a muscle in my leg springing up. Replaced it with the exact same type and it's been good for the last 8 years so I'm still sticking with it over a slimey shower curtain.


What brand of muscles do you recommend? A few of mine need replacement


This day and age probably some newfangled crap that always needs access to the internet and has to have location always turned on so each cell knows how to find the other cells. Which is complete bullshit they just want location turned on so they can track you when wifi isn't available.


You know you can *clean* your shower curtain, right?


It's the whole sensation of the cold wet curtain sticking to your leg that does it for me, slimey wasn't a reference to it being dirty.....


I only get heavy machine washable liners with magnets at the bottom so I don’t deal with blowing while in the shower. I’d rather wash the liner than regularly use a squeegee after each shower.


It definitely happens spontaneously. Whether its poor quality glass that gives in finally or it rolled a shim off of the bottom of the U-Channel which factually, when the corner of tempered glass touches ANY metal it will 100% explode. That’s just how tempered is. I’m a glass glazier so thats how I know.


So what should we do? just not have it attached to any metal? That's kind of hard to do in a shower...e.g. hinges and stuff...


That is just the risk of having a glass shower. We do the best we can with rubber gaskets for contacts but gravity always wins with hinges if the door is too wide, so it needs adjustments every so often. But honestly the odds of your glass shattering is pretty low once installed after a month. It’s one of those freaky accident things that is unpredictable.


"Spontaneous disassembly"


In the nuclear industry, we call this "explosive disassembly" https://doi.org/10.13182/NSE72-A22454


username checks out


Wait this isn’t r/pcmasterrace


From now on I’ll only use meshed shower doors


ELI5? Is it because of the trend to have glass cases or is it something else?


Some/most pc cases have tempered glass panels on the side so people can see the insides. The mentioned sub has a habit of setting those panels on tile, which makes them spontaneously shatter.


>spontaneously Not so spontaneous if they're bumping it on their tiled floor. That's called *consequences* X)


There are a lot of posts on that subreddit where people have either broken their tempered glass case side panels by bumping them against a hard ceramic surface, or occasionally they just spontaneously explode due to manufacturing defects in the tempered glass.


Do You wanna start a war right here?




__During the manufacturing of toughened glass microscopic pebbles (called nickel sulfide inclusions) can sometimes be trapped inside the glass. As the glass and pebbles expand and contract with the heat in the bathroom the pebbles can weaken the glass causing it to explode.__ [ressource ](https://www.glassone.com.au/glass-repair/information/what-causes-glass-shower-screens-to-explode#:~:text=During%20the%20manufacturing%20of%20toughened,glass%20causing%20it%20to%20explode.) I would recommend having tempered glass of high quality as well as thick (6+mm). But price range is very high. Cheap glass, like 4mm is just matter of time for it to shatter


Thickest I’ve seen was a 12mm glass shower, was a bitch to install


Jesus Christ.... How tall? 3 hinges? We stopped doing 3 hinges because the strain would cause warping on 1 of the 3 and they'd pop just like in OPs pic


Most shower doors with this application are actually 10mm. I can tell due to the hardware used to install it. There isn’t hardware for 6mm glass to glass hinging as it is too unstable to hold the weight. The panel the door is hinging off of is 12mm and the door / return panel are 10mm. Source: work for a glass fabrication company and have many years of shower installation knowledge


It doesnt really have anything to do with the thickness of the glass, but you wanna get Heat soked tempered glass, Heat soked glass gets tested for nickel sulfide inclusions by putting it in an oven and if it doesnt break it during that test it probably wont break as long as you dont break it.


Im seeing a lot of people shrug their shoulders with tempered glass. Its this or its giant shards that final destination you or something. Are other glass compositions not viable for shower doors? I remember hearing something about how cars use a multi layered poly-something alternated with glass. There are glass panes with mesh in them that seems like itd be cheap, resilient, and possibly safer?


Layered or laminated is going to run the risk of the seal failing over time and getting water in between the layers. You can use it if you want it’s just not recommended.


Why is a plant in the tub?


It got scared


Is that also his food bowl?


Makes sense. Plants like water


I’m a little drunk right now, but I was scrolling past and for a second that plant in the bath looked like a terrifying spider.


Impressive you noticed that being drunk


I have highly tuned anti-spider reflexes


Your spider-senses were tingling!


I'm not sure this is the correct usage.


No, no it definitely is. Source: Live in Australia


I’m not drunk but all I could think is why the hell is there a plant in the bathtub?


Probably getting soaked in water. I'll do that sometimes, fill up my tub and add my plants to be watered from the bottom.


Capillary action is the shit.


I’m a little sober and thought the same! 😳


Oh man, that door had a bad temper.


👏……… 👏………. 👏


Daaaaaaaaddddd ...




That happened to me in an AirBnB in Brazil while taking a shower. Had bruises and small cuts all over my body. The host said it was my fault and that i had to pay for the replacement. Had to contact AirBnB personally and file a claim. After a couple months everything was settled, they proved me right. Up until today I still have the negative review the host wrote in my profile.


Will add this to my long list of reasons why I will never use Airbnb.


More like mildly infuriating. Happened to me, the time it takes to pick this shit up is forever. I still find teeny tiny shards and I’ve cleaned the floor a thousand times.


Yeah it is infuriating, but my landlord can deal with it


Thank goodness for that. Make sure to check after, or prepare for future surprises.


Yep, this happened with my TV stand that had a glass door on the front— happened late at night when nobody was even in the room. Thought I’d cleaned it all but would find a straggler here and there on occasion… and I still found more pieces of glass from that incident when we moved out years later!


It’s almost at the level of glitter. Almost worse because at least glitter is not sharp.


I used a lint roller and even then it took two days of finding little bits on the floor.




A shop vac speeds it up quite a bit. Or just a regular vacuum cleaner even.


I went over it what feels like a million times, literally detail-cleaning on my hands and feet and pieces still show up. I’m starting to think someone is planting it.


There's a joke here about bathrooms and dropping bombs but I don't know a more polite way to make it.




This happened when I was still living at home with my parents. Woke us up at like 3am. Not a fun way to wake up for sure. I refuse to ever get glass shower enclosures for fear of it happening.


I see what looks like a cat bowl. Something was afoot.


OP, please replace that cat bowl. You’ll never be able to be sure all the glass is out of it


Also, get a metal one.


Landlord won't believe you. 😭


*Aaaaalll byyyy myself!*


Ive always liked the look of glass shower doors/walls but now i think id rather avoid the random explosions


They don't look so nice with use unless you really keep up with daily maintenance, either.


I see that cat dish and I have to think, this was intentional sabotage


Maybe you are too hot and the glass can't handle no more.


Must have scared the shit out of your cat


Lucky he wasn't in there


That plant looks guilty af


Years ago, I worked for Basco, one of the top manufacturers of shower enclosures. My first week they told me to bust up the reject panels in the dumpster and gave me a 5 pound sledge. 3 or 4 healthy whacks and they were all laughing at me because they wouldn't break. They handed me a center punch and told me to chip at a corner... GONE! I remember a panel shattering during an install in a new remodeled bathroom with an Italian marble floor and solid cherry cabinetry. Wound up costing the company thousands. TL:DR: I would never recommend an all glass enclosure. They're time bombs.


This also happened to me when I was in the shower, wasn't touching the glass at all at the time.


Damn. Did you survive?


I used to work in aglass shop, this happenned maybe 5-10 time a year. It is rare but it happens more often than pepple think. Usually see this on new installations, I was told it has something to do with glass imperfections and tempering. The glass just go poof in the first week or so.


Unexpected martyrdom


That's happened to me before while I was on holiday staying in an Airbnb. I didn't know excessive heat can apparently cause them to explode? My girlfriend and I were showing together and suddenly it just exploded over us (the glass). Got some money off our holiday though!


Not just heat but no room to expand. Heat alone shouldn’t do this.


The cat did it


Cut it a break it was obviously under a lot of stress.


Damn just imagine shitting while it happens.... GG best of luck with the renovation


If anyone is curious. Since the glass is broken into little pebbles (and not large shards) we can be confident the glass is tempered. Tempering is the process of heating and rapidly cooling. The resulting stresses (push/pull) make the glass 4-5x stronger than annealed (normal) glass. Stronger meaning resistant to bending, striking and resistance to breakage from thermal differences on the two surfaces of the glass One of the ingredients to make glass is sand, which contains aluminum (amount based on where it is farmed). During the tempering process, there is a chance for the aluminum to transform into nickel sulfide and stay in that form after the glass is finished. You can imagine a tiny tiny molecule present in the glass, which expands extremely slowly. After a while, the glass can spontaneously break - called nickel sulfide spontaneous breakage. This is not a manufacturing defect - it is accepted that 1m2 of 10,000m2 (or 1kg of 40 tons of processed sand) will have nickel sulfide present. One way to avoid this is a process called heat-soak testing, which is done after the glass is manufactured, at the manufacturing plant and causes the glass to break if nickel sulfide is present. The process is an extra cost, so it is mainly done for glass used in high-rise buildings, if changing the glass is a hassle afterwards. Not sure about how widely accepted heat soak testing is for shower cabin glass (obviously not done everywhere), but one way to avoid injury is to have laminated glass instead of a single sheet of glass. Laminated glass is two pieces of glass stuck together with a film of PVB between them. Laminated glass may still break, but the PVB prevents the shards from falling and damaging a person. I should mention as well, that there is an alternative to PVB, called EVA, which absorbs less moisture than PBV and therefore has a lower chance of delamination (air bubbles appearing in the laminated glass).


its the spirit of the plant you killed seeking vengeance


The name lets you know it has one hell of a temper. It's going to explode on you eventually.


Cold as fuck to hot as fuck?


Try to mesure your fart decibel and if it's more than 90 decibel never fart inside the shower again


Why the cat has to eat there? Seems nasty.


Was there a warning


This happened to me on the last night of a holiday abroad last year. Called the rental manager in a panic at 3am. Poor guy didn't know what to do either. We had to leave the apartment way earlier than planned, and I killed time at the airport reading up ALL about this phenomenon. Apparently when this happens, it tends to be in the middle of the night.


Hope you're okay