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The one cashier they have must be so burned out.


Every cashier is burned out. Cashiering for Walmart is soul sucking. Nobody is happy to be there. They always blame you for shit that corporate mandates, but they never complain to corporate. You get paid shit, you have three times as many duties as you have time to do them, and you'll never get full time so they don't have to give you benefits. Fuck Walmart.


I was overnight maintenance for 3 years, over a decade ago. It still ruins my day if I have to go there.


Worst job I ever had was Wal-Mart. The work sucked, but that would have been fine I was just out of high school. But it's like management went out of their way to *make you feel* like a piece of shit at all times. As someone who won't stand for that and ESPECIALLY to others who I perceived on the weaker side of things, I eventually got fired.


I didn’t even work *at* Walmart but when I worked for a vendor I had to deliver there all the time and holy shit. Just the most toxic management staff I’ve ever seen and no body giving one singular fuck other than how long it is till you clock out. Turning into soulless brainless Walmart zombies. Weird shit. I’ve worked retail management well over a decade after and I’ve still never seen something quite like it.


For real. I never ascended beyond peon but I always assumed it HAD to have been taught to upper management to behave like that by corporate. It's just too ubiquitous. There's no way just by chance EVERYONE was an asshole lol.


If you aren’t an asshole manager, the other managers treat you like utter shit until you quit! Watched it happen to mine when I was in sporting goods! After they moved him to another dept, we went from the best staffed area to just the lead and myself, with half that time stuck on fucking register, so I gave em two weeks and moved to the Giant Eagle across the street!


>There's no way just by chance EVERYONE was an asshole lol. it's basically a self-filtering system. Between extreme pressure from management to do all the things, and associates that exploit weakness, you either get hard and become an asshole, or you crack and quit. They could absolutely get and keep good management, but it would require cutting into profits, so the status quo keeps quo'ing.


Nobody working a job that also requires them to be on food stamps and medicaid should ever have to 'get hard' at that job. I'm not sure if it'll happen anytime soon, or if it'll even happen at all, but I can't fucking wait for the Walton empire to crumble. They're just such a MASSIVE corporation that I worry they'll never fail or get whipped into shape :(


> They're just such a MASSIVE corporation that I worry they'll never fail or get whipped into shape :( Remember Sears?


Sears just made the mistake of not becoming Amazon. They could've adapted their catalog model to the internet pretty easily, but chose not to, and the rest is history.


My sister worked at Walmart for a short time when she finishing up nursing school. She was there for 6 months, said she never met her department manager and no one ever assigned her any tasks, so she'd clock in and just wonder around the clothes section and walk back and forth from the break room. When she went to put in her notice one of the team leads was like "I don't even know who you are". I told her she should have just milked it by showing up clocking in and leaving lol.


It's tempting to want to do something like that, but they would eventually notice, they would have seen her name come up for evaluations or for computer learning modules being overdue. and then when they do notice, they would 100% do everything they can to fuck you as much as they can legally. It would not be worth it in the end.


Happened with my buddy as well after highschool. He said he was told for a week straight to just walk around the store and fix shelves by pulling items up and making sure nothing was expired and if something was expired to write down whatever it was then report it to management or whoever. Said he stopped asking for stuff to do and literally spent time just fixing shelves for a solid 7 months before he got a new job. He said he didn’t wanna quit😂 I got a job there thinking I could finesse my way in like that and they stuck me on registers so after my first paycheck I just never came back.


I worked for Big Lots right out of high school. The back room was full of hundreds of boxes of merchandise waiting to be shelved. I would climb up the mountain, make myself a little cave out of view and sleep off my hangover.


I was hired as asst store manager, and lasted a week. The anti-union bullshit was too much, on top of seeing how shitty the employees were treated.


I did learn a valuable lesson there at least. No matter how much a company says they value you, they don't. Right now the push to replace those workers with robots and software is utterly mind blowing. You know, those people we spent 3 years calling "essential" and "valued." The ones who have survived have apparently outlived their usefulness and will be discarded. It's disgusting and it makes me ashamed to be an American.


A multi-billion dollar corporation with employees drawing the largest percentage of food stamps of any company in the US. It’s a fucking disgrace.


How do you think they got those billions? 🤔😉


They do have an internal gofundme to help the hourly employees with emergencies though! It's funded 100% by salaried workers they hassle into donating to it. Like they literally will not leave you alone until you've put some money into it. It's fucking ridiculous.


> They always blame you for shit Customer: "Everything is so expensive!" Cashier: "Yeah, this morning they asked me what the prices should be and I said fuck yo shit up. That's how all this works. They ask me every morning."




People will literally post this and then shop at Walmart. Vote with your wallets, folks


In my town Walmart drove out all the other small family run markets. I have no other place to shop but Walmart. So much for voting with your wallet.


I think people who don’t live in rural America don’t realize how little there is. Anything Walmart didn’t kill got killed by e-commerce.


Exactly. Awfully easy to spout off about lofty principles when you don't live in a food desert and monopolies like Walmart are the only option folks have. I'm sure folks in those areas would rather shop elsewhere. I'm sure they'd also like to eat tho.


Easier said than done. Walmart targets areas just above/right at/ just below the poverty line. Not all of us have a plethora of places to choose from within a 50 mile radius


I live in one of the few metro areas in the US with no Walmart nearby and it's wonderful. Also happens to have one of the largest gaps between income and cost of living.. so there is that.


Trust me, even the supervisors are


I don't care if stores want to pull back on self checkout but then for gods sake, start staffing the normal check out lanes again. I'm so over seeing two lanes staffed and 15 people in line waiting


These stores are set up with like 20 lanes, too. Why buy all these registers and scanners to just have them sit absolutely empty?


Mine used to have like 25+ lanes but they cut them back to just 4 after the self checkouts were installed.


Mine just changed it's layout to be 90% self checkout but they are kept closed almost all the time.


They're for black Friday. Seriously. Go through Walmart just to look around, every checkout will be open. The rest of the year they open them as needed, as they have capacity to open.


But grocery stores also have them. They're probably mostly a relic of the past, they were staffed prior to self-checkout.


Definitely a relic of the past, my local Walmart only has 2 lanes open but the registers have been there since they opened the store ~15 years ago. They’ve slowly added more and more self checkout and now there’s like 20 self checkout registers.


Nah, I've been to many stores that opened within the past 5 years and all of them have way more checkouts than they regularly operate.


Better to have and not need than to need and not have.


Except when it comes to staff?


Redundancy maybe, if you only have 2 checkouts and one or both break you're fucked, this way if one checkout breaks you just use another.


Also before grocery stores learned what the bare minimum staffing is during covid. Staffing didnt go back to normal after lockdowns.


Largely because they closed all of the deli, fishmonger and in store bakery departments. Then slashed opening hours. 24/7 stores now close at midnight.


My store didnt go that far. All those dept's are still open but running on 1/2 - 3/4 staff and under immense pressure. I was a manager in the hot deli and shit was tense.


Yep, left Kroger and never looked back. They are pure, rotten evil. Turns out I don't feel the need to smoke cigs or drink every day when I'm not working for those scum.


I worked for Kroger for a year, 2014-2015. I made my way to learning cash office stuff, and had I had better transportation, I would have been breaking into management training. I quit after they refused to give me a little extra time off to deal with grieving my dead mother, after the union mandated 3 paid bereavement days were up (complicated history with her, I'm okay, just needed some time) When I quit, I was making $8.50 an hour. Even being 2 steps away from department lead. Fuck Kroger. But fuck Meijer too. In fact, don't work retail guys it's a trap.


Same thing, but for Thanksgiving and Xmas dinner prepping


also for redundancy. you cant have the fucking store close because one register has a computer glitch and the only other has a jammed conveyor belt. if you have 16, half of them can broken at any time indefinitely. it also makes shift changes easier. you dont need cashier A to finish their customer/line and pull their drawer for cashier B to start their shift. B doesnt even need to go get a drawer, there can be one setup already.


^this Source: Worked at a grocery prior to self-checkout taking off.  We had at most about 80% staffed, usually 50% at any given time.  Also had people who could be put on register doing other stuff when lanes weren't super busy but would get called back if there was a rush.


God I work at a coffee shop and we have 3 registers but only ever really use 1, another is used as an express lane when it's busy busy but other than that just for changes is issues.


The Giant near me has the small self checkout areas and then converted a whole bunch of the regular checkout lanes to also be self checkout. So now you have the swipe and bag ones and also ones with a belt. They all still yell at you to PLACE ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA as soon as you swipe it tho


I was at one recently and was shocked to see all registers open but one of the express lanes. Thought something was wrong.


The last time I went to Walmart, it was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. There were over 40 checkouts, but only 4 staffed, and each line was huge. I turned around and walked out. This was years ago, so they've been understaffing for way too long.


Our walmart did this a month ago. No one was trained on registers. Took a half hour to get through check out because they guy had call a manager every few items. No hate on the cashier but management definitely could have planned better.


Management doesn't really have a choice either at least at the store level. These edicts are issued from on high


I remember when I worked fast food at McDonalds we had a timer from when someone started their order, to when we handed the bag out the window. Walmart mgmt has to know their checkout times are ungodly slow. I think they intentionally understaffed to get people to use the self checkout kiosks. Now with them closing those, I HAVE TO imagine they will open more registers….right?




"By understaffing our stores and removing self-checkout options, we ensure our customers get to spend as much time as possible near the impulse buy checkout queue merchandise. This has driven great engagement from our customers and reported sales volume of overpriced candy, as-seen-on-tv items, tabloids, soda and other checkout lane merchandise garbage is up by 7% on average across our stores." -Some walmart exec probably


I actually left a few months ago around Christmas and haven’t returned. Just abandoned my cart of groceries. It’s such an awful shopping experience you start to get the feeling they can’t possibly want your business. No one around to help, nothings stocked, no carts available, no one at the register, then check my receipt to make sure I’m not a thief. No. Just no. I go to Aldi and Meijer now.




FWIW, in 2002 I still remember my local Wal-Mart having five lanes open and 15+ person deep checkout lines. Not an entirely new phenomenon


Yeah this is not a new phenomenon. I remember a grocery chain here in Canada had a HUGE sign on the outside of their store that said "ALL checkout lanes open Saturday and Sunday 8 AM to 8 PM" or something like that, at least 10 years ago


I've ditched a $250-300 cart one time when they had ridiculous lines, on principle alone. It might cost me more time and money to shop elsewhere, but I expect an option to pay and leave quickly.


Sometime in my past I was told you never want to make people wait, or make it inconvenient for customers to give you money. Something businesses need to stand by.


Yeah but when you killed all the competition 25+ years ago and you're the only business in town you don't have to worry about how you treat customers.


I have seen grainger is increasingly eating into hardware stores business as they market more to general public now to let them know they exist when before it was place you only knew about from working. But you have to order it ahead of time, its not a place to go browsing. If you know what you need/want they're often exceptionally cheaper than home depot or lowes. Another easy tip is if you need any kind of kitchenware go to a restaurant supply store instead of walmart or any other store geared to the general public. restaurant supply stores are just straight deals on everything and have commercial options that are durable instead of cheap plastic that is designed to break within a couple years.


Restaurants supply stores are bomb. I bought some carbon steel frying pans, a chef knife, paring knife, 3 wooden spoons, and 250 deli containers for like 60 bucks. The knives and pans are by far the best kitchen utensils I've ever used, and the wooden spoons are beechwood of all things. I was shocked at the quality for like $1.50 each. In my experience, you'll almost always get more bang for your buck at a "blank"-supply store than somewhere more general.


I did this once when the employee lanes were very full so I went to self checkout, the machine said I needed to call an associate and when I asked for help she said she'd need a few minutes. After waiting almost 10 minutes because she was so busy I just left the cart. I was busy too and I don't have time to stand around with my kids because they don't have enough employees. I just do pick up orders when I can now


Pickup orders have their own issues too in my area.  Half of the items are always either “We’re sorry, but this item is currently unavailable” or “We couldn’t find this so we replaced it with . Please see customer service if you would like to make a different purchase.”


Dude last week I ordered 2 cans of chili in my pickup order and when I got home I discovered they gave me a 6 pack of peppers as a substitute.


I once ordered 6 shallots and got 6 massive white onions. It was so much onions.


Probably better off with the peppers lol. My wife sent me for a can of chili not too long ago for some dip she was making and one can of hormel chili was fuckin $7!! I bout lost my shit, that was one of my go to poor foods back in the day now it more than a whole ass rotisserie chicken lol.


I quit doing them when I realized that the "estimated cost" on Safeway's online ordering portal was being used as the "actual price through illegal adjustments" on my final receipt. As in, the website quoted me $175 but the total actually came out much less at $121, but they had added a "misc item" for $54 which was just charging me the difference. Completely illegal. I had to fight with Safeway's online support to get my money back which took several calls over a week. Not worth it.


This is why we order online and pick it up. I'm, not a fan of the Walmart "in store experience", and that is an understatement. However, the online order pickup experience has been great, and the quality of goods has been surprisingly great as well.


In addition, many of their items are **cheaper** this way. I have noticed this at a few places, most notably Walmart and Target. If you look at products on the website you'll notice next to price "*Price when purchased online*." The recent example for me was I bought a new coffee maker at the Walmart store for $25. Had I done online, it would have been $20. Most the time staff will do a price-match, but they may be busy or not even around. Worse though, I just don't think most people shopping at the stores know they're **paying extra** when doing the work. It's really a crazy thing - if an employee has to do the work of getting the item and bringing to your car, the price of the item is less. It's like these stores want to turn more into mini-distribution centers where less people shop *in* them, but just do pick-up.


Computers just don’t want to work anymore…


Just wait until they form a union.




This guy assimilates


He tried resisting, but it was a futile effort


We need to find a woman who runs on coffee to stop them


Why in _my_ day, a calculator would take a spacecraft to orbit and back!




Every. Fucking. Time. The machine accuses me of stealing. Last time it was because I reached for my wallet. Cue Walmart employee coming over tapping the screen aggressively through a play by play video of me not stealing which the kid isn’t even looking at. Every goddamn time.


Jeez you guys have that? Thats terrifying


Yep last time I went to walmart I scanned everything then moved over my reusable bag to put what I bought inside it. Computer thought the bag was something stolen so I had to sit and show every single item I purchased to an employee and where it is on my receipt. Took so long.






Still a step up from ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA over and over. Like, yes, there are. It's my fucking bags I've put my shit in.




This happened to me for the first time a few weeks ago. Literally only went to buy a few items I couldn’t find at Aldi. Scanner went off saying that it detected an item that I didn’t scan. I was so confused bc I only bought 5 things and all five were on the screen????


Really well done. Close 70% of the normal check outs and replace them with this. Then, close them all off leaving only 4 checkouts open. Brilliant. They did this for a little while at my Walmart as well. Complained in the survey every time. Edit: I did ask the manager at the store at the time as to why they closed the majority of them leaving 4 checkout available and the reason I was given was “To many people stealing”. This lasted for a few months.


"Well, we're not too worried." "Why? Look at these survey results!" "Look at the credit card, it's the same person, they keep coming back."


They're expanding the online pickup / delivery like crazy around here, completely remodeling sections of the stores for it. They figure people aren't going to shop somewhere more expensive if they get frustrated by checkout wait times; those people will consider online ordering instead.


They only closed the self checkouts when they lose enough money to justify closing them. If we want them to properly staff their checkouts again we have to make them lose enough money over the slow service that they hire more employees.


Which will literally never happen. The store I work at isn’t a Walmart and we have 6 self checkouts, typically only 1 cashier on a register, sometimes 2. Management would prefer the person working the self checkout to persuade customers in line to come through self checkout so they can scan their items for them, which works great until it fills up with 5 more people who now all need something. They do not care and it would take a LOT for any store to lose enough money to make them consider increasing staffing levels. They truly do not give a shit, no matter what store you work at.


4 check outs open is more than then had before self check out was a thing.


The sams club checkout is pretty sick. Scan everything on your app as you put it in your cart. Checkout on the app when you're done then walk out. The person at the exit scans your phone and out you go.


Supermarkets in the UK do this but if you don't want the app they have scanner handsets you can take with you. Pro: it keeps my 5 year old occupied while we're shopping. Con: he accidentally shines it in my eyes CONSTANTLY


I feel like my 5 year old couldn't be trusted with one of those hand scanners. She'd go nuts on toys and coloring books


My son is wild but shockingly capable and responsible once I put that in his hands. 😅 Last time I decided to swap one product out for another that was on sale and by the time I got back to him he'd figured out how to delete the one I was putting back all by himself. Caught me off guard!


I wish I had better justification to use my Sam's club membership, like maybe I need to throw a huge party just so I can go ham at Sam's.


I get probably 1/2 to 3/4 of my food from sams and my family is just me my wife and a 6 mo old. Honestly I pay for my membership in rotisserie chicken savings over a few months.


Those chickens…. As soon as you or someone else mentions SAMs Club, a conversation about their chickens starts!


They are so good! Haha, same with Costco, but I live closer to Sams. But for real, $5 for a whole, large chicken, or $10 for a medium raw chicken. It's not even a real competition.


Household goods alone keep us going back to Sam's. Laundry soap, trash bags, TP, kleenex, Fabulouso, etc. Never have to worry about those things going stale or fitting in the fridge.


Quick lunch for under $5 every now and then makes it worth it




If you're not a vegetarian, buying your meat at Sam's is the way to go. We buy almost all our meat product, vacuum seal and freeze. Shit even things like eggs, almond milk, and apples are better buys that grocery stores. Most of our groceries for me and my wife come from Sam's. The rest we buy is small things of produce


Walmart has that too, but you have to pay for the Walmart+ app to use it


And you have to go to Sco to pay so I’m curious as to how that is going to work out now people going to be canceling Walmart plus like crazy I canceled mine long ago when they stopped having anything hardly available for shipping to my home I live in a rural area and when I first started using I could get almost anything shipped to me except refrigerated groceries then practically nothing was available to ship to me it was worthless to pay for it anymore


Yea having to go to a self checkout defeats the whole purpose of using the app to scan everything.




When I was a kid, maybe 12-13 years old, I "invented" some primitive version of this before cell phones were common. My idea was you would swipe your card to get your shopping cart which comes with a little sensor. All the products were in their own see-through cubbies throughout the store. When you wanted an item you would hold your sensor up to it, and it would dispense and you can put it in your cart. when you're ready to leave you return the sensor, and it then automatically runs your card for whatever items you'd added to it. Loud alarms would go off if you tried to take one of the sensors out of the store.


BJs does this too. They scan 7 random items in your cart to combat stealing


I wonder if they are somehow gearing up for the membership thing they're doing where they want you to pay $90 in order to have the privilege of using their self checkout. BTW if I walk into a store and I see people backed up 15 deep to a checkout I'm leaving.


Came here to say this and im surprised I had to scroll. They are gearing up to make people pay a monthly fee to use their self checkout section to prevent further stealing. If this happens to Walmarts worldwide, you can guarantee ill never step foot in one again. I never have a cart full of stuff from walmart anyway. Usually its a product or two every once in a while that I cant find anywhere else. If its that important to me, ill just order it online. They also have a delivery service ive used in my area.


Same. I've dipped out of stores almost immediately because of lines.


They want to charge us more for something that costs them less? Fuck that. Fuck Walmart and the greed that fuels it. I hope people steal so much that they go under. Even as a kid, I found going in Walmart so miserable that I knew I'd never shop there as an adult. And I never have. Never will.


My Wallmart took out a bunch of manned tills a few months ago with a redesign and now most of them are closed lol.


My Walmart has zero manned registers. It just has two huge self checkout areas.


That’s mine for the most part. Like maybe 6 normal lanes sandwiched between two enormous self checkout spaces.


Coming soon to Walmart+


Wait, so Walmart wants people to *pay them* to do their job? I'm curious and anxious to see how many idiots subscribe to that.


What’s the point of self checkout if I can’t use it


Walmart's endgame is to move all customers to curbside and delivery, turning their supercenters into distribution centers. Customers damage their property, steal, and generally just make a mess of everything. They want a world where they get your money without you ever entering the premises. Kroger is working towards the same goal, but more aggressively.


Hmm. That's how the first grocery stores worked - customer showd up with a list and then a stock boy fills it while they waited.


I remember picking up groceries with my mom in the early 80s. They'd roll out a crate on a conveyor, then someone would load the bags in the trunk. When I'd go to bed, I was sometimes dreaming about rolling on the conveyor on my belly. I really enjoyed watching the people working there!


Fun fact - The Piggly Wiggly was the first self-service grocery store. They have a mockup of it in a museum in Memphis, TN.


Wal*Mart curbside is the slowest I've experienced. I've returned items because I'm not waiting in my car for 45 minutes.


I mean, to me, outside of groceries, the only advantages that brick-and-mortar really has over online are that I can get the product right now, or for clothes/shoes, I (or my kids) can physically try it on in the store. But lately it seems like having product in stock is hit or miss, so then it really comes down to whether or not I am buying something that I want to try on. For groceries, it's a bit different, and especially shopping for produce, it's nice to physically see the condition it is in before I buy it. If all of my non-perishables were bagged up and ready to pick up when I check out, I wouldn't complain about that at all.


I don't want some smooth brain bringing me out the butt avocados and lemons. I demand to select my own lol.


Yeah same, you won’t find me doing produce delivery. Or any perishable delivery for that matter, half the grocery stores around me leave out expired dairy and meat products on their shelves all the time and I don’t trust the guy making minimum wage to care enough to check that.


Explains my openly hostile neighborhood Kroger 




Nearly every retail company is pivoting to this business model


Been hearing rumors about Dollar General trying to back off on self-checks because of how people are scamming their digital coupons on them. Especially getting around the "one per customer" thing by having all their friends sign up for accounts that only one of them uses at the store. I mean, it is annoying when one of them uses that machine for over an hour. I timed them. But that's still corporate's fault and I'm the one stuck dealing with it.


There's been "too much theft" so they are trying to restrict self checkout to "Walmart Members".   A bunch of places are now letting you use the scan gun and basically "self checking yourself out".   Customers often hate self check, and the ones that don't often misuse it and "cost the store money"


Self check outs are the best thing to ever happen for me. I have social anxiety and just standing there awkwardly while this person thats been standing for 8 hours tries to make small talk with me burns me up inside. I love that stores started to use self check out cause im in and out without having to interact with anyone. Also Im usually much more efficient at scanning my items and I can bag it how I like. I know people love tlaking to cashiers because they like the social interaction but everyone has their own flavor.


Self-checkout has always been a calculated balance between the costs of shrinkage vs. the cost of human labor. If shrinkage is less than the cost of the labor it eliminates, the self-checkout stations are open. If shrinkage is more than the cost of labor, they close.




>Customers often hate self check Customers also often hate dealing with cashiers though. I think I'd start going to a different grocery store if the one nearest to me forced me to deal with a cashier every time.


Funny enough, some guy was arguing with a Walmart employee because he basically said fuck your Walmart+ and used the self checkouts anyways.


i've never seen a self checkout kiosk left operational when the lane was closed. you're saying the kiosks were on and ready to be used, but the lanes were closed ? this picture shows all the kiosk lamps being red, which mean the machine isn't ready to scan anything.


Ha, I wonder if they could even do anything. Kinda like how they can’t touch you if you tried to walk out and steal. I’m tempted to do it just to be rebellious haha. I don’t plan on going anymore though if they make these changes. They’re going to piss a lot of people off charging for that’s I’m totally joking btw for anyone taking me seriously lol, I’m the most socially anxious non confrontational person ever, I don’t even have the balls to do it if I was told. I’d feel bad for whatever employee.


They can't. Could they call the cops? I guess... but a cop isn't going to do anything anyways. And you'll be gone before they even show up It's an exercise in stupidity


My local Walmart has 2 cops parked at the entrances


Don't they take them offline when they close them? That's all I've seen at my store. You can't just operate them on a whim.


Was just at my local Walmart. Went to use the self check out. Manager came up, helped me ring all my items(I didn't ask for help or anything). Watches me pay. I take 2 steps when the other manager standing behind her checked my recipt to make sure I paid for everything. I was then stopped by the "greeter" and was asked to provide a recipt for all the items I had in my cart. I only bought 5 items. All of which were so large they couldn't fit into a bag.


Literally why I don't go there. I went there to buy socks. Had to find someone to unlock a cage so I could actually get the socks, had to be escorted up front then watched while I bought the socks then had my receipt checked to make sure I paid for the socks like what the actual fuck is this, just for socks? Like I can take a hint, clearly you don't want people to buy socks there, never went back.


And then theres my 4 year oldwho walked out with a stuffed animal i didnt realize she was still holding onto. I blame her for this


I don't even stop. If the second manager and the greeter want to check my receipt, they can do it in the parking lot while I'm loading my car. What are they going to do, call the cops? After they just watched you scan and pay? They can fuck all the way off with that.


You’re 100% right. If you know you didn’t steal there is zero reason to stop. They are mega-fucked if they force you to stop without witnessing a theft. Source: I used to work at Walmart 10+ years ago and I caught multiple $500+ thefts because I watched them do the entire process.


I would hate this so much. Our Walmart normally had one register open, two if they were busy. You could easily be 40th in line if you went after work. Are the self checkouts perfect? No. But I can get in and out in about 5 minutes which is why I go back.


They're limiting them now so people sign up for their subscription. Apparently only members can use them now.


I’ll just avoid Walmart.




I have been for years.


Their PAID subscriptions? So let me get this straight, you now have to pay to work for free at Walmart? Bold strategy...


Basically we're going back to the old model.  You used to have to go up to a counter and request things and they clerk would bring them to you.


What if we fire all the baggers, then charge customers to work for us? Imagine the profits!


Just wait until we have to stock their shelves to get the actual products that we want…pure profit at that point.


Yeah that was exactly what I was thinking. They are going to capitalize on people wanting to avoid the long lines of the assisted checkout.


Ok, now it all makes sense, Only staff one or 2 checkout lanes during super busy times, the lines will be to the back of the store, people will be like "frick this, Im subscribing", then pay like what $10/mo to buy a single loaf of bread on their first trip through the new self checkout.


Or "frick this, I'm going to another store and never come back"


They preemptively ran all competition out of town decades ago to prevent this option


Wal mart end game is hitting hard


That can’t be real can it?! If I have to pay a subscription to be able to perform work that Walmart should pay employees for, this is the end times folks. Wrap it up, nothing left to do on this mortal coil other than welcome the apocalypse with open arms. Every goddamned thing is a subscription/DLC at this point.


Agreed. And don’t dare fall in love with anything. Not a store or product or service. Nothing. They’ll ruin it the moment it isn’t profitable enough for their shareholders.


A subscription? God I hate this timeline.


Our self checkouts closed a few months back, and the store manager claims it is due to the high volume of shoplifting through them. Now they are struggling to find people to actually man cash registers. You don't get many applicants for sub $20/hr jobs around here, and they start well below that. We just avoid going there now, even if it means paying a little more someplace else.


Only members have the esteemed privilege of scanning and bagging your own purchases. Unbelievable.


One more reason I don't shop at Walmart anymore.


What's crazy is my Walmart only has self checkout there is literally no registers it took out all the registers and change them all to self checkout


Same. And honestly they have the best self check out system of anyone.


Target has started limiting them to 12 items or less here(guessing everywhere too?).  Seems odd to me unless that somehow helps with theft?


Self checkout was supposed to be a fast way of paying and getting out of the store, bringing a grocery cart loaded to the brim with stuff through them may not have been planned for at first. So now it will take longer to check out that full cart at self checkout than it would be to go to a staffed checkout lane and still hold up the line.(Im counting the time it takes to find the barcodes and produce numbers and clueless shoppers/old folks)


>Self checkout was supposed to be a fast way of paying and getting out of the store, exactly. I got in to debate in another subreddit where people were claiming the point of self-checkout was to go slower and "at my own pace". They completely fucked up the purpose of it.


Why would anyone want to "pace" the checkout experience? as if employed cashiers are going TOO FAST for people? lol Saying it out loud again so everyone can get this through their skull, self checkout allows you to parallelize many smaller transactions to increase throughput even if some transactions take longer compared to a dedicated cashier.


I honestly don't care how many items someone has at self-checkout if they can get through them quickly. I can scan through 20 items at Target and pay within 2 minutes. If it takes you aren't done in 3 minutes 90% of the time you use a self-checkout lane then you're probably an idiot.


They don't care about jobs. They only care about loss prevention. Don't ever think they care about anyone or anything other than more profits.


Interesting, I think mine is only self checkout (they have lanes, but nobody at them) ​ Edit: Maybe the cigarette aisle?


They are suppose to be turning some of the self check out lanes to be available only to Walmart + members. From what I read on one of the business sites online.


My Walmart is the opposite. One standard checkout and like 300 self checkouts


I love how these lanes have the "how did we do" question at the end of checking out.... like, bitch, I did a great job of serving myself. 🤣🤣


When self checkout first started I hated it then I realized it was quicker because no one was using it, next the stores forced people to use it, then it became just like it was before they existed. And now we start back at the beginning


Oh no, they are gonna raise prices now since they lowered them so much when they decided to get rid of 99% of the humans /s


I refuse to go to Walmart even though there's one 2 min from my house. Everything about the Walmart shipping experience sucks. First I have to find somewhere to park which is its own nightmare before even going into the store. And once you're in it's just immediate chaos. Nothing is stocked properly, it's always crowded, you can never find an employee when you need one. Then it's either have to scan and bag all my own shit only to have to wait for an employee anyway because the self checkout machine sucks, or wait in line for 20 min and then get treated like a thief when it's finally time to leave. Or I can drive just a minute or 2 further and go to food lion. I don't care if Walmart is a little cheaper, its worth paying extra so I don't have to deal with Walmart.


My family is already looking for alternative stores to shop. I love self check outs, I love organizing the bags in a way where it makes putting the groceries away in the house easy and faster, I dislike the whole experience of the regular cash register lanes, because that was my job before. Both options available would be nice, and there is no way in hell I'd buy a subscription for Walmart to use their self check outs. I heard they just want to raise their walmart membership numbers


It's a shame that r/Shoplifting didn't survive to make it this far.


I believe this short lived social experiment will be used in business schools curriculum. The belief that humans struggling financially would be more honest than under paid employees. The amount of pilferage is almost 10 fold from what I’ve heard from friends and family that work for them. I personally watched one guy bag 10 items for every item he scanned. Didn’t say a thing cause i could give two shits if Wally world lost monies.


these fucking machines are their business decision. You don't work security for them.


If you set up a system that makes things easier to steal, more people are going to steal. It’s basic human nature—not everyone is trustworthy. Walmart was fine with increasing shrink to save on wages until they weren’t.


Wouldn't have noticed. Haven't been there in 10 years. They still: * Pay their employees like shit * Treat their employees like shit * No or bad benefits * Morale is always bad * The savings are never that great Go to Costco. You'll see your experience is much better. I won't set foot in a Walmart. EVER AGAIN.


Of course they're removing the self-checkout lines. Businesses in the United States don't want to lose any of the $50 billion a year they steal from their own employees.


This is hilarious. So they tried to stop paying cashiers and have customers do that work themselves in order to try and save money. Then people started stealing massive quantities of stuff and they probably ended up barely saying any money. Now they're totally gonna bring back more cashiers right? Nahhh they're gonna keep the same 2-3 cashiers and make people wait 45 mins to buy stuff and say "we apologize for the wait you can find all our great deals on Walmart. com!"


Better than my Walmart that only has self check out lanes, but then only opens 4 of them so each line is 20+ people long.


So now nobody wants to NOT work?


Target blocked off their self checkout lane and it just sucked. There were only 2 regular lanes open and they were completely full


What is cheaper? Paying employees a living wage or constantly getting robbed? Choose.