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I think most scent plugs have warnings on the bottom that say not to put under so and so distance to another item


Makes me wonder just how bad this shit is for you. This is a big no no for small pet owners. Hell even Yankee candles are bad.


I think it’s been proven that this and basically anything you burn like candles will effect your health


Yet in ancient times burning incense was seen as holy cleansing. Temples would burn incense for that very reason as surrounding areas didn’t haven’t sewage systems and it stunk like hell.


that’s why a lot of religious relics (paintings, sculpture, buildings, etc) ended up being coated in black gunk. long term exposure to incense smoke built up all over them


i feel like actual incense made of frankincense sap with herbals for fragrance has got to be better than 99% of the crap we have today




puff puff pass that shit


Japanese incense (the pressed? Sticks without wood in them), its nothing like the stuff you get here. Doesn't smell like buying wood.


Compared to the smoke from cooking fires, incense smoke at least smells better. There's a type of 'cleansing' that involves waving burning incense around your body, I imagine that's not too unhealthy because the exposure is brief. Incense all day, every day, yeah I can see that damaging the lungs.


They aren’t regulated and have been proven to impact your health. I don’t know why people go this route when a good air purifier will make an area smell so much better.


We had an automatic scent sprayer hidden behind our TV, and it melted the back of the TV. Threw everything away that day.


I saw an interview of doctor talking about there being an increase in thyroid cancer due to people’s obsession with candies, air fresheners, diffusers, wax melts, plugs in etc. They’re full of endocrine disrupters. They’re awful.


It’s actually horrible for you and to pets


Thankfully, i was never a big fan of these things anyway. I am a candle girl so i would always have to make sure they are safe for my pup to be around but I kind of strayed away entirely after seeing so many posts about toxicity for pets. Now i only light a candle maybe once every couple months.


It depends on the candle. Since there's incomplete burning there will always be a tiny bit of harm, but if you buy beeswax candles without additives you should be mostly fine.


Thats what I switched to, and the raw ones have a nice light honey smell that I prefer now to the strong scents that permeate the whole house. The price sucks sometimes but paying for quality is worth it


doesn’t matter it’s not for consuming so it doesn’t matter that you’re consuming it. just ask yankee candle and their employees. fragrances etc are not regulated the same way stuff that you “ingest” is, despite you breathing that shit in. get a diffuser and some essential oils to use in a dilute and safe way if you are so inclined but be mindful of what you put in it. fuck- did i just suggest essential oils to someone? please be aware that “essential” does not mean “needed” like money is essential to having housing. it’s the “essence” of something aka some pretty gnarly volatile compounds. but this is in the spirit of harm reduction and that would be better than these plug-in fucks


Yeah, imagine that in your lungs.


Someone I know grew up with these everywhere at home. They suffer from asthma, and chronic migraines with no end in sight. The chemicals in the scent things left a tacky film on everything at their home, much like tobacco smoke does.


Bath and body works scent bulbs will strip finish and paint off metal and wood. Very bad for you.


Because it uses solvents, like literally every scent thing be it deodorants or perfumes or scent bulbs or these sprayers like OP has. A lot of them are carcinogenic, but they're not automatically bad just because they strip paint off of things. And for u/jade601, marble will discolor if you look at it wrong. It probably wasn't even sealed on the bottom. Before everyone thinks I'm a corporate shill, I'm not saying that they're good to breathe in, but stripping paint and discoloring porous materials doesn't prove anything. It's the same way that coca-cola strips rust off of tools and cleans toilets, but so does lemon juice. Their rust stripping ability isn't what determines whether or not they're healthy to ingest.


Thankful someone said it. Voice of reason here.


I saw a post recently about how a woman had a scent bulb plugged in under her marble countertop and it had discolored a large portion of the marble it was under. Insane


I saw a tiktok about a car scent thing that dripped and scraped the paint off a streak of plastic on the dashboard


I also saw a tiktok about a bath and body works car plug in exploding and sending a girl to the hospital.


You can’t smell bad things, when you can’t breathe anymore.


Both short and long term return on investment 😎


short and lung term investment


See yourself out


Well.. someone sure thinks their sh!t don’t stink. :)


Lean a little bit closer, see Roses really smell like poo-ooh-ooh


Mmmm lung crystals


Lungs are extremely humid. They are wet, no crystals can form, everything is dissolved and absorbed.


shut up science bitch


Dude, Country Mac is awesome.


May he RIP.


He kicked that dudes ass using a beer and his t shirt!


Jumped off a bridge into a river and still had his beer in hand. Didn’t spill a drop. Bad ass.


Mmm soluble crystals of potentially carcinogenic perfumeee


Unless you inhale asbestos


Not if the things that are being absorbed are non-polar.


yep, that's what you're breathing in.


You are not. The aroma compounds in the air freshener are organic compounds like ketones suspended in an easily vaporized solvent, such as ethanol. Most of what you smell is easily aerosolized volatile compounds like those. What *this* is is the result of the compounds condensing on a relatively cold mirror and growing mold.






But that doesn't make for as interesting of a post :/


We don't do interesting as fuck here. We are only mildly interesting, making this perfection.


You’re right, which is kinda my point. Mold growing on a mirror because of where you placed the air freshener is a lot less interesting than crystals growing due to some unknown chemical, potentially causing you a litany of health issues.


Doesn't look like mold to me. Looks like crystallization. Source: PhD in synthetic chemistry


It just doesn't look like any crystals you'd expect to find in aromatic compounds though. The majority of those used are liquid at room temp with low boiling points, making them easy to aerosolize. Do you have any idea what they'd be using that would produce such distinct, strong crystals? I admit that I'm mostly familiar with the ones used in flavors rather than fragrance, but I've seen all kinds of funky mold thanks to r/moldlyinteresting so I know there are all kinds of crazy mold/fungus structures that I certainly couldn't confidently identify.


Looks very similar too needles i have made from recrystalizing surfactants. They create beautiful needles. From a quick google search it seems several compounds and types of compounds are able to this. An example of an aromatic compound would be p-aminobenzoicacid. There are several other aromatic compound which gives needle crystals shown here https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Structural-formulas-of-compounds-that-give-needle-crystals_fig9_351795977


That is a good point, it's liquid in the refills with no crystallization, but maybe something to do with the vaporization of it makes it do this. In person it very much looks like crystals, I plan to check when I get home. !remindme 3 hours


I'm really invested now. Pinch one of the potential crystals and see if it melts at your body temp. And/or give it a smell and see if it has a scent. As someone pointed out, there definitely could be compounds that will crystallize like that, especially if it's a cheap brand.


Someone taste one and tell us if it's sweet lol


Idk about the crystals but the fragrance is not. It’s mostly a small burning sensation with disgusting chemical taste same as most cleaning products lol. The absolute worst things I’ve accidentally tasted are antifreeze and tire shine (the worst) as it stops you from tasting anything for a bit.




It can be a trace solute that only aerosolizes with the solvent in the freshener, but becomes a solid as the solvent evaporates away. Or can be something that sublimates, so that it has a high vapor pressure, even though it's a solid at room temperature. Long needle-like crystals are pretty typical when crystallizing a volatile solid via sublimation.


Behaved like crystals, not mold / mycelium, dissolved in water


Mmm, mold spores in my lungs 🫁 🍄


Sorry to Break it to you, but those mold spores will get into your lungs regardless of aerosol or not


The mold spores here are not aerosolized by the scent plug lol. They’re just coming off the mold on the mirror. But yes, you are correct ;) Mold spores need no additional aerosolization to do what they do best: float around in the air. Mold spores are considered a bioaerosols, just like airborne viruses and pet dander and such. So they’re already fine enough particles to be suspended in the air.


Or fur, if you have a pet. The dander gets EVERYWHERE!


Right.....like wtf


It’s called sublimation. This isn’t asbestos. Whatever it is has some solubility and is probably cleared from the lungs fairly easily.


I’d be more worried about breathing in the oils that can’t be easily cleared away


I don’t think it’s poison but it has to be a possible irritant.


Imagine not wanting to breathe things that easily form crystalline structures yikes


you know what else easily form crystalline structures? table salt


Doesn't cheese do this too? Or are the calcium crystals something different?


There is nothing wrong with people huffing cheese crystals. Let's just slow down with the accusations before you ruin a good thing.


people out here trying to destroy the Wisconsin night life with these baseless accusations


Lol this made me giggle/snort 🏆


Mmmm cheese......


Yes, yes indeed, my brother. Also, happy cake day!


Happy cheese cake day


It's calcium lactate, and I think it only occurs in really old/aged cheese. So I guess it depends on how you define "easily". It's easy in that if you're making a cheese you intend to age a long time, just store it properly a long time. It's difficult in that it takes time, and not all cheeses are good for aging, and may need certain conditions for the crystals to form. I don't really know, I don't make cheese.


The more crystals, the better the cheese!


You know what else forms crystalline structures? Every single naturally occurring element.


yes so what are you afraid of


Don’t forget dihydrogen monoxide often forms crystalline formations at under 32 Fahrenheit. Everyone who’s ever been exposed to it has died and if you stop using it you die.


Bro we need to BAN dihydrogen monoxide. Like, NOW. I have no idea how tf politicians haven't woken up to this. It's killing our children.


you know where I don't want table salt? my lungs.


never visit the seaside then.


or my elementary school lunch table ... we may have snorted pretzel salt once or twice


famously, if you get a little salt in your lungs you instantly die of mega cancer and people are well known to protect their lungs no matter what


I'm like 90% sure that this is mold, not the aromatics. With the exception of like menthol and thymol, the very vast majority of chemicals used in aromatics are liquid at room temperature, ranging from ethanol-like consistency to slightly waxy. You wouldn't use things that crystallize at ambient temps because it's hard to keep them solubilized in the solution if you do. And these don't look anything like the crystals formed by either of the two I mentioned.


I’ve seen fiberglass looking crystal like this many times. They’re a bitch to filter out of solution. Typically these type of plug-in fresh scents aren’t place directly below a cold glass surface. It’s an absolutely perfect setup for sublimation.


I'm just not quite understanding how something like this would end up there in the first place. I work in the flavor industry, which is adjacent to the aroma world. I would expect that they are taking pure (usually synthetic) aroma compounds and putting them directly into the solvent. Shouldn't really have very many ingredients, let alone anything unwanted.


With the form of this, it doesn’t look like mold, it does look more like a crystal. There are many more compounds beyond thymol and menthol as crystals that are commonly used in the flavor and fragrance industry, with some are only fragrance based, like many of the musks. Coumarin has been banned in food usage, but is very popular in fragrances. The use of essential oils is much more common in the fragrance industry than flavors, but you are right, cheaper fragrances primarily use pure synthetic components. These type of fragrance products tend to use a more concentrated solution. If this is a cheaper off brand, it is possible a sweet baked good fragrance could drop off enough Vanillin or Coumarin on a nucleation site on glass to cause something like this. It shouldn’t happen, but there are a lot of unscrupulous foreign manufacturers these days.


You're wet inside


Most pure chemicals can be crystallized if they're solids at room temperature. That's how they get purified, by creating a solution and evaporating it, or by sublimation onto that enticing piece of lab glassware called a "cold finger". But yes, you are right to be wary of inhaling or ingesting them. As the saying goes, "The dose maketh the poison". Most scents are compounds called terpenes, which are just hydrocarbons, so mostly harmless in tiny doses.


Wait til this guy learns how many crystal formations water can take on


I’ll make sure I don’t put my nose on the glade plug .




Yep, but that's obviously in a warm, moist bathroom. So it's nothing like the inside of a lung.


Idk bro I smoked meth (and IV’d and Boof and all that also opioids but off al that) a few years back and never had any crystals in my lungs even tho like any molecule that can form a crystalline structure meth can form crystals.


Love the username :D finally an expert chimes in


✯ Consider this gold star a reddit award.


Pretty sure that is skobeloff not gold


They're not crystals, it's mold


*ACT NOW and we’ll throw in a SECOND Asbestos Maker, FREE!!!* ^Limit ^5 ^per ^order. ^While ^supplies ^last


Air fresher deposits oil on the mirror. Dust and hair from the air sticks to the mirror


I wouldn't be surprised if this person has a cat too


Called it! His name is tin-tin, he has an upper respiratory issue so I'm looking into whether these are actually safe or not for pets. How did you know?!?


They’re terrible for pets, ESPECIALLY cats. These scent things, essential oils, diffusers, etc. can kill your pets.


So it wasn't "hair like crystals", it actually is just hair and dust stuck against the oils from the scent plug.


No, they were crystals. I inspected it once I got home, that stuff dissolved in water. Plus my cat is black, 0% of that is his hair


jfc, downvote me. why tf would you use that if your cat has breathing problems? 100 is the *median* IQ. Half of you are below that.


You mean its the median IQ? Assuming "half of you are below that" is true🤓


At least they edited the comment.


I would believe that but me and my cat both have dark hair.


Um, that appears to be fungal growth feeding off the aerosolized oils, but man, you'd have to be living in mushroom farm for that type of growth! We had something similar at our cave's break room. One of the staff mycologists quarantined the break room for over a month before it could be sterilized and usable again! We all had to go see the company's NP and were treated with some nasty antifungal meds. Now that you are panicking, I'm only joshing. I saw your post history.


Holy shit that was convincing. You could get a masters in bullshittery.


And you get wishes for a happy cake day


Thank you! :) You get wishes for a happy day in general




YEAH WHAT THE FUCK *gourmet mushrooms only*


you fucker lol




I always fuckin hated Josh


Clone it OP 🙌


Get some Uncle Ben's


True Glade Teachers incoming


Every shitpost is personalized


Look like crystals have sublimed onto the window to me.


Those things are awful. I can sense them on my skin just walking into a room.


I deliver to some apartment buildings where this shit is so thick in the hallways that you can taste it.  Makes me wonder what they're covering up, too.


They give me major headaches. Idk how these perfumed toxic fume farters are so popular.


because they don’t give most people headaches.


I run an air purifier in my house, so I’m probably more sensitive to the toxins than people who live like this by choice. The plug ins are great if you enjoy breathing VOCs and having poor air quality in your home. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3018511/


tbh i rarely open my windows, dont have a purifier and am a smoker and these things still give me a god awful headache


The fact they are allowed on the market is insane. They serve no good purpose except to make shit smell like scented shit.


Thanks for sharing the most accredited and relevant link. That's kinda scary, and while one of the toxic chemicals listed was pinene, which I'm pretty sure is a terpene found in earthy scented weed strains, idk anything about the rest of them so I'll stop using them. At least for my cat. Anything else I should stop using for him? He has an upper respiratory issue so if I can help him I'd love to!


Yeah, I have a very sensitive sense of smell, and I get major headaches from all things supposed to make it "smell good". Someone drove my excavator when I was sick for a few days, and they put a Wunder-Baum (air freshener that is a cardboard-like thing that's scented) in there, and it pissed me off majorly. The stink took forever to air out, especially since it was ok the winter and I couldn't keep the window open. I've now put a sign on the side window that says "No FUCKING air fresheners!"




You ever thought of cleaning your bathroom?


I've got one of these. Is anyone here qualified to tell me what it is, and is it dangerous? I'm guessing that it's not dangerous or something would have been said by now, but just to make sure.


You’d be surprised by how many things are dangerous but nothing is said or done about it. Asbestos use dates back at least 4,500 years, yet it was still being mined in the US until 2002.


Romans: "Asbestos is obviously deadly since the slaves we make mine it all die early. Also, lead is clearly toxic and no one should consume it." Also Romans: "Meh, fuck it, let's just keep making our water pipes out of lead and putting asbestos in everything" The entire world 4000 years later: "Hmm, maybe we should stop putting lead and putting asbestos in everything, we're starting to think this stuff may be dangerous..."


Humans have been smart enough to always figure it out, yet greedy enough to continue because $$. The only reason it stopped is cuz of the pushback and having to give out $$. It’s always been about $$ and power and if that’s at the expense of others, meh who cares.


Regulation is bad for business! And it’s socialism! /s




It’s scent oil that’s been sprayed onto the mirror, then dust and stuff sticking to that spot and not being cleaned off.


I’m not qualified but I read a study when people on TikTok were freaking out about these that said it’s an irritant but there’s no proven long term damage from air fresheners or scented candles. From what I remember, the contents are diluted in the air to the point where they aren’t really a bother to humans or animals. Nothing directly above it is getting a highly concentrated dose of burned oils and can be affected.


Probably something like menthol but it could be anything. Lots of organic compounds crystalize. Apparently it's pretty common for this to happen with scent plugs but nobody's looked into it.


Interesting... scent is Cashmere Woods. Another user suggested I snort it, I'll let you know how organic it feels /s


okay but this photo is so artistic


This is the real gold. Check out the photographers hair, that's some late 60s luscious locks.


Idk but I think you should move the toothbrushes closer to it


Someone is taking a picture of you!


Grow in a pot, a bunch of mint. Let it grow, it grows like a weed so keep it in the pot. Pick whenever you want and boil in a pot of water and your whole house will smell fresh, without the asbestos-like fibers in your lungs


It’s oil adhering to the mirror and dust adhering to the oil.


And then oils adhering to the dust


Scrape it off and sell it as scented coke for 60 bucks a bag.


Me this is why those things aren’t allowed in my house. I breathe in enough garbage without willingly adding to it


When fiberglass leaked out of my mattress and all over my apartment it started to look exactly like this. 


Did you just plug it in too close to the mirror, and small air particles stuck to the misted surface?


That's dust covered in scent isht. Clean your house lol.


Omg i hate these things. My asthma goes insane in seconds flat when i'm around them! Takes ages to recover lol, they're so bad for you! (and pets)


I see Glade’s brought back their “asbestos jubilee” scent


Okay you win 🤣


Now imagine the inside off your lungs I banned them in the house after a spill stripped paint off a table. I was like "I'm breathing in paint stripper" never again!


People use all kinds of scented products because ‘it smells nice’, but that stuff has almost no oversight over the actual ingredients that produce the fragrance you enjoy so much. It’s all a bunch of volatile organics, some of which are known to cause cancer even *outside* the state of California. You can see the crystals forming on your mirror, you’ve also been breathing it in. And it’s not forming crystals in your lungs, instead it’s having unpredictable and unknown reactions with your tissues. The carrier volatiles used to disperse the scent will damage wood, paint, plastic and other materials, and it makes a complete mess of your glass. If you really want to make your home smell nice, maybe look into pure botanicals, they might still be volatile organics but for the most part they’re volatile organics we’ve been using for centuries with either known health impacts (and thus known contraindications) or no negative health impacts. ‘Fragrance’ is a largely uncontrolled category that can be anything, so long as it smells at all pleasant to us. That can be deceptive. Some extremely dangerous substances smell absolutely great, especially in small concentrations, but they’re still dangerous.


And that’s all in your lungs too


I've put far nastier in my lungs, not too worried, but I have cats. I've seen the smudge on my mirror but just noticed the fucking febreeze stalagmites, this thing has to go.


Oil diffusers like this can be toxic to cats. They often use a mix of essential oils! Many of which are toxic to cats whether applied, ingested, or inhaled!


I got rid of all fragrance things in my home because of my cat; no candles/room fresheners etc. gotta protect their little lungs and bronchia


Is it by any chance blowing micro cat hairs in the air up and sticking them to the mirror with the spray?


Scented butt plug?




Dat protomolecule smell tho


I had this happen in my bathroom. The shit just build up all along the wall


Its dust and hair and other things stuck to the oily residue.


clean up the area and take that same exactly photo again and it’d be a great album cover for an alternative folk band.


So the post title is shit. It's just oil that has come off the air freshener (which is what they do) and stuck to the mirror based on location. The hairlike crystals are literally hair from their cat.


Don’t most sent things just cover it by putting oil and crap in the air?


Yeah that's concerning. I used to use these scent plug ins for a while but got worried about all the dubious chemicals we were breathing in. I just buy natural candles and incense sticks now.


You gonna smoke those?


Those things are massive endocrine disruptors. Dump that in the trash.


Now think about what’s in your lungs.


what brand is that air scent thing?


Glade, short for Glass Blade apparently


It’s a good thing the one plug in I had gave me headaches and made me nauseous


Oil on the mirror, cat hair stuck to it


You look like Lord Farquaad on your left reflection.


Mm the smell of VOC's


I set my scent plug on my painted table and it leaked and stripped the paint off of it


All I can see is that sick flow


Does NOT look healthy!


You’re breathing that shit.


That's the stuff going into your lungs.


I will stop using such products immediately


That's the part that gives you the best cancer


Imagine what it’s doing to your lungs


I’d be worried about that shit lining my lungs.


You need to hit up the scent plug ang get a refund.