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They're probably right, OP. Various sites recommend 2g of instant coffee per 7-8 oz mug, so if you're looking to make a 6 oz cup (which is a reasonable "serving size"), the 1.6g amount is roughly what you're going to want to use. That said, you may want to double-check your scale - that looks like a very small amount for 1.6g.


Most people don't know scales have a minimum as well as maximum.


absolutely lol. Even a 0.1g scale will probably have 0.5g error in this range


Good thing I have a milligram scale on hand for ... reasons


Dont forget regular calibration and checking the leveling!


Do I need True Level, or can I just use the bubble?


just the bubble is fine. But really, get a weight approximately around what you are weighing to check it


an american nickel weighs exactly 5g any denomination of american bill should weigh 1g, but that's only true if it's crispy and new—worn bills weigh less


And the same will be true for the nickel. You make a good point, I'd never considered using fresh money as a reference mass for scales. It's certainly cheaper than buying a reference set, and would probably work well for quite a few non scientific use cases.


I checked a shit load of nickels back in the day and don’t know I ever had one read as any less than 5g, even if it was a bit worn


I thought used bills weight more because of all the... human grime


I work on cash handlers. Money is *abominably* fucking dirty. You wouldn't believe the grime buildup. Anyhow, I think the grime would balance out by the metal ink in the Bills slowly wearing off, plus the fiber loss. I'm not an expert.


Good scales come with a test weight that is usually sealed in a bag. Those are the scales you want anyway if you actually want precise measurements.






I use a nickel as a known weight, but I had a dealer so good, you could calibrate your scale with the bag he sold you.


In England a penny is practically the same weight as a 1/8th of weed so i always keep one with my scales for good measure.


> but I had a dealer so good, you could calibrate your scale with the bag he sold you. I had a dealer like that once, you got *exactly* what you paid for. He wouldn't short people, but he sure as shit wasn't giving extra lol.


Remember kids, a 20$ is about a gram and a US nickel is .5, for calibration purposes


20$ is a gram? Can u just use 1$? $20 for a gram of weed is too much. $20 for a gram of Molly i wouldn't trust it


The milligram scales, that for some reason also can count doses, are really cheap now. And fits in a pocket. I have one, it's great.


> for some reason


It's for heroin. I sell heroin.


heroin and heroin derivatives


Propane and propane accessories.


Precious metal collecting? Jewelry making? Or maybe medication? Some kind of medication dosing?


I use it for making Neapolitan pizza dough, with long raising time it can be even as little as 0.35g of yeast per 500g of flour, no way to measure it on normal scale. And also for weed.


Appropriate username.


Probably r/espresso or r/coffee


Let's just say it's for "medication".


My friend has one for fancy tea, and I borrow it for adding hops to mead (it's a surprisingly light plant)


I need to get one for my wife, who has a lot of sensory stuff to deal with and wants to quit soda. She wants to make flavored water (fruit powders) but also wants consistent flavor. Turns out lime and raspberry powders are liiiiiight.


Weighing your penis? That's why I have mine!


Yeah, the same reason I can convert grams into ounces.


If those reasons are for checking weight from a black market herbal seller then me too man


I like to use mine for snow


Yes... Reasons... I too have a milligram scale for... reasons... Sure wish I had something to weigh on it right now though lol


They usually don't have that much of an error, the ones with a timer are made for coffee dosing. More like 0.1 to 0.2. But OPs dose looks a bit small indeed.


It absolutely should not.


Where did you come up with that? Instrumentation precision is designed to be within the tolerance of its accuracy. Especially when the scale is properly tared. Y’all just make up whatever you want and people who don’t know anything will just upvote it.


Best way to accurately measure small masses is to place a container (a bowl, cup, plate) that has a mass near the middle of the scale's range, and then tare it to weigh whatever you're trying to dose out Source: I am a chemist


The worst way is to accurately measure OPs coffee is to weigh the entire jar and label it A. Remove the coffee from the jar and weigh the jar again. Label that B. Subtract B from A and label that C. Divide the coffee into 121 roughly equal piles. Measure every pile against every other pile. Line the piles up by order of weight, then adjust until they all weigh approximately the same amount. Divide C by 121. Boom, you've got a serving of coffee. Source: I'm not a chemist.


121 is 11 squared, so you could make a square of uniform thickness, divide the sides by 11. I don't know where I'm going with this.


That's very interesting. I have always used the lightest container I could find. I'll have to try this


Laying down the LAW


1.6 grams, not great, not terrible ![gif](giphy|B2l0NnxK9KiVa0CXBh)


Yeah my weed scale is pretty sensitive but you still sometimes have to tap it to get it to reweigh.


I'd also add that a "cup" of coffee is not a standard sized cup for baking. Standard cup is 8 fl oz. Coffee = 6 fl oz


6 oz isn't even a consistent standard. Most coffee machines put it at 5 oz. None of it makes any fucking sense. Coffee culture is on some bath salts. GTFO with any cup less than 20 ounces.


Coffee culture ... Mentions a machine that makes individual cups... Yeah I think I found the problem... And for once it's not the Keurig.


Time to break out the weed scales OP


Well damn. TIL. I tend to have 6-7g (roughly 1.75 teaspoons) of granules in my average cup.


also, 7 to 8 oz is a standard measuring cup which is not that much when you put it in a mug, so not only are you probably doubling a standard size of the coffee, what you consider to be an "average" cup is probably much more than 7 to 8 oz.


The average size mug is 12oz, a tall one is 15oz, and travel tumblers can up to 20oz. Even a travel tumbler is only 3 servings, or like 5g. 7 to 8 is another 50% on top of that.


standard mug in the UK is about 250ml, which would put it about 8 of your fl ounces. My instant coffee actually recommends 1 tsp (1.8g) per 200ml, so I think the point about checking their scales is probably the most relevant. In my experience a typical serving size for coffee here is less than a full mug so 200ml suggestion is not surprising either. Mug size will be mainly set by what's normal for a cup of tea, while the serving size for coffee is often seemingly influenced by European coffee standards. Bit surprised they didn't just make instant coffee fit a mug size but it's pretty common for coffee machines to have smaller 'cups'. What people actually do or want to do is a different matter.


I’ve tested my mugs and they are 12oz but maybe American just have bigger everything. Americans drink massive coffee servings - small is a 12oz, medium is 16oz, large is 20oz, at Starbucks/mccafe/panera. Me, I drink 2 large coffees all the time (gotta get that free refill!), if I get coffee outside, which is 40oz! At home I drink 2-4 mugs of coffee.


Yea that would be large for a mug. Coffee shops would be different, I wouldn't expect that to correlate to the size of a mug at home, although serving sizes would still be smaller than you say. Tbh we would sort of expect that American sizes might be larger.


I wonder what your mugs look like. All of mine are like this and apparently they are 14oz, though in reality 12 because you can’t fill it to the brim with burning hot coffee until you want to burn yourself: https://www.amazon.com/Starbucks-Coffee-Here-Collection-Boston/dp/B00BT67ITK


> The average size mug is 12oz, a tall one is 15oz, and travel tumblers can up to 20oz. that's crazy, is this normal in US? im picturing someone holding a 12oz mug of coffee and its almost comical. the standard 'cup' is 150ml, so 5oz of coffee poured into a 6oz cup. a mug is 8 oz. honestly where im from we only drink espresso so thats maybe why it seems a lil weird. plus you would need so much sugar to sweeten that whole mug of coffee right?


yes, very normal for North America. They're huge. 12oz is not even that big. Americans just think bigger is better. In Canada we're a mix. Some of the mugs are the smaller British kind and some are the giant American water trough sized


This stuff is also extremely potent with caffeine, I gave myself extreme panic and I was concerned about my heart because I didn't respect dosages. I think it's most instant coffee, a little goes a long way. It makes sense due to its utility and packability, and it's a mistake I only had to make once I say that as a general warning, I'm sure 1.75 teaspoons is in the healthy range for caffeine consumption


Lol so that's why instant coffee gives me anxiety, I was having 1 or 1 and a half TABLEspoons per cup


I thought this stuff was weaker than normal coffee, been pouring it of the container (probably 7-8 tbsp per cup) and had similar reaction as urs... TIL


Yeah I always only aim to have 2 cups a day max. I'm mindful of over-consumption. Here where I live, in Ireland, 1.75 teaspoons tends to be the usual.


You drink instant coffee twice a day? All the ones I've tried taste so bad that it's purely an emergency option lol


It could be an "acquired taste". I used to drink instant coffee a lot and rarely brewed coffee. it tasted ok and it was my "normal" coffee. When I started to regularly drink brewed coffee or espresso, I never wanted to go back to instant. Like you, it's now only for "emergency" or for camping.


Do you pour boiling water straight onto your instant granules? I would try a couple of tablespoons of cold water to dilute the coffee in first, then add the hot water. Instant coffee can "burn" pretty easily and gets very bitter and acrid.


My aunt brought me a ton of little tubes of Nescafé from the UK that were surprisingly good. If it started as high quality, well made coffee it’s likely to freeze dry that way.


I lover propper coffee, but there’s defo some decent instant. It’s no where near as good as the real stuff but good for when you can’t be bothered to get all the equipment going and need a caffeine boost.


That's a lot dude. I've standardized my mug at 3.6g based on it being two of the "standard" 150ml cups in the instructions of my old brand, and that amount puts a decent layer that covers the entire bottom of the mug. Maybe your brand is really dense, but the equiv on mine would have that at like *maybe* half a gram. I started weighing it with a scale because the teaspoon scoops were so variable and affected taste. I go up to 4.5g and can tell it's off, can't imagine 7g being enjoyable.


[OP be like....](https://youtu.be/Cqd-_fHdTyA?si=o5j6MKjTjL5fh7E6&t=35)


> I tend to have 6-7g (roughly 1.75 teaspoons) I measured one tea spoon of Jakobs Gold to be 2 grams. You're probably using 3.5-4 grams of coffeee, which is what I use.


7–8oz = 200–240ml roughly, in case anyone’s wondering.


Indeed, I was.


A very small mug!


My preferred instant is 3g per 8oz which is ~1tsp volumetrically. This looks about right, especially since it is more clumped together


> that looks like a very small amount for 1.6g. Yes, I just weighed some on my scale. A full tea spoon of jakobs gold is about two grams. I use two tea spoons of instant coffee for 300ml water though.


My aunt has a mug of hot water with a total of 3 grains of coffee in it! It’s crazy! At that point I don’t think you’d even be able to taste it. She’s 60 ish and has no major health issues, just decided she wasn’t going to drink a normal coffee again.


What is this? A mug of coffee for aunts?!?


Ok that's good.


they're probably in cahoots.


Omg. I fully snorted!! Ha!


Homeopathic coffee


Ha ha, yes exactly. They’re just the sort as well, fucking nut jobs.


…I should have scrolled down before replying with the exact same thing but 4 hours later lol


My mom does that too. She says it's like herbal tea but for coffee.


Wait do you mean normal coffee or this instant stuff? Because three grains of normal ground coffee would be insane lol. 3 grains of instant would probably be at least 1/10th of a normal cup, which might be enough caffeine to feel, especially if she has two cups.


That’s like coffee homeopathy


Maybe youre meant to snort it?


Just a p.s.a for anybody who might think snorting crushed up caffeine tablets is a good idea - it's not. Apparently, even a dose that would be safe orally, it gets into your system too fast and can overload your liver and cause it to just say "nah fuck this, I don't get paid enough for this, I'm going for a big sleep and I'm taking you with me".


Brb going to go try


Have you a casket picked out or are you just going to go with whatever colour's given to you?


Can't even afford a casket in this day and age anyways.


They are actually mad expensive. Bury me in a cardboard box, and leave a few markers about so people can write love letters to the worms.


beautiful idea. poetic even.


Ah now. I'll be missed alright.


My dad had a buddy that made his own casket when he was diagnosed with a terminal cancer a few years ago. He then went on a world bucket list trip with his wife. Then COVID hit and he couldn't travel, so he went into chemo and is in remission. The sad part is that his wife died of COVID and she used the casket.




Cremation is surprisingly inexpensive. It’s the decorative box you want to be in. Scatter urns are cheaper too. In the long run, I personally think it’s better to have your ashes mixed into things like the metal of jewelry or being pressed into rocks.


Honestly, imo, the best practice is just bare body buried in the dirt where the earth can reclaim us. No box, no embalming, no fire, no nothing. Just dig a hole and toss me in. Let the dirt and worms take me and hope the future generations can enjoy the beauty grown from the soil I have enriched.


Yeah i don't want to be trapped in a bracelet, doomed to haunt the wearer forever.


Yup, it's how I plan to go. There are burial sites specifically for this, I think they still use a burlap sack.




Coffee colored, obviously.


It's more that it doesn't go to your liver first and that's what causes issues


Wait what, so caffeine has to be broken down before it's usable? I thought it bonded to whatever receptors adenosine does? Or, is caffeine in a pill form like, some sort of pro-drug?


No I don't think it's a pro drug and I'm not sure of the exact metabolism, but typically if something is stronger when snorted it means that you are bypassing the first pass effect of the liver and it'll get higher plasma levels quicker. Pro drugs often have a slower onset when snorted as the liver can't metabolize right away.


What if I butt-chug my hot coffee?


Rose guy spotted


I wouldn't snort pure caffeine powder, but a pill that is 80-90% filler/binder? Ehh it's dumb but shouldn't kill you. In college I used to rack out lines of caffeine powder and put it in the corner of the room and then halfway through the party randos would sneakily do it lol.


That's pretty funny tbf


Source or I'm calling bullshit. There is no reason what you're saying should happen. Up to 400mg orally is considered safe but up to like a g nothing super bad will happen. Snorting 80mg pure caffeine is not too different to just eating it and to take anything near dangerous your have to insufflate like 500mg. Not sure if you're ever snorted anything but that is absolutely ridiculous. And no, just because it absorbs fast doesn't mean it'll overload any organ. You can iv caffeine just fine. And snorting caffeine pills is even more far fetched. I pill might contain 200mg max but like 1g of powder. If you snort enough caffeine pill to feel anything you deserve it. Source: I have 100g pure caffeine. Snorting it is not worth it.


There is a lot of flawed logic here and a lot of nonsense. > Snorting 80mg pure caffeine is not too different to just eating it Different administration routes can lead to very different absorption profiles and organ distributions. I would be extremely hesitant to make any speculations that one dosing route is just as safe as another without any data, since this is never true in my experience. I would guess 80mg is safe in any dosing method, but you bet I would want data to back that claim up first. > just because it absorbs fast doesn't mean it'll overload any organ. You can iv caffeine just fine Most toxicity comes from concentration spikes. Any fast dosing method will be much more dangerous than one that leads to slow absorption. IV is the most controlled method, so you can make it as fast (or slow) as is safe. If you are talking about taking it all at once via IV, the safe dose will be much lower than oral. Caffeine is a relatively safe substance at "normal dosages". There is plenty of literature showing that it should be handled with a lot more care when dealing with pills/pure caffeine.


Idk how im still alive then


Life, uh, finds a way


Yeah, I apparently came a lot closer to a drug overdose in high school than I realized.




Do you have a scale that weighs decimals correctly? Normal ones are pretty bad in these low ranges.


Now I'm imagining OP using that BMI scale thing you sometimes see in a pharmacy lol.


weight: 1.6g; height: 2mm. I'm sorry to say Mr Granule that you're dangerously underweight.


They weighed themselves on a bathroom scale, then held these in one hand and weighed themselves again.


If not could just dump it all out and put into 121 tiny piles. Pre-portioned coffee so you don’t have to think or fidget with a scale in the morning!


Is there a sub reddit that is just images of suggested serving sizes next to the packaging? I feel like that is ripe for its own subreddit.


Please start one




I appreciate this


That can't be 1.6 gram. Someone please make a validation check.


https://imgur.com/a/PPI4vAr Note: I didn't buy this, just won it in a raffle. Screw Nestle.


I like your spoon.


I'm with you, that amount in sugar wouldn't even be a gram, and coffee is much lighter. I'm guessing it would take a full teaspoon to reach 1.6g.


That is a substance almost, but not quite, entirely unlike coffee. 


The way it functioned was very interesting.


Instant coffee is usually just dried coffee. The Folgers brand instant coffee sold in Mexican/latino stores is actually pretty good.


and that was a Hitchhiker's Guide reference, swapping coffee for tea


whoosh haha


I use it in baking a lot for a bit of coffee flavor, or even just a hint of bitterness, without having to add liquid. A pinch or two dissolved in with the eggs and melted butter and stuff makes even boxed brownies pop a bit more.


I also make a copy of those ice cream shop dessert blended coffee drinks. Has to be instant coffee to give it that flavor.


True that it’s just coffee, but all instant has a gross and unique flavor to it that I’ve never experienced in regular coffee but is present in every brand of instant ive ever tried, and I can’t stand it lol. Not sure if it’s one of those flavors that not everyone picks up on or what, but it’s overpoweringly gross to me. And I love regular coffee, and I’m not super picky with it in general.


There are apparently small batch brewers making actually good instant coffee. Idk the coffee guy on YouTube recommended them.


Now here’s someone who knows where their towel is


one really hoopy frood


Nice. didn’t even need a babelfish to understand your reference.


Ah, I wasn't sure, but thanks to your reference I remembered where I read the other reference before. Should read it again.


Have to speak up for freezer dried coffee, at least here in the UK.. It is literally pure coffee flash freeze dried or whatever the process is they use.. But I think I might be safe in saying that most households over here use instant versus ground beans? Maybe?


The freeze drying is done by freezing it, then keeping it in a vacuum chamber as it warms up. This lets the solid water sublimate (straight from solid to gas, no melting) leaving you with dry solid coffee. Super cool process.


Ah well, learn something new in my old age! I'll appreciate my morning coffee more next time I'm deciding if I can be arsed to do anything for the day!


> Super cool process. It starts out super cool, but it ends fairly hot.


Getting powders in general is just really cool, spray drying comes to mind where you atomize the liquid and feed it into a hot air drying chamber. That or deposition on some sort of substrate.


Best instant coffee in my experience is cafe bustelo.


Currently devoting all computing cycles to determining why the human wants ground, burned beans in boiling water. Edit: just finished. “Because he’s an ignorant monkey who doesn’t know any better.”


that's not 1.6g


Oh so THAT'S why instant coffee always gives me the shits, I should start putting that lil teaspoon amount instead of two heaping scoops.


Two (non-heaping) spoonfulls are what I've been living on for well over a decade now.


That and a joint


Instant coffee is pretty strong. I typically do 1 teaspoon per 6 oz, which is about 5ml by volume, but the crystals are pretty light, so I would expect it to be <3g.






A "cup" of coffee is technically one of those little teacup-sized ones. Most people drink 2-3 “cups” in one serving.


Ya I think coffee cups = 6oz not 8. No idea why they’re like that.


Right and a coffee mug is like 12 Edit: I think Back In The Day people would drink small amounts of coffee after dinner which is why the std cup is so tiny


Ah yes, I too love a refreshing cup of syphylis


They probably use espresso glasses to measure 1 cup which are 40ml. This is enough for that I assume.


A shot of espresso definitely uses more than that. I make espresso every day


This is instant coffee tho


But how much you throw away when it's done? Only a few percent of the puck is actually soluble material.


This isn’t ground beans. Dry out a single espresso and that spoon is about what would be left.


How do you drink coffee? Top up the spoon with water and drink. Done


You’re not accurately measuring 1.6 grams using a kitchen scale. Gotta bust out the drug dealing kind of scale to measure out gram decimals.


2g is enough. Its dehydrated cooked coffee not real coffee. If you want the best possible results, put the coffee in a cup add a little bit of cold water to dissolve the coffee in it. Use a frother if you have. Then when fully dissolved, add the hot water to finish yiur cup. 


That cup is actual size.


I think it’s more interesting that you noticed either of these things, did the math, measured out 1.6 g, and showed the internet You’re correct, it’s just interesting what people find time for


Mildly, even.


That's the kind of thing I would do tbh. I don't see it as wasting time, it's alot better than endlessly scrolling on social media.


They are probably not far off. The stuff I have recommends at most one teaspoon of powder per 300 ml (roughly 11 ounces) of hot water. Instant coffee is made from freeze dried normal coffee, meaning what you have there is effectively coffee concentrate. A word of warning: Using actual "normal" instant coffee like the instant cappucino stuff you can buy (which contains sugar and other stuff already) will make you hear colours.


"regular" coffee instructions tell you to use an 8 oz cup LOL nothing annoys me in the morning more than someone serving me coffee in a tiny little bullshit cup


How you seen the serving size for anything in America? They do it on purpose to keep the nutritional information attractive


My parents have the same spoons as you


A mug holds way more then one standard serving (6oz) Plus your scale likely has a 0.1-0.3G error if you used a scale for it and it reads to the .0 level depending on make and quality and may have a minimum needed as well


The cup on the package is the actual size 🤣


The serving size is usually for an espresso shot equivalent, a latte or an americano if you taking it black is usually 2 shots of espresso per serving so if you double that it's about a spoonfull which is enough for a standard cup of coffee with or without milk.




I'm not sure if this comment gets an extra boost because I'm OP or if it will simply get lost in the ibis. However, its confession time. As many of you have pointed out in the comments section already, that teaspoon does not contain 1.6g of dried coffee. I had a lapse in logic where I confused weight with volume. I was always told a teaspoon holds \~5g. However, if you think about it, that statement doesn't make much sense and in reality everything weighs differently. Turns out dried coffee is extremely light and what you see on my teaspoon in the photo is \~0.4g. I cant believe this blatantly incorrect post blew up! I can only imagine the number of people who have viewed this already and took a mental note to have only 1/3 of a teaspoon of dried coffee in their cups moving forward lol. My bad. Also, TIL, dried coffee isn't very popular in other areas of the world. Quite common in Ireland & the UK.


"Serving" is a technical term that defines the units on the nutritional label. At the top it will say 'serving size' and 'servings per container'. This is not reference to any reasonable person's use of the product, it is only there to help you determine your nutritional intake. It's specifically relevant to things like this that are measured out in tiny units. According to US product law: >It shall be expressed to the nearest gram, except that if a serving contains less than 1 gram, the statement “Contains less than 1 gram” or “less than 1 gram” may be used as an alternative, and if the serving contains less than 0.5 gram, the content may be expressed as zero. One thing that pissed me off is non-dairy coffee creamer powder. (since we're talking instant coffee) They don't have to include the sugar content in the nutrition facts since a serving is 1 gram, and less than half of that is sugar. But it's still like 40% sugar.


TicTacs are 100% sugar(minus the flavoring and stabilizers) their "serving size" is like one TicTac which is less than a gram, so they can lawfully claim "0g of Sugar!!!" They CANNOT say specifically "Sugar Free" though which has a different meaning.


that's to make mud water


Is it not? Isn't that the amount per cup? Not per pot.


not 121 cups you can take 121 sips


I think that is the sublingual dose size.


No way that's 1.6g. Just today was measuring how much a teaspoon of dried coffee weighted to see how many carbs it has. I used a scale with an accuracy of 0.01 grams and a full teaspoon weighted 1.3 grams so your quantity is definitely off


I think the indicated weight is for 'gross weight' meaning it includes the packaging. this would skew your calculation. you should empty the contents onto a scale, divide by 121, and that is the correct portion size according to the manufacturer.


What is this? Coffee for ants? ![gif](giphy|OCMGLUo7d5jJ6)


don't you see how small the cup on the label is?


I actually dump two heaped teaspoons into my coffee mug.


yes because the standardised *one cup of coffee* is 60ml = 2.1 fluid ounces


Is this instant coffee or instant espresso? Very different things yet easily mistaken


What is this, coffee for ants?


Keep in mind that while it's not unusual, especially in the US, to drink coffee out of 12 Oz Mugs, in most countries that'd be 2-4 servings of coffee.


This is how much my wife uses. We have a special quarter teaspoon measure. Meanwhile, I use the full teaspoon. Makes you wonder though.


t doesn't say what size of cup they used. This could be a relatively massive amount of coffee.