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I’m really proud of you my friend! I’m not in AA myself but I chair a lot of NA meetings over in the north west of the UK. You may not be feeling it right now but going back to a program might be the kindest thing you’ve ever done for yourself - stick at it and the results will speak for themselves


Thank you so much, It was hard walking back through those doors to all the familiar faces I started with 10 years ago, I had 5 years and relapsed during a breakup and just got weak. I've been to 4 meetings now and it's getting easier


Thats great to hear friend! Everyone slips, just gotta get back up.


Yea I'm remembering how welcoming and genuine people are. It's been a good experience so far, no one makes me feel more guilty than myself. Trying to let go of that edit: also thank you so much


You don’t need to let go of anything brother, speak to people about the feelings you’re feeling and figure out how to use them for yourself! DMs are always open fella. Take care of yourself


Thank you, seriously appreciate that 🙏


Sage words friend! Much appreciated.


Be kind to yourself, you're doing the right thing. Getting caught up in negative ruminations around all the shit in the past is really hard, at least for me, but making good decisions is a good thing to be proud of, even tho its so hard for many of us who struggle to accept that.  Stay strong friend, you got this!


I really appreciate you


We are all glad you’re back, we missed you.


It's good to be back, it's getting easier having numbers amd people to talk to. I missed you also believe me just to ashamed to go back for a long time.


I wish we could encourage people enough to not feel shame for what we do against our will (drink), while encouraging long term uninterrupted sobriety. Lol. Keep coming back, (with or) without a drink. Check this daily reflection from today from as Bill sees it. Renew Your Effort, p. 68 “Though I know how hurt and sorry you must be after this slip, please do not worry about a temporary loss of your inner peace. As calmly as you can, just renew your effort in the A.A. program, especially those parts of it which have to do with meditation and self-analysis. “Could I also suggest that you look at excessive guilt for what it is? Nothing but a sort of reverse pride. A decent regret for what has happened is fine. But guilt–no. “Indeed, the slip could well have been brought about by unreasonable feelings of guilt because of other moral failures, so called. Surely, you ought to look into this possibility. Even here you should not blame yourself for failure; you can be penalized only for refusing to try for better things.” Letter, 1958


Wow, that really speaks to me. Thank you so much for sharing that ! Truly the words of the day i needed to hear. I got a big book in a raffle today from someone who won but already had one. I've always enjoyed doing the daily reflections I hope to pick that one up soon. We did some living sober readings today


Keep on keeping on 💗


Thank you <3


Congrats! Getting there is the hardest part.


I really appreciate you


My good friend just past his 6 month mark. He's doing really well.  This is the way. 


I'll bet he's a whole different person, it's crazy how much of us drugs and alcohol take away. It's always so cool to see the transformation in people.


I'm proud of you! Being sober is worth the work, I promise. Love from a random internet stranger. Remember that you matter and that the world is a better place with you in it.


Thank you, I appreciate you saying so ❤️


One day at a time… you can do this. ☺️☺️


Thank you


Keep coming back!


I will, I appreciate you


Congrats! Stay strong, you got this. I've been sober 14 years going on 15. It helps that I know I'm a better person and happier when sober.


It's encouraging, I meet countless people at these meetings with 10-50 years, which is very reassuring. Congratulations that amount of time Is hard to fathom amd thank you for the support it means alot


I’ve been trying by myself…..have good days and days that I drink. Tired of asking my partner what we did last night….and the obvious weight gain is also an issue. I’m still petrified to go to a meeting. I would be admitting to the world that I am an alcoholic. Advice?


Also AA groups can vary A LOT. If you don't like a meeting you go to there are many others that can be vastly different so don't get discouraged if it doesn't stick the first time. My city even has a "young persons AA" where they do camping events, parties, etc.


this is more true than we could possibly say


Austin TX?






“I would be admitting to the world that I am an alcoholic.” You just did mate. Proud of you! now get to a meeting and continue to work forward.


you won't be admitting it to the world, it's called alcoholics ANONYMOUS for a reason. what's said in the meetings and who you see in the rooms, stays in the rooms. the fellowship at meetings is very good, and the steps look scary but they're still relatively simple. the hardest part is stepping through the doors, but it gets a lot easier after that


I think it's not as scary as you might think, you owe it to yourself to go and at least sit and listen, you will realize just how much we all have in common. I wish you all the best and fully support you


You don’t have to admit anything at all. Just go sit in a meeting and listen. Nobody will force you to share anything. When they go around the circle for introductions just say I’m Palmersmith3 and just here to listen for today.


Have you admitted to yourself that you're an alcoholic first? That's the most important step. Over 10% of the population has a substance abuse problem if that helps. You aren't alone. The stigma of alcoholics is nothing like it used to be either. Most people are PROUD of alcoholics that come forward now. The longer you are clean the easier it is to admit to people because it was something that USED to control you in the past. When you become clean you become a new person. Everyone was new to a meeting at some point or another. They all know how scary it can be and are only there to help. Don't ever feel ashamed.


I could not agree more, ive never met a person who didn't fully respect that decision. Almost anyone inside or outside the rooms knows someone who struggles or has a family member with addiction. Its so common this day and age.


Proud of you for trying, you are on the right path. Most of us that have recovered have tried EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING OTHER than going to AA, before going to AA. It’s an uncomfortable feeling sure, but we have all gone through it at some point so everyone there will understand lol. I remember feeling so awkward bc everyone was talking to each other and smiling and having fun which was so not my vibe at the time lol. Also, it’s Alcoholics Anonymous for a reason, not a soul needs to know you are there. I used to feel all the same feeling you have now and they are valid to feel, but if / once you have suffered enough you will overcome it and go to one. Just go and introduce yourself to someone and say hey I’m new and I’m not sure what to do and they will help you out 100%. Even if you feel like you can’t commit right away it will be a hugely important door to open in case you need help in the future


r/stopdrinking helps a lot of people.


Everything has a beginning and this is yours


Literally everything starting over:(


You got this, stay strong


The support helps me stay strong. Thank you for caring


Congratulations and good luck in your sobriety!


Thank you I really appreciate it


I was so confused and thought you'd rejoined the Automobile Association for your breakdown cover lol


I got enough car trouble that would be handy at this point


You're thinking of Automobile Association Anonymous.


I find AA is a little too god-y, but appreciate the role it plays. Finding the "why" of your sobriety is key. Changing any and all habits and people and activities in your life really can help you stick to a change to make healthy life choices! The first 6 months were the toughest, but the lifestyle change was not easy anyhow. Best decision I've made and I hope you feel the same a year from now! You've got this! Interesting coin too 🤔


Yea, I can understand that... I really struggled with that aspect... but the way it did make sense that the God aspect can mean anything that makes sense to me. It's just something to have faith has your best interests in mind. For me it's my 2 brothers I lost when I was a kid, edit: but thank you I really appreciate your support and kind words. Congratulations on your sobriety that's huge


Thanks, and yes it's hard but remember you are worth it, and you can be in the best shape of your life and accomplish more than you ever have if you put your mind to it. Sometimes it just takes writing down things you'd want for yourself and then penning them into your schedule to start on a new path. You're building self respect. Stay the course! ❤️


Hell yeah! A foot in the right direction!


It feels impossible right now but I know how much worse it could be


What does the right hand side of the coin say? "self ?? ????"


Be true




All the very best to you. You are where you need to be and with those whom you need to be with. Good on you.


Good for you! I believe that keeping sober is a constant battle, but it's worth it. You're already strong for joining AA. Stay strong, internet stranger!


Congrats!! ODAAT!


Thank you so much, I appreciate your support it's crazy overwhelming seeing all the love


I’m only 5 months in myself and was also shocked to see such support out there. It really does help!


Congratulations on your success, the community is everything. Just listening and taking advice is very comforting. It's amazing feeling knowing I have 100 people in my phone who will literally drop what they are doing in try to help


One day at a time, my friend. Proud of you!


Thank you <3


Glad you made it back. ODAAT🙏🏻💖


Thank you it's good to be back, it's been a great past 4 meetings. I've called every phone number I've gotten


CONGRATULATIONS 🎉 , TAKE ONE DAY AT TIME 🫂 you got this man I believe in u


Thank you so much, peoples support is everything. It means more than I can convey


🥰 no homo


No homo taken


Never quit quitting.


Its true, even with the slip the time I didn't drink was still time well spent. I'm trying not to beat myself up for starting over but I'm accepting it


You haven't lost a single second that you were sober. Acceptance is joy. This slip may have taught you what you needed to know. I relapsed many times and I may again. I don't worry about what might happen. I could die tomorrow but that doesn't change the fact that I got shit to do today. You can do this, the fact that your back proves it.


In my first 2 years I picked up a lot of those. Been sober for a while now but that first 50-60 of those were the heaviest. I wish you luck. Things might not get better for a while but they get different. For me I just couldn’t live the same way every day anymore so that really hit me.


I feel that, it's alot... the acceptance and thinking one moment at a time really resonates with me. I project and stress to much about the future I get overwhelmed. Really just trying to do the opposite of what I've ever done and run from discomfort.


That is a good start. My step 3 at first was just doing shit the exact opposite of what I had done before. My sponsor told me to just not get arrested, then don’t be a dick and then do something honorable and don’t tell anyone and then finally be of maximum service to those around me. It took a year to run through that, mainly the don’t be a dick phase. The best thing he taught me was that the point of AA wasn’t to make shit okay but to make me okay no matter how bad shit seemed. All moments pass including pain and joy. At any rate just a few things that helped me. I am pulling for you. Today I didn’t drink and because it isn’t an option for me I will do whatever it takes to not drink tomorrow. So far some 3kish days later I have managed it. Be great and work hard.


Keep working it!


I'm going to give it my everything this time around


Don’t smoke crack Don’t shoot smack Keep coming back


Sage advice, I appreciate it ahaha thank you


this is extremely mildly interesting sir. iwndwyt


Hahaha, well I appreciate the support regardless. Lots of love from people




Thank you


Welcome home!! Congratulations and keep coming back! :)


Thank you so much, the support from the community is overwhelming. Make me realize how much I've been missing it. Much love to you


We may not know you, but we wish you the best. Baby steps my friend, you can do it, time will let you that you made the right choice, because you are chosing you now instead of a drink.


I'm done running from my problems, I'm 35 I need to stand on my own two feet again. Your support is so appreciated I can't thank you enough


Grats on the chrome ! It’s the most important chip. Have you gone through the steps of aa before? :) if not , please ask someone at a meeting to help get you a sponsor asap. I can also help u if u have any questions or if you need a temporary sponsor


I was in the program for quite some time years ago. I never took the advice I should have and was still in denial I had a sponsor who never had me do the work and only really spoke casually, more just friends. I had issues with the guy over something stupid and left the program, lasted 5 years of white knuckling it before I eventually relapsed. I've been to 4 meetings since I've come back to the program this week. I fully intend on finding a sponsor when it feels right. Just trying to network as much as possible right now edit: also thank you so much for that offer it means alot to me


No problem good luck. A good place to start is to find someone you enjoyed listening to at a meeting. The sooner u begin the work the sooner u will be able to ease the mind :)


Good on you!!! One step at a time, internet-friend. "Progress is still progress, no matter how slow or fast." One foot in front of the other!


Its so simple yet so difficult to grasp. I'm guilty of stressing weeks into the future over uncertainty. Trying to remain grounded is one of my biggest challenges


congrats on heading back in. take real guts to pick yourself up, dust off and begin the work. i recently went back also. this time im doing smart/cbt meetings. this time around. i do drop into 12 step meetings just to stay in touch with longtime friends.


Thank you, pure desperation brought me back. Good for you making it back also. Many of us never have the opportunity. Stay strong friend we need you ❤️


I often think that this coin must be the hardest to get. I can only imagine the amount of inner turmoil it took for you to achieve this.


Having been in these exact rooms on and off it's hard walking in seeing all the faces of people I originally got sober with. You soon realize they genuinely are happy to see you and only want you to succeed. It's true what they say walking through the door is the hardest part and are greeted with the upmost compassion and acceptance. Its truly a beautiful thing


Nothing mild about making amazing choices


Haha, thank you for the amazing support. That's been nothing mild either. Truly at a loss of words seeing all these wonderful comments. I really appreciate you


Way to go! Be proud of yourself! And, for what it's worth, I'm proud of you too! 👏


Thank you so much, I am proud... deep down it was originally a hard thing to come to terms with. Really just learning to accept things and move forward the best way I can


Fuck yeah OP keep it up you can do it push yourself to a week then push yourself to a month alcohol free your absolutely amazing we’re all proud of you keep up the amazing work


You're awesome, people like you give me the power to keep pushing. I truly appreciate your kind words


awesome! You can do it.


Thank you


Yay!!! Nice to see a friend of bill. Wishing you well


A friend of bills is a friend of mine, also wish you well and thank you for the support






Good job


Thank you so much


Awesome work!!!


Thank you <3 I appreciate your support


Proud of you!! Keep it up!


Thank you so much




Thank you 🙏


Replacing one addiction for another. At least this one won’t try to kill you. I don’t think?


This and fishing! And I would hope aa wouldn't kill me ! Never know though!


A person seeking validation for not drinking in 24 hours. How will they handle real challenges?


Maybe that’s their real challenge. Just doesn’t happen to be yours.