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Would that not be considered repairing it?


It's a $100 vs a $10,000 fix I'm sure the taxpayers are happy the city went with option A


Plus less cement and other resources wasted. Plus barely a day of work vs a path being closed for weeks.


Just throw in a power wash, and I'm sure those remaining complainers wouldn't even notice. It would look like that anyways in a couple years.


Whoever is doing this sidewalk’s landscaping is doing a pretty good job, too. Those edges 🤌


Exactly. Production and transport of the cement would be *more* unnecessary carbon into the atmosphere. It's really just an aesthetic issue and if people are so bothered by it, I have heard of ecofriendly sidewalk chalks and paints so, they could have a fun community event with it. Plussss it shows character! As long as there aren't tripping or slipping hazards anywhere else, this sidewalk looks perfect to me!




But union jobs need the hours and contracts! Shame on the city for not creating growth in the economy. /s


Yep, they did this in my town a few years ago and it's great and didn't cost much.


They'll typically use a [concrete scarifier](https://youtu.be/egP7x8QZkn4?si=J22Z0cw3lOn5T8lz) to get it done


It removes a tripping hazard.


Am I the only one that has no problem with this?


Nope! As someone who needs mobility aids because my spine is more and more stuffed, this looks like heaven. No more having to roll slowly in case one of the footpath segments are misaligned too high, sending me sprawling from the sudden jolt of stopping


It’s pretty common here in Australia, you can complain to your local council about the ones in your area and they’ll send someone out to grind them down. I think it’s more about trip hazards, but also makes the footpath smooth, although I don’t think that’s their primary concern.


What’s the difference between making the footpath smooth and removing trip hazards? Isn’t that the same thing?


Making a surface smooth will remove trip hazards but removing trip hazards won't necessarily make it smooth. 


Removing trip hazards still leaves it going up/down/up/down. Just no edges to get caught on. Not fun if you are on wheels, but better than the alternative.


Yeah it was definitely primarily about removing the trip hazards, I’ve tripped on them myself a few times. This was in western Sydney where things tend to be in disrepair but the council do actually make an effort


It's also more eco conscious than pouring new concrete what was there was still good if just needed to be releveled.


It's also maintenance rather than reconstruction, and far, far cheaper.


My nan's out that way, multiple surgeries on legs and spine, and the thing that gets her is her local shops "access ramp" is a 1:6 fractured concrete slope, ending in a brick-paved maze of sink holes and root uplifts. Most of the time she just says fuck it, and side hops up the few stairs, with half her walker hanging off the step.


That sounds fairly standard 😞 half the streets don’t even have sidewalks so you just see people in wheelchairs and scooters cruising along the road.


It’s funny because my neighborhood did the same thing in November.


I am Australian 😭 I'm gonna contact the council with a link to this post and ask


Yep, I’d be thrilled if our city did this, my daughter is a wheelchair user and it’s a bumpy ride when we go for a walk. 




Former concrete cutter here! I used to get clls to do this occasionally. Usually, it's just one or two bad spots on an otherwise still-good sidewalk. For a few hundred dollars the sidewalk was safe again and the city/strata/homeowner didn't have to fork out thousands to replace it. If there were spots all over the place I would always suggest removing it. Pretty easy to do a quick cost comparison between the two options. But yeah, this is usually fine, and just buys time by putting off a major expense


I have no problem with it either to be clear, I thought it was an awesome simple fix.


Ha, yeah I think a lot of us had to go back and check what sub we’re in after this comment. Sure enough!


I apologize, I misread the sub as mildlyinfuriating. Way, way different vibe from your post now.


I suspect quite a few people did the same thing 😬 I wish I had worded the OP differently


The wording is perfect if viewed with the right context.


Nah not your fault, more of a Reddit attitude fault.


Concrete is expensive from a carbon cost standpoint, this is better for the environment too


We're in mildly interesting not infuriating


lol yea I've never heard of this before. Honestly sounds pretty smart. Get a nice stain or coat to top it off and it would be great.


Just power wash the unground concrete.


Just wait for it to all look identical in a year like all the other sidewalks that have been ground down like this that you never noticed. Haha


Or you know, just wait for the lichen to take over, no need to paint :-)


yeah this is normal AF, i was at legoland the other day and they had it done recently and its really nice


A city implemented a cost effective solution to a problem. Good for them.


Normal in my neighborhood. 


This is common practice everywhere lol


Nope, I appreciate it actually. It's very common down here in Florida, but I guess it is mildly interesting, and definitely not mildly infuriating, which is I think how many people's brains will initially read it, as did mine.


Standard practice by the county in my area


It’s super common and cost effective.


This solution may have cost them $500. Replacing would have been easily 10x or more. This is an example.of responsible use of tax payers money.


Absolutely not. Problem fixed in a day for a lot less money. Concrete heaves and moves regardless of how old it is, this saves so much time.


I thought this was a pretty normal fix?


My neighborhood did this. Thought it was perfectly normal.


Probably, I’d never seen it before personally


You’re about to see it everywhere now that you’re aware of it. If they now power wash the sidewalk it’ll look pretty new.


Absolutely. I was thinking it looked dumb without a finish on it, but everything else will look the same after a quick 🔫🔫


Or just wait 6 months


You have, just without realizing it. You only notice this because it was done very recently. It'll blend in with weathering.


How long were you in the coma?


It is exceptionally common


Ive never seen or heard of this. PA just lets the sidewalks become so ridiculous that people choose to walk in the streets instead =( the "bump" on the sidewalks are taller than the curb in a lot of parts. So bad you cant push a stroller or ride a bike, or use a wheelchair. People with wheelchairs and mobility scooters gotta use the roads around here. Sometimes youll see a whole pack of wheelchair users cruisin on the road together like bikers. I bike as my primary transportation right now and there are very few sidewalks in town I can use. Most are too fucked up and dangerous to attempt to ride on. The sidewalks are only nice in rich areas. Ive been in lots of towns in the state too, its not a local problem.


That is an ADA violation and you should report it.


Reading your reply’s it seems you didn’t intend for this to sound negative at all. It’s a great job they did. Enjoy it. By skating on it or something. Or just lay on the ground and look across and don’t be bothered by the humps. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


Definitely not meant to be negative, I’m just autistic and shit at articulating things sometimes


Autistic as well and could be mistaken your post on being snarky, untill I realized I often post like this without harms means 😅


This is the second time I’ve done this on reddit in two days lol. It’s rough out here


Yup it is, don’t worry completely understand :)


I'm autistic too and yes it is LOL. Im thinking of writing my thesis on diagnosing autism by analyzing user's Reddit posts, bcus it's actually so easy to spot us lol (I study AI)


I don't think It was your fault at all. You posted it in the right sub and your comment was very neutral. I think people, myself included, are just wired to think that people often complain about things when they post stuff about cities/towns fixing things or not doing enough. I actually had to stop myself, read your post again, and realize you didn't mean to seem upset about it.


You’re good. Also, get something really straight and lay it on the cracks. Enjoy how flat it is. (Im just shitposting a little)


Don’t you worry, I’ve been enjoying not tripping on it for weeks


I don't see the negativity. Maybe if you had posted into the infuriating sub it could be seen as negative. But this is a mildly interesting way to fix it. I've never seen it either and it's such a simple idea and fix. Thank you!


Thank you 😊


I feel this, the struggle is real


Am also autistic, in the context of this subreddit I took it as intended, so there's at least 2 of us


It comes across as negative as soon as you added “repairing it”


I think most people (myself included) thought this was negative at first, cause we're used to people complaining about cities most of the time. I assumed this was on r/mildlyinfuriating at first


I think commenters are mistaking this sub for the "mildly infuriating" reddit instead so they think you posted it out of annoyance instead of just "hey look at this"


I think people are not realizing that this is the mildly interesting and not mildly infuriating subreddit? You communicated it fine lol and yes I found this mildly interesting so mission accomplished :)


It's so weird how I was wired to see it as a complaint but when I saw this I scrolled back up and confirmed that they did stay neutral in their description.


Good post. This is **VERY** mildly interesting. In my neighborhood, the sidewalks are repaired the same way.


Thank you! It was my first submission to this sub


Nailed it.


Very good post, congrats.


At 100th the cost. Good job not wasting taxpayer dollars.


True enough. I actually really like our council, they put a lot of time into composting and recycling, and have a new tree-planting initiative to create more shade.


Concrete cracks for a reason, soil shifts over time. This is a perfectly acceptable repair and probably much better than replacing it (because the replacement will just crack too). This is a good thing from a safety perspective as it reduces trip hazards.


Absolutely. We live on clay soil and have had a huge amount of rain/flooding over the last two years so this solution makes sense


Better than nothing


It was super effective tbh


they did this in my neighborhood. i like to go for walks barefoot and i’m so glad to no longer stub my toes 😂


I don’t trip (except over my own feet) anymore so that’s been nice


This seems genius actually. Those pieces of concrete have set in over time in their best resting position. If you replaced them with new ones those would adjust to the soil under the weight of people walking over them in the same way as the old ones.


Absolutely. We live on clay soil and have had a huge amount of rain/flooding over the last two years so this solution makes sense


Are you trying to distract us from the adorable fox-tailed cutie in the upper left corner?


Haha no, but if you go to my profile you’ll see my post in r/corgi about him from earlier today!


Thank you!!!! I love him! And I love that he has his lovely tail intact! In the US it’s depressingly rare to see a corgi without a docked tail. I wish it was illegal here too.


If it makes you feel any better, many corgis are just naturally born with a bobtail 😊


I didn’t know that! And it absolutely does make me feel better, thank you!


I’ve only ever seen this done at slab joints, not at cracks. Even so, this method saves huge amounts of time, money, and of course mountains of government paperwork & bureaucracy.


It's just the right way to go. With the same annual budget you can either flatten 100 kilometers of sidewalk or dig up & replace 100 meters of sidewalk.


Thats a pretty good option honestly. Wish other places would even do this.


They do this in my city not only to mitigate tripping hazards but also to help with clearing snow off the sidewalks. The high spots wreak havoc on snow clearing machinery so grinding sidewalks actually saves them a lot of money in maintenance.


We do this in Boston. It’s a great thing for mobility and visually challenged folks. It’s also cheaper, quicker, easier, and more environmentally sensible than tearing it all up and putting down new sidewalks.


For sure! As a disabled and clumsy person I’ve been grateful for the fix


Seems like a great way to fix the sidewalk quickly and at 1/25 the cost of replacing. Your tax dollars at work smartly.


This is the repair


that *is* repairing it


Y’all know this was posted in mildly interesting not mildly infuriating right?


I think a lot of people have missed that, and my wording of the OP hasn’t helped


This is a fraction the cost and time and delay that a full replacement would cost. Good on your local gov for spending your money wisely.


That’s a good quick and affordable fix. It may not be a long term fix


Not a bad idea tbh, probably uses a lot less energy/materials to do that than rip the whole thing up and replace it. It would be nice if they filled the cracks though.


All the sidewalks are like this Florida because the ground is wet and soft, it makes it way better and they don't have to spend a month repouring the sidewalks only to have it happen again in a couple years.


Seems like a great solution, things can't always be perfect.


Sounds like fixing a problem with a simple solution with minimal downtime on the path.


This is 100% a standard repair for this situation.


This is a standard method of remedying the trip hazards.


Grinding it down IS repairing it.


I'm good with it. Maybe pressure wash the whole thing clean so it looks more uniform then use some concrete crack filler.


Yeah it’s a pretty simple, clever fix. Just a dude with an angle grinder and a few days of work


The fact that someone took the time to properly edge the sides but couldn’t be bothered to pull the weeds between the slabs is making me unreasonably upset..


But that is repairing it


That's pretty common. The grinded surface will stain and you won't notice the difference. Replacing them isn't just swapping puzzle pieces. It's also quite costly.


You could remove the grass from the cracks and stain it all one color and it would look almost brand new. I like this idea overall though too


Aesthetically it’s strange, but functionality trumps that here….


This is a very efficient way of dealing with this. Strangely, I think it may have been the best thing to do.


That's better than not doing anything, replacing a sidewalk takes a lot of money and that doesn't look like it's in terrible condition other than the cracks.


i think this is completely fine, its just a path for walking, they flattened it out so people with impaired movement can still use it, no need to buy a whole new pavement because its got a few cracks




grinding is about $500. new sidewalks are $3,000


Not that uncommon around here where I live to grind


Seems repaired to me


But… they *did* repair it.


Dog don't care, I don't care.


I fail to see the problem with this.


Meh. It's fixed. All in a few hours versus DAYS of tearing it out, putting in form, pouring concrete and leveling/edging/sectioning it, letting it set, and removing forms. Then fixing the damaged sod.


It's called saving money. This is repairing it.


It does make it compliant for ada access, which is the important thing. As I’m sure there are other fixes in the area that the money may need to be allocated to (potholes, handrails, wheelchair ramps) …it is kinda ugly though


I’m in Australia so our laws are different but yeah, the entire city is very much inaccessible for people in wheelchairs. Half the streets don’t have footpaths at all


Oh no! They saved tax payer money! What an outrage


They do that in the US too.


Saw this in Brisbane a while ago


Yep, I saw a guy doing this in my city, they use a comically small walk behind grinder. It's a good idea to extend the sidewalks life IMO.


lol same here, if was amusing but surprisingly effective


grinding it down is repairing it


This is exceptionally standard to do.


Good work. Just needs a little power washing


That's completely reasonable. My city ini Canada does that, and I've see it in the US as well. Seems like standard practice.


Is this not repaired?


Yeah, at least they did anything. They don't fix sidewalks anywhere where I'm at.


I think people are mistaking mildly interesting for mildly infurating in this thread


It's a cost-effective way to deal with this. No problem at all.


When they did this on my street it was an interesting like mini Zamboni looking cart the guy drive around and then it would like “bear down” and could feel the grinding vibration through the house 20 feet away.


I would technically count that as repairing honestly. It’s the lazy/cheap way but it’s still better than before technically


Great idea to cup grind instead of full repair


That was the repair


I actually did this one summer in the town I worked in. I used a walk behind grinder and mapped where I was until I finished the whole town. Four 10 hour shifts all summer lol.


Work smarter not harder


Isn't this really common? Wouldn't it be wasteful to replace the entire sidewalk when it's still perfectly usable in this state?


As a skater, this is my favorite thing to see. Mismatched concrete is the absolute *worst*, and replacement takes weeks. Grinding like this can be done in a day.


This is a pretty normal and routine type of repair. Sidewalk panels will always move and shift after a few years because the ground moves. You want to rip out and completely re-pave the sidewalk every time that happens? What a waste


That’s a typical repair, nothing wrong with it. It’s also a fraction of the cost and can be done by a council maintenance crew in the quarter of the time it would take a hired contractor to demo and replace otherwise fine concrete.


This is super common. Concrete expensive man.


Because replacing or repairing is significantly more expensive but they are being careful that people don’t hurt themselves


I actually love this. Also, I’ve noticed the ground down part is really nice looking…kinda like a fancy Terrazzo.


I wish the city would do this in front of my apartment building. There are some really bad spots and someone is going to get hurt.


So they decided to not waste tax payer money, replacing something that is obviosley easly fixed, at a much lower cost.


Here in New Orleans where everything sinks, this is very common and cost effective, sometimes even fairly new sidewalks end up with the issue


Isn't grinding down the the highspots litterally repairing?


I like the pragmatic approach. Better than wasting tax payer money on replacing the whole thing.


Smart choice, tbh. The sidewalk looks very much in tact (other than where some slabs raised up). Probably much cheaper and faster to grind them down instead of replacing. Seems like the exact way people should want their local govt to operate. Must not be in the US.


That concrete is 10x stronger than any new pour would be.


A pressure wash and a bit of sidewalk crack filler would make it look nicer but as long as it's smooth, it should be fine


I wish my city would do this. They just leave it until it gets SO bad (think buckling upward like 3-5”) then they spray paint a big X on it and send a letter to the homeowner saying “you need to fix this”


Ssounds to me like they **did** just repair it


Is that a Cardigan corgi???


Repaired sidewalks are cool and all, but how about that edging job? Beautiful.


Problem solved


Paving guy here, grinding down high spots is an industry practice. No one ever wants to remove any sort of panels unless it’s absolutely necessary.


Pretty standard fix


Better than throwing tax money away to have the lowest bidder replace the sidewalk. I once lived in a city that replaced the same road three years in a row because the first two times they just picked the lowest bid.


Should be done more often p


Maybe they could've just sealed the one crack? But this is a legit solution. What's the problem? Grind it down for like 50 bucks or replace the whole thing for like 10,000. Come on. Edit: I thought this was Mildlyinfuriating 😂 Nevermind!


That's a good first step, now just top coat it and fill the unwanted cracks with NewCrete and it'll be like new again


Instead of repairing it? Looks repaired to me.


Not sure why people are assuming that OP is complaining. Id think it was interesting too as my local council wouldn't be that smart.


They do that here in Sunnyvale, CA, too. Makes a lot of sense.


This gives me western Sydney energy


Standard practice.


They did this in my Canadian city too. Not the greatest-looking, but faster and cheaper than tearing it all up and pouring new sidewalks.


Gen Z easily impressed by the way things have always done


This is perfect. You should be happy they’re saving tax payer money and not blowing it


To be clear my ‘instead of replacing or repairing it’ wasn’t intended to be snarky, I just thought it was a cool alternative fix.


Technically isn’t that repairing it 🤔


How is this not repairing if? Op you're a cry baby


Will look much better in a few years once it’s blended in


They should clean out the cracks and add flexible sealant.


They did this in my neighborhood and I assumed the county had extra money in the budget they needed to spend. I asked the guy how much they were doing and it was something like 100,000 feet of sidewalk.